![]() |
My guess is that yes, you should be able to tell...
Depends on if they use already existing animations, or if they have custom ones. If they have custom ones, there should be animation files in the package. I think they are called ANIM but I'm not entirely sure. If it calls in-game ones it would probably just call them from a BHAV, rather than have them in the package.
gazania, who's the creator? Maybe one of us has used them before and knows, or someone who can run AGS wouldn't mind testing?
@natboopsie, THANK YOU for the heads-up about TJ's Dormie Gender Controller! Why have I not seen this before?! It's always driven me mad that the game just trots out the same old Dormies each time there's a spare room to fill. In the past I have resorted to using the Cowplant from time to time, but this is just what I need - thanks again!
@klapaucius, you are so welcome. I am thrilled that I could help someone this way. It's the primary reason I stopped lurking, actually. After I'd stumbled across so very many useful hacks, it seemed perhaps time that I shared the wealth!
Thanks right back for taking the time to let me know! I hope it works just as well for you; the randomization part seems to go quite smoothly in my game. And it should surely be much easier than cowplanting, lol. |
Thanks to a thread here on MTS, I found this download of a japanese convenience store (7-11), here is the link http://strawberrikhunnie.tumblr.com...ience-store-set
but I realised that the dowload is 432 MB, plus other MB for some other things needed to run the lot. That lot sounds HUGE to me and I am afraid to fry my game with that or that the loading will take forever. Is it safe to install and play that lot? Thanks |
I have that download-and while it is huge, the reason for it is because the creator did not compress any of the items, and thus made it far larger than it should be. There are hundreds of items, all of which need to be compressed. I gave up trying to do that...
I just took out the shelves for use in game, and found that they're actually just deco shelves, which require OMSP to use. Things look very badly placed without it. |
@FranH, thanks for your reply and yes, there was also OMSP to download. I usually never dowload or use lots made by others, so I think I will try to select and use just the objects I am interested in on a lot created by me, deleting the rest. How can I compress the files I want to use? Thank you
The original link is gone.
You can try this link: https://www.facebook.com/notes/haze...146406065723702 One problem, though (at least in my case). The link is Mediafire. Mediafire has given me malware when I wasn't ultra-careful. It likes to load pop-ups and unders. There are ways to deal with Mediafire files, and others might be able to help out. Previously, I could get around it by using Firefox with No-Script, but today I'm finding that Mediafire won't even open unless I give permission for it to open a pop-up (and I've been burned a few times by Mediafire's nonsense, so quite bluntly, I don't need the downloads THAT badly to take a chance). It has managed to get around my pop-up blockers on Chrome, matter which ones I've tried. Mediafire is awful that way. I've tried a couple of other tricks people have recommended in the past, and I think I might be getting more fuzzy as I get older ... I couldn't get the ones I tried to work. A forum search here might help you. Just because I'm having trouble doesn't mean you will be having trouble. ![]() As for the help with my animals ... fortunately for me, my question was already answered. Thank you for offering to help! For a sample of problems with Mediafire and what others have tried, here is a link: http://www.modthesims.info/showthre...hlight=Medafire I should note that I have MalwareBytes Premium (there was a good deal going on at one point), Avast, AdBlock on both Chrome and Firefox, and again, NoScript on Firefox. I find Chrome's Poper Blocker works the best against most pop-ups on Chrome ... but it's extremely hit-or-miss with Mediafire. For a while, it didn't work. I cannot guarantee at all that it will keep the nasties away now, or for how long. I'm sure Mediafire works hard to counteract ANY pop-up blocker. Even if Poper Blocker does work for now, I'd still do a quick virus scan afterward. just in case. That's how despicable Mediafire is. A better bet might be to see if someone could PM you the file, perhaps using Box. Dropbox, or SFS. I'm not on the computer that has a Sims game on it right now, though. I tell ya, Sims File Share is one of the best things that came along as of late. Yes, I know people have issues with it, but stuff like this Mediafire crap and the disappearance of many file-sharing services reminds me why many of us wanted something better. |
my last questions re-phrased::
"Downtown sort" and "Vacation sort" lines in Object Data; in which lot types do they appear? do those catalogs have the same categories as Community lots? the proper values for those lines, are they the same as the values for the "Community sort" line? is the Build Mode catalog the same on each lot type Build Mode is available to? slightly related:: noticed that some Object Data lines say "Unused". 3e, 50, 51, 5c, 5d, 69, 6a. do any of those lines change with any pack/packs? by the way, I do not yet have any pack. |
I've been looking for a link to JFade's Compressorizer program, but I'm not having any luck..of course I have a copy of it, so you might want to pm me..and we can go from there. |
For those of you who tried challenges about having X number of babies...I am about to try and was wondering, does it explode when all of the 7 babies age up the same freaking evening?
yeah I know, I should be worrying about so many other things... Just one sim aging, waiting for everyone to come and see etc...What happen when they are 7?...and for all age stage. How did you manage that? |
Quote: Originally posted by elly87
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Sorry, @elly87 and @FranH, I wasn't paying attention earlier to your discussion because it looked like you were having a sidebar. But I do know where JFade's Compressorizer can be downloaded; in fact, all his programs, if you like. I've posted a link over in Look at This Awesome Thing I Found. |
I just read that pressing alt while building a foundation makes a foundation equal to one step in height, but when I try pressing alt my cursor becomes a set of arrows for moving around the lot. Nothing else happens. Any thoughts?
Nevermind, this was a Sims 3 page. D'oh. |
Quote: Originally posted by Rosebine
Many years ago I posted a challenge on my SimPage on the old official Sims 2 site called "Snow White and the Seven Rugrats". Basically, you would start with a CAS family consisting of one adult and seven toddlers and try to survive as long as possible without anybody dying or being taken by the Social Worker. I think that I aged all the toddlers up to children at the same time and I don't remember my game exploding. ![]() (I didn't get far past that point because 1) Seasons was released right after that and I didn't want to cheat them a house, but I also didn't want the kids to be taken by the social worker for freezing half to death and 2) I got distracted by something else and forgot all about it anyway. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Rosebine
No they just age up. How do we manage to play it? Every now and then when I am feeling bored I play the toddler mania challenge so I have played it numerous times. My tips. Make your one adult a nice pop sim with family secondary. Pop sims always roll a want to be friends and they have 7 potential friends right there, they also want to meet new person-hello handy paper person. Grab that welcome wagon, they may help and one of them needs to become your sims friend. That one sim you need as a friend so they will come over when asked and can give your sim a quick game of red hands because there fun will be rock bottom. They might also help. Then when you throw a party-because pop sims always want a party and a good one. Then for your great 'party' get a whole heap of aspiration points, so you can get some smart milk. When potty training, put tot on potty and hit cancel, this lets your adult grab the next tot, not waste time. Don't cancel it on the tots queue, just the adults. Ring for a nanny and a maid sooner rather than later. Forget a bed, drink coffee on the go Forget making food, jello is great. Feed tots bottles only. Keep the place small with thought to lay out, you do not want your sim walking distances. The best I have done is all tots potty trained and two walking. |
Quote: Originally posted by natboopsie
@natboopsie, thank you very much for the link in the other thread, I already downloaded the Compressorizer and the Collection maker! ![]() I will try them soon. |
7 shouldn't be a problem but it really depends on your computer. I find children aging to teens to be the hardest on my computer. When I'm making a new hood, I have breeding households with lots of sims on them, so I'm often aging up quite a few sims at a time. I would trust my computer to handle 7 aging up to teens but wouldn't want to try more (game has crashed on me trying to age too many more in the past), which is funny cause just the other day I aged 24 teens to adults in one shot. If you think your computer will have a problem with it, just set some of them to doing something shortly before, that will delay their age up until they are done and thus spread out the load on your computer.
Quick question while we're on the topic of the Compressorizer - I have it and love it and have gained a lot of satisfaction watching my files be smushed down to almost nothing - but I'm sure I read somewhere that once you've Compressorized, you won't be able to use the Wardrobe Wrangler. Is this true? Are there any Compressorizer-friendly alternatives?
I put Chris Hatch's pregnancy relationship adjustment hack into my game recently, as I wanted there to be some impact to infidelity and teen pregnancy in my game. I also have inteen and BoilingOil's alien experiments and multi-pt mod. A teen in my game just got pregnant by alien abduction, and when he popped his parents were furious with him - I was expecting that. What I wasn't expecting was for the teen and his parents to suddenly have the father (a pollination technician) in their relationship panels. I know the mod is supposed to make parents upset with the father too, but I hadn't thought about aliens when I checked the mod in my test hood. Is the fact that Peter Ottomas is furious with a pollination technician going to cause problems with my 'hood, or is this an ok side effect of the mod so long as my sims don't socialize further the alien parent?
elly87, you are very welcome!
Quote: Originally posted by klapaucius
I don't have confirmation that that's true, but it doesn't mean it isn't! I don't personally use the WW, just have read about it. What I can confirm is that the Wardrobe Wrangler itself compresses everything you use it on; that's documented. If there is an incompatibility, I still don't know of any Compressorizer-friendly WW alternatives. Hopefully someone will come along who will. Since we're mentioning caveats, though, it also has been said that it may cause trouble to edit a Compressorized .package file in SimPE, but others say you just have to recompress the file afterward. I've always gotten around that just by editing a .package in SimPE, before ever compressing. Which is why... Especially for anyone Compressorizing their Downloads for the first time, it's highly recommended to BACK UP all your downloads first. And only do a few of your downloads at a time---in fact, when JFade's site was still up, he would routinely refuse to provide support to players who had Compressorized their whole Downloads folder at once, because he specifically said this should not be done. I have personally experienced that some cc, depending on how it was made, will not work after being compressed. I deal with that just by compressing everything new that I download before I even try it in game, so if something doesn't work compressed, I just delete it. (If I never had it, I won't miss it...and if it doesn't compress, I don't need it. I'm hardcore that way.) I've had it happen maybe twice, with older clothing meshes; clothing and hair meshes are said to be the most likely for potential problems after Compressorizing, but I might also be cautious of things like careers (and again, if editing a custom career, best done before Compressorizing). |
natboopsie, I will try to use Compressorize on the 7-11 lot I downloaded, since it is huge (143 MB), trying to select only the files I want to add to my game. Thank you for your advice, I am new to it and I hope I will not made a mess!
Quote: Originally posted by elly87
Good luck! Based on this thread , you should be OK using it on lot files, though honestly that concept is totally new to me! But as mentioned in that thread, there is also Mootilda's LotCompressor program, found here on MTS, if you need to try something else for that lot. Mootilda made the LC specifically for compressing lots. |
Quote: Originally posted by natboopsie
Thank you for your help ![]() |
My game did not exploded..all babies aged up just fine. lol But I would need a recurent nanny mod. She must be called everyday otherwise. But hey...I don't think I am enjoying this finally. ahahah
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