![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Emma2015
You can do shots like that with OMSP's. |
I thought that even with OMSPs, if you move one sim too close to another, the one you're moving snaps into the other one's hand. Annoying.
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
That cat lol. She was playing in the living room of the house I'm testing things with (She has a rubber mouse and she was pouncing on it and being cute) and I moved my cam view to where my adult SIM was trying to potty train my toddler SIM (She's close!) And all of the sudden Cat : meow..-stops playing- me: uhhh... Cat: meow meow meow meow meow meow! Me: hey.... What is the meaning of meow? Cat: -continues frantically meowing me: it's a meow glitch lol cat : -has kittens- me: kittens! Meow means kittens! But.. kittens are cute? Wouldn't cute kittens be purr? Shouldn't you be purring? Cat: -stares at kittens then starts grooming them- cat: purrrr.... kittens: mew? Me : I dunno. Ask your mom when she's done washing you... And the song was in Korean. It was a song about the three bears. I've been watching girl's generation's hello baby again lol And here's a new one from now. Me: -wakes Sims up - me: morning guys time to get up! -makes mother SIM start breakfast- me: Stacey time to wake. School day. -wakes child SIM- me: hurry I woke you up late the bus is on the way! Me: -rushes everyone through breakfast- me: hurry up the bus the bus! Bus :-doesn't come- me: damn it now you have to walk me: huh there's no walk to school option or drive kid to school option... wtf glitch! Me: -notices it's summer and Sunday in game- me: aw shit Stacey: -looks at camera and complains in simish- me: sorry stace! Stacey: -goes back to bed- |
"I'm going to start cooking pizza now because the next house on my rotation is triplet toddlers and I need comfort food to get me through it"
Edit: the process of getting multiples when you only planned one baby: 'Oh god she's giving birth! Two babies?! Why is it loading so slow... Oh God... Don't tell me... Oh God you're having quads!? You're not keeping them! Aww they're all boys, I always have 2 of each with quads. Maybe I should keep them. No. Stop doing this. No! I'm quitting without saving! You are NOT having quads!!' |
Last night:
"What are you doing?? She (toddler) doesn't need a bath!" A couple of seconds of undressing and dressing the baby later "See, told you! You idiot. Now feed her!" "What are you doing? She just went to sleep. Why the **** do you want to hold her?" (same clueless mother, same toddler). |
Defaults rock!
The burglar is in black, the mail carrier and the paper girl wear pants. |
Quote: Originally posted by pizza
I shall sneak into your houses and play for both of you! ![]() For close to a week I've been organizing my downloads instead of playing, a few files here and a few there (ie. in between playing with my RL toddler ![]() On the other hand, I've developed a bit of a crush for Michelle . Nothing like stumbling upon a chunk of packages named "item-colour-ByMichelle" to make me cheer for joy. Well, not much in the past few days, anyway. (I'm aware that there are many other wonderful creators that follow similar naming schemes, but I have a LOT of files from Michelle so she's the one that stands out) |
Quote: Originally posted by Essa
I kind of presume they're wearing pants anyway under those shorts lol. |
Excuse me for not being a native english speaker. :-D.
In my mind, pants stand for trousers of course! :-) |
Well, Dagmar is a Romance sim, so she might just go commando...
Quote: Originally posted by Essa
There's absolutely nothing wrong with your English! You just learned a much more common dialect. 318 million people would refer to the things you wear on the outside, most visible to the naked eye, as "pants." The things you wear inside, next to the skin, are "underpants," "underwear," "undies," or several more specific words that refer to specific styles of garment. "Trousers" is understandable in that dialect, but is highly old fashioned and generally used for garments of a more formal cut Only 140 million people would refer to the inner layer of clothing as "pants." It's good to be aware of dialectical differences, but you are in no way wrong for using the word you used, and there is no need to apologize. Your English is very good. ![]() Something I've been saying a lot lately while playing is "Why can't I find that in the catalog? I KNOW I downloaded it, so where the **** IS it?! [additional curses] ...Oh, right, I didn't install it yet. Whoops." |
Yeah, nothing wrong with your English. I was making fun of British vs American word choices. XD
@Saturnian: I guess Dagmar is the base game mail carrier. Mine is "custom". ;-)
@Esme: thanks for the explanation. I wouldn't say my English is very good though. I'm struggling with conjugation. ![]() @Charity: well I live in Europe. ![]() |
I'd just say britches lol. Like a Tennessean.
What I said ingame today was "Stop falling ill dammit" when a sim of mine got healthy, fell ill, got back healthy, fell back ill and so on and on. Just because one other member was sick in his family he couldn't recover haha. |
I typed into dictionary our word for "pants" and I got 35 different words in English and the last 36th was an idiom "wear the pants".
Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna
English is a very confusing language. Just now I saw someone say "can we get an Organ" and my first thought was creepy....then I realized they meant the musical instrument. ![]() And @Essa as they said your English is just fine ![]() |
Thanks Wickedjr89. I think English is quite easy compared to French or German. I don't know about other languages.
I don't say much while playing, but I seem to catch myself saying, "No, c'mon dude. No. No. No! No!! NO!!!" lol
Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna
http://www.ebaumsworld.com/jokes/read/80601326/ |
Why did you refuse her first kiss THREE TIMES if you were just going to flirt with her after getting your girlfriend pregnant?!
I need more variety regarding dogs.
"Oh for pity's sake, stop yakking and eat."
"Oh no!" Face palm, as twins are born to a family with three dogs (and I just remember two of them mated last rotation). Sure enough, three puppies are born a short while later. Grimace. As if three dogs weren't enough to handle. "Why? Why did I do that?"
"And...now you're all dead. Great...that's just great." *sigh*
This was mumbled after three Sims in a house became ill, and the only person who could make comfort soup died while preparing it. The other two died within hours...even though they were in bed. They literally got out of bed just to die. I was not amused. ![]() |
"SHUT THE F*** UP!" or "stop whining, you piece of sh** !" when I'm trying to save them from starvation/passing out and they keep waving at me, like wtf, just do what I told you to do and your problem will be solved! XD
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