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Here are the screenshots for Wolfson's Station. Please feel free to use them to prepare the upload for the lot. Thanks very much for your assistance! SimmyRN
@Victor_tor The screenshots by fascisthater are fine and definitely meet the upload requirements for MTS. However, Victor has a point, when taking overheads that are wide, it is best to orient them so the widest part is horizontal, matching the widest part of the picture itself. I don't think you need to change them for this upload, unless you want to.
As your project is nearing the end, please make a final decision on title, description, and screenshots, and upload them all here so I can |
21 Attachment(s)
@attuned -Here is the the Tasteful Terrarium upload. I hope to make this easy for you to just copy and paste into appropriate sections. It is a community lot zoned as visitors allowed. Lot size 30x20. Furnished price:228823, Unfurnished price: 42388. Tags- NoCC, Petlandia,restaurant,future,community,turtle. I guess use screenshot 6 for thumbnail. ETA-version 1.67
Description The Tasteful Terrarium was built for the Mentoring4Builders Petlandia Village as part of the Petlandia expansion project by Victor_tor and fascisthater of the M4B group. It uses the Pets and Into the Future expansions and contains no custom content. It can be used in Petlandia Village or any other world. Note:This is a package file lot- Place in your library folder The Hogan's Diner rabbithole is located in the basement of this lot. Welcome to the future of Petlandia where pets are both real and robotic. Likewise, restaurants of the future such as the turtle themed Tasteful Terrarium serve food that is both real and replicated. Who knew reconstituted food could be both delicious and nutritious. The Tasteful Terrarium provides diversions for the young and young at heart while excelling at having fast and finicky replicators with turtle slow service. So be sure to reserve your seat today. Community lot-Visitors Allowed Lot size 30x20 Furnished price:228823 Unfurnished price: 42388 Thanks to the Mentoring4Builders group for their input on this project. Thanks to MTS for providing a platform to share creations. |
Thanks fascisthater and Victor_tor- what a fun upload and how perfect for Petlandia!
![]() And fascisthater , thanks for making the upload process as pain free as possible, just one question: do you mean " fast and finicky replicators" (added c to finicky)? (and it is your upload but I love Victor's line about "come in and have your already cold food today (or something like that)). Also, I have custom instructions for installing a library package file instead of a sims3pack, which I will change for your upload. I keep meaning to share this with the group, for those of us who upload with package files- making a mental note to do that soon. ETA: the pictures look great ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by attuned
Yes, I meant finicky with c (do too much copy/ paste and not enough spellcheck) but corrected it(thanks). His suggestion was : "Enjoy this turtle featured restaurant. It has turtle toy, turtle chairs and turtle turtle! Even waitrons here are turtle. Come on try the slowest service ever and have your cooled down snack!" and that is why I suggested for patrons to reserve their seat today. |
@Victor_tor I will add theme hashtags, but I don't see any for theme "the future" going back through 2019 and 2018. There are "adventure and travel" or "space". Also, are you both in agreement that this is ready for upload? - it looks ready to me ![]() |
Here the full table. Theme future was at february of 2016. Hash was #themefuture. I don't wanna add there anything else. It looks finished from my point.
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Sorry guys, started the upload wizard and realized that I do not know if I can upload screenshots from this thread. In the past people have zipped the screenshots together and uploaded them here. Then I can download the zip file and upload the screenshots from my computer. Maybe there is a way to redirect the wizard to this thread, since the pics are obviously already uploaded to MTS, but I could not figure it out. Does anyone know if this is possible?
If not, @fascisthater if you still have the screenshots on your pc, would it be possible to zip them together and upload them here? The alternative is that I download them from your screens that are in this thread and then upload them again, but it degrades the quality quite a bit. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks! |
1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by attuned
@attuned- Here are pictures of Tasteful Terrarium in zip file. I hope this works for you. |
Tasteful Terrarium submitted to the queue!!
I will let you know when I hear anything fascisthater- you can delete the pictures and lots that you have uploaded to the thread as attachments ![]() |
Does I need to delete all my pictures and lots here too? I am trying to play this world now with family I made for cafe playtest and Ambitious Additions installed. It looks great but has not lot enough for Artimal. If I need to place both Terrarium and Artimal, I need to demolish at least o ne of others beautiful lots I abslutely adore. ^_^ It took some time for me to find those one house that has a place for mom, dad, two children and one tod. I found it, it's nice but... eww... it has no yard. I really wish to refurnish The Square Hamster by @Johnny_Bravo now and maybe find some space for Artimal with least lot sacrifice. ^_^
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
I don't know if you would need to delete all pictures. I would remove the files for the lots though since those are not the finished versions and attuned has sent our project to queue for moderation. The art center attuned created was a conversion from the pets building so you could place there if you wished. |
And I'm sitting here, wondering why I get a 2nd @notification.
I haven't really been following up, but wouldn't it be possible for Victor to edit the Square Hamster, and then be uploaded under the M4B group? That way downloaders could choose which home they'd like better. This'd apply for other buildings, too. Petlandia mix & match or something. |
Victor- fascisthater is correct, just delete the old lot attachments. When I said pictures I meant only the zip of the screenshots that fascisthater had uploaded for me to help with the upload process. MTS prefers that you delete the download files in threads once they are no longer needed. I like the progress pictures to remain, since it might help someone in the future.
Hey @Johnny_Bravo we’ve missed you. I think the @ mention system is a bit wonky now as it is being revised. I offered Victor the Square Hamster, but then he and fascisthater decided to build a new lot, a great collab, turtle themed, futuristic restaurant. It will hopefully be available for download soon ![]() |
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Sorry, I didn't think about not being able to use screenshots posted in the thread for uploading. I thought it might work if I posted the pictures under M4BCreators. Here's a zip with the screenshots. I hope it's helpful. Thanks very much for your assistance!
@johnny_Bravo can you say where the name for The Square Hamster is come from? It's not looking like hamster and my imagination is drawing abstract pictures about this name ^_^
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
It was not my idea, attuned came up with it ![]() I think it fits, kind of looks like a hamster laying on on it's belly. |
Congratulations fascisthater and Victor! Thanks for helping to “grow” Petlandia. If there is anything you want to change, now that it’s published, let me know. Perhaps we should change the first in line picture, and add some others if you like?
@SimmyRN I know you are busy, so I was going to find a work around for the pictures. Thanks for uploading them and making it easier. ![]() |
Wolfson Station submitted to the queue
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If you let me to make it, I'd like to refurnish two or three houses to make them work for big families from 6 to 8 sims and then share it under your label. I want to use Generations and pets, and name it Generous Additions (the name close to Ambitious Additions)
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
Or maybe I can't finish it. Oops. I am not sure. Congratulations on Wolfson station being uploaded! I have a question about it. How did you made it Ambitions only compatible? As I know all lots in Petlandia using Pets add-on. How did you wiped all Pets add-on objects from there? |
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
They just made a lot with base game + ambitions expansions. Petlandia requires that you have the pets expansion but the lot itself does not. That way people who do not have the pets expansion but who might have the ambitions expansion can download the lot for use in a world besides Petlandia. |
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
I actually love this idea. The only issue is that not every builder wants their lot redesigned by someone else. If you still want to do this, list the houses you are thinking about using, either here or send me a PM. I will look into permission for you. I do know that Johnny Bravo gave permission for his lots to be redone. ![]() And speaking of Johnny Bravo, I had forgotten that I suggested the name Square Hamster. I think someone said "The Acorn" but Johnny wanted something more pet- like. Johnny Bravo suggested the name for my lot- Artimal, that was uploaded in Ambitious Additions. Collaboration!!
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
Wolfson Hospital and Research Center was built by Norn for Petlandia, using basegame and Pets. When SimmyRN decided to use it for Wolfson Station, SimmyRN replaced any Pets objects with objects from Base game or Ambitions. Then I checked the lot for SimmyRN, by clicking on every object and seeing where it was from. It doesn't take as long as it sounds like it would, since the buildings are empty. |
Quote: Originally posted by attuned
The second issue that I can't redesign houses of every builder. I got a permission of share&redisign from Johnny_Bravo and Cutsocks. Extra permission from you and SimmyRN would be nice as well. All others I see will need an exclusive permission directed to exact house. That's a mess for me.
Quote: Originally posted by attuned
So interesting! Was nice to know that!
Quote: Originally posted by attuned
Oh. Does that method also must have for residential houses refurnishing? Square Hamster has stall for horses and many other objects that need to be replaced that way. If it's necessary. |
You said you wanted to make the lots with Pets and Generations, so you could leave the objects from Pets.
I will get the permissions for you, just tell me which lots you are thinking about using. I know most of them anyway, because I asked a while ago. You can use Johnny Bravo's lots. You can use my lots. Cutsocks didn't build anything for Petlandia. I will check with SimmyRN. Anyone else? |
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