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pinkdynamite 6th Dec 2024 11:43 PM

Was a fix ever made to make Community Time compatible with universities?

Bulbizarre 7th Dec 2024 12:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
Was a fix ever made to make Community Time compatible with universities?

I seem to recall there were tests but it was bug-prone. Use the university clock to keep everyone on the lot in sync.

pinkdynamite 7th Dec 2024 2:34 AM

I thought I remembered there being problems but wasn't sure if the issues had been figured out. Thanks.

MadMagFreak 11th Dec 2024 11:47 PM

I wanted to test out a massive batch of CC so I re-installed AnyGameInstaller...

Testing went fine but when I went back to my non-AnyGame I realized I was missing content from three packs; a check of what I had previously indicated as my install folders in SimPE confirmed my suspicions - somehow my H&M, IKEA, and Kitchen & Bath Stuff install folders were renamed to delete the special characters in their titles.

H&M and Kitchen & Bath lost the ampersand ("&" became "_" for H&M while it turned into "and" for Kitchen & Bath) and then H&M and IKEA both lost the "®" sign. I put the special characters back and that seemed to fix the problem, all content back in my game and back in the relevant collections files that had previously gone empty.

So my question now - is this something that AnyGameInstaller does? Literally nothing changed about my game today besides that and I've now seen a few threads that suggest this has happened to others after AnyGameInstaller use...
Is there anything I can do to prevent something like this from happening again? I did the 'set your install folders to Read-Only' thing ages ago so I'm a bit surprised something like this happened.

CatherineTCJD 12th Dec 2024 2:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MadMagFreak
I wanted to test out a massive batch of CC so I re-installed AnyGameInstaller...

I don't know what "AnyGameInstaller" is?
I know what the AnyGameStarter is. And I know the other installers: Osab's Starter Pack, Origin's UC, DJs, and OldGames... but I've never heard of the AnyGameInstaller.

And, the AnyGameStarter takes a lot of finagling to make it work with UC-type installs. To my knowledge (limited, as it may be!) AnyGameStarter does not rename files.

MadMagFreak 12th Dec 2024 5:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CatherineTCJD
I don't know what "AnyGameInstaller" is?
I know what the AnyGameStarter is. And I know the other installers: Osab's Starter Pack, Origin's UC, DJs, and OldGames... but I've never heard of the AnyGameInstaller.

And, the AnyGameStarter takes a lot of finagling to make it work with UC-type installs. To my knowledge (limited, as it may be!) AnyGameStarter does not rename files.

lol, AnyGameStarter is precisely what I meant, blame the fact I was up way later than bedtime trying to figure out what happened to my game…

I’ve read a few posts from the past suggesting AnyGameStarter changes registry stuff in Windows so it’s the only thing I can imagine cause the problem, the renamed folders must be a symptom of the change, then… Very strange incident!

ETA: my install is from the discs, each expansion/stuff pack individually!

Peni Griffin 12th Dec 2024 5:57 PM

Most AGS problems go away if you take care that each setup has its own unique ID name in its TheSims2 file. My M&G game is called; my AGS setup with all EPs through Seasons is Put the disc for the version you want to run in the drive, launch that version, do what you're going to do, check to make sure the .id files are still appropriately named, and you're good.

You really should have fewer AGS problems than I do, because part of my setup is Deluxe. A lot of people will tell you AGS wouldn't run from a compilation disc, but it does - you just need to have two disc drives, with your latest EP disc in one and the version you want to run in the other. Why this is so I'm not tech minded enough to tell you. It's all magic to me.

Tleilaxu3 13th Dec 2024 3:11 PM

Went looking at some very old beach lots from around 2009-2010; in the residential section of the downloads ... anyway, when I went to click on "Related Uploads", the font is all whacky, and the links in the list menu cannot be selected and thus aren't able to be highlighted to look at ?

I was going to ask this in the, "Sims 2 Help" section above the main forum, but thought I should ask here before making a thread for it ?
Thanks in advance.

Peni Griffin 13th Dec 2024 3:21 PM

That would be "Site Issues" actually.

Tleilaxu3 13th Dec 2024 10:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
That would be "Site Issues" actually.

Ok, thanks.
Guess I can go & post the question over there.

Peni Griffin 14th Dec 2024 5:04 AM

Sigh. I just had my second child ever taken by a social worker. The last time, she got too cold, and I moved her in with a sim in the education career until she was a teen and her parents had fulfilled certain criteria to get her back. This time she was overheated, and the cat was getting in my face so I didn't see the notice in time; but my impression was that the social worker came almost simultaneously with the notice. But I decided I would do a similar thing. The neighborhood has a kind of clan system going on, so I got into the Head of Household family - her father's cousin - and put the teleporter cat within a couple of squares of a sink. As soon as she was moved in I sent her to the sink to get a drink, but before she got could cross even a single square the notice popped up and she vanished from the portrait display. This seemed to me manifestly unfair, so I quit without saving and opened up SimPE to see if I could track down what was identifying her as overheated. But I couldn't. It's not under the "other" tab and it's not a token in memory, so what is it?

Does anybody know how to cool her down before moving her in? I'd rather do that than recreate her relationship with her birth family once she's been adopted and wiped.

Bulbizarre 14th Dec 2024 5:17 AM

@Peni Griffin - would take a few restarts, but you can try to pop in Kids & Pets Unattended (which I think entirely disables the worker) and then yank it once you've got everything sorted out.

If that doesn't work, maybe using the Sim Manipulator or something to reset their temperature while paused might help.

grammapat 14th Dec 2024 7:26 AM

I've got a mod that lets zombies give birth, and I used to be able to make them pregnant. But now even um what's the thing looks like a tree..manipulator? whatever, it doesn't work. Also I forgot zombies don't age & die...because they ARE dead...
I would like them to be able to be a zombie ghost. Anyone know of mods for these 2 things?

lordtyger9 14th Dec 2024 9:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Neverwinter_Knight77
Trying to make a sim un-furious. Just because they get a divorce, that doesn't mean I want them going over and kicking the trash can every day. Don't want roaches! So anyway, what's a good way to do that? Juice seems like a lot of work. I could run down the time, but that could take a while. I know people can hold grudges in real life, but it feels like fury in TS2 lasts an entire adulthood!

The Sim Blender has this as a feature. It is in Relationships. Pretty easy to use and it always works for me.

FuryCat 14th Dec 2024 4:13 PM

Basically, I have two game folders I made by renaming the Sims 2 folder and letting the game generate a new one. One is a test game and the other is my main one.
Can I have default replacements in my main game, but not in the other? I know, this is really embarrassing to ask but I haven't played for some months and don't remember some things.

Charity 14th Dec 2024 4:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FuryCat
Basically, I have two game folders I made by renaming the Sims 2 folder and letting the game generate a new one. One is a test game and the other is my main one.
Can I have default replacements in my main game, but not in the other? I know, this is really embarrassing to ask but I haven't played for some months and don't remember some things.

If you have totally separate folders then you can put DRs in Downloads in one and not in the other. No problem.

FuryCat 14th Dec 2024 4:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
If you have totally separate folders then you can put DRs in Downloads in one and not in the other. No problem.

I think so, they're both in my EA Games folder but they are named differently. Thanks!

AndrewGloria 14th Dec 2024 10:40 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Does the Diva or Mr. Big always spawn with the same appearances/clothing?
Same clothing but not (I think) the same appearance. See below about the slobs.
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
At some point in Drama Acres, I got a new Diva, whom I could ID because she primped and wore the same gown, but her face was different. I never did get a second Mr. Big, though, even though I married him in first.
My understanding is that the Diva, Mr. Big and the two Slobs are a special kind of Downtownie. Quite early in my game I made the male Slob (Craig Royce in my game) playable as I made him warden of the Teen Townie Hostel in King Street, downtown Veronaville. (This is the big Maxis townhouse at 35 King Street converted into a hostel for townie and Downtownie teenagers who are making the transition to playables.) For my first Simming year or so I played without Notownieregen, and during this time the game failed to generate any new townies, despite me making quite a few of them playable. The only exception was that the game generated a new male slob. Craig Royce actually met him:

I think Craig was quite pleased to note that his replacement, Avri Lawson, was fatter and uglier than himself!

I never made the Diva or Mr Big (or indeed the female Slob) playable in my game, but I would expect the game to treat them in the same way as the male Slob.

(Although I usually welcome random townies in my game, I put in the Notownieregen mod early in 2014, as the new 'hood I was then creating, New Desconia, a tiny remote island in the southern Pacific, was effectively a closed community [with minimal contact with the rest of the world] so I wanted full control of all the townies there. I actually made them all teens, all Romance, all gay, and all but one boys! Think "Lord of the Flies" with a "make love not war" ethos! )

Peni Griffin 15th Dec 2024 12:49 AM

BO's mod doesn't say anything about overheating, just about being alone on the lot, and though I could swear I've seen people saying they used mods that prevented the social worker entirely I can't find one. Also I don't want to prompt a neighborhood reset if I can help it, and a social worker mod is almost certainly one that causes a reset. If no one has a better idea, or knows a full-suppression mod, I guess I just have to do the best I can and keep trying till the social worker waits a reasonable period.

pinkdynamite 15th Dec 2024 1:11 AM

I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that BO's mod stops the social worker from coming at all. I've left babies/toddlers by themselves while the parents are away working all day and they were still there when they got home. Hungry, cranky, and with full diapers, of course, but no ill effects otherwise. I've also had a single sim with twin infants catch pneumonia and been unable to feed the babies due to coughing and exhaustion. The babies' portraits dropped to bright yellow but no social worker came then either.

AndrewGloria 15th Dec 2024 1:15 AM

In the unlikely event that I ever decide to add Seasons to my game, I will undoubtedly install mootilda's Constant Temperature for All Sims mod.

In looking this mod up, it came as a shock for me to realise that it is now over ten years since mootilda's untimely death. I wish I could use the Aging off cheat for real people as well as I can for my Sims.

pixinicks 15th Dec 2024 2:30 AM

Has anyone built a library, let a librarian own it, and then handed over all the custom written books to that librarian to keep in the library?
Have other sims then been able to borrow and read the books on the spot? (I should probably try this myself, but I didn't feel like spending time on it if someone else already tried it.)
Thanks in advance!

pinkdynamite 15th Dec 2024 2:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by pixinicks
Has anyone built a library, let a librarian own it, and then handed over all the custom written books to that librarian to keep in the library?
Have other sims then been able to borrow and read the books on the spot? (I should probably try this myself, but I didn't feel like spending time on it if someone else already tried it.)
Thanks in advance!

I haven't, but that would be awesome!

inspiredzone 15th Dec 2024 11:27 PM

Do different items broadcast differently for different personalities? I have 2 gyms- one for sims with sports OTH who all have 8-10 active points, and one for everyone. At the sports gym, visiting sims autonomously use the weight-lifting machines. At the other gym, the sims only autonomously use the treadmills.

Quote: Originally posted by pixinicks
Has anyone built a library, let a librarian own it, and then handed over all the custom written books to that librarian to keep in the library?
Have other sims then been able to borrow and read the books on the spot? (I should probably try this myself, but I didn't feel like spending time on it if someone else already tried it.)
Thanks in advance!

I've done it with a bookstore selling custom books, not a library, but it should work. Your librarian would just have to take them out of inventory and place them on the shelves, but an owned lot should save that for visitors.

VirginiaBluebell 16th Dec 2024 12:32 PM

I had a random thought today and wondered if anyone knew if this would help stop lagging/crashing?

If I "temporarily" remove other neighbourhoods from my game folder (ones I've created, I wouldn't touch EA ones), would that make the one neighbourhood I wanted to play run better? Or would it not really do anything?

And also, if I did that, could it break my game?

Thanks in advance if anyone knows the answer!

simsample 16th Dec 2024 12:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by VirginiaBluebell
If I "temporarily" remove other neighbourhoods from my game folder (ones I've created, I wouldn't touch EA ones), would that make the one neighbourhood I wanted to play run better? Or would it not really do anything?

And also, if I did that, could it break my game?

You can move neighbourhoods out of your documents\ EAGames folder without any adverse effects. Even the EA hoods.

Peni Griffin 16th Dec 2024 2:37 PM

It wouldn't do anything except possibly speed up initial load time. Each neighborhood is entirely independent.

joandsarah77 16th Dec 2024 9:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by VirginiaBluebell
I had a random thought today and wondered if anyone knew if this would help stop lagging/crashing?

If I "temporarily" remove other neighbourhoods from my game folder (ones I've created, I wouldn't touch EA ones), would that make the one neighbourhood I wanted to play run better? Or would it not really do anything?

And also, if I did that, could it break my game?

Thanks in advance if anyone knows the answer!

Move, delete, do whatever with any hood, created or EA.

Lag depends on a lot of factors.

Do you have the 4 gig patch on?
What are your settings?
What type of computer are you playing it on?
How much CC? What type? Large textures? Polys?
How large are the lots?
How many trees and water?

FranH 17th Dec 2024 1:51 AM

I've got one: Does the stand alone Body shop work with the UC?

I never thought it wouldn't but it does not hurt to ask.

Charity 17th Dec 2024 2:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
If you use the Sim Manipulator, rather than the AgeSimsCheat to age a Sim down, they don't get an F grade. I think they usually get a C.


In my Baldrair Bluffs custom 'hood, Alastair Gunn's parents moved out while he was at school. So he came home to an empty house. I understand that his father thought it would be character-building. His parents then had the nerve to keep 'phoning him to complain that he wasn't keeping in touch.

Now he's quite settled. He fell in love with a townie girl who helped at that time, and they went steady and she moved in with him. With the help of a Squinge mod, they have adopted a younger girl.

This is a test post to see what happens, because I suddenly can't see the most recent pages of threads. The quoted post is the last one showing.

simsample 17th Dec 2024 3:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
This is a test post to see what happens, because I suddenly can't see the most recent pages of threads. The quoted post is the last one showing.

I'm glad I'm not the only one- I posted here:

Edit: I mentioned it on Discord and Tashiketh has fixed it!

Charity 17th Dec 2024 4:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I'm glad I'm not the only one- I posted here:

Edit: I mentioned it on Discord and Tashiketh has fixed it!

Oh nice. It's working for me now. Thanks!

What was wrong?

simsample 17th Dec 2024 5:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Oh nice. It's working for me now. Thanks!

What was wrong?

I found somthing that was broken, and fixing it broke something else. So basically, it was all my fault!

FranH 17th Dec 2024 9:56 PM

I told him earlier last week that the directional arrow that leads to the last post was broken, and now it's broken again, when it's stopping at the next to the last page. (he had been doing some background work on the site earlier)
You could tell him that little piece of news-and stop breaking things!

simsample 17th Dec 2024 10:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
You could tell him that little piece of news-and stop breaking things!

I think he's avoiding me for now (worried I'm going to report something else), you could always report this yourself? Either on Discord or here in the site issues forum. Easier to see what you mean if you have a link to where it happens and images.

Kligma 17th Dec 2024 11:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by pixinicks
Has anyone built a library, let a librarian own it, and then handed over all the custom written books to that librarian to keep in the library?
Have other sims then been able to borrow and read the books on the spot? (I should probably try this myself, but I didn't feel like spending time on it if someone else already tried it.)
Thanks in advance!

I have, and anyone can go to the library and read those books.

Charity 18th Dec 2024 11:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
I told him earlier last week that the directional arrow that leads to the last post was broken, and now it's broken again, when it's stopping at the next to the last page. (he had been doing some background work on the site earlier)
You could tell him that little piece of news-and stop breaking things!

Thank you! I thought that I was going crazy thinking that there used to be an arrow there.

Charity 18th Dec 2024 6:05 PM

Trying to decide on a hair I'm doing. For the hair with coloured ends does the elder grey look ok with the colour, or should I leave it just grey, or should I just make the elder hair black (presuming if you're dyeing the ends, you're dyeing the whole thing)?

grammapat 21st Dec 2024 11:12 PM

[QUOTE=Charity]Trying to decide on a hair I'm doing. For the hair with coloured ends does the elder grey look ok with the colour, or should I leave it just grey, or should I just make the elder hair black (presuming if you're dyeing the ends, you're dyeing the whole thing)?

Pic 3 & 4 just look too odd, and the curly hair looks like a HAT sitting on a very short haircut.

And MY question:
Killing zombies; yes I know, they are ALREADY dead! I have a mod that allows them to give birth, but they won't get pregnant as a zombie. AND the damn things won't age or die! I want zombie GHOSTS... but HOW????

kestrellyn 22nd Dec 2024 4:32 AM

Zombies can still die of all of the non-old-age deaths: starvation, drowning, eletrocution, the SimWardrobe assault rifle, etc.

Peni Griffin 22nd Dec 2024 5:08 AM

A single lot has developed an odd problem. I'm not sure how long it's been going on, but so far I know it's the only one.

It's fall. The house has a new puppy and a lot of landscaping. In this neighborhood everyone has to grow their own food and they're not allowed to buy fertilizer, so I'm a lot more conscientious about raking leaves than in other neighborhoods, and in fact make sure everyone has multiple deciduous trees. All the other houses have spent a good percentage of each recent rotation raking leaves and gathering compostable material. All the other houses with dogs also have to stay on top of the weeds. This one - nothing needs trimming, no weeds, and no leaves to rake! I saw their bay tree drop a few leaves, and they vanished as they hit the ground! Nature isn't functioning properly on this website. I'm not sure when they last had noticeable weather, either, but fall isn't nearly as rainy as spring and summer and it's not time for snow yet, so that may not be part of that.

Something this weird almost has to be a mod conflict, even though I don't think (think! I know how much that's worth!) there's anything on this lot not also on other lots where nature is normal; but I know there's a stuck snow effect that can be cleared by the batbox, as well as other lot-specific glitches. So before I put myself through a 50/50 that relies on watching trees until leaves fall to test it, I thought I'd better ask if there's a known glitch like this, and if so whether there's a known fix! It's worth a shot.

jonasn 22nd Dec 2024 7:27 AM

Could be a modded object that is sitting on the lot and periodically cleaning it. If the plants reset, you'd see error messages in debug mode to disagnose.

Peni Griffin 22nd Dec 2024 8:26 AM

It's not cleaning anything else. The plumbing is breaking as if there's a toddler on the lot, which I'm assuming is a statistical cluster, and the puddles lie there till cleaned. The tubs, sinks, and counters are all getting dirty at a normal rate. Nor would cleaning the lot affect shrub growth.

Normally when things reset there's a hiccup in play. What I observed was a couple of leaves falling, melting like snow, and then stopping, with no noticeable other effects. But I don't normally have the testingcheats on when playing, so I don't have any error codes.

jonasn 22nd Dec 2024 9:08 AM

Turn testing cheats on then and observe. Ideally there should be no errors, and then you have no disadvantage from having testing cheats. If leaf piles were ever spawned and then deleted, they would show up in OETreeDelete.xls with whomever deleted them. The animations of leaves falling don't actually result in anything. They pretty much go on forever. I couldn't seven stop them. On timer inside the object a leaf pile should be created every so often like half a day or so. In my mod, I changed the falling timer to be resistant to object resetting and put it in an attribute. But if the mod is removed, it should revert to doing it how it was before.

tigergirl 22nd Dec 2024 9:46 AM

I remember a mod by MidgeTheTree which sets the garden plants in perfect state whether or not you put gardenign tools on the lot.
I never tested ist but your description sounds like something this mod would do.

simsample 22nd Dec 2024 12:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Trying to decide on a hair I'm doing. For the hair with coloured ends does the elder grey look ok with the colour, or should I leave it just grey, or should I just make the elder hair black (presuming if you're dyeing the ends, you're dyeing the whole thing)?

Could you fade it? So have a dark grey going to black and then a slightly desaturated blue?

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
A single lot has developed an odd problem. I'm not sure how long it's been going on, but so far I know it's the only one.

I would backup and then Chris Hatch's lot cleaner globe on that lot, it will delete all the controllers including weather. Then save and reload the lot.

Charity 22nd Dec 2024 3:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Pic 3 & 4 just look too odd, and the curly hair looks like a HAT sitting on a very short haircut.

So, are you saying that it doesn't actually look like hair?

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Could you fade it? So have a dark grey going to black and then a slightly desaturated blue?

I would backup and then Chris Hatch's lot cleaner globe on that lot, it will delete all the controllers including weather. Then save and reload the lot.

I could try that, thanks.

Batbox will do that too.

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
It's not cleaning anything else. The plumbing is breaking as if there's a toddler on the lot, which I'm assuming is a statistical cluster, and the puddles lie there till cleaned. The tubs, sinks, and counters are all getting dirty at a normal rate. Nor would cleaning the lot affect shrub growth.

Two things I can think of that would only 'clean' plants and nothing else. Simslice's pruning shears and rake (which have to be put on lots individually) and the Perfect Plants hack (but that should be affecting every lot).

joandsarah77 22nd Dec 2024 10:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Two things I can think of that would only 'clean' plants and nothing else. Simslice's pruning shears and rake (which have to be put on lots individually)

I've never heard of this, what is it? Is it on the booty? I am always after functional CC.

Charity 23rd Dec 2024 3:21 PM

Yes, I started using them when I didn't like that Perfect Plants kept every lot pristine when I wanted sims to garden sometimes. I just use the shears on lots with fancy landscaping that would require 6 full time gardeners to keep tamed. XD

Under Magic Hedge Shears and Magic Rake. Rake deals with fallen leaves. Shears deal with everything else.

You can either put them on the lot permanently or just when you need them. I found that leaving them there caused sims to try and interact with them and throw errors.

joandsarah77 23rd Dec 2024 9:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Yes, I started using them when I didn't like that Perfect Plants kept every lot pristine when I wanted sims to garden sometimes. I just use the shears on lots with fancy landscaping that would require 6 full time gardeners to keep tamed. XD

Under Magic Hedge Shears and Magic Rake. Rake deals with fallen leaves. Shears deal with everything else.

You can either put them on the lot permanently or just when you need them. I found that leaving them there caused sims to try and interact with them and throw errors.

Cool, always nice to know how Simslice objects work as they can be a bit buggy.

Bulbizarre 23rd Dec 2024 11:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Yes, I started using them when I didn't like that Perfect Plants kept every lot pristine when I wanted sims to garden sometimes. I just use the shears on lots with fancy landscaping that would require 6 full time gardeners to keep tamed. XD

Under Magic Hedge Shears and Magic Rake. Rake deals with fallen leaves. Shears deal with everything else.

You can either put them on the lot permanently or just when you need them. I found that leaving them there caused sims to try and interact with them and throw errors.

I edited them to make them aspiration rewards!

LauraPamplonaS 26th Dec 2024 4:29 AM

I swear I remember seeing a mod out there that fixed sims getting sad all over again after a dead family member's tombstone was moved, but now I'm trying to find it and I can't find it. Maybe I dreamed its existence, but does anyone know what I'm talking about?

More than having sims cry about their long-dead relative all over again, I'm specifically annoyed by the memory of their deaths appearing for those new sims who weren't even born yet at the time of the passing.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Peni Griffin 28th Dec 2024 6:03 PM

Different problem, same hood: Eden's Land was created with all the stealth hoods renamed, so it doesn't have Pleasantview townies. It generates social group townies - mostly jocks - and NPCs, all adults except the paper girl because there's no unowned stores to spawn cashiers. So I had to make a few teens so the third gen would be able to date at all, but mostly I'm ignoring townies except when there's no available playables to romance for a particular sim. So I didn't notice till the sole second-gen Romance sim grew to elder that I wasn't getting "grow up with" options for any of them. It's really stark now, because teens and the grownups I made to act as their parents are appearing in grow up windows, but nobody else.

Is this standard, that you can't grow up social group townies and NPCs?

StrangeTownChick 28th Dec 2024 11:12 PM

Is there an easy way to fix custom foods or remove bad ones? I have so many listed as either "pancakes" or "lunch meat sandwiches" that I never make either of them since I have no idea what I'll get. And a bunch more that don't give plates when served, but I can never manage to keep track of which ones they are.

M.M.A.A. 29th Dec 2024 5:52 AM

Is it possible to increase the view distance from within a lot to show the entire neighborhood, all the way to the edges of the terrain? I have it set to the maximum/highest setting in the options and parts of the distant terrain are still obscured. I think I remember being able to see the entire neighborhood years ago... Granted, it's been a while since I've played the game, so I could be wrong...

Justpetro 29th Dec 2024 6:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
Is it possible to increase the view distance from within a lot to show the entire neighborhood, all the way to the edges of the terrain? I have it set to the maximum/highest setting in the options and parts of the distant terrain are still obscured. I think I remember being able to see the entire neighborhood years ago... Granted, it's been a while since I've played the game, so I could be wrong...

Welcome back!
See here, something I stumbled upon (I have not done it yet):

Charity 29th Dec 2024 12:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by StrangeTownChick
Is there an easy way to fix custom foods or remove bad ones? I have so many listed as either "pancakes" or "lunch meat sandwiches" that I never make either of them since I have no idea what I'll get. And a bunch more that don't give plates when served, but I can never manage to keep track of which ones they are.

It's hard to remove custom foods because it can break 'learned to make' memories or wants to make the food.

If you just want to fix the names, then make one of those 'pancakes' and see what it is, then find the file in Downloads and replace the text lists and the Catalogue description with the proper name. I've had to do that quite a few times.

Not helpful at the moment, but always keep custom foods separate and only in a testing hood until you've made sure that they work and are named properly.

simmer22 29th Dec 2024 1:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by StrangeTownChick
Is there an easy way to fix custom foods or remove bad ones? I have so many listed as either "pancakes" or "lunch meat sandwiches" that I never make either of them since I have no idea what I'll get. And a bunch more that don't give plates when served, but I can never manage to keep track of which ones they are.

If the "default language" (in SimPE) of the item has the right description, it's possible your game is set to English (UK), and not US (default). The easiest way to fix it is to do set the language as "default only" in SimPE (it's a button), both for the pie menu and description (not sure if there are other places for food? It's likely). If you have a non-English game, it's still the fastest way, and it's also much easier to see which foods are CC.

It's also a good idea to keep food CC in a separate folder, so you can keep track of what you've got.

The problem with just removing them is that some sims could have already made a CC food their favorite food ("Chef's choice" at a restaurant), which can cause a few issues ingame. It also leaves memories of having made/burnt the food, so foods sims have interacted with can leave "trash" memories ("learned to make $subject" and so on) if the food is removed. It leaves some mess, but doesn't really break the game and is fixable.

There's a modded item linked/described here that apparently cleans up any memories + favorite food issues (I haven't tried it, but sounds very promising) (mod)
The batbox has some similar functions (clears favorite food?)

kestrellyn 29th Dec 2024 1:47 PM

The main issue with deleting custom foods is that they also show up in wants - wants to make a certain food, or learn to make it, or eat it, for example, so if you remove it you can get broken wants that cause errors. I don't know of any tool that can remove foods from want histories.

M.M.A.A. 29th Dec 2024 5:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Welcome back!
See here, something I stumbled upon (I have not done it yet):

Thank you so much, @Justpetro ! It's good to be back!

I modified the Graphics Rules.sgr file as mentioned in the post you shared and it worked! Thanks again!

Phantomknight 29th Dec 2024 6:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Is this standard, that you can't grow up social group townies and NPCs?

I think in a vanilla game, the only sims that show up are ones that have a relationship with the playable growing up/sims the playable has met. So perhaps you aren't getting the option because when your playables grow up, they don't know those townies? I think there's a mod to be able to grow up anyone, regardless of relationship--you can try it and see if they show up. I can't find the mod, or else I'd link it. But it might be on insim/by Squinge, but that website has been down for me lately. I see it in my search results but browsers won't let me go there. I might need to use a desktop and see if I can override security settings.

jonasn 29th Dec 2024 7:39 PM

That tool was meant by me to only deal with memories. Then the blog writeup was made by someone else without my input. You can set restaurant food at any time for individual people without the mass cleanup, which affects eaten and cooked well tokens, lot fridge and personal inventory on standard plates as well as visible memories. On business lots the list shows all fridge menu, and on other lots its the normal restaurant foods. What is the error you get from want history? Are they simply blank or does the game crash?

simsfreq 29th Dec 2024 8:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Is this standard, that you can't grow up social group townies and NPCs?

I just tried to look this up and it's a Lua script so outside my knowledge to adjust it. The game code refers to "Townies", and it was a feature which came with Freetime so I assume that the family checked is just the Townies family and not the social groups or NPC families. It would be very like the later EPs not to bother adding the Social townies to the list of neighbours who can potentially be aged up.

BTW, BoilingOil's mod DOES disable the social worker entirely - he says so in one of the comments on the download page (on page 5 of the comments). It is very unlike him to have such undocumented features, so I was very surprised by it at the time. It's the one I have used in my apocalypse hoods and it definitely never lets the social worker appear. I had toddlers living alone with only dog bowls to eat from, and once even a baby, which I had to keep making visitors selectable for, since babies can neither starve, nor age up on their own, and I needed a way to move the lot on.

I use Pescado's SSHack in my normal games, which makes the social worker more reasonable, especially over temperature. This is what he explained about unmodded game behaviour in relation to his Seasons update:
By default, you get a warning once every 5 hours if a kid exceeds 50 heat or cold. However, this is useless, since the warning itself does nothing, and the SS shows up instantly when you pass -95.

So presumably at the point you got the warning your child was already nearly at 95 heat level. It would have been much more useful to get a warning earlier. Unfortunately Pescado doesn't explain what his does instead, only that it's "awesome".

It works very well though IME - I have had children removed by social workers when they really needed to be (e.g. serious neglect/harm/abandonment) but I've never had a removal I felt was unfair.

Edited to add - there is a further post where Pescado explains how it works and why it was broken:

If you have SShack, you will receive about 3 hours after the onset of the first warning to deal with the matter, which basically doesn't come until your sim passes out or freezes. If you do NOT have SShack, the warning is useless and completely ineffectual, as the SS will show up the moment your sim gets close to the pass out/freeze point, with no useful warning at all, as the arrival of the SS is not at all triggered to the warning due to the "sudden death" nature of temperature failures. It's just like how if something were to drop a child's "critical" motives like hunger or social to -100 instantly, the SS would immediately appear, even if there had not been a warning. The warnings are not actually functional at all, but give the appearance of such because hunger and social normally do not make abrupt changes. However, temperature DOES make abrupt changes in response to certain activities, and is not a gradually decaying function, so the warning tells you nothing.

AndrewGloria 30th Dec 2024 1:22 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
Is it possible to increase the view distance from within a lot to show the entire neighborhood, all the way to the edges of the terrain? I have it set to the maximum/highest setting in the options and parts of the distant terrain are still obscured. I think I remember being able to see the entire neighborhood years ago... Granted, it's been a while since I've played the game, so I could be wrong...
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Welcome back!
See here, something I stumbled upon (I have not done it yet):

I had the same issue. I thought I had previously been able to see right to the edges of the lot, but it is more likely that I was now trying to see things further away than I had been previously looking at.The problem really began in my custom 'hood of Baldrair Bluffs. I've recently starting building on the low-lying ground on the northern bank of the river, and was dismayed to find that the Bluffs on the southern side, couldn't be seen from the new lots. Now the Bluffs are, along with the river, the dominant feature of the landscape there. If it were real, they would be visible from all parts of the neighbourhood. So I really did want them to be visible from all lots. I had no idea how to do it until I saw @Justpetro 's post. Now I've made the changes that episims recommended, and the Bluffs are fully visible at the "Extra Large" setting, and most of them are visible at the "Large" setting.

So thanks Justpetro for the link. Now I'll have to log on to tumblr to thank episims.

kestrellyn 30th Dec 2024 5:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
That tool was meant by me to only deal with memories. Then the blog writeup was made by someone else without my input. You can set restaurant food at any time for individual people without the mass cleanup, which affects eaten and cooked well tokens, lot fridge and personal inventory on standard plates as well as visible memories. On business lots the list shows all fridge menu, and on other lots its the normal restaurant foods. What is the error you get from want history? Are they simply blank or does the game crash?

None of the above, they throw script errors.

Charity 30th Dec 2024 6:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
BTW, BoilingOil's mod DOES disable the social worker entirely - he says so in one of the comments on the download page (on page 5 of the comments). It is very unlike him to have such undocumented features, so I was very surprised by it at the time. It's the one I have used in my apocalypse hoods and it definitely never lets the social worker appear. I had toddlers living alone with only dog bowls to eat from, and once even a baby, which I had to keep making visitors selectable for, since babies can neither starve, nor age up on their own, and I needed a way to move the lot on.

How is that an undocumented feature? It's literally what the hack says it does.

vegan_kaktus 30th Dec 2024 9:35 PM

a very dumb question, which I think I've seen answered somewhere but I can't for the life of me find it now that I need it: if I wanted to edit the "string" in SimPE when creating recolors etc, to read my name instead of a random bunch of numbers/letters, how would I do that? I've checked in the settings but I can't find anything, hmm.

simmer22 30th Dec 2024 10:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by vegan_kaktus
a very dumb question, which I think I've seen answered somewhere but I can't for the life of me find it now that I need it: if I wanted to edit the "string" in SimPE when creating recolors etc, to read my name instead of a random bunch of numbers/letters, how would I do that? I've checked in the settings but I can't find anything, hmm.

Not sure if this is the thing, but I've got mine set up with my username in the "Ident" under Preferences. You could try to see if this is the one? It used to be a login for GUIDs and the like (when the site worked - I've got a very old login I used at the original SimPE site. Can't remember if I set it up before the site went down for good, or if it still works if you just put a username there).

inspiredzone 31st Dec 2024 5:24 AM

Am I remembering this item from Sims 1 and it's not from Sims 2 at all or am I just failing at finding it in the catalog? Or did I hallucinate it completely?

It was a pumpkin and there was a recolor that was a jack-o-lantern face?

simmer22 31st Dec 2024 3:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by inspiredzone
Am I remembering this item from Sims 1 and it's not from Sims 2 at all or am I just failing at finding it in the catalog? Or did I hallucinate it completely?

It was a pumpkin and there was a recolor that was a jack-o-lantern face?

There's a large pumpkin/jackolantern with a witch hat in the Holiday pack, but it's just deco. Reasonably sure there aren't other pumpkins or jack-o-lantens in TS2 vanilla. I think there were some Store items here, but that's about as close as you get. Plenty of CC pumpkins (even carvable), though - pretty sure I've seen some where the face is a recolor.

Likely a TS1 item (there was one, described here).

TS3 and TS4 has pumpkin carving included in EPs/SPs.

inspiredzone 31st Dec 2024 5:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
There's a large pumpkin/jackolantern with a witch hat in the Holiday pack, but it's just deco. Reasonably sure there aren't other pumpkins or jack-o-lantens in TS2 vanilla. I think there were some Store items here, but that's about as close as you get. Plenty of CC pumpkins (even carvable), though - pretty sure I've seen some where the face is a recolor.

Likely a TS1 item (there was one, described here).

TS3 and TS4 has pumpkin carving included in EPs/SPs.

I do have that Store item, that's what I was thinking of. I couldn't find it because it's in lamps, not deco Good to know I'm not completely crazy!

Thank you!

simsfreq 31st Dec 2024 10:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
How is that an undocumented feature? It's literally what the hack says it does.

No it doesn't. It says that it is a mod to allow you to leave kids and pets unattended. That's not at all the same thing as disabling the social worker. On reading that description, I would have assumed that the social worker would still come if children's needs/grades etc got too low, or if all the adults died or something. I thought it was just supposed to remove the game thingy which prevents the last teen-or-older sim from leaving the lot if it would mean leaving a vulnerable sim alone (it says something like "I really don't think I should leave the little ones alone" and the carpool drives away.) IIRC it was originally created because people were frustrated with this happening with vacations - I don't play BV so never tried this. But I think it's also a problem for people playing on Mac who don't have walk to work/school as an option since the carpool is then just gone and you have to miss work if you don't have a car. It was a long time ago and the convo was on Simbology so not sure now. But that's what I remember the mod was originally supposed to solve.

I can understand that it would be a way more complicated hack to figure out exactly why a child is unattended and send the social worker, or not, but I still think it should have been clearer that it's a no-social-worker-at-all hack :P

aelflaed 1st Jan 2025 2:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Not sure if this is the thing, but I've got mine set up with my username in the "Ident" under Preferences. You could try to see if this is the one? It used to be a login for GUIDs and the like (when the site worked - I've got a very old login I used at the original SimPE site. Can't remember if I set it up before the site went down for good, or if it still works if you just put a username there).

I've wondered about this same issue for several years now...and I can't find any field in my SimPE with "Ident" under Preferences. Probably cupboard-blindness at work, but can you point me any more precisely please? I have version 75.69.23, in case that makes a difference.

simmer22 1st Jan 2025 5:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by aelflaed
I've wondered about this same issue for several years now...and I can't find any field in my SimPE with "Ident" under Preferences. Probably cupboard-blindness at work, but can you point me any more precisely please? I have version 75.69.23, in case that makes a difference.

Preferences --> Ident (Menu to the left. Scroll down to the bottom, it's after "External Tools", icon looks like keys)

I've got 75f - is it possible Chris Hatch removed it for being "useless"?
It's an entire icon/preference menu option of its own, so shouldn't be hard to miss if it's there.

kestrellyn 1st Jan 2025 7:13 AM

I'm using Chris Hatch's version, and this setting indeed does not seem to be there.

aelflaed 1st Jan 2025 11:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Preferences --> Ident (Menu to the left. Scroll down to the bottom, it's after "External Tools", icon looks like keys)

I've got 75f - is it possible Chris Hatch removed it for being "useless"?
It's an entire icon/preference menu option of its own, so shouldn't be hard to miss if it's there.

Extra/Preferences/...nothing at all after External Tools. Sadly, it appears to have been removed.
Oh well. Thanks for confirming.

simmer22 1st Jan 2025 11:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by aelflaed
Extra/Preferences/...nothing at all after External Tools. Sadly, it appears to have been removed.
Oh well. Thanks for confirming.

It's is as far as I can see the only place where I've put my username (which appears inside the brackets when I make recolors/objects/etc.), so unless there's some other place to put it that I'm not aware of, or CH put the Ident function in some other place, then I don't know.

vegan_kaktus 1st Jan 2025 12:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Not sure if this is the thing, but I've got mine set up with my username in the "Ident" under Preferences. You could try to see if this is the one? It used to be a login for GUIDs and the like (when the site worked - I've got a very old login I used at the original SimPE site. Can't remember if I set it up before the site went down for good, or if it still works if you just put a username there).

I recognize that! But I can't seem to find any "ident" under preferences? Could I bother you for a screenshot where this setting is found? I looked through all the settings under preferences but could not find it.. Either I'm blind (probably this) or I don't have that setting for some weird reason?

Edit: oops, missed the newer comments! Glad I'm not the only one not seeing it, but weird if it got removed? I'm on version and I don't have it as well.

Edit #2: sent a message to Chris, he hasn't been active since Aug though so I'm not sure if I'll get a reply soon. Also, happy new year!

HugeLunatic 1st Jan 2025 1:25 PM

There is a newer version, and Ident is back. However, I use 75.69 which is missing the Ident tab. You can manually edit the simpe.xreg and search for <string name="Username">HugeLunatic</string> (near the top).

vegan_kaktus 1st Jan 2025 1:49 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
There is a newer version, and Ident is back. However, I use 75.69 which is missing the Ident tab. You can manually edit the simpe.xreg and search for <string name="Username">HugeLunatic</string> (near the top).

Thank you so much Hugelunatic!! I had two simpe.xreg files (not sure why) but I edited the one in \data and it updated the one in the "yes" folder as well. Anyway, it seems to have worked!

FranH 1st Jan 2025 2:59 PM

I've got a question:

I've installed the UC and I can't get my custom skins/hairs/makeup to show up in Body Shop (taken from Fun w/Pets).

I've deleted the usual suspects like the thumbnails.

Is there something else I'm not doing (yes, I did enable CC) to make them not show up?

All the other CC does-furniture, etc.

Never mind! I fixed the problem: Cigen had to be deleted after running Body shop for the first time! Doh!

M.M.A.A. 1st Jan 2025 11:46 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I noticed in CAS that I have a 'Colourful' hair bin:

When did The Sims 2 get that? I don't seem to recall having that show up in CAS before. Is it a feature in a UI mod? I do remember colourful hair showing up in mirrors only, not in CAS... Also, how does this affect genetics?

simsample 2nd Jan 2025 12:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
I noticed in CAS that I have a 'Colourful' hair bin

It's one Chris Hatch added:

Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
The Colourful button would have first appeared in A&N then in my wider CAS screens ( and later (with consent) are added into the Clean UI.
It accesses the Maxis custom hair colours which are binned as 00000006-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

M.M.A.A. 2nd Jan 2025 1:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
It's one Chris Hatch added:

Oh, that explains it. I think I'll just stick to the default four hair colours in CAS and then switch to the dyed/colourful hair using a mirror, just in case it messes with genetics... Thank you, @simsample!

aelflaed 2nd Jan 2025 10:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
There is a newer version, and Ident is back. However, I use 75.69 which is missing the Ident tab. You can manually edit the simpe.xreg and search for <string name="Username">HugeLunatic</string> (near the top).

No doubt I'm missing the obvious, but how does one "edit the simpe.xreg"?
ETA: yep, eventually found how to open it in Notepad. We now return you to your regular program...

AndrewGloria 2nd Jan 2025 12:20 PM

Drinking Toasts?
What are the Sims' rules about who can toast whom (or what)? When I was posting my Seasonal Greetings pictures, I couldn't see any sense in who was able to propose toasts to whom. Parents didn't seem to be able to toast their children or vice versa, Not even when their relationship is as close (and intense) as Andrew and his mum Gloria. What's more, some Sims don't join in the toast. If you look at that picture, you will see that Gloria and Tybalt are not participating. I believe that was actually a toast to Edgar Edwards proposed by Andrew, and that kind of makes sense, as neither Gloria nor Tybalt really know Edgar -- they've only just met him. Still, I would have thought that Gloria would want to join in any toast that Andrew proposed. I don't think she joined in, even when Edgar proposed a toast to Andrew. Surely Gloria, who is extremely outgoing, would want to toast her much-loved son! I can also see that Sims might want to toast somebody who is not present -- for instance we Veronavillians might want to drink a loyal toast to our Grand Duchess (Juliette Capp). And of course it is also possible to drink a toast to something abstract -- in this case I was trying to simulate a toast to the New Year. I suppose in more general terms you might call that a toast to the future.

I think I might like an "anybody can toast anybody" mod but first I'd like to know what the Maxis rules for toasting actually are. Since I understand that Sims are drinking juice, I see no treason why even children shouldn't join in. Any thoughts?

P.S. I wonder how many Sims would like to drink a toast to their players?!

Charity 2nd Jan 2025 5:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
No it doesn't. It says that it is a mod to allow you to leave kids and pets unattended. That's not at all the same thing as disabling the social worker. On reading that description, I would have assumed that the social worker would still come if children's needs/grades etc got too low, or if all the adults died or something. I thought it was just supposed to remove the game thingy which prevents the last teen-or-older sim from leaving the lot if it would mean leaving a vulnerable sim alone (it says something like "I really don't think I should leave the little ones alone" and the carpool drives away.) IIRC it was originally created because people were frustrated with this happening with vacations - I don't play BV so never tried this. But I think it's also a problem for people playing on Mac who don't have walk to work/school as an option since the carpool is then just gone and you have to miss work if you don't have a car. It was a long time ago and the convo was on Simbology so not sure now. But that's what I remember the mod was originally supposed to solve.

I can understand that it would be a way more complicated hack to figure out exactly why a child is unattended and send the social worker, or not, but I still think it should have been clearer that it's a no-social-worker-at-all hack :P

ROFL. Guess who asked the question where BO confirmed that the SW wouldn't come for anything. It was me. I guess it wasn't so obvious after all.

pinkdynamite 2nd Jan 2025 11:50 PM

Is there a way to bulk transfer veggies from a sim's inventory to the fridge? Transferring one by one is getting rather tedious.

FranH 3rd Jan 2025 2:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
Is there a way to bulk transfer veggies from a sim's inventory to the fridge? Transferring one by one is getting rather tedious.

As far as I know there is no way for that to happen, unless one mods the 'inventory' mod that transfers the contents of a pixels' inventory into someone else's when they die-here by Nopke:

In fact, that would be a good place and mod to make: a 'transfer all food" into the fridge.

But I'm not the one to do it.

Let's hope Nopke sees this and perhaps...

simsfreq 3rd Jan 2025 3:22 PM

I think they will only autonomously toast at weddings, to the bride and groom.

Would Simwardrobe's vegetable crates help with the fridge issue?

Charity 3rd Jan 2025 5:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
Would Simwardrobe's vegetable crates help with the fridge issue?

I wondered about that too, so I looked them up. They only seem to allow you to unpack into a sim's inventory though, which retains the problem of getting them from the inventory to the fridge.

Pescado had a fruit bowl that let you store veges, but again, only store in the bowl and not transfer to the fridge (as far as I could see).

Misaki Chan 3rd Jan 2025 7:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Would you say this is an inhumane size/layout of a room for two children? I think it's right on the border of being okay, but as children grow up it would become more problematic. Then again, I come from Poland where people living in commie blocks have three children in one room and parents sleeping in the living room, so maybe my sims deserve more.

(also my images are not embedding )

simmer22 3rd Jan 2025 8:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Misaki Chan
(also my images are not embedding )

When you upload a picture, you need to copy the link that says "Copy [IMG] link", and then paste it where you want it in the text (Ctrl+V, or right-click and paste).

Peni Griffin 3rd Jan 2025 8:25 PM

There's three, maybe four bottlenecks in that room! You can relieve that somewhat with assignable desks and beds and/or bunkbeds, but for my money any bedroom that doesn't have at least a 4x4 open space isn't worth the hassle. Some people manage in spaces that look cramped to me so your mileage may vary. To make this space usable I'd get rid of the desk and the halfwall and put a single-tile wardrobe in that space, getting rid of the central wardrobe.

I also don't see the point of the fences on the side; just expand the room to the walls of the house! Give the poor kids room to turn around! But perhaps it makes sense in light of the whole design.

pinkdynamite 3rd Jan 2025 9:16 PM

SimWardrobe's vegetable crates only help with bulk-carrying food in their inventory, not transferring to the fridge, unfortunately. Guess I'll just keep transferring the old fashioned way. Serves me right for trying to have self-sufficient sims.

jonasn 3rd Jan 2025 9:20 PM

I like that hiding place for the children. From a practical perspective, the spiral staircase is very slow to climb up. The lightbulb kinda sticks out and is asking to be broken. They didn't have any such nooks in commie blocks. Maybe there is room for one bed and a desk. This way two people are unlikely to bump into each other. I used to have a writing desk in a store room when I was a kid, and it was lit from above with a bare bulb that was for seeing on shelves.

simsample 3rd Jan 2025 9:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
What are the Sims' rules about who can toast whom (or what)?

As far as I can tell, it seems to be a two person thing. I can never get others to join and it needs good relationship. There's a toasting set for weddings that will work for other times if you want a group toast, though. It's the champagne bottle on a tray thingy in the party section.

Quote: Originally posted by Misaki Chan
Would you say this is an inhumane size/layout of a room for two children?

I quite like it as it is, as long as there is some floor space downstairs/ ourside for activities.

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I also don't see the point of the fences on the side; just expand the room to the walls of the house!

Looks like there are double height windows there.

Misaki Chan 3rd Jan 2025 9:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
When you upload a picture, you need to copy the link that says "Copy [IMG] link", and then paste it where you want it in the text (Ctrl+V, or right-click and paste).

I kept copying the wrong link T_T thank you!!

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I also don't see the point of the fences on the side; just expand the room to the walls of the house! Give the poor kids room to turn around! But perhaps it makes sense in light of the whole design.

As for the fences (railings!), it's because of the two-floor windows on both sides, can't cut through them with a floor.

I must say, I asked here because I think I just really love living in odd layouts myself, so my perception on housing for normal people must be skewed. In fact, to back this statement I drew my teenage room in MS Paint, everything almost to scale. The pink is a single bed, the light blue are two identical wardrobes, the blueblue is tall bookselves. It's a roomful of a bottleneck, and you can barely breathe! >_>

now that I live with my boyfriend it's actually even worse, because the single bed has been swapped for a double, and the Mr sits opposite to me on the other end of the desk, so every time I try to leave the room, I have to squeeze through the tiny gap next to the bed, sucking my thighs in. But I still love how it is, fits my feng shui of being enclosed by things in order to focus well. I think you could go crazy in a space like that, Peni!! And I'm not sure if my sims would like it either. This is a british house, and british bedrooms are also often either tiny tiny small to only fit a bed in, or very long (and most often it's both of those in one house).

Now I think I should upload some more of my odd room designs in the pictures subforum for the laughs.

EDIT: well if the sims hate it then there's always a basement to put a spare bedroom in.....

jonasn 3rd Jan 2025 11:09 PM

What is the logic for nightlife toasting when you sit at a dining table? Why is it that sometimes people like it (++) and other times they don't? It does not appear as simple as relationship.

simsfreq 4th Jan 2025 1:30 AM

The bedroom size is OK, I have definitely had sim children in smaller rooms! If I was being picky I would say it will be difficult for them to sleep because light, and sound, will come up through those little balconies next to the multi-floor windows. It would be more practical as a playroom than a bedroom. (But, sims don't mind this at all and will happily sleep with bright lights shining on them.)

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