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cupcake12winx 30th Jul 2011 6:32 PM

I really need to learn to keep my stupid mouth shut.

The Raven 30th Jul 2011 7:59 PM

If there are 5 adults, 1 teenager, and 1 child in the house, and it's your half sister's boyfriends son who's the child, who should entertain the kid? The father, right? WRONG! It's the father's girlfriend's half sister who is forced to play the Wii with the kid, get slapped by the kid, and get annoyed by the kid! Where's the father, you might ask? Playing on the damn computer! He just shows up with the kid without warning! HE showed up without warning! Where's my sister? At the nail place! I have a headache and this just made it worse. I seriously cannot wait until they LEAVE!

el_flel 31st Jul 2011 2:54 AM

OMG I asked specific questions because I wanted help on those specific things; why are you ignoring them and talking about other stuff that I didn't ask about?

DigitalSympathies 31st Jul 2011 10:40 AM

I have a pain in my chest that will just not go away.

NightlyEMP 31st Jul 2011 5:55 PM

Okay, button abusers, time to move on to "funny."

cupcake12winx 31st Jul 2011 9:48 PM

Okay, really, this one page on a wiki is cursed. I can't edit it without accidentally closing it.

thedivineone 31st Jul 2011 10:31 PM

I hate everything right now.

Victor Goth 1st Aug 2011 12:27 AM

I Don't know
I Don't know Use headphones!

The Raven 1st Aug 2011 2:20 AM

I'm hungry, but I don't want to get up!

el_flel 1st Aug 2011 5:21 AM

OMFG. I literally have no idea where you have come up with [random assumption]. Absolutely no idea at all. Yet, despite the fact that I've clarified that [random assumtion] is wrong you choose to ignore that and still go on about it.

Why don't people listen? Why do I keep having to repeat myself today? This is completely ridiculous.

DigitalSympathies 1st Aug 2011 6:33 AM

Homophobes should go the way of the dinosaurs and GTFO.

Phoeberg 1st Aug 2011 12:40 PM

I've done something to my shoulder and now it hurts whenever I move it.

PharaohHound 1st Aug 2011 2:12 PM

I had a horrible dream that Mick died when he was only six years old. Just dropped dead, natural causes, at six.

Muñeca Rota 1st Aug 2011 3:33 PM

Today is for sure the worst day in months!
The store (my workplace) is full of people and we literally have to run at corridors due a general software crack that remains unsolved.
But the very worst of all .. a pair of thieves came again today to the store in search of videogames and game's consoles. Two weeks ago they stole our showcase's keys and a lot of products of 650$ estimated.
A gentle customer has notified us that he saw a pair of man opening our showcases with a key, so I've been following them in the streets for minutes when fortunately appeared a police car. The thieves have been arrested but I'm still tired and scared.

And I'm going back to work in few minutes... Sorry for my bad english, i'm still a little nervous.

cupcake12winx 1st Aug 2011 5:41 PM

Okay, that button troll is just heartless now.

Phoeberg 1st Aug 2011 8:44 PM

Am I the only person who makes plans and then wishes they hadn't? I said I'd see some people on Wednesday but now I'm regretting it because they want me to meet them in a town that's a considerable distance away for me to go for a casual get together and it would take some effort and difficulty for me to get there. I do this all the time, I say I'll do something with someone thinking at the time that it sounds like fun and then a day later wish I hadn't agreed to it. I do usually have fun when I get there, but I spend days before hand dreading it.

thedivineone 1st Aug 2011 9:54 PM

Why am I always in the middle of any crappy fight? I have nothing to do with it, yet here I am, being ignored and given bad looks by my mum.

Bleh, I hate family crap.

PharaohHound 1st Aug 2011 11:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
Okay, that button troll is just heartless now.

My first thought was pathetic (seriously, who bothers to push random buttons on one forum thread. Jeez, get a life.) But whatever, it's mildly annoying at worst.

My mom yelled at me for being "immature and childish" about disliking driving, and what does she do? Stomp up to her room and slam the door. The joys of hypocrisy...

cupcake12winx 2nd Aug 2011 12:42 AM

Lovely, I almost just spilled my drink all over my laptop's charger.

lorenrose1013 2nd Aug 2011 5:25 AM

I had to go to RI with my mom to fix everything that our EVIL, redneck tenants broke. I spent TWO HOURS cleaning cat hair out of a fridge!!! what did they do, throw their cat in the fridge? They chipped all the paint and scratched EVERY SINGLE WALL and they ruined the hard work my mom put into the basement by putting staples in really nice woodwork, and they AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE IN THERE!!! It says clearly that they only rent the first floor!!! But no! They have to keep their freezer full of cute innocent deer down there, AND their cats litter box, and they shouldn't even BE THERE!!! And then I gotta go in the car for 3 hours to get there and work my butt off trying to fix up the house so we can rent it! Those people who had rented were horrible!!!! My mom was supposed to be doing work in the basement to fix it up so she could rent it for a little more to help cut back out expenses! They knew we would be doing work in the basement for THREE YEARS!!! And then we go up to do the work, and THEY WOULDN'T LET US IN TO OUR OWN HOUSE!!! We had EVERY right to be there! And they called the cops!! Twice! They knew for three years, we drove up and the car trip took 6 hours instead of three, on 4th of July weekend to go to Home Depot and get our tools, and then this psycho-b!@#! Nicole, wouldn't let us in! She's not even on the lease and SHE SHOULDN'T BE THERE!!! We finally kicked them out and they left on Friday. They knew me and my mo would be coming to work on the house, so they shut off the electricity! That's just EVIL! SO we were there for three days, sweating, carrying heavy stuff, and receiving harassing e-mails from these IDIOTS! I'm so pissed!!! They put holes in the aluminum siding, tons of dents, and they clogged up the sink! They let tons of mold grow in the bathroom, so every time we had to "go" we had to go to some public restroom or something! It was evil! And then, on top of EVERYTHING, all that stuff and mold in the house gave me an allergic reaction and now my face is all red and puffy and my ees are swollen and I want to punch them in the face! And they ROBBED us! They stole our recycling bins, tiki torches, window fan, and light bulbs! Those evil rednecks!!! I HATE THEM!

Woah that was a looong rant...

Rabid 2nd Aug 2011 5:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
I got an e-mail with the name of my roommate last Friday. I promptly friended her on Facebook and sent a pleasant little message about how I look forward to meeting her in the fall and getting to know her a bit through Internet and phone contact over the summer. Because friending someone on Facebook means that you can see their activity before they accept the request, I've noticed that she's been active, yet she hasn't accepted my request or responded to my message. Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion and getting all whacked out over nothing, but it's impossible that she hasn't noticed the fact that I want to make contact with her, so her lack of response is making me worry that she's a real bitch.

Quoting something I posted back in June rather than explaining the situation again. I've repeatedly attempted to contact my roommate for almost six weeks, now; still no response. Seemingly everyone else has made contact with his/her roommate and become fast friends, but here I'm stuck worrying about why she won't acknowledge my attempts to contact her.

I called the university and asked if by chance she had dropped out, but she hasn't. However, the housing department chairman agrees with me in that her lack of response is fishy. He told me that he would move me to a new room with a new roommate if that's what I want, and I think I'm going to take him up on that offer. Regardless of any valid excuse she may have to ignore me, her lack of response has already started this relationship off on a bad foot before we've even spoken. What really frustrates me is how she has ruined this experience for me; getting to know your roommate over the summer should be an exciting time for incoming freshmen, but I've been deprived of it. Screw her. If I ever meet her in the next four years (which I'm sure I will, at a tiny liberal arts school), we'll be having words :P.

DigitalSympathies 2nd Aug 2011 9:34 AM

There is no way I am going back to school, Dad. You are out of your mind.

lethifold 2nd Aug 2011 1:51 PM

I have the odd feeling that one of my close friends is lying to me about something quite major in my life, but I avoid confrontation like the devil for fear of losing friendships. I wish I could pluck up the courage to get to the truth :S

thedivineone 2nd Aug 2011 3:31 PM

I am having a very strong urge to contact one of the mods about this button troll...

cupcake12winx 2nd Aug 2011 6:31 PM

Just saw someone say, "I do's no research."


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