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Was there some kind of bug that made certain walls lower the environment score?
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
I had to go back and look at the picture and now I think that the middle word says 'Epiaboob'. XD |
Maybe sometimes it is a particular wall section, but usually rebuilding any section will cause the room to be correctly recalculated for me.
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I think it's a game bug- ever since the basegame, I've found that walls can glitch and you can find a particular room has a low environment score no matter what's in it. Demolishing the walls and rebuilding usually fixes it. If you demolish walls one by one, you can usually narrow it down to which one is glitched. I find it happens often in houses I remodelled, for example moving walls or changing the layout of rooms. |
It's a bit annoying to find on a commlot because then you have to remember to go back there later to fix it. It is not important in practice, but a commlot with everything luxurious should better be green. It seems to happen more often where diagonal walls are involed. Those are a source of a few other problems.
I've got one particular combination of a floor and wall that will always please the pixels. They will live in a house with that combination and I've tried to break them of it, but they're stubborn.
They hate non-square rooms, though-and small rooms can make them feel claustrophobic. Have no idea why they all love the photobooth though... |
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Is this actually caused by holding down shift to make a rectangular room instead of placing walls one at a time, or was that an early-sims old wives tale? I have 2 questions because I won't have to do it all myself if someone has already done it: 1. Is there a list somewhere of all the hobby chance cards and results for adults and children/teens? MATY has a post with the hobby chance results, but not the full text, which is what I'm looking for. (Also: unclear what "Stalker" result means? Is that MATY-speak for bring home friend from work?) 2. Is there a list of all the BV Tour chance cards and results? Snooty Sims has a brief summary for the Mountain tours, but again not full text and not the other two vacation destinations. |
The wiki has all of the chance cards. Click into the individual careers from this page: https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Career_tracks#The_Sims_2
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Have you seen this glitch where the wants have missing strings? I think it was caused by accidentally launching two copies of the game by double-clicking fast.
It probably means you have a bad copy of Wants or WantTrees. Or, if you actually did launch two instances of the game, one of them locked the file and the other one is unable to read it.
Quote: Originally posted by inspiredzone
I've never heard of that one, but I get the glitched walls quite often and I usually build by just drawing a wall without shift. It's when I decide to expand rooms that I notice the issue. |
I suppose this really a Real Life stupid question, but I'm asking it on behalf of one of my Sims. George (a teenage boy) has been adopted by a single adult Gregg Jarvie, and therefore has the surname Jarvie too. Gregg has also adopted a teenage girl Grace Jarvie. Should George call Grace his step-sister? They're not blood relations, but I'm pretty sure that in law they will be considered siblings. Therefore any sexual relationship between them (which neither they nor I are considering!) would be regarded as incest. I'm pretty sure that vanilla Sims 2 coding will prevent any romantic interactions between them anyway.
Come to think of it Ginger and Gavin Newson are in the same situation, even though their adoptive parent (Gloria -- no relation of Andrew's mum) is dead before we meet them. I'm sure many Sims who meet them think of them as a couple, since in many ways they are acting like parents to the younger children. Would you call them step-sister and -brother too? |
Wait, the Newsons aren't blood relations?
But to answer your question. Adopted children are still considered siblings (if they were adopted by the same parents, of course XD). I wouldn't call them step siblings though. Aren't step siblings when your parent remarries someone who already has kids? I think that adopted children are just siblings (just not by blood). |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Skimming through the text, then trying to figure out whether you're talking about a sim or the George "fix", and realizing after reading through the post about 3 times, plus checking the thread heading, that I clicked a different thread than I thought I did (head is all over the place today) ![]() Technically they'd not be siblings by blood, but they would be siblings in an adoptive family relation (good enough for the game to call them siblings). Is there no mother in the picture? If not, he's a single parent, and has the sole responsibility for the kids, so they're adoptive siblings. A step-relationship happens when there's a relationship/marriage (or similar) where there are kids from previous relationships. The new spouse becomes a step-parent to the kids they don't have "blood" relations (or previous family relations) to. Adopting means you're becoming a parent to the person. Usually you're talking about adoptive parents/siblings, etc., and biological parents/siblings, etc. There's no "step" here. Technically, if he married someone, that spouse could be called their step-parent (I guess?) |
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
The youngest two -- Georgia and Garrett are twins so they must be blood relatives, but I assume the rest were unrelated children that the late Gloria Newson adopted. I don't think they were all one family before she adopted them. They take their surname Newson from her.
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
So he would just call Grace his sister, even though they didn't know each other till Gregg adopted them both? That seems odd if they were adopted as teens. I thought of "adopted sister", but of course he never adopted her. Maybe "adoptive sister" or even "sister by adoption", though that's a bit long-winded. Normally he may think of her as his sister, but to explain their relationship to someone he had just met, I think he'd want to qualify that. Of course I made the Jarvie family in CAS, but I think it most likely that Gregg, a single adult, adopted these two unrelated kids when they were already in their teens. |
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
That's what I would think. They're siblings now! |
In TS2, it's very simple - adopted siblings are siblings, and cannot interact romantically.
IRL adopted siblings are also counted as siblings, and not step-siblings - step usually denotes two children (or teenagers) who are unrelated whose parents get together. I recall a sitcom scene actually probably about 25 years ago in the UK, about blended families, where the step-siblings are opposite sex and similar age and start to make eyes at each other and the parents say to each other "It's quite sweet really, isn't it, what harm can co-" and then they get interrupted by their own new baby crying and instantly have the same thought as each other! I think in real life you would not usually be encouraged to adopt teenagers of similar age from different families of origin because of safeguarding concerns. But younger children who grow up together is different - there seems to be some instinctual thing there which prevents us seeing people we grew up closely with as potential mates, which is thought to be a protective thing against in-breeding. I suppose how to introduce someone would vary based on the situation - I have half-siblings, and sometimes I would call them my little brother/sister, sometimes I'd say they are my half brother/sister, and sometimes I wouldn't mention them at all. Not because they aren't important but because sometimes if it was a conversation about how annoying it is to grow up with a brother - I don't have any experience of that, I don't know what it's like. I also quite like the Fast & Furious line "He's my brother from another mother" or the bastardised version "Sister from another mister" :D |
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
Thanks, but I was asking about hobby and BV tour chance cards, not the career chance cards. They aren't on the wiki hobby pages. |
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
I think I read somewhere that there is a hood decoration limit, but I'm not sure if that's true. I deleted some trees at first for that reason, although over time it was more a matter of optimization. I don't know if anyone knows if it's true or not. xDD |
I have relatives who adopted 7 kids. They are from different races and cultures and pretty grown-up now. They are siblings ![]() |
Question regarding SimPe.
Say I have this cool default for a YAF outfit. Can I simply go into SimPe and enable 'Adult' on the age category, and it'll show up for AF sims just fine? Since, I think, young adult and adult mesh and bodyshape are identical. |
The outfit will show up if the age value is 0x48 (ya 40 + ad 8) in the GZPS property set. I don't know if there is now a visual editor for it in Sim PE.
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
Yes. You can even add Elders and it will work fine, their body shape will just be at odds with their face (depending on the outfit) :D |
Why did TS2 devs not disable the ability to bin occupied lots?
Because they wanted that feature to be in the game? It would have been better to have some in-game explanation of what that did, but it was clearly something they wanted people to be able to do.
Does anyone know if there's a mod that disables sims getting membership cards to visit the hobby lots?
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
My guess - Maxis never got enough time to properly test the repercussions of binned occupied lots. Or if they were aware, never got enough dev time to properly fix it. |
I'm sure they knew exactly what would happen, and just assumed that that's what players would want to happen. There's nothing inherently wrong with putting occupied lots into the bin, it just does something that most people don't want to do, and permanently moving sims between neighborhoods isn't really a big part of anyone's playstyle.
It seems to be more so in players who have moved from TS3 or TS4. I think that actually the main reason it isn't part of most people's playstyle is that we were all told repeatedly that it was very very bad and game breaking (which was of course wrong!) so we all developed ways of playing without doing that.
It might be a fun "ending" to an apocalypse style playthrough to create a big spaceship lot, place every survivor from the hood in it, and move them to a brand new, perhaps custom, neighbourhood to "rescue" them from the dilapidated landscape! |
Quote: Originally posted by LauraPamplonaS
Depends. Do you want them not to exist at all? In which case, attach a totally empty version of Hobbies or don't let it attach at all. No more hobby lots. (If it's already attached you would need to make the subhood visible using the SimPE method and then delete it, or just delete the lots, I suppose). Plus No Hobby Stalkers, this combo gets rid of them all totally. If you want them to exist but for the cards to have to be given manually, I am not sure there is one for that. But I can highly recommend TunaIsAFish's Enthusiasm Overhaul. He basically discovered that enthusiasm is coded like skills, where the first few points are easy to get and the last few points are very hard to get, and he reversed it so sims don't constantly gain enthusiasm for things because they happen to do those activities randomly. His Food Enthusiasm Fix is also a must-have IMO - it stops all sims getting loads of cuisine enthusiasm just from eating. Edit: Never mind, I missed that Nopke's update of No Hobby Stalkers has a no rewards version! Though the memberships can still be gained at work or school, so you'd need to use a mod to disable hobby chance cards too. https://modthesims.info/d/622669/no-hobby-stalkers.html |
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
But wasn't the point of the apocalypse challenge that your sims restore civilization by reaching the top of all the careers and lifting all of the restrictions, indicating that everything is back to normal after the last one? Why would they abandon the neighborhood after putting all that work into it? |
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Is the sweater highlighted in the pic below a maxis hidden/lost and found item or do you all have it in your games? Just checking and in need of confirmation. (I already checked by searching through my Downloads folder but couldn't find anything - unless it's under a different name. No CC star so perhaps not, but you never know...)
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
Was about to link this one, then saw you'd already linked it. Tried it out (the mystery sim version - the silent one is probably better for storytelling whenever I get back to that) after playing with the Curious brothers for a round or two. Those hobby stalkers sure are annoying! Had them running in left and right. I don't think I've had a single sim visit a hobby lot since around the time I installed FT, so not quite sure what my sims need hobby cards for, but eh. |
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Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Hehe! ![]() ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
THANK YOU! Yes, I'm actually thinking about not having the hobbies subhood exist at all, so that they never get memberships to these secret lots, I just didn't know that was possible. I'm using the outdated version of the no hobby stalkers mod, so thanks for letting me know about the update!!! |
They get the cards whether the membership lots exist or not. They just aren't good for anything.
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What is causing me to be incapable of changing any settings in this item in SimPe?
I have an issue with some of my CC. I have this EB Sims buildpack. It's a game store pack. I loaded an old lot I made and I noticed an issue. Some of the shelves had lost their textures. Instead showing what seems to be part of a skintone(?) I'm not sure what happened... and I can't seem to find where I downloaded it from. Maybe I have an old backup somewhere... but would that work even? Any advice on how to fix the issue?
Edit. found a backup... no help. I wonder if it's because I fiddled with a skintone changer mod from here? Maybe it corrupted something. |
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Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
What version of SimPE are you using? Mine works when I select a clothing item. I'm on 075qa for that screenshot. |
Last month I bought a new computer and installed the Ultimate Collection. Now I am slowly moving my CC back and want only to keep what is really necessary. Does anyone now, if I still nead the braedfruit tree fix? Or is it fixed in the Ultimate version?
Quote: Originally posted by BinahLaGoaty
I still have the fix and I have the UC. |
Ok, I will keep it then. Thank you.
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Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I'm not sure... It's not a constant problem. Some items, I can easily click anything, and others, it's just greyed out. |
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
Are the items that don't work repoed or otherwise unusual? Maybe the scanner isn't able to reconcile something. |
What are the requirements for a sim to get scared by a ghost? I haven't had ghosts in a house for ages as I usually transfer them to a cemetery right away. My one sim had his wife die and her ghost keeps reenacting her death (from disease, poor dear) all over the lot but he hasn't been scared by, or even seems to notice, her at all. Is there some requirement a sim has to meet to be scared by a ghost?
Is there a risk for rabid rodent fever in Sims 2? I know it can happen in Sims 1 and 4, but what about Sims 2/3?
Is there a boolProp SetQuarterTilePlacement, or just without the boolprop?
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
boolProp QuarterTilePlacementEnabled true can be used as "always on" (but you still need to activate/deactivate with Ctrl+F. Much easier to remember when there's no cheat to type, though ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
Not in a vanilla game but simler90 and Midge the Tree both have mods for that. |
Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
Whew. I was worried for a sec it might be something I've to deal with. I'd rather not risk it. |
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
It's without. just setQuarterTilePlacement On/Off and then control+F to make it move things by quarter of a tile. |
This one works as "always on" in the userstartup (as I said earlier)
boolProp QuarterTilePlacementEnabled true Still has to be activated/deactivated with Ctrl+F, but no need to type the full cheat or an alias cheat. "setQuarterTilePlacement On/Off" does not work as "always on". It does work for the alias variant, though. I used to have it set up like that for quite some time, but hardly ever used the cheat, since it was a 2-step process. The first one is much more useful since it eliminates the need for typing the cheat or alias ingame (now I use the cheat all the time, since it's much easier just having to toggle with Ctrl+F). The first one should also work for alias cheats (with "false" as the "off" variant, but I can't quite see why it would be necessary as long as the "always on" variant works). If you have issues with getting the "always on" variant to work in the UserStartup, there's another method to enable it as always on, here: https://belladovah.tumblr.com/post/...le-placement-on (I've not had to do this, mine works in the UserStartup). |
What holds up this whole house on a hollow foundation? You can see red flowers on the other side.
https://i.imgur.com/gdROoEk.jpeg |
Those are really strong lattices?
I never use the lattice foundation except on porches, which is the only place I've ever seen them IRL. Generally they're combined with a post or pier-and-beam foundation and don't support any weight, but act as an attractive house skirt hiding the posts from the road. I'm not sure why lattices are chosen instead of extending the siding down to the ground for that purpose as is done on the rest of the house - the only house I ever lived in that had one, I lived in from the time I was six to eight and a half, and such questions didn't occur to me - but it may have something to do with accessing the crawl space, or sheltering dogs, or giving flowerbeds a better background for aesthetic or practical reasons. |
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Well you see, gravity works slightly differently in the Sim Universe. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
If you put columns, you can put a second floor and then remove the column and leave it midair. |
I don't know why everyone is concerned with how the foundations of pixel houses are made.
Because pixels and their belongings/furniture don't weigh anything. They're light as air. Physics in the Sims 2 universe is not like the human universe. |
The lattices just decorate the invisible, strong foundation
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There is a weight which doesn't let you snap an object into slot against its support strength. But it is applied quite inconsistently.
I usually rebuild these foundations to be solid. I feel unsafe looking at a house with hollow parts, too many large windows and glass doors. |
Can I change price for Wallpaper/Flooring in SimPe or is that only for objects like Buy Mode stuff?
It is in catpatterns.bundle.package of the respective expansion pack.
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
The xobj has the price the game uses and the text list shows in the catalog. |
Anyone else getting mixed up sometimes as to whether or not people are talking about Original Sims 1/2 or the Legacy versions?
Would a new forum for the Legacy versions of Sims 1/2 be useful? |
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Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Is it worth it? That's the question. Eventually, all this noise will die off as people go back to their corners, caves and rocks and people will simply get back to talking about normal/average gameplay stuff like they used to. Besides, if anyone is having (technical) issues with the Legacy edition, then they really should be posting about it in The Sims 2 Help section. It's there for a reason... On top of that, I think The Sims 1 section of MTS should have its own dedicated Help section as well. And maybe adding a link to The Sims 1 section to the taskbar at the top like with the other games. |
Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
Maybe it would be good to have a category on the Help forum for Legacy version. Yes, I agree that Sims 1 should be on the top menu bar! I think you should suggest this on the Site issues forum. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Done and done: https://modthesims.info/showthread....9&cb=1738690530 ![]() ![]() |
They removed all of the Sims 1 threads and information a long time ago.
What is left is conversions from Sims 1 to 2, etc. |
Why do the slices go everywhere when a pizza box is placed in the inventory?
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Are you talking about this site? |
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Sims 1 forum threads still exist on MTS: https://modthesims.info/f/662/
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I'm confused too. 🤔 ![]() |
I sometimes ponder why there's no TS1 section (with custom content and all) but then I remember this site started as modthesims2--it was *the* place for ts2 content and then added the future games as they came...but I agree a TS1 section here would feel more complete.
But yeah the introduction of these legacy editions will bring more fragmentation/confusion kinda like when you google sims 2 custom content and sims 4 custom content rears its ugly clay-haired head. |
That is what I'm talking about-I searched for Sims 1 content.
There is none on this site. Period, end of discussion. If this site wants to attract more people we have to make it open for ALL the games. As it is, I had to go searching for what little I have found on other sites such as Reddit. |
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Currently, Sims 1 custom content downloads are included in the Sims 1 discussion forum- which also serves as the Sims 1 WCIF, pictures, help, and news forum! ![]() https://modthesims.info/f/662/ Here's an example of a Sims 1 download: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=685887 What M.M.A.A. is talking about is having this forum 'unhidden' and with a dropdown link on the menu bar, so that everyone can fine it- not just us secret society members! ![]() Note- there has NEVER been a Sims 1 download section on this forum- the site was created for Sims 2, in 2004. However, popular demand meant that a Sims 1 section was created back in 2012, and permission to upload files for that game into that forum was given. In the same way, we have no official downloads section for Sims 3 CAW resources- we share those on the Sims 3 CAW forum too. |
Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
I'm concerned about the confusion that might result if the current trend is continued of the new game being incompatible with old mods. Plus, what if new mods are incompatible with the old game? It looks like the perfect way to get confused over which game people need help for, then other people worrying that their game has the same problem despite not having the same game, then people complaining because they downloaded a mod for the wrong game version and it didn't work, then ... A totally separate forum could help with that. |
Well, but it's always been like that. People put 'needs the UC,' 'requires Free Time,' etc. etc. on their download descriptions and if people don't read the descriptions they get confused. How is this different from that?
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
It isn't lol. But how many people don't read the descriptions or don't provide the required information? |
The same percentage as always didn't, I presume.
Sigh, I just hoped that a new forum would at least cut back on it.
Agree that the confusion will die down.
There is a lot of muddling at the moment where people who haven't been in the TS2 online world for at least the last 10 years (or ever) are posting Legacy bugs as though they are general TS2 bugs because they don't realise that there are different versions of the game (which is absolutely fair, even though it's confusing to those trying to help them). Once you've got an idea of what the common Legacy bugs are, it's pretty easy to spot these. Also if they show screenshots, file paths etc or refer to having bought the game recently, then you can use that as a clue as well. And there are people who have generally been in the TS2 online world but haven't realised yet that there is a new edition. It did seem to just appear out of nowhere! Last I heard everyone was lamenting the fact that EA would never re-release TS2 and then suddenly there it is - there wasn't a prior announcement, at least not one that I was aware of. The first thread I saw about it, I thought people were talking about the Legacy Challenge, or playing legacy-style (ie, one "main" family across several generations). I've also seen people responding to help threads, assuming that new players are having a OneDrive issue or mod conflict, which would be fair assumptions for the UC or other versions of the game, but then the new players are confused because typically they have only just loaded up the game for the first time in years (or again ever) and haven't even thought to foray into CC yet. It's basically just that each group is unaware that there is information they are unaware of and they think they're talking about the same thing. It's like if a British English speaker and an American English speaker were communicating and asked "Where is the best place to buy pants?" - they may get a surprise if they turn up at the store recommended! Most threads I've seen started about Legacy over the past few days as well didn't explain what they were talking about, as though literally everyone in the TS2 universe knows that a Legacy Edition had been released. Well, no, I expect there are still people who haven't noticed. I'm not subscribed to any of EA's feeds because I have no interest in Sims 4 or whatever they are planning to release next, I don't view TS2 forums every day and my social media/google algorithms only started to feed me Legacy based content after I picked up that something big had happened and went looking on places I knew would have a main thread explaining. Funnily enough, when I mentioned it to my husband (who works in game publishing) he was aware of it before me. Reddit has done well with a lot of the Sims subreddits quickly adding a post flair to flag that the person is talking about Legacy Edition. I think it will just later become something which is known, similar to how people running the Super Collection can't use the same fixes as those on UC. |
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Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
I put a request in for MTS: |
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Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
![]() |
It's very inconvenient of EA to choose the word legacy, since we already say 'legacy' to mean Legacy Challenge games. Also I keep thinking of Tomb Raider Legacy!
![]() Thank you Bulbizarre! |
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Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
I'm presuming this is the part you mean? I altered that on a different wall once (it was 7, I changed it to 3), and it seemed to not alter anything... though that might have been because it was a one-file-of-several-wallpapers? |
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
Maybe a bit, but there will likely be people who don't have a clue for as long as the Legacy version stays up. Some people barely know the difference between CDs and the UC (not that there's much, but there's some), let alone the Super Collection and UC. Getting the LC into that mix isn't going to make things easier... It's not just the download topics. There are always going to be people who don't read descriptions, and who don't understand which version of the game they have until it's pointed out to them five times that yes, it does matter in some cases (maybe even more so now, when there are at least 3-5 official versions to keep track of, depending on how you see it,plus all the combos of discs, let alone all the arr'd ones which can be from any of the versions). People will download 1500 files and then complain about errors/issues in their game. There are the "I never read" or "but it worked fine last time I had a download spree" and "I have so many files I can't do a 50/50" complaints (but sincerely - how do they expect someone else to find the culprit without having access to the files?). In help topics I always make a point of asking people which version of the game they have, especially if they don't mention it, and the bugs they're reporting seem a bit odd. SOme people can go three pages of forth and back until you manage to squeeze out that they've got the Mac version, which comes with its own set of problems. Help topics should really come with a mandatory tick box questionaire you can't get past until all answers are ticked (which game version do you have, did you test without CC/mods, have you read the help topics, have you run the HCDU, did you read about the mods, and similar), with the answers clearly shown in the post. The wall of text right now is one of those you either know, read, or totally ignore. |
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Thanks! Yeah, it won't fix the wilfully ignorant, but it should help those that actually try to read stuff. |
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
Does anyone know how I go about summoning a ghost? I do remember having to input the boolprop cheat in the neighborhood first . I tried to figure out yesterday but the only video I could find kept using mods that I don't have and I know I've done it with what I have now. |
Quote: Originally posted by Gcgb53191
You Inge's cat or Instant Iniviter or whatever. Default family. Its suggested to pause the game first because they'll immediately try to fade away. |
You can spawn them with the simlogical teleporter, can't you?
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Yes inge's cat. Default famiily. |
Whatever happened to the lot size on the MTS Downloads page? It's shown under Information on older lots, but is that no longer required for uploads?
Oh Dear!!!! [SOLVED]
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Obviously I've done something wrong here! ![]() 1) Make a backup of the neighbourhood in its current state (even though it's obviously broken!). 2) Try just restoring the broken lot file from backup. 3) Restore the Monopolis sub-hood file from backup. 4) If that doesn't work, then restore all Veronaville, including its sub-hoods from backup. Does anyone know a better (or easier) solution to this problem? [SOLVED] Option 2 -- restoring the lot file from the last backup fixed it. I won't post a picture yet. I'll post in the contest thread when I feel I'm ready to enter. |
Is there a way to stop Townies from randomly getting jobs assigned to them?
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
http://cyjon.net/node/429 |
Is there any actual benefit to having a social townie group in the game other than for apartments? My sims and townies already use social greetings to say hello but is there anything a social townie does that a regular townie doesn't?
They do silly greetings. Other than that I dont think.
Does meditating gain any hobby enthusiasm?
Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
They give your sims objects to "test" for free, like the laptop or big screen TV. They can use their networking skills and contacts to get your sim a promotion. I like them. Some of my Sims have married some of them. |
They are supposed to give a "flavour" to the different lots (both apartment lots and community lots) by ensuring that different groups of people show up there - so basically the Gearheads are supposed to be grungy (low class), the Bohemians artistic and alternative (low/med class), Jocks sporty (middle class), Techs are supposed to be gadget-focused (mid-high class) and Socialites are supposed to be high society types.
In theory it's kind of a cool idea - lot class can affect nearby lots, so you SHOULD get a sense of different mini-neighbourhoods within your neighbourhood. In practice, lot class is kind of broken (? I actually don't really know because I've never paid attention to it, but I vaguely remember discussions about it on here) and I think they watered down the concept way too much - the grungy class could have been much more edgy, even just something like the NL slobs have more character - and the bohemian class could have been more political. The bohemian females and males aren't really identifiable as part of the same group - the men's suits are just odd and all the womens' Bohemian outfits look extremely posh to me, especially combined with the very neat hairs. The tech outfits are weird and I don't really get what that class is supposed to be. Then there could have been more made of the different groups with snobbery between them perhaps, or different benefits based on the different classes, or the grungy class respects you more if you're low rep or something. I haven't paid enough attention to see if the different benefits are linked to a specific social class. |
Thanks, Justpetro and simsfreq. I have notownieregen but added a few townies just for variety. They already seem to do the social greetings, offer job promotions, and give free presents like the social townies do, so I wasn't sure if there was a point in adding some designated socials in. The lot classes sounds like it would be interesting if it works (my apartments are always full of playable sims so I never used social classes for them). I'm assuming no one ever found a way to make it work correctly?
Do all fortune sims want to marry a rich sim? I can't tell if my sim left her fiance at the alter because of her very low mood or because he doesn't have a lot of money.
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