Quote: Originally posted by Pideli
Tell her to back up! Seriously, everyone should be doing it. |
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
All the bugs you mentioned, I've probably seen them all with different types of objects or build items. Good to know I'm not going crazy Have you maybe got a more direct link for the fixed swing? The url says you need to have a tumblr account :/ |
Quote: Originally posted by JoyaJoelle
Not apart from a Simfileshare link, no. They don't have a "shareable" Tumblr page (if they had I'd shared that one). Because I for some reason can't check if they posted in the comments of the OT, and their Tumblr is locked behind login: (minus picture)
Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
I used it in my post-apocalyptic hoods. I think it also works well for hoods which are supposed to be in a more foresty type area, if you add your own grass, ferns or other ground cover as terrain paint or plants/hood deco, or hoods which are set to all-winter (because the grass can't grow properly under almost-constant snow). |
Quote: Originally posted by JoyaJoelle
I clicked the link, its on file share https://www.simfileshare.net/download/4562352/ It's worth having a tumblr account, there are hundreds if not thousands of CC links on there. |
uhh... what happened here lol?
Quote: Originally posted by Yvelotic2001
Likely reasons: 1: Using the pink-flash "fix" (it makes items go invisible instead of pink-flashing) 2: Graphic settings and/or memory handling need adjusting (when I first installed TS2 on my old computer my sims appeared headless and furniture would disappear. Never saw the issue again after I'd set up the graphics and done the 4GB memory patch. Not 100% sure exactly what caused it, but most likely the game didn't immediately recoginize the graphic card). 3: Less likely, but shaders off can cause some things to disappear. Rarely faces/heads, though - mostly CAS items like clothes/hair, if they have a too high polycount. |
I'm inclined to think the game running out of video memory - I've had it on occasion, and every time it preceded either a pinksplosion or a crash. Also notice the weird glitching on the Sim's right arm.
Okay, so: I don't have the pink-flash fix; I've been using the same settings for years, I have the 4GB patch applied and the graphics rules as the Graphics Rules Maker made them; shaders are on, as far as I'm aware; there was no pink soup afterwards and I played some 4 more hours in the same session; the glitching only happened with Jessica Peterson, other sims in the same session had no issues buying jewellery.
Funnily enough it's the second time something doesn't work properly with Jessica Peterson. First it was the familyfunds cheat not working, now the glitching when buying jewellery. |
Is there any reason to specifically paint a portrait of a Sim rather than just paint a still life with the Sim in it? With the portrait, the Sim has to stand there and loses motives.
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Not really, that I can see. Which is why I take the pictures from SimPE and transfer them into the 'paintings' folder for the game. That way they can paint pictures of each other all day long and never have to have one pose. I'm just wondering if the png or jpeg form is better in terms of quality or size. I think it's a tossup, mostly to do with size. |
I have 3 npc with normal clothes, the hood has no hidden hoods. Also I have all the anti npc and townie mods. Could it be the garden club? What npc wear normal clothes?
I would like to identify what kind of NPC they are to know if I can edit them and give them a makeover xD |
Quote: Originally posted by Yvelotic2001
I've never had that happen to me, but I've seen screenshots of that same bug, which happens specifically when buying jewelry. That thing on her arm is actually a dog's snout. I found one that looks just like yours, although they don't explain why it happens: https://www.reddit.com/r/sims2/comm...ewelry_anymore/ I'm sure I've seen other examples, but I can't remember where I've seen them.
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
I think it's just for the "act" of being painted, you have to stand there. Sims who are being painted stand there and act according to their personality; for example, a grouchy sim will start making grouchy faces, as if they were getting frustrated from standing there, and a shy sim will perform embarrassment animations. When the painting is done, they just walk over to it and react. That's it. |
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
I seem to remember that if you canceled the interaction of the posing sim, the painting sim continued painting. Although I don't remember well, I haven't played in a while. I have often used that interaction, I like to capture the moment in which they make an expression. |
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Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
I love the dirt terrain, I use it often for wild island type hoods. |
Quote: Originally posted by Sokisims
Other than garden club, maybe a business reporter or the boss you call when calling in sick? Those two appear with normal clothes as well. |
When I did my first hood with no townies/NPCs my welcome wagon for the first family was the garden club.
If they are original garden club members, that can be checked quite easily by looking their names up on the wiki. I have the original garden club members in my neighborhoods right now, but when I had the Seasons stealth hood disabled, my game would only spawn one random garden club member when I started a new neighborhood. I also have mods that prevent spawning duplicate NPCs.
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Thanks everyone, I'm almost sure they are hobby or gardening npc. But just in case I'm not going to edit them.
I'm afraid to break Shaker Oasis Jeans now that I'm almost done. |
I don't think it's unfinished; I'm sure I've seen that want show up.
When I asked about toddler beds I got some help. But no answer to this part of my issues:
I don't like that Sims treat the toddler beds like a crib - which can leave a toddler unable to put himself to bed. Also - Sims (including the Nanny) insist on putting toddlers to bed - even if I'm trying to get them fed and pottied before going to bed. MY QUESTION: would I be out of line to ask 2 creators of toddler beds if they could fix these issues? I guess they could always say NO. And that does sound to me way beyond just creating beds, maybe can't even be done. |
Quote: Originally posted by Sokisims
CJH_AskAboutFamily.package adds an (instant) option to the Ask... pie menu to display a dialog with the Sim's family. |
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Thanks, I'll try it. So npc sims also belong to families or something? Is this mod safe once it is removed? Or create super dug hug? Inisimenator tells me that they are npc. |
NPC/Townie households take the surname of a (random?) Sim in it, but I think Chris's plugin will identify it. I use SimPe to rename those households to [Townies] or [Bohemians] or [Display Pets].
Family instance numbers are here:
I still wonder what Bob the Builder and Goopy are for. Testing purposes, perhaps. |
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I have this
edit: I realize that they have fewer interactions than typical NPCs, so maybe they are uneditable and I should change their last name for something like "uneditable". Although I don't know exactly what they are. Maybe the boss or drivers? |
No, the only object NPC that has an actual name is Mrs. Crumplebottom. If they were object NPCs, changing their names would corrupt your game. If you want to find out what NPC type they are, look them up in SimPE.
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SimPE 0.75.69 is able to shoe the NPC type:
They were salon stylists xDD Thank you all!! today I learned something new.
One question, I don't remember if I have ever changed the name of a driver. Would that corrupt the game or the hood? |
Drivers have character files in the neighborhood, you can modify them all you want.
I am a Mac user and when I was required to use the latest version of The Sims 2 Super Collection i discovered that the non-barbie default skins that I was using by DOHC46 now cause an error with the Hair of the Sim, I get the Hair Does Not Load issue, umm like some kind of white mesh thing. However I have a non-barbie version of The Sims 2 Castaways Really Dark Skin and that one works fine. So there is some relatively small difference in the files that is causing the issue with the DOHC46 ones. Is there anyone who might look at the Custom Dark Skin that I that does work and either fix the DOHC46 ones or just create some Non-Barbie versions that work? I don't want anything complex, just visible aureolas on the female sims. If someone could message me about this I would greatly appreciate it.
Several mods (RCC, Blender, Manipulator) have the option to suspend a pregnancy. Does this just stop the hours from progressing or also get rid of other things like morning sickness and increased motive drain?
They just stop it from progressing.
Also, out of curiosity, is there any game function in the vanilla game that suspends a pregnancy or is it only able to be toggled via mod/possibly a debug option?
Not that I know of.
What happened to Garden of Shadows ?
Quote: Originally posted by Tleilaxu3
Is @Nysha a bot account now, or does the actual person log in every month just to make the Nysha's creators post?
Soo... I recently started playing TS2 again. Something weird has already happened. I clicked "knock on door" for a neighbour, and their car reset out of the garage and parked outside, on the street.
So, I figured I'd leave the apartment, and come back. Now there's 2. Am I safe to force error on these and delete? |
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
Make a backup, then try deleting (and any other intervention that might work). You can always restore the backup if the mess gets worse. |
Quote: Originally posted by aelflaed
If an apartment breaks, simply moving the Sim out and back in will reset that specific sublot. I've had to do this after using building cheats to knock a hole in the wall to the neighbouring apartment. |
Is there any trick to picking up the garden sprinkler instead of the garden dirt?
Garden of Shadows- Digital Perversion
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Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
Still down. I think I had this lot from their site ... but lost it ? Is it uploaded anywhere else ? It was a residential lot, that was a house based on "Silent Hill", called "Silent Home". Thanks in advance. Their main page is up but the forum is still down due to technical difficulties. There is a "Garden of Shadows" Tumblr and a GOS Simblr, but they don't have lots for upload ? New pic below. |
^ Calm down, don't panic, and give them a bit of time. The site has only been non-responsive for a day. Could be doing some maintenance, for all we know. They haven't announced they're closing down or anything like that (GoS absolutely would do so if they were, in good time, too), so I'm sure they'll be up again soon.
Quote: Originally posted by Tleilaxu3
It's been only 12 hours. Be patient. |
Ok, thanks simmer22 and Bulbizarre !
Is there any method for changing the name of the food stand chefs other than editing in SimPE? I want to give them punny names becuase "Local Chef" looks silly in the main hood.
Quote: Originally posted by topp
Maybe Nysha is only allowed out once a month... |
You can rename Local Chef like any other person with the baby name dialog. It is her actual name that can be overwritten. Use my Tombstone for example, or whatever. Note that the NPC can't enter personglobals to visit without a mod, so the edit must be done without any time passing before she goes mad looking for a food stand.
https://i.imgur.com/NXzlTp5.png |
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
moveobjects off ? |
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Thanks both. I deleted the car and so far, so side effects. I've loaded both apartments after that, and no issues with either. |
Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
Is there any way to add a dog or cat to a casual group? My Sims feel bad having to leave them home during outings.
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
My sim throws parties and no one ever comes even though they are best friends. Every single time I have to call sims over after throwing the party just to make sure someone comes. If I invite a household, only the sim called ever shows up. What's gone wrong here? It wasn't like that when they first moved in, now it's like that constantly.
More often than not, the interaction itself fails. I'll throw a party, it says guests are invited on the popup, and after some time nothing happens and the "throw party" interaction is available again as if I never threw a party. |
That sounds like a mod conflict. If someone's not coming to the party, you should get a pop-up saying that you're missing some party guests. This sounds like the scenario is simply not starting.
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Since weddings are so rare in my game, can somebody remind me what Sims wear when they're getting married. I think originally in base game they wore their formal wear, but I think quite early in the development of the game, that changed to them wearing special wedding dresses and suits. I know I can still force them to wear their own formal outfits with the Sim Manipulator, but I have to intervene to do that. My EPs are University, Nightlife and Open for Business, and my SPs are Family Fun Stuff, Glamour Life Stuff, Celebration!, and H&M Fashion Stuff.
My recollection is that, when Gloria Jones married Garry Mackay back in November 2020 (I can't believe it's nearly four years!) I had chosen (in consultation with them of course) special outfits to suit their personalities, but, when the wedding ceremony started, the game dressed them in conventional wedding outfits. Now Gloria and Garry are anything but conventional, and I had to use the Sim Manipulator to get them back into their special formal outfits. The reason I'm asking is that I'm just arranging a really big society wedding -- the remarriage of Mortimer and Bella Goth. (The original marriage appears to have been annulled when Bella was officially declared "Missing, presumed Dead".) Since I dug it out when I was checking dates, here's an in-game picture showing Gloria and Garry (and Andrew and Julian) in their wedding outfits: |
Yes, the game switches them into formal wear (and everyone who attends - whither they were invited or not). You just need to get some formal wear (I use the free coat hook thingy) and choose it as formalwear.
My sims have always worn their chosen formals to weddings, guests and participants alike. It's possible that there's a mod conflict that caused it to work differently in your game; or that it was changed at one point and then changed back in an EP you don't have.
If I remember correctly, in the basegame (and possibly early expansion packs), the game would dress the bride and groom in default Maxis wedding attire. Regardless of the designated formal outfit, all sims got the same wedding gear. The wedding dress was hidden from the nrmal catalog, so you would only see it on a wedding day. So if a mod was used to change or override that default outfit, in future game versions the formal outfit is used instead.
In my game, when the couple finally get to the wedding arch, they change from their usual attire into
1) default formal dress (which is not strictly speaking, wedding attire) and then, 2) proper wedding attire consisting of a wedding dress and formal suit. (I have all the game installed) I never pick out wedding attire, knowing the default will always kick in. The guests, likewise, will revert to formal wear as well. |
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
That's strange, I thought that the EA behaviour for later EPs was formal wear for weddings. Twojeffs used to have a 'formal weddings' mod to allow sims to get married in their own formal outfit instead of Maxis default, but it was outdated when one of the EPs was released (OFB I think??). I remember the default dress went missing at one point, restored by this mod: https://modthesims.info/d/282426 The wedding dress was one of the things that kept getting messed up every time the game had an update! |
The original Maxis wedding dress shows up in Bodyshop for me and I have UC. I thought that they changed into their chosen formalwear for weddings, but I haven't married anyone in a while.
I did a wedding yesterday and they just changed into their chosen formal wear. I did use the wedding arch from celebrations pack if that made a difference?
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
I think the issue with this is that most of the toddler beds out there are cloned from one Rebecah made and the creators who cloned it are mesh creators, not modders, and they don't know how to do it. Rebecah is unfortunately no longer with us. I did have some help fixing the toddler beds to prevent them from getting into a stuck state and I linked the post with the fixed one at the end of the comments on Phaenoh's nursery set. That might help. |
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
@grammapat There is more than one type of toddler bed. There is the sleep on top of the sheets type. The toddler will put themselves to bed and wake up when energy is full and get up. There is the sleep under the covers and use as a child type. Toddlers will sleep all night in these and will also make the bed and jump on it (unless you mod that out) There are also 'fake' toddler beds which are really cribs but just look like a bed. What type were you after? |
Where is the one where the toddler uses the child animations, makes the bed and jumps on it? I used to have that and I can't find it any more.
Wedding clothing definitely used to be a specific outfit in the base game, and changed to being the sim's chosen formal wear with one of the EPs. I actually thought it might be Celebration Stuff pack, because that was the pack which included various different wedding dresses. But I am not 100% sure. It might have been whichever pack allowed them to choose their hair specific to the outfit? Edit: According to the Prima guide, it's Open For Business. I'm not sure if it's a feature which carries through to later EPs or if you need OFB to have it. It doesn't matter which arch you use, except perhaps custom ones. You can see this in action if you look up screenshots of Cassandra and Don's wedding. In screenshots like this which are official or from when the game was new, they wear the tux and wedding dress: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/The_S...gh/Pleasantview But if you look at more recent screenshots where people are playing with more game packs, like this one (uploaded in 2009) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Tf3ID6zfg0 You can see that she wears her normal formal outfit which is a purple dress. Don's outfit seems to be the same - I guess his formal outfit is set to the tux, anyway. |
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I downloaded this and really love it !
https://modthesims.info/d/637829/aq...-kit.html?new=0 Question : I'd like the totally transparent one ; with the invisible wood and decor as described . So far the aqua box shows up with the dark frame overlay and I was wanting only the transparent box. I cannot get the 'fish tank options' to work, either. So, no fish or feeding them either. Thanks in advance for any help. Looking for this : |
I was playing around with the converted Castaway trees, and the gathering function doesn't result in the Sim getting fruit or money for me. Does it work for anyone?
http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/s...ic,10993.0.html |
I have banana, papaya, and coconut trees that sims harvest all the time.
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Where do the harvested fruits go? I was expecting them to end up in the inventory, but it didn't work. Picking one individual fruit to eat works fine. |
It's in inventory. In every neighborhood where I have these trees I open inventory when I first open a household, to see who needs to put their gathered fruit into the fridge. Something's preventing them from working correctly in your game.
Thanks, this is weird, since the trees are literally the only things in the game, but now that I know it's just me, I'll keep trying to get it working.
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Quote: Originally posted by omglo
They work fine for me too. Are you using them on a community lot? If so, I think they just add cash to the sim instead of harvest, as in Castaway they were food points to be added to the fridge. Edit: Ohh, silly me, I am using Gwenke's edit of these- see aelflaed's post #34179 below. |
I'm not 100% sure (been ages since I played around with them), but isn't there an extra file you need for the Castaway items to work properly?
EDITed to add: Some of the files from MATY seem to need a file called "core function" - doesn't seem like the trees are among those, though. http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/s...ic,10993.0.html |
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
No, because in my game I don't put them on residential lots at all. The fruit is all gathered while sims are at community lots, either in the background or because I direct them. It's possible that there's a necessary file for these trees that's been omitted, but as far as I remember I downloaded a bunch of CS stuff at once and added it all at the same time, and it all worked. |
I have them on a residential lot. There could be an extra file that Pescado didn't mention, but there wasn't anything about that in the rtfm file. I'll probably just add all the other stuff later and see if that helps.
The MATY cs harvestable trees are probably not the best version.
Gwenke improved them: https://sims2artists.com/index.php?topic=3053.0 I have used Gwenke's version for many years, and they work fine. Recently, I made versions of them to suit the Planting Overhaul, and had to make a few extra changes to Gwenke's files. My version is included in this download: https://www.pillowfort.social/posts/5021565 |
Are the party balloons supposed to deflate that quickly, or is it another Maxis bug?
They're intelligent and last for 2 to 3 hours without a party or as long as a party is active. That is clearly how they work. I doubt that it is realistic, but I've not seen such balloons in reality. You can change it in the function main.
Does anyone know what might cause Community Time Project to stop working for a single household/lot? It was working a few days ago (with no change in hacks) and other households work fine. No errors, Sims just return home immediately.
EDIT: For whatever reason, using Lot Cleaner and reloading fixed this. If I'd known the name of the controller I would've just reset it specifically. |
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Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
So maybe it was just a glitch that made Gloria and Garry wear base game wedding clothes. (Unless the game has some clever way of knowing the the outfits I'd chosen for them didn't look anything like most people's ideas of wedding wear??!!) Don's attempt to marry Cassandra (which I played back in 2014) didn't quite work out. . . That's the only picture I have of the attempted wedding (!) and I'm afraid I can't make out what they're wearing! That I couldn't make out what they were wearing, is the initial reason why I'm now playing Pleasantview. I'm not starting over; I'm just continuing their story as I started playing it January - May 2014. Of course it will be a bit different. I'm a more experienced player than I was back then, and my game is much more heavily modded, especially with LizLove's "No jealousy at all", which I put in, a little reluctantly, at the insistence of Andrew and Julian! That should make things a little easier easier when I get round to playing the Caliente sisters, both of whom were having affairs with Don. Now they might just consent to share him! |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I remember making Don selectable in order to have Cassandra bail out of the wedding.... I didn't expect her to disappear off-world! I had to use batbox to force errors on everything to force her return. |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
What happened with Andrew and Julian? Did the game try and make them change clothes too? Although, seeing as teens can't get married in an unmodded game, there wouldn't have been wedding clothes set up for them. |
Why are so many sims players on reddit and in the help section here suddenly seem to have loads of weird issues like sims getting parts of their character files deleted seemingly at random? I feel like I have never seen this in the TS2 community before. What is it? Is it OneDrive? I know everyone goes "Corruption!!!!!" and, it's probably not corruption. (I did watch the whole April Black video :D) Oh - but maybe it is more frequent crashing causing actual corruption? (This would be ironic, if we as a community finally stop believing all the corruption myths, just to fall into a new era where corruption, indeed, IS the problem.)
I think it's largely onedrive, and partially new players doing really weird things. I remember a person on reddit who'd lost some of their character files, and they casually suggested that the fact that they often shut down the computer while the game was still in the middle of saving might have something to do with it. I'm no computer expert either, but that post just stuck with me, because why would that seem like a good idea?
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I have the first and second type, and they are both OK. I don't know how to tell if I have a "fake" toddler bed; would that be one that Sims will put babies in? And I have one bed that looks like a regular twin bed and can be used by toddlers and children. |
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I have some on community lots and sims will eat the ones on the ground |
Quote: Originally posted by omglo
The game can also crash all by itself while saving, which will result in corrupted save data. |
People's disk might become full. These days the data files for caches of many programs go to the system disk where My Documents is.
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Quote: Originally posted by Charity
The game left Andrew and Julian in the formal outfits I had carefully chosen for them: Andrew in his kilt, and Julian in his white Van Squirgle version of Knightskykyte's "Pretty Boy" outfit. Julian insisted on his right to get married in virginal white. "Of course I'm a virgin!" he said. "I'm Andrew's boyfriend." I temporarily made Andrew an "Independent Teen", so he could propose the marriage. This briefly gave him a deeper voice than usual. As Julian's role in the ceremony was more passive, I left him as an ordinary teen. Picture of their outfits (spoilered) below: I also include the (slightly enlarged) in-game picture of them exchanging rings at the altar: Well, Mortimer and Bella are about to get remarried, and it will be interesting to see if the game lets Bella get married in the outrageous wedding dress she has chosen as her formal wear, or if it will try to force her into something more conventional. |
Quote: Originally posted by omglo
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
That's how Springwater corrupted (the Great Crash). I was messing around with some old backup archives while the game was running (not smart) and then ran out of dick space while saving. The game stalled out for a long time and eventually crashed— whoops, there goes all the character files! |
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Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
In case you're wondering, it's a 4to2 conversion by Kurimas on Tumblr. |
Pescado's Lot Sync Timer has a bunch of numbers alongside each family name. What do they mean?
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
A fake toddler bed is a crib that looks like a bed but the toddler can't get in and out of it by themselves. Some will allow babies and some are just for toddlers. |
Does anyone use Pescado's autosecretdoor mod that supposedly makes it possible for Sims to use the bookcase-door as a normal door? It's supposed to make it so they can walk through it normally, rather than require you to have them go read a specific book to get through, but I can't get it to work and as per usual with Pescado mod's, the user documentation is not helpful. It references "authorized personnel only"-object as the way to control who can get through, but none of the options seem related and I can't figure it out. Here's hoping someone else has and can tell me, because I really like this door for this room
Is it possible to update a lot's preview "image" in neighborhood view?
I have sims living in apartment lots and they have been renovating the apartments to fit their needs better (adding a second story or changing the paint outside). All is good in live mode, but when I'm in neighborhood view the lot looks from the outside, like it did when they first moved in. Is there a way to force an update on the lot so the apartment looks in neighborhood view as it does in live mode? |
Quote: Originally posted by ani_
Unfortunately, to my experience changing a sublot won't update the impostor. The only way I know of is to kick everyone out and then make a structural change. |
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Yes, you just click on the ground to tell the sim to "go here" the way you usually do, or tell them to interact with some object, and if that location or object is on the other side of the secret door they will just automatically use the secret door instead of complaining that there's no route. Authorized personnel only works the same way with the secret door as it does with any other door, there aren't any secret-door-specific options. You just put it in the room you want to selectively restrict access to, and set the options to tell it who is allowed and who isn't. |
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