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Quote: Originally posted by RicoSuavecito
as much as i could remember only 1 sim by so far, i forgot to put the stairs there back by then ![]() |
i had this weird and complicated dream so don't ask me questions about my dreams because i'm confussed too
![]() but i had this dream we had to do groceries to buy food or something but then we were eating in a restaurant but then i got confussed and asked my parents if we were supposed to be in Turkey by now, but then my mom got angry and told me she wanted to abandon me or something ![]() but after that we got an event or something, my friends got forced to go to that too so i bumped into them and then the events started. and after that i got famous because of the picture they had with me, my parents and one of my 2 parents best friends in Turkey when i was a kid (the 2 friends from my parents died, one of them died of cancer and the other one killed himself) then i slept to my parents but the bed fells off or something, and when i woke up in my dreams i was just in my underwear and bra and here comes the worse part it turned out one of my male best friend was in my bed too (or atleast to my parents bed) so we had to hide not just because of my parents but also from my roommate who could come upstairs at any moment, so i hided behind the door and my best friend under the bed ![]() but of course she saw it ![]() thank god it was just a dream but i had a weird and complicated dream at the same time ![]() ![]() |
I eventually had a dream about Lee Unkrich. Funny thing is I haven't thought about him in like 7 years.
Lee Unkrich is a Pixar employee who started as the editor in editorial for Toy Story 1. He became co-director for Toy Story 2. He would become the director of Toy Story 3. I knew he had a fondness for both monkeys and apes, calling himself an "equal opportunity simian fan" so I brought with me on my first recording session as a gift a Donkey Kong plush as I was hired to do a voice and he was to assess my skills to see if I could vocalize as a character from a story about The Queen of Light. It was weird, but I got the part. While eating lunch, he was treating me, but I chose to eat sushi. He immediately regretted paying the bill. I could have voiced in a nasally voice "Separate checks please!" I kissed Lee's hands and said as he dropped me off at the house my grandfather bought me "I hope we can make this movie happen." What was weird is he would fly out to New Jersey to oversee the recording of my lines but he'd fly back to California for the majority of the production. As production progressed, his hair on his head was growing out. He heard I find guys like himself with long hair attractive. He noticed I was distracted during the past few sessions in voice overs, so he tries indulging in my lovesickness. It became this weird conditioning experiment to get me to do the proper work by at least distracting me from my being filmed for reference. I was given the star role of Charlene, a wanderer who saves the world with the help of other wanderers seeking to restore order to a land of darkness. To better give personality to a character, voice actors will often be filmed to give the character physical gesturing as part of the personality. Either way, one day, during a deluge of rain near the recording studio, I spotted Lee sitting on a bench, getting drenched. I was under a colorful umbrella and I ask "Lee, what's wrong? You're going to get a chill." He said "My wife left me. My kids won't talk to me." I said "At least you still have me. I have no one beyond family." I take him to the restroom and I allowed him to wring out his shirt and his hair, which at this point in production is past his chest. We recorded some pretty funny lines and I voiced an angry soul before it cast his face off his body. At the end of the day, he took me home and I gave him some spare dry clothes while I washed his rain soaked clothes (I usually wear men's clothes IRL because I have trouble fitting into women's clothes.) . I offered him some coffee and we talked. His wife was jealous of me, his kids started to drift apart from him. He was upset his life beyond his job fell apart. I said "I am tired of being a scapegoat. Your wife probably doesn't really know me. I only kiss you on the hands as sort of a traditional greeting from my mixed European heritage. I admit you did help me get over my camera shyness. Although I would really mean it if said to you "I love you", I don't want to hurt your relationship, even if this costs me my chance at love." The movie finished without controversy. However, due to the length, it was separated into 10 movies and was released on a monthly basis over the course of a year. It was PIXAR's first epic. Lee called me to say "The movie just topped Toy Story 3's opening weekend. Did you go see it?" I told him I don't go to movie theaters after the Aurora incident. He decided to come to my house with a copy of the first movie on disc and he and I just snuggled. I was wrapped in a blanket covered in monkey silhouettes and he kinda thought it was cute. He had his hair tied back and said "How about we take our relationship slow?" When I woke up, I had to remember to my recollection of the day's diet. The only strange thing in my diet was the olive oil I used on my spaghetti last night. ICYWW: Lee Unkrich is not really that handsome, he's kind of awkward with short hair. His voice has a bit of a whine. He's kind of a nerd. |
Weird dream
So it was a couple days ago, I was at my cousins house and woke up early in the morning, fell back asleep and had a dream. The dream was very short because my cousin woke me up about two minutes later but in my dream there was a guy skipping through my local shopping mall while a song was playing going WEIRD CATS WEIRD CATS. I told my cousin about the dream when I woke up and we both burst out laughing XD
The plot thickens as in my dream with Lee Unkrich turned out that he adapted one of my video game stories into the 10-movie anthology.
I was shocked how he got it perfect. It was voiced by the guys I casted in Mii form for Miitopia. So Dana Carvey, Alice Cooper, Alton Brown, Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku (There is a scene where we talk in Japanese of falling stars and the folklore surrounded, only to have our party ambushed) Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman, Grant Imahara (again, with Michio, we'd talk as a lingual trio before being ambushed by a baddie) Mike Myers, Jhonen Vasquez, Roman Dirge, Bret Michaels and Weird Al Yankovic as the Wandering Sage. I played as this sort of fearless leader who, although adorably cute, you must come to my attention when I blow the whistle. The movie was titled The World of Wonder: The Kingdom of Beginnings and it goes from a wanderer saving a small kingdom to her asleep after her first 3 team members are abducted by the Lord of All Darkness. A "to be continued..." Sign was up. He held me once I sat up. He said "did you like the movie?" I said "You did justice to a beautiful story." He said "That's...sweet of... of you." Stammering to try and speak to me. He asked "May I stay with you? I have an empty house and Pixar is expanding into New York for voice recording and some animation." I said "You could move into my neighbor Frank's house. He asked "How would you describe Frank?" "He's sweet to other people, but he has a temper around vehicles, electronics and appliances. He'll scream, curse and otherwise verbally ream into machines. I remember a quiet winter morning was silent and out of the blue, he screamed "God Damnit!" As I woke up as I walked downstairs, I asked my father and he said "That's just our neighbor, Frank. I wouldn't worry too much about it." and that's about as crazy as our neighbors get." Lee brushed my hair back and because I was wearing my blue frames, he said "You have a bit of a green to your eyes." I told him "I have hazel eyes like my eldest uncle. We won that wildcard in the DNA lottery." Lee helped me up and we danced in the hearth room. It was more of swaying, but he was trying to get me to open up as a person, because for the past year, it was mere hints and teasing with a microphone, a glass wall and a mixing board between the two of us. One time I called him "awkward Fabio" halfway through production because his hair was at a long length resembling Fabio, the trashy novel cover model. He called me "Miss Aino" after I explained the characters from Sailor Moon. I referred to Minako Aino's bad luck at romance in the numerous continuities. He did helped me get some dinner. I asked for baked potatoes. When he saw me eat, he asked if I am fed enough. I told him, "I sometimes don't get enough because my father is in charge of the grocery bills. Lee said, "I will go back to my hotel and I will see you in a week for the second film." He kissed me on the cheeks (I only kiss\allow kissing close family members and close contacts on the cheeks.) and left for California. |
So I was at this one house and then my paternal family was there. I was trying to solve a crime or something and I was waiting for the suspect in the front. Big lovely lavish home. When I went back inside my Mom's sister and her family were there. I really had to pee so I went to my cousin's bathroom so I stood in front of the toilet to pee and a couple of my nephews were making a ruckus in their room and then an earthquake hit. I was about to pee and then I woke up. My wife was bouncing the bed trying to get up and I felt like I was going to pee myself each time she shook the bed. I shouldn't have had soda before bed. I kinda wanna recreate the home I saw in my dream I love doing that, anyone else?
Third part in the Lee Unkrich saga.
I decided after having this big empty house to myself (In the dream I bought the house I currently live in now and moved everything of mine into the master bedroom. My parents moved to the Carolinas with my aunt Luann (the executor\executrix of my family's estate) and my LabraShepard cousin Ottis), I called Lee and sweetly enticed him, saying "I'll be Oscar if you'll be Felix" (Oscar was the sloppy apartment rentee who let neatnik Felix in after his wife divorced him.) We came to a few agreements that I would cook and he would clean and I would pay him the $100 I allot for whoever is brave enough to wash my dishes, especially if it involved my weapons grade Mac and cheese. He enjoyed the spacious bedroom (I gave him my old room) and put some of his childhood items on his shelves and the monkey and ape plush collection he received from people who knew of his obsession. The day he came, it was muggy, rainy and by rainy, the road was flooded. He brought a suitcase and the second film in the series: Kingdom of Pharaohs. He said "I was thinking of Chinese for dinner..." He called in the order, found the restaurant, picked up our order and we spent dinner just talking. He told about the time his ex wife allowed him to play in the primate house and the one chimpanzee who gets near him had a foot fetish and he regretted making the wrong face and the fact he was wearing braces at his age only frightened the chimpanzee, unaware he just put up a front of aggression. I said "Small world...When I was 7, I was accomplished as a rider on the backs of horses, camels and elephants. When I was 12, I gave up becoming a professor at UW even though I was the smartest 6th grade elementary student. However, when I was 22...they took out my gallbladder. If there is an 11 on the pain scale, waiting for the gallbladder surgery was that. They doped me up to ease me out of pain. Turned out I was on the verge of becoming septic. I thanked the doctors. However, a few days later, they had to retrieve gallstones." We exchanged scar stories. Most of his were from accidents from childhood and adolescence. I shown him my solitary gallbladder scar that remained (my ovarian cyst extraction scar faded quickly) and it was weird bonding over a dinner. I took a shower in peace, locked the door and got dressed in the master suite. After cleaning up I shown him my old bed room and bathroom and said "These are yours." He was amazed. "Think nothing of it. I can't have you crash on the couch. If you need me, I'm straight down the hall." He unpacked and saw me fall asleep. He kissed me on the forehead. The next morning he was making breakfast. I ask "Would you know anything about someone kissing me as I drifted off?" He said "I did. You never had a boyfriend...have you?" I said "Not really. In all things considered, it's weird. You kissed me...I never received any extrafamilial kisses in my life" he said "Was that bad?" I told him it was fine, just a shock to my system. I kiss him back. He at least was able to get me to open up enough to feel safe. We watched Kingdom of Pharaohs, the second movie he brought. It was just a nice time with him getting me to be open. I have these weird "opening up" dreams where someone, usually someone different, usually helps me out of my shell. I also have a sneaking suspicion a psych team is watching me behind a mirror. |
many of my dreams are pretty weird, honestly
i had a dream once that i was playing the sims 4 and waluigi came inside the sims' house all angry and trashing everything so my sim called the cops, but they didnt come and waluigi got hurt so my sims helped him and just accepted him as a roommate |
I was crying in my dream on my bed and Lee asked me "Sweetie? You okay?" He handed me the tissues and we talked it out. He gently kissed me and said "You're going to be fine."
(Don't remember much about the conversation, but we seem to be talking about our future together) |
I had a dream a few nights ago where I had a baby boy, and I was like "huh labour wasn't that bad" and I was excitedly showing everyone the baby (for some reason instead of a hospital, I was in a bed in the care home I work at... dunno why) but then when it came time to feed, the baby wasn't latching on properly, everyone was there (my boyfriend, his family, etc) staring at my boob as I'm trying to feed this tiny crying baby and I felt horrible. Everyones trying to shout ideas at me, and I realise that no milk is coming out of me. I get all upset because I can't even feed my child (apparently formula isn't a thing in this dream?) and then I woke up.
Maybe it's a sign I'm going to be a terrible parent. It's a good thing I've only ovulated once since we started trying (or rather "trying to try"). |
almost 2 nights ago i had this super weird dream about a hotel.
i wanted to go outside alone to walk somewhere, but then not that far away from my home i saw a luxury hotel with all in one thing so i wanted to check out but most of my best friend was there too so i bumped into them. we went to disco bowling, waterslides, swimmingpool, diner and all of the other stuff together. we were all having fun however a few hours later in my dream the boss of this luxury hotel caught us all and warned us we shouldn't be even be there or something and told us to leave we were all angry of course so we sneaked out to go to the diner, but then i was done with all of the luxury things ![]() so i told my best friends i was leaving but then my parents appears in my dream and told me they were dissapointed in me for sneaking out. and that it's been almost a day or something when i was home for the last time so they decided to take me home. but then my best friend was done too and told all of my other friends he was leaving too ![]() but then we went home and the new people were living in OUR house, and they were pretty much naked (i guess both of them took a shower or something ![]() and right after i saw them both naked they punched us and we both fell from the stairs ![]() but then my mom was just about to tell me we were moving out, out of town because they were done with our old city were i was born and growed up with :o i was really sad and told them i didn't want to leave but my mom told me it was already too late to take things back from before and then we moved into a village, and of course i never knew from the village were i was living in my dreams thank god it was just a dream because i thought at the moment i was literally living into an unknown village ![]() |
I've had recurring dreams of having a son and this time I had a dream that I named him after the last sim I created for some reason
Lee Unkrich still is present in my dreams.
We watched the third movie: Kingdom of the Fey and I just was held next to him. I asked about him and he said "Tell me your birthday." I told him and then he told his (turned out in the dreamscape and IRL, he's 20 years my senior) It became a game of us learning likes and dislikes, embarrassing moments and family traditions. He was amazed at the Christmukkah tradition that I take 3 weeks starting 8 days before Christmas Eve off to help my family. He plans to go back to Pixar to work on the bonus content from the ten movie saga we created last year. I was there for him when he was sitting on the bench in the torrential rain outside the recording studio feeling low because his marriage ended and his grown children wanted nothing to do with him unless it was financial. I was using a colorful umbrella and I helped him off the bench and escorted him to the men's room door so he could wring out his shirt and hair, which grew long and he at least talked to me, asking "How was the crossing of the Hudson River?" It was such a mundane question. He would normally ride the train into NYC with me. I said "I got up late, I had showered and should smell like coconut cake and a Jaimaica aguas fresca, but my cat Gemini brought in a non poisonous snake, making it the second thing she brought back alive. I already told you about the chickadee after my dad badgered her to bring him a bird." He said "Go on" I asked "You did say, Go on, right?" He said "Yes, Go on." "So, it was a matter of clean clothes. I picked out my Union Jack t shirt, my Stars and Stripes hoodie, plain white cotton underpants and this is because I'm at an age where such underpants are humble, utilitarian and easiest to clean; plaid shorts, periwinkle knee socks and my black slip-on sneakers with my fitted orthotics. He said "You have your unique style of fashion." I told him that moment of us talking as we headed to the studio was something I cherished after he was told he was no longer a husband or father welcomed back and he said "We may have been together for about a year or so, but I want you. It something I couldn't escape in my dreams. Come with me to California. I can provide for you. I want you to think it over and let me know." (And some people think I'm pushy) |
Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
I wouldn't say that. But have you been reading debates on breast milk VS formula? That could only add fuel to this fire of doubt. No children ever came with instructions. Sure there are renowned childcare experts, but most stop writing about childcare when the subject concerns those ages 15 and up. Even my parents shunted me from doctor to doctor crying "What's wrong with my baby?" and some plainly said "We are unsure what's wrong with her." Eventually, I was diagnosed at 14 with AS and my parents couldn't do much beyond symptomatic treatment. Stop worrying too much. First time parents usually worry too much (as far as I know). My grandmother was a woman who birthed 8 children and there was a corollary on birth order. My uncle Ernie was the eldest and was usually held accountable for the others. My father (5 of 8) was ignored or would cause trouble. My youngest uncle John (8 of 8) was a hell raiser in his own right because by the time he came around, my grandmother had to call it quits on having children. Don't worry, friend, because even I have my doubts in this area. |
I've been raising children since I was 7, with the arrival of my brother David. In fact, my whole summer holidays in 2008 were sleepless nights with my younger sister Chloe and her terrible colic. She turned 10 yesterday :lovestruc
I think it's different when you have your own though. I know I already have my brother to raise, but he's 15 now and doesn't really need that much supervision. I think mostly I'm scared of infertility. Adam keeps saying he thinks he's infertile because his Mum has always told him he "might be" but we don't really have much evidence to suggest he is, but he gets all upset and tells me that he's a failure and he let me down... but what about me? with my PCOS, my chickenpox in my teens, etc? What if I'm a failure who's let him down? Plus, he was all ready to start trying this month on the 16th (my "ovulation day") and not only did I have to tell him that on second thoughts I'm not ready anymore, but also that in the past 5 months of peeing on ovulation sticks - I've only had 1 positive result. But I digress. I had a weird dream last night that my brother had eaten something and died from it. It was sad. I had to call up everyone on the phone and tell him that he'd died and that I was a terrible parent for not keeping a watchful eye on him. Then Adam died too for some reason. Then I woke up in a panic. |
Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
That's actually disturbing when I look at it from the perspective provided. I hope you have a better dream the next time you enter your dreamscape. As for me, my dreams are turning into "Put A Ring On It" type of craziness. They're nice and all, but my most recent had the guy of my dreams (as of late) saying in his body language "No pressure, but can you please let me know if you want me?" I could always deconstruct my dreamscape by being inside a blood vessel as a red blood cell filing in single file into a capillary and then screaming for help if I am trapped in the middle of the capillary (imagine, a claustrophobic red blood cell) (Seriously, I suffer from agoraphobia and claustrophobia, so you can only imagine how many times I swallow my fears and go to the doctor or shopping at a market of any kind) (That and I have been watching an anime on Crunchyroll that gives anthropomorphic form to the 37.2 trillion cells living in the human body. It mainly revolves around a red blood cell who is constantly getting lost in the body and her encounters with various cells and diseases, including a white blood cell, a neutrophil (which neutrophils make up a little over 50% of the type of white blood cells in the blood composition) designated as U-1146 who is a master of blades in his occupation.) |
I had a strange dream my old high school relocated and had a new principal. I spoke to him and he told me "My name is Dr. Corgard. Google me when you wake up." I was like WTF. So I awoke and googled him. Corgard is a high blood pressure pill. Weird.
Quote: Originally posted by RicoSuavecito
Oddly fitting name for a position he's in. |
Lee finally hears from me.
In my previous dream with Lee Unkrich, he promised me he could be my provider. He then mentioned he found a house for the two of us. Then, I went downstairs to the basement and dragged out a carpetbag, a brightly colored one my father's mother left to me. I opened it and SHOOM! All my basement items filled the bottom of the bag, shrinking as it was sucked in. I opened the pantry and my dry goods and medicine was sucked in. I went into the bathroom and all my HBC was packed in. I went to my room and it was sucked in. Lee said "Let me guess...your grandma was a white magic mage?" I said, "Now that I am packed up, take me with you." Most girly princess girls prefer their princes to arrive on a white horse. In my case, Lee came to me in a white Ford Mustang that someone let go for cheap, but doesn't show signs of serious wear and tear. I packed my Merlin Carpetbag into the back and I sat up front and he said "I got this Mustang modified to meet environmental regulations." I said "I love you... especially because real men care about the Earth." We took about 7 days to get to his house and I got to meet Andrew Stanton, who was housesitting for Lee. Andrew Stanton had not shaved in a week so the tradition of cheek kiss greetings was a hazard. So I went with the stand by of kissing the back of the hand. I was going to work in the story department, as supervisor, a position once head by the late great Joe Ranft. It was a lofty position, but Lee Unkrich had reviewed with John Lasseter my voice acting reference video footage and just how character oriented in driving the story forward. I unpacked my stuff and took a nap. From the perspective of Lee and Andrew, the all seeing eye told of Andrew and Lee's story Andrew: So, I hear she and you won each other over. Lee: She's sweet, but she's 20 years my junior. Andrew: She probably misses her father. What's her family life? Lee: She was given the house after her parents divorced. Her father is an alcoholic and he lives with a family where the father was a head chef in New York City. Her mother took the cat and lived with her sister and her sister's boyfriend. Her father has remorse and he usually sobers up, crying for his wife and daughter. Andrew: I have nothing left to say is except I feel sorry for the poor little lady. Lee: She feels at ease with me, like I revived the ability to love again from within her. Andrew: Have you considered cutting that long hair, because you look like Tarzan. Lee: Actually she finds long hair on a guy like me sexy. Besides, the last time I cut my hair, I ended up delegating with the animation department's men on shaving protocol. I woke up within the dream and just went to Lee. Lee: Kym! (Adaptation of my name I use to use in school) (Kimberly was a popular name in 1987-1988, particularly in the Seattle area) Me: Lee, I like your long hair. Lee: Told you, Andrew (Andrew gets on one knee) Andrew: Kym, we have a busy day tomorrow. You have some pretty big shoes to fill and Joe's career goes beyond Pixar. Me: I'm well aware of prior to Pixar and he reused a gag from The Little Mermaid in the first Toy Story and they both involved a dog! Most of the dreams in this series were light, somewhat fluffy, feel-good for the most part, but the divorce element is actually something that weighs heavily on my mind and the reason I had been given a two story house is because it was that nightmare of my parents breaking it off, never seeing each other again and me having to consult my aunt, executor\executrix of the estate one to have to help with the mortgage and utilities as I am unable to hold a job or drive a car. It was hard to face my nightmares, but it happened during an otherwise pleasant dream. Follow up: Lee comes in to my room and began to rub my back (actually, IRL, if I am asleep, gently massaging my back actually stimulates me to wake up slowly. Evidently, Lee picked up my care binder assembled by my family and judging by the neon red tab, that's the important stuff like, "Allow me to ramble on, but make sure you're not doing anything requiring full attention") and he greeted me warmly "Morning, sweetie. You have a busy day today." I kiss him on the forehead and said, "I will need some eggs." (In 2013, I developed a fondness for omelettes. Usually mine incorporate cheddar cheese, bacon and green onions.) He cooked it as I requested and ate it, then I took my morning pills, got dressed in jean shorts, blue and red tie-dye heart print tank top, my citrus green hoodie and my black slip on sneakers with the orthotics I had. As I approached the building, passing the statues of Luxo Jr. and the iconic ball and about to enter through the glass doors, I wondered: *Will I be able to be so funny it's unfair? *Will my twisted sense of humor and my loving heart keep the story balanced? *Will I be able to convey the story through my art in the storyboard form? Then, Lee, opening the door and held my hand and said "It's a pretty big building, so hold my hand and take note of the signs." Some of the women noticed me and asked Lee if I was the mysterious Kym that provided all that energy and heart for Charlene, the wanderer turn warrior. I said "Yes." and then I switched to this rough Irish accent "If ya think yer full yerself now, remember I have the discretion to put you back in the tiny seats at any given time." And then "If yer not paurt of the solution, yer paurt of the problem" I just kept running off various voices and accents and I was given a temporary ID badge until they could give me my access badge. Then, I wound my way to the story department with Lee's help. We stopped by John's office, but he was out of town. But because his office had a glass wall, I could see his toy collection was a huge understatement in sheer numbers of toys. When we got to the story department and cleared my throat, all eyes were on me. Lee said "You'll be fine, I got a script for you to work with at your desk. Give me a kiss and I'll see you later. I did the cheek kiss greeting I normally do in my formal settings. Lee went to his office. The story team said "You're shorter than I expected" and "You seem stranger than we expected." I passed out. When I woke up from this dream, it was another wasted cat nap. Took a nap after my checkup, here's an update: I wasn't fully awake, but I heard Lee talking with one of the more established writers, Bob Peterson. Lee Unkrich: She passed out after she was criticized? Bob Peterson: She crumpled like paper. Lee: Poor thing... Bob: Should I set up a sensitivity training for her sake? Lee: Please and thank you. (Lee holds me. I wake up.) Me: Huh? What happened? Lee: You passed out from overstimulation. I let you rest in my office. Me: Sometimes I dream of you or whoever I have eyes for at that moment, kissing me like I was Snow White. There was always someone trying to off me because I have a beauty that permeates from within and a beauty that radiates from the outside. People who loved me would protect me because I was sweet. The usual punishment for an attempt on my life is wearing red hot iron shoes, which cause instant fatal heart attack. Lee: You still want that kiss? Me: I'm ready. (Lee kisses me) Lee: How did it feel? Me: It surpassed my wildest dreams. You were gentle and sweet. Lee: I sent Bob Peterson to reteach the writers to remember you're in charge as story supervisor. Let me help you up. (I wobble like a newborn giraffe and sit on the chair in the corner) Me: Now, I'm wondering, are we sweethearts now? Lee: You know, I'm unsure. I'm pretty much your husband in regards to protecting you in place of your father, which you told of the role a husband plays for a wife. But it's not official yet. We may need to do more bonding. Me: I'm unsure if we'll be more than a protective symbiotic relationship... let's take the rest of the day off and spend it at home. We snuck out of the building. We dressed in pajamas and cuddled up with each other. Me: If we were to marry, would you invite anyone? Lee: Probably our coworkers. Our families aren't welcome for some reason. Me: I always wanted to go to Kyoto in Western Japan and pray to the shrine of Hachibei. Walk through the torii gate tunnel. Try shojin-ryori from the local monastery. Watch as the maiko study the art geisha embody. Let's make that our honeymoon. Lee: I'll go, but I don't speak Japanese. Me: I understand the language plus numerous others. Lee: I'll follow you, as long as you can speak the language Me: I want a family of my own. How do you feel about multiples? Lee: Are you serious? (Gives quizzical face) Lee: Well, it beats rushing back and forth for single births. Me: I will take time off to get our kids ready to go to kindergarten. We're going to rely on your check. Lee: I meant it when I said I would provide for our family. |
I saw through the all seeing eye in this dream
I fell asleep in Lee's arms as the rainstorm began. It was pretty heavy and he was thinking "Kym is a sweetheart, but I should be hers. I got to cut ties with my past. Her ring size is 10, so this should be easy to get a ring" so he went to a jewellers' and said to the man in charge "I have to get a ring custom made. I want to impress my girlfriend." The jeweller looked at the design of the ring which an opal heart, surrounded by crystals, each a color of the rainbow one sees after a rainstorm (roygbiv) and it was a gold band and laser-etched inside "Sweet Kimberly" the jeweller said "Give me a week and a couple thousand and I'll make it a reality." He then purchased a band with the Chinese character of Ram, his Chinese Zodiac sign. He came back, the rain was still going, but at a less intense rate. I woke up in my room, but Lee wasn't there (P.S. IRL I thrash in my sleep, so although the gesture of sharing a bed may be romantic, I would IRL have to have my own room and bed to prevent bruising and knocking teeth out of whoever I call sweetheart. There are elements of realities I face grounded into this series of dreams.) Lee said "Tadaima! I'm back!" I got up and went to investigate. He actually made an effort to join me in linguistics as he borrowed numerous Japanese language study books from the library, I kissed him and said "Okaerinasai. Welcome back.". He said "I made my resolve and I want to be with you." Back at PIXAR, Andrew Stanton was looking for me and Lee. He called our phones and he got our voicemails. Evidently something ran the Linux\UNIX erasure code!!! To best describe the erasure code, think of something falling out of your breast pocket, into the toilet, mid flush! I asked on the phone "Andrew, how much did we lose?" He said "70%" and I said "Ask the technical directors with small children who work at home from time to time." Andrew said "That's very specific, but OK." "If they have a copy, get it to studio. Me and Lee will be back soon..." (We went looking for Oren Jacob and the backup) |
I've had a few dreams where I was smoking with the rappers Redman and Krayzie Bone, I guess you could say those were the high points of my dreams.
Quote: Originally posted by haywud
Ugh...worse pun of the day! Well, Lee and me fixed the erasure code issue and we had a surprising suspect. It was someone from the systems department. He was jealous of me because I have been so close to Lee for a short time that it seemed like some illicit favoritism and he was upset over the fact his name was written small in the credits. Well, he was fired and told to clean out his area. Lee eventually went to pick up my ring. He took me to see it on my finger. He asked me in the audience of the jeweller and his staff. "When my wife left me, you came to my aid to comfort me and it's been a year and I feel the same way about you when we talked about why you were late for the train. It was a extremely torrential downpour and I remember the scent coming off you as we walked close was a sweet coconut smell and you helped me to the bathroom to wring out my long hair and my t-shirt. It's been a year and I want to know... Kimberly, will you please be my wife?" I noticed the entire shop had their eyes on me and Lee. I accepted with a nod and everyone in the shop lost their minds. He and I kiss and exit the shop and go to work to tell the news. We went to the arching bridge and announced over the intercom. I allowed Lee to the intercom, I'm plenty loud enough. He announced we're engaged and the entire studio lost their minds. Honestly, thinking about this dream, it's been a while since I got a crowd cheering for my triumph. |
i had this super weird dream about someone.
we had a party (idk what kind of party it was though) my best friend needed to talk to me in person and in private. so i asked what was up. and my best friend told me he's moving to an other planet that's kinda compared to earth. i screamed to him and got in panic and asked why he needs to move out to an other planet when it's empty. ![]() he told me that he needed to give some space so he needed to be alone, but then my sister joined him. i wanted to follow him. and he could fly with any help from a game or something i tried to follow him but i couldn't fly, not even in a game so i cried my eyes out ![]() and then i had this other dream about birthcontrol. i forgot to take birthcontrol in my dream and i was at work. after that everything got messed up. everything fell on the ground just because i forgot to take birthcontrol ![]() ![]() thank god it was all just a dream ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by sailorleontine6
Dreams of this nature usually mean you're internalizing stress and watching my world fall apart was during exams, particularly finals was an indication I needed to calm down. Out of Freud's numerous techniques in psychoanalysis, dream analysis is the sole survivor of basic outlines in analysis (as far as I can tell). That and the use of his Chow Chow Jo-Fi as a preliminary therapy dog is worth mentioning. |
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
that could make sense, i get stressed at some times, especially now because my periods starts in a few days and i'm going on vacation in 2 weeks. i'm on birthcontrol by then thank god. but my aunt is gonna join us, and well i don't mind but she snores very hard in her sleep. i had that one time when i was sleeping at her house. i put my hands to both my ears just because i didn't want to hear my aunt snore so yes i'm kinda stressed out and when i'm stressed out i say negative stuff i'm worried about, so yes that makes sense to me ![]() ![]() ![]() i play sims 2 or watch funny YouTube video's or i'm listen to music ![]() ![]() |
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