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kestrellyn 10th Feb 2025 4:40 AM

Sims don't take or reject interactions based on what wants they have currently rolled, it's only based on mood and relationship.

Peni Griffin 10th Feb 2025 4:49 AM

Most fortune sims will roll a "marry a rich sim" want shortly after they grow to adult, but if you don't lock it, it rolls away and is unlikely to come back.

Gcgb53191 10th Feb 2025 3:44 PM

Interesting...I'm going to try again when she's in a much better mood

Misaki Chan 11th Feb 2025 12:46 PM

Why do people like to make their new sims in bodyshop or simpe rather than in-game CAS? I tried it, it's okay, but I don't see any reason to use it

jonasn 11th Feb 2025 12:56 PM

In body shop you have more accuracy with face blending. The individual parts: nose/mouth/brow show all the archetypes, and there might be more steps to the sliders. There is also an undo button for when you add a slider that didn't contribute well. In the game you can right-click on the faces, which seems to make a bigger contribution per click, and there is no visible undo button.

Maybe Sim Pe is a good choice for setting some person data like skills if you don't have a mod that does it in the game.

simsample 11th Feb 2025 2:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
In the game you can right-click on the faces, which seems to make a bigger contribution per click, and there is no visible undo button.

jonasn 11th Feb 2025 2:20 PM

Well damn, I didn't see the button. What are the green labels on your icons, the triangle and L?

simsample 11th Feb 2025 2:48 PM

Those are custom sliders, the links for the sliders I use are at the bottom of the page here:

simmer22 11th Feb 2025 5:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Misaki Chan
Why do people like to make their new sims in bodyshop or simpe rather than in-game CAS? I tried it, it's okay, but I don't see any reason to use it

More options for face blending (only thing you can't directly do is to blend between two sims, but you can blend templates, and between a custom template sim and a template.

You can more easily save the sim, either as a template (just the package file that appears in Savedsims) or as a template with most/all of the CC files added (Sims2pack). If you make sims you're particularly happy with ingame and want to reuse them, you have to extract and then clone them.

You can more easily do changes before putting a sim into your game, and it's faster to load up Bodyshop (if you use a moderate amount of CC or only put in CAS items you think you'll need in that session. Bodyshop loads faster on the second load after a bootup, too.It's one loading screen instead of two).

Sokisims 11th Feb 2025 5:06 PM

Personally I use both, body shop and the game editor, both give me options and a different vision. Many of the sims I have created have gone through several phases.

jonasn 11th Feb 2025 5:17 PM

There is one more thing. In CAS the person twitches all the time and smiles, which makes small adjustments hard to judge until the smile is shaken off. I also didn't know you could right-click on the faces to apply a slider increment, and use body shop to get that effect, and still do out of habit.

simsample 11th Feb 2025 5:24 PM

You could try this one:
Or this one:
To stop the gurning in CAS.

simsfreq 11th Feb 2025 7:20 PM

my apartments are always full of playable sims so I never used social classes for them

The game creates one townie for each empty apartment unit unless you have a mod banning this, even if you never unpause after moving 4x playable families in. So that must be where they have come from.

Normal townies don't do the special greetings, only social townies.

grammapat 12th Feb 2025 3:34 AM

How can I change the name of a sc4 terrain? I have a lot of them, but some don't have a picture. And even those that DO, I want to name them something descriptive

Peni Griffin 12th Feb 2025 3:42 AM

You should just be able to rename the file by right-clicking as usual. As for the picture, take .PNGs of them in-game and rename them to match the filename for the terrain, e.g. HillRiver (Desert), HillRiver (Lush) etc.

grammapat 12th Feb 2025 4:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
You should just be able to rename the file by right-clicking as usual. As for the picture, take .PNGs of them in-game and rename them to match the filename for the terrain, e.g. HillRiver (Desert), HillRiver (Lush) etc.

Right-clicking didn't give rename choice; and sadly don't know how to take in-game PNG (is that a picture?)

Bulbizarre 12th Feb 2025 4:14 AM

Folder, not game.

Peni Griffin 12th Feb 2025 6:29 AM

I believe the default Print Screen comes out as a png, which is a picture format.

grammapat 12th Feb 2025 7:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Folder, not game.

what does that mean?

Bulbizarre 12th Feb 2025 12:05 PM

Folder in save folder.

simsfreq 12th Feb 2025 12:45 PM

They mean you need to rename the .SC4 file in the folder, rather than trying to rename the terrain from in-game.

I think printscreen does different things based on how you have it set up.

Sunrader 12th Feb 2025 4:37 PM

This is probably simple, but I'm not getting it. What is the difference between 1 and 2 here?
"Param 3, the last one is the one you want which can be 0 for repeatable, 1 for unique or 2 for unique per sim."

Craft90 12th Feb 2025 4:53 PM

Huh. Now I don't know if this is a bug or not but the most expensive toilet seems to have a "splash" effect when you zoom in from a distance.

Edit. Also! Does espresso always make Sims vibrate? I I don't know if my game is bugging out or if the shaking is intended. They only had one cup each!

FranH 12th Feb 2025 6:21 PM

Is there a way to make a picture of an SC terrain that does not show up in the previews of the neighborhood maps? I've got quite a few that lack the preview picture and I'd like to change that.

Do I need to generate a neighborhood with that, then take a picture with a in-game camera or outside game camera and then relabel it to be that neighborhood's name to make it show up?

Any suggestions? (I hate when creators don't take pictures of them before. This is what happens when they do not.)

Modder 12th Feb 2025 6:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
Huh. Now I don't know if this is a bug or not but the most expensive toilet seems to have a "splash" effect when you zoom in from a distance.

Edit. Also! Does espresso always make Sims vibrate? I I don't know if my game is bugging out or if the shaking is intended. They only had one cup each!

Both of these are normal game behavior.
The toilet splash thing happens to the cheap and expensive toilets. It's a little funny thing that happens when you zoom in. The espresso vibration is annoying but it goes away after an hour or so in-game. Happens when my sims finish a cup of coffee too!

Justpetro 12th Feb 2025 7:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Is there a way to make a picture of an SC terrain that does not show up in the previews of the neighborhood maps? I've got quite a few that lack the preview picture and I'd like to change that.

Do I need to generate a neighborhood with that, then take a picture with a in-game camera or outside game camera and then relabel it to be that neighborhood's name to make it show up?

Any suggestions? (I hate when creators don't take pictures of them before. This is what happens when they do not.)

1. Check if the pics are the correct size : 300 pixels wide and 225. It has to be Ping, not jpg pics as well. (It seldom happens, but it can).

2. Even if everything is in order, the pic does not always show up - not sure why. (This creator apologizes sincerely )

3. The option, if you already have the map, is to replace the hood pic in the game folder (it should also be empty there) - you can take a pic or you can try to copy one of the pics already in the folder, and I find it works fine with If that does not work, you may need to open the hood in the game first. (I have had hoods where I get the pic but it is apparently not showing in other players' hoods, so this is the best advice I can give).


simsample 12th Feb 2025 7:04 PM

Numenor has a mod for the espresso jitters if you want to get rid of them (or make them worse):

grammapat 12th Feb 2025 9:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
Is there a way to make a picture of an SC terrain that does not show up in the previews of the neighborhood maps? I've got quite a few that lack the preview picture and I'd like to change that.

Do I need to generate a neighborhood with that, then take a picture with a in-game camera or outside game camera and then relabel it to be that neighborhood's name to make it show up?

Any suggestions? (I hate when creators don't take pictures of them before. This is what happens when they do not.)

Yea, my question also!

simsfreq 12th Feb 2025 9:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunrader
This is probably simple, but I'm not getting it. What is the difference between 1 and 2 here?
"Param 3, the last one is the one you want which can be 0 for repeatable, 1 for unique or 2 for unique per sim."

This needs the context but it is talking about memories. So 0 is repeatable memories e.g. "I got an A!" which they can gain multiple times.

Unique I assume means it happens once e.g. "Had very first kiss"

Unique per sim is likely things like "Kissed Steve/Amanda/John/Mary for the first time"

grammapat 12th Feb 2025 9:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
They mean you need to rename the .SC4 file in the folder, rather than trying to rename the terrain from in-game.

I think printscreen does different things based on how you have it set up.

I was trying to rename in the SC4 terrain folder, not in the live game. Actually, a picture would be better -- have no idea why some of them don't show a picture but a bumpy grid.
Also I have been unsuccessful in taking a print-screen

simsfreq 12th Feb 2025 9:34 PM

They show a bumpy grid if they don't have a picture attached - this tutorial explains how to add a picture.

Do you mean you can't rename files at all? Or were you trying to rename while the game is open? In Windows 11 the rename function is at the top with the cut/paste shortcuts - it looks like a text box with a cursor and "A" in it.

FranH 12th Feb 2025 10:53 PM

The questions remains:

1. Do the actual terrains have to be loaded into the game to take a picture of them individually?
2. What kind of camera do you need to for the screen shot?

The second comment on that page says you take pictures, but I'm going to assume you have to do all these steps just for each terrain map:

The other thing is that you can take pics and add them to the SC4 Terrains folder in the The Sims 2 folder. By naming them after the .SC4 file and add _lush or _desert (with NL also _dirt and _concrete) they will show up instead of that ugly green grid pic.
In this way you´ll end up with 1 SC4 file and 5 PNG´s :

simsample 12th Feb 2025 11:57 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
The questions remains:

1. Do the actual terrains have to be loaded into the game to take a picture of them individually?
2. What kind of camera do you need to for the screen shot?

The second comment on that page says you take pictures, but I'm going to assume you have to do all these steps just for each terrain map:

1) Yes, although you could use any picture you like.

2) In game camera will do, or you can use a screenshot program, or Windows' built in screenshot. The important thing is that you need to save the image as a 24 bit PNG file and it has to be of the correct dimensions (300x225 pixels) see Sunrader's comment below. What I always do is open one of the Maxis terrain PNG files in a photoediting program, and copy paste my image over it, flatten the image and save/ export with the new name as 24bit PNG. The Maxis terrain images can either be found in your Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\SC4Terrains folder, or else in [installation location]\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\UserData\SC4Terrains folder.

Yes, you'll have to do all of those steps for each terrain map, which is why many creators don't bother. You could automate it through some means, but you'll have to actually take the images somehow.

Sunrader 13th Feb 2025 12:12 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
1. Check if the pics are the correct size : 300 pixels wide and 225. It has to be Ping, not jpg pics as well. (It seldom happens, but it can).

2. Even if everything is in order, the pic does not always show up - not sure why. (This creator apologizes sincerely )

3. The option, if you already have the map, is to replace the hood pic in the game folder (it should also be empty there) - you can take a pic or you can try to copy one of the pics already in the folder, and I find it works fine with If that does not work, you may need to open the hood in the game first. (I have had hoods where I get the pic but it is apparently not showing in other players' hoods, so this is the best advice I can give).

I'm not sure they have to be the right size. This oven pic is just a random screenshot 900x771 I used to test the PV terrain. They just have to have the correct name. I'd suspect a typo first if one didn't show up.

Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
This needs the context but it is talking about memories. So 0 is repeatable memories e.g. "I got an A!" which they can gain multiple times.

Unique I assume means it happens once e.g. "Had very first kiss"

Unique per sim is likely things like "Kissed Steve/Amanda/John/Mary for the first time"

Thank you. That is still a little hard to parse, because both of these would be unique for the Sim, but I guess I sorta get it, maybe. Anyone else want to offer examples?

Phantomknight 13th Feb 2025 2:00 PM

@Sunrader, For the memories explanation, simsfreq was right. Unique means that the sim only gets the memory once. Unique per sim means they get the memory once per sim. I explained this in my mod description once; let me copy from there:

By default, the Made Enemies with Subject memory is unique. So, a sim can get the Made Enemies with Subject memory exactly once in their lifetime, no matter how many enemies they make. If they make up with an enemy, but start feuding again, they do not receive another memory of becoming enemies again. If they make more than one enemy, they do not receive another memory of becoming enemies with the second sim.

The Made Best Friends with Subject memory, on the other hand, is unique per sim. So a sim can only get the Made Best Friends with Subject memory once per sim. No matter how often a sim fights and makes up with another, they only get a memory of the first time they became best friends.

Vs a fully repeatable memory like the Lost Subject As Best Friend memory, which means a sim will get a memory of losing another as a best friend every single time they lose the sim as a Best Friend. So if the pair are a couple and they keep catching each other cheating but always make up--every time they take that relationship hit and lose each other as a best friend, they get a memory.

Is anyone else planning to join the The Future Belongs To The Builders contest? Only about three days left but it's only half full. Justpetro needs 10 to get it going! I wasn't really planning on joining, but I'll try to put something together if there aren't enough contestants.

simsample 13th Feb 2025 2:23 PM

Yes, please join the contest everyone! Even new players, you don't need CC or complicated mods, just build an owned business. Mine doesn't even have any customers!

Craft90 13th Feb 2025 3:33 PM

I don't think I'm good enough at building to even try the contest.

simsample 13th Feb 2025 3:45 PM

You could have a go, I think you posted some pictures of your hood a while back and the lots looked good to me!

Peni Griffin 13th Feb 2025 3:57 PM

@Craft90, I'm not either and I've joined two! Came in dead last, but somebody has to. You only improve if you do it and a contest pushes you to do more.

I'm too tired to do it this time, alas, too much to do and not enough energy IRL, but it would be a shame if the first contest we've had in ages failed because people were too self-conscious (which is all that "not good enough" feeling is) to participate. Go forth, have fun, and improve your skills!

AndrewGloria 13th Feb 2025 4:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
I don't think I'm good enough at building to even try the contest.
@Craft90 I hardly ever click on the Disagree button, because it often upsets people.But I've clicked on it this time, because you are good enough!!! All you need is a little self-belief!

@Peni Griffin : You may not be the best builder here, but I still believe you're the best player. Your descriptions of life in Drama Acres have long been an inspiration to me and to my Sims!

jonasn 13th Feb 2025 5:18 PM

Why is it that relationships sometimes disappear from people who haven't been played for a long time? I have noticed this with Dirk Dreamer and Herb Oldie. What is common with them is that they have low neighbor ids, and haven't been played. It doesn't look like a bug of setting them incorrectly because the whole set gets wiped out. STR, UI Flags, LTR, Var3. One could accidentally overwrite only one or two. I had to make a relationship setter because I just wanted them restored and not affect the deeper family tree.

Justpetro 13th Feb 2025 5:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
I don't think I'm good enough at building to even try the contest.

I wasn't either, knew absolutely NOTHING when I entered my first one You will learn a lot and be 10 times better after the contest (and, like me, 100 times better after, I think, 6 or 7)

(My first one was that Monopoly one - @AndrewGloria and I struggled through it somehow because we could count our money well (It had these budget rules) and did quite well. And i still appreciate AndrewGloria sending me pics of the BG bedding, because we were only allowed to use that and as the UC was quite new)

Craft90 13th Feb 2025 6:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
I wasn't either, knew absolutely NOTHING when I entered my first one You will learn a lot and be 10 times better after the contest (and, like me, 100 times better after, I think, 6 or 7)

(My first one was that Monopoly one - @AndrewGloria and I struggled through it somehow because we could count our money well (It had these budget rules) and did quite well. And i still appreciate AndrewGloria sending me pics of the BG bedding, because we were only allowed to use that and as the UC was quite new)

I got disqualified in my first build challenge. The trees were wrong, plants were wrong and the building wasn't correct looking.

Justpetro 13th Feb 2025 6:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
I got disqualified in my first build challenge. The trees were wrong, plants were wrong and the building wasn't correct looking.

This is a very easy contest, though Rules and stuff are not difficult, I have designed it with beginners in mind. (To be honest, I believe the main reason I did relatively well in contests is because I have tried to make sure I (more or less) follow the rules). Please have a look at my contest with an open mind.

HarVee 13th Feb 2025 7:39 PM

I refuse to believe people are not good enough. Building is easy (and fun), you don't need to be some kind of master builder to get a good score, all you need is to follow the rules of the contest and be yourself.

Give it a go, even if you don't think you're good enough, I can assure you that you are good enough. Recently I watched the movie Ratatouille again and in that movie there was a good inspirational motto of "Anyone can cook", well, to retrofit that for TS2, "Anyone can build", so get out there and go build!

jonasn 13th Feb 2025 7:45 PM

I can't build. I feel there is too many ways to go at any given point. I need a problem reduced to a few possibilities and then choose the best among them. I also kinda find one look that suits me and repeat it every time without much out of the box thinking like sloped floors or trees indoors and what not.

Anyone can cook enough to feed himself but not to win a Sue's Secret contest.

HarVee 13th Feb 2025 7:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
I can't build. I feel there is too many ways to go at any given point. I need a problem reduced to a few possibilities and then choose the best among them. I also kinda find one look that suits me and repeat it every time without much out of the box thinking like sloped floors or trees indoors and what not.

Anyone can cook enough to feed himself but not to win a Sue's Secret contest.

Well, now, see the contest would be a great way to get out of that box and try different things. You can only go as far as you let your feet take you.

Justpetro 13th Feb 2025 7:59 PM

Building contests are enormous fun. It is amazing to see how every contest comes up with something else, and one really does not have to try that hard!

I can cook too

Sunrader 13th Feb 2025 8:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
@Sunrader, For the memories explanation, simsfreq was right.

The Made Best Friends with Subject memory, on the other hand, is unique per sim. So a sim can only get the Made Best Friends with Subject memory once per sim.

Thanks for this. So this means one per each Subject Sim? Are there examples of this type of memory that are not about interactions with other Sims, then?

Craft90 13th Feb 2025 8:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
This is a very easy contest, though Rules and stuff are not difficult, I have designed it with beginners in mind. (To be honest, I believe the main reason I did relatively well in contests is because I have tried to make sure I (more or less) follow the rules). Please have a look at my contest with an open mind.

I have started building now. But I can't get the toys to show up. So I can't place them.

Phantomknight 13th Feb 2025 8:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Sunrader
Thanks for this. So this means one per each Subject Sim? Are there examples of this type of memory that are not about interactions with other Sims, then?

Yes, one per Subject Sim. I'm not 100% sure of other memory examples. I'd have to look them up.

Peni Griffin 13th Feb 2025 8:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn

Anyone can cook enough to feed himself but not to win a Sue's Secret contest.

Excuse me, I have seen sims with two cooking points win contests! A lot depends on what the other sims bring to the table. You don't need to do any fancy tricks, and are more likely to spoil a fancy dish than a plain one. Personally if I were a judge I'd want to take points off for using CFE - it always seems to make a lot harder to play, and playability is what I care about in a build, myself.

Also, you don't think much of your building skills because you do the same thing over and over. But that should mean that you're really, really good at doing those same things! And nobody else sees how samey your buildings are, so you may well have a good chance with an audience to whom your routine builds are novel.

Also also - when you get to the contest and you look around at what other people do and see their ideas, you'll be going: "oh, that's a good idea except they overlooked this -" and suddenly you have a new idea of your own!

Also also also - winning is not the only reason to be in a contest. Those who don't win will not have wasted their time. Not at all. You can have your own criteria for winning. Sometimes you do something just to have an experience or prove to yourself that you can do it. As the marathon runner still half a mile from the finish line when the crowds started to dispersed said: Last place is still a place! And there were still people who recognized that around to cheer them on - just finishing a marathon is a triumph. And you'll have a contest's worth of community lots in your bin, ready when you need them.

If you actively don't want to do something because it doesn't sound fun or you're too tired or the challenge doesn't interest you, fine. But "I'm not good enough" is not a valid reason to stop yourself from doing anything.

If you get decision paralysis, you can limit your choices independent of the contest. Go CC free even though it's not required - presumably that'll also remove some of your favorites and force you to choose an alternate you had previously overlooked.

pinkdynamite 13th Feb 2025 8:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
Well, now, see the contest would be a great way to get out of that box and try different things. You can only go as far as you let your feet take you.

This is exactly why I entered the contest. I am a horrible builder (as anyone who has seen the outside of my contest entry can tell ), but I figured I'd try it anway. It looks pretty lame compared to the other entries but I'm happy with it. It's more about me trying to push out of my comfort zone than actually trying to win.

Justpetro 13th Feb 2025 9:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
I have started building now. But I can't get the toys to show up. So I can't place them.

I see you solved that one Thank you for entering!

Craft90 13th Feb 2025 9:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
I see you solved that one Thank you for entering!

Yeah I had to get a special community unlock version as I built on a community lot. Cos well... it's supposed to be a business. I couldn't figure out where it was supposed to go either, as the thread said it had to be in the bin folder. But that didn't work.

Craft90 13th Feb 2025 9:54 PM

Something I was trying to archive in my entry to the small business building contest was a frieze on top of the build. But the cheat PlaceFriezes doesn't work for Sims 2 and no matter how hard I looked I couldn't find the Sims 2 cheat to accomplish it. Anyone know what it is? I have already submitted my build but it could be useful to know in the future.

joandsarah77 13th Feb 2025 10:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
Something I was trying to archive in my entry to the small business building contest was a frieze on top of the build. But the cheat PlaceFriezes doesn't work for Sims 2 and no matter how hard I looked I couldn't find the Sims 2 cheat to accomplish it. Anyone know what it is? I have already submitted my build but it could be useful to know in the future.

@Craft90 I have never heard of a cheat called "PlaceFrieze", what exactly are you trying to do? (It's also okay to ask short questions on the build contest thread)
If you mean you want a short wall on top of your roof? You can build a wall and use CFE to lower it to 4 clicks high, or you can use stage tool or a fence.

If you feel like this might be a longer Question (which this might be if you have not used CFE before) there is also a help section.

simsample 13th Feb 2025 10:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
I can't build. I feel there is too many ways to go at any given point.

Wait until you try Sims 3. Just building a bathroom takes me about a year. First, you pick a wall covering. What type? Wallpaper? Wood? Stone? Oh, I know- tiles! Now, which one? With a trim, without a trim, single coloured, multi coloured... Oh, let's have checkerboard! Great. Now, what texture and colour should the grout be? First, pick a pattern. Floral? Geometric? Metallic? Fabric? I'll choose stone. Now, it has three colour channels! One for the base, one for shadows, one for highlights. Pick a colour! Any colour at all. Any! #RRGGBB hex. So 16,777,216 possible colours! And I have to do that for each channel. [Sometime later..] Great! I finished the grout. Now, what texture and colour should the first tile be? [Three days later] Okay, floor and wall finished! Now, which toilet should I choose? And should I match it to the tiles?

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
Something I was trying to archive in my entry to the small business building contest was a frieze on top of the build. But the cheat PlaceFriezes doesn't work for Sims 2

There is a stage tool for Sims 2 (in the same place as you find the foundations) which allows you to put an extra layer on the foundation or roof. Use shift to build a double storey foundation or deck.

jonasn 13th Feb 2025 10:15 PM

I get stuck with brown tiles in the kitchen most of the time like regazzo terazzo and such because 1) I have brown tiles, and 2) it looks like luxury wood, and 3) most of them are like that or grey like my gym in HTDC.

M.M.A.A. 13th Feb 2025 10:18 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
On top of that, I think The Sims 1 section of MTS should have its own dedicated Help section as well. And maybe adding a link to The Sims 1 section to the taskbar at the top like with the other games.

OMG! They did it:

Thank you, Tashiketh/MTS team (or whoever added it)!

Craft90 13th Feb 2025 10:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
@Craft90 I have never heard of a cheat called "PlaceFrieze", what exactly are you trying to do? (It's also okay to ask short questions on the build contest thread)
If you mean you want a short wall on top of your roof? You can build a wall and use CFE to lower it to 4 clicks high, or you can use stage tool or a fence.

If you feel like this might be a longer Question (which this might be if you have not used CFE before) there is also a help section.

Turns out PlaceFriezes is a Sims 3 cheat. But someone pointed out that I could use the stage tool. I'll keep that in mind for the future.

I have never used CFE before... what is it?

Peni Griffin 13th Feb 2025 11:15 PM

Constrain Floor Elevation. It's how people get arched bridges, stair landings at places other than stage-height and the different floors, etc. It looks great in pictures, and dedicated builders can create wonderful effects with it, but in play it drives me wiggy because I can never tell what floor I'm supposed to be on and you have to use the cheat to edit the house. I have some downloaded starter homes in one of my hoods that used it (and a technique called "dummy floors") to do moderately attractive things with the roofs, but when I want to expand them into a second story I can't just go up a story, take the roof off, and get on with it, I have to enter the cheat and figure out what they did and it's all massively counterintuitive for me. Not worth it, IMHO, but a lot of people swear by it.

If I wanted a frieze on a building, I'd use fences, half-walls, things from the architectural tab, or a combination thereof, myself. Half-walls are great on flat-roofed stucco buildings, as you can wallpaper them to match the main facade and there's already that rim on the top. If you want something a little fancier, move_objects and shifting can add wall deco. Half of building and decorating is just poking through the catalog and trying things out.

(Although perhaps you don't want advice from someone who comes dead last in contests and is fine with that...)

HarVee 13th Feb 2025 11:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
OMG! They did it:

Thank you, Tashiketh/MTS team (or whoever added it)!

Thanks for pointing that out! I actually didn't see it... So now one of these days I'll have to get the Radio Station Fix I made a couple years ago moved to that new downloads section. Someday... of course.

joandsarah77 14th Feb 2025 12:40 AM

6 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
Turns out PlaceFriezes is a Sims 3 cheat. But someone pointed out that I could use the stage tool. I'll keep that in mind for the future.

I have never used CFE before... what is it?

Constrain Floor Elevation.It allows you to lower walls, bend walls, build things like a an arched bridge or a garage attached to a house on a foundation.

here is a quick comparison I did between half walls, CFE wall and stage tool.
Like Peni said, CFE can be annoying when playing but that depends what it is. A wall on top of a build should give no issue.

Half wall means you only have 1 height and the top that it comes with.It is slightly taller than the CFE wall. Easy to do.

CFE means more work but it has a variety of heights and you can top it with whatever fence you want. This is a very easy type of CFE build but still can be confusing until you have done it yourself.

Stage will always be wide and low. It can be painted and have fence put on top (paint must be added before fence)

You could also forgo wall or stage and just trim the edge of your roof with fence.

Adding a CFE tutorial by Ani Bats

Sunrader 14th Feb 2025 1:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
Yeah I had to get a special community unlock version as I built on a community lot. Cos well... it's supposed to be a business. I couldn't figure out where it was supposed to go either, as the thread said it had to be in the bin folder. But that didn't work.

If it's just that an item isn't community enabled, you can also just changing zoning long enough to grab the item, then change back as needed.

Justpetro 14th Feb 2025 10:12 AM

I think it has been proven in this thread that one can learn a lot during a building contest

Davidsalmon 14th Feb 2025 10:54 AM

How can I adjust the game difficulty in The Sims 2 using mods from Mod The Sims?

topp 14th Feb 2025 12:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
OMG! They did it:
Thank you, Tashiketh/MTS team (or whoever added it)!
Now, if only the Sims Stories forum isn't as buried deep in the site...

Bulbizarre 14th Feb 2025 12:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Davidsalmon
How can I adjust the game difficulty in The Sims 2 using mods from Mod The Sims?

simsample 14th Feb 2025 1:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by topp
Now, if only the Sims Stories forum isn't as buried deep in the site...

I am hoping they'll re-release those too- not that I want them messed up like Sims 2 is a bit at the moment (at least they are patching things), but because there are a whole generation of Sims 2 players who probably don't know about them. And they were really good! (Except for the fighting! )

Charity 14th Feb 2025 2:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
I can't build. I feel there is too many ways to go at any given point. I need a problem reduced to a few possibilities and then choose the best among them. I also kinda find one look that suits me and repeat it every time without much out of the box thinking like sloped floors or trees indoors and what not.

Anyone can cook enough to feed himself but not to win a Sue's Secret contest.

I can't build either. XD I end up with boxes.

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
And they were really good! (Except for the fighting! )

What was wrong with the fighting?

HarVee 14th Feb 2025 2:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I am hoping they'll re-release those too- not that I want them messed up like Sims 2 is a bit at the moment (at least they are patching things), but because there are a whole generation of Sims 2 players who probably don't know about them. And they were really good! (Except for the fighting! )

Castaway Stories rerelase would be interesting. But I just don't trust EA anymore to deliver a top-quality product. TS4, and this rerelease of TS2 make me wary of giving them money. They'd have to really impress me by making a product that actually works... which is rather odd (and disgusting) that people these days can't even expect the product they paid for to function properly.

But I suppose that's what happens when an industry gets popular and lets its quality standard go to the way-side for the sake of the dollar.

simsample 14th Feb 2025 3:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
What was wrong with the fighting?

In Sims 1 & 2 fighting is something that your sims don't have to do- but Sims LifeStories was marketed at younger players with lower end computers (i.e, teens) and yet you had to beat up rivals to progress the story. My daughter was young at the time and wanted to play it, and I thought it was sending a bad moral lesson. But I'm all for a bit of conflict in my games!

Sokisims 14th Feb 2025 3:44 PM

@simsample It's complicated, from my childhood perspective I just wanted more violence and adult things. xD I guess since I was little I was passionate about storytelling. But from a mother's perspective it makes sense to not want the game to get too dark. XD How would you consider my neighborhoods then? In my opinion they are focused on teenagers and adults, and although they touch on dark themes, it is done with the intention of creating in the player a feeling of seeking justice, or at least I think so. xd

Charity 14th Feb 2025 3:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
In Sims 1 & 2 fighting is something that your sims don't have to do- but Sims LifeStories was marketed at younger players with lower end computers (i.e, teens) and yet you had to beat up rivals to progress the story. My daughter was young at the time and wanted to play it, and I thought it was sending a bad moral lesson. But I'm all for a bit of conflict in my games!

Ah, Life Stories is the only one I didn't play.

M.M.A.A. 14th Feb 2025 6:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by topp
Now, if only the Sims Stories forum isn't as buried deep in the site...

That and the Sims Medieval can be added to the drop-down lists of the Sims 2 and Sims 3, respectively.

COMPEWTAUR 14th Feb 2025 7:04 PM

Is there a way to cheat and assign a secondary aspiration to newly created sims, without ctrl+clicking on their wants until there are enough aspiration points? Googling didn't find any helpful answers

FranH 14th Feb 2025 7:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by COMPEWTAUR
Is there a way to cheat and assign a secondary aspiration to newly created sims, without ctrl+clicking on their wants until there are enough aspiration points? Googling didn't find any helpful answers

Yeah, if you have SimPE. You go into their character file and check under free time where the secondary aspiration is.

Pick one. Be sure to hit 'commit' before closing the program.

That's the only other way to do it that I am aware of.

jonasn 14th Feb 2025 7:54 PM

You can assign LTA superpowers with my Tombstone mod. I made it so that it can be done on visitors, which can't access the dialog. It is under the Aspiration menu, done on Me. It respects the points you have accumulated. There is another menu to set the aspiration level and points.

simmer22 14th Feb 2025 8:39 PM

I think adult sims directly from CAS are assigned 5 points - at least one of those can be used to give them a secondary aspiration.

Toddlers get 0, child 2, teens 3, YA get 4, and elders 6. (under "Lifetime aspiration")

pinkdynamite 14th Feb 2025 10:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
That and the Sims Medieval can be added to the drop-down lists of the Sims 2 and Sims 3, respectively.

I would love a re-release of Sims Medieval, my copy got corrupted years ago. Then again, seeing how badly they messed up the Legacy versions it might not be worth it even if it was re-released.

MickeyIan 15th Feb 2025 4:52 AM

Does anyone have a copy of Realistic Ages: Harder Skill Learning by Lientebollemeis?

Charity 15th Feb 2025 8:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
I would love a re-release of Sims Medieval, my copy got corrupted years ago. Then again, seeing how badly they messed up the Legacy versions it might not be worth it even if it was re-released.

Sims Medieval is still available to buy.

And even though it doesn't say it, when I bought it the Pirates and Nobles expansion pack was included.

simsample 15th Feb 2025 1:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MickeyIan
Does anyone have a copy of Realistic Ages: Harder Skill Learning by Lientebollemeis?

@lientebollemeis Could you help please?

pinkdynamite 15th Feb 2025 5:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Sims Medieval is still available to buy.

And even though it doesn't say it, when I bought it the Pirates and Nobles expansion pack was included.

Thank you! I didn't know it was still available. Can it be played offline or does it need to be through their app?

Justpetro 15th Feb 2025 8:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
@lientebollemeis Could you help please?

Here is lientebollemeis's folder:

And she can be found here too:

MickeyIan 15th Feb 2025 8:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Here is lientebollemeis's folder:

And she can be found here too:

I am unsure if the Realistic Ages: Harder Skill Learning is the within SFS.

Justpetro 15th Feb 2025 8:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by MickeyIan
I am unsure if the Realistic Ages: Harder Skill Learning is the within SFS.

I have no idea, to be honest. I just saw her on FB and noticed that there was a link to her folder.

Justpetro 15th Feb 2025 8:58 PM

@Mickeylan - I found this?

Hope it helps.

MickeyIan 15th Feb 2025 9:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
@Mickeylan - I found this?

Hope it helps.

Guess I will try it.

CaliBrat 15th Feb 2025 10:09 PM

anyone know if there is a mod that allows for scoping of a room w/o needing the 1st kiss? (or sexual orientation set)

Peni Griffin 15th Feb 2025 10:44 PM

The first kiss isn't in any way necessary to get the scoping the room option. Check out a sim - one of each if you don't want to commit the sim yet, though the one point of gender preference it gives you can easily be overwritten - and then you can scope the room. I'm not aware of anything that makes checking out unnecessary.

Bulbizarre 15th Feb 2025 11:24 PM

Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
Thank you! I didn't know it was still available. Can it be played offline or does it need to be through their app?

Through the app sadly.

AndrewGloria 15th Feb 2025 11:47 PM

Blake Yang, the business reporter of the Veronaville Courant, and just about the most obnoxious Sim I have ever met, has just told Josh Anderson that he's giving his new toy shop in Monopolis (Anderson's Toy Emporium ) a bad review. As well as most of his money, Josh has invested a lot himself in this venture. His family are committed to his business too. Can anyone suggest any advice I might give him to retrieve the situation? The prestigious and influential SimCity Chronicle carries Blake Yang's reviews too.

Bulbizarre 15th Feb 2025 11:59 PM

Dolphin's Business Adjuster can summon/invite him back to try again.

MickeyIan 16th Feb 2025 2:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I nap in my clothes. The only things I'd take off are jackets and shoes.

I remember when I was a teenager my grandma had an issue with me taking a nap or laying under the blanket while wearing clothes. Grandma's hang up regarding wearing clothes under a blanket still baffles me to this day. Grandma was expecting me to take off my clothing just to lay under the blanket but I was not confident enough with my body to sleep without any clothing (I now occasionally sleep without a top on and I did try sleeping completely naked but didn't like that).

jonasn 16th Feb 2025 2:28 AM

I always sleep in my clothes. I get cold during sleep without activity, and uncomfortable form touching the bed with my body. Washing clothes is easier than taking the covers off a bed and washing those. It is not even possible with a warm blanket that needs dry cleaning.

kestrellyn 16th Feb 2025 10:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
anyone know if there is a mod that allows for scoping of a room w/o needing the 1st kiss? (or sexual orientation set)

You need sexual orientation set, otherwise there is no chemistry with anyone to report on. If you want all sims to just be bi, you can do that with ACR or the Sim Blender, IIRC.

CaliBrat 16th Feb 2025 3:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
You need sexual orientation set, otherwise there is no chemistry with anyone to report on. If you want all sims to just be bi, you can do that with ACR or the Sim Blender, IIRC.

It's not that I want them to have one gender or the other, or even bi. I was hopin for somethin where they could scope a room w/o havin any contact with the person, no defined sexuality, or anything that would sway them one way towards any one that I had a hand in picking. I don't know if this is gonna do what I want, but someone pointed it out to me and it sounds like it so I'm gonna give it a try

Misaki Chan 16th Feb 2025 3:37 PM

To those of you who play somewhat rotationally, do any of you not play a heavily restricted rotational gameplay? And while I'm aware that the answer of course will be yes, I'll explain why I'm asking: I see a lot of people who play a strict chosen number of days for each family (like one day, or three, or a week) and often keep a full spreadsheet for their game in order to always be on time, in sync. Personally I am NOT one of those players - or wasn't until now, I used to think that this sort of rigidity would drive me nuts, and probably stop me from playing (big issue in my simming career history). But now as I'm really getting back into the game, I'm reconsidering. I really enjoy a rotational play in the sense of making sure that each family is played somewhat in the same time, and that children, teens and YAs somewhat grow up together, generations being kept together, so all roughly makes sense in the grand scheme of things. However, I never bothered with seasons/day of the week syncing, or with holidays being on for everyone at the same time. I also played some families a lot longer than others, becuase they were simply too exciting for me to wait a whole hood rotation. And, I prefer to track my sims record in Trello, rather than a spreadsheet.

So I do rotate my gameplay, but not as rotationally as most people here I believe. Now, back to my question: is there anything I am clearly missing by not playing this sort of strict rotational system with days being synced and such? I know that this is my game and my enjoyment only, and I should do as I please. But since so many people do it this way, I'm pretty sure there is a huge benefit that I'm just not getting at the moment. Would anyone care to spare a minute or two to shine some light on this matter?

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