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Bulbizarre 4th Oct 2016 1:47 PM

There's only five rooms in Oasis Dorm, though, and four are already full.

alljoj 4th Oct 2016 1:53 PM

Oh, apparently I can't read.

Get them a house, I guess.

Peni Griffin 4th Oct 2016 3:09 PM

There's more than two dorms on LFT. If you don't like the remaining ones, add one you do like, or build a new one.

Justpetro 4th Oct 2016 3:21 PM

Or download one

Booney 8th Oct 2016 11:17 PM

1) Going though Uberhood households to make list of lifetime wants and such, I noticed Cassandra Goth's lack of interest in Don. They have no bolts. She rolls more wants about Darren than Don (her wants for Darren are not romantic, but they are on line between friendly and flirty). I couldn't figure out how they even got engaged till little evil idea entered my mind. Cassandra knows that Don had an affair with Bella before she was abducted - but of course no one believes her (because she is Cassandra). So she took matters in her own hands and started to date Don - to figure out what exactly happened to her mother. She is angry on her for cheating on Mortimer, but Don is only target she can reach. This marriage is actually her plan for revenge.
But I don't know what's the plan exactly. Does she want to humiliate him in some way? Will she leave him at altar? Will she leave him on the roof with an expensive telescope hoping that aliens take him as they took her mother? Is this even a good idea?

2) General Buzz Grunt has rolled turn ons and off that indicate sexual interest in males. And his lifetime wish is "become rock god". The actual question is - what should come first: boyfriend or career change?

Bulbizarre 9th Oct 2016 12:15 AM

a) No actual advice for this, but a word of advice: If you make Don selectable and have her run off, she'll disappear off the lot and is a major pain in the butt to get back. That said, I have a feeling Don wouldn't be too affected if she did that, and I'd expect her to be a bit more...subtle.

b) Personally, I'd go with career change. I'd make him go with the risky option on the chance card and get him fired (tricky though, not sure if you can trigger the chance card and then it's only 14% chance of firing.) With that, he's forced to downsize and move to Belladonna Cove, where after a drunken dare, he finds talent at the coffeeshop microphone. Then he sees an ad for a job in the music career and he goes 'why not?'

alljoj 9th Oct 2016 12:34 AM

I had Cassandra run off and she showed up again after a few hours, although I think the Batbox's "Force Erros Off-Lot" function could return her.

Bulbizarre 9th Oct 2016 12:39 AM

Yeah, that's how I got her back. Make sure to disable testingcheats if you use that, otherwise you'll induce carpal-tunnel syndrome from clicking past all the errors.

Peni Griffin 9th Oct 2016 1:02 AM

Booney, Buzz gets a boyfriend who persuades him to change careers! It's perfect!

Buzz will perform in the niche genre of barbershop rock.

Simchrony 9th Oct 2016 8:40 AM

This thread is very interesting.

I also have a little dilemma. In Circadian Springs, I have a couple consisting of Cybele, she's a writer who runs a coffee shop, and Travis, a pet shop owner. The problem is, thanks to ACR, Travis is heaving an affair (which I decided to explore for the sake of drama) with Delaney, the local teacher.

Then there's the dilemma: Travis and Cybele seems to not enjoy their marriage, as they rarely roll wants related to each other or to their daughter, while Travis always rolls wants about Delaney. With this is mind, I tough about two choices I can make: divorce them and make Travis move with Delaney or keep Travis and Cybele unhappily with Travis still having an affair with Delaney and, maybe, making Cybele have an affair too.

Booney 9th Oct 2016 10:40 AM

Thanks for advice!

I guess Cassandra's plan is now irrelevant. Bella called. She wanted to speak with her daughter, but Alexander invited her to come over and explain things to everyone. Before she arrived, Mary Sue called and asked Mortimer to go out to Downtown. Seemed weird that Mary Sue has sudden interest in her best friend's father, but then subject of aliens popped up, so I guess she has access to some secret government information and wants to share it.
Cassandra, I think, will just call things off with Don.

As for Buzz, Kent Capp in Veronaville has an interest in aliens and lack of interest in his family's drama. And he needs a new living space, perfectly in new town...

maxon 9th Oct 2016 1:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Rguerra
Then there's the dilemma: Travis and Cybele seems to not enjoy their marriage, as they rarely roll wants related to each other or to their daughter, while Travis always rolls wants about Delaney. With this is mind, I tough about two choices I can make: divorce them and make Travis move with Delaney or keep Travis and Cybele unhappily with Travis still having an affair with Delaney and, maybe, making Cybele have an affair too.

If I had that, I'd go full on exploration of discovery, betrayal, recrimination, guilt, an ill-advised rebound affair, unplanned pregnancy(cies), fights, divorce, awkward shared child-rearing arrangements, child support arguments and then a rebuilding of lives in the light of the bruising experience. But then, that's me and sims.

Simchrony 9th Oct 2016 5:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by maxon
If I had that, I'd go full on exploration of discovery, betrayal, recrimination, guilt, an ill-advised rebound affair, unplanned pregnancy(cies), fights, divorce, awkward shared child-rearing arrangements, child support arguments and then a rebuilding of lives in the light of the bruising experience. But then, that's me and sims.

I enjoy creating drama in my game, but I think I never went that far.

I like those ideais, especially the discovery, the rebound affair and the unplanned pregnancy. Maybe I will take this decision.

Bulbizarre 12th Oct 2016 9:49 PM

I should mention I've come to a solution on the college thing - Johnny Smith and Ophelia Nigmos will be sharing the dorm with Tank Grunt. I mostly want to see what will happen

Booney 22nd Oct 2016 1:16 PM

If anyone cares, there is a tl;dr update on General Buzz's story:

In Veronaville Kent didn't get along with his brother-in law and when Regan announced that she and Cornwall are trying for baby (successfully. But don't tell them yet), Kent decided to find a new place, and Bianca Monty was more than happy to offer a free room.
One shopping trip later, they meet General Buzz in community lot (thanks, game, good job). They get along pretty well, and General, hearing that none of them has a job and Kent has skills necessary for science career, tells them about new research project in Strangetown's recently discovered ancient alien ruins. The project, led by Cassandra Goth, needs more sims, so, after returning home, Kent and Bianca look it up.
Computer offers them a job in science career, and they take it. They move to Strangetown's new apartment lot, build specifically for project's scientists and meet their new neighbors, Cassandra and her "sister" Bella, who looks strangely similar to lost Bella.
Kent calls General Buzz to thank for new jobs and ask for tour around Strangetown. Like friends, of course. The fact than General felt a need to left a flower bouquet at Kent’s door afterwards must no be counted.
Anyway, they go around Strangetown and later heads to one of Downtown’s karaoke bars. At this point General is a bit of drunk and has left his guard down, so they end up singing karaoke duets and making out – before returning at Kent’s apartment. The rest is classified information.
Two hours later, Buzz calls and asks Kent to go out again. A bit tired, but happy Kent agrees and they return to said karaoke bar. More terrible duets. More making out. Taking photos (General may regret this one). They both roll a want to go swimming and go to a park with pool. The romance of swimming in night is destroyed by vampire count who mocks Buzz, argues with basically everyone on the lot and finally attacks a random townie.
Who turns out not to be random at all. Leonid Kauker is top secret researcher, and is on his way to Strangetown. He is a bit surprised to find Strangetown’s General and one of researchers in… umm, this situation, but doesn’t care mutch. Buzz, on the other hand, freaks out, because what is going to happen if anyone on his job finds out?
Buzz is in Strangetown to hide information about aliens from outside, but, most importantly, to provide safety for the scientists that work on various alien related research projects (meaning – prevent abductions). His father failed at this when Glern Curious managed to get himself abducted, but wasn’t fired as Glern did it on purpose*; Buzz’s professionally was questioned when Pascal Curious got abducted. He did it on purpose too, so Buzz still has his job, but has been informed that more failings will not be tolerated. Buzz thinks these are good enough reasons for him to not be seen on dates with one of researchers, especially at night, the abduction time. Kent thinks Buzz is making things unnecessary hard and refuses to listen – he has already rolled an engagement want.
Day after, Buzz rolls a want to have a party. He has no friends, so guess who is only person that shows up? They mostly talk about Buzz’s work and politics, and argue quite a bit. Kent also meats Buzz’s sons – he likes Buck and Ripp, but finds Tank’s love for pranks annoying. Somehow party still ends up being great, probably because they stop talking and start tickling each other (and you want Tank to believe that this is your “friend from work”, Buzz?).
Later that night Kent tries to fix Buzz’s lack of social life by inviting him out with Bianca Monty and Titania-now-Gossamer. I forgot that Titania had a crash on Kent, and he didn’t even know. Now he does. Sorry, Kent. Apart from this incident, night goes well, and Kent almost manages to convince Buzz that life should be about more than just aliens and work. Almost, because that is the same night a townie Phil Haggerty goes missing. Last time seen in Strangetown’s streets close to Beaker house, Phil is believed to be abducted by aliens. That will definitely mean something to Buzz’s career, but I will need to wait till next rotation to find out.

*Curious family is part of the scientist movement that believes aliens should not be feared, their existence should be common knowledge and sims could benefit from these contacts.

selfmadequeen 23rd Oct 2016 9:38 PM

Ooh! I like the idea behind this thread.
Here's some backstory:
Connor Watson Jr (Popularity) is the YA only son of the richest family in the neighborhood (his mother is The Diva and his father is at the top of the Law career.) As a teen, I assumed he'd be an overachieving perfectionist, because his parents and sister all are, but he had been arrested a few times and now in college he never rolls wants related to schoolwork. He's toeing the line of academic suspension.
I have a few dilemmas:
He has been with his girlfriend Gretchen since they were teens and until recently they had been living in a home on campus together. They were in love but he hadn't rolled any wants pertaining to her in a romantic sense in quite a while. On an outing without her, Connor Jr ACR kissed another town Diva (obviously the Watson men have a type!) He brought her home while Gretchen was in class and they were predictably caught in the act when she returned and she has since moved out. Connor Jr seemed unfazed by the whole thing. Today he rolled wants to "repair a relationship", "Call Gretchen", and "Invite Gretchen" but seemed very annoyed when I directed him to apologize to her. Dilemma #1: try to patch things up with Gretchen #2 Move on
Dilemma #2:
The Watson family is all about appearances. Their great shame has been their son's arrests and they would be horrified if he failed out of college. He, however, seems very aloof about the whole thing. Do I force him to care about college for the family or do I let him dig his own grave and be the black sheep of the family?

Justpetro 23rd Oct 2016 9:46 PM

Repairing relationships take time, patience and effort - and is quite a challenge in itself and quite rewarding if achieved.

Play to the Watson boy's wants. He may surprise you later on

Peni Griffin 24th Oct 2016 2:19 AM

If his nice points are low, he's going to make faces about doing positive interactions (and especially apologizing) even when he wants to do them.

What I would do is invite her over and free-range him. See how he behaves and how she reacts to it - remember, he has to live with her life choices as much as she has to live with his! He could fall all over himself wanting forgiveness, and her not be willing or able to provide it. Play it from her angle for awhile - what does she want?

As for college - always go for the most interesting choice. Black sheep with a mis-spent youth is much more interesting than Good Little Heir Who Toes the Line. Let him dig his own grave. Let his family respond. Let everybody live with the consequences.

selfmadequeen 24th Oct 2016 7:37 AM

The whole family is lacking in nice points, Connor Jr is actually the "nicest", with one whole nice point.
I have a hard time allowing chaos in my game. I don't like to break sims up. But it obviously gets boring having perfect little sims who marry their first kiss, have perfect little families, and only ever die of old age...I'm sure that says something about me as a person.

Anyway, I'm still going to have to feel out how to go about the relationship. Connor Jr is an ass who went from flirting with Gretchen after inviting her over to shoving and poking her. He is literally only good at sabotaging himself. Gretchen has a want to invite him over but I think maybe they need some distance. Is it weird that I feel bad for Gretchen?

Justpetro 24th Oct 2016 10:31 AM

Conflict - and the resolving of it - makes a good game

Peni Griffin 24th Oct 2016 2:37 PM

Nothing weird at all about feeling bad for Gretchen! It means you're empathizing with the characters and actively engaged with them, which is a good place to be if you're going for maximizing the story potential. Maybe she should invite Connor over in order to break up with him. Maybe he needs that reality check in his life - to realize that the world is about more than what he wants.

I do want to say that there is nothing whatever wrong with making perfect little families leading perfect boring lives, if that's what you want or need out of the game. When I first started playing Sims 1, a large reason why I did it was, that I could force the little buggers to be happy. At that time I was working in a soul-sucking day job and having to deal with a lot of people in my personal life who were busily making bad decisions as fast as I could make good ones, making life unnecessarily hard for everybody. And when, time after time, the consequences were exactly what I said they would be, I was having to bite my tongue to keep from saying "I told you so" (which never helps) and do extra emotional and physical labor dealing with the consequences of other people's bad choices, which often blocked me from being able to make the good choices I wanted to and also greatly upped the pressure on me not to make mistakes of my own, and it was all very exhausting. So it was a great relief to take those little pixels and make them follow strategies that would lead to full motive bars, full bank accounts, comfortable houses, and singing in the shower. We all need some order and stability in our lives. We all need some control, even if it's only over a game system.

But after the Year from Hell, when everything crashed and burned, things got better and better and by the time I got to Sims 2, in 2010, I was past that need. I had mastered all the strategies for Sims1 and gotten bored, so moving to Sims2 was natural. And Sims2 gameplay proved to have a lot more potential for depth, complexity, and creativity than Sims1 had, which meshed well with my reduced need for control. I could afford to focus less on strategy and more on creative factors like character development and story logic. So that's what I did. I still like making my pixel people happy, but I no longer have to make their lives perfect. Perfect is boring and boring is no fun, and I can afford to really splash out and enjoy the fun of creating imaginary Drama, now that I've got so much less real drama in my life.

The important thing is to recognize what you need from the game. If you need to play Perfect Happy Families that other people think are boring, you do that. But if you are bored - then it's time to stop controlling so much and come down from God view. Don't ask yourself "What's the Best Thing for me to tell this sim to do," but "What would this sim do, if he were a real person with real faults and real choices?" Don't focus only on a protagonist or a particular family, but give agency to the other sims in their lives. Everyone, after all, is the hero of her own story. One reason I like playing rotations is that every playable gets a shot at the protagonist slot, and a chance to make things happen for themselves, to make choices that impact the choices of other protagonists.

Even if you're not comfortable playing rotations and developing a full All Protagonist cast, you could have fun shifting viewpoint once in awhile, giving other characters shots at a Temporary Protagonist spot. If you're empathizing with Gretchen, play her for awhile. See Connor's behavior from her point of view. Switch back and forth between Connor and his parents, and play out a conflict between them from both sides. His parents raised him a certain way. He's rebelling against that. So is he just rebelling, or do he and his parents have conflicting goals? Neither of them has to be bad in order for this to work.

The rewards of giving all the characters, even the secondary ones, agency are enormous, if you have the emotional resources to explore them. If you don't - well, it's a game, it's not work. You aren't obliged to explore all the possibilities it offers. But if you're bored, that's a sign that it's time to do something different, and this is one avenue of exploration that's open to you.

Bulbizarre 25th Oct 2016 1:40 AM

Take a third option: Have her invite him and a few other friends to a community lot for a social outing. Then they can all get into a polyamorous relationship!

(I'm so sorry.)

SIMposiast 25th Oct 2016 9:26 PM

Why sorry, ihatemandatoryregistration? There's nothing wrong with polyamorous relationships and it's a fine suggestion. (If the bit in parentheses is a joke, I'm so sorry I don't get it.)

Bulbizarre 25th Oct 2016 9:28 PM

Because I always suggest polyamorous relationships. No matter what the situation is.

selfmadequeen 26th Oct 2016 3:56 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
Take a third option: Have her invite him and a few other friends to a community lot for a social outing. Then they can all get into a polyamorous relationship!

(I'm so sorry.)

LOL while I'm sure Connor Jr would be more than willing, I doubt Gretchen would be down. Family aspiration and all...

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