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AndrewGloria 10th Sep 2024 3:55 PM

I don't know about hiders, but there must be something in a Body Shop item's code that stops some things appearing on randomly created Sims. Ever since I got Open for Business, I've noticed that some outfits like the gorilla suit and the diver's suit never appearing on Sims generated in CAS or in-game. The only way I can get a Sim dressed as a gorilla or a diver is if I choose that outfit for them. I reckon there must be some kind of hidden flag or something that tells the game not to use them on randomly created Sims. I have a feeling that these outfits aren't available when a Sim buys clothes in a shop either. Something must be hiding them.

simmer22 10th Sep 2024 4:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
If I use Hiders to hide hairs or hats in CAS, I know they don't appear in CAS or when using Gussy Up.
But does this also mean that they don't spawn on randomly generated townies and similar? (Not special NPCs, like Witches, but regular ones)

If the items are properly hidden, this should also stop them from spawning on townies and sims growing up, etc.

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I don't know about hiders, but there must be something in a Body Shop item's code that stops some things appearing on randomly created Sims. Ever since I got Open for Business, I've noticed that some outfits like the gorilla suit and the diver's suit never appearing on Sims generated in CAS or in-game. The only way I can get a Sim dressed as a gorilla or a diver is if I choose that outfit for them. I reckon there must be some kind of hidden flag or something that tells the game not to use them on randomly created Sims. I have a feeling that these outfits aren't available when a Sim buys clothes in a shop either. Something must be hiding them.

Most likely the items you mention are not townie enabled, so sims won't wear the items unless the player chooses them. Items can be hidden from the catalog in different ways, too. It's mostly to do with various settings in the PropertySet resource (or MeshOverlay/TextureOverlay, depending on CAS item).


I have come across some CC items that appeared to be townie enabled and de-customized, so they didn't have a star and kept being randomly assigned to sims. Mostly from one quite old site, though. I've had some occasional issues with CC from that site... Never got around to fix them, but at least I now understand what was going on (at the time I almost wondered if the game had several hidden outfits, but still doubted dit since they looked like CC).

Sokisims 10th Sep 2024 10:06 PM

If I'm not mistaken, the mixture is made by randomly matching facial features of both parents. I was simply referring to the fact that a nose or type of eyes that never appeared due to fate could reappear in a grandchild, obviously with fewer possibilities than the genetics of the parents. Sometimes you have to add new blood because by chance very similar traits have come out, with that mod sometimes more varied things could come out.

I didn't say anything about cloning grandparents' full faces, obviously the parents' genetics have to be much more dominant. Regarding eye and hair colors, are really inherited from grandparents looking for information in them? Or are the parents carrying it as a recessive gene in their genetics? I would say it's the second, right?

Coriel_Muroz 11th Sep 2024 12:17 AM

Anyone using Chris Hatch's visit sims mod, can it be used for a family (or individual sim) to use it to visit another in a Vacation hood?

Bulbizarre 11th Sep 2024 1:27 AM

How does seating at multi-storey restaurants work? When playing this lot, I noticed that nobody ever used the upstairs tables until I added a second podium (which spawned extra waiters and occasionally caused minor traffic jams around the kitchen).

jonasn 11th Sep 2024 9:04 AM

I think that without a mod like my dining stuff, the podium finds all dining tables on the lot even if they are very far away. When tables are found, they are sorted by their distance. Being on another floor level adds 10 tiles of distance. The host will pick a free table in order from the closest. So I think they should get seated when tables on the podium level are full. But that is not right because you could have tables for other reasons on the lot.

Bulbizarre 11th Sep 2024 10:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
I think that without a mod like my dining stuff, the podium finds all dining tables on the lot even if they are very far away. When tables are found, they are sorted by their distance. Being on another floor level adds 10 tiles of distance. The host will pick a free table in order from the closest. So I think they should get seated when tables on the podium level are full. But that is not right because you could have tables for other reasons on the lot.

How does your Dining Table Selection compare with Midge's dining table size mod? Yours also seems to take weather into account.

I'm definitely going to grab the hack that prevents plate-stealing

jonasn 11th Sep 2024 11:58 AM

It combines a few features into one mod because I found them hard to divide, and there were already too many packages. It does the opposite of what you want by limiting the area considered to be a restaurant. Yes, in bad weather people will sit at tables that are too big rather than outside. For example, in the One-Twenty Five Cafe they will not sit outdoors in snow. I think my mod will also try to seat the party together in the same room if it has to be divided between two tables. It will skip tables where food cannot be placed. For example. in the Crypto Nightclub it will not go to the counters at the bar, which are too far away or to the outdoor tables with the candle trays that are too big to fit a food dish.

CatMuto 11th Sep 2024 7:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
So, what makes it if you can or can't place a lot up to a road in a map?
As an example pictured below, I want to put some lots in the Channelwood map, but when I try to place lots (regardless of how large they are), the red area says I can't place them.
No matter where I put the lots there, they will not allow any placement, with the lot ground being shown as red, so I can't put it down.

I'm guessing that's something I, as a layperson, can't alter in-game, but would have to change in the actual .SC4 map?

simsample 11th Sep 2024 7:38 PM

@CatMuto I think you'll need to level the ground just there with the modifyneighbourhoodterrain tools. If I remember correctly there's a slope there away from the road? Will check later when I boot the game.

CatMuto 11th Sep 2024 8:00 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
@CatMuto I think you'll need to level the ground just there with the modifyneighbourhoodterrain tools. If I remember correctly there's a slope there away from the road? Will check later when I boot the game.

I took more in-game pictures to see it better, but now it looks like I can put lots on just fine... maybe it's because I previously had some neighborhood deco stones nearby that somehow messed with the placing.

Bulbizarre 11th Sep 2024 10:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
So, what makes it if you can or can't place a lot up to a road in a map?
As an example pictured below, I want to put some lots in the Channelwood map, but when I try to place lots (regardless of how large they are), the red area says I can't place them.
No matter where I put the lots there, they will not allow any placement, with the lot ground being shown as red, so I can't put it down.

I'm guessing that's something I, as a layperson, can't alter in-game, but would have to change in the actual .SC4 map?

Some of the neighbourhood deco has a strangely large footprint which can prevent placement. I've had trouble with the telephone pole specifically.

jonasn 11th Sep 2024 10:56 PM

It is possible to mod neighborhood objects to allow them to overlap roads and lots in the XNGB resources.

simsample 12th Sep 2024 1:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
I took more in-game pictures to see it better, but now it looks like I can put lots on just fine... maybe it's because I previously had some neighborhood deco stones nearby that somehow messed with the placing.

Sometimes the neighbourhood needs reloading to place lots after removing obstructing hood deco (you can do this either by entering and exiting a lot or going to another hood and back).

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Some of the neighbourhood deco has a strangely large footprint which can prevent placement. I've had trouble with the telephone pole specifically.

I modded some of mine so that I can put it in lots or on water or over roads etc.

AndrewGloria 12th Sep 2024 1:38 AM

2 Attachment(s)
In my Baldrair Bluffs custom 'hood (based on patul's Le village de Patul terrain, I cannot place a lot on the gap site in Simourris Boulevard, marked with an "x" in the picture above. I was however able to place a 1x1 empty residential lot in the gap site marked with a "y". I have no idea why I can't place a lot at "x". I can't use the neighbourhood terrain modifying tools because they came with an EP I don't have (FT?), but I am tempted to use the Lot Adjuster to let one of the neighbours temporarily take over the site, and then flatten the land using the in-lot terrain tools. I have no idea if this will help.

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
It is possible to mod neighborhood objects to allow them to overlap roads and lots in the XNGB resources.
In my Elswyn 'hood based on M.M.A.A.'s Oceanside County terrain, there is at least one forest that extends over a couple of roads. I have no idea how M.M.A.A. did this, and think it may even have been a mistake. If I try to move the forest I can no longer place it over a road. I think there may have originally more such forests in the neighbourhood but some of the trees have been felled to build houses -- just like in real life?

simsample 12th Sep 2024 2:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I have no idea why I can't place a lot at "x". I can't use the neighbourhood terrain modifying tools because they came with an EP I don't have (FT?), but I am tempted to use the Lot Adjuster to let one of the neighbours temporarily take over the site, and then flatten the land using the in-lot terrain tools. I have no idea if this will help.

Likely this is due to the lot edges not being flat, or the terrain being non-flat, so that it's impossible for the game to create the lot geometry correctly within the boundaries. Maybe moving the surrounding lots and replacing them once you have put in the new lot might work, but it depends on the hood geometry there.
You can edit the Hood.ini to allow for lot placement with different parameters, so it might be possible to fix this. @CatherineTCJD made one such mod here to allow steeper lots.
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
there is at least one forest that extends over a couple of roads. I have no idea how M.M.A.A. did this, and think it may even have been a mistake.

It's really simple to mod hood deco, and SaraMK already did the Maxis stuff here (plus tutorial):,10625.0.html
Zazazu did the later EPs here:

CatherineTCJD 12th Sep 2024 11:57 PM

I agree - the lot edges are most likely NOT flat.
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Likely this is due to the lot edges not being flat, or the terrain being non-flat, so that it's impossible for the game to create the lot geometry correctly within the boundaries...

If you move all the houses out of the way, and flatten the area with the modifyNeighborhoodTerrain cheat, then move the houses back - it should work.
Good luck!

AndrewGloria 13th Sep 2024 1:03 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
I agree - the lot edges are most likely NOT flat.

If you move all the houses out of the way, and flatten the area with the modifyNeighborhoodTerrain cheat, then move the houses back - it should work.
Good luck!

Thanks Catherine!

The trouble is I don't have the modifyNeighborhoodTerrain cheat. It comes with an EP I haven't got. (FreeTime I think.) Which is why I'm thinking of temporarily extending at least one of the adjoining lots with the the Lot Adjuster, and then using the Build Mode terrain tools to level the ground. If all else fails, I might just let the McLeish family in the green house (130 Simourris Boulevard) take over that bit of land. There are eight of them living in that house, so I'm sure they could use a little extra space. Maybe they could build a play house for the children. (That might actually be the best answer!)

simsample 13th Sep 2024 10:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
If you move all the houses out of the way, and flatten the area with the modifyNeighborhoodTerrain cheat, then move the houses back - it should work.

Thanks @CatherineTCJD - I didn't mention this because I knew @AndrewGloria didn't have the EPs. I think it was Freetime that mechanism came with!

CatherineTCJD 13th Sep 2024 2:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Thanks @CatherineTCJD - I didn't mention this because I knew @AndrewGloria didn't have the EPs. I think it was Freetime that mechanism came with!
Oh! Right! @AndrewGloria Sorry, I knew that too...
Without the cheat... can you have the same effect if you move the houses out of the way and just plop down a bunch of large lots over the area?
Just placing a lot over the area should make it "flatten" - go into the lot and add a chair/bush/anything, to initialize the lot. Then delete the lot and the area should be flat for you to replace with your 'real' lots.
I'd think that would be easier than messing with the LotAdjuster... though, that may work as well.
And yes, my Max Slope mod might work too - you'd have to put it in your highest EP folder, of course. You'd probably still have to move the lots out of the way...
Good luck!

Bulbizarre 15th Sep 2024 1:08 AM

2 Attachment(s)
How does the Visitor Controller interact with other mods that affect walkbys and lot visitors? There's several BHAV conflicts, but I'm not sure if they would be always present or only occur when the VC is blocking werewolves or children:

Lot Visit Mod - UPDATE 1.package

(I'm also curious as to whether changing the load order here might fix whatever causes the game to occasionally spawn infants on a community lot....)

CatMuto 16th Sep 2024 2:03 PM

Is there a way to create Hiders for the Maxis Beddings?

simmer22 16th Sep 2024 5:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
Is there a way to create Hiders for the Maxis Beddings?

Likely, but it would probably be more useful to default them. Not entirely sure how the game reacts to "missing" bedding, especially if you've got items repo'd to it.

Misaki Chan 18th Sep 2024 12:14 AM

I turned moveobjects on and combined with (what is to be shrunken to) a 1x2 lot, I started wondering if it's possible and okay to build over the road like this?

Or even more so, with walls, roofs etc? Will it break something like portals and such? Obviously I could experiment myself but right now Im not going to backup anything, I'm going to sleep while you Americans are still in daylight and could answer my curiosity

kestrellyn 18th Sep 2024 6:33 AM

If you place something that blocks the car portals, the carpools won't work right. As long as you avoid doing that, it's probably fine. I've used the rotatable driveways and move objects to place driveways to create "parallel parking spots" on the side of the road for houses that don't have room for a standard driveway (or which need large numbers of cars), and it works as long as you make sure not to overlap the car portals. This includes not only the usual carpool/bus portal in front of the house, but also the portal where NPCs arrive on the opposite side of the street (although the only issue with blocking the latter that I've run into is that the car on the driveway becomes inoperable while the NPC car is there, build mode stuff may be fine).

HugeLunatic 18th Sep 2024 10:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
Is there a way to create Hiders for the Maxis Beddings?

Noo, you just want to find some defaults. They exist everywhere, but you can take any cc beddings and replace the textures with them if you don't find one you like.

CatMuto 18th Sep 2024 2:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
Noo, you just want to find some defaults. They exist everywhere, but you can take any cc beddings and replace the textures with them if you don't find one you like.

Yeah, I used the ones found on here for a while and wanted new ones.
Then I found some Sims 4 Bedding as default and switched to that.

HarVee 18th Sep 2024 8:29 PM

Is there a way to reorganize memories either through SimPE or some other program? I don't want to have to delete a bunch of memories just to add one or two to a Sim.

simsample 18th Sep 2024 9:29 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
Is there a way to reorganize memories either through SimPE or some other program?

Yes, you can select a memory and use the move arrows to change its position in SimPE.

HarVee 18th Sep 2024 9:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Yes, you can select a memory and use the move arrows to change its position in SimPE.

I've been using SimPE all this time and somehow, I missed that.

Edit: that actually brings me to my next question, is it safe to delete all the gossip 'memories' in SimPE? Can't seem to find much info on how that affects the game, I only seem to find a lot things regard the batbox, which is not a thing I use.

simsample 18th Sep 2024 11:36 PM

Yes, you can safely delete anything in the memories. As always backup before using SimPE!

HarVee 19th Sep 2024 12:03 AM

Thanks for your response @simsample

I've been 'cleaning' up the memories of Plot of Land like you suggested to do in that thread and was just curious if this would cause any issues. None found insofar from a quick test session. Now onto adding more memories. My idea is to give memories to all (playable and townie) Sims to give a better sense of backstory and of course to have things make chronological sense.

Bulbizarre 19th Sep 2024 12:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
I've been using SimPE all this time and somehow, I missed that.

Edit: that actually brings me to my next question, is it safe to delete all the gossip 'memories' in SimPE? Can't seem to find much info on how that affects the game, I only seem to find a lot things regard the batbox, which is not a thing I use.

Be careful with this— custom tokens added by hacks may show up as memories when loaded in SimPE. In my hood, ACR tokens appear to be gossip about stray pets. Loading the downloads folder in the SimPE filetable will make it appear properly.

HarVee 19th Sep 2024 12:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Be careful with this— custom tokens added by hacks may show up as memories when loaded in SimPE. In my hood, ACR tokens appear to be gossip about stray pets. Loading the downloads folder in the SimPE filetable will make it appear properly.

Well, I can't say I use ACR (don't even really know what is exactly or does), but it's good to know about hack tokens being disguised. Thanks for letting me know

Is there a way to know what hacks I have that may add custom tokens? I have several hacks and don't even remember where I got some of them from!

edit: What exactly happens if you accidently delete a custom token? does that make objects and interactions that rely on it to stop functioning? Does it cause 'hood corruption? Jump bugs?

jonasn 19th Sep 2024 1:41 AM

Depends on what the mod uses it for. Usually a token is a mark that some event has happened in the past. It should handle the case where there is no mark as if you had just installed the mod for the first time and haven't done that thing. But the author may also designed it not to fail gracefully. Any object can be added as a token. For example, "Computer - Cheap" to save novel progress. It is like a ticket in the pocket that says computer on it, and not an actual object.

Bulbizarre 19th Sep 2024 3:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
edit: What exactly happens if you accidently delete a custom token? does that make objects and interactions that rely on it to stop functioning? Does it cause 'hood corruption? Jump bugs?

It depends on what info is stored in the token. For ACR, you just lose the settings for that specific Sim. If you use Monique's computers, deleting the associated token will wipe out the Sim's bank account (this caused a stock market crash in Oakbrook after accidentally loading without the mod).

kestrellyn 19th Sep 2024 7:35 AM

If you want to delete gossip without causing any issues, just use the batbox.

HarVee 19th Sep 2024 7:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
If you want to delete gossip without causing any issues, just use the batbox.

Yeah, I downloaded it a while ago but haven't tested/used it yet. TBH I already spent an entire day removing all references to gossip in SimPE memory panel, as well as adding a hundred or so memories total to several Sims in my 'hood. Hopefully the batbox can remove any leftovers. If there are any that is.

Bulbizarre 19th Sep 2024 8:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
How do i remove a particle effect stuck to a Sim's hand? I can't grab it with moveobjects and forcing error didn't work.

HarVee 19th Sep 2024 8:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
How do i remove a particle effect stuck to a Sim's hand? I can't grab it with moveobjects and forcing error didn't work.

haven't tried it yet, but according to research I did the "Nuke... Stuck SFX" option on the aforementioned batbox supposedly removes stuck things like that.

Bulbizarre 19th Sep 2024 8:42 AM

It worked!

Also I just realized the humour of a sim named Ty Bubbler having bubbles stuck to his hand.

jonasn 19th Sep 2024 11:01 AM

Maybe you could use "Stop All Visual Effects" on COE if it is an effect and not an object in the hand. It also removes translucency.

I once played with fire causing the parent object to be deleted early before the fire faded, which left the fire effect on the ground, and it couldn't be removed in any way until a restart.

Bulbizarre 19th Sep 2024 2:59 PM

Do Sims become invisible to other Sims during woohoo? Sims tend to wander back in mid-cinematic when putting beds in dorm hallways, but I can't remember seeing any actual reactions to the Sims in the bed (not even shocked screaming if they're naked).

Orilon 19th Sep 2024 10:27 PM

is it possible for two Sims to get the voodoo doll on the same vacation?

I had Kynda Pleasant fix the stuff for the witch doctor so she got the voodoo doll, but I vaguely remember the lot being fixed if I tried to send a different Sim on the same vacation.

Also how does a Sim become "Big Man on Campus"?

Bob Newbie rolled the want the minute I moved him into a dorm.

FranH 19th Sep 2024 11:23 PM

What do voodoo dolls do (if anything)? Is it worth getting one?

joandsarah77 19th Sep 2024 11:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
What do voodoo dolls do (if anything)? Is it worth getting one?

It does a bunch of things, mostly mean. It can backfire on the user I think if they use it too often.

Rosawyn 19th Sep 2024 11:52 PM

@Orilon I think you're right that it's one voodoo doll per vacation.

Also, "Big Man/Woman on Campus" is from having maxed influence meter while at uni, iirc.

@FranH The voodoo doll has a handful of uses that you may or may not find particularly useful in your own game. It can warm a target up or cool them down, instantly inspire romance or friendship, drastically lower a sim's bladder/hygiene/comfort motives, and possibly make the target sim throw up. It also has a possibility of backfiring on the user.
I use a mod that's supposed to make the voodoo doll "more powerful":

HarVee 20th Sep 2024 1:31 AM

I've been making a custom soundtrack for Plot of Land, but I'm curious if anyone knows of a tutorial/program that can put music files into a package and still have them play alongside the default soundtrack? i'd rahter include a .package file if possible instead of standard .mp3 files.

Orilon 20th Sep 2024 2:23 AM

What is the best way to stop tourists from fighting on every single vacation community lot?

I've been sending teens to college and the parents keep rolling wants to go on vacation. There are two tourists that keep fighting every single time they are on the same vacation lot community lot.

Bulbizarre 20th Sep 2024 3:52 AM

Killing one of them might work. Or if you want to be less extreme, using the Visitor Controller to ban them.

Peni Griffin 20th Sep 2024 5:27 AM

Do something to unstick your randomizer so they don't show up together all the time, and install teleporters on your lots so you can zap troublesome people away.

joandsarah77 20th Sep 2024 6:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
What is the best way to stop tourists from fighting on every single vacation community lot?

I've been sending teens to college and the parents keep rolling wants to go on vacation. There are two tourists that keep fighting every single time they are on the same vacation lot community lot.

I would pause and make selectable and fix the relationship with the simblender on them both. I think that should stick.

sim4fan1 20th Sep 2024 10:36 AM

Not strictly game related but I've found two visual glitches in the clean UI by greatcheesecakepersona - I'm not on tumblr and it seems like they haven't published anything in the last two years. Has anyone taken over the project or are they still active elsewhere, maybe here on MTS?

I'll just share a couple of pictures here though, maybe they will read this topic.

1st is the icon for the groceries delivery, still old style (the other two are fine, not sure if it's a mod conflict though)

2nd is the slider for eyelashes, in CAS works fine but in "change appearance" is shortened - again, thought it might have to do with more cas columns mod" but I'm positive I've this issue way before I downloaded that mod.

Hope someone can point me in the right direction

FranH 20th Sep 2024 11:38 AM

@FranH The voodoo doll has a handful of uses that you may or may not find particularly useful in your own game. It can warm a target up or cool them down, instantly inspire romance or friendship, drastically lower a sim's bladder/hygiene/comfort motives, and possibly make the target sim throw up. It also has a possibility of backfiring on the user.
I use a mod that's supposed to make the voodoo doll "more powerful":

I've had that mod you cite forever, but I've never known how to use it! I just learned (from the comments) that you put it in the inventory of the pixel and it will now work! I learned something about the game today!

After 20 years, one still has the capacity to not know everything about this game!

Misaki Chan 21st Sep 2024 9:33 PM

Which folders should I copy over to a new computer so that I have 100% my game there? I know the whole Sims 2 ultimate collection in documents but what about carrying over stuff from Fun With Pets etc?

Peni Griffin 21st Sep 2024 11:46 PM

Do you have any mods or things like empty templates or Scriptorium that have to be put into the program files? If so, put them in place, then delete the Documents Sims 2 file and replace it with your old one, and then you can load the game.

simmer22 21st Sep 2024 11:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Misaki Chan
Which folders should I copy over to a new computer so that I have 100% my game there? I know the whole Sims 2 ultimate collection in documents but what about carrying over stuff from Fun With Pets etc?

If you've installed any mods in the install path (scriptorium files for modular stairs/fireplaces, or overrides that go in the Bins folders), you may want to copy over those files. Lighting mods and clean/empty templates will probably need to be reinstalled, so make sure you keep track of what you've got.

I usually go over the files and see if anything "doesn't belong" in the files, or have a different date than the other files, meaning it's installed by me. Useful if you're unsure what you've installed and/or done in the files. It's also useful to keep track of hood templates, lighting or other shader mods, or similar, since those aren't so easily seen in the folders (keep links, a notepad document, or similar in the backup location).

Misaki Chan 21st Sep 2024 11:56 PM

Well to be honest yes my question was more of a "are there any common program files mods that I could probably also have and may have forgotten about?"
I remembered the no EP townies gen mods now! but ehh I'm sure there's more. I'll come back to it in the morning.

Edit: maybe not the notownieregen but there were empty hood making mods that you had to put into each EP folder. Maybe I should've written these things down!

Edit 2: didn't see your message simmer22, thanks!!

Rosawyn 22nd Sep 2024 6:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
What is the best way to stop tourists from fighting on every single vacation community lot?

I've been sending teens to college and the parents keep rolling wants to go on vacation. There are two tourists that keep fighting every single time they are on the same vacation lot community lot.

I can't remember what the name of the mod is (or who made it), but I've got some mod in that makes losing fights lower motives (energy, hygiene, and comfort, I think) so they only have about 2 fights in them before they have to go lick their wounds. Might not be enough of a change for your tastes, but I find it helps.

jonasn 22nd Sep 2024 7:19 AM

Maybe you need a mod that restricts the Poking and similar interactions so that their relationship doesn't deteriorate. For this couple you can raise the relationship manually. I might go over all tourist families and set each of them up with good relationship. It's a bit of a hassle to do it without aids though. The tourists seem to be thrown in unfinished as usual.

topp 22nd Sep 2024 9:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Rosawyn
I've got some mod in that makes losing fights lower motives (energy, hygiene, and comfort, I think) so they only have about 2 fights in them before they have to go lick their wounds.

Could it be Fight Mod by simler90?

kestrellyn 22nd Sep 2024 9:43 AM

Pescado's Fight Club definitely does that. It also sometimes makes fights take hours though, if the opponents are about equally skilled.

CatMuto 22nd Sep 2024 11:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Is it a glitch here, where the Sales Bar doesn't appear on the entrance-ticket machine?

Bulbizarre 22nd Sep 2024 1:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
Pescado's Fight Club definitely does that. It also sometimes makes fights take hours though, if the opponents are about equally skilled.

I had a fight go more than 12 hours once.

CatMuto 22nd Sep 2024 9:57 PM

In Sims 3, it was a good idea for loading purposes to put all your packages (except for things like CC Counters) into one, giant package.

Can the same be done for Sims 2? Or is it, since you need the mesh + the recolors/etc separately, a bad idea?

Bulbizarre 22nd Sep 2024 10:12 PM

Not everything merges correctly (fences & roofing, for example). But merging packages can speed up loading and also helps against the Mac file limit. On WIndows CCMerger can do it.

simmer22 22nd Sep 2024 10:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
In Sims 3, it was a good idea for loading purposes to put all your packages (except for things like CC Counters) into one, giant package.

Can the same be done for Sims 2? Or is it, since you need the mesh + the recolors/etc separately, a bad idea?

You can merge files, but how useful it is depends on how you're playing. If you intend to package and/or upload lots or sims, you'll probably want to merge meshes and recolors separately (one big recolor package for each mesh), since everything you've merged together that's in the lot will be part of the lot upload (I've seen one such example where the file was a couple GB or so, because the file had just a few merged files - completely unnecessary, since I doubt the build had that much CC in it). Alternatively, you can keep a non-merged CC folder for such purposes.

It's also easier to remove CC if you've merged items separately. If you don't want that one spesific hair any longer, it's going to be a nightmare finding it again in a 1 GB hair file. Updating meshes is also easier when keeping them separate.

If it's just for gameplay and you merge a lot of files together, make sure you keep the original files somewhere, in case you want to re-merge them in some other way later, or you stumble across a problem and have to problemsolve or remove some files. These days, CC disappear from the web before you know it.

A few useful tutorials: (SimPE method) (scroll to "Bundling package files") (LD's merger program)

Merged files seem to take up the same amount of space non-merged files do (before+after compression), but having fewer files to load can potentially help on loading speed and such.

I've only just started merging files (mostly buy/build recolors), but I still keep the original copies just in case.

Rosawyn 23rd Sep 2024 6:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by topp
Could it be Fight Mod by simler90?

Apparently I have had that mod in the past, but I do not currently have it.

It took some doing, since searching for 'fight' in my mods folder produced no useful results, but I did finally manage to find it. This is the mod I currently use: thefightclub-motives by hypersaline. I assume it is an edit of Pescado's original "fight club" mod, and it may also be unreleased. I have a vague memory of hypersaline making it specifically for me back in 2021, as I was having the same issue w tourists specifically beating each other up repeatedly and basically making campgrounds unplayable. From what I've seen playing again now, it seems to work well for my purposes, and I'm quite happy with it.


Bulbizarre 23rd Sep 2024 10:14 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Rosawyn
Apparently I have had that mod in the past, but I do not currently have it.

It took some doing, since searching for 'fight' in my mods folder produced no useful results, but I did finally manage to find it. This is the mod I currently use: thefightclub-motives by hypersaline. I assume it is an edit of Pescado's original "fight club" mod, and it may also be unreleased. I have a vague memory of hypersaline making it specifically for me back in 2021, as I was having the same issue w tourists specifically beating each other up repeatedly and basically making campgrounds unplayable.

Lol, searching for it kind of failed

HarVee 23rd Sep 2024 11:02 AM

Is ChrisHatch's SuperDuperHugTest safe to use on occupied lots, or will it mess things up?

I'm trying to troubleshoot somethings, and I am curious. It's probably been answered before, but I'm too lazy to search google for an hour to find a solid answer...

joandsarah77 23rd Sep 2024 2:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
Is ChrisHatch's SuperDuperHugTest safe to use on occupied lots, or will it mess things up?

I'm trying to troubleshoot somethings, and I am curious. It's probably been answered before, but I'm too lazy to search google for an hour to find a solid answer...

It's just a file you leave in your download folder, you don't do anything with it. It runs automatically. Yes, its safe.

Charity 23rd Sep 2024 4:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Lol, searching for it kind of failed

Damn, I was just about to look it up lol.

Bulbizarre 23rd Sep 2024 6:06 PM

How does the fresh food points interact with the maximum capacity of the fridge? I'd thought it combined with the regular points (e.g. 550/600 meant you could only add 50 fresh points) but it seems to be separate.

Orilon 23rd Sep 2024 6:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Lol, searching for it kind of failed

I usually put Sims 2 or Sims 3 depending on which game I'm looking for mods for. Unfortunately Sims 2 thefightclub-motives by hypersaline didn't find much. It did lead to her tumblr but tumblr didn't look me look at it since I'm not signed into tumblr (forgot my password.)

Rosawyn 23rd Sep 2024 6:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Damn, I was just about to look it up lol.

It doesn't seem to be on hypersaline's blog, so I'm thinking it was never released. Looks like hypersaline might just have posted it on the Sims Crafters Discord server in the "testers" channel on 7 November 2021.

Rosawyn 23rd Sep 2024 6:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
How does the fresh food points interact with the maximum capacity of the fridge? I'd thought it combined with the regular points (e.g. 550/600 meant you could only add 50 fresh points) but it seems to be separate.

From what I've seen/remember, fresh food points are entirely separate from regular food points, and there is no limit on how many may be stored in a fridge.

Bulbizarre 23rd Sep 2024 7:19 PM

I should test whether I can add more than 600 fresh food points to a fridge.

Rosawyn 23rd Sep 2024 8:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
I should test whether I can add more than 600 fresh food points to a fridge.

You can. I've had over 1k fresh food points in a fridge.

Bulbizarre 23rd Sep 2024 8:34 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
I should test whether I can add more than 600 fresh food points to a fridge.

Okay, probably not limited by capacity.

FranH 23rd Sep 2024 9:15 PM

I do believe that at that level, you never have to buy food again because the fresh food points are sufficient. I have several families that have at least 300 points and they don't need to buy food for a very long time. It takes a while to use them up.

Sokisims 25th Sep 2024 4:46 PM

I know that to make sub hoods it is better not to have sims living in apartments. Is there anything else I should know? For example, having graves on a community lot can cause problems, or can it be done?

Charity 25th Sep 2024 8:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sokisims
I know that to make sub hoods it is better not to have sims living in apartments. Is there anything else I should know? For example, having graves on a community lot can cause problems, or can it be done?

Why no sims in apartments?

Sokisims 25th Sep 2024 8:32 PM

If I'm right, when adding a sub hood to a neighborhood it's better that there aren't any sims living in apartments or it may cause errors. Once it has been added, you can move the ones you want. I guess I should have explained myself better. Does anyone know if the same thing happens with graves in community lots? Could it cause an error like deleting graves or something like that?

Rosawyn 25th Sep 2024 9:25 PM

If that's the case, shouldn't the Downtown version of Belladonna Cove be a bad idea?

Sokisims 25th Sep 2024 9:50 PM

Don't know. I'm wondering why I seem to see a lot of custom neighborhood creators avoid it because of what I've said. I am asking, not stating.

Sunbee 25th Sep 2024 11:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Rosawyn
If that's the case, shouldn't the Downtown version of Belladonna Cove be a bad idea?

IIRC the downtown version has the apartment dwellers in the simbin.

Charity 26th Sep 2024 5:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sokisims
If I'm right, when adding a sub hood to a neighborhood it's better that there aren't any sims living in apartments or it may cause errors. Once it has been added, you can move the ones you want. I guess I should have explained myself better. Does anyone know if the same thing happens with graves in community lots? Could it cause an error like deleting graves or something like that?

Ah I see. I thought you meant never put sims in apartments at all. XD

CatMuto 28th Sep 2024 2:08 AM

Is there some sort of 'haircolor guide' when it comes to what colors from each system mean?

Like an image guide for what Poppet colors are (which exists), what the Pooklet colors are, what the NHS/Remi colors mean, etc. Because I see those listed and I just have no clue what they are, and I don't want to have to download them, start up my game, check, and then close it again and delete the file, if it's colors I don't care for.

simsample 28th Sep 2024 2:13 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
Is there some sort of 'haircolor guide' when it comes to what colors from each system mean?

I found a few (attached):

FranH 28th Sep 2024 3:57 AM

Oh, I won't mention Almighty Hat's hair dumps. They're famous.
100 or more at one time. Usually using Pooklet, I do believe.

gummilutt 29th Sep 2024 11:55 AM

Does anyone know a way to tie a specific landlord to a specific apartment complex? I have a storyline where my Sim gets evicted, and needs to find an apartment that is managed by someone else. But I've only ever had one landlord thanks to antiredundancy, and although I've now made a second one with the townie gun I can't seem to get that one to be the one to show up. I don't want to get rid of the original, they should still be managing the properties they were already in charge of so killing them off is not an option here. I'm sure I'm not the first that has wanted this, so I thought perhaps someone had advice

kestrellyn 29th Sep 2024 12:07 PM

I don't see anything on the page about it, and haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but it's possible that if you use Inge's lot rights mod ( and set a playable to be the owner of an apartment lot, that they would show up as the landlord rather than the NPC.

CatMuto 29th Sep 2024 2:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Oh, I won't mention Almighty Hat's hair dumps. They're famous.
100 or more at one time. Usually using Pooklet, I do believe.

Couldn't find anything like that.

Is there a way to alter the price for a CC object in SimPE?

jonasn 29th Sep 2024 3:08 PM

You need to open the Object Data (OBJd) resource of your object. Go to the tab "raw data" and edit the field 0x12 'Price'. You can use Windows calculator or something in Sim PE itself like a BCON table to convert the number between decimal and hexadecimal. If the object has multiple tiles, edit the the master object definition which doesn't have numbers at the end, and where the price is not 0.

simmer22 29th Sep 2024 4:13 PM

SimPE also has decimal values for pricing, it's one of the tabs. No need to manually convert the numbers.

HugeLunatic 29th Sep 2024 6:04 PM

Or use Object Relocator! Way easier. :D

gummilutt 29th Sep 2024 6:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
I don't see anything on the page about it, and haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but it's possible that if you use Inge's lot rights mod ( and set a playable to be the owner of an apartment lot, that they would show up as the landlord rather than the NPC.

What an interesting mod! I'd never heard of it before but it sounds very interesting I'm not sure I'm brave enough to attempt it with apartments but for a different type of lot it could be interesting!

I'm not sure what happened but somehow I was finally able to get the right one to show up for the lot. My guess is the RNG gods were just grumpy the first 10 times that I tried and then when I went and asked for help it went "Oh so you wanted a different outcome? Okay fine, this time I'll do what you want" My Sim is now renting from the (hopefully) nice old man landlord

pixinicks 3rd Oct 2024 1:04 PM

Two years ago I built a small college for my neighborhood and thought it would be fun to have a secret society there. But no one (playable) is a member and I would like to remove the lot so I could build something else.
Is it possible? And if so, how do I do it?

hansyfk 4th Oct 2024 9:56 AM

What is the most expensive wall covering? I forgot that ts2 environment bar cares about the wall and floor cover cost but then the catalog is so illogical!!

kestrellyn 4th Oct 2024 10:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by pixinicks
Two years ago I built a small college for my neighborhood and thought it would be fun to have a secret society there. But no one (playable) is a member and I would like to remove the lot so I could build something else.
Is it possible? And if so, how do I do it?

The Secret Society lot is hidden, I don't think it actually takes up space in the neighborhood, does it? And I don't think you can have a university without one, anyway.

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