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"you young sir, you are a mistake"
- accidents happen with risky wohoo, even if you are close to being elder |
"Let's give Romeo Monty another chance. Maybe that "Have two lovers" want was a one time thing, and he'll want to be faithful to Juliette from now on..."
*Romeo immediately rolls want to woohoo with three sims* ": )" "WELL I GUESS SOME OF Y'ALL JUST DON'T CHANGE DO YOU" |
Quote: Originally posted by sugoisama
Ah, Romance sims... |
Quote: Originally posted by sugoisama
Gloria (Andrew's mum) gets wants like that all the time. But she resists these temptations. Because years ago she got badly hurt when trying to get off with a fellow army officer, who it turned out only wanted a platonic friendship. And, more importantly, when she got upset, it upset her son too, and she cares deeply about her son. So she's learned she can keep herself in almost constant platinum aspiration by having woohoo every night, either in bed, or in the hot tub, or both, with her fiancé Garry. And by just making friends with various Sims that she meets. And occasionally, to prove how wild she and Garry (who is in the politics career!) still are, they'll shock everyone by having public woohoo in a changing booth at one of the local clothing stores. Come to think of it, Garry deals with the same sort of wants, the same way. So I think I'll continue to play Romeo as one of these Romance Sims with self-restraint. (I've got plenty of the other sort of Romance Sims in my game! ![]() |
Talk bubbles: law followed by heart farting teenager. |
"Come on dog, there's a burglar. Don't just chew on your rubber bone, growl at him!" Useless.
"WHAT??? Why is it pink?!"
"Why is there UFO in my medieval hood?! Oh cos theirs stone hinge..."
Like 100x "This is not your bed". My sims know exactly which is their bed (I have a mod) but they are still trying to sneak into more comfy one. If I cancel, they will go to their own bed.
"Asher I know you're on an island far from civilization but for goodness sake put some clothes on."
After taking a shower in the waterfall, she kept wearing her bikini and spend an afternoon completely naked. "I guess whatever keeps you two sane" Asher and my other sim Latitia decided to woohoo after one flirt. |
This could apply to any Sims game, because it's nothing to do with the actual game, but I think it fits here too? It's kinda related.
Quote: Originally posted by didyouevenmakeasound
This drove me nuts until I discovered that my firewall software has an ad blocker built into it. I had to disable that firewall feature as well as my ad-blocking browser extensions in order to get some websites to work properly. |
"So THAT'S what caused the crashing! Time to play again!"
"Sorry, but you'll have to be a vampire again." "You two have a double bed and a sofa, and there's nothing blocking them, stop whining!" "You want another one? YOU HAVE 20 CHILDREN, ISN'T THAT ENOUGH?" "...Why am I always playing at night?" |
"Inherit money from Mathius?"
I don't understand. What kind of woman are you Carmen? You love him, (100 score daily/longterm) He's your best friend forever. He's always kissing you, serenading you, making you feel loved. He does that all on his own instead of doing the farming that I told him to do. I know your short of money, but heck woman, where's your morality? He's still a young man, we just started playing. Is money really that important to you? (Disgusted) ![]() (Wonder if them Sun & Moon Toxic Herbs still kill) |
"Well Hermia, your growing up wasn't part of the plan at the moment, but I don't feel like replaying anything at the moment and you seem to want to move on as well. In fact, I think I know a way to make it work. Oh, wait, nevermind, you're just an acquaintance with that part of your family. Wait, actually there is a way it can work."
@Diovanlestat - insurance only pays on old age death. So what she's hoping there is that she will spend her life with him, and he will predecease her, so that the burden of going on alone is on her, not on him.
@Peni Griffin - If you say so. But I got to admit, I personally feel different about her and will be watching most carefully from now on.
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Quote: Originally posted by Diovanlestat
Is that an actual Want she's rolled? I've never seen it. |
"What's your problem? You can move around just fine. It's when you go outside that you burn."
"ENOUGH. ACR, if turning off most of your options doesn't stop this, you're out." "If this keeps going, I'll be forced to use Clean UI. And I REALLY don't like the way it looks." "Old camera best camera. Why did I change it in the first place?" "Can I call it "Malkavian game"?" ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by BlueAlien
An actual want she got all by herself, that's why I was worried. But Peni was right, she loves him, cause she can't get inheritance until he's an elder. |
"Where are you going?" *Checks action icon.* "Seriously? That is the stupidest routing I have ever seen, and you pixel people are famous for your stupid routings!"
Patricia wanted a piece of her step-granddaughter's birthday cake, which was sitting on the counter in the O'Mackey house. Patricia was the kitchen side of the counter, standing right beside the cake. Instead of just picking up some cake, she walked all the way around the counter, around the dining room, went out into the greenhouse, walked all the way around that to get out into the garden, then came back in again to pick up the cake from the dining-room side of the counter. It took her an entire Sim hour to pick up a piece of cake that she was standing right next to when she started. (Okay, I have actually seen stupider routings, particularly in apartment buildings, but Patricia doesn't need to know that!) |
Sims routing is okay. Something is blocking a straight way. It may be just opened door or puddle on the way. Opened doors are the most common for strange routings. In many premade buildings I need replace doors to make them working for routing.
I don't see how anything can be in the way when she's standing right beside the thing she wants. Even if the cake can only be picked up from one side of the counter, she walked right through the square where she needed to be to pick it up from that side. Going out of the front door would have been within normal limits of Sim stupidity (they often make a long detour rather than make a tight turn), but going out the back door was extreme.
Patricia knows that cake is fattening and she's watching her figure. So she makes sure that she gets plenty of exercise before she eats it. When Sims do something that seems odd to me, I try to see if there's a psychological explanation that will account for it. There usually is. I've given up arguing with my Sims. Now I just accept that they always know best.
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Eli that wish to have a baby is a little premanture because you guy are still broke and stuggling to get saving built up.That baby wish will have to wait for a few years.
"Turn around, damn you" when trying to place a door or window.
No, no, put David down before you go to... Welp, I guess it must be "take your kid to work day" because Lilith went to work still holding David. I hope she's still holding him when she comes back.
Quote: Originally posted by BlueAlien
I once had a Sim that refused to walk through a smell emitter (which is invisible). Deleting the smell emitter using a Burninator (which can be got from More Awesome Than You) fixed the issue. |
"You went into aspiration failure when you gave birth this morning, why do you have another Have a Baby want?!"
Not while playing, but while deleting old pics in storytelling folder "Who ARE these Sims?" I couldn't remember any of them it had been so long. It was time for them to go.
You damned Sims - Don't ever stop surprising me.
![]() Lady, I know your husband just won $10,000 at work, but for a knowledge Sim, a scientist at that, you sure are fancy. Where you gonna put this butler in your small cramped, one bedroom house? ETA - I'm the stupid one, guess because of the new baby, Nancy wants to move. |
Human-alien hybrid grew up to teen.
"What an ogre game has made?" "And you want marry off 6 children!!!" |
Julian has 3 cooking skills..cannot cook an omelette without burning it. I guess he couldn't...crack it
Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna
I think you might wanna rephrase that... |
Quote: Originally posted by sugoisama
Haha, sure. Edited ![]() |
"Oh the siminity!" I say to my sloppy sims who whine and wince when I tell them to put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I mean, it's not like they have to do any cleaning or wash their dishes by hand. So it's really not asking too much that they put their dishes in the dishwasher, is it? Maybe it is. Sim life is tough.
Quote: Originally posted by SIMposiast
I have the opposite. I need to cancel my sloppy sims doing dishes, especially on community lots. |
Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna
That's another common saying of mine. MOD IT OUT ![]() |
"Ok I get it, you think he's hot." There are multiple reasons why I don't like three bolt couples. A new one is that every time the wife is in the same room as the husband, she keeps doing the "hes hot" hand sign. Today I found out Sims can do that with a baby bottle in their hand. Amber just gave birth and went to give baby Bethany her first bottle, doing the "he's hot" hand sign at her husband eating breakfast at the table with the baby bottle in one hand and the baby in the other.
"What's this, a UI for ants?"
"Don't go outside, you're a vampire you idiot!" "Hey, what happened to the TV? Where did it go?" "If this happens in the testing hood, who knows what will happen in the main one..." ""Watch from toilet?" What?" |
"Yeah, thanks for coming. Now get out of my house!" - apartment neighbor let themselves in to watch my sim giving birth.
https://smutsigaliam.com/ |
"Potty train your damn toddler." Now I remember why I have never finished the Marry Off 6 Children LTW. By the fourth child I am tearing my hair out at how fucking stupid sims are (especially Family Sims) when it comes to raising babies and toddlers. I used the batbox to change his LTW.
Edit to Add: "Looks like Sim cats get the zoomies too." "Zoomies" are what a lot of cat owners on the internet call the action of the cat running around crazily. Its very common in real cats, and today was the first time I saw it in my Sim cat. |
Me: "This is your last night at home before going to college. I will give you your pleasure. Watch for UFOs."
Just a second after my sim touches a telescope cutscene plays. Me: "Haha, one more scolarship." |
"What? Where'd she go?!" My sim was getting married to another Sim. I thought their relationship was high enough so imagine my surprise when Edward got left at the alter! I sat there, mouth open, absolutely gobsmacked. I double clicked on her icon and nothing happened. Only when I directed her to go to bed did she come back in a yellow van! (Spoiler: they're now happily married!)
"Have 3 1st Dates" - But you're pregnant for that new guy. The new guy we was gonna move in, remember him Toya, Tony something.. Guess them other one night stands, (photo both stands) weren't a mistake. You never had no intention of settling down in the first place.
Ernesto is dying from headstroke while starving.
Me: "Game, I think you should crash as you're regularly doing since I decided to play today". I was about to take a pic, I hit the needed button and then the game crashes. |
"Sorry, I really don't know what you're talking about."
Several of my Sims have been telling me recently that they want to "hustle at pool". But I have to admit that I haven't a clue what they mean. I know that billiards, and snooker and pool are rather similar games played on large tables, which are usually covered in green baize. I know that the idea is to hit coloured balls I've also got a little "supplementary question". It's a bit sensitive and I'm rather diffident about raising the matter directly with my Sims: This "hustling" they're talking about; it is completely legitimate, isn't it? Because I wouldn't like to think that my Sims might be considering doing anything "cheaty". |
"Your pants are horrible. I thought I had replaced those."
The first family in my hood ended up with 6 kids anyway. I just had the last born kid go to college and she grew up into an ok shirt and horrible base game pants. I thought I had a default replacement for them, but I guess not. Time to go to the default database. |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Basically, pool hustling is playing some billiard game or other and betting on the outcome - If I win, you give me ten bucks, if you win, I give you ten bucks. The term "hustle" does have a bit of a connotation of pretending to be less good than you are in order to lure strangers into the game, but I believe (I really don't hang in these circles) that this usage applies more to card games, and that referring to someone as a pool hustler isn't normally pejorative, but just means that they're good enough at the game that they can reliably make an income from it, and that amateurs should stay away. |
Thanks Peni! It's good to know I don't have to worry too much about my Sims' moral wellbeing.
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"This is awkward."
Nervous walking in to say bye as Dirk and Lilith were woohooing. "Aren't you a good son?" Dustin was autonomously cleaning while Brandi was handling pregnancy and low aspiration. |
"Uh oh. He's somehow picked up on the fact that she has less days left than he does and is now fearing it."
I use a "days left shrub" from Simlogical to know how many days Elders have left. According to the shrub the husband has 11 days left and the wife has 5. He now constantly has a fear of her dying, hence me saying the above. All of the kids haven't graduated from college yet, so he hasn't got his LTW, so I imagine the aspiration drop will be bad when she does die. Edit to add: "You're the one that wanted the damn mutt, you clean up after him" to the child sim in the next household. I originally created a mother and teen son family to be the boyfriend of the oldest daughter of the Family couple that wanted six kids. I have Cyjons no alien sexism mod, so when the mother got abducted by aliens she came back pregnant. Her son from the abduction is now child age and when he grew up to child he would not get rid of his get a puppy want. The puppy is a pain in the ass and keeps peeing in the house. |
"Oh no you don't. I'm your Goddess. Get in there and clean up that mess" - to Sims who leave messes all over the houses (2, 3 and 4)
"Oh no you don't. You have to get a job promotion!" (2, 3 and 4) "I did not say you can have that now." (2, 3 and 4) Random profanities and comments not intended for young Sims players here on MTS |
"Too bad you can't scold toddlers like pets."
The toddler is driving me crazy because she will not stay out of the cat food. I'm tempted to take out the mod that lets toddlers use stairs. |
"Are you seriously going to do this? You're just gonna eat your pregnancy craving and not share any with your best friend. Seriously?"
My sim is pregnant, went to the kitchen, and made a dessert meal that I didn't even say to make. He then proceeded to sit down in the kitchen and eat the food in front of his best friend. |
"So you want TV costing at least 3k? Get a job at first!"
"That's it I'm taking that mod out."
The damn toddler would not stay out of the kitten's food and ended up throwing all of it out of the bowl. I got a message that the kitten was starving so I took the mod out that let toddlers and puppies and kittens go up and down stairs. He had plenty of food before the toddler got up there, so its his fault. The kitten's room is upstairs, so the toddler will now stay out of his food. |
Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
Put on a baby gate. http://modthesims.info/d/497904/uni...r-toddlers.html |
The thought of revamping my entire CC folder is such a headache, was thinking of removing everything...then adding something 10-20 pieces at a time..check in game etc. The very idea is so stresful and turns me off from playing. I dont know how many items in my folder are older than 10 years and cannot be replaced so i dont want to delete too many t hings. Such a headache.
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Thank you. I put that in and the stairs mod back in. I like the fact that it lets puppies go down stairs to go outside, but I was getting frustrated with the toddlers throwing all the pet food out of the bowl. To get back on topic: "Ha. Now that you have to take care of him alone you're fearing a baby." I have a Family Sim and a Knowledge Sim couple. They have a toddler. The Knowledge Sim dad was at work and I had the Family Sim mom taking care of the toddler since she had a day off. Her want for a baby rolled away and then she rolled a fear of having a baby. I like Family Sims most of the time, but one thing that annoys me about them is that they always roll the want to have babies but never want to take care of them. |
It all depends of personality. Neat sims don't fear to change diapers. Nice sims like to deal with offspring. I have couple who is opposite. Family sim mother rolls constant wants to teach toddler all the skills while knowledge father cares only for his own skills.
"Wait... did I... save and close my game?"
Said about 5 seconds after powering off my computer. |
"No I don't her to have a blind date it's her wedding day, you idiot."
One of Vyn's friends give a date just before getting married to Nervous. "That's so cute." Nervous and Vyn both rolled wants to befriend their new adopted daughter Gabriella. |
Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna
I remember when I first started playing, I thought aspiration would trump personality. I was just cycling through aspirations, and Daphne Beaker (daughter of Circe and Loki) got Family. She had zero Nice points. She only ever rolled one want for a baby, and she neglected him utterly. Even if I sent her to interact with him, she'd start and then drop out and go play chess instead. There were so many calls from the social worker about that poor child! These days, Sims who grow up in-game are given aspirations based on their personality. Things I have said recently: "Oi! Get back in here! Your boyfriend's trying to propose to you!" (Helena was very happy to accept.) |
"I just wanted to know your two's chemistry."
After told Taylor to check out Keaton, they decided right there and then to woohoo. Which of course resulted in pregnancy. |
Quote: Originally posted by Shadow214
The thing what I hate in ACR. My teen brought a friend from school at her first school day and first thing ACR sends her to do is First Kiss! "Do not waste you first kiss on random boys" She even didn't have a want. And now I need put on friendzone every friend who they bring from school as soon as they appear on lot. |
Either the two of you enjoy the ACR-insanity, or you haven't found the turn autonomy off, set required relationships, etc options to fine-tune it!
Thing my husband said last night when I was playing the Sims: "That's real pop music, but what did they do to the lyrics?" Guess who usually has the station on Classical? |
Well, I am still testing it. Still not sure if I will leave it in.
"Of course Gretchen's not available to talk - she's a toddler, you idiot!"
It's sweet that David Ottomas is concerned about his little sister at the orphanage, but the fact he doesn't even know a toddler can't hold a telephone conversation may go some way towards explaining why she was removed from the family in the first place. |
Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee
I just enjoy ACR-insanity it just normally doesn't escalate that quickly. |
"Finally so quiet"
When 5 kids went to school. |
"Oh no The game is glitching. Wait no it isn't, that just the school bus."
"Um, why do you have the option to flirt with your half-sister's husband?"
I made a Sim couple in CAS. The husband wanted to marry off 6 children. He had 5 children with his wife, and one alien abduction baby. All children were married, but the father died of old age before the last daughter married. The alien abduction baby is now an adult and wanted to buy clothes so I sent him downtown. He ran into the oldest daughters husband, and I was a little confused why the flirt option was there. |
"Don't like your parents's romantic socials? Get out of their bedroom!"
"Oh thank goddess you grew into your face."
Son of Matthew and Jessica Picaso was quite ugly as a toddler but is quite cute as a child. "Make up your mind Jan!" Jan kept rolled a want and a fear of getting engaged and marriage to Matthew. Guess that what happens with Romance/Family sim. |
"Ack! Go plead for her!" directed to a sim as the rare satellite falls from the sky onto his hapless stargazing wife.
"Hey, Death... now wait a minute. This poor lady is pregnant, did you really need to be salty about losing and bring her back with most of her needs halfway drained?" after Grim brings back said stargazer when her husband successfully won the guess game. The morning isn't going to be pretty as she gets all her needs back up. |
"Time to do some population control"
*removes risky Woohoo mod* *adds in realistic working guns mod* |
"Get out of the hot tub so she can seduce you!"
"Wait which twin was dating her?" "No stop having twins!" "Why can't I have a single birth?" "No! They don't have room for triplets!" "You just had twins, why are you trying for baby already!?" |
"Your grandma cannot teach you to walk. Your grandma is pregnant."
Quote: Originally posted by shyboy95
I have the Triplets & Quads mod but I set the quads to the lowest possibility (I think 2%) and triplets a little bit higher (4 or 5%). I love babies, but I'm trying not to have all large families (it's so difficult!). And this way when triplets or quads come around I'll be really surprised and things will get hectic. I love making things hectic in my game hehe |
Quote: Originally posted by shyboy95
Jack Gill (Romance teen from downtown Veronaville) says: "She can't be much good at seduction if she can't do it in a hot tub. ![]() |
"Sweet! Free pizza! Thanks!"
This was when the apartment's landlord ordered a pizza and never took it from the delivery lady because he kept watching my neighbors go into fights. The lady ended up placing the pizza by my doorstep and I immediately put it in one of my Sim's inventory. "Keep the change, ya filthy animal!" Sorry, I had to. ![]() |
"You could probably try Chris Hatch's nuker-globe." - Me, not quite remembering what the Lot Cleaner was called.
![]() "Sims 2 has the best parties." "She's looking right at them doing it!" "You're not going to do anything? Oh, ok." "Really Mike? You're going to flirt with his wife, while he's right there?" "Oh, wow, thanks. Just what we need, another stereo." ![]() |
"Is this even genetically possible? And why did I create a knockoff CAS Newson family?"
"Oh no. Not doing that again." Speaking of satellites falling on people. The Elder Sim had a satellite fall on her and it was just her and the dog, so no one could plead with Grim. I exited without saving since I needed the house. I said the quote when she rolled another want to star gaze in a way that she tempted another satellite to fall on her.
I realized that I had gotten her younger son in college out of sync, I started to play him through college to get him out before his older brother's teen daughter went to college. "Oh, no. Ewww." I went to tell the son's fiancee to grab a plate of food the dorm cook had made, then realized it had flies and green stink clouds, so it had gone bad. I waited until the cook made a new plate of food to have her eat and take care of her other needs. Edit to Add: "Who is his PT?" Leslie the Elder Sim mentioned above was abducted by aliens and since I have Cyjon's No Alien Sexism mod, she had Nathan from her abduction when she was an adult. Nathan and his wife moved in with Leslie since Leslie has 5 days left before she dies of Old Age. Nathan was stargazing and got abducted by aliens. I have Boiling Oil's PT#8 mod in so there is a selection of 8 PTs that can be used as the pollinator. When I checked the pregnancy scanner it listed that he was impregnated by a different PT than was his "father." Geez the PTs like this hood, and this family. Leslie's older son was also abducted by aliens and has an part alien son with another PT. |
While scrolling through clothing in CAS, seeing multiple copies of the same thing "How many shades of green do you need?" "I can't even see the difference between these two - OH, the texture is slightly different on the sleeve" Delete delete delete
"Whoops I forgot he was growing up." I played the next house in rotation and hadn't played that house in awhile and forgot that the son was growing up to a teen the first day I played the house.
"Oh, I didn't know she had that make up near her eye." the son had a desperate want to get his first kiss, so I just TwoJeff's Find a mate Crystal ball and he had the best chemistry with Melody Tinker. In the first kiss cut scene I saw a make up thing by her eye I hadn't seen before. "Do you really need to break the toilet?" The mother is pregnant and threw up in one toilet so much she clogged it then threw up again to make a huge puddle. |
The game: "Randy has been demoted due to poor work performance."
Randy: "What a great week it's been! I hope I can keep this up." Me: *Snorts* |
Quote: Originally posted by BlueAlien
There's a saying that goes something like "People keep getting promoted until they're one level above their competency." I guess ole Randy didn't like being incompetent in his latest job and was happy to be demoted back to his old job where he excelled enough to get that promotion in the first place. |
LoL HobbesED.
Said today: "Ok, that's his niece." The Sim I'm playing has 4 older brothers and sisters. The oldest has a teenage daughter that looks like now teen Tessa Ramirez so I keep confusing the two. Edit to add: "Do you like getting probed?" The half alien Sim that gave birth the last time I played his house had a want to meet aliens and for a relative to meet aliens. I used his Free Time perk to get him abducted again, but I imagine his brother isn't keen on being abducted again. |
"You mean to tell me I have to do this every time I want to do sim portaits??"
Me just now when I found out my saved TAB mode camera positions wiped themselves out from the night before, I'm really gonna cry ![]() ![]() EDIT: word from the wise; always save before exiting, even for photoshoots ![]() |
What? NO! What are you DOING?!
You don't even know her! And you're kissing her goodnight?! What the hell, seriously! Ok, she's in love with you but she's come round to steal your newspaper, and apparently she is furious with you... for no reason?? :D |
1 Attachment(s)
"Hallo! I haven't seen you for a while."
Veronaville townie Trista Shaw turned up, in her distinctive silver grey ball-gown, outside the house just as Goneril Capp was leaving with Miranda and Gerry, to go to the 3-in-1 bookshop Goneril has just bought in Bluewater. Early in my game, Trista was one of the first townies I met, when Garry Mackay went to the Swim Centre. Garry tried to speak to her, but Trista was too busy swimming. A little later she and Garry had an affair, and she got mad at Garry when she found out about Gloria. Since then I've barely seen her. "Are you following us?" Goneril and her party went to Amelia's Closet to buy some new clothes on their way to the Bookshop. As their taxi drew up, Trista was just arriving on foot. I have a picture to go with my last one: Hal wants to make friends with Gerry, who has just refused to play Rock, Paper Scissors with him. Minutes earlier Ariel used her potty with Hal and Gerry in the room, so I suppose that's what put the idea into Hal's young head. |
Quote: Originally posted by Primavera
I don't even know what "saved TAB mode camera positions" are. ![]()
Quote: Originally posted by NefariousShadow
There are mods to remove that irrational kiss hello/goodbye thing. |
Quote: Originally posted by Rosawyn
The more you know~ ![]() |
"Is this toilet gold-plated?" - Environment 10.
"Let's try to find you a place to study that isn't filled with dormies passed out all over the floor..."
Quote: Originally posted by Diovanlestat
Don't blame Sims 2. Blame your computer or your Operating System or even possibly some incompatible mods. I have more than 20 GB of downloads and my game runs just fine thank you. (Although it does take a while to load.) |
Quote: Originally posted by HobbesED
Well thank you for your answer, so helpful and kind. You don't have any specs to offer me that might help me with my troubles, if you don't mind me troubling you. |
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