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SeluXereZ 20th Oct 2011 4:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hello, I followed the tutorial, and I've got the purpose, to change to "MS3D" features of a face of maxis. but my problem is that I had modeled a face in "ts2bodyshop" and now I want to retouch a face with "MS3D" and then import the game. but I have not gotten the following steps. I think you can, because it did "Lunar Eclipse" with your sims "Ash Crimson"

Help me please

In the screenshot you see a face made for me, and exported. "Obj" XYZ as the tutorial says, but as you can see the texture is not correct


Hola, he seguido el tutorial, y he conseguido el proposito, de cambiar con "ms3d" rasgos de una cara de maxis. pero mi problema esta en que yo habia modelado una cara en "ts2bodyshop" y esa cara ahora quiero retocarla con "ms3d" y luego importarla al juego. pero no lo he conseguido siguiendo estos pasos. Creo que se puede, porque ya lo hizo "Lunar Eclipse" con su sims "Ash Crimson"

Ayudenme por favor.

En la captura se ve una cara hecha por mi, y exportada en ".obj" XYZ como dice el tutorial, pero como podeis ver la textura no esta correcta

Akihiro 16th Jan 2012 9:49 PM

Can i edit saved sims face templates
rather than editing the game CAS templates?

Herzblut 16th Jul 2012 1:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
i have one little problem
it seems that the face doesn't really have the same proportions in milkshape and in the game (reference picture)
can someone please help me?

MistyBlue 21st Jul 2012 1:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Herzblut
i have one little problem
it seems that the face doesn't really have the same proportions in milkshape and in the game (reference picture)
can someone please help me?

Yeah, the face in Milkshape does look different in 3D view, perhaps because of the perspective. It can be confusing at first, but after a short while you get used to it

By the way, that sim strangely reminds me of someone :D

zlatko78 27th Jul 2019 2:36 PM

With wich version of Simpe is making that?

zlatko78 27th Jul 2019 2:48 PM

With wich version of Simpe is making this?

simmer22 27th Jul 2019 9:33 PM

Pretty sure you can use most versions of SimPE. You need Milkshape (a mesh program) for the face editing.

zlatko78 28th Jul 2019 7:33 AM

simmer22 You with wich version make it?Send it here and give me link! Because of all versions that i use the back of the face is not developed

zlatko78 28th Jul 2019 7:41 AM

Send me one in which the back of the neck is developed

zlatko78 28th Jul 2019 11:07 AM

Someone to upload here the version of SimPe that makes 3d faces!

zlatko78 28th Jul 2019 1:36 PM

You say most but those who know their backside have not been developed in the back but which version it is ?

zlatko78 28th Jul 2019 2:33 PM

People with what version of Simpe you are doing these things please answer me?

simmer22 28th Jul 2019 4:17 PM

Like I said, you need Milkshape (a mesh program) for the face editing. May also be possible with other meshing programs like Blender 3D.

You can find them via a simple Google search.

Info on SimPE plus the download can be found here:

There's also no need to post ten times in a row or PM me with the same question. Use the edit button to add things if your post is the last one, and please have the patience to wait at least a day for an answer, because MTS isn't a 24/7 answering machine.

zlatko78 28th Jul 2019 5:01 PM

ok thanks

zlatko78 28th Jul 2019 5:33 PM

I downloaded all the programs I need but why is not the back again?

zlatko78 28th Jul 2019 5:39 PM

What version of Simpe i have to install?

simmer22 28th Jul 2019 6:01 PM

0.73 is the most stable one, so use this if you can.

If you have the Ultimate collection and don't get the 0.73 version to work properly, try the 0.75f version (may work better with filepaths).

zlatko78 28th Jul 2019 6:52 PM

And the back of the face with them will show up?

zlatko78 28th Jul 2019 7:41 PM

Both versions told me that I downloaded but why the back of the face is missing ;(

zlatko78 28th Jul 2019 7:57 PM this is what im talking about

simmer22 28th Jul 2019 9:37 PM

There is no back of the face. Mesh faces/polys are one-sided, and should be so. Ingame the inside of the head is hidden by the hair and the rest of the body, so it won't look like that.

If you're editing sim faces as described in the tutorial above, remember to not add or remove anything to the mesh, just move the vertices around. Otherwise it'll screw up the morph.

Also, please use the edit button (if your post is the last one on the list) instead of posting several times in a row.

zlatko78 29th Jul 2019 10:50 AM

simmer22 Please upolad on youtube video of this tutorial to see it and send the link here

simmer22 29th Jul 2019 8:05 PM

First of all, I don't do Youtube videos. Second, why should I make it into a video? It's not even my tutorial. It's not very polite to demand someone else to do something for you, you know.

Pretty sure the tutorial shows what you have to do, but it's probably not a good beginner project to start out with for someone who isn't familiar with SimPE or Milkshape.

zlatko78 30th Jul 2019 5:50 AM

With FaceShop can make 3d face?

zlatko78 30th Jul 2019 6:09 AM

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