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Emma2015 14th Sep 2015 10:54 PM

Me : hey....... Me: where are you going now your energy is low....let me put you in your crib..... Toddler : -crawls to bed kid bed and babbles- Me: seriously? you want to try it? Toddler: -sits there and babytalks as only a toddler sim can- Me : well.....ok...but here let me boost you a bit so you can have a bath and your bottle and a fresh diaper....

here's hoping she'll take to it this time....

Viktor86 15th Sep 2015 6:03 PM

''Apparently it's national breaking things day.'' My kids managed to break both baths, a shower and a computer within 24 hours. There goes my day off.... As it was a sunday.

Charmful 15th Sep 2015 7:47 PM

"Sorry bro, they woo-hooed in your bed."

I was playing a frat and this poor freshman bro was looking at his door while behind it, his fraternity brother and the guy's girlfriend were just getting out of a woo hoo sequence initiated by ACR.

Emma2015 16th Sep 2015 1:15 AM

SHE DID IT!!!!!!!!

Her energy level was raised back to green but by the time she was fed given her bottle given her bath changed put in pj's and brought to the nursery it was yellow and inching away. so I paused and went into build mode and looked around to see if I could spot any problems...

Her pile of toys was placed wrong! so I moved them resumed the game and put her to bed

for a minute she sat there surprised and said something in simish then she began to "Nod" (where it looks like they're gong to fall over) and two seconds later her head hit the pillow and she was Zzzzzing.

the whole family were there to see this happen AT LAST (Mom dad big sis dog and cats)

then I sent everyone out of the room but the dog remaine to curl up on a pet bed (I quickly placed by going back into build mode) and sleep as if keeping watch on her first night in her new bed.

What did I say? "She likes it! HEY MIKEY!" to which my roomate IRL replied "I thought her name was Emma..." wiseass she's old enough to remember the life cereal ad.

to my sims I said "Sorry.....didn't know she was being that way because I goofed........"

ETA : Big sis not lil sis.....

DezzyDoesThings 16th Sep 2015 2:00 AM

You piece of crap!

OMG I hate you so much!

Get the &%$# over there!

You've got to be kidding me!


(My Simmes misbehave a lot)

Emma2015 16th Sep 2015 3:03 AM

"'re almost Potty trained! Just a little more....." Toddler : *finishes going and gets up before skill was fully learned* Me : So close....*lowers bladder* Toddler : Huh? -has accident because I forgot to have her mommy clean the potty and empty it- WAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! Me : uh oh.....sorry baby bad.... Adult Sim : -cleans potty and changes poor wet toddler- Me : SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!!!!! Toddler : -still grumpy about it one sim hour later- Me : Poor baby........ -goes into build mode and buys toddler new dollhouse and CC teddy bear that looks like Winnie the Pooh- Toddler : -plays with Pooh and is amused- Me : Finally....

then I had the animals come over and give her love. Poor baby girl.....

needless to say we now have TWO potties in the nursery.

Viktor86 17th Sep 2015 4:46 AM

''Leave my fucking Sims alone!'' Even when I ban them from my lot, these teachers still call my Sims. Like 95% of the calls are from professors.

Emma2015 18th Sep 2015 4:50 AM

Toddler Sim : ( Emma) -babbles crossly to sim cat- Sim Cat : (P.C.) Meow? Emma : -continues to babble away- Sim Cat : Meowwww! Emma : -babbles and then suddenly toddler hugs cat- Sim Cat : Meow?! Sim Cat :Purrrr......... Me : Awwww...... what you two talking about? Emma : -crawls away- Sim Cat : -curls up and purrs- Me : Fine be that way lol.

I think she was talking about me -.- lol

Essa 18th Sep 2015 6:14 PM

"Good boy!".
Lee-Roy Morneau-Diop works as a server in an owned restaurant. He's the first sim in the hood history to autonomously clear the tables when customers are done eating.

Emma2015 19th Sep 2015 3:34 AM

Today we learned our walking and talking skills and finished potty training.. we are now curled up on a napping mat (CC) snoozing away with our kitty on one side of us curled up and our German Shepard curled up on the other side a few feet away watching over us. (it's storming so I had my adult sim let her inside to be nice... she's trained so it's cool she won't chew or jump up or mess or chase the cat or anything...)

But before we crashed into slumber with our best pet friends there was this little exchange. Emma is my toddler sim Stacey and Tracy are her twin big sisters and Karone is my adult female sim (Yes named after THAT Karone. curse netflix for having lost galaxy still *hehe*)

Karone : -trying to teach emma to talk- Emma : -stubbornly babbles back and shows more interest in her pooh bear- P.C. : -looks up from playing with her cat toys- Meow.....Meow.....Meow..... Emma : -babbles back- Karone : -keeps trying- (I assume trying to get her to say mama but for this joke to work I have to assume it was kitty because it just fits- P.C.: -wonders over and rubs against both humans- Meow.... Emma : -finally says her first word- P.C.; MEOW!!!!!!!!!!!! P.C.; Purrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (either she's just being a cat or EMma's first word WAS kitty in sim talk because boy was that cat amused! and I noticed their relationship score went up! Now when I hover over it when selecting P.C. it says Purr! )

if that's not enough to make you wonder just how 'human' our sims can be here's what happened later.

Karone : -trying to teach Emma to walk- Emma : -manages a few steps but resumes crawling- Stacey & Tracy : -return from school- Emma : -chatters happily seeing her big sisters- Twins : -sit down and both take turns trying to teach Emma to walk while Mom goes and makes a snack- Emma : -finally walks for Stacey while Tracey acts like she couldn't care less but still gives her twin sis the cold shoulder for an hour-

Somebody loves Somebody!

And today Emma finally learned potty training just in time for Daddy to come home and witness it! He of course was thrilled and picked her up and tossed her in the air (Yay play with toddler choice!) While Mommy and big sisters cheered and the Cat meowed and the Dog barked and the thunder roared.

Now that there is a storm raging on and EMma is napping on her resting mat (getting her used to it for preschool! Yes I know there's no official preschool in sims 2 but I can make one I think and play it....) P.C. and Sunshine (the German SHepard dog) lay at their best human friends side and watch over her, Everytime the thunder gets loud P.C. hisses and Sunshine growls. SO CUTE! they seem to be saying "Oh No there's nothing to fear here if that mean storm gets in here we'll make it run away!" the twins are doing their homework and seem to have made peace for now Dad is watching the news (typical lol) and Mom is working on finishing her cooking skill points (only two more to go!) when she is done she will make supper for the family. Though I think Miss Emma may wake eventually and wish for a bottle (She still takes a bottle....but she eats at her high chair too) and some Mommy and me time but we'll see...

Essa 18th Oct 2015 11:30 PM

Let's play Clio Havane. She's living alone and things should work like a breeze. VĂ©nus Granville-Carver just hired her for the night club.

Birth control on - check!
Booty-call - fine. Cory Granville-Carver is her One.

She went to bed and wake up a few sims minutes later with the pregnancy though bubble above her head! What!!! How come you get yourself pregnant!

Pregnancy scanner told me that she's pregnant with twins! *head desk*

It seems that my game catches the twin plague! Oh my!

SIMposiast 19th Oct 2015 4:35 AM

"No. Lobster. ThermiDOR! No! Forget it! I will keep clicking cancel every time I see that in your queue!"

I got so annoyed with the sim in question that I sent her outside and smote her. She didn't learn her lesson though, grrr.

aldebearart 19th Oct 2015 7:45 AM

"I love you, yes I do! I love you! Please load! I love you! Oh, please! ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease I LOVE YOU! Come on... THANK YOU!"

usually when my game or my computer decides to suddenly not respond

tallyb 19th Oct 2015 1:50 PM

"Oh no, please don't let her cook!"

As I told a small sim child to run over and tell the nanny a joke before she could try to cook something and risk burning the house down.

saturnian 19th Oct 2015 7:11 PM

"No, you are not going to woohoo tonight. You are guests here."

(Pitfalls of ACR when throwing a dinner party. And they'd brought their kids along with them.)

DezzyDoesThings 19th Oct 2015 7:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Alpal425
"I love you, yes I do! I love you! Please load! I love you! Oh, please! ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease I LOVE YOU! Come on... THANK YOU!"

usually when my game or my computer decides to suddenly not respond

My personal one is, "Mommy's here. Mommy loves you. Everything's okay...Mommy's right here..."

Peni Griffin 19th Oct 2015 7:36 PM

"Okay, you degenerate, that's it, you're never touching my boy!"

I'd been hoping that General Fizz would be the babymama for the Strangetown leg of my GS Uberhood Challenge, but when I finally got her and Rhett to meet they started an argument that rapidly escalated to poking and shoving and would have degenerated into her attacking him if I hadn't intervened. So I'd mostly let go of it, but was thinking it could still happen given exactly the right circumstances...but then the Singles, who are all Drill Instructors living in Rhett's apartment complex, brought her home from work and Fizz started flirting with Eric. What, ugh, you don't flirt down the command chain! And she's his CO! Nope, ick, nope, General, you're a thoroughgoing villain now, no gorgeous Hart/Grunt cross for me!

HonokaAizawa 20th Oct 2015 6:44 PM

"Oops.... she did it again...."

When a female got pregnant ..with quadruplets... again.
And the chance is already at 1 %! .__.

RedSimmies 20th Oct 2015 7:21 PM

"You're supposed to be sloppy stop cleaning after everyone let that plate be"

ieta_cassiopeia 20th Oct 2015 8:43 PM


Upon realising that all my Sims families have houses... ...except one middle-class couple, which appears to be living on the lawn with no money after necessities were bought, because I forgot to buid their house before setting everyone's starting balance.

AndrewGloria 22nd Oct 2015 10:58 AM

"Oh! Andrew!"

I was about to add, "I expect better of you," but the loading screen for The Hub, Downtown came up.

I was playing a date between ex-townie Jihoon LeTourneau and townie Ralph Enriquez. They were at the LuLu Lounge (my first visit there), and I spotted Andrew Jones, my first and favourite Sim, in the background. As Jihoon and Ralph were leaving for a meal at The Hub, I zoomed in on Andrew to see what he what he was doing, and was just in time to see him doing something very negative (it might have been an insult) to Gavin Newson. Afterwards I checked their relationship: Andrew's short term relationship to Gavin was -20, and Gavin's to him was -21, so their must have been some negative interaction already. Andrew had a negative relationship with other Sims he'd just met at the LuLu Lounge, but the one with Gavin was the worst. They had only just met. Now I know Andrew's no saint, but I thought he had a sense of justice and fairness. And he must know how hard life is for Gavin and Ginger Newson.

Andrew was on his own (without Julian) at the LuLu Lounge. Julian was at The Hub when Jihoon and Ralph got there, so maybe Andrew and Julian had arranged to meet up downtown, but there had been a misunderstanding and they had gone to different clubs. I suppose that might have been enough to put Andrew in a bad mood. But it's not a good reason to take it out of poor Gavin. I'll have to have a serious talk with Andrew!

simgamer18955 22nd Oct 2015 8:56 PM

"Bobobobobobobob" (said randomly while booting up the game).
"Uh oh" (Singing along to Chocolate as my sim gets ready for work).
"Long time no see grim reaper" (Accidentally killing my sim in a fire).
"Alien abduction, check" (I was playing a sim in Strangetown).
"What the h-e-double-hockey-sticks happened to your face?!" (Plastic Surgery)
*Insert Simlish lyrics here* (I was basically playing the stereo the entire time).

Emma2015 4th Nov 2015 3:42 AM

Sunshine (Sim dog) : -whines to be let out- Me : -tells her to go outback because it's fenced and skunks can't get in- Sunshine : -somehow gets sprayed anyway and freaks- Me : DAMNIT!!!!!! Sunshine: WOOF!!!! Whine........ Me : Dog I swear.... Sunshine : -growls at skunk- Me : NO DON'T! Skunk : -ignores and waddles away- Me : WTF Skunk..... Sims : -think sunshines antics are funny- Sims : -gets a whiff- EW!!!!! Sunshine : Whine..... Twins : -give dog a bath- Sunshine : -is amused and shakes when she gets out of the tub- Me : I give up.......

AndrewGloria 4th Nov 2015 11:55 AM

"Oh Andrew, what's wrong?"

Once again Andrew was giving me concern, just as the Sims I was playing were leaving a venue. He was crying.

This time I was playing Joe Lambert, who was just leaving the notoriously sleazy Paintboyz nightclub with a couple of friends. Andrew had been there in the background. He was alone (without Julian) but he seemed to be enjoying himself, dancing, chatting with other boys and drinking at the bar. For once there had been no fighting, even though Gordon Cornton and Charlie Benson, who had a spectacular break-up the last time I was at the club, were both there. And then, just as Joe was about to leave with Gordon Cornton and Ravi Bertino, Andrew was crying. The cause seems to be a little altercation between Andrew and Don Ng, the Tricou boy who used to have a comb-over. What it was about I have no idea; both Andrew and Don had seemed to be enjoying themselves up to that point.

Ravi Bertino and Jack Gill will probably invite Andrew and Don round to try to smooth things over between them. And Jack will probably use the occasion to try to get Don into his bed. Andrew and Don (still a Downtownie) are both normally quite reasonable, so what are they arguing about? I seem to spend a lot of my time trying to get Sims to make up after such arguments. Why, oh why, do my Sims keep having these silly spats?

Essa 4th Nov 2015 12:42 PM

As my sims turn into elders and I'm growing tired of the outfits they have:
"I really need to download seniors outfits".

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