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BoilingOil 11th May 2016 12:37 PM

Thank you, @natboopsie

Essa 11th May 2016 1:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
...which is not very pleasant to have, if you also have autosoc and want your sims to run a business. The Macrotastics/autosoc combo makes them almost impossible to control in their business. They continuously run outside to try and sell stuff to people who aren't interested, and only use HARD SELL to pendle their wares. And hard sell fails most of the time, but three seconds later, they will simply go back to the same customer and try again, all the while worsening their relationship with said customer.
For that reason, I've removed Macrotastics. Now I don't have that problem anymore.

Were you using Business runs you at the time because I have to disagree with you?
I ran businesses with it for years. My business owners also do basic sales and dazzle when they got a gold sales badge.

TychoH 11th May 2016 3:59 PM

Pictures is an idea, but I don't do that because of the loading times. My game boots even faster than Natboopsie's and I want to keep it that way, although then I shouldn't download so much...

Thanks for the list, that makes it clear I've also found a default replacement which started with uu, so that would be more than one age group and unisex... lol.
You're welcome with the organizing thing nice to be able to help someone.

English is not my first language, so if most people talk about defaults instead of default replacements, I assume it is calle defaults thanks for the correct expression.

BoilingOil 11th May 2016 4:02 PM

@TychoH: my rant was not directed at you specifically, friend. If you don't know, you don't know. I understand that. But there are others here who have been playing a long time, and they know English almost as well as I do (it's not my first language either, by the way), yet they give a bad example.


Sorry dear, but you have just triggered the Rant alert!!!

If anyone else is happy to let their game be run or ruined (take your pick) by J.M.Pescado's ego, let them please go ahead. It's their own choice, after all. I have nothing to say about that.
But not me, please.

Essa 11th May 2016 6:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
@TychoH: my rant was not directed at you specifically, friend. If you don't know, you don't know. I understand that. But there are others here who have been playing a long time, and they know English almost as well as I do (it's not my first language either, by the way), yet they give a bad example.


Sorry dear, but you have just triggered the Rant alert!!!

If anyone else is happy to let their game be run or ruined (take your pick) by J.M.Pescado's ego, let them please go ahead. It's their own choice, after all. I have nothing to say about that.
But not me, please.

No offense taken, @BoilingOil and for your information I'm not the disagreer otherwise I would disagree your previous post. I wanted to but decide against it.
I'm not a modder so I can't look through hacks packages and find out their little secrets. Only things I can do is reading descriptions and related threads when they exist. Depending on what people say, the hack makes it or not in my game. I sometimes alter hacks like I did yesterday to allow children to get bottles since I only use Targa's superfridge. Your explanation was crystal clear.
I roughly have 560 hack files in my game. 94 of them are by Pescado so I like to believe my game is not only run by JMP's hacks.
While I see your point, I also have the feeling that there's a huge dislike of Pescado's mods.
I love BRY while I just like Macrostatics (macro/skill for knowledge sims, macro/clean and macro/garden for my farmers). I dislike Bathroom uses you so I don't use it. I barely use autosoc as I'd rather let my sims interact with each other on their own unless I decide otherwise.

Question: can one assume that a 1 kb hack file only does what it's supposed to do?

BoilingOil 11th May 2016 6:29 PM

I wasn't trying to offend anyone, dear. And I don't worry about whoever disagreed with my post. It does not upset me in the slightest. They must not have understood what I was saying

Yeah, with the experience I've built up over the years, it's fairly reasonable to assume that I'm not overly fond of most of JMP's hacks. I've I said something like that a few times already. I use some of them for the lack of better alternatives. But if and when I'm made aware of a way to get the same fix from another mod, then it's bye-bye, Pescado-mod. Actually, if there is a conflict between one of his mods and something else, the "something else" mod is ALWAYS made to load last in my game, so it overrides what JMP has done. That's the only way I can justify towards myself that I have as many as 50 of his mods in my game.

But this dislike of his mods is mainly *because* of his way of doing things. If this interaction between Autosoc and Macrotastics had not existed, - OR if he had properly documented it and offered a way to circumvent it - I might have kept macrotastics, because it was quite useful. Now I will just have to do without. So be it. Poo occurs!

In a 1kB hack file it is still possible to hide something undocumented, but it would not be easy. In most cases, I think the smaller the file, the better the chance that it ONLY does what it is supposed to do. But no guarantees, because on occasion I too have managed to screw such a small hack up.

Rosebine 11th May 2016 6:38 PM

Looking into my Downloads folder trying to see if I have anything from J.M.Pescado in my game...I have no clue to be honnest. I was just curious, but then I do not know how he name his files..etc.
I just know I HATE MATY site.
Then I got curious again and wondered..what would be BO's first language then?

TychoH 11th May 2016 6:57 PM

Your rant was triggered by my question, I think, but no offence taken

Pescado gives his mods names in lowercases and without spaces, like no20khandouts and abortbedmaking, so not really specifically. But if you've got mods like notownieregen, nostrayrespawn, woohooltwfix and cruplefix, you have his mods.
BO's first language is the same as mine, but that doesn't help you I guess :P

BoilingOil 11th May 2016 7:02 PM

@TychoH: no, it was in fact triggered by someone's response to your question Ah, Dutch too, huh?

@Rosebine: BO's first language is Dutch, the speech impediment that the citizens of Holland - or the Netherlands - suffer from.

As for mods, it's usually advised that people keep their mods separated by where they get them from. So you would put your mods gotten from MATY in a folder MATY or Pescado, so it's easy to figure out what's made by whom.

I hate the MATY site as well, by the way. It's hard to find what you need, sometimes. And most of the regular visitors there are not the kind of people most of us would want to ask for help. Because many of them will just rip your lips off your face for asking what they consider n00b questions. It's not a newbie-friendly environment there. I only go there if I have a direct link to whatever I need. And once I've got what I came for, I'm immediately off to something more pleasant.

Rosebine 11th May 2016 7:29 PM

Thanks. I have my mods by their name, in a folder. many are loose too. It is rare now that I will get new stuff, since this is an old game, so I leave it this way. Nothing really conflicts or give troubles, all that was sorted years ago. But! there is always a chance, like for that mod I discovered in My Documents a few days ago.
This is just my HACKS folder that is a bit messy though. Everything else is impecable.

mdsb759 11th May 2016 10:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759
when cloning an object, would it be safe or unsafe for the new object to be in 2 or more function categories (if in Buy Mode)?
would it be safe or unsafe for a Build Mode object to be in 2 or more Build Mode categories?
would it be safe or unsafe for any object to be part of 2 or more sub-categories (if that could be set up)?

about something else::
shipped version of base game penalizes sims for calling late at night (midnight through 6am).
does that change in the shipped version of any pack?
if so, which pack/packs? and is it a setting that gets carried over to the packs after it or is it something that is pack-specific?

Justpetro 11th May 2016 10:52 PM

I do not think it changes with a pack, I think it may change with a phone hack - made by one and improved by another (who speaks Dutch, I think... "wat ek nogal kan verstaan" - and you may find the mod on the Leefish site )

BoilingOil 12th May 2016 4:34 AM

Ja , baie Nederlandse invloede in Afrikaans, hè?
The phone hack is one of the best things that Pescado ever did, but he *did* make one or two tiny mistakes in it. And you must be very careful which version you install in your game. Have the wrong version, and you get strange problems. Adding my mod to it (let my mod load last!) fixes the little mistakes and makes it all a lot better.

Justpetro 12th May 2016 8:15 AM

I know Having said this before, Bo, your instructions are crystal clear, and I think all of us appreciate that.

natboopsie 12th May 2016 3:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TychoH
Thanks for the list, that makes it clear I've also found a default replacement which started with uu, so that would be more than one age group and unisex... lol.
You're welcome with the organizing thing nice to be able to help someone.

You're most welcome, @TychoH. Yes, I believe you are correct about the meaning of UU.

Mm-hmm, your report about your load-time improvements definitely has helped me with my own Downloads folder organization. Even better, I learned about it before I got the UC and my new, much faster gaming computer, so all my current Downloads could be organized that same way right from the start. Your sharing has played a lasting part in helping my game load quickly!

Quite agree that BO gives very clear instructions. Also agree that his Phone Make-over (hey, if you won't directly plug it, BO, I will!) is a very nice add-on to the game, whether or not one has Pescado's phonehack.

Speaking of phonehack, there's a really great example right on its page of Pescado failing to document but clearly doing something beyond what he does document. See how he subtitles it "phone and taxi hack"? Yet what does he say he changes about the taxi? Nope, I don't see any description either.

By the way, our own @Charity made a list of Pescado hacks that they believed to be fully documented (no functions not listed on the tin), and it's here. In fact..@BoilingOil, if you ever have time, it would be great to have you take a look at that list and see whether you agree. But I do mean if you ever have time. Anytime you have shared your expertise and under-the-hood knowledge, I have appreciated it.

BoilingOil 12th May 2016 10:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by natboopsie
Quite agree that BO gives very clear instructions. Also agree that his Phone Make-over (hey, if you won't directly plug it, BO, I will!) is a very nice add-on to the game, whether or not one has Pescado's phonehack.

Much appreciated. I sometimes feel a bit uneasy promoting my mods too much. I have my own space on two other forums which should suffice.

By the way, our own @Charity made a list of Pescado hacks that they believed to be fully documented (no functions not listed on the tin), and it's here. In fact..@BoilingOil, if you ever have time, it would be great to have you take a look at that list and see whether you agree.

Oh, my goodness, ALL of those?? That's not just a few, either, is it? I'll see what I can do, eventually.

In the meantime, there is one that I directly see, for which I would suggest an alternative made by some odd Dutchman who sometimes roams these halls...

In stead of antibabylecture, consider using BO - No Lecture Baby, because it is more effective.

SleepycatDSL 12th May 2016 10:51 PM

I understand being uneasy about promoting your own stuff. I rarely ever mention my own stuff. To me if I promote it, people would think "well of course she likes her own stuff but that doesn't mean it's any good and I haven't seen any one else mention her stuff, so it must not really be any good." Besides, I don't think my stuff is all that great (I don't do fancy) compared to others and since I have rarely ever seen anyone promote my stuff, it just confirms it in my head. *shrugs*

mdsb759 13th May 2016 12:06 AM

my last question; I figured out a way sometime before asking the question.
did a few changes to a base game BHAV; I think the one that asks "Is Awake".

natboopsie 13th May 2016 3:25 AM

@SleepycatDSL, I actually don't know of your mods at all, but I would like to learn more. There's a link in your profile that goes to a site where I am not registered (and I don't generally prefer to register for sites). Is it the case that your mods are only available to see and download by registering on that site?

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
Oh, my goodness, ALL of those?? That's not just a few, either, is it? I'll see what I can do, eventually.

Er, yes. I am quite aware it was a bit cheeky of me to mention it and ask. But I figure nothing ventured, nothing gained, and if you have time to even just look at a couple, we will already have sounder information than we did before. So thank you for any help you do fact, thank you even for considering it.

SIMposiast 13th May 2016 6:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759

about something else::
shipped version of base game penalizes sims for calling late at night (midnight through 6am).
does that change in the shipped version of any pack?
if so, which pack/packs? and is it a setting that gets carried over to the packs after it or is it something that is pack-specific?

You can call up to 2 am with later expansions installed. I do not remember which one. I want to say Nightlife. I don't know if it carries forward or not. I have up to Bon Voyage, but still have Nightlife installed. Maybe there's a wiki entry that says something more definitive.

Charity 13th May 2016 7:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
Oh, my goodness, ALL of those?? That's not just a few, either, is it? I'll see what I can do, eventually.

In the meantime, there is one that I directly see, for which I would suggest an alternative made by some odd Dutchman who sometimes roams these halls...

In stead of antibabylecture, consider using BO - No Lecture Baby, because it is more effective.

I've been on a crusade to decipher Pescado's hacks. XD

Not that I expect you to go through all these, but if you notice anything I've missed then that would be helpful.

I don't know why they introduced the baby lecturing, seriously.

"How dare you soil your diaper. Use the toilet like a normal person!"
"But I can't walk."
"That's no excuse! You will be hung above the toilet with a rope and hook. Until you learn!"

SleepycatDSL 13th May 2016 7:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by natboopsie
@SleepycatDSL, I actually don't know of your mods at all, but I would like to learn more. There's a link in your profile that goes to a site where I am not registered (and I don't generally prefer to register for sites). Is it the case that your mods are only available to see and download by registering on that site?

A lot of my stuff is technically on mediafire but it's the asylums account and I've never gotten around to asking TFM if she'd mind me sharing the links in my sig. I often think that it is too bad I don't have access to that account so I could delete all the old stuff I did that I consider crap.
I'm not sure what your interested in but these would be most of my lots (I think some got missed when they were zipped and uploaded there).

Edited to remove links

I keep telling myself that I should do something about uploading it all somewhere (better organized) but I'm just too tired (health issues) and so years go by and I still haven't done it. My newest terrains aren't in there since they are posted directly on the forum, ditto for some more lots.

sweetbaby160 13th May 2016 8:15 AM

Hello again it's been too long for one of my favorite threads lmao.
Long time ago I remember seeing a tutorial on how to change residential lots into apartment lots. Is there one on how to do the reverse?
I've tried to have a look thru the help section & randomly thru the discussion forum but my glasses recently broke (& that's the story I'm sticking to) so having an hard time finding what I'm looking for.

iCad 13th May 2016 10:34 AM

All you need to do is change the lot zoning. When you're on the lot you want to change, simply open the cheat box and type in changelotzoning [type of lot you want]. Then save and exit to the neighborhood. When you re-enter the lot, it should be the type you want it to be. (If it doesn't work, re-enter the lot, make any small change, then change the zoning and save/exit to the neighborhood. Sometimes the change doesn't work if the only change to the lot was to change the zoning.) If you want to change an apartment lot to residential, you'd type "changelotzoning residential" (Without the quotes.) You may need to change out the mailbox, however. I've found that sometimes they change, sometimes they don't. If you end up with the wrong type, there are buyable versions out there.

You can't, however, change zoning if any Sims are living on the lot. You'll need to move everyone out before you change. Otherwise, you'll totally screw up the lot.

Justpetro 13th May 2016 11:45 AM

I have to use caps - changeLotZoning residential - or it does not work on my pc, so that is something to keep in mind.

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