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simmer22 1st Sep 2023 10:30 PM

^ Isn't it a bit more logical to put the chess pieces in front of each player, and not sideways? You don't need the clock for orienting to an unplayed chess board. Place the chairs so one faces the black pieces and the other faces the white pieces, and you're good.

Orientation facing a wall (both white and black chess pieces facing wall) shouldn't matter as long as the fully white/black sides are free.

If you're having trouble with custom chess/game boards, I think the green arrow suggests which orientation you're supposed to place it, and I think (but I'm not entirely sure) the chairs will pull up to it if you place them correctly, like they do for other tables in live mode.

simsample 1st Sep 2023 10:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Yeah, I will never remember that. I can't even grasp how that's supposed to work. Left and right are less intuitive than people think they are.

I dunno if I was very clear, I meant the white square. So if you look at the chessboard, the players always have a white square at the bottom right of the board. If they have a black square there, the board needs to be turned.

StrangeTownChick 1st Sep 2023 10:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
^ Isn't it a bit more logical to put the chess pieces in front of each player, and not sideways? You don't need the clock for orienting to an unplayed chess board. Place the chairs so one faces the black pieces and the other faces the white pieces, and you're good.

Orientation facing a wall (both white and black chess pieces facing wall) shouldn't matter as long as the fully white/black sides are free.

If you're having trouble with custom chess/game boards, I think the green arrow suggests which orientation you're supposed to place it, and I think (but I'm not entirely sure) the chairs will pull up to it if you place them correctly, like they do for other tables in live mode.

The pieces aren't out until the game starts, though.

simmer22 1st Sep 2023 11:05 PM

Kinda forgot about that... Been a while since I had my sims play chess (at least in TS2). But if you're using the maxis ones, the clock should never be "blocking" any of the chairs, so always put it to one of the sides.

FranH 2nd Sep 2023 12:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Remember, white SQUARE always goes at bottom right from the player's perspective.

EDIT: I meant white square! Dammit.

And I call myself a chess player! Thanks for reminding me....

Charity 2nd Sep 2023 9:43 AM

Quote: Originally posted by iforgot

To be honest, I miss the Sims 4's search function. It's one feature that's extremely useful when you're trying to find a specific item amongst many.

Hell, yeah. I want a search function.

Bulbizarre 2nd Sep 2023 11:27 AM

"Where do you think you're going to put it?"

Charity 3rd Sep 2023 11:09 AM

I recognise that lot. They already have playground equipment lol.

Devon Aster 6th Sep 2023 5:32 AM

Me, once more attempting an uberhood, playing the Specter household:
*Has Olive invite Buzz over because it's one of her wants and I'm curious what will happen*

*Accepts and actually shows up*

Olive, before even greeting Buzz:
*Does the sizzling finger and throws hearts over the thought of Buzz*

What!? Excuse me? *looks at relationship panel, sees two bolts* Pardon!?

Things just got stranger in Strangetown!

Charity 6th Sep 2023 11:50 AM

And when Buzz mysteriously disappears they'll just blame it on the aliens.

iforgot 6th Sep 2023 1:17 PM

"Ouch, I felt that!"

(While watching a belly flop into a pool)

Bulbizarre 8th Sep 2023 5:00 AM

"I guess the game wants a break. Or it wants me to take one."

I loaded into a lot. Moments later, everything exploded into flashing pink textures and the game crashed.

Peni Griffin 8th Sep 2023 6:09 AM

"Isn't that dog washed yet?"

There's four toddlers, five adults, two dogs, and a cat in the 1960s Strangetown Curiousi household, all the adults except Nervous have jobs, and it's hard to even get to the tub, let alone wash the dogs in it.

iforgot 8th Sep 2023 8:15 AM

"Why is this object blue? The darn master mesh is installed, it's right there next to you! That other object isn't blue and it requires the same mesh!"

*opens SimPE*

*looks at working object SHPE*

*looks at broken object SHPE*


Working one has:

Broken has:

That'll be why. Fixed and no longer blue in game.

Interesting how it only affected my download though :-/ none of the comments on TSR mentioned this.

simmer22 8th Sep 2023 3:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
Interesting how it only affected my download though :-/ none of the comments on TSR mentioned this.

I've found that people very often comment without actually testing out the item in their game. TSR items in particular. TSR comments often aren't the least bit helpful.

I found a glitchy item (it overrode an EAxis item) in a quite popular TSR set (It's been recolored multiple times, both on TSR and elsewhere) from goodness knows when, but probably 2007-9, and there were no comments about the issue, and also not a fixed file anywhere. I've had that set in my game since forever, and not even I noticed until recently.

iforgot 8th Sep 2023 7:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
I've found that people very often comment without actually testing out the item in their game. TSR items in particular. TSR comments often aren't the least bit helpful.

I found a glitchy item (it overrode an EAxis item) in a quite popular TSR set (It's been recolored multiple times, both on TSR and elsewhere) from goodness knows when, but probably 2007-9, and there were no comments about the issue, and also not a fixed file anywhere. I've had that set in my game since forever, and not even I noticed until recently.

To be fair, I've had items like this. One 3t2 fountain looked fine in the catalogue, it looked fine when you placed it on the lot in build mode, no problem I thought.

But as soon as you unpause the game? That's when the error was thrown and reset didn't work, the only option was to click "delete" to remove the item from the lot.

Bulbizarre 8th Sep 2023 7:58 PM

I once had a glitchy item that overrode a Maxis item sneak in through a custom lot. It caused a lot of confusion as I had the furniture set seperately including the fixed version.

Bulbizarre 10th Sep 2023 5:13 AM

"Well that didn't help."

(I was trying to fix the hair and glasses clipping.)

Bulbizarre 11th Sep 2023 2:52 AM

"I guess I don't have to worry about those Risky WooHoo and YA pregnancy mods."

All the female Sims in one dorm rolled as gay.

"Jeez, I'd think you'd want to get to know each other first."

After unpausing the game for 2 seconds (to let the tuition tokens initialize) I had to clear multiple 'First Kiss [ACR]' from action queues. The romance aspiration Sim had two.

Bulbizarre 11th Sep 2023 6:21 AM

"I feel loved."

I moved my self-Sim into a dorm with 7 premades. Four of them rolled wants to be friends with me.

sturlington 12th Sep 2023 1:33 AM

"No, you guys, no, not now."

Johnny and Ophelia have two toddlers they have not taught any skills to. They just gave one smart milk. And then they're off to autonomously woohoo. Fortunately, I didn't hear any baby chimes this time.

Bulbizarre 12th Sep 2023 5:48 AM

"Okay, that's kind of adorable. I'm locking it."

An elder knowledge Sim rolled a want to have his first kiss.

Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
"No, you guys, no, not now."

Johnny and Ophelia have two toddlers they have not taught any skills to. They just gave one smart milk. And then they're off to autonomously woohoo. Fortunately, I didn't hear any baby chimes this time.

From my experience: The smaller the lot, the more likely it is Sims are going to TFB. Damn you pixels.

Peni Griffin 12th Sep 2023 6:04 AM


I would find the chaos in the 60s Strangetown Curious household (4 adults, 4 toddlers, 2 dogs, 1 cat) much more charming and much less stressful if Tycho didn't choose to play with the dog food in preference to anything else when he's not even hungry.

Bulbizarre 12th Sep 2023 6:43 AM

"You can... just step over it."

Charity 12th Sep 2023 10:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin

I would find the chaos in the 60s Strangetown Curious household (4 adults, 4 toddlers, 2 dogs, 1 cat) much more charming and much less stressful if Tycho didn't choose to play with the dog food in preference to anything else when he's not even hungry.

There is always a point in toddler/pet households where I give up the fight to keep them out of the dog/cat food. XD It feeds them and keeps them out of my hair. I am a bad sim parent.

pianogrinder 12th Sep 2023 10:47 AM

I laugh when I visit my parents because they have a puppy that eats the dog food first then eats the cat food.

Bulbizarre 12th Sep 2023 11:41 AM

"Well that's not creepy at all."

(Don't worry - I just generated too many bedding thumbnails again.)

Peni Griffin 12th Sep 2023 4:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
There is always a point in toddler/pet households where I give up the fight to keep them out of the dog/cat food. XD It feeds them and keeps them out of my hair. I am a bad sim parent.

Normally I ignore it too but a) Tycho does this even if he's been fed, b) he's having to be bathed once or twice every single day and there's only one bathtub, and c) you know this makes Vidcund, Pascal, and Crystal have conniptions. Nervous and Lazlo couldn't care less, of course. Also, it means I have to constantly check the pet food bowls so the animals don't go hungry.

To start with I was only forcing any of them to stop when Vidcund, Pascal, or Crystal could see them, but lately if I see him headed in that direction, or see any of the other toddlers in the dog food (Rosalind, Franklin, and Marie at least only do it when they're hungry) I cancel the bowl and send him elsewhere.

Bulbizarre 13th Sep 2023 1:25 PM

"Oh dear god."

sturlington 14th Sep 2023 4:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
"What's your name, man?" "Aleksandr Hamilton!"

The game created this ragamuffin townie with the name Aleksandr Hamilton. Cassandra Goth befriended him, and since of course he is an orphan, she took pity on him and adopted him in her elderhood. She always wanted more children. He's keeping his name, though. One day, maybe he'll enter politics, get killed in a duel, and have an insanely popular musical made about him. Is that a LTW?

Zoltan3 14th Sep 2023 10:49 PM

what the hell?

She's thinking about Rover while she's burying the dog, while the kid is just standing there?


That's some maladjusted family!

sturlington 14th Sep 2023 11:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Zoltan3
what the hell?

She's thinking about Rover while she's burying the dog, while the kid is just standing there?


That's some maladjusted family!

Pics without context - caption this! She's actually just filling in a hole the stray dog dug, and is mad at the dog for digging it.

Bulbizarre 15th Sep 2023 2:17 PM

"Once again, Gilbert is going to be up to his eyeballs in child support bills."

I was re-rolling wants for the Jacquets. Gilbert (Romance/Pleasure) wants 50 dream dates. Denise (Fortune/Family) wants 6 grandchildren.

AndrewGloria 19th Sep 2023 11:45 AM

"I'm coming to see you in a minute."

To Andrew as I flew over his house as I opened Veronaville.

Smefanye 20th Sep 2023 4:36 AM

"Oh my god, Jason, you're DISGUSTING!"
Me, realizing that if PlantSims aged like normal Sims, Rose Greenman would be a CHILD when Riverblossom Hills is first loaded.... eugghhh...
This is why I cured Daisy of being a PlantSim, so she wouldn't have to deal with this problem.

pianogrinder 20th Sep 2023 7:38 AM

Yes the fountain is pretty. Now stop looking at it and talking to it and go greet your friends.

Bulbizarre 20th Sep 2023 7:49 AM

Quote: Originally posted by pianogrinder
Yes the fountain is pretty. Now stop looking at it and talking to it and go greet your friends.

Hey, at least they aren't soaping it. (Yet.)

"Yeah, maybe he'll figure it out....someday..."

Bulbizarre 20th Sep 2023 11:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
"What's your name, man?" "Aleksandr Hamilton!"

The game created this ragamuffin townie with the name Aleksandr Hamilton. Cassandra Goth befriended him, and since of course he is an orphan, she took pity on him and adopted him in her elderhood. She always wanted more children. He's keeping his name, though. One day, maybe he'll enter politics, get killed in a duel, and have an insanely popular musical made about him. Is that a LTW?

Chester Gieke adopted the same townie when I was trying out Squinge's adoption hack in my testing hood. His name is Oliver there.

They both have red hair and bowl cuts - a perfect match!

Bulbizarre 21st Sep 2023 5:15 AM

"I... forgot coffeecuphack, didn't I."

A heavily pregnant Sim climbed a flight of stairs to break into another Sim's bedroom and put a coffeecup on their end-table. Then immediately picked it up, carried it back down the stairs to the dishwasher.

I'm not sure if heavily pregnant Sims should be drinking espresso to begin with...

Bulbizarre 22nd Sep 2023 10:46 AM

"I know you like cats, but this is a bit ridiculous."

Bulbizarre 25th Sep 2023 9:28 AM

"Well that's a stupid place for a pizza."

topp 26th Sep 2023 2:04 PM

Roof raiser - more like roof reacher. Those bookcases are tall!

Bulbizarre 26th Sep 2023 2:07 PM

Somebody was trying to hide the pizza, I think. A bit shelfish of them.

AndrewGloria 27th Sep 2023 2:37 AM

"You're in business!"

Me to Miriam Hunter when she got her bronze cosmetology badge. I always maintain that there are no rules in my game, but there is a convention that you don't start a business as a hairdresser or beautician until you have at least a bronze cosmetology badge. It seems ages since she borrowed the money from Julian Moltke-Jones to buy her makeover chair. It is ages! It was before he got married -- he was still just plain Julian Moltke. He and Andrew weren't even engaged.

Up till now Miriam has been giving free haircuts while she learns her trade. Now she can start charging. It's not before time -- she's barely got a thousand Simoleons to her name. Her only other source of income is from her lodger, but he's now become her lover too. (Sometimes its better to keep business and pleasure separate.) Now she can start working as a home business from her house in Toboggan Way, Bluewater. She hopes to buy premises in one of the main shopping streets later. It was a new hairstyle for Hermia Capp that won her her badge. Still quite short at the front, but now with a pony tail at the back. Earlier in the morning she'd done a new hairstyle for Stefan Oakley, a townie from Bluewater. We'll try to post pictures in the picture section. Miriam hopes the publicity will bring in some business.

[EDIT] Pictures are now available here.

Bulbizarre 29th Sep 2023 7:52 AM

"I... don't remember installing this."

"Dahlia, that's not a hat."

"I didn't realize my Sim was that horrifying." (Thank Pescado for batbox's 'fix stupid expressions')

"Embarrassing dad of the year."


AndrewGloria 29th Sep 2023 10:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
"I... don't remember installing this."

Do you know where you got that default replacement outfit for male maids?

Bulbizarre 29th Sep 2023 10:44 AM

It was made by Rosebine, but I can't find it in their downloads page. Maybe it was uploaded off-site or something. I can PM you a link if you have no luck finding it.

CaliBrat 29th Sep 2023 12:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Do you know where you got that default replacement outfit for male maids?

Check these out
Rosebin's MTS on SFS
More Rosebin stuff

Edit to clarify ... if you want Rosie's stuff look in her SFS files ... GOS and MTS links were for more for info ... though GOS links might work.. I didn't check

Bulbizarre 29th Sep 2023 6:37 PM

The third one - look for Maid4Men.

Smefanye 30th Sep 2023 1:06 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Armand's firstborn son Claude aged into a toddler... and YIKES, Armand's face does NOT look good on a toddler! I can see why Jessica Peterson was so against having children with him. While I exported him to bodyshop to see if he would grow into his face, and luckily he does, he's still easily one of the most unfortunate looking of my Sim children. The worst though, is definitely Madeline Cleveland, who's somehow even worse looking, and she doesn't even age quite as well. I'm seriously considering changing her face, what do you think?

CaliBrat 30th Sep 2023 1:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Smefanye
Armand's firstborn son Claude aged into a toddler... and YIKES, Armand's face does NOT look good on a toddler! I can see why Jessica Peterson was so against having children with him. While I exported him to bodyshop to see if he would grow into his face, and luckily he does, he's still easily one of the most unfortunate looking of my Sim children. The worst though, is definitely Madeline Cleveland, who's somehow even worse looking, and she doesn't even age quite as well. I'm seriously considering changing her face, what do you think?

She's not TO bad .. granted she's not the prettiest ... a tad 'homely' ... but I think I'd keep her ..diversity is good ... uhh... unless you get kids that look like Dora Ottomas ...*shudders* .. they need some serious corrective plastic surgery

Peni Griffin 30th Sep 2023 6:06 AM

Oh, she looks fine. And so does Dora.You'll get used to it so fast you won't even notice it happening.

Bulbizarre 30th Sep 2023 8:17 AM

When they get older, try glasses.

Justpetro 30th Sep 2023 8:40 AM

What Peni says

simsfreq 30th Sep 2023 5:01 PM

Yes to glasses, but also some eye/blush make up can help and thinner eyebrows might work too.

AndrewGloria 30th Sep 2023 7:09 PM

IMHO both toddlers are beautiful. In fact all toddlers are beautiful -- they're made with cute faces so we will love them and look after them until they're old enough to look after themselves. Though I do hope Claude eventually grows at least a little hair. I've never been into the skinhead look.

Madeline, you are beautiful! Don't let anyone tell you you're ugly! Remember that you're beautiful, and stop worrying about your appearance. You're far too young to even be thinking about plastic surgery. If, when you're older (and I mean a lot older), you're still concerned about how you look, and really feel that your appearance is holding you back in life, maybe then you might think about cosmetic surgery. But by "older" I mean not before your late teens / early adulthood. But personally I don't think you'll ever have anything to worry about. We really can't all have "model" looks. In appearance, as in other aspects of life, I think it's better to make the most of what you've got.

Justpetro 30th Sep 2023 7:42 PM

And what Andrew says too

Smefanye 1st Oct 2023 2:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
IMHO both toddlers are beautiful. In fact all toddlers are beautiful -- they're made with cute faces so we will love them and look after them until they're old enough to look after themselves. Though I do hope Claude eventually grows at least a little hair. I've never been into the skinhead look.

Madeline, you are beautiful! Don't let anyone tell you you're ugly! Remember that you're beautiful, and stop worrying about your appearance. You're far too young to even be thinking about plastic surgery. If, when you're older (and I mean a lot older), you're still concerned about how you look, and really feel that your appearance is holding you back in life, maybe then you might think about cosmetic surgery. But by "older" I mean not before your late teens / early adulthood. But personally I don't think you'll ever have anything to worry about. We really can't all have "model" looks. In appearance, as in other aspects of life, I think it's better to make the most of what you've got.

You know what, I agree! Her face is unique, but the more I look at her adult face, she really grows into it- it looks rather striking! Besides, she already has enough on her plate- her father ran off with another man, barely acknowledges her, and is about to "replace" her with an adopted kid with his new husband. Meanwhile her mother is emotionally spiraling after her divorce and is working as a con artist, and her older brother is being cheated on himself... yeah, my neighborhood is a rather cruel soap opera. She doesn't need to be called ugly on top of all this.

Bulbizarre 1st Oct 2023 5:11 AM

"Daniel, I don't think it's such a good idea to jump into your extremely pregnant wife's arms."

This was autonomous (using the standard interactions, not ACR). It also wasn't on the pie menu to do it manually.

Justpetro 1st Oct 2023 8:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
"Daniel, I don't think it's such a good idea to jump into your extremely pregnant wife's arms."

This was autonomous (using the standard interactions, not ACR). It also wasn't on the pie menu to do it manually.

Sims are quite spontaneous withh free will on in the vanilla game. I will always remember Trent Traveller, coming back from work in the early morning, running into the kitchen where his wife was, and held hands with her, all on his own

Bulbizarre 1st Oct 2023 2:48 PM

"... good to see that's working, then."

I installed Midge's RCC risky woohoo. I heard chimes after two of my teen Sims had their first woohoo together.

EDIT: It's twins.

Bulbizarre 4th Oct 2023 10:53 PM

"I... don't know what I was expecting."

A visiting Sim was stuck in the hot tub. I drained his energy to 0 to try to get him to leave. he got out of the hot tub and passed out.

Peni Griffin 6th Oct 2023 7:13 AM

(Paging through CAS screens) "Okay, so what I want is something that simultaneously says 'king' and 'boytoy.'"

sturlington 6th Oct 2023 4:02 PM

"Miranda, not again!?!" I have been letting Miranda and her prettyboy-airhead husband try for baby whenever they want. She just gave birth to their second, which was also a surprise, and then popped later that same night! I swear I didn't hear the chimes this time either. I guess she is fulfilling her function as the main Capp heir, but I find it hard to believe she wants this many children. Should make Albany happy though.

Bulbizarre 7th Oct 2023 3:40 AM

"Another baby girl? Really, game?"

It's supposed to be 50/50. But every infant born in my hood so far has been a girl. I was hoping this time would be the one that broke the streak.

ElaineNualla 7th Oct 2023 4:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
"Another baby girl? Really, game?"

It's supposed to be 50/50. But every infant born in my hood so far has been a girl. I was hoping this time would be the one that broke the streak.

depends how long the set is. My gradpa-uncle gave up after 7th daughter.

Keep trying. Keep trying.

StrangeTownChick 7th Oct 2023 2:21 PM

I'd be pleased to be getting so many girls. Seems no matter what hood I play or how long it's been, I nearly always get boys. And there are very few boys' names that I actually like.

Bulbizarre 7th Oct 2023 7:04 PM

"Uh, yeah. That works, I guess."

I was having one Sim use Macrotastics to Skillinate Body. ACR queuestomped that so that she could woohoo with her wife.

Bulbizarre 8th Oct 2023 8:10 PM

"Unless you're planning to steal the chickens, I don't think you're interested."

I'm not sure what combination of hacks it is, but the burglar appeared as a walkby at least three times. This is for my dirt-poor lesbian couple who sunk most of their money into a run-down farm.

"Whoa! A bit young for the birds-and-bees talk. At least wait until the kid is born!"

Kligma 10th Oct 2023 4:13 AM

"Ok, clownface, do you wanna come over?" - Benedick Monty (who had just gotten a failed makeover from aunt Bianca) telling his dad that "you should try calling when Bianca isn't at work".

Peni Griffin 10th Oct 2023 6:49 AM

"NO you are not taking a bubble bath when you're already overheating!"

AndrewGloria 11th Oct 2023 2:35 AM

"I didn't think you had it in you." Julian's shy, unassuming younger sister Brigitte Moltke, who has shown no interest at all in romance since she became a teen, has just thrown a water balloon at rookie politician Carl Marks.

Bulbizarre 11th Oct 2023 5:54 PM

"Should you be announcing this to everyone who asks?"

AndrewGloria 11th Oct 2023 9:06 PM

"I'm very sorry. I forgot to put a dining table and a chair in your house before you moved in. Yes, you're right of course; it is very remiss of me. But it has to be said, I usually eat my own breakfast standing up!"

Bulbizarre 12th Oct 2023 3:54 AM

"How the hell did THIS get townified?"

CatMuto 12th Oct 2023 1:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
"Uh, yeah. That works, I guess."

I was having one Sim use Macrotastics to Skillinate Body. ACR queuestomped that so that she could woohoo with her wife.

I frequently say "Alright, ACR's taking the reins." when it activates in my BACC.
Go eat? Nah, ACR says it's woohoo time.

topp 13th Oct 2023 5:58 PM

Reminds me of a post I read some time ago.

Apparently there was a study on rats' brains, where they'd choose mating over eating. And they always choose mating - even if they'd been starving for days.

Bulbizarre 13th Oct 2023 7:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by topp
Reminds me of a post I read some time ago.

Apparently there was a study on rats' brains, where they'd choose mating over eating. And they always choose mating - even if they'd been starving for days.

There's also this.

Limited resources result in competition among social animals. Nevertheless, social animals also have innate preferences for cooperative behavior. In the present study, 12 dyads of food-deprived rats were tested in four successive trials, and then re-tested as eight triads of food-deprived rats that were unfamiliar to each other. We found that the food-deprived dyads or triads of rats did not compete for the food available to them at regular spatially-marked locations that they had previously learnt. Rather, these rats traveled together to collect the baits.... Rather than competing for the limited available food, the food-deprived rats socialized and coexisted peacefully.

Zoltan3 13th Oct 2023 10:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by topp
Reminds me of a post I read some time ago.

Apparently there was a study on rats' brains, where they'd choose mating over eating.
And they always choose mating - even if they'd been starving for days.

Sounds like college days

Fyren5 20th Oct 2023 12:45 AM

"Wait... Is there a witch on my lot? Why is it lagging s- Ohhhhh, you're home! *Insert sarcasm here* And you've brought not one bus with you, but a million of them! And all of the drivers too! How wonderful!"

My Sim came home from the Education career & this scenario played out. It's actually pretty funny, but also unplayable because the game freezes up forever. Moving on.....

Bulbizarre 21st Oct 2023 12:44 AM


I forgot to install the sleep-with-noise hack (apartment lot, so the floor dividers trick doesn't work). I have a single mother and her kid (who sleeps on a fold-out cot in the living room). She keeps waking him up by turning on the TV.

Smefanye 2nd Nov 2023 2:16 AM

"I know I retrieved their corpses, but that doesn't mean you get to zombify your grandma and spinster aunt!"

I resummoned Frida Goth and Prudence Crumplebottom so I could re-add them to the Goth graveyard- and Mortimer, being the knowledge sim he is, proceeded to roll some predictable wants. Like, I get you're a retired mad scientist, but I feel like you should have some more compassion for your relatives...

Bigsimsfan12 2nd Nov 2023 8:03 PM

"Babies were stressing me out so I put them in the roof"

For context, I'm doing a test of time challenge and a sim had quads. They only had enough money for 1 crib and the other babies would scream on the floor and disturb everyone else's sleep.

Charity 3rd Nov 2023 8:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
"Babies were stressing me out so I put them in the roof"

For context, I'm doing a test of time challenge and a sim had quads. They only had enough money for 1 crib and the other babies would scream on the floor and disturb everyone else's sleep.

OMG. Please download this before I have to call the social worker rofl.

Smefanye 3rd Nov 2023 5:37 PM

"Jeez Lola, how badly did you miss?"

Lola Loner just got pregnant, and is having the obligatory morning sickness. And while I understand that you should probably clean the toilet after puking into it, I do find it a bit disturbing they way dirty toilets get dirty ALL OVER, and not just inside the bowl- what the hell are Sims doing to get the rest of it dirty?!

simsample 3rd Nov 2023 5:45 PM

If you have the toilet with the high level cistern, even that gets dirty!

Zoltan3 4th Nov 2023 2:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Smefanye
I do find it a bit disturbing they way dirty toilets get dirty ALL OVER,
and not just inside the bowl
- what the hell are Sims doing to get the rest of it dirty?!

The answer in two words....

Taco Bell

kanzen 4th Nov 2023 3:45 AM

"Oh my my my my my ain't this JUICY"

when I loaded a fresh Pleasantview and Darren walked up to Cassandra to hold hands on her wedding day to Don

Bulbizarre 4th Nov 2023 5:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by kanzen
"Oh my my my my my ain't this JUICY"

when I loaded a fresh Pleasantview and Darren walked up to Cassandra to hold hands on her wedding day to Don


kanzen 4th Nov 2023 1:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre

the best part was, there was no BOING

Peni Griffin 5th Nov 2023 12:11 AM

"Oh, hey, they found you already!"

Chaz Whippler blew up about half of his love affairs at this graduation party. About five hours after he moved into an apartment I noticed that the trash can was on its side.

Bulbizarre 5th Nov 2023 12:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
"Oh, hey, they found you already!"

Chaz Whippler blew up about half of his love affairs at this graduation party. About five hours after he moved into an apartment I noticed that the trash can was on its side.

Time to just leave it on its side and install a compost bin.

chamelea 5th Nov 2023 2:51 AM

“Oh, you poor child…”

- said after loading the Cleveland family for the first time and seeing the genetics young Justin will inevitably pass down. :’)

AndrewGloria 5th Nov 2023 3:44 PM

"Do you think that will induce the birth?"

Fay Briggs, who is heavily pregnant, and must be due any minute now, has just started to dance to the stereo.

I, and the friends and relations gathered in her house, are beginning to get anxious.

Kligma 6th Nov 2023 1:27 AM


- to Amin Sims strolling right into the Goth house and making himself comfortable on their toilet.

Smefanye 15th Nov 2023 5:45 PM

"You pathetic MANCHILD!"

Gabriel Green had long since caught his ex-wife, Chastity, cheating on him and divorced her. He was now raising their son, and I was setting him up with fellow divorcee and single parent Bianca Monty, when I loaded his house to find he had a want to invite over his ex and give her a backrub... you two had NEGATIVE CHEMISTRY. Stop pining over her, you pathetic little shit! This is Vidcund tier idiocy!

FranH 15th Nov 2023 7:34 PM

"Oh NO, Amber! You've totally ruined it now!" on watching Amber Moseley bring home her lover, Edwin Tyler from work, and then indulging in some heavy flirtation with him in front of her (until now) clueless husband, Jordan-who thereupon took GREAT exception to his wife flirting with not only another man, but one who is literally his co-worker in the same career.

Orilon 15th Nov 2023 8:05 PM

"F off we're busy" said while a mom by herself is dealing with three toddlers while her husband is at work and two playables from a different house are continuously ringing the doorbell

"Don't drink that" said to a toddler that goes for a spoiled bottle while her parents are ACR woohooing on the couch

"Damit leave the toddler alone" said to a child townie that one of my playble kids dragged home from school. I had directed the mom to teach the toddler how to talk, and the townie kid made a bee line for that exact same toddler to play with her. I then hunted down TwoJeff's school bus mod to stop kids from bringing friends from home.

Peni Griffin 15th Nov 2023 8:21 PM

But visitors are great with multiple toddlers! Influence them to play with one toddler and by the end of the day they'll have a friend. Influence them to clean and repair and you won't have to worry about those things. Toddlers can ask visitors for food! They can be such a big help!

Smefanye 15th Nov 2023 11:30 PM

"Excuse me?! No no no, we do not NURTURE children in this family!"

The game bugged me for letting Medea Beaker's social get too low- usually I make my Sims be attentive parents, but the Beakers are... the Beakers, so such neglect is simply par for the course.

"I get it, you're stinky and lonely, now sit still so I can FIX THAT!"

I tried to have Loki bathe his daughter, but the action kept dropping out of the queue so she could keep bitching about it... Ugh.

"Now huggle until social services gets off my back."

Got the same message for Andromeda- I had her wake up her brother so they could interact to get her social up.

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