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I dreamed about my dad wearing a tutu, in fact, MY TUTU. It is a sweet, cute, angelic pink tutu but for some reason looks absolutely horrid on him. He spins around and does some high difficulty moves though so clearly he has skill. A bento box then appears in his hand and he starts chasing me asking me to eat the bento. As I run away from him in terror, he keeps up we with me all the while dancing ballet.
We all know how chasing goes in dreams, I run like a rock (rocks can't run) and he is quickly catching up with me. Then I woke up. |
@PANDAQUEEN What happened to Lee? Seems you were obsessed with Lee for so long, so it's odd coming back to see someone else filling that spot.
I had a dream recently that started with me playing with a katana or some kind of similar looking sword in the garage of a house we used to live in. When I went inside to go to my room, things shifted to me being in a room of a different building. There there was a UFO outside of the window in this room, and I tried hiding from it. I went to run out of the door, but since it was in view of the window an alien shot me and then I woke up. |
Quote: Originally posted by haywud
@haywud I think it started when I described Lee Unkrich's awkward looks as a fusion of Steve Carell and Erik Estrada. When I looked up Erik Estrada on Google, turns out not only is he handsome, especially for a man turning 70 (remember, Alice Cooper has been a member of the dreamscape for quite a few years), but he's willing to give back. He works with the California Highway Patrol collecting funds for funereal costs for patrollers killed on the job. (In his younger years, he portrayed a patrolman as part of the show CHiPs during the mid to late 1970s) He's also a voice actor and two voices he did were a second in command on a sci-fi sitcom and the King Worm on Adventure Time. He only had a couple of lines in Season 1's episode "Evicted", but he would carry on a conversation with Finn (Jeremy Shada) and would be evicted after destabilization of the dreamscape in Season 5's "King Worm". I guess my problem with staying focused, especially on one guy is my attention span and my competitive being make it hard to relate to my father, who is very family-minded, particularly he's not likely to stray from family. But yes, in the dreamscape, I dumped Lee Unkrich for Erik Estrada. If I simplified my family in The Sims 2 terms of aspiration, my mother's is Wealth because she grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, constantly gaslit by her mother about money, leaving enough for payphone change. My father's is Family because he was from a large family and had done almost everything he could for my sake as I am his only child. My aspiration is a weird combo between Romance and Pleasure. I am just social and hopeless. Usually in my dreams, I am a much bolder person and yes, given the chance, I might steal a man out from someone's arms. But dreams are just subconscious reflections of our psyche, our problems are solved but only in our waking hours can we figure out what to do with the missing parts. Mostly the same shit, different psych doctors I have been dealing with since my teen years. |
I was looking for my brother for part of the dream and nobody was willing to help. That was the sad dream that I won't go into details for...
But then I was going to work, in one of those red and yellow plastic car toddlers have and when I got there, a coworker who was recently fired turned up at work and was cleaning cars for spare change. Suddenly I was in the parking lot and there was like some carnaval going on, and the lower parking lot at work was basically a pier overlooking the ocean with little funfair rides and whatnot. Then I walked past my coworker and said "I swear you were just over there washing cars" whilst pointing behind me, and I turned around and him with long hair WAS behind me, cleaning cars... (note, he's never had long hair ever in the whole time I've known him). My dream didn't really explain that, because the next thing I know S Club 7 (lol? what?) were there, and I was like "Wow everyone looks so old and they have their own kids now and everything" as if I was surprised that 19 years have gone by since they were famous ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by tysika
At least it's not soup heated in the fires of Hell. Talking of which, my mother enjoys her coffee and hot foods hot as the depths of Hell. I don't know anyone else who likes their foods that insanely hot in temperature. |
For some reason I was in America, and there was some kind of parade or something. There were animatronics walking the street and I was thinking "This is why I don't like America, the animatronics always try to walk up to you". I wasn't scared of them or anything, just concerned that they all seemed to be magnetically drawn to me as I walked past them. They would literally sway into my direction and were already 2ft taller than me.
I ducked into a store, where I was looking at plenty of "American chocolate" (Cadburys. For some reason. But it had a different name) and saw one of those old Cadburys Dream bars they don't sell anymore. I thought "Wow are they going to bring those back out in England?" (Even though I don't live in England anymore). So I was going to buy them. Also I was wearing my sweatpants that I usually wear to work but the pockets were filled with small round candies. Suddenly an Indian lady walked up to me with her two kids and started talking to me in this really thick southern accent. I couldn't understand her so I was just staring for a moment. I was scared to talk because I felt awkward being in a part of America out of country tourists don't seem to visit, talking in a British accent (how I felt when I visited a small town in Tennessee). She starts talking to me about her suberu car (side note but I don't even know what type of car that is. I've just heard the name. I only know cars as "that blue one" or really obvious ones like Minis) and how she "can't believe someone knocked off the side mirror" and that "You can't get side mirrors in blue! My car is blue! They've ran out of stock!". I said "why not just get a black one and paint it blue?" Then I woke up to a nose bleed and leg cramp. Yay! |
I had an extremely weird dream.
Neither Lee Unkrich or Erik Estrada came to see me. This time, I was greeted by Grant Imahara. He was wearing wireframe glasses. He came to check on me while I had a respiratory issue. I asked him, "Wait a minute! Didn't you have someone else?" He said "I got kicked out after I automated the toaster. At the speed it ejected the toast, it left holes in the wall. I did manage to get a job at the robotics firm here." I started coughing deep and he administered my cough meds, my morning meds and the fiber and biotin supplements. He then lays me back down. In passing, I tell him "You'd look pretty good looking in a gakuran uniform." He innocently asks "What's a gakuran?" I say "The quintessential boy's Japanese school uniform. Just as celebrated as the girl's sailor school uniform, it's got a stiff collar, buttons in front, you wear a typical button-up dress shirt underneath and pants in a matching jacket color, there's a slight design that makes it look like tails on the ends." He said "I'm 48 years old. How do you think I am I going to fit in a high school uniform?" I said "I can take care of that. My parents are teaching me cooking, cleaning and sewing. Most for the sake of self-sufficiency. Otherwise, I'm helpless as a spoiled house cat. I promise we'll be ready in time for our birthdays." (I share my birthday, October 23, with Grant Imahara. Should I ever get involved with him in this sense of an intimacy where we spend time together, it would be one less headache to worry about.) He kissed me on the forehead and covered me up in blankets. Woke up not too long ago. Weird how I deviate sometimes. Still, I had a pretty bad crush on Grant when he debuted on MythBusters. The only two other commonalities is we're not really big fans of spicy food or throwing up. Then again, Grant is like the youngest in my reverse harem at 17 years my senior. Either way, I guess we have our strange choices. He is not any exception to the rules. Especially if he roboticizes the house. |
I had a dream about how to make a time machine.
I thought I was supposed to slip, fall and hit my head or something. Anyway, it has to do with speculative and abandoned physics that was done before I was even around. It looks like it can only go forward in time, but you can either go forward fast, or really slow. That's not really new, but I can do it without a space ship. |
Well, I should have seen him coming...but I didn't.
Bill returned. YES, THAT BILL. The one who got his nickname during a radio show argument with a science-illiterate caller long before I was born. The same Bill whose dress code hasn't changed even after schools relaxed their dress codes. The CEO of The Planetary Society. Yes, Dr. William Sanford "Bill" Nye had reappeared. For the sake of Smash Brothers, Dr. Nye Shoots for the Moon. He came to visit on an intake interview for my job at submitting new names for the new planets that currently have number designations. I submitted to them about the planet that doesn't orbit a star the name Jack O Lantern, after a being so devious he got kicked out of Hell, forever wandering with mere embers lighting the way in a turnip, as any light that reached this planet is about a bright as a low glowing ember. I also named the Trappist 1 planets after the Seven Lucky Gods of Japan. However, when I woke up from my nap, my dad alerted another bonehead move in politics when Trump said he'd set up 6G cell towers (6G doesn't exist, but I shouldn't expect much from the so-called "genius" who stared directly into a total eclipse without a buffer or protection of any sort.) Glad I like men who are able to ace SATs without cheating. The last thing he said to me before I woke up: "I actually like your hair long. (It's starting to creep downward, touching my collarbone, and my goal for my hair is to grow it past my breasts, which was what I had in my junior year. Cutting it short in my senior was my biggest mistakes... actually, being voluntarily bald for 4 years was my worst mistake) It frames your face nicely. I would suggest, if you have the time and money, to either dye or bleach your hair, it got patchy since I had last seen you." I said "Well, I have bleach which lifts 7 levels, So I might end up being a brassy blonde." He said "I was thinking you do your hair whatever colors you like." He gave me a sizable amount of money, and what came was an awkward kiss in that he accidentally gave the infamous Kiss of Death. He didn't realize that. I opened my eyes and sighed. "Awkward is as awkward be." |
Wow. I would never dream that Bill Nye had a doctorate. I'm still laughing at "Almost Live" and his time doing the Speed Walker skit.
I tend to have very vivid dreams and often remember them well after I have woken up. Many times I'm in a movie or in a tv-series I've seen or just having the time of my life. Just a few nights ago I was having a romance with Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
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Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
It's in mechanical engineering. He was a key person in the pressurizing unit for the 747. Even though I wasn't born in Seattle, I had enough information to be well informed. I was, am and always be a thirsty-for-knowledge information sponge. Actually Boeing has a fan club for him for the employees. He's sort of their star employee. |
Erik woke me up in my dream. I heard him speak "Wake up, chica." (He took up Mexican Spanish many years ago when he was on a telenovela that ran for 400 episodes, exceeding the original 100 episode order.) I said "Chica? Why that?" He said "You are adorable." He kept me close to his body. We talked, he would tell me of weird incidents from his childhood and I told him my childhood. He was sweet, but the ejection from the dreamscape was triggered by my father's cough from what turned out to be the flu and pneumonia.
Well, I guess for now, I can't afford the luxury to sleep. |
My boobs exploded with milk. Pregnancy dreams are weird.
today i had this super weird dream about school
my best friend lived at school all the time which is super weird because i know in real he don't live at school ![]() i said weird things that makes his mom mad or so ![]() |
Yesterday, my dream was that I killed my brother. Not a clue why. I just remember I was angry and frustrated. Don't remember how I killed him.
Last night, he got his revenge - I had a dream where he was saying really cruel things to me like he did a few months ago, but then he started attacking me, but I couldn't seem to move my arms and defend myself, then he choked me with his arm and I died. It was kinda weird, because usually when I "die" in a dream, I wake up. But this time it switched to a 3rd person perspective (like I was watching Sims or something), and there was a doctor trying to resusitate me. THEN I woke up. |
Erik woke me up in my dream. He helped me out of bed and handed me my hoodie. (I usually sleep in my underwear because I am a human radiator, so it's a matter of keeping my core warm.)
He made a smoothie with soy milk, bananas, berries (I like berries as far as fruit goes) and activated charcoal. It was black as the charred chambers of the hearts of my enemies from when I lived on the West Coast. Granted, I made numerous enemies then and before the West Coast, when I was put in the school population. I drank it and...it wasn't off tasting or bitter. It was a mix of the other ingredients, but it didn't taste like ashes. He said "I wanted to help with your diet." He said to me "I know you are a picky eater." He sat next to me and said "I can understand your concern about your father. He seems to mean something to you." I said "I resemble my father more than my mother." He said "So you're a daddy's girl. But you have your mother's voice, hair and her ability to fall up the stairs." I said, "You really should have check that it was me before you sweet talked my mother in Spanish. I'm not the only one who speaks Spanish in the household." He said to me "Your hair is getting longer... maybe by summer you could just wear a mermaid tail because your hair will be so long." I blushed "You're flattering me. I don't have the courage to dress up like that!" He said, "You certainly have curves, I will admit that." I woke up from that disjointed mess. Now that my day is going fine, I need dinner. |
I realized taking melatonin over a certain amount can give you nightmares and bizarre dreams. I would wake to find my wife rubbing me and telling me I was jerking and whimpering in my sleep again. I try not to go over 4.5 mg a night. If I take my Klonopin it tends to make the dreams longer and decrease the times I wake up. On a lighter note I met my favorite singer this morning and as I was about to tell him how cool he is to me my alarm for work went off.
Everyone in the Electrical Engineering Department wanted to know why the Artificial Intelligence Grader was giving me great grades for my designs. I had reversed engineered the grader AI so I knew my homework would get good grades.
Then there was something about a dumpster over a fence. |
In the daylight of the rising sun of the morning, I woke in the dream and was offered a smoothie by Erik in 14 colors. Evidently, we were out of berries but had plenty of bananas and plant food coloring. My mother invited over "Banana Mike" from the docks (he looked and sounded like Brian Posehn, although with lots of hair with small bald spots and no, he didn't look like fart clouds in a man suit) and "Frodo" from the repack department (Looked like Elijah Wood, but was on the short hairy side)
(Might have stated before that Banana Mike got the name due to nutritional deficiencies and carried bananas on his person and Frodo was known by that nickname because he resembles the famous Hobbit. He was also famous for using what I think was either a cherry picker or a scissor lift and set off the alarm by banging his helmeted head against the ceiling and he got probation and wasn't allowed to used the machines alone.) The guys were around my age, but they already had someone in mind. Besides, my mother wanted to help "Banana Mike" and "Frodo" after a long shift and somehow they lost their jobs after some post-shift evaluation. Either way, I was adamant about them staying longer than for breakfast. I eventually spent time alone with Erik looking out the window at the bare winter trees waiting to blossom. During winter you can see across the forest and see cars on the road on the other side. Erik took my green hoodie off and put on me a pink hoodie the same shade as a cherry blossom in spring. He said "You look cute in pink, especially this shade. Matches your face when you try to speak around me." I said "Flatter me as you may, but you shouldn't consult a groundhog for climate control... Regardless, I need a new hoodie. My old one is pilled up like crazy." The hoodie was a long one, came to around my knees and he said "I was thinking about you and your way of running warm and getting overheated, so I bought you a new jacket. Besides, you had your old one when I last heard from Alice Cooper that you wore it a few years back. Honestly, why would someone as cute as a bunny rabbit like you, go out to dinner with a man who is nightmare fuel incarnate like him?" I then tell Erik, "He's around the same age as you are. He had a drinking problem when he was starting off under the name Alice Cooper. He was born Vincent Damon Furnier, but after his old band, Alice Cooper dissolved, he changed his name to Alice Cooper. In 1978, he switched over to drinking Coke and later Diet Coke when presented such an option at an event. Besides, I lend men I adore life energy, providing a sweet drink is given to me to recuperate. Usually this act of kindness is expressed through kissing and I can only do this for one man once a day." (The fact that energy stealing monsters were part of the first 59 episodes of Sailor Moon, not to mention Erik Estrada played an energy stealing worm was a catalyst for madness) Erik said "You can just kiss a man and he'll get a dose of energy?" I said "For 3 weeks. By day 19 he'll start to drag and by day 21, he'll sleep for 24 hours before resuming normal energy levels." I woke up and realized I was worn out. |
I once dreamed of this wide open world game where I could build in some areas - including some oasis type place. I could place houses and stuff, and I could also go hunting and kill various monsters in the wilderness, and there was this stack of cubes which formed something kinda reminiscent of the old Best Products store where I lived - when it was open, a chunk slid out and left an opening - like in this picture (hope it shows up) https://failedarchitecture.com/wp-c...tch-Facade2.jpg
In each of the cubes, there were enemies and treasure. The ones deeper in the structure would have more enemies but better treasure, though I was kind of scared to go into those rooms. |
Quote: Originally posted by JDacapo
Certainly looks like an epic fail. Last night, I was cuddled in bed and Erik was sitting up reading the Spanish language version of the day's paper. He then says "You're awfully quiet tonight." I let out a huff through my nose and said "I had a rough day at the office. My therapist is tracking my mood and sending it to my prescribing doctor." He said "It can't be THAT bad." I said "I had murderous rage against an anime character with hypercritical criticism." And he said "Everybody hated the portrayal of Rei Hino\Sailor Mars in the 1990s anime." He said, "How about a backrub? When you get wound up, you tend to knot up your fat hump." I laid on my stomach and he started off gently. He had found the hard knots and they were rubbed out. He said "Why are you so stressed? You have your youth, you get to share a bed with me. I am at your beck and call and I love you. What could be so stressful for you?" I said "Maybe by my 33rd birthday, I won't be able to make a fuss over life." |
I liked the weird design of that Best Products store. My sis even sat on the chunk that slid out and my parents took a picture of her... dunno if they still have the photo.
Quote: Originally posted by JDacapo
By happenstance, just what did this store sell? March 7, 2019 I woke up in my dream next to Dana. He seemed happy. I kissed him on the forehead and sweetly said "Good morning, Mr. Carvey..." He panicked, fell off the bed and said "How did I end up in your bed?" I told him "I was wondering what that snoring lump was." He said "I think I came into your room by accident and I was just drawn to the body heat you generate." I said "You enjoy my body heat?" His remark? "You're such a sweet and warm little thing...and I meant that in both figurative and literal terms." (Personally, my body heat is highly sought after in the winter months. If I go to the grocery store in shorts, people ask the same damn question..."Aren't you cold?" and I reply, "Ice Bear don't care".) |
i've been having weird dreams about indonesia last night
my parents told me i had to go on vacations with them and told me i need to go to indonesia but it's so far away to get there with a air flight ![]() in the morning i was still at work, however my parents picked me up there and one of my co-workers followed me ![]() damn that was a super weird dream edit: i remember it again i also had this super weird and ugly dreams about something that didn't happened in real (thank god) right before i got a dream about the air flight i had this ugly dream about the hospital and pregnancy i don't remember the start of it but i remember i was going somewhere and got myself knocked up or something ![]() ![]() and it turned out i wasn't on birth control and neither did i use a condom, so i throwed up everything when i woke up in the morning ![]() i wondered why i throwed up everytime, so i was going to the hospital instead of calling a doctor, the people were monsters there i was on the toilet checking on the pregnancy test and it turned out to be positive, and i was a single mom, i came out of the toilet and the people who was working in the hospitals changed into monsters and followed me. i run to the stairs and hided somewhere high, i got this secret door or something and they never found me, well expect my parents who asked me how come i hided somewhere save and which reason it was, i told them i was pregnant and they are all dissapointed in me how i could let this happen ![]() a few friends of mine were there too, i asked not to yell or scream to me when i was scared already, the monsters never found me with the secret door and room we jumped out of the windows and escaped i also remember from yesterday that in my dreams my mobile and charger got crashed, phew thank god that was all just a dream, even about my mobile i didn't remembered it right away but when i was watching teenage pregnancy i remembered again, i guess i got flashbacks from what was happening to my dreams ![]() |
Lee came back to me.
He said he was sorry for taking for granted the fact I was just bored, not to mention about to dump him and that I was really sweet. Then Bill came in and begged for my forgiveness. Even brought pure white roses. I told them, "Leave me alone and stay out of my way. I have to work with the rebellion." |
I had a dream that I was watching a WWE match, and it was The Undertaker beating the hell out of CM Punk. The match then suddenly turned into a video game, and I was controlling The Undertaker where I continued to just destroy CM Punk as if I wanted to kill him. Then I don't know why, but the scene shifted to me sitting behind Bigsimsfan12 and for whatever reason she put her chair on my feet.
@Bigsimsfan12 Why are you in my dreams? Geez! ![]() |
Why not
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@Bigsimsfan12 It's weird because you just seem to make completely random appearances in my dreams from time to time.
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My last dream before the early wake up madness:
I was watching Finding Nemo with Erik with the AV Commentary on and when Lee Unkrich spoke about The Shining as his favorite film and explained the colline technique for that section of the score, he said "You were in love with that guy? He's got a whinier voice than me!" I cuddled up with him and said, "He's no competition compared to men like you." He held me up to eye level and kissed me. He said "Emotionally, you're a lightweight. Your face is red and hot on your cheeks." I said "Do not be alarmed. This is just a hormonal surge. I get them at random times. It's just a normal function for a young woman." He asked "Can I help you with that?" I said "Down the hall, in my bathroom is a clear spray bottle filled with water. Grab that. In the linen closet is washcloths. The soft ones for sensitive skin are the ones I use for such events." He brought the items. I said to him "Spray the cheeks three times and pat down to dry." He followed the instructions and he asked "Does it work?" I say "It alleviates the unbearable heat that comes from the flushing, so yes, yes it does." He decides to cuddle close to me and I was willing enough to cuddle. He said "I'm going to go back to work tomorrow. I know you like cooking. Can you make me a dinner we can both enjoy?" I asked "You don't mind spaghetti and red sauce? I never really asked you about anything prior to your life in the public eye. I know your parents were Puerto Rican, but did you have a traditional favorite dish when you were growing up?" He hesitated and said "Just stick with the pasta. I don't want you to flip out on me." (He saw me at my worst and at my best and the last time I was in charge of the dinner for the entire house (Me, Erik and my parents), somehow I burned the ice cream in the sundaes) The next morning I saw him get suited up and head off to the police station and found myself playing with my Sims in TS3 and TS4 and basically I built the relationship between the Sims of me and Erik. In both games, they got married. I mused "If only marriage was that easy to achieve." If you're wondering, we're at the point of spooning and he's the big spoon. His job at the police station, which for 7 years, he was part of a real police department in Idaho, is to be very convincing towards interrogation of suspects. He usually would have charm men and women into confession. He recently had to sit in on a polygraph test involving a couple of suspects who were involved with defamation of someone whose been dead for 11 years. When he told about the liars (the machine broke from the needle swinging wildly), I said "You can't get water from a well that's dry. To be honest, defamation of the deceased is not letting them rest in peace." He said "You seem to have it easy. You have numerous cookbooks on your Kindle app. You have free time to watch your stories." I tell him "I'm bored and you really don't need to work. My grandfather's been paying you more than anything you'd make at the police station for doing nothing. Your allowance is part of the deal to keep me company when I am otherwise left alone. My grandfather and my parents are behind this. I knew it would come to the point of being babysat by someone like you. I'm probably nothing but a pawn in an elaborate game. It's not a matter of failure to launch, it's more of a failure to hire because I can fill out forms and have done so since Washington state had a consent to legal forms law at age 13. Every time I apply, I can't get past the surveying question about if I have transportation. I have been having panic attacks for two years straight, rendering me unable to drive a car. I really want to leave home, but I can't. I might never." I burst into tears and he held me. "Now, now... I think I can help you. There's no need to get like this." I woke up and realized I have been trying too hard. |
i had a super weird dream yesterday
and it was about school, the school changed into a gothic school, i asked them why they changed it they told me that they did it because of the organizations or something and that it was about the chance that they had to change the whole school or something tons of friends were there too and also looked weird to the school building ![]() then we had a speech or something and told us the rules, and one of them was by not talking to other people who's coming from an another school or else you get the fines and that's 60 euro's or something ![]() ![]() i sneaked out and talked to my best friend that was coming from an another school, that's weird because my best friend was at the same school i was in real ![]() and even though everyone was looking to me, i didn't got caught from the teachers ![]() i knew like right away it was all just a dream ![]() edit: i forgot to say something on my dream: i asked my friend why he had to change school, and he told me he had something against the police or something because he did something stupid in my dreams and send something on fire, geez ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Last night, in my dream, I bought a royal blue sweat jacket for Erik. I always listen to him about the gifts in my dreams and he said what he wanted for March 14, White Day in Japan, when textile based gifts were given (in some cases, white chocolate was exchanged). He gifted me underwear and he knew I was one of those types of people who was not much for nonsense. He bought a few pairs each in different prints. I was somewhat taken aback, not in disgust, but because I bought him a jacket that cost less than $10 and he bought me new underwear, both bras and panties, each article between $20 - $35 each. I felt weird that he overdid it. He asked when I gave him the box, he asked "Blue? Is there a joke attached?" I said "You once played a man who fantasized about wearing blue. I thought this would be nice to fulfill it as a nice little joke. Besides, I kind of find you attractive when you're dressed nicely. I had to throw out your windbreaker, it was getting chewed up." He said "Thanks" and he gave me a kiss and he put it on.
It was awkward at best. Here he gifts me enough underwear for every occasion and all I give him is a sweat jacket and remind him of an all-but-forgotten cartoon he did a voice for back when Cartoon Network first launched [adult swim] in 2001. Man, I don't like when a fantasy with subtextual and underlying content makes me look foolish. |
When I have a fever, all higher thinking processes come to a halt. The study of physics is right out. At night, the nightmares come. They're always frustration nightmares about trying to remember something - always something stupid. For the last 3 nights it's been nightmares about some game - sort of like Sims 3 but not, and I'm trying to remember how to get more lifetime experience points using the future or some other crazy thing.
Then I wake up and think - "There's no way to do that in the game" Edit: Yep. Took a nap and invented a whole new expansion pack in my nightmare. Lots of new game play. |
Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
Lifetime experience points? Sounds like a new element to the gameplay... My dream last night? Erik held me up to his chest and tried to calm me down as I was panicking. He said "Chica, it's going to be fine." Hearing his heart was weird, the strong pumping. He laid me back in bed, drawn my comforter to around my neck, kissed me and said, "I'm going to make you a 14 layer, superfood and detox smoothie. But first, you need to take your pills." I took my afternoon panic meds and relaxed. I watched Netflix on my TV (Note: it's been about 5 months and I still haven't caught up on that.) and remembered while they were filming The Office and recording for Over the Hedge, Steve Carell played Hammy the Squirrel and he had to scream "I FOUND MY NUTS!" In the middle of the set of The Office (IRL, the average squirrel forgets where 50% of the nuts they buried in autumn are when spring rolls around.) I was woken after a short nap and drank in a colorful banana-based smoothie. I said "Gracias, mi capitano." (The whole thing of us using Spanish actually comes from the fact Spanish is our second language. My education of Spanish came early, but his came much later in life. He used to work on telenovelas (essentially Spanish language soap operas in Mexico and Hispanic-heavy communities in the US.) He asked "You've been having panic attacks since 2 years ago. Ever since I met you, you seemed uneasy about something, but what is wrong with you? Tell me what I can do." I said "I don't want to worry you." He said "I can help you." Somehow I drew closer and said "Oh, Henry... you're the nicest man I could ask to be with me." (Note: His birth name is Henry Enrique Estrada. Due to the systematic discrimination in the entertainment business many years ago, Hispanics and related ethnicities (read: non-Anglo-Saxon ethnicity) would either Anglicized their names in part or in whole to find work. Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez are actually from the same family. Emilio kept his name, which although put him at risk of less job offers, he didn't lose his identity. Then again, one's name is one's identity and to erase the past is to deny one's identity.) As I woke, I felt better and was feeling less like I was 1-upped. But why did I blatantly call him Henry like I knew him from long ago? I'm around the same age as his youngest son. For that matter, why would a nearly 70-year old man who is busy with charity and show business want with me, a 31-year old woman whose clumsy enough to fall up the stairs and spends her time enslaved to a bossy 7 to 10 pound cat who is extremely jealous? I eventually find myself wondering if guys like Erik Estrada are even worth dreaming about. Actually, in terms of someone to love me, I don't want to attract some phony who is a charlatan, easily enraged, psychotic, harmful in any sense of the word or just plain manipulative to my loved ones or family. |
During my nap dream...Erik joined me in bed and I was reading about animals with albinism and melanism (all white or all black) on my phone. He scooted next to me, cleared his throat and asked "Rough day today?" I said "Same shit I dealt with 5 years ago came back to bite me in the ass." He said "I was to show you the scars I got during my life. I've been told that you have one yourself.
I lifted my shirt a bit, just enough to show my scar. "It was February 4th and then February 7th, first a septic gallbladder, then gallstones. Although it was a 5 star hospital, their food, their phlebotomist and their extremely limited cable selection were 1 star. The food sucked, the phlebotomist kept poking when my vein rolled which meant a large bruise and I was in the mood for SpongeBob. Had to watch a rerun of Malcolm in the Middle and watch Ice Age 1 on FX. At least the rest of the staff was kind to me." Then he unbuttoned his pajama top. He told "Some are from when I was a child in the 1950s, some are from my career." I noticed one along his ribcage. "Wait, this is one from when you were thrown from a motorcycle." He said "You got me. Not only did I break a couple of ribs, as the scar tissue says, but I hurt both my wrists." I said "You know, I am fine with the scars. They usually have much better stories attached than tattoos. Usually the people I know who get tattooed are drunk on some intoxication and it's not always booze." He buttoned back up and say, "If things go south, call me at this line." He handed his contact info (his name was in English, but the rest of the information was printed in Simlish when I saw it in the dream) He said "It was nice visiting you, but I need to head back to California." I said, "At least...a kiss, mi amor?" He gave me a kiss, one I had been waiting for a while. He and I fell asleep and by morning, he left a note once he left. When I awoke, he told me he'll return in summer or if things at home are too stressful, he can send for someone to come fetch me. Stress often makes it hard to have a dream with the man of my dreams when your family is fighting and you're likely to be a divisive point because both parents are going to fiercely protect you from each other. Back to the drawing board. |
So I had a few dreams last night because I kept waking up... I'm surprised I actually remembered them, even if they are quite vague...
The first one was that I let my partner play my Sims game, and suddenly he accidentally set fire to the whole house. I remember watching as one of the dogs died by fire and crying. Also there were 3 grim reapers. The next dream, my partners boss and an ex co-worker I don't like for some reason published my medical files on Facebook. I was freaking out because it involved pictures of my pregnancy including that time they thought I was in preterm labour and had to check my cervix. Which turns out is a very awkward experience. They kept saying it was just a joke and I should lighten up. Then later I looked back at the pictures and they had all disappeared and changed into different pictures and gibberish and I was like "ohhh. I thought those were my medical files Then I had another dream where I was trying to shave my legs, but I was on the laptop talking to someone online at the same time? And they told me "you look like a pregnant man. You're gross". I think this dream was because yesterday I went out in a dress, so my partner had to shave my legs for me... but while I was out, I realised he missed more or less the whole front of my right leg. ![]() Oh! And then another dream that I've suddenly remembered. My Dad suddenly turned up at the doors, so like usual I lock my dog in the living room because he tries to headbutt the front door otherwise out of excitement. Anyway,my Dad walks in carrying another black staffy and says he found my dog, so I say "Taz (my dog) isn't missing?" And Taz jumps out of the living room somehow and starts barking at the dog in my Dads hands, causing him to drop the dog. The dog and Taz run outside and I'm freaking out because my dog is aggressive towards other dogs and I don't want the other dog to get hurt. So I'm shouting my dogs name, and I manage to grab him. Then suddenly the other black staff has turned into a white one with brown ears, and I'm petting her and saying how sweet she is and that I wish we could get another dog but because of Taz we can't. |
Last night, it was me and Grant Imahara eating in a Japanese style house (I actually liked the architecture) with the porch door open and our 13 children (HTF did that happen? They were all the same age, named after Japanese zodiac animal names (The Chinese Zodiac animals vary a bit in Japan), going in a boy-girl pattern and the baby of the family was a girl around the same age whom we called Neko-tan. They resembled Grant, but they had my constant changing in texture hair and it was the red hair that 5 of my blood aunts and uncles had (my father, my aunt Lucinda and my uncle John inherited black hair and to a degree, so did I. I recently bleached my hair out and it's very brassy and my hair had an undercoat color of red like many of my black cats)
It was breakfast and I'm quietly trying to ask Grant what was going on with the 13 kids and told me "I really don't know, but you probably dreamt about it before." I asked "How old are they?" He said "Today is their first day of kindergarten. Your father is going to take the inaugural snapshot of the kids starting school at the gate." He finished the breakfast I made him. I had the kids walk in front of me and behind Grant. (We were in walking distance from the school) My father got out a really advanced smartphone and got the kids to smile. I think it was Ma-kun (child #7, boy) who sneezed as the sunlight hit him which was the majority of the retakes. The kids were sent to the Hibiscus class. It was a weird fusion of Japanese culture and Hawaiian culture on the island. School starts in April, houses were part traditional structures and part modern fixtures, appliances and electronics. Nintendo had gotten far into the 13th and final generation of Pokémon before doing an overhaul to make it more entertaining and accessible for completing the game. This set of games had all 13 regions and slots for 16 save files, 13 of which belonged to each of my kids, one is mine and one day, I found Grant started a save in spite of his job at a robotics firm keeping him busy. I hooked up the hybrid and played with my avatar until I had to stop by my father's apartment to help file the kids into two lines and lead them home. I thanked my father for helping and he walk a few houses down to his apartment building. My father was the only one with a car and normally he goes on fungus treks throughout the island, parking his car at the bottom and trekking to the top with his smartphone camera. Grant came home and asked the children how kindergarten was. It was fine for all...except Neko-tan. She got onigiri in Fruits Basket (A Western equivalent is cheese "The cheese stands alone"). The island I was living on was located off the coast of New Jersey, about 20 miles away from the International Water Lines (or at least far enough to be its own country) The weather was weird. We got American and Japanese channels. I said to Grant after he finished putting the kids to bed, "I don't remember the past 7 years beyond what I saw in the video footage and photos...Well, if what you said is true... I guess I could get involved with the kids in their play time. I made them cute little costumes. Grant said "I see. I hope you can keep up. They have your energy." |
i had this weird dream and when i woke up i thought it was sunday already when it's just saturday today
![]() i had this dream that i came home and one quidance was there and they told me that a male quidance is gonna work on monday which i don't know if this could be really true, i'll see who's working on monday on that day i have to go to a dentist, and even in my dream i had to go to the dentist because i have no longer wisdom teeth in real anymore in 2 days they are gonna take out the teeth, the wisdom teeth, you could either way choose to stay awake and take out the teeth when your in pain even though you have painkillers that you barely could feel the pain or they could take something that you are gonna fall asleep while the dentist are doing their jobs and you can't feel the pain i choose the last one, to fell asleep and don't feel any pain during it, but after they are done with their jobs, my those is gonna hurt badly, i've been told to take painkillers by tomorrow, a day before the dentist i need to take painkillers for a while, almost everything of that was in my dreams expect in my dreams i wasn't at the dentist, but that nightmare i was dreaming about is about to come true, it could have anything to do that i was terrified from what could happend after i'm done with the dentist that i got a horrible nightmare about that |
I swear I'm not making this up. I had a dream where I changed the past and this kid was upset because of all the white outlines of people who used to exists were in this photograph he had.
![]() I went back in time and tried to fix it. I thought I had ![]() ![]() Now the scary part: I thought "Oh well, one future is as good as another" and just gave up. ![]() |
i had this strange dream about either way in the netherlands or in spain about swimming in the sea,
many people was there, and i visited the strange house that was also an restaurant, so i eated there alone without any friends, family and quidance i bumped into 3 quidances, and one of them told me not to swim in the sea just because there's a strong current in the sea, i was stubborn and told my mom how amazing swimming in the sea was on new year ![]() in reality i never swim in the sea when new year started ![]() i also bumped into a few roommates of mine and my best friends, it got TOO crowned in my dreams i must be drunk in my dreams with saying those weird things besides we are almost in april already, we have to wait for 9 months when it's january again ![]() ![]() |
I had a dream someone was handing me an invisible phone. When I pretended to answer it was my supervisor's boss.
It was weird.
No cute guys. No married life. No family of my own. No cooking for anyone. No making dolls. Just me seated on the foot of the bed and playing video games on some mythical system that plays all types of video games, console, portable and hybrid, from Nintendo, Sega, Sony and Microsoft and the controller was not really beheld to one design. Frankly, it was like they crammed a ton of buttons in various colors and shapes but not letters. It was like someone pulled out modeling compound and a shit ton of kiddy cookie cutters during production. The standard two thumbpads and the D-Pad are also available, in cherry blossom pink and the center button, with a soft pink glowing cherry blossom that has a ring alert player position. There were 16 player slots. I took up the first one. The top of the controller was metallic gold and the bottom, attached to a white cord, cherry blossom pink. Each section was sectioned off by generation for both consoles and hand helds and in the center, was a charging dock for my Switch and instead of the Joy-Con controllers being dark grey, they were metallic gold with white thumb sticks and cherry blossom pink buttons. I even had gold, cherry blossom pink and white Wii and Wii U controllers. The way the setup was built was to accommodate single and dual screen game with a 3DTV on top and a touchscreen monitor below. I remember programming it to follow the 3DS programming in the event it is to be played in 2D. The weird controller had two trigger buttons on each side plus two button on either side of the cherry blossom button, these were white. It had the similar gimmicks the Joy-Con controllers had. I was playing Kingdom Hearts 3 and I got to the Toy Story world (I haven't played it. I don't have an XBOX ONE or a PS4) And I listened to Woody's voice. It didn't sound quite like Woody, so I presumed that Tom Hanks' brother Jim, who shares the role like in merchandise was doing Woody's voice (My best guess that Tom was busy with Toy Story 4, so Jim filled in). Most of the buttons were short cut buttons, but mastering them was hard. Eventually, I went to another world and saved. The UI had a male and female AI, which acted like an old married couple. The male AI acted like my father, making all kinds of jokes and letting me live a little and the female AI was the voice of reason and would download any game from my wish list to the proper consoles attached to the HDD Hub as sort of a gift I got off the foot of the bed and went to my parents' room. They were gone. I checked my mother's studio. Not there. Looked downstairs in the living room, the dining room, the hearth room, the half bath, the garage, the kitchen...Nothing. I even looked outside. Gone... It was disappointment easily won. I woke up in the middle of the night. I tried laying flat from a survival in traveling trick my father taught me when you either can't afford sleep or need to be quiet. |
I can barely remember it. A married couple were on a boat with their child and somehow got sucked through a time portal to some time in the very distant future. They arrived at an island.
They hunted for fish, and kept getting tiny tiny catches. And then I (watching this all third person. Maybe like a Sims game?) was debating the ethics of fishing. Then there was a spaceship with some hot-pink coloured aliens, and the captain was running out of the shower because the second in command was shouting about how they had found intelligent life, but then he looks at the monitor and says "oh. Humans. It's only humans." And it turns out the couple had frozen embryos while trying to conceive, and the aliens had found these and made children out of them millions of years later. Then it cut to the three kids in the spaceship meeting their parents and brother and they were trying to work out If the brother who time travelled was the older or younger sibling. Because he was born first, but these kids were about 10 and the brother was about 4. Then suddenly the brother was a teenager? Then I woke up. |
i had this scared dream
i was at someone's house when my co-worker got a heart attack, tons of people were staring at me and told me to do something or so and after a while my co-worker didn't survived, everyone blamed me i moved out and changed all my rooms or something, then i was on my bike on my way to my old school, i changed the couch from outside and dyed it pink everyone ignored me, and my best friend was mad at me because i didn't asked for help or something and even one of my teachers were angry with me, i even got ignored during the lessons at school, then i heard a beep, just like in real life when everything is quiet and calm, then i heard some voices saying it's karma so i got karma for not doing anything to my co-worker from heart attack then i woke up and knew like right away it was all just a dream ![]() what a horrible nightmare |
Eugh. I got a text off Royal Mail at 7am this morning saying they'll deliver my parcel at some point today. Coolcool. I'm obviously not going to get up at 7am to wait around for a parcel when I didn't sleep well last night, so I went back to sleep... but then I kept having anxiety dreams. See, I usually sleep naked, and I hate when the postman comes really early in the morning, because not only do I have to waddle around finding any clothes that actually fit me these days, I also have to waddle down the stairs, put the dog in the livingroom, and then find the keys - all before the postman gets bored and wanders off. It's annoying. Maybe I should just sleep fully clothed? maybe. So anyway, I make a note of where my ninja turtle lounge pants are, and a t-shirt so that if I do have to jump out of bed quickly, I know where everything is.
So on to dream 1 - The post man is knocking at the door, and I'm running around trying to find clothes - but they're not where I left them and Adam has cleaned the livingroom. All I can find is short dungarees - and when trying to put them on, don't fit me... and obviously I'd need a t-shirt... so I'm freaking out and the post man is knocking over and over. Then I wake up in a panic. I fall back asleep, and have another dream: This time I hear a van pull up outside, and I look out the window. There's loads of red vans (Royal mail is a red van) but it turns out a bunch of police men swarm out and surround a house further down the street. So I think to myself "thank god, now we're not the talk of the cul-de-sac" - because when my brother went missing last month, I was in hospital so I gave the police permission to search my house with a spare key.... but I told them I had a dog that might bite... so five police officers in 2 police cars and a dog handler ransacked my house. Which means all the neighbours decided now was a great time to "wash their windows/do the gardening". I think everyone on the cul-de-sac now thinks we're drug dealers or something. They won't meet eyes with us when we walk past them. But anyway; back to the dream - suddenly there was a knock at the door and it was a police officer, but they decided to barge into the house, so I was trying to quickly find clothes because I didn't want them to see me naked. Again, woke up in a panic. The third dream was different. It wasn't anything about being naked or postmen (that is a weird sentence). I was admitting my brother to a mental assylum. I was stood at a gate and the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland (but completely bald) was stood in a glass box and said "what is he in there for?", and I said "he just needs some help", and they said "Why?", "I think he has ADHD or something" and then they said "okay, we'll sedate him". I told them he didn't need to be sedated or anything, he's not dangerous and he's very mild mannered most of the time. "We'll sedate him later then". I told her that I didn't need him to be sedated at all, he's fine the way he is. She kept saying that eventually everyone here gets sedated. There were a bunch of children in grey uniforms all walking the halls like zombies. For some reason my Dad and older sister were suddenly stood on either side of me, and they tapped me on the shoulder and said "We've done our job, you're on your own now". Then my Dad skyped me to remind me it's my grandma's funeral tomorrow (it actually is) and the writing went funny. Turns out I had been sedated, I fell to the floor and again, woke up in a panic. So that was kinda weird. Side note but I'm now fully dressed and it's 10am and I still haven't had my damn parcel delivered. |
I remember where I left off in the dream. My 13 children were into the Super Sentai series as much as I was.
So, I sewn them uniforms and headbands and bought sunglasses. Our oldest Michael Nezuro Imahara was designated as the Red Mouse. Our children had two names. One was an English name that corresponded to birth order regarding a name associated with the order of the Chinese Zodiac. Michael was a Mickey Mouse reference The other, Nezuro, his Japanese name was derived from "nezumi" which, due to the ambiguous nature can mean "mouse" or "rat" and it would be correct in the usage in the context of "rodent" at the beginning of the Chinese\Japanese Zodiacs. It was usually peaceful on our Sundays off as a family. We'd be sitting on the floor, watching a movie sent to us from a friend in the deputy delivery service and I always request for Disney movies (hand drawn involving the first 49 before Tangled, Tangled and afterwards, including sequel both direct to disc and theatrical, CGI like Pixar and post 2011 Winnie the Pooh and live-action remakes, even if it's not frame by frame). Unfortunately, Twilight Island, the name of the island I live on, isn't large enough to support a distributor and voice acting guild, so our country relies on imports. DVDs under ¥700 are exempt from the ¥300 import fee. DVD with more than one disc are given a fee of ¥100 per additional disc. However, box set of complete seasons and series of TV shows are exempt. Movies are not. We had 6" binders holding the movies in special binder sheets with notations next to it with audio\subtitle language info and disc region for our region free player. (Unfortunately, although NTSC, Twilight Island doesn't get the same coverage as America in region coding, obviously.) After putting the kids to bed...I got into bed and turned on the TV to watch "Dining with the Chef", an NHK World Japan cooking show and it was a repeat of the White Miso Gratin recipe. Grant was taking a shower and I could distinctly hear him clear his sinuses like my father did when he took shower. It was a common sound I heard on a nearly daily basis and I guess it was something comforting to hear. I changed my underwear from rainbow striped to pastel striped and he came to the room in the same print, different style (he wore trunks). He sat on the edge of the bed and then scooted in. He wrapped his arm around me. We chatted as we watched a Easternized version of the au gratin dish be baked in a power toaster oven. Me: So...you ever imagined us together? Grant: Honestly, you seem to be like the woman who does it all. You cook, you sew, you are raising 13 kids to be stronger than they think... PQ: You clean, you drive, you help me out with the kids when you leave work early... GMI: You are great with people and your organization skills are top notch, even given me options for all purposes... (Both sigh) PQ, GMI:...but maybe I should have stayed with Alice... (His was Walker, mine was Cooper) I woke up in the middle of the night... AGAIN! and to make matters worse, it was almost every night this week after the first day of my kids' kindergarten dream. It's been a rough time. My father has been out of town on a food truck assignment this morning and all I had to show for my efforts is a burnt out PC power supply. It was like I was trying to use a viola to attract turkey vultures with Beethoven and I end up attracting garter snakes with Mozart. Actually, I'm more burnt out than that power supply. I just hope that Friday's Midday Dinner of tacos is less of a disaster. |
i don't know what i was dreaming about last night but i do remember what i was dreaming about at the start of the afternoon when i accidently fell asleep again
i had a dream about 2 of the sims 2 series, so i guess that was combinated in 1 sims 2 series, first of them was a serie called Essence, the blonde girl named kassy told iris the truth about her feelings for iris, iris, the black haired woman asked kassy if it was a joke since she can't trust her or something anymore, then she told iris it's the truth and that she won't be lying and even kissed her, she didn't accepted it, there was a whole disscussions i was in there too but carefully and piecefully and got mad and i told myself that i can't wait till kassy gets her karma or something ![]() i guess i got caught when they were going outside and they asked me how much i did hear about their conversations and i had to choose which side i was taking or something ![]() in that meanwhile i watch this other serie i was dreaming about called boarding school the next generation the blonde haired woman named Amy and the blonde haired men named craig were happily together i kinda don't know about amy's pregnancy, but they were going out with their daughter cara, and amy's son eric, but also craig's youngest daughter named carly the brown haired woman named katie and the brown haired men named tom were also going out and guess what? they bumped into each other at the forest ![]() then katie started to kiss craig just because she still got feelings for craig, and of course craig got mad and doesn't feel sorry for katie she kept begging craig but it still didn't work then the 2 girls, errrrr women's from essence came to the forest too, including me, Amy started to cry and refussed to see tom and katie iris and kassy asked what was wrong, Amy told the 2 of them what was wrong and how tom was cheating on Amy with katie and that Amy and craig did the same, kassy told them that she could relate to that and gave Amy a few tips how to get used to it or something i guess in my dream cara hated katie's cut's from the very start, she told her dad and her half brother (eric) about that what a interesting dream ![]() but it felt so long just because of the dream what i was dreaming about i guess it was combinated in one sims 2 serie, you could almost call it: sims 2 the cheating one in the forest or something ![]() |
Found myself talking to a human version of Grumpy Bear from Care Bears. He was leaning against one side of the cherry tree and I on the other. When he spoke, he sounded like the English dub's Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing. It took a lot of conversing about the fate of the world against the Evil 11, a group made of 11 entities, where one entity could be made of one or more monsters. His biggest concern is that Dark Heart, one of their most evil villains, had been revived after laying dormant in a young boy they "purified" (evil, unfortunately is just an inevitability) 33 years ago. I then vowed to build an army with the figments of my dreams that descend from my muse. He then said "Good luck. We've got a lucky guy in our ranks, but all the luck we can scrape together is better." I ran back to the house and looked at the list of various ensemble cast of characters.
I was woken up by the fact it was Sunday morning and it was yet another refill of my pill boxes. |
yesterday i had a sweet dream, my friends and i spended the time at school ALONE without any teachers there
then peter pan came along, i don't know what we did but we all could fly ![]() then peter pan was hiding by the tree because the pirates were coming or something but today i had less sweet dreams, it turned into a nightmare i was at a hotel and spended the time with my old private quidance, we were about to swim or something but after we did that we were eating, and it was all inclusive, you could pick ALL the foods you got, i wanted to choose one of the dessert but then in that meanwhile i became angry and destroyed everything, a few people told me to leave, i said no and told them that i wanna throw something away or something, i was put into a room were you could let all your emotions out and where you could destroy everything when it comes to plates i'm not like that in real life, sure i used to hurt myself and used to hit people by destroying their hairs and hurt them and i still let my anger out on other people but i don't destroy stuff in any way so i knew like right away it was all just a dream, besides when i'm angry and i'm in my room i slap with a pillow, pillow isn't hard and doesn't have any emotions ![]() |
Alice Cooper came by. Wasn't really wearing any fancy clothes, just jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt with a graphic of a fox dressed as Zorro (a nod to Zorro, his model of his personality in his youth, which Alice sometimes dreamt of being a sword fighter.) I let him in and sat him on the couch. He asked "Cooking anything special tonight?"
I say "Potatoes" he asked, "Where did you get them?" I said "I held up a delivery truck hauling Claim Jumper caliber potatoes. They are extremely large. Roughly the size of a seven week old kitten." (ICYWW, the potatoes used at Claim Jumper (a West Coast restaurant with rich foods) are about that size and are part of the house specialty of twice baked potatoes. I scared the driver to death apparently.) Alice said "You're a sweet kid. Your adorable cuteness is your strength. You don't need to scare the delivery people to death." Woke up to that creepy laughing of a girl. |
I had a dream this entity was trying to possess my wife. I was shouting incantations to it in Latin and I began to light up but it wasn't being really affected so I held out my arms to throw energy at it while I was shouting louder and louder at it and my wife woke me up saying I was screaming and convulsing. My throat has been hurting the whole day now and my body was sore.
Quote: Originally posted by RicoSuavecito
Quote: Originally posted by RicoSuavecito
my mom had something like that too, she screamed and moved weird in her sleep, then my dad (her husband) woke her up saying she screamed and moved in her sleep or something ![]() it's been a few months when she had that ![]() |
I had given birth early (in the dream I was about 26 weeks? for some reason) and I was at the hospital trying to find where my baby had ended up. There was a plastic box with a baby inside and a strawberry (or maybe a tomato?) in an incubater type thing, and I kept visiting that baby and talking to her, when suddenly someone said "What a bad mother, she never visits her own baby"... that's when I discovered that wasn't my baby. I asked the Nurses to take me to my baby, and they did. I had a son, he had red afro/tight curly hair and very chubby cheeks and was wearing short dungarees. I cuddled him, but I was so sad at all the time that had gone by since his birth and that I had spent so long not seeing him because I thought a different baby was mine. I went back to the other baby, and it turns out it was just a strawberry/tomato and what I thought was a baby was actually some seeds
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Evidently, we dreamers suffer from some form of sleep-related health problem, which includes but not limited to: insomnia, hypersomnia, sleep paralysis, convulsions, night terrors. The former two are my biggest concerns as far as medicine goes. I went for a medicine levels check today at the lab. They need to see if I have a healthy level of the acid in one of the pills I take.
But last night, the island I lived on with Grant and our 13 kids, Twilight Island, MOVED geographically. Last time I dreamt about it, it was in the Atlantic Ocean, off the Jersey Shore, far away enough to be declared its own island. NOW, it's South of the Ogasawara region near Okinawa, Japan under Tokyo's jurisdiction. Its collective landmass is equal to Honshu (Japan's main island where Tokyo lies in the South East "corner") and was oddly heart shaped. It is a colony of Japan, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Mexico, Spain, France, Brazil, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, South Korea, The Netherlands, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. Russia attempted to colonize but according to the news on the island, they were stopped on the grounds of numerous human rights violations and for attempted domination of a land mass when they already have that huge transcontinental mass, most of it is No-man's-land, and the northern islands in the sea of Japan. You can only imagine the poster at service offices saying in the provided language "If you need an interpreter, don't hesitate to ask." I usually get a kick out of translation back to English. I woke up with a pondering. I Googled the old apartment building I used to live in and evidently, the unit I lived in was torn down to make room for duplex housing. Then I looked at my old junior high, rebranded as a middle school, but still has the Evergreen Eagles mural. It was weird. |
I believe me and my partner were getting married. We were at a Church that apparently my Dad and Step-Mum married in (I honestly can't remember the name of the church, but it was in England and I wanna marry in Wales, so, probably not gonna marry there) and it was weird because "Book of Love" by Peter Gabriel was playing (I didn't even know I could listen to music in my dreams? lol) and I was thinking about how that was going to be one of the songs played at mine and my ex-Fiance's wedding and it was weird. We end up getting married on paper, and then walking past a church I say to Adam "Maybe we can have a big flashy wedding some time in the future when we have the money, but for now I'm happy"
I think this was all a weird "Where do I marry?" dream. It's kinda hard to plan a wedding, when you've already planned your 'dream wedding' before (we broke up a year before we got married)... do I just go with the same thing again, or is that disrespectful and kinda weird? To be honest, unlike the first wedding I planned, I don't really care too much about where I marry, just as long as it's to Adam. I think last time I got so caught up in the wedding, I didn't really care too much who I was marrying. |
i don't know what i was dreaming but what i do remember is that i was super populair
i have over the 100 friends on the whatsapp or so and my status was 79 times or so watched ![]() i typed in my dreams how my life was or something then i add one of my quidance as a friend and one of them accepted it ![]() i'm not someone like that ![]() i don't remember the other things though but i had this super weird dream about yesterday yesterday i had a sad dream that my best friend's bird died but also her little niece, i supported her and give her my hug about feeling sorry for her loss or something AND HERE COMES THE WEIRD PART: we had a school reunion, so i was at my old school, but less people showed up, and then WE NEEDED TO HAVE A COSTUME, someone dressed up like ariel (the little mermaid) the other one dressed as spiderman, badman and however, everyone had a partner EXPECT ME ![]() probably because i didn't had any costume on as someone ![]() ![]() of course he choose for me as partner, we played some sports, and out of nowhere i had many pencils ![]() he told me to hurry up but i couldn't find the right thing to use it, so i decided to use pillows (which is used to write letters or to draw something) everyone was looking at me very weird, like i was the stupid blonde or something ![]() then my best friend and i were about to kiss and then i woke up and asked what the f*ck was going on in my dreams ![]() i could've have se* or something infront of everyone if my dreams were any further ![]() |
Lately, my nap dreams are good enough.
I came across a horse with the standard four legs, but it had a horn like a unicorn, wings like Pegasus and a tail like a fish. I call it, for my sanity's sake, the Kelpegacorn. Part kelpie, part Pegasus, part unicorn. If that doesn't top alicorns in uniquities, then I don't know what will! My husband, Grant, being the Mr. Fix-it, built a stable for the majestic Kelpegacorn. It was a bit of a rough time because he had to take into account the horn, wings and tail. He had built one for our neighbor across the street "Freddie", who has a black horse he rides to Warren Cromartie High School "Home to the Fried Chickens". Like with the Kelpegacorn, size was an issue to the horse. The hoof prints were the size of elephant foot prints. Not to mention that the horse has a tendency to bite people who belittle him (how the horse knows he's being mocked is beyond me) Grant got bit by the horse during the project for being address as "that horse" (Its name is Lerow) and although "Freddie" resembles the famous Freddie Mercury, "Freddie" didn't talk. For all we know, he was a silent döppelganger who beared no ill will toward society or any individual, be they human or animal. He took in a stray calico kitten during the rainy season. It was in a box, written in numerous languages "Free to a good home" I was out buying food for our long haired ginger Tabby kitten, Sampson. And the name he asked for the kitten's identity on an orange collar "Delilah". At this point, I was shocked by 2 things. 1) he spoke and 2) he was naming his calico after the real Freddie Mercury's favorite cat, also a calico. As weird as today was, this dream was like "That's it! I'm dead!" |
Damnit. I don't remember half of the dream now.
I remember some of it. I remember we came home from somewhere and the house was on fire! So I was thinking "oh god what about the dog and Adam's pokemon cards?". We ran inside and everything was everywhere and water damaged... apparently it was a flood now and not a fire? erm. Then I remember we were walking my dog because we didn't want him to bite any firefighters. I'm really annoyed I can't remember any more of the dream, because I could recall it in so much detail this morning, and throughout the day it's just gone. Ah well, I guess that's just how brains work. |
I got excited when I saw that the topic was dreams, but it wasn't what I expected. I thought I would find other people who dream about the Sims like I do! I swear, I have the weirdest dreams about my simmies and games. I wake up in a panic because they burned down the house, or got pregnant by the wrong sim, or dyed their hair (against the rules of my genetics challenge), or because I forgot to save... :D
Dreamt about Grant as my husband, father to my thirteen multiples (all at once! This dream still bothers me), we had a ginger Maine Coon with a majestic lion face, a brown Staffordshire Terrier with bad breath, the Kelpegacorn we dubbed Syzygy. My parents live next door to us on one side and his parents live next door to us on the other side. On the opposite side of the street, lives "Freddie", a possibly reincarnated form of Freddie Mercury. Although he's a few years younger than me, he certainly remained a fixture in the capital of Schooley-McCorkle in the center of Twilight Island.
Schools are within walking distance of numerous housing zones. We live in the mansion district, where numerous buildings are within a plot. My husband and I and our kids and pets have the largest building. A number of smaller buildings on the grounds belong to my family and stepfamily (when my grandfather remarried, we got an entire set of generations, 4 as of last year. My mother said, when you marry someone, you're technically marrying their family into yours) and some buildings belong to Grant's family. The large plot of land was given to us by my grandfather Ernest Sr. and grandma Barb. By this time, my grandfather is 96 and and still had the vigor of a man maybe ⅓ to ¼ his age. But he rarely talked, even in dreams. I unfortunately picked up the art of Silent Mouth from my grandfather and the art of Silent Feet from my father. IRL, this deadly combo scares my mother half to death. It was weird that everyone joined in my house during the holidays. I had no stress from three families elbow to elbow in a traditional Japanese style house. IRL, I suffer from both claustrophobia and agoraphobia. Usually, the dreams end when we bring the presents out to give to relatives to open Christmas morning and they leave to go to their housing unit. |
Quote: Originally posted by PwPrntd
Sometimes, it happens...what we emotionally invested in usually sticks in our craw, dream-wise and it backfires on us if we had master plans for our little people. Dreaming about Sims usually helps when I am stuck. In fact, in Sunset Valley, I just might have my simself cheat on Erik Estrada in favor of her youngest man: Grant Imahara, robotics engineer and Mythtern replacing Scotty Chapman midway through Season 3 of MythBusters (born 10/23/1970 IRL). I never did say my simself is vicious. In fact...she is mere reflection of me outside looking in on my desire for social contact and my vicious side is due in no small part from years of experiencing the social neglect from a phenomena known as the Seattle Freeze. When I Sim, it's merely me wanting to be able to make contact with people. I use it as a tool to help visualize to others emotional issues with video capture software to capture behaviors. The vicious side is more greedy than wrathful, she takes the strangest of men. Her last date was the CEO of a company focused on astronomy and education of outer space and he only got the job because he was a typical ass-kisser to his mentor who intentionally crashed his Schwinn into a tree as part of a physics lesson in the 1970s on TV. So yes, a reconfigured and reconsidered scenario helps before you plant yourself in the chair and sim for an hour or so. |
i got this weird dream i was walking from my home to the Hague (scheveningen) to the beach, and in like 10 minutes i was there (at the area old scheveningen)
i might got the teleport or something that i get there in 10 minutes or something, i don't know ![]() then i was walking to my old school, well not my school but at the forest to the playplace ![]() everyone screamed my name and missed me, expect my old friend who's just being emo like usual since he entered the puberty we played at some stuff, then me and my best friend almost had se* i wanted that in my dreams, but he said no (he masturbated but in my dreams i thought he wanted to have se* with someone or something ![]() i ran somewhere, and i found the secret location, it wasn't the secret books or doors like in movie, it was kind of a secret back hole ![]() i was so curious where i would ended so i hit the black hole and in no time i was at the slide, kind of a waterslide actually and i ended up in an unknown place that is meant to be for kids only, there was a stairs that you could use to get downstairs, there were like 5 downstairs and then i found a theatre or something where i could rest ![]() ![]() but then in no time my best friend (who i almost got se* with in my dreams) found me and asked why i ran away ![]() i told him that i couldn't take anymore and then there was a door and we were outside again that dream about downstairs confussed me because all the way i was upstairs on the i don't know floor, on the 6 floor or something? maybe a ghost were treating us or something in my dreams and wanted me to get lost ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by PwPrntd
Unfortunately, nearly all of my dreams have a kind of quit-without-saving aspect to them. |
Back to non-Sims dreams.
For the past few days, my youngest daughter in the 13 multiple went from having a totem animal of a Cat to a Panda and her name changed. This dream is wackier than me on green coffee. (P.S. to everyone: there's a reason I can't have caffeine in any thing) 1.) First it's a nameless tiny island off the coast of the Jersey Shore as a sovereign nation. 2.) Then it's a heart shaped island called Twilight Island with the landmass of the main island of Japan known as Honshu and it's a multi national colony with about a number of flags in the capital as there were at the base camp in Antarctica and South of Japan, directly below the tiny uninhabited isle of South Iwo Jima (it's actually fun to read maps when land names like Ogasawara come to you in dreams) 3.) Then I'm married to Grant Imahara and have 13 children in one sitting. What am I, a Rottweiler? (I remember a Rottweiler gave birth to 13 puppies) 4.) Then fast forward to their first day of kindergarten and my father is being a more supportive member of the family than my mother. 5.) Then my youngest daughter and youngest of all goes from being represented by a cat and rather be represented by the panda. Evidently, the dreamscape is unstable. I'm unsure this is normal for dreams to mutate this quickly. |
on sunday i had a weird dream about turkey,
we were at the beach, with many bee's i don't remember the rest of it but the last thing i remember was that i tried to get ride of the bee's, they hurted other people, but when i ran away they came all after me ![]() |
Had a Sims dream. Was moving one family out of a house that was shared by two families, and was planning on having the grandmother foster some townie kids and teens.
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
I don't Skype or use any communication app that uses audio and video transmission. I'm actually very shy of showing myself to strangers online. Only if a being is tangible, will I go near anyone and chat with them. Otherwise, I'm text only to people online. In any case, I'm working on colorful paletas de helado (Banana-based frozen popsicles) (there are usually banana based helado featured in young children's (Age 2-6) programming segments (usually for parent-child bonding activities) in the USA to substitute dairy due to allergies, intolerances or fat content to stem the tide of childhood obesity) I'm going to need a bunch of bunches of bananas when I do begin. The dreams were crazy last night. My step-sister (she's step family because she's my Grandma Barb's granddaughter, I consider her more of a sister than my half sister) and she brought her now 7 year old son, Jackson with her and her husband. I kept an eye on Jackson and my triskadectuplets. My 5 year old kids were scared of him. I decided to take my kids and Jackson to the island's 3-5-7 festival, a festival that protects growing children where "Sunday best" is the dress code for the shrines and they give away sweets to the children in need of spiritual protection. Of course, I made themed Japanese Zodiac animal kimono type outfits (the girls got bright and colorful kimono with furisode sleeves, which have hanging flaps of fabric as part of the sleeves. The boys (except Jackson) had the male kimono and hakama (special pants that go with the male kimono and the colors were slightly muted.) Because Jackson didn't have any formal clothes packed, we went and bought him a suit. Kid looks like a bad cross between Conan Edogawa and Conan O'Brien. Hey, like my mother said, when Grandpa Ernest Sr. married Grandma Barb, she essentially brought her family along and same deal with Grant and I. At the shrine, I picked up the candy and we took photos, performed rituals, posted on our family accounts for social media. Waking up, I realize I had been working on too many things at once. |
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
I like to think that if anyone has a dream about me, they imagine me as a giant wooper like my profile pic... I barely remember my dream last night, I believe I was cooking piri piri chicken breasts? which is weird because my Fiance just text me saying that's what we're having for tea tonight. Spooky furtune telling dream, or subconscious memory that there's chicken breasts in the fridge? ![]() |
I have been tweaked over a pre-op physical before they operate on me with a Stage 1 implant, so most of my dreams have been unpleasant in probing and mutilation and sucking out internal organs and the obligatory "You were such a damn good sport. That wasn't so bad, was it?" <--- I swear doctors are paid to say it even if your left kidney got clogged halfway through the vacuum hose.
I like to recreate the places I have been in my dreams in my Sims 4 builds
I had a dream where I was talking to my brother, but for some reason it was through Pictochat (that weird little live-chat function the older DS's had).
Dreams lately have been chaos.
In the downtown area of Friedle, Twilight Island (Who the hell is naming these cities when only a fraction of the citizens speak English as their first or primary language?) I had to walk to a new restaurant from Mowry Station with my children and as we were sitting at the table, eating their favorite dishes, one of the manhole covers was forced up by a ungodly torrential flush of water. I had to grab the kids and find the tallest building in Friedle. I saw this happened once. The waters beneath the sewers were rising, and the emergency sirens and P.A. said in the numerous languages "Flood in progress. Evacuate to higher ground. Rail systems are out of service. Repeat: Flood in progress. Evacuate to higher ground. Rail systems are out of service." At the top of the roof, I saw a water wraith like the one I saw when I was 12. It was Perfect Chaos but he was black like the dense sludge stirred up from the seabed. I had inherited tags from the priest at the Shinto shrine upon my children's 5th birthday. They began to glow. Grant found us and said "Do you know anything about this monster?" I took out an amethyst amulet and his was jade. It was strange for a family of a husband and wife and their 13 multiples children focusing the energy of their heart and life force into something delicious but deadly to the water wraith, polluted by industrial seepage over the years. The wraith dissolved into nothingness and I was able to go home to my home in the capital city named Schooley-McCorkle. As weird as it was, a family outing would be great. Just not that much chaos. Too much for my liking. |
This dream was set (kinda) in some kind of post-apocalypse city, and was running from some green troll called a "skin-rending troll" and it looked like the trolls in Skyrim except it was green. I managed to lose the troll, and then found a pack of large batteries (not the car ones, the big round ones) but as I went to grab it, I looked behind me to see a couple of Frost Trolls (yes, they looked exactly like the ones in Skyrim) spawn on some debris floating in the water and roar. When I saw that, I just grabbed the pack of batteries and ran. Then the dream ended.
Strangely enough, I didn't feel panicked or afraid or anything. It was almost as if I was playing a VR game or something. |
Quote: Originally posted by Graveyard Snowflake
About the batteries...Were they C or D? One is a larger size. |
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
I couldn't tell, but I think they may have been C batteries. Not sure why I grabbed batteries in particular, but I guess dream!me had some kind of plan to get rid of/protect against the trolls. |
Quote: Originally posted by Graveyard Snowflake
Well, you could make a battery operated defibrillator, but it only works on frogs with heart issues. One of the many stories of how Dana Carvey was upstaged by his older brother Brad. Brad was the inspiration for his character, Garth Algar in the Wayne's World continuity of SNL. But whenever his father wanted money from Dana (his father started calling him Money), Dana got the last laugh that his father realized he bet on the wrong horse out of the talents and skills his five children had. Well the dreams I had with Grant on Twilight Island had morphed again. My children aren't an almost even split of boys and girls and are named for Chinese Zodiac animals. Now there 12 boys, one of which likes flowers and 1 little girl who enjoyed electronics. They resembled the group Organization XIII from the Kingdom Hearts series. |
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
With enough batteries, I could probably make a battery-operated defib fit for humans! Or maybe an alarm system? I'm sure protecting against deadly green trolls would be higher on the "Things To Do In The Apocalypse" list. If I had the funds and space, I'd make my own little shelter! ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Graveyard Snowflake
You're probably going to need to salvage a car battery from a rear-ended sedan if you were going to defib a human. Also, in such an event, I have 196 proof Estonian liquor known as Fat Margaret and matches. Zombies can be burned or chainsawed. I prefer burning as I am not able to get the chainsaw revved in time. Lately, the dream morphed back to the 13 kids named for Chinese Zodiac animals and the weird part is our youngest, Kitty got scared of something Jackson, my step nephew (we have step family and Jackson's mother is as close to a step sister that I can get) said before he returned to the States. So Kitty gets in between...and the bed and room widens by a twin bed's width. As the night wore on, the other twelve get in and it pushes me and Grant further and further apart. I'm a pushover when I am their mother. At one point, Grant fell out and decided to take a traditional style futon (thinner than the couch type futon mattresses) and sleep downstairs. I eventually join him and I told him "I was like that when I was little. Only problem is getting them to stay in their beds." He said "They resemble you more in many regards, you fix it." I said "Don't make me pin you!" Then came Sampson, our ginger Maine Coon with Ron Perlman's face and a braying meow and Krumm, our brown Staffordshire terrier with bad breath (he was named for a monster with bad body odor he could release at will) they curled up and we fell asleep. Although I wake at 5:00 and drink an energy drink mix at half the dosage, I kick in 15 minutes later. I had to wake Grant or he'd be late to work. I got the kids to their bus stop (the new kindergarten was too far to walk as we enroll them in a Little Genius program.) Later, around lunch, I get a call from Grant who complained about how our 13 kids drove us out of the bed and his co-worker Fred, a widowered father of 2 sons kept annoying him. "I told you that our situation is unique. Maybe we should send the kids to visit." He said "That's one of the most sadistic things I have heard you say." Eventually, I picked up the kids and we watched my Super Sentai Collection from the beginning with Goranger (1975-1977) Grant got home early and while the kids watched, me and Grant planned out how to not get a repeat of the night before. We put it up and told them the week must be completed of sleeping in their beds to earn ¥100. Then the week starts with Sunday and we're watching Wreck-It Ralph (both USA and Japan version) and yes, one character was changed in the Sugar Rush universe. Minty Zaki became Minty Sakura and instead of mint candy as her theme, it's Pocky like cookies. Over the week, it went rather well, by Saturday morning, I bought corresponding coin purses based on their animal names and inserted a ¥100 coin, new with the Reiwa era year marked Reiwa 10. (Remember, Twilight Island is a colony of Japan as well as an assortment of European, Asian and North and South American countries and most of the names are derived from famous animation cast and crew. Schooley-McCorkle is the duo behind Kim Possible, the neighboring city of Friedle is reference to Will Friedle, actor who did Ron Stoppable and Mowry Station is a reference to Tahj Mowry who played the super genius intelligence and weapons expert Wade. There's Cartwright Station, named for multitalented Nancy Cartwright who, aside from Bart Simpson, voiced Rufus. Cartwright Station takes you to Romano (named after Kim Possible's actress, Christy Carlson Romano) in the countryside. My mother lives there with her sister and her Cousin Cindy, who somehow gained notoriety in the family for curiously eating dog biscuits. Don't worry about Cindy, but my aunt's three poodle-esque dogs are getting on in years.) When Sunday morning came around I set up a revised behavior chart and gave them the ¥100 as I had promised in their respective coin purses I actually felt tired when I got up this morning. I knocked my phone playing a ringtone of someone rapping Ancient Roman army tactics off the crowded nightstand and onto the floor, giving it minor cracking on the gorilla glass along the edges and the width of the screen in wavy lines. |
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
True, though salvaging car batteries directly from cars may be easier said than done when you're trying to avoid zombies or trolls. Unless you're really quick about it. I'd also recommend wasting good alcohol on zombies, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do, eh? |
Quote: Originally posted by Graveyard Snowflake
196 proof means 98% percent alcohol content by volume. It's going to burn your mouth. If it burns zombies to a smoldering crisp when lit, you can only imagine how damaging to internal organs it can get when one drop touches you in its own properties. Also, better them than I, as I inherited addictive personality traits from both my mom and dad. Trust me, my defenses are high in the height of a nuclear Holocaust resulting in a zombie outbreak. My father might have to help as he said when I was younger "If a litter of 5 vicious Golden Retriever zombie puppies are cornering you, I wouldn't hesitate to get you to safety by any means necessary." (The original phrasing was crueler, but the point was my father has the dedication that great parents have and my father and I have this tight bond since Day One almost 32 years ago.) My mother would probably be spared if the zombies are looking for brains. My mother confessed she's pretty airheaded. She'd be empty calories. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Fair enough. |
2 days or so ago i had a dream where i was kissed to a men i don't know about and did things i didn't like, and then i was going out and bumped into 3 roommates of mine
and one of the roommate got seizures (tonic clonic) i got away, but instead of her i was in the hospital and the nurse told me i no longer lives from where i live, i was angry and told them i live just fine, my parents got mad at me, they told me i don't have long to live or something and that i need to be on a special home or so where someone can take care of you that was a horrible nightmare, but today i had a sweet dreams, i was a fairy in my dreams, i lived in pixie hollow, which talent i was i don't know but i met tinkerbell and her friends and then i accidently kissed my 2nd ex boyfriend and apologized to him i don't know which fairy he was either ![]() ![]() so i was speechless and was talking to my head and said: errr oh uhm, everyone was laughing at me very hard, they couldn't take it under control because of the stupid kiss then later i was at the calm area terence used to came when tinkerbell and terence got into a fight and silvermist caught terence at throwing the stone at the water then i saw something that don't exist in neverland, A WATERSLIDE ![]() but then my dad caught me, expect he was a human and asked me to make a picture of myself from the waterslide but i refused and then i made a fool out of myself again, and then i bumped into my ex boyfriend again along with tink and her friends but then i woke up so i don't know how it ended |
I eventually got closure concerning the large litter I had.
In the dream, I turned out to have allowed my medical scientist uncles and aunts to give me children through any genetic material that was viable and ectogenesis chambers. So they were clones that didn't use one source of DNA. I didn't expect much success. But it turned out it was a mess of children. All related to me and Grant. I woke up groggy and realized I need to speak with my therapist about these "dream blips", when the idyllic is shattered. |
I was pregnant, but the Dad wasn't Adam for some reason. I can't remember much of the dream, but I believe I had gone through IVF and sperm donation but suddenly I had met the sperm donor. It's so strange, I don't know this guy irl or where I memorised his face from but I could probably pick him out if I bumped into him in the street. Weird. Anyway, so he wanted a relationship with me and I thought that would be better for the child, but didn't tell Adam and was mulling it over and telling myself "well he kinda looks a little like Adam, maybe I can be in a relationship with him" (note: he looked nothing like Adam). Not sure if I agreed or not? But then he was asking to be at the birth but I was like "well... It was going to be a water birth with just me and Adam".
That was yesterdays dream, I forgot to post ![]() |
A few days ago, I had a dream I was walking out of school and there were some students sleeping in sleeping bags in mid air, it was quite a sight :/
i had the dreams about fairies before and as a human i could fly, almost like peter pan actually
but it's the first time i was dreaming that i was a fairy ![]() i guess tinkerbell and her friends was wondering if i knew the boy *who used to be my boyfriend in real* because in my dreams i accidently kissed him when he didn't want to infront of tinkerbell and her friends ![]() vidia told me in my dreams that i made a fool out of myself when i asked them if this was stupid to kiss him like this, geez what was i thinking in my dreams? i got once a hilarious dream about WOW (World Of Warcraft) what i once put on this topic about me still getting alive, it will be a lot funny if i was a fairy instead of the human in WOW just so i can say that i can make everything on my own (sort of a pirate fairy) with many monsters and a few duels i was still alive at somehow, tinkerbell and her friends might look weirder then this what i was dreaming about yesterday, Tinkerbell: (calling my name) how are you still alive (with a confussed face) me: well i have many weapons with me and i always kept it with me, that's my job ![]() Fawn: woah how do you do it actually? were you once getting hurt? me: no never because it's in my nature, i can stand the scratch, bruises and other stuff everyone: huh but how? me: well i don't know how it began but i get used to it however ![]() Zarina: maybe we can help? i used to be a pirate fairy too ya know? Vidia: she has a point exactly, she once switched our talents when she was working with the pirates but later on it turned out that the pirates were using her Rosetta: she however switched our talents back to were it was before, on the 4 seasons festival me: woah.......... wait really? Silvermist: yes we can help ya (with a happy smile) me: alright but don't blame me if you all gets hurt by monsters and me also one of the first fairy who isn't born in pixie hollow and then this continues in my dreams but i can imagine this happening in my dreams because everything is possible in your dreams ![]() |
So, me and Grant waited at the bus stop. Then came that uncomfortable talk.
PQ: You knew of my medical conditions? GI: Your parents disclosed it when I got your medicine transferred from The United States to Twilight Island. There's like a series of labels you run the gamut with. PQ: I was heartbroken over the fact that I couldn't carry a child without us being harmed. That was the reason for the ectogenesis chambers. GI: My question is why so many children? PQ: You never met my grandmother...when she was young, she had no siblings and very few friends. When she got married, she had, one after another, as many kids as her body could handle. Then, once my father, who was her favorite, got married, in the first year of his marriage to my mother, they conceived me, carried me to term and in October of 1987, I came along and she pretty much spoiled me rotten like I was next in line to the throne. In fact, I am the next in line to the Twilight Island throne, once my Grandfather dies and my father is coronated, I become Queen and it falls under the United Kingdom regal laws saying "Upon the passing of the current Emperor and/or Empress, the King and\or Queen is coronated and the Crown Prince and/or Princess elevated. All other will follow suit in the Royal Queue." We're actually at the very back of the line to inherit Queen Elizabeth's throne. But I will inherit. GI: Wait? You're telling me I married a princess? PQ: Man, for a man in the robotics field, you could at least notice the seal on my inside left wrist. GI: The black snake with a white diamond on its head in dark wispy clouds in a hexagon? PQ:...that one. The bus drops the kids off and we line them and I carry Cat and we go in to watch TV. It was a documentary on the fall of the Imperial family due to the sexist rules and that was because the remaining heir, Hisahito had not yet reach age 20, the overall age of majority in Japan and that Naruhito was struggling with a disease the Imperial family is susceptible to. Then the discussion came whenever such news comes around: "Pros VS Cons" (Yes, Twilight Island is a democracy and in the ranking of Greatest Democracies, we're #6, one slot below the five Nordic countries...the US sank to #25.) Unfortunately, I get messages from America from my uncle Bill fighting a resistance say "The system is broke, yo. Stop.") When my dreams get this heavy, I have so much on my mind and plate that I have trouble processing. Still, Loudest Man in Dorking by John Cleese is no match for the Man with Voice Modulation Issues by Will Ferrell. This usually lightens the mood. |
when i snoozed out after the alarm clock i had a nightmare about me getting lost and then i bumped into a stranger who did things i didn't want to (if you get what i mean)
and then i got out of that and my 2 co-workers helped me get up and maked sure i was alright but then it started to rain, more then usual pffff thank god it was just a dream because i had a horrible nightmare while snoozing out after the alarm clock |
Last night I had a dream where I had a baby. The office staff were for some reason there and told me I had a girl, for some reason Adam wasn't there. She had ginger hair. When I changed her nappy, I noticed she had one of Adam's birthmarks (left nipple) and mine (about 2 inches south-east of my belly button) and also that she was a boy
![]() |
i had a dream about school, i came to school and i checked everything out and the school didn't changed at all
we were talking and then i bumped into my old friend, we were talking about our work, but then his dad picked him up and then i was going somewhere, i don't know what has happened to me but i came to a mario land and then i met mario and that i hear so much about him, then i was to the thing that you came somewhere but the castle, in the snow actually, but the telephort didn't worked for me so i came back to the castle, i asked why it didn't work to me, and the professor told me it didn't work for me because i was a human or something and that i'm taller then mario and luigi (yup luigi was in my dreams too) i had a dream like that before ![]() |
I had woken up from surgery. I had an oxygen mask attached to my mouth and nose. Alice Cooper was seated at my bedside in typical casual of t-shirt, jeans, sneakers, and a leather jacket and said "Hello, sweetheart. From this day forth, you are a cyborg." Panicking, I asked "How did you get past security!?" He said, "Your father pulled some strings and since I'm in town with Halestorm, I decided to help you with your current condition."
I said "I wonder what people would think of me." He kissed where the 3rd eye opens. He started reminiscing of his near-death experience "Have I ever told you about the time I was almost hanged?" I said "Yes." (I already face near-death in my surgery experience. I nearly died of sepsis on his 62nd birthday.) We then decided to talk about our favorite stories. He told about the chicken incident, which predated Ozzy's dove incident, and when Alice asked about telling the truth, Frank Zappa told him, "The rumors are more popular." I told Alice I would give anything to go back in time to sit in on the Congressional Hearing on Music with Questionable Content. Zappa said, when questioned about sex, drugs and violence in music "I wrote a song about dental floss, but did anybody's teeth get cleaner?" (Yes, Zappa was a big influence for my father and I and yes, he wrote a song about farming dental floss and it starts off with Zappa singing about a tiny horse named Mighty Little.) (I would actually pay $1,000 to go back to the 1980s and taunt Jack Thompson, the lawyer who wouldn't defend the First Amendment, which free speech and expression are what he targeted and cheer for Frank Zappa and those who deliberated for their rights.) After Alice left...I was eventually allowed to go home to recuperate. Once settled in my bed, Lee came in and found me in bed watching Finding Nemo. He said "Kymchee... (nickname I received after graduating from high school) I came to see you. I heard from your friends you were going through an operation and you are in the transition from fully human to cyborg." I said "Partially true. I've been dealing with some issues without the implant." He unbuttoned his shirt (It was a bowling shirt.) His chest was wrapped in bandaging and he said "I actually missed your charms as someone who has a wicked sense of humor." I said "I can hug you, but I will have to be careful. You seemed to have hurt yourself." I carefully hugged him at the shoulders and as I was up against his chest, I could hear his heart beat. He said "I have been working out. Not much to do when you're deserted." I said "Okay, lay me down gently." He did so and kissed me on the cheek. He said "I have two daughters and know how to care for young women." I said "So I'm not much to you...I thought we were a couple..." He said "It's not that...I haven't been with you in a while. I really love you." I said "Then treat me like I am your lover!" He grabbed me and kissed me. He said "Is that what you want?" And said it was. He went back to his extended day suite and I checked my implant (it was my Stage 1) I had trouble sleeping last night. It was weird. |
i had a weird dream about cinemas vouchers, don't ask how come but in my dreams i celebrated my birthday with my best friend and i was upset nobody gave me the cinemas vouchers
![]() i hope that nightmare won't come true :o |
My dreams were pretty fucked up by my standards.
I was at the starting line of a automobile type race (in reference to the anime film REDLINE, where most vehicles had gone hover styled and driving a wheeled vehicle is a skill required for the races). On my left, were numerous women who joined the race because on the right, were different dream men. The women on the left were their exes. As the light counted down, my vehicle, The Green Crab, modeled after the Mach 5 in exterior and mechanical design. In fact, the vehicles of the other racers were modeled after personality or career related traits. Dr. Nye had a car covered in sod patch that looked like a lawn AND was amphibious (reference back to two of his early works under the "Bill Nye the Science Guy" documentaries) His ex had "The Black Widow", a spider shaped vehicle that sprayed melting acid. As the race started I was able to make use of the steering wheel buttons...but the buttons looked like shapes instead of alphanumeric characters. Why the hell does anything that requires a button to push end up looking like a child's toy to me? This time they resembled the 1990s version of the board game Perfection!, which includes a timer you race against, which agonizing over the fact that if you don't finish in time, the pieces shoot out at you. I even remember that stupid jingle word-for-word. "Put the pieces into the slot\make the right selection\but be quick, you're racing the clock\POP! goes Perfection!" My father called me and said "Press the absolute center button to unleash the bubble gum trap." So I did... It trapped The Black Widow. I woke up and realized I am still fucked up over such routine surgery. |
Not recently, but at one point I dreamed that I was inside a bastardized version of the school my younger sister attended. Not a college, but more of a massive private school that I think was K-12. I've been inside that school on a few occasions.
I've pretty much always attended public schools because I needed an IEP due to my autism. Except for that one year and a half in middle school I attended a private school. That year and a half was hell for me and pretty much the reason I'll never enroll my kids in a private school. |
I was so happy!
![]() Where's my slide rule? oh... dream. ![]() |
Had a fever dream.
Grant was to tend to me from my recovery from my becoming a cyborg. He fed me the pills in an administration where I had chocolate milk to keep from any melting (I take some rather bitter, nasty pills that aren't coated or encapsulated. A few are otherwise) He said "You were put under in the late morning and it's likely you're going to be down here until next morning, same timeframe." "You're not going to be a Nurse Stimpy where you get sick from exhaustion and it's my turn to cure you?" I asked "What's a Nurse Stimpy?" He asked. "Well, if you want me bad enough, I would probably...nah, I am not that sadistic." I teased him. "Please stop teasing me...what do I need to do?" He whined "Tend to my every whim until I'm well enough to keep my equilibrium." I said with a vicious undertone. So, he helped me through a few rough couple of days. He even watched Sailor Moon with me. I confessed to him "Sometimes I imagine you wearing a tux and you look rather dashing." He blushed a bit because the last time I said he would look good in uniform, he was somewhat clueless about the uniform (then again, he was, as far as I know born and bred in the US and maybe never set foot on foreign soil, except if he's called as part of the assignments.) Then I fell asleep, pillow against his thigh and he heard me sleep-talking. If you ever lived with me, I sound like DoodleBob, the vicious but brainless magic drawing made from a pencil dropped into the ocean by an artist at sea. As he had little cognitive grasp on linguistics, he babbled, usually picking up important words if his vendetta was against SpongeBob. |
i got a dream about pinball where we used to play with on the computer,
i got a very high score but from the one of the another i used it with a cheat ![]() so the high score was all just FAKE! (of course i got mad in my dreams) what a relieve it was just a dream ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by sailorplanet97
Pinball? I have a bit of a cheat when operating a machine IRL. Hold the flippers up and once you catch it, let go, but don't let it fall and slam the flippers up. That is my secret to pinball machine play. I believe knowledge should be shared. What good is having genius intelligence if you can't impart it along with wisdom? |
It was so strange. I had a dream last night that I was in a Church, and I was holding my baby and the people from my prenatal class were all there too and I was praying (bare in mind; I'm not religious at all) that my brother would get in contact with me.
I came home from my prenatal class today, to a letter from my brother ![]() |
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