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"That's IT! Freewill OFF! How do ya like that huh?!"
"What are you doing?!" "No you can not have another baby!" "Please not triplets or quads please not triplets or quads....*is quads* No! Where am I going to put (or afford) all these babies?!" "Why are you heart farting over them? You are in love with someone else!" Edit: Oh and one more "I've set a universal chance of only 2% for quads WHY does that 2% always have to come at the WORST times?!" I swear that triplets and quads mod hates me lol |
"Hey ma, I made a vampire-zombie-witch!"
"How many times do I have to turn this thing on and off?!" Talking to the radio, the only way my Sim in Uni can work out and the stupid work out option wants to just appear when it feels like it. It's always done this but still super annoying.
Edit: It's taken me many annoying Sim days to realize....there's a tv he can use. |
You can also take them swimming - they skill on community lots. And once they hit three points, yoga.
"Why did you turn around? There's nothing in the way?" Nemo LeStrange, who has never held a baby before and is afraid of changing diapers, picked his son Gonzo out of the crib, walked to the changing table, turned all the way around, and Looked at me, then turned around and did the job. |
"Maybe I should move you into a private house, the sims in this dorm seem to die young"
"Nope... put back on your clothes, their are visitors downstairs" (ACR) "Nope, come out of the wardrobe, that's your son's, he has his toys in there (ACR) "Nope ... you both don't need to relax now" (ACR) "Nope" - you both don't need to relax NOW (ACR) " Please get dressed, and behave" (ACR) BEDROOM DOORS ARE LOCKED AND I'M SELLING YOUR CAR AND YOUR SETTEE!!!! |
"Could you, like, not?" Every time a Sim tries to take the bills inside.
"Noooooooooooooooooooooooo" When things go very wrong ![]() "WHY, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" When a Sim does a very stupid thing, and EVERYONE gets stuck in the same room "Go away dammit! Why are you here?" Random Sims that think its totally cool to enter your house after knowing your Sims for 2 minutes and won't leave ![]() "Hehe, you're funny. I like you" I would then proceed to let that Sim do what ever they want (ultimate freedom) "Aaaaaaaw that so cute! If I could, I'd totally squidge your cheeks!" When something cute happens eg. Toddlers hugging ![]() |
Something I just muttered to my game
"He's trying to go to bed and he's right at the fitness line, he's nowhere NEAR fat, quit badgering him!" and the Sim in question has maxed body skill because he's a werewolf. It's not like he even needs to be fit lol. Edit: Also "Goooo gerbits!" a lot -.- "WHY are you doing your homework in the bathroom? Then again you Sims love to do everything in the bathroom that you shouldn't" |
"It fits...no gaps...hey, this must be a Peggy mesh for a Peggy bow to fit on it. Let me try those cute little clips..." *click**click* "Yes! Yes! I finally have hair I like that fits bows I like!"
Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
That darn bills. "I put a table here on the outside, almost on top of the bloody mail box for you! Yet you still walk all the way to the damn side table at the back of the house???? Flower pot on side table, now!"' |
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
And when it snows, its time to play "Find the Bills" ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
Mailbox covers, wouldn't be without them. |
You don't have to find the bills. Click the mailbox, select "pay all bills." They take it from there. A similar interaction for homework would be great. Not only is homework sometimes hard to find, I get tired of clicking homework to see who it belongs to in my big families. But that's a different thread.
"What the hell did I do there?" When I spot an inexplicable feature in a lot I built myself. |
Automatic bill and rent payer http://www.paladins-place.org/main.htm One problem solved. Wasn't there a mod that added to a sims menu 'do homework'?
Pescado's Macrotastics? You click on the child/teen and select Do Homework.
Select Pay all bills came with a later EP, I believe, took me a long time to realise it is there ![]() Still - it is fun to play in the snow, I think - and they might find their homework too! |
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
It came with Seasons. |
'' You shouldn't have knocked over my trash can again if you didn't want to sit there and starve ''
"What the *beep* are you doing" "NONONONONONO" "ew no" "OH MY GOD" "WHAT NO, ACR!" "SHES PREGNANT?" Last two are ACR related, because that isn't obvious! *sarcasm* |
"Stop moving! I wanna see your name!"
"I don't trust you on free will." "Hurry up!" "Will you people be quiet?! People are trying to sleep!" (apartment neighbors) |
Quote: Originally posted by MileyTheSimmer
But it says no ACR lol. |
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
![]() ![]() |
"You're standing under the altar about to get married, your family and friends are watching, and you think NOW is good time to go woo-hoo?"
Sometimes ACR drives me crazy. |
"I will kill you!" Talking to a noisy apartment neighbor that will NOT let my Sims sleep! o.o I won't actually kill them, but still it's tempting.
"Annnnd she's gone" "MOVE!" Edit: Me: *Hisses at game* Hubby: "Wanna kill your Sims again?" Me: "No, their neighbors won't stop waking them up in the middle of the night!" This happened not long ago I seriously hissed at the game ![]() |
"Just sit in the other damn chair!" . . . to a Sim who wants to play chess but is complaining because one of the chairs is blocked by a counter.
"Damn you! Why couldn't you stay away from him!? He was supposed to marry your sister today!" (ACR problems - to lazy for friendzoning)
"Don't you dare to kick over the trashcan...? DON'T DO IT! Everyone and you will die!" (Real sickness mod and to lazy to heal my sims) "What the...? Are you crazy? You have 10 points in cooking! Why do you set your kitchen on fire?" (by cooking mac and cheese) "Risky woohoo, again? I set you and your husband to 3 children! And you have already six!!!" |
"Oh NOW you run!"
"Woops...well that wasn't the correct answer" Monica Bratford got fired from her career because chance card "Why are you getting up this time? Oh to become fit...you couldn't of done that earlier you have to do that at 3am?" To be fair I probably prevented it without realizing "You people suck" Edit: Some CAS related sayings "EW" "Work it girrrrrl" "That's pretty....ish" ![]() |
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