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AndrewGloria 12th Nov 2024 11:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sim4fan1
Is there a mod that ignores carpets when in live mod, as they prevent the "go here" interaction?

"Go here" works on carpets in my game. I just tried it out, and Sarah Milligan walked to the spot on her bedroom carpet that I asked her to go to. It's a "Think Pink" Durawear carpet by Maxis (if that makes any difference!) and it costs only 2 Simoleons a tile. (I suspect it would work on any carpet!)

[EDIT] Sarah is now wondering why I asked her to go there!!

iforgot 12th Nov 2024 11:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
+a lot of patience!

Huh. I always wondered what those rocks were for.

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Move objects on, snap to grid off, angled cheat then and carefully place rocks. I have done that on builds before, but it's quite tedious.

Oof. I'm glad I added shortcut commands for those (moff/mon, gridon/gridoff, sqt) I could never remember the full things. I've only used those commands for placing objects so far.

I'll give it a go though! It should kill a couple of hours! :D

simmer22 13th Nov 2024 12:07 AM

^ On some objects if you hold Shift while placing, you don't need to re-select them from the catalog - very useful for this kind of placement.

iforgot 13th Nov 2024 12:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
^ On some objects if you hold Shift while placing, you don't need to re-select them from the catalog - very useful for this kind of placement.

... That explains why sometimes when placing objects and I quickly open the cheat prompt to enable move objects or something the item duplicates after.

I thought it was bug. :P

simmer22 13th Nov 2024 12:21 AM

^ I think some items have "continue placing" as a default setting (dining chairs are the only buy objects I can think of right now, but reasonably sure it's also true for several build objects that are usually placed as multiples like windows, doors, and maybe columns. I don't have my game open, so my memory on details is muddled...).

iforgot 13th Nov 2024 12:29 AM

Yup, seen that with things like plants. But, I meant like when it does it while moving an object. For example, pick an object up to move it, but then open the cheat command to place it somewhere and it duplicates after placing again.

It's no big deal in that case, I just don't place the second one.

Either way, thanks for the useful tip! There's times it could be useful (Like placing rocks, which I always thought were a punishment for digging too much. )

I'll come up with some use for them. (Though, at $72/rock property value might go up a bit!)

simmer22 13th Nov 2024 12:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
Yup, seen that with things like plants. But, I meant like when it does it while moving an object. For example, pick an object up to move it, but then open the cheat command to place it somewhere and it duplicates after placing again.

That can happen, too. Mostly with items that already have it enabled. I'd think it's simply that picking it up and putting it down triggers copy-placing the item (especially if you're using the cheat window in between, since ctrl and shift are used for the cheat window).

It's usually better to do the cheats first, then move the objects around. There's no advantage in picking up the item first.

(Tips on cheats - 45 degree and Quartertile can be perma-enabled in the Cheat file. They just need spesific keys to activate, so less to remember. Moveobjects (alias) can be left on unless it causes issues, while Snapobjects (alias) is best to turn on and off as needed. I use sn/sf and mn/mf as my aliases, because I just can't deal with long aliases, and need those two to be easy to type with my left hand)

iforgot 13th Nov 2024 2:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
That can happen, too. Mostly with items that already have it enabled. I'd think it's simply that picking it up and putting it down triggers copy-placing the item (especially if you're using the cheat window in between, since ctrl and shift are used for the cheat window).

It's usually better to do the cheats first, then move the objects around. There's no advantage in picking up the item first.

I wholly agree. Though, in my case I tend to not notice I need the cheat until I place the object. It's at that moment I tend to go "Oh, I need a cheat for this" and then open the cheat command for placing.

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
(Tips on cheats - 45 degree and Quartertile can be perma-enabled in the Cheat file. They just need spesific keys to activate, so less to remember. Moveobjects (alias) can be left on unless it causes issues, while Snapobjects (alias) is best to turn on and off as needed. I use sn/sf and mn/mf as my aliases, because I just can't deal with long aliases, and need those two to be easy to type with my left hand)

The last time I tried perma enabling cheats it caused a game crash at launch.

Though, it's not to hard to remember for me, quarter tile is "sqt" + ctrl + f for me. I'm used to it now, so not much point changing it.

sim4fan1 13th Nov 2024 7:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
"Go here" works on carpets in my game. I just tried it out, and Sarah Milligan walked to the spot on her bedroom carpet that I asked her to go to. It's a "Think Pink" Durawear carpet by Maxis (if that makes any difference!) and it costs only 2 Simoleons a tile. (I suspect it would work on any carpet!)

[EDIT] Sarah is now wondering why I asked her to go there!!

Uh that's a great point actually - the rug I was referring to is an bigger version of one of the FT ones. I also tried with one from the store, so I guess they're both CC? Maybe there's a flag in SimPe to make custom rugs walkable on?

Peni Griffin 14th Nov 2024 1:56 AM

So. Birthday party, cake, everything's going fine, people eating the cake and taking stuff out of the fridge, all as usual. Party ends, I send birthday girl to make her first dinner. She stands in front of the fridge till the action times out, doing nothing. I try again. Nothing. I tell her to get leftovers. Nothing. I try a different sim, nothing. I sell the fridge and replace it with an identical one. Nothing.

So I save, close the household, turn on the testingcheats, get back in. Force error on the fridge, it generates the usual error, substack trace or something, reset. Try again; nothing. And by nothing I mean - it didn't even generate an error. As far as the testingcheats are concerned, nothing was wrong with the interaction. All the normal interactions appear; they just don't lead to anything. Not even to stompy fits.

Well, it's a custom fridge and I have a lot of custom food. I try a Maxis meal with a Maxis fridge. Nothing. Everyone is hungry, no one can cook, and we're rapidly running out of cake. I quit the household without saving, go a different house in the same neighborhood, direct a sim to make breakfast. No problem.

So...the problem is localized to this lot and doesn't generate an error and that's everything I've got on it. Normally I'd say something this weird almost has to be a mod conflict but in that case - why no error? What suddenly triggered it? Cooking and party food raiding worked normally earlier the same session. I suspect a straightforward 50/50 isn't going to help here. I have no idea how to troubleshoot this!


marka93 14th Nov 2024 2:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
So. Birthday party, cake, everything's going fine, people eating the cake and taking stuff out of the fridge, all as usual. Party ends, I send birthday girl to make her first dinner. She stands in front of the fridge till the action times out, doing nothing. I try again. Nothing. I tell her to get leftovers. Nothing. I try a different sim, nothing. I sell the fridge and replace it with an identical one. Nothing.

So I save, close the household, turn on the testingcheats, get back in. Force error on the fridge, it generates the usual error, substack trace or something, reset. Try again; nothing. And by nothing I mean - it didn't even generate an error. As far as the testingcheats are concerned, nothing was wrong with the interaction. All the normal interactions appear; they just don't lead to anything. Not even to stompy fits.

Well, it's a custom fridge and I have a lot of custom food. I try a Maxis meal with a Maxis fridge. Nothing. Everyone is hungry, no one can cook, and we're rapidly running out of cake. I quit the household without saving, go a different house in the same neighborhood, direct a sim to make breakfast. No problem.

So...the problem is localized to this lot and doesn't generate an error and that's everything I've got on it. Normally I'd say something this weird almost has to be a mod conflict but in that case - why no error? What suddenly triggered it? Cooking and party food raiding worked normally earlier the same session. I suspect a straightforward 50/50 isn't going to help here. I have no idea how to troubleshoot this!


Did you try and move the fridge to another room and trying it there???

You may have a stuck object in front of the fridge.

Peni Griffin 14th Nov 2024 2:15 AM

No, because I figured that would incite a stompy fit. They don't complain at all, just stand there.

I mean, I'll try it. But I'm pretty sure that's not it.

marka93 14th Nov 2024 2:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
No, because I figured that would incite a stompy fit. They don't complain at all, just stand there.

I mean, I'll try it. But I'm pretty sure that's not it.

Even though you said you bought a new fridge did you try the phone to order food?

Its been a long time since I played or even thought of the sims 2 so I am rusty on things to try.

Bulbizarre 14th Nov 2024 2:48 AM

Might be worth running the Batbox option to force-error on everything.

CaliBrat 14th Nov 2024 3:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
So. Birthday party, cake, everything's going fine, people eating the cake and taking stuff out of the fridge, all as usual. Party ends, I send birthday girl to make her first dinner. She stands in front of the fridge till the action times out, doing nothing. I try again. Nothing. I tell her to get leftovers. Nothing. I try a different sim, nothing. I sell the fridge and replace it with an identical one. Nothing.

So I save, close the household, turn on the testingcheats, get back in. Force error on the fridge, it generates the usual error, substack trace or something, reset. Try again; nothing. And by nothing I mean - it didn't even generate an error. As far as the testingcheats are concerned, nothing was wrong with the interaction. All the normal interactions appear; they just don't lead to anything. Not even to stompy fits.

Well, it's a custom fridge and I have a lot of custom food. I try a Maxis meal with a Maxis fridge. Nothing. Everyone is hungry, no one can cook, and we're rapidly running out of cake. I quit the household without saving, go a different house in the same neighborhood, direct a sim to make breakfast. No problem.

So...the problem is localized to this lot and doesn't generate an error and that's everything I've got on it. Normally I'd say something this weird almost has to be a mod conflict but in that case - why no error? What suddenly triggered it? Cooking and party food raiding worked normally earlier the same session. I suspect a straightforward 50/50 isn't going to help here. I have no idea how to troubleshoot this!


Since you're out of ideas .. I'll submit this .. though I've no idea if it has any value :P

Maybe you have a broken download package. Maybe the fridge itself or some mod .. I only bring this up because of what I had happen not to long ago .. I'd posted 'bout the social sim spawnin even with mods .. and turns out the issue was a borked .package file. When I replaced those everything worked as it should.

Peni Griffin 14th Nov 2024 3:54 AM

Well, this didn't get any less weird but it's fixed, so thanks @marka95! I moved the fridge to the dining room and told the nearest sim to make some mac and cheese; she went to the dining room and opened it right up. So I got a couple of stuck object removers and burninated both the square in front of and the square that should be occupied by the stove, and got a pop-up telling me that it had found and burned 1 object, then told me that "eye attractor" and "head slot somethingorother" (I was too slow off the mark to get a screenshot) had been burninated.

So that's weird too but I have the fridge back and that's the main thing. Once again, expecting these problems to make sense is a mug's game.

marka93 14th Nov 2024 4:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Well, this didn't get any less weird but it's fixed, so thanks @marka95! I moved the fridge to the dining room and told the nearest sim to make some mac and cheese; she went to the dining room and opened it right up. So I got a couple of stuck object removers and burninated both the square in front of and the square that should be occupied by the stove, and got a pop-up telling me that it had found and burned 1 object, then told me that "eye attractor" and "head slot somethingorother" (I was too slow off the mark to get a screenshot) had been burninated.

So that's weird too but I have the fridge back and that's the main thing. Once again, expecting these problems to make sense is a mug's game.

Glad you got it fixed.

Peni Griffin 14th Nov 2024 11:36 AM

And then one of the dogs vanished. She's an elder and I thought for a minute she'd died but then I remembered pets die midmorning and I noticed this around the time the schoolbus came. Also, a couple of sims had her in their wants panel and she showed up in their relationship panels; but there was no sign of her in the lot and she'd disappeared from the sidebar. So I quit without saving. The dog still showed in neighborhood view, and when I got back in she was there. I kept an eye on her all morning and she was fine.

It was just a weird simming day all round.

Charity 14th Nov 2024 12:28 PM

She didn't run away?

Bulbizarre 14th Nov 2024 3:23 PM

Runaway pets still appear in the panel.

Bulbizarre 15th Nov 2024 11:27 PM

Are there any careers where getting a promotion decreases a Sim's weekly income because of working less days?

marka93 15th Nov 2024 11:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Are there any careers where getting a promotion decreases a Sim's weekly income because of working less days?

There is at least 1 that only has 1 day of work per week with 10k pay.
Don't know if they get less money but they do get less day's of work.

grammapat 16th Nov 2024 1:14 AM

Reading through the posts above I wonder if this is related: tell sim to use phone - they pick it up then hang up. This has happened before; I deleted ALL the phones in the house, then replaced them - and that worked. But in THIS house I couldn't fix.??

Also, is there a mod that stops the WANT to go to college when there IS NO COLLEGE HOOD!
Oh, and this---I can tell a teen to run away (a mod of course) but what would happen if he was at a community lot? Would the game exit that lot? And then when you open his house does it show he ran away? Seems like it just wouldn't work.

Bulbizarre 16th Nov 2024 1:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by marka93
There is at least 1 that only has 1 day of work per week with 10k pay.

Natural Science. However, the previous level gets less (9,132 per week):

simsample 16th Nov 2024 11:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Reading through the posts above I wonder if this is related: tell sim to use phone - they pick it up then hang up. This has happened before; I deleted ALL the phones in the house, then replaced them - and that worked. But in THIS house I couldn't fix.??

Try using the batbox (FFS debugger) to delete off-world loiterers.

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Also, is there a mod that stops the WANT to go to college when there IS NO COLLEGE HOOD!

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Oh, and this---I can tell a teen to run away (a mod of course) but what would happen if he was at a community lot? Would the game exit that lot? And then when you open his house does it show he ran away? Seems like it just wouldn't work.

If you really want to know, I would suggest to backup and try it!

grammapat 17th Nov 2024 12:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Try using the batbox (FFS debugger) to delete off-world loiterers.

If you really want to know, I would suggest to backup and try it!

Nopke's mod stops the WANT to go to college, but it doesn't (?) stop them ageing up and crying because they didn't go to college..which is what really bothered me.
As for the "try it a see" hahah no

CaliBrat 17th Nov 2024 1:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
... oh, and this---I can tell a teen to run away (a mod of course) but what would happen if he was at a community lot? Would the game exit that lot? And then when you open his house does it show he ran away? Seems like it just wouldn't work.

there have been a few times that I've wished that when you had a teen runaway it put them in their own household in the sim bin .. if you exited the lot and didn't bring them home .. though maybe get a message askin first what to do with them.. for them to "stay" on the lost, but can still be ran away .. or "leave" in which they'd get their own household

iforgot 17th Nov 2024 4:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Oh, and this---I can tell a teen to run away (a mod of course) but what would happen if he was at a community lot? Would the game exit that lot? And then when you open his house does it show he ran away? Seems like it just wouldn't work.

If it was your only playable sim at the time, it might work like death? My vampire sim got killed on a community lot by being poked by an angel (You know how it is!), and they were my only playable, I basically ended up left in edit lot mode, with the only option to be go back to neighbourhood (without saving).

I didn't save and my vamp was back home, upon entering their lot they just did the usual return home thing.

Charity 17th Nov 2024 9:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Nopke's mod stops the WANT to go to college, but it doesn't (?) stop them ageing up and crying because they didn't go to college..which is what really bothered me.
As for the "try it a see" hahah no

It's part of Squinge's pack here.

Phantomknight 17th Nov 2024 9:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Reading through the posts above I wonder if this is related: tell sim to use phone - they pick it up then hang up. This has happened before; I deleted ALL the phones in the house, then replaced them - and that worked. But in THIS house I couldn't fix.??

I get this glitch sometimes, not sure what causes it but I do know that the Butler making a phone call fixes it. In the scenario I experience, the house phone stops working and, like you describe, sims pick up the phone to make a call, but immediately place it back down, never completing the interaction. But cell phones usually still work; it's just an issue with the house phone. What fixes it is the Butler using the phone to fire other service sims.

So if you don't have a cell phone, you'd get one to call all the service sims. (You can get one through cheats, etc.) Then make sure you have hired the maid or gardener. Next hire the Butler and when he comes over, say yes, he can fire the other aims. He makes the call with the house phone and bam, the phone is working again. Fire him and get things back to normal.

Again, don't ask me why this happens or why this works (I swear I'm not crazy ); the thread where I learned this trick is lost to my memory. But it does work, so you could give it a try and see if it's the same glitch.

...Although I'm wondering if using the batbox to delete off-world loiterers would work, too. Idk, but I feel like this glitch happens when you save and exit with a sim on the phone, though I could be wrong.

Matryoshkah 17th Nov 2024 5:21 PM

What happens if a sim wears something that gets hidden by hider after being created?

joandsarah77 17th Nov 2024 9:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Matryoshkah
What happens if a sim wears something that gets hidden by hider after being created?

Then they wear it.

Matryoshkah 17th Nov 2024 9:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Then they wear it.

Thank youu, I was worried about floating heads or something like that.

joandsarah77 17th Nov 2024 10:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Matryoshkah
Thank youu, I was worried about floating heads or something like that.

It's only hidden from you seeing it in catalogue. So its less cluttered, its not gone from the game.

Bulbizarre 18th Nov 2024 3:48 AM

Is it possible for a teen/elder career to have more then 3 levels?

CaliBrat 18th Nov 2024 5:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Is it possible for a teen/elder career to have more then 3 levels?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the answer is no. I think that is one of those things that's hard coded.

Bulbizarre 18th Nov 2024 6:08 AM

Yeah, I was wondering if it was hard-coded or whether it was just something Maxis did.

Pebblerocker 20th Nov 2024 12:28 AM

Why is everyone turning up at community lots in their outerwear all summer long? I'm glad I've put the Sim Blender on all my comm lots so I can change them all into everyday clothes - but new people turn up to the beach in a coat and scarf and I have to change them as they arrive!

Do I remember a mod that fixes that, or am I imagining it? I've closed too many tabs lately and some of them might have been important...

iforgot 20th Nov 2024 1:07 AM

So, this mod:

It mentions, for conflicts:
Buyable mailboxes. The ones I've seen actually replace the mailbox with an exact copy but have their own group numbers and their own mail routines so can't be changed by this mod. Not only that but since they are replacing global objects, they tend to hide in your game even if you delete the buyable mailbox mod.

So, my question is, does this mod do the same? E.g, if the mod is removed it will still be in the game? I've checked and updated it in SimPE to make it T&A-EP compatible, but I'm concerned about whether it could be removed after?

simsfreq 20th Nov 2024 1:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Are there any careers where getting a promotion decreases a Sim's weekly income because of working less days?

Yes! I found this out when documenting most of the careers for a mod I was making.

Architecture, L9 > L10

Artist, L7 > L8 (And L9 is also really low and then L10 is a gigantic jump up)

Athletic L7 to L8 only increases by $2 per week.

Paranormal L8 > L9

There are also a lot where the weekly rate increases but the hourly rate goes down because they work so many more hours.

Criminal L4 > L5

Culinary L8 > L9

Law Enforcement L7 > 8 > 9

Medicine L3 > L4

Politics L3 > L4; L8 > L9

Science L5 > L6

Charity 20th Nov 2024 10:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Pebblerocker
Why is everyone turning up at community lots in their outerwear all summer long? I'm glad I've put the Sim Blender on all my comm lots so I can change them all into everyday clothes - but new people turn up to the beach in a coat and scarf and I have to change them as they arrive!

Do I remember a mod that fixes that, or am I imagining it? I've closed too many tabs lately and some of them might have been important...

I thought I remembered temperature sometimes getting glitched on community lots. Apparently there's an option to fix it with the Batbox.

jonasn 20th Nov 2024 11:00 AM

Maybe you need a better Outerwear change code. If they come in summer, I think you must have a mod for them already. I think the default code was quite simple, where they only respected the season. In my mod I mostly go by temperature. There is another mod with fans who requested that outerwear be applied in rain in any season.

Temperature on commlots has a few problems. If you go to an owned commlot to work on it and later go there as a customer during another season, the temperature will have memory. It can cause cold in summer because of cold in recent past (from the other family's session). Weather is not fully calculated on commlots. This cause the temperature to decay to 0 over a long stay. I tried to address the last issue by simply requesting normal weather also on commlots, but I didn't have time to extensively test it.

CaliBrat 20th Nov 2024 11:15 AM

I have a question ... in postin pics .. when there are a lot of them.. is it spoiler that we're supposed to use or is there another thing that hides them and minimizes the post .. and if spoiler is the correct way .. what is the difference between just spoiler and spoiler title
(it's been a while since I did a lot of pic posting so I couldn't recall)
this last round of pics for the "what's goin on in your hood" there are 9 pics and even then I kept it small 😛 .. I was tryin to keep it closer to 5 or 6 .. but well things happened so had to do a few more

nvm ... I think I figured it out

simsample 20th Nov 2024 1:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
is it spoiler that we're supposed to use or is there another thing that hides them and minimizes the post .. and if spoiler is the correct way .. what is the difference between just spoiler and spoiler title
(it's been a while since I did a lot of pic posting so I couldn't recall)

There's an infobutton code too:

CaliBrat 20th Nov 2024 1:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample

There's an infobutton code too:

Thanks .. I have that page bookmarked .. but I didn't know what that was .. was tryin to recall, but spoiler was the only one that was comin to mind .. I'll try and remember that for next time

AndrewGloria 20th Nov 2024 2:05 PM

Improved Readability when including Pictures in Posts
2 Attachment(s)
This is just a minor point, but it really does help improve the readability of your post. When including multiple pictures in your post, try leaving one line gaps between embedded pictures. Thus:

This is actually an excerpt from one of CaliBrat's recent posts.

@CaliBrat I was going to try to answer your post about spoilering pictures, but I see simsample has answered it already.

However I'll add a couple of points. "Spoiler" is the simple version. Thus:

"Spoiler Title" adds a bit of text to the button itself. Thus:

Yes we are supposed to use the spoiler or infobutton tags to hide pictures (outside the Picture forums), but the mods here don't seem to be enforcing it as rigorously as they did a few years ago. I haven't spoilered the picture in this post as it's only a small picture and it won't seriously affect the page display, but including lots of large images really messes up the way the page displays. Even in the Pictures forums, we're only supposed to include four unspoilered (if that's a word!) pictures. If I go past that, I usually spoiler the excess ones.

You can get a full explanation of spoiler, infobutton and all the other vb code tags, if you click on the "vb code is On" link near the bottom of the Reply to Thread (advanced posting) page.

CaliBrat 20th Nov 2024 2:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
This is just a minor point, but it really does help improve the readability of your post. When including multiple pictures in your post, try leaving one line gaps between embedded pictures. Thus:

This is actually an excerpt from one of CaliBrat's recent posts.

@CaliBrat I was going to try to answer your post about spoilering pictures, but I see simsample has answered it already.

However I'll add a couple of points. "Spoiler" is the simple version. Thus:

"Spoiler Title" adds a bit of text to the button itself. Thus:

Yes we are supposed to use the spoiler or infobutton tags to hide pictures (outside the Picture forums), but the mods here don't seem to be enforcing it as rigorously as they did a few years ago. I haven't spoilered the picture in this post as it's only a small picture and it won't seriously affect the page display, but including lots of large images really messes up the way the page displays. Even in the Pictures forums, we're only supposed to include four unspoilered (if that's a word!) pictures. If I go past that, I usually spoiler the excess ones.

You can get a full explanation of spoiler, infobutton and all the other vb code tags, if you click on the "vb code is On" link near the bottom of the Reply to Thread (advanced posting) page.

... I knew there was a limit .. I was tryin to stay around 4 to 6 as I wasn't sure what it was, but figured it was within that area, which is why I asked when knew the last post I had more add .. there was just a bit too much goin on to not add them all .. I'll take note of addin a line between pics

simsample 20th Nov 2024 2:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Yes we are supposed to use the spoiler or infobutton tags to hide pictures (outside the Picture forums), but the mods here don't seem to be enforcing it as rigorously as they did a few years ago. I haven't spoilered the picture in this post as it's only a small picture and it won't seriously affect the page display, but including lots of large images really messes up the way the page displays. Even in the Pictures forums, we're only supposed to include four unspoilered (if that's a word!) pictures. If I go past that, I usually spoiler the excess ones.

There don't seem to be as many staff members actively moderating the forums as there used to be. I'm not sure which mods have modding privs on which forum now, there's only one mod with a listed forum to moderate. But anyway, mostly we click the report button when we see spam or rude posts, so the mods are alerted. And having too many pictures in a post isn't quite the problem it used to be (when the rule was set, a lot of people were still on dial-up or metered connections, whereas now even a phone will handle a page of images with ease). I remember on my old ISP back in ~2005 having to wait for a few minutes for images to load!

Charity 20th Nov 2024 4:31 PM

I had a bug recently where pictures would load halfway, then disappear.

CaliBrat 21st Nov 2024 10:03 AM

For those of ya'll who do play with or have played with Squinge college at home mod .. have ya ever had a teen autonomously turn into a YA w/o usin the birthday cake? That's not supposed to happen right? Cuz it just did it for me .. totally unprepared for it

FranH 21st Nov 2024 11:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
For those of ya'll who do play with or have played with Squinge college at home mod .. have ya ever had a teen autonomously turn into a YA w/o usin the birthday cake? That's not supposed to happen right? Cuz it just did it for me .. totally unprepared for it

It is automatic without the cake.

Teens in my game automatically transition into YA's unless I grow them up myself to adults.

CaliBrat 21st Nov 2024 11:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
It is automatic without the cake.

Teens in my game automatically transition into YA's unless I grow them up myself to adults.

huh ... not sure I like that ... I thought it was agin to ya only if the cake was used .. I don't want all teens to go to collage and if I forget to age before 6pm .. it just makes it messy to fix :/

EDIT: So I went back to the mod page to read and see if I missed somethin .. this is what it says:
Quote: Originally posted by from Squinge
How To Play:

Basically, what you do to age teens to Young Adults is to go into Buy Mode and buy the cake. Place it on any counter or table. Direct your teen to the cake and select Age To Young Adult. The teen will then age into a Young Adult and get a new UI panel showing the Freshman first semester. The Sim's clock does not start. You need to use the Semester Tester to Start Class. Then the Young Adult's clock will run down from 72 hours to 0 hours as if he/she is on the dorm lot. Play your Young Adult through college and when you're ready to age your Sim after graduating from college, buy the cake again and use the Age To Adult option.

When you do return to your Young Adult's home lot, you will find that you have to Start Class again on the Semester Tester to continue counting down your Young Adult's college clock.

nothin 'bout it bein autonomous .. hmmm

topp 21st Nov 2024 4:22 PM

You could pause the semester for them and then play TS3-aging style, where being a young adult is a life stage on its own, instead of being reserved and used exclusively by enrolled college students. Once they get older (say, 15 Sim days), you can age them up to adult and move on. If you age them up, I believe they don't receive any college memories (graduated/dropped out) so unless they received the memory about having left for college, you can pretend they are what they are - simply adults that are young - with no mention of college at all.

Bulbizarre 21st Nov 2024 4:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
There don't seem to be as many staff members actively moderating the forums as there used to be. I'm not sure which mods have modding privs on which forum now, there's only one mod with a listed forum to moderate. But anyway, mostly we click the report button when we see spam or rude posts, so the mods are alerted. And having too many pictures in a post isn't quite the problem it used to be (when the rule was set, a lot of people were still on dial-up or metered connections, whereas now even a phone will handle a page of images with ease). I remember on my old ISP back in ~2005 having to wait for a few minutes for images to load!

Large images also stretch out the page elements, hence why I spoiler big ones outside of the pics forum.

simsample 21st Nov 2024 4:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Large images also stretch out the page elements, hence why I spoiler big ones outside of the pics forum.

There is a picture size rule too, but not sure that's enforced now, either. I know Tashiketh has limits on image size built into the upload tool, or at least file size.

CaliBrat 21st Nov 2024 10:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is what I was askin 'bout .. as you can see in the pic there is no cake present .. it was all autonomously .. I didn't wanna post pic here till I did the update in *What's goin on in hood" thread .. Dustin had a want to go to college, but I hadn't planned on sendin him.. he was only a c student and in the criminal career but seems game had other ideas 1st with the robbery and then him growin to YA without the cake .. I just went with it and switched it current storyline .. but I still think it's odd that he aged to YA autonomously and w/o the cake when there was no mention of that bein a thing (that I saw)

joandsarah77 21st Nov 2024 10:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
This is what I was askin 'bout .. as you can see in the pic there is no cake present .. it was all autonomously .. I didn't wanna post pic here till I did the update in *What's goin on in hood" thread .. Dustin had a want to go to college, but I hadn't planned on sendin him.. he was only a c student and in the criminal career but seems game had other ideas 1st with the robbery and then him growin to YA without the cake .. I just went with it and switched it current storyline .. but I still think it's odd that he aged to YA autonomously and w/o the cake when there was no mention of that bein a thing (that I saw)

Yeah, that's why I mentioned Lamars mod on Discord. I thought they had one that did that.

inspiredzone 21st Nov 2024 11:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
huh ... not sure I like that ... I thought it was agin to ya only if the cake was used .. I don't want all teens to go to collage and if I forget to age before 6pm .. it just makes it messy to fix :/

EDIT: So I went back to the mod page to read and see if I missed somethin .. this is what it says:

nothin 'bout it bein autonomous .. hmmm

That's why I ultimately removed this mod. It was a pain to have to manually age up all the teens who don't go to university with the blender, and it sucks that the teens to adults don't get to have a normal party and grow-up. I used to use the mod more in the past, but in my current hood, no one was doing the college at home AND only about 1/3 of my sims go to uni, so it wasn't worth it anymore.

(If you do remove it, you will get a bunch of testingcheats errors about deleting majors when you load lots in your hood, but it's fine after that)

CaliBrat 21st Nov 2024 11:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Yeah, that's why I mentioned Lamars mod on Discord. I thought they had one that did that.

I saw and responded .. I don't have Lamare's as it's said to not work with inteen .. I use Squinges mod

Quote: Originally posted by inspiredzone
That's why I ultimately removed this mod. It was a pain to have to manually age up all the teens who don't go to university with the blender, and it sucks that the teens to adults don't get to have a normal party and grow-up. I used to use the mod more in the past, but in my current hood, no one was doing the college at home AND only about 1/3 of my sims go to uni, so it wasn't worth it anymore.

(If you do remove it, you will get a bunch of testingcheats errors about deleting majors when you load lots in your hood, but it's fine after that)

You can use the cake to force them to age up to adult (or that it says) ... and there is a mod now by whoward that allows for a teen to Y/A party before agin

i think I'm gonna keep it as I do like it .. now that I know it'll happen I'll just need to age any teen to adult at 5pm and not wait and let them age at 6 .. or if it happens will need to force them to age to adult and remove the college memory ... it's a pain, but since I like the rest of it .. I'll accept the bad with the good

joandsarah77 22nd Nov 2024 1:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
I saw and responded .. I don't have Lamare's as it's said to not work with inteen .. I use Squinges mod

You can use the cake to force them to age up to adult (or that it says) ... and there is a mod now by whoward that allows for a teen to Y/A party before agin

i think I'm gonna keep it as I do like it .. now that I know it'll happen I'll just need to age any teen to adult at 5pm and not wait and let them age at 6 .. or if it happens will need to force them to age to adult and remove the college memory ... it's a pain, but since I like the rest of it .. I'll accept the bad with the good

It isn't the college pack, I have used that for years, unless it is clashing with something.
You can also use the simblender to age to YA.

grammapat 22nd Nov 2024 3:52 AM

What builds body faster? Having someone give lessons? What about yoga and ? I've never used them.

Phantomknight 22nd Nov 2024 5:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
For those of ya'll who do play with or have played with Squinge college at home mod .. have ya ever had a teen autonomously turn into a YA w/o usin the birthday cake? That's not supposed to happen right? Cuz it just did it for me .. totally unprepared for it

Yes, it's supposed to happen. There's actually a few separate mods in the pack. (I didn't realize this either.) Make sure you're only installing the ones you want. You use either Teen To Young Adult No College EP8 (if you have AL; I believe there's also a Seasons version) or YA Birthday Cake to age teens to young adult. You don't need both files. Teen To Young Adult No College EP8 will automatically age every teen to YA while YA Birthday Cake is a hacked cake that allows teens to age to YA and YAs to age to adult and graduate. So if you don't want all your teens to automatically become YAs if you don't send them to Uni, just install the cake. That way you can control who you want to be a YA in the main hood.

ETA: the absolute fastest way to build body is to learn the Physiology skill and then use the glitch to instantly learn body skills. Perfect for those sims I want/need to have Body skills but don't actually want them to work out or get fit. If you have a fix for the glitch or think it's too cheaty, though, not sure. Idk if different objects have different rates of skill gain, but in my experience the exercise bike is a decent way to skill up. Yoga I haven't done in a while, but that's probably cuz I feel it takes a while. I save it for sims that seem like they would actually do yoga, instead of sims who just need the points. Tai Chi is faster than yoga, iirc. Oh, the punchin bag and obstacle course career rewards are good too! Having someone train you on either of those is a fast way to earn points. (When I play Pleasantview I let Daniel train Angela on the punching bag for the scholarship and that can be done in a weekend.)

CaliBrat 22nd Nov 2024 5:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Yes, it's supposed to happen. There's actually a few separate mods in the pack. (I didn't realize this either.) Make sure you're only installing the ones you want. You use either Teen To Young Adult No College EP8 (if you have AL; I believe there's also a Seasons version) or YA Birthday Cake to age teens to young adult. You don't need both files. Teen To Young Adult No College EP8 will automatically age every teen to YA while YA Birthday Cake is a hacked cake that allows teens to age to YA and YAs to age to adult and graduate. So if you don't want all your teens to automatically become YAs if you don't send them to Uni, just install the cake. That way you can control who you want to be a YA in the main hood.

ETA: the absolute fastest way to build body is to learn the Physiology skill and then use the glitch to instantly learn body skills. Perfect for those sims I want/need to have Body skills but don't actually want them to work out or get fit. If you have a fix for the glitch or think it's too cheaty, though, not sure. Idk if different objects have different rates of skill gain, but in my experience the exercise bike is a decent way to skill up. Yoga I haven't done in a while, but that's probably cuz I feel it takes a while. I save it for sims that seem like they would actually do yoga, instead of sims who just need the points. Tai Chi is faster than yoga, iirc. Oh, the punchin bag and obstacle course career rewards are good too! Having someone train you on either of those is a fast way to earn points. (When I play Pleasantview I let Daniel train Angela on the punching bag for the scholarship and that can be done in a weekend.)

Thanks for that explanation as it didn't say that for the download (or if it did I didn't understand stand it as such).

Charity 22nd Nov 2024 11:59 AM

Since I got the College at home hack I let all my teens age up to YA. Those that wouldn't go to University just do something else. That way they're not missing out on a whole lifestage because they aren't going to Uni.

CaliBrat 22nd Nov 2024 1:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Since I got the College at home hack I let all my teens age up to YA. Those that wouldn't go to University just do something else. That way they're not missing out on a whole lifestage because they aren't going to Uni.

I prefer to give them a few extra days to keep them all the same age ... don't want them to have the memory of goin to college if they didn't go

Charity 22nd Nov 2024 3:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
I prefer to give them a few extra days to keep them all the same age ... don't want them to have the memory of goin to college if they didn't go

I thought that they only got the memory if they graduated.

CaliBrat 22nd Nov 2024 3:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I thought that they only got the memory if they graduated.

not if they use the home college .. or at least mine got it upon agin to ya

lordtyger9 22nd Nov 2024 4:05 PM

Does anyone know if there are any problems using Two Jeff's Mod No-indoors Kicky Bag with Bon Voyage?

AndrewGloria 23rd Nov 2024 12:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Have you heard the joke about the equation, the thermometer and the elephant? Neither had I until tonight, when I overheard Sofia Milligan telling it to Sammy Hope. I'm not sure if I really got the joke, but Sammy found it hilarious!

Bulbizarre 23rd Nov 2024 1:02 AM

Sometimes the dirty jokes are even more befuddling.

CaliBrat 23rd Nov 2024 1:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Have you heard the joke about the equation, the thermometer and the elephant? Neither had I until tonight, when I overheard Sofia Milligan telling it to Sammy Hope. I'm not sure if I really got the joke, but Sammy found it hilarious!

I tried googlin as I thought I'd seen a list before of what each icon meant .. but I can't seem to find it so maybe was on one of the sites that is now defunct *sadness*

anyways, I did find this .. while it doesn't show the thermometer (and prob missin others) .. it still is a nice cheat sheet of sorts

simmer22 23rd Nov 2024 4:57 AM

Fairly sure there's a rocket (space?) and a thermometer (health?) and an elephant (animals) in the interest icons. I think they show up in the interest panel ingame (but don't quote me on that).

CaliBrat 23rd Nov 2024 7:05 AM

EDIT: Answer found .. thanks

question ... I can't recall, but we've learned much that what we used to think was bad isn't really so this might have changed too .. when it comes to beds and cribs .. is it ok to keep and pass it on from baby to baby? .. movin houses too as a person moves out and takes it with them?
(cross posting)

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Fairly sure there's a rocket (space?) and a thermometer (health?) and an elephant (animals) in the interest icons. I think they show up in the interest panel ingame (but don't quote me on that).

yeah, I've seen them in thought bubbles which is why I was almost positive I'd seen somethin that listed them all somewhere, but couldn't find it so shared what I could find

simsample 23rd Nov 2024 12:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lordtyger9
Does anyone know if there are any problems using Two Jeff's Mod No-indoors Kicky Bag with Bon Voyage?

He has PlaySanityFixes for BV which includes the no indoor kicky bag, so I think it shoud be okay.

Matryoshkah 23rd Nov 2024 10:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
It's only hidden from you seeing it in catalogue. So its less cluttered, its not gone from the game.

Huh, I see. Does that also mean, then, that townies can still spawn with hidden clothes and hairs?

joandsarah77 24th Nov 2024 1:16 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Matryoshkah
Huh, I see. Does that also mean, then, that townies can still spawn with hidden clothes and hairs?

That I am not sure, you would have to read the download since often the creator will say if it will spawn or not. Most times not. If they are currently wearing it I believe it will still show. You might want to grab those townies and do gussy up on them.

AndrewGloria 24th Nov 2024 2:23 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Fairly sure there's a rocket (space?) and a thermometer (health?) and an elephant (animals) in the interest icons. I think they show up in the interest panel ingame (but don't quote me on that).

I'm now pretty sure it was this sci-fi space rocket:

At first I thought it was a thermometer, but I can't find one in the health topics pictures. Yes the pictures are in the in-game interests panel, but there's no thermometer there!
I thought the red fins were the bulb of the thermometer. But thermometers filled with red-dyed alcohol are really weather thermometers or house thermometers. Until very recently clinical thermometers were always mercury-filled. Now they think mercury is too dangerous for us so they've been replaced by battery-powered electronic ones. But when you go to use it, you find the battery is flat, and it doesn't work at all! I'll warrant they still have mercury ones in Veronaville -- they run things better there!

So it was the joke about the equation, the space rocket and the elephant! "I'm sorry Sofia, but I still don't get it." I suppose I'm not the one she told it to. There's no point in asking her to explain it - explaining a joke invariably spoils it. Maybe it's an "in joke". And Sammy was in on it, but I'm not.

simmer22 24th Nov 2024 2:43 AM

There's a list here:
Can't find one for a thermometer in there, but if it was a thermometer (and not the rocket, or the rocket in addition) there's a chance it's not tied to interests. Could be hot weather or disease or some such?

Even if mercury thermometers are rarely in use these days, they're still a much used icon for temperature.

iforgot 25th Nov 2024 11:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Anyone had this issue before?

My newspapers are getting dumped at the edge of the lot (only on this lot) like this:

Now, if I remove the garden access door, no problem delivery person goes up the steps and puts the paper in front of the door. Place the garden access door? It gets dumped at the edge of the lot like that. The issue appears to be directly linked to the fact the front door is actually on the second story.

At first I thought it might be due to where I had the mailbox, so I put it back to the road.

jonasn 25th Nov 2024 11:24 PM

The front door selection code gives a big penalty for doors on higher levels. If you have a normal house with a foundation, and a garage flat on the ground, it will go to the garage. Maybe someone somewhere had an issue with balconies, which I think are less common situation.

You need a mod. I don't have one that is directly swappable. But in my cleaning mod I made a different front door that actually works (limited to the NPCs walking in).

iforgot 25th Nov 2024 11:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
The front door selection code gives a big penalty for doors on higher levels. If you have a normal house with a foundation, and a garage flat on the ground, it will go to the garage. Maybe someone somewhere had an issue with balconies, which I think are less common situation.

You need a mod. I don't have one that is directly swappable. But in my cleaning mod I made a different front door that actually works (limited to the NPCs walking in).

It's weird, because it seems to only affect the paper? That is, neighbours will happily ring that front door, not the garage, my sims will also go through that door rather than garage etc.

(I suspect hatch already included pascardo's door fix)

We need a "put paper here" tile mod.

Bulbizarre 25th Nov 2024 11:31 PM

Pescado's frontdoorhack sometimes helps, but not always. I wish there was a custom object that the player could place by the front door (perhaps a doormat or a sculpture that looks like a doorbell) that designates that as the front door.

simsample 25th Nov 2024 11:44 PM

In sims 3, you can select a door to be the one that visitors go to. That would be a good option, too- although I love the idea of a buyable object, doorbell especially as visitors ring an invisible one!

jonasn 25th Nov 2024 11:50 PM

How I made it to work (in cleaning duties) is a simple distance from the car portal, which is always in the front while a mailbox or trashcan might not be, and an exception for a driveway object on the other side. But I fear it might break something. With diagonal doors, the game sometimes can't find the inside or the outside tile for ringing the bell because only one of them exists. When the destination is for walking, it is fine to pick another spot to walk near. But that might not work for all other aspects for which the global front door is used.

Bulbizarre 26th Nov 2024 12:53 AM

While is possible to change the loading music by swapping out a specific file (forgot which), is there an option to disable it entirely? I like build/buy music, so turning off music entirely isn't something I want to do.

iforgot 26th Nov 2024 1:55 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I gave up and changed the structure of my build.. not my original plan, but it'll do I guess.

Bulbizarre 26th Nov 2024 2:02 AM

I see what happened there - if the original backyard door was on the ground-floor, the paper carrier couldn't route to it and just dumps it on the sidewalk.

topp 26th Nov 2024 10:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Even if mercury thermometers are rarely in use these days, they're still a much used icon for temperature.
Much like the floppy disk icon for saving data. 💾

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
While is possible to change the loading music by swapping out a specific file (forgot which), is there an option to disable it entirely?
Several things come to mind:
- delete/disable all Splash.package files from all EPs and SPs, or
- make an empty file and name it Splash.package and put it in, or
- make a short, silent mp3, create a Splash.package out of it and put it in as a custom splash.

iforgot 26th Nov 2024 11:07 PM

Alright so, one of my sims had a miscarriage (mod). Now, this particular sim was on a community lot and was not the one I was currently playing. E.g, another household sim had a miscarriage while my current household was on a community lot. I exited without saving as I personally felt it's unreasonable for that to occur for effectively NPC sims. (Since I had no control over whether that sim eats, etc.)

I'm thinking of altering the mods code to run a check that effectively checks "Is this sim in the current household?" when running the miscarriage check, but I can't help but wonder if that removes realism or would be considered 'cheating'?

So, I'm looking for an opinion: Am I right or wrong to make such a change? Or should I just let these things play out?

Bulbizarre 26th Nov 2024 11:59 PM

It's your game. You have to decide for yourself.

Peni Griffin 27th Nov 2024 12:02 AM

There is a "story dilemmas" thread for that sort of thing, because collecting other people's opinions does help you realize what you want, and also opens up boxes you didn't realize you were thinking inside of; but in the end, it really does come down to: what's the most fun/most comfortable for the person playing the game?

Phantomknight 27th Nov 2024 3:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
when it comes to beds and cribs .. is it ok to keep and pass it on from baby to baby? .. movin houses too as a person moves out and takes it with them?

Not when you're moving houses. If you put a bed in inventory you get jump bugs and the only way to get rid of that, I found, is to delete the bed. So sure stick them in an attic or unused room for use later, but if your sims are moving, I'd leave those behind. Not sure if cribs act the same, but I wouldn't bother. It's not game-breaking, though, so if you want to try and see for yourself, you can. Otherwise most things can be moved and packed in inventory, but beds for some reason don't work in a vanilla game and I don't think there's a mod that's fixed that.

It's weird because you can sell beds in an OFB store, iirc, and that would end up in the inventory but not sure if that would also produce the same glitch. Something to test anyway.

And @iforgot, I can see both sides. On one hand, I'd be personally inclined to keep the miscarriage because the unexpected makes for better story sometimes, you know? Plus the sim must have been taking pretty poor care of themselves for that to happen and had very low motives. I'm surprised they didn't leave the lot before that happened.

On the other hand, I can see being upset if you were looking forward to the pregnancy--especially since you weren't in control at the time and couldn't even do anything about it! So it's not really a matter of right or wrong--as Bulbizarre said, it's your game. You do what you want in it. But it may be a good opportunity to think about how you might handle unexpected events going forward and what you might do if the sims aren't the current household. That way you can have some consistency in how you play--though again, it's your game. You don't have to be consistent. Even the most strict rule follower may break rules when it comes to their favorite sims. Sometimes when I need help making quick decisions in game, I roll a dice. And sometimes once I get that outcome, I know how I really feel and what I want to do.

Bulbizarre 27th Nov 2024 3:23 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Not when you're moving houses. If you put a bed in inventory you get jump bugs and the only way to get rid of that, I found, is to delete the bed. So sure stick them in an attic or unused room for use later, but if your sims are moving, I'd leave those behind. Not sure if cribs act the same, but I wouldn't bother. It's not game-breaking, though, so if you want to try and see for yourself, you can. Otherwise most things can be moved and packed in inventory, but beds for some reason don't work in a vanilla game and I don't think there's a mod that's fixed that.

It's weird because you can sell beds in an OFB store, iirc, and that would end up in the inventory but not sure if that would also produce the same glitch. Something to test anyway.

It's related to bed ownership. If the bed's never been slept in, it won't trigger the bug.

Charity 27th Nov 2024 11:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
Alright so, one of my sims had a miscarriage (mod). Now, this particular sim was on a community lot and was not the one I was currently playing. E.g, another household sim had a miscarriage while my current household was on a community lot. I exited without saving as I personally felt it's unreasonable for that to occur for effectively NPC sims. (Since I had no control over whether that sim eats, etc.)

I'm thinking of altering the mods code to run a check that effectively checks "Is this sim in the current household?" when running the miscarriage check, but I can't help but wonder if that removes realism or would be considered 'cheating'?

So, I'm looking for an opinion: Am I right or wrong to make such a change? Or should I just let these things play out?

Did the miscarriage stick when you played the pregnant sim's household? Some stuff that happens on community lots doesn't.

FranH 27th Nov 2024 12:49 PM

I hope someone can help me out in this instance:

I (as I've written before) have a new computer and have successfully installed The Sims 2 Starter Pack into my game. Right now I'm playing the modern version of it, but I have another entire game (complete with all the trimmings) devoted to the medieval era.

Is there any way that I can get this to work in the SP, and how do I do that? I tried to do it last night but failed-I hadn't cleaned out the templates so everything got messed royally.

I redid it that and it's working fine for the modern game. However, I do miss Arundel..

Many thanks for any hints or solutions!

Phantomknight 27th Nov 2024 3:25 PM

What's the The Sims 2 Starter Pack? Is that the UC? And what isn't working? Mods? Or the neighborhood? If it's the neighborhood, then what version of the game were you running before? If you were running the Store Edition, then I think no, your hood is unplayable in the UC because the Store Edition is newer than the UC and EA never updated the UC with the Store Edition so the UC won't recognize your save. (You can go from the UC to the Store Edition, though.)

I believe there might be a way to update the hood, but I'm having trouble finding instructions, so first did you even have the Store Edition?

simmer22 27th Nov 2024 3:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
I hope someone can help me out in this instance:

I (as I've written before) have a new computer and have successfully installed The Sims 2 Starter Pack into my game. Right now I'm playing the modern version of it, but I have another entire game (complete with all the trimmings) devoted to the medieval era.

Is there any way that I can get this to work in the SP, and how do I do that? I tried to do it last night but failed-I hadn't cleaned out the templates so everything got messed royally.

I redid it that and it's working fine for the modern game. However, I do miss Arundel..

Many thanks for any hints or solutions!

Two different Sims 2 folders with different Downloads folders? Switch between them (rename) when you want to play whatever game? Works for me with the regular UC, so can't see why it shouldn't work with other versions.

If you mean how to move the old game over, just let the game regenerate an extra folder (rename your existing one), then replace the folders inside it with the ones from your old medieval game. Should hopefully work.

Make sure to rename in the proper order so nothing tries to overwrite (first rename the one you're deactivating, then the one you're activating. Don't rename the entire folder, just use a word or two at the end. For easier location if anything gets confused, put a picture or an empty text file or something similar into the folder with for instance "Modern" or "Medieval" as a heading, depending on folder).

Tip for lighting mod, if you want to use one that works for both games - - only requires the initial setup + a cheat to activate "world lit by fire" by Almighty Hat (which I assume would look neat in a medieval era).

simsample 27th Nov 2024 4:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
I (as I've written before) have a new computer and have successfully installed The Sims 2 Starter Pack into my game.

I think you mean this package of the UC?
In which case, the folder layout is the same as the UC, which means that it's made out of collections (such as Sims 2 Double Deluxe) instead of individual expansion packs. So your neighbourhood templates are in slightly different places to the disc installation.

This explains the folder layout, so you should be able to find the templates and replace them.

FranH 27th Nov 2024 4:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I think you mean this package of the UC?
In which case, the folder layout is the same as the UC, which means that it's made out of collections (such as Sims 2 Double Deluxe) instead of individual expansion packs. So your neighbourhood templates are in slightly different places to the disc installation.

This explains the folder layout, so you should be able to find the templates and replace them.

I've already downloaded and installed it. It's working beautifully! Flawless!

I'm meaning that I have an entire folder for the game themed for the medieval period. That means it's a separate game altogether.

FranH 27th Nov 2024 4:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Two different Sims 2 folders with different Downloads folders? Switch between them (rename) when you want to play whatever game? Works for me with the regular UC, so can't see why it shouldn't work with other versions.

If you mean how to move the old game over, just let the game regenerate an extra folder (rename your existing one), then replace the folders inside it with the ones from your old medieval game. Should hopefully work.

Make sure to rename in the proper order so nothing tries to overwrite (first rename the one you're deactivating, then the one you're activating. Don't rename the entire folder, just use a word or two at the end. For easier location if anything gets confused, put a picture or an empty text file or something similar into the folder with for instance "Modern" or "Medieval" as a heading, depending on folder).

Tip for lighting mod, if you want to use one that works for both games - - only requires the initial setup + a cheat to activate "world lit by fire" by Almighty Hat (which I assume would look neat in a medieval era).

Thank you so much for the information-I was suspecting I would have to switch out the folders (renamed "modern" or medieval")-I do have the entire folder separated out from the game entirely. It's the one way I knew how to keep it from going buggy. What I think I will do is swap out the modern folder to replace it with the medieval one and thus keep the two of them separated by miles.

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