![]() |
Yeah, it does take up space, because if you make a custom one you have to place it and then remember where it is.
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
ALT doesn't have a Secret Society lot (or rather, it has a building that looks like it was intended to be one, that was never hidden), only members. Dormies will generate as members but you can't be abducted to the lot unless it's been zoned and hidden. In order to have a full-fledged secret society in a custom college, @pixienicks had to build a Secret Society, place it, and zone it. Zoning it hid the lot. Now, to get rid of it, it must be unhidden. In order to unhide the lot, a cheat must be running when the neighborhood loads. Once it's unhidden it can be edited or destroyed normally. Somewhere in my notes in my game room I have written down everything you need to know to run this cheat. However, we recently had the entire house rewired and what happens when your century-old-house that has never been updated properly is rewired is, everything gets moved away from the walls and stacked up haphazardly so they can cut new holes and put in new outlets and switches and all your open file boxes get new random stuff in them and all your closed file boxes get stuff stacked on top of them and the short version is, you don't know where the stuff you were using before the job started is now and the stuff you last looked at eight years ago (when I uploaded LGU) might as well be on the moon. It'll be weeks, if not months, before we can find anything in the game room. Somewhere on this site is an explanation of how to use this cheat, but the recent changes to the site map confuse me and again, it's been eight years since I had to look it up. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by hansyfk
1) Most of my Sims are poor. I've just never had the "problem" of my Sims growing too rich. Most of my Sims would rather go out and meet friends at a nightclub, rather than sit at home skilling for a promotion. So they just don't have money to spend on fancy furniture and furnishings. Anyway the food tastes just as good off a cheap card table. If they do have a little money to spend on a luxury, they're more likely to buy new clothes with it -- mostly of the "barely there" variety! 2) I'm a Scotsman! I hate to spend money unnecessarily. I mean why spend §3 a tile on a floor covering, when you can buy a nice carpet for §2 a tile? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Once the Secret Society lot has been hidden, can you (deliberately or accidentally) place another lot on top of it? |
I'm surprised that your Fortune sims and Knowledge sims don't roll promotion/skilling wants.
No, you can't place another lot on top of it. The Maxis ones are usually on the edge of the map to make it harder to accidentally try. |
How do I remove the ugly EA maternity wear? I downloaded midge's Pregnancy Wear Any Outfit mod and clothes with pregnant morphs. I went to every household that had pregnant sim and put them into normal clothing that had pregnant morphs but they still show up on other lots with the ugly ea default maternity wear
Quote: Originally posted by hansyfk
For the "Pregnancy Wear Any Outfit" mod, you need to change the sim's outfit if they don't already have an outfit with a morph. This mod stops the game from changing the sim into the default pregnancy wear, and instead lets them use regular clothes. If a sim already is pregnant, they won't change clothes automatically, but they will use the new chosen clothes when they get pregnant. For clothes with pregnant morphs (regular CC clothes), you also need to change the sim's outfit to one of these. Then they'll have a pregmorph when pregnant. If you still get default outfits showing, you may want to use default replacements. They could still show up on other sims (not sure about townies - they're usually not pregnant. If you happen to have any, they'll use default maternity outfits or default replacements of these, or with the pregwearall mod they can also show up in towniefied outfits with or without pregmorphs). |
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
New pregnancis started working but all the female sims that were pregnant before I got the mod refused to keep the outfit when I went to play other families. I just started new pleasant view hood play in hopes that now Cassandra will wear her goth outfit when pergnant and while I play other households I will look at new defaults too thanks! |
Quote: Originally posted by hansyfk
Sometimes new mods won't work with previously existing stuff, but will work with anything after you installed the mod. |
So true. Very lucky I was not attached to the save file yet
Is there a hider for Maxis Glasses?
I had a alien baby but it had blue eyes? I thought the alien pregnancy baby was supposed to have alien eyes
If they were dark blue eyes, the dark blue (and brown) eyes are equally as dominant as the alien eyes, so if they inherit both it's 50/50 which one they show.
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Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Thanks for trying! I've been trying to find this cheat, but either I didn't find it or my tired brain missed it. The question still remains: how do I delete a secret society? (I am painfully aware of where I put my society, check the picture and you'll probably see it too.) |
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
they were dark blue! Thanks makes sense now |
How do I stop landlords and other sims generating with the stupid veils hair style? Also how do I edit the already generated sims that are wearing stupid shit?
Quote: Originally posted by pixinicks
Quote: Originally posted by hansyfk
You would have to hide them from the game by either default replacing them, or modding them to be non-townie and NPC useable. I think people have already made mods to do this that you could probably find by a search (look for 'hide silly hairstyles' or something like that. 'Hiders' is what you are looking for). |
As reference my earlier post in the "Hacks you'd like to see" I'm wondering if you need to keep the same number of pedestrian portals the same and you can move the exit portal to some place different, correct?
for example, for the 'leaving' portal (which is at the end of the side walk) that would be moved to the yard with the 'hole in the yard' sign but the entrance pedestrian portal would remain the same but would have the 'guardian of forever' statue in that position to mark where pedestrians come in from? I think I'm going to have to create a test lot just to do testing on this idea and then report back! Of course with pictures. |
@FranH In my test that I showed in pictures, I just added an extra pedestrian portal and it worked for leaving the lot, but the sim chose one of the original portals to return by. I think you'd probably have more chance of sims using the guardian of forever or hole-in-the-ground if the portals were moved rather than added to, but I'm thinking that walkbys would be wandering through your garden all the time in that case. You'd have to experiment and see what happens, and what you are happiest with. I don't think the portals affect the cinematic for the move-in scenario, but I'm not sure how they affect Unsavoury Charlatan and Landlord etc., if they are moved or added to.
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I did a test community lot-3x3 and moved the portals to the interior of the lot in the same area as they were on the sidewalk. I saved the lot. I sent my test subject, Kent Sparks on his mission, and he behaved admirably. He arrived at the "Guardian of Forever" and moved to the telephone (that's a marker of it's own). Passersby arrived at the "Guardian of Forever' (move the portal off to the side so they look like they're walking through it) and walked down to the "Hole in the Ground" and disappeared. "Pix or it didn't happen" |
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Is it normal game behaviour for the uni cafeteria worker to come to work 2h after the lot is loaded on community lots, instead of immediately spawning in front of the stove like other NPC chefs or cashiers?
In my custom university I built a uni cafeteria where students can grab free warm meals, and it seems to work properly apart from the fact that they always have to wait for meals to be prepared... and it happens no matter at what time they arrive within the normal working hours |
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
I don't think that's true, several of Maxi's community lots in vanilla game unis do have a shinytyme cooktop and look like they are meant to have a cook working there. The NPC will indeed not appear on community lots outside of university hoods though. I definitely don't have Inge's "Shinytyme NPC everywhere" and after revewing my list of mods it doesn't look like any of them is cafeteria worker related |
Quote: Originally posted by Monsieur_Oshima
They definitely do; it's just non-UNI hoods they won't show up in at all. There is a wait after the playable reaches the lot before the cook shows up, but I have never timed it. They leave at the same time the dorm cook leaves the dorm, and show up on community lots at any time during the cook's regular dorm hours, but they're never in place to start with. |
Quote: Originally posted by Monsieur_Oshima
This probably won't work, but I reckon it's worth a try. I have a similar problem with (unowned) nightlife-style restaurants. As often as not the chef doesn't show up. Sometimes they show up hours late. The restaurant still actually works without a chef, the food just appearing in front of diners instead of being brought by the waiters. However I've found a fix that works for me, and I've been using it for several years now. When my Sims arrive at the restaurant, I look at the kitchen. If the chef is there at the stove, then well and good, my Sims just order their food as usual. (I click on the podium and select "Be seated".) But if there's no chef there, then I turn on Testing Chests Enabled, right-click on the restaurant stove, select "Force Error", and then choose "Reset" in the dialogue box that appears. In my experience the chef then always appears and starts cooking normally. So I suggest you do the same and similarly try right-clicking on the Shiny Tyme cooktop, and see if it makes the dorm cook appear. The reason why I think my fix might not work for uni cooks is that, in dorms at least, the cook doesn't spawn beside her stove. Instead she seems to spawn at the portal, at about 4:30 in the morning. She then walks into the dorm and opens up the cafeteria at about 5 a.m. Then she works a 21-hour shift, finally closing up and going home at about 1:30 the next morning! But don't worry -- three hours later she'll be back again! She also appears to simultaneously perform this feat of culinary endurance at every cafeteria on campus! No wonder my LGU students call her "Supercook"! Another oddity in my game is that my skilling on community lots mod (Squinge's) makes her gain cooking skill all the time she's cooking! She's now up to nine and half points. Her students are waiting to see if she serves up lobster thermidor and baked Alaska the day she reaches ten points! |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I might simply try to summon the cook using Simblender instead of waiting for him to arrive. Hopefully he will then go to the kitchen and behave normally I guess the reason whe he doesn't spawn right in front of the stove is because that does not work well with defined working hours
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
That's exactly what observed, so it confirms it's likely not one of my mods interferring or due to the way I designed the lot |
Question: If I remove a custom career, what will happen to any townies who have that career (using the Townie Job Fix)?
IS the wiki correct about pregnancy chances? That the bed is 60% and hot tub 25%? What is the chance for sauna, elevator, hammock and so on?
How walls and floors do sort in the catalog? It's not by price.
^ Possibly by name/date, but not entirely sure. They occasionally have some weird behavior. They don't seem to have a similar thing to CAS files (Sortidx), but could be wrong.
Walls and floors are sorted by filename(dString). Easy to manipulate cc, not so much for Maxis.
Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
![]() https://modthesims.info/d/420030/ma...omgs-fixed.html |
Sometimes specific custom foods without a prep stage will trigger unfulfillable "learn to make x" wants. Is it possible to fix these beforehand by editing the foods with SimPE?
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Want: "Learn to make watermelon" |
Quote: Originally posted by LauraPamplonaS
That should be a gardening want. XD |
Anyone remember a lot called "Wizard's Workshop" , or "The Wizard's Workshop" ?
Didn't think it need to be posted in the 'Where can I find' , as I don't have a pic. Tia. |
I went into Thalia today, and started to play the game-in order to keep everyone in sync, I label each family with their instance number from SimPE.
In the course of figuring out which family I was going to play next (#3, Ellen Schneider) I discovered to my horror that there was a family missing-literally-Aron Dixon and his wife Robin (mother of Anita Hansen & Debbie Joseph) The lot was gone-no house no family, nothing! The spot where it would be was empty. It had just disappeared! Now, knowing that the family (#4) was not deleted accidentally, and that they still existed, I went into the nearest relative's lot and summoned them via a teleporter and moved them into that lot. They're safe and sound-and living with Robin's daughter, Anita for the moment. Nothing lost, missing or otherwise disrupted. I even checked with the hoodchecker after. I will be playing the round normally until the next one-but my question is: How did an entire lot disappear like that? I do recall I had been playing with the cemetery earlier yesterday but it had been in it's usual space. I do wonder if the message that the hoodchecker had displayed, "XX Lot does not exist" had anything to do with it, because that had been popping up for the last few times I'd run it. I'm just curious if that had anything to do with it, and if I'm right to replace the neighborhood terrain with a copy (which I just made.) It's a puzzlement! |
If I move/delete the pics from my hood Storytelling folder, will everything be ok or will I corrupt something?
I don't use the storytelling stuff in game with the pics, I have a handful that were ordered and hanging on my sim's wall, but I won't be heartbroken if they come up blank. I just have a lot from past generations that I don't even have a household that could access in-game anymore, and it's making the folder hard to sort through. |
I have never deleted the snapshots folder directly, but you can delete the photos directly from the folder, in fact it is safer than deleting them in the game. I usually take the photos out of the sorted part of the family album before deleting them. This way there are no empty spaces. I don't know if I explained myself well xD
Oh yeah, I meant pics the folder out of the game, not in game.
I have back-ups, so they're not gone forever, it just seems silly to have thousands of pictures that my sims can't even access in-game. |
I delete snapshots all the time. I take a lot of them, because I do use the story album, and cherrypick what goes in there. Just make sure that you delete both the snapshot and the thumbnail.
I feel bad for not replying for half a year, but I'd feel worse for not replying at all, so
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
That's unfortunate, thank you.
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
This is as ominous as disappointing lol thanks.
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
This is going to sound stupid, but I open up my neighborhood in SimPE a LOT, and just seeing that many "strangers" that I didn't create and don't know anything about really bothers me lol. The last straw was my own sims bringing them home, I fought them off my lot literally but just the thought of them existing without my approval annoys me very much lol. In the end I simply decided on the tedious act of moving neighborhoods. |
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Can anyone roughly advise me on how to get more beach lots available to place on this Island? As you can see, only one place turned green and allowed me to place it down. On the actual lot, it is pretty steep, ale I suppose the height difference is the issue, but because there are roads I can't just flatten down the whole island. Any ideas? Edit: my picture is not embedding, tried attaching it, it it working? |
Does anyone know if there's a mod that stops sims from running to say goodbye to a sim who's moving out of the lot?
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Quote: Originally posted by Misaki Chan
I can't answer your primary question as I don't have BV, but I'd like to ask a small supplementary question: Why are your corners and cul-de-sac ends all square and angular? Mine are always rounded, as seen in this overhead view of part of Pleasantview: |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I think it's because they had the neighborhood open in the 'concrete' setting, and then used the cheat to change it to 'lush' ? Those square edges happened to one of my hoods when I tried to change it from 'dirt' to 'concrete. |
It looks like they have a default road/sidewalk, which has square corners.
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Quote: Originally posted by Misaki Chan
Do you have Freetime? If so then you can use the modifyNeighborhoodTerrain cheat to remodel your terrain. It's tricky if you have never used it- best to make a new blank neighbourhood and practive on that first. There is no undo mechanism- once you changed things, it's changed permanently. Tips are to backup your neighbourhood before you begin, and once you get one bit how you want it, exit the game and backup again in case you mess up the next bit! For the beach lots try making the top bit flatter, and the beach bit shallower. But it's all trial and error, and there's really no formula I can give! I find the ctrl-shift-w keys to send the hood into wireframe mode helpful when using this cheat (ctrl-shift-w again to get you back to normal view). https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/List_o...ims_2:_FreeTime |
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I don't have Bon Voyage. What would happen if I placed this empty 2x2 lot here, and then used the Lot Adjuster to extend it back over the nearest bit of the sea?
By the way, it's in my Elswyn neighbourhood, which uses M.M.A.A.'s Ocean County terrain. (The second unanswerable question is: What would the residents of that cottage do if I built something opposite that blotted out their view of the sea? In real life if would knock a couple of hundred thousand off the value of their property!) |
No idea @AndrewGloria but if you make a safe backup, you could test it. For science!!!
![]() (The residents would have to move, if my local council is anything to go by, their view is of little consequence ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Yes - the Lot Adjuster works for that. I have BV, so when I do that, I tick the "Is beach lot" box, at the same time as adding the land. So... I don't know what it would do if you didn't have BV? At the very least, make sure the terrain is set to match the neighborhood - NOT flat. Good luck!
Quote: Originally posted by Misaki Chan
Exactly what @simsample said. (And that grid view is freaky! ) ![]() You can use the NeighborhoodTerrain cheat right over roads, and raise/lower the whole island. You just can't use it on already placed lots. The area needs to be free of all lots. I have a tip about how to create smooth beach lots at the beginning of my Build a Pier workshop video. (Cue it up around 4 minutes.) Now... that is for a different hood, but the same idea will work for your island too. To get your beach lots lower - on your custom hood - I would start with the one place the beach lot did place, and work from there. |
I downloaded a small, but sumptuously furnished house by angellasimmer. The house came with a gnome standing by the front door. I placed the house near the sea end of Woodland Drive in Pleasantview, and moved two Sims (an adult Kiera Neville, and a teenage boy Lorian McNeill) into it. I understand that Keira has been asked to look after Lorian. On Wednesday evening Jennifer Burb came for dinner. While dinner was being served, Jennifer slipped outside and stole the gnome! She then went back in, enjoyed her dinner, and eventually went home, with the good wishes of Keira and Lorian, but no doubt with their gnome stuffed into her inventory.
Believe it or not, this is the first time a gnome has been stolen in my game, and I don't know what to expect next. When I play the Burbs, should I expect Jennifer to get the gnome out and stand it up somewhere? And then should I expect Keira or Lorian to come round to steal it back? Should I do anything? Or should I leave it up to my Sims to sort this matter out among themselves? Such a thing has never happened in my game before, and I just don't know what, if anything, to do! |
@AndrewGloria - yes, Sims steal gnomes
![]() Sims also go and steal their gnomes back - they tell you with a pop-up (I am going to steal my gnome back) and off they go. Some of my sims have returned with a collection of gnomes, which they certainly did not own before.... |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
![]() ![]() No, the sim who steals does not get a gnome in their inventory. I wish they did! But, someone in the family of the stolen gnome will get a push, usually 11.30PM onward, to steal back the gnome. They will walk to the edge of the lot then rub their hands with glee, and do the mischievious giggle that sims stealing the newspaper do. They creep off the lot and return sometime later, either with the gnome in their inventory, or they will put it near the mailbox if nothing is in the way. If the gnome is in their inventory you will get a pop-up to say, 'I have stolen back my gnome, it is in my inventory'. If they miss the push, for example if they are busy or asleep, they may get the push again the next night, or even some nights later. I've had occasions where I've given up on the gnome being stolen back and purchased another, only to have a sim steal it back after a couple of weeks! It always seems to be the same sim who steals the gnome back. I'm not sure where the information for that is stored, does anyone know? In the lot file, maybe? |
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So, if I want to see where this goes next, I don't move on to play the Burbs, but I go on playing Keira and Lorian. I think at 11:30 on Wednesday night Lorian may have been in bed with his new boyfriend. Actually I don't think either of them has been outside the house since Jennifer Burb left, so maybe they don't even know that their gnome is missing yet. Or, considering how my Sims like to burn the candle at both ends, it is quite likely that it was after midnight when Jennifer went home.
Anyway I'll play Keira and Lorian for at least another day and see what happens. With my "Aging off" playstyle, I don't have to worry and households getting out of sync. P.S. I thought I'd add a picture of the house (167 Woodland Drive) taken minutes after Keira and Lorian moved in: |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
![]() The picture is from a tutorial, showing the difference between toggling the "beach lot" box in LotAdjuster. Since you don't have BV, you'd never get the beach-style rendering, so I think you'd have a thin, odd-looking layer of blue just kind of floating around. Think ponds, but uglier. |
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What would cause some custom interactions to display with a chemistry bolt? Hilariously, "Ask to Just Be Friends" is one.
To remove defaulted hairstyles, can I just click on the bin while in Bodyshop? I seem to remember you shouldn't do that, but I'd rather ask to be sure because my downloads folder is so incredibly disorganized that I wouldn't find it even if I were to look for it for the next two hours lol.
Quote: Originally posted by Matryoshkah
Nope, don't do that. If the game even allows you to do it (shouldn't, but can in some cases happen), there's the possibility you could delete items from the game that shouldn't be deleted. Do a 50/50 search. Finding an item you know you are looking for is much easier than you think, since in each bunch of files you search for, the item is either showing or not showing, so you know when you're getting close. If you have buy/build/etc. in their own folders you can filter those out immediately instead of having to test those, leaving you with a smaller amount of CC to test (and potentially a faster load time if you have a lot of CC). Usually best to keep mods in if you're not testing those, though. Make sure to backup your neighborhoods first, as removing CC temporarily can cause sims and houses to permanently have items changed with maxis items (usually not if you don't save, but if you've got any sort of auto-save running, or forget yourself and save the game, it's good to have that backup. Some mods can cause issues when removed, too). Keeping defaults in their own folder (possibly also sorted by type of item if you have a lot of them - clothes, hair, buy/build, etc.) is highly recommended. Makes it easier to find items you want to remove. |
Even before that: do a search on *default.* Not all defaults have the word in their filename, but an awful lot do. Odds are most of your defaults will be turned up in the search and that most of them will have filenames you can recognize as the ones you want to remove.
However you do it, don't delete wholesale. Move them into a file labelled "unwanted defaults." That way, if you pull anything by mistake, you'll only have to search through that file to find it, not decide if you want to download it again and go on a possibly hopeless search of the entire internet. And in future, do at least a minimal CC sort when you add something new! |
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Well, I've now played three days with Keira and Lorian, and they've still done nothing to get their gnome back. Is it always an adult who steals the gnome back? Keira is the only adult in the household. Keira and Lorian are unrelated so they're not really a "family" but they get on well together and are quite fond of each other. Lorian is a teen, but he's the only one who's paid any attention to the gnome, standing it up again when somebody had knocked it over, so I thought he might be the one to steal it back, but so far he's made no attempt to do so. Keira's problem is she's been working nightshifts as a paramedic, so she's usually out of the house at 11:30 p.m. To be precise, the gnome was stolen on Wednesday evening. Keira was working on Thursday and Saturday nights, so she couldn't possibly steal it back then. Friday was her rest night, but neither she nor Lorian did anything about getting the gnome back that night. On Saturday night, Lorian was once again the only household member at home after Keira left for work just after 7 p.m. There were three visitors in the house with him when Keira left. After they'd finished the meal of spaghetti that Keira had made, the three of them, Dina Calliente, Sandy Bruty and James Hume -- a popularity CAS Sim) all went out to soak together in the hot tub in the garden. Lorian didn't go with them. He stayed in the house and dutifully washed up all the dishes. He 'phoned Dustin a couple of times as he wants to be best friends with him. After about 10:45, I stopped giving him things to do, and left him on free-will, so he'd be free to go and get the gnome back. However, instead of doing that, he chose to sit in an armchair and watch rubbish on TV. Haven't we all done that -- watched rubbish on TV when there was something important to do? He only turned the TV off when he heard the ambulance outside bringing Keira home from work at 2 a.m. Well, now Keira has got a promotion to Nurse. So, for the foreseeable future she'll be working dayshifts. Which at the very least means she'll be available to go and steal the gnome back at half past eleven at night. |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
My one family's teenage daughter has stolen their gnome back three times. Clearly her parents aren't concerned about a missing lawn decoration, but she's not about to let the neighbourhood grump get away with it! |
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
A lot of the files have "DEF" or "DR" in them. It's a good idea to add those to the searching, too. |
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Unfortunately the files didn't have anything in their names to point to a default, but I managed to find it with 50/50ing in the end, so thanks for that, I didn't even consider using it that way around before that. I knooow it's better to keep everything tidy and orderly in your downloads folder, and after looking through it for a bit and seeing about 40% are of the same three creators, where everything already *is* sorted, more or less, and with a lot of folders already being empty except for the mesh left after deleting colors, it doesn't seem as daunting of a task, but looking at the folder still is a moment of "Egh... these are really the consequences of my own thoughtless choices, huh?" lol. For now I'll just focus on not making it any worse than it is, and maybe I'll get to sorting it out at some (likely very distant) point in the future. Thanks again! |
Quote: Originally posted by Matryoshkah
Sorting my downloads took a while, but mostly because I had around 30 GB of files to sort, struggled to decide on a system, and because I also updated the CC (checked if everything was working, recategorizing, etc. - still have some left to fix). Sorting was the easy part. Most of the things were already in folders, so it was more a task of moving them to their new location. I can absolutely recommend doing buy/build/CAS/defaults/mods (and any other main categories or subcategories you find useful - such as hairs/clothes/accessories/etc. for CAS), because this makes it a lot easier to find problem CC, since you can pull the folders you're fairly sure aren't causing issues. The game loads faster for the testing rounds and categories are easier to look through. At the very least have one folder for defaults and one for mods. Keeping them in one place instead of all over your download folder saves you a lot of trouble. |
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What job is this suit? I don't remember xD
Quote: Originally posted by Sokisims
Space pirate, in the Adventurer career, I think (last level). Seasons career. https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Adventurer (I think there are only two careers with space suits, the regular astronaut with a white suit in the military career, and the space pirate). |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Sorry for being so late with answering!!! It's curiousb's road replacement which you can find here
Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
Why so? Maybe in hood view it looks a bit chonky but from live mode I think it looks amazing and could work fun with placing a 1x1 lot at the end of it. Thank you for the tutorial!! But so far still nothing works |
Quote: Originally posted by Misaki Chan
You can have that grid-view in Live mode??? Oh, I gotta try that some time! |
Can we ever get Vermin inside the house through normal play? They always appear near the street where trashcan is and cause too much of a reaction. Like who cares about a few extra beetles in a non-produce garden. Imagine getting pantry moths or roaches.
They start where the trashcan is because of the trashcan getting kicked over; they will generate around any trashpiles left lying around inside, too. Also, once they appear they move randomly around the lot and occasionally spawn new ones. So they theoretically could get inside a non-foundation house. I don't think they can change levels.
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
They are roaches. And they'll appear anywhere the trash is. |
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Yes. I recently had an infestation of roaches inside a dorm after a garbage pile got dumped on the floor. |
I guess you could have them if you drop trash. I don't recall seeing that. It probably can happen more often if you use free will, which I don't, and a higher priority action comes. I remember being upset when my employee at a business began cleaning on her own, then received a command from the business management system and dropped the trash the floor.
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
In my case, someone was autonomously emptying the trash and routing through a room when they got shooed (ACR shenanigans). They dropped the trash to leave and I left it there to see how long it would take for someone to pick it up (hint: they never did). |
I never turn Free Will off, but I recall an incident from my very early game when Hans Moltke was still a toddler. He had used his potty, and his mum Manuela Moltke emptied it. She took the potty contents in a little black plastic bag, to the bathroom in order to empty them down the toilet. Unfortunately, when she got there, her teenage son Julian (who is now married to Andrew) was using the toilet. Manuela is perhaps not the most patient of women. When she saw Julian using the toilet she (rather unreasonably?) lost her temper with him, and threw the bag of pee and poo on the floor. Whereupon it turned into a pile of rubbish / trash. Fortunately there was no cockroach infection or 'flu outbreak, because Julian (with a calmer temperament than his mum) took the rubbish outside to the dustbin as soon as he'd finished on the toilet. (No wonder I sometimes think that teens have more sense than adults!)
This really is ancient history in my game: Hans grew up from a toddler to a child on 1st February 2013! I've just been looking at his birthday party photos. ![]() |
Is it possible to find out the college professors' associated majors without noting down the notifications when the students first meet them?
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Yes, if you have SimPE. Whatever their University Major was, will be the subject they teach. |
Can elders adopt? I've read that they CAN, but in my game they can't.
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
I've had them adopt. However, now this is just a guess, but maybe it's like an adult havin kids and there is a stopper if they're X days from dyin. We can't see how long they have left in game, but you can check in SimPE and see. |
I had them adopt too. One may die, but one hangs on until the kid becomes a teen. I think a stopper is possible, but I never had elders turned down for adoption.
Does anyone have any idea why Mootilda's lot adjuster claims there's things on the borders that block it from shrinking the lot? If I'm 100% sure there really is nothing placed there, the walls are away from what would be the new border, no fence, no nothing etc. Yet the lot adjuster refuses to shrink. I'm going crazy, quitting and re-entering my game just to make 200% sure, but there is nothing truly! I worked so long on these two lots but if they're not shrunk then I they don't fit anywhere in my hood T_T
Maybe there's an invisible stuck object? Burninate the entire border. If that doesn't work I don't know.
OK, downloaded Pescado's object remover and will let you know how it went for future reference! Though it's a tedious process, to do 300 tiles and not let the game crash over and over, but it's still better than rebuilding eeeeh
Edit: no way, it didn't work, I'm heartbroken T_T |
Stupid question: Regarding vacation destinations, are the secret lot perks (Voodoo doll, Dragon tale, Bigfoot) exclusive to the premades, or can they be applied to custom ones without mods and minimal cheating?
As a relatively new-to-ACR player I came across a situation that I'm not sure is ACR related or not. My female Sim got pregnant and already had a teenage daughter. When I clicked on her daughter, a Talk... About Birds and Bees option came up which I had never seen before. (The animations were adorable.) I thought this would be a cute way to decide whether my teens used birth control or not, but I've never had the option come up again. I also tried with an alien-pregnant male Sim with a teenage son, but nothing. I don't recall ever seeing it before I installed ACR either. Where does this option come from, and how can I make it show up again?
Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
I've been usin ACR since near it was released, and while I won't claim to know everything it does I don't believe that is part of it. You might want to check your downloads for another mod.dealin with pregnancy or the like. |
I had a *hmm* thought .. made me curious to know the answer so I put it out there to see if any smart peeps might know the answer
When a sim is born it takes parts of both parts to make its genetics. Then when that sim procreates the new baby takes its parents genetics but also has access to its grandparents. So .. if you give the baby sim surgery and make it genetic .. then procreates it's offspring has the new genetics .. does this mean that it no longer can access the parents or grandparents genetics? it's genes are basically "reset"? (I hope that made sense .. it did in my head ... lol) |
Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
The only genetics from parents/grandparents/etc. sims have access to that aren't already showing are the recessive traits, so if both the dominant (the ones showing) and the recessive (hidden) traits are changed for something else, then I'm fairly sure it does mean they can no longer access any of those genetics. If you keep something in the recessive traits, like hair or eye color, then those can still be accessed by future generations. (I'm not 100% sure with face genetics) Sims don't really have access to grandparents' traits unless those keep getting hidden in the recessive traits (grandparent - with red+brown hair parents from CAS = brown hair -> mother - red trait +black hair from other parent=black hair -> child - red hair trait from mom+dad with at least one red trait = red hair) |
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
I guess I should have been a bit more clear ... I don't mean skin, eyes, or hair .. but that's good to know as well .. I thought I'd stated it.. but must have deleted it as I was tryin to form my question :P I had meant when it comes to sims surgery .. if you change the way their face looks .. and then make it genetic .. that becomes the new basis right? .. they no longer can see any genetics prior |
Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
If changing the face to genetic removes any prior face genetics, then I'd think it's the new basis/resetting the face genetics. |
Quote: Originally posted by Ivrats Dargy
If the creator of the hood has made a secret lot correctly, they will be there. My custom hood, Clarens (on here) is a mountain hood and does have Bigfoot. The mountain and the Far East hood, both by aelflsed, one on here and one on her Pillowfort, also have the secret lots. How to is here: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=683008 |
Is there a tutorial for rotating a lot with the Lot Adjustor? I would like to turn a couple of Belladonna lots so that the front of the lot is different. I found some tutorials (by Mootilda and Aelflaed) but they use SimPE and when I tried it, the lots didn't come out right.
Looking at this:
https://modthesims.info/d/684534/ae...illa-no-cc.html I noticed this no-cc build has the garden paths with a stone fence that is curved. How did they do this? Which fence tool allows this? |
1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
![]() |
Is there a mod that ignores carpets when in live mod, as they prevent the "go here" interaction?
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
Move objects on, snap to grid off, angled cheat then and carefully place rocks. I have done that on builds before, but it's quite tedious. |
I'm wondering if there is a way to turn off the messaging from a mod-it's the 'autolights' mod, and every time I try to place the cursor on a wall, for any reason the setting comes up.
I am so very tired of this-and yes, I'm not even playing my game-just wondering if there is a way around it in the next time I do play it. |
That would be specific to the mod. If you don't see a checkbox, the author probably hasn't added a choice. You could open the mod in Sim PE and find instruction 0024 in the Behavior Functions section. You can use Tools > Search Packed Files for this. Then find the previous line and point it to the line behind, so that 24 is never called. That is a very simple approach, and would hide the message at all times.
It might look something like this: https://i.imgur.com/K0TVaMM.png |
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