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StrangeTownChick 21st Jul 2024 9:18 PM

"Time for a wedding. With toddler quads in the house. What could go wrong?"
Not to mention two pregnant ladies due literally any second. This is going to be interesting.

Upon entering the house: "Alright everybody's got some chores to do to get this house in order. I am going to take care of the toddlers. I'm going to ask you all to DO AS I HAVE ASKED or you are getting locked in the closet. We don't even have a closet in this house but I am going to build one."

Edit: One wedding, one single birth, one triplet birth, and one growing-up-of-toddler-quads that I didn't realize was the same day later, everyone got to bed by 1 AM and I have had three years of my life taken off.
At least the single birth was before 6PM and the triplets were after, so they won't age up on the same day. Which will make things a teeny tiny bit easier.

Bulbizarre 28th Jul 2024 11:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
"Once again, Gilbert is going to be up to his eyeballs in child support bills."

I was re-rolling wants for the Jacquets. Gilbert (Romance/Pleasure) wants 50 dream dates. Denise (Fortune/Family) wants 6 grandchildren.

"It begins."

StrangeTownChick 28th Jul 2024 2:12 PM

"What are you--ah. Alright, that's kinda more important. I'll give you that one."
I had directed one of my sims to get her toddler daughter on the potty and then into bed. She queuestomped it and I was about to get mad at her but then I realized she was going into labor.

simsfreq 29th Jul 2024 12:02 AM

"I think the game was listening to me. Okay, okay! You've proved your point now!"

You remember I was saying not so long ago how I don't seem to get multiple births in my current hood, and I had my percentages set to 4/2/1% for twins/triplets/quads (plus the natural 10% chance of twins should overlay this, even though I wish it wouldn't!) so it really should have happened in the 20+ births I'd had since that point, and I was a little bit worried that something wasn't working correctly.

Well my game must have heard me, because 3/5 of my most recent births have indeed been twins. Boy/Girl (Barbara and Bernard), Girl/Girl but so different-looking that I kept them fraternal (Cyan and Indigo), and lastly a pair of boys, both exactly the same skin, hair and eyes, so I might identicalise them when I see what toddler faces they get. Their parents have such different faces that one of their older sisters looks a little unfortunate while the other is quite good-looking. Their names are a bit mismatched, though. Florian and Harry. Their surname is Honeydew and I feel like Florian fits much better. But I immediately thought "Harry Honeydew" and couldn't get it out of my mind, so he has a very normal name while his siblings are Florian, Bluebell and Maple. I might change his name. (Any suggestions?)

Second thing which happened.

I have an elder romance male sim, Quinlan, who seems to be carrying on with half the hood at a time. He got his live-in lover pregnant, and another lover (Rosetta Stone, dread pirate) pregnant too. They proceeded not to find out about each other, although I suspect Rosetta would not have cared, except that she and Quinlan were having this kind of threesome arrangement with another elder, hippy townie, Victoria. Victoria kept wanting to get married and I felt she was lonely, so I married her to Rosetta, and they planned to bring up the baby together in this old converted bus where they live. All was going well, except that firstly, since they married she felt that she ought to have Rosetta all to herself. Quinlan and Rosetta did not agree, and she was upset about this. Secondly, I have the temperature mod by Simler90 and their only heating on the bus was this pot belly stove thing. And being an old bus, it did not have a smoke alarm. The toddler was constantly cold so I kept lighting the fire and you can guess what happened. Rosetta, having learned fire safety since an adventurer needs to be prepared, tried to extinguish it, but it was too much for her so she called the fire brigade, but not before catching fire herself, running around and setting fire to the rest of the bus. (I have the extinguish self mod and I have no idea how she managed to ignore the swimming pool!) She perished, and her wife was too busy panicking to plead for her life. I suspect that she would not have succeeded anyway, because she was still low in relationship towards her after catching her "cheating". Anyway she and the toddler were obviously devastated. She immediately rolled the want to speak to Quinlan. I thought this was surprisingly perceptive of her. It was just before 6am and I knew he would be mad but I thought what the heck. It's an emergency!

Anyway, he answered the phone with "Calling me in the middle of the night for any reason other than to tell me my house is on fire is not cool!"

Which made me reply "Dude! It might not be YOUR house, but your daughter's house is on fire and her mother is dead! Have some compassion!"

Victoria instead made a call to get Rosetta's dog taken away to adoption and then waited until 7am, called him again. She had two speech bubbles: A crossed-out X-ray, a daisy, and then she hung up. I interpreted this as: "Rosetta has died in a fire. No, her injuries were so bad she couldn't be saved. She is pushing up daisies! I'm bringing your daughter around. Goodbye."

I put the skull of Jumbok into the toddler's inventory, moved them both into Quinlan's house, called everyone into the same room, made Victoria hug Quinlan romantically in front of his cohabiting girlfriend, and then let her complete the autonomous action she had done to the toddler before making her back into a townie. Quinlan now has two daughters living with him and a furious girlfriend, but I think she will forgive him. They are both exhausted. The toddlers, somehow, are exactly the same age (so they are in fact quasi-twins!) and even though their parents seem to struggle to keep up with their needs, they actually like each other enough to huggle, and don't steal bottles from each other.

Phew!! Three more current pregnancies in my hood, so let's see if the trend continues or stops now that it has almost statistically caught up.

Bulbizarre 3rd Aug 2024 9:43 AM

After showing my friend a screenshot of a typo'd lot name:

Me: I meant to spell it Birch 😔
Friend: I'm sure you did 💅
Me: What does THAT mean

wthrwthoutyu 8th Aug 2024 9:14 PM

"Get out of that bed, that is not your bed!"
Three seconds later: "That is not your bed either. Get out! This is your bed!"
Twenty seconds later: "Why are you back in your daughter's bed? That is not your bed! Your bed is over there! I swear to god I will smite you. I have the power."

With ACR: "No! No, bad! Gross. Do not Woohoo-Sofa in the room where your children are doing homework."

"You want to cry about it? It's your own fault. That's what you get for hot tubbing during a thunder storm. Go take a shower, have some dinner, get over it."

Me: I love all this grungy custom content.
Friend: Slum lord!
Me: Slum? Slum? Do you know how much that crappy floor costs in the catalog? [It's 20 simoleans a tile.]

Bulbizarre 13th Aug 2024 5:29 AM

"Get on the damn OMSP."

Bulbizarre 18th Aug 2024 9:41 AM

"I did not expect this to work."

Instant Inviter to summon every playable Sim and make them selectable. I was expecting:

a) Not show any more Sim thumbnails after a few rows.
b) Crash when the game can out of memory.
c) Explode into purple soup when the game ran out of video memory.

The FPS did drop to a slideshow by the end of it though.

FrancesWeyr 18th Aug 2024 8:36 PM

"OMG, don't eat that!" because they burned the food again.

Justpetro 19th Aug 2024 8:55 AM

I guess you will have to move, or I will have to remove the roof and change this pretty house into a less pretty one to make room for the new set of twins then. Sigh.

Bulbizarre 25th Aug 2024 3:40 PM

Friend: "And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed."

Me: Notice that it's a breadfruit tree and not a bush 😔

Friend: There’s also an alien there, let’s not split hairs here

Bulbizarre 26th Aug 2024 5:30 AM

Bulbizarre: goddamN SLAP DANCING

wthrwthoutyu 27th Aug 2024 7:13 PM

"Lazlo, you are a pain in the ass."

I played the Curious household last night. They have several alien toddlers, which is not a problem. But Lazlo has:
1) sat down to play with Albert and the rabbit head right in front of the baby-bottle only mini-fridge while other children need feeding
2) sat down to play peek a boo with Marie right in front of the changing table
3) gone outside to jump in puddles during a thunderstorm while "help with infant birthday" was hanging in his queue
4) carried a baby clear out to the mailbox and left them lying on the sidewalk while he got the mail out of the box, then got in the carpool leaving both the bills and baby on the sidewalk
5) ignored all other fun activities in favor of ... jumping in puddles during thunderstorms
6) gone out to stargaze during a thunderstorm
7) somehow managed to antagonize the friend he brought home from work, I don't know how
8) decided to feed treats to a wolf. During a thunderstorm.

StrangeTownChick 28th Aug 2024 3:52 AM

Was this all one thunderstorm or do you get a LOT of thunderstorms? I don't seem to get nearly enough.

AndrewGloria 28th Aug 2024 5:10 AM

"Have a safe journey home!"

. . . Me to Andrew as he sets out at half past midnight to walk home to Veronaville after visiting Malcolm Landgraab and Marion Hutchins in Bluewater. Dressed as he often is in only a tiny pair of light blue shorts and a matching crop top vest, he looks so small and vulnerable.

Bulbizarre 28th Aug 2024 5:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
"Have a safe journey home!"

. . . Me to Andrew as he sets out at half past midnight to walk home to Veronaville after visiting Malcolm Landgraab and Marion Hutchins in Bluewater. Dressed as he often is in only a tiny pair of light blue shorts and a matching crop top vest, he looks so small and vulnerable.

Don't worry, his kind elderly neighbour saw him and drove him home.

Charity 28th Aug 2024 3:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Don't worry, his kind elderly neighbour saw him and drove him home.

He needs to download Pets and make her, with her two cats and Maserati in the garage!

wthrwthoutyu 28th Aug 2024 6:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by StrangeTownChick
Was this all one thunderstorm or do you get a LOT of thunderstorms? I don't seem to get nearly enough.

I get pretty regular thunderstorms. I have Strangetown set spring-summer-summer-fall, maybe the double summer has some effect.

sturlington 29th Aug 2024 12:13 AM

"That's so cringe."

Kimberly Smith came out of the bathroom, hoping to watch TV, and found her elderly parents in their underwear woohooing on the couch (Buck and Jill Smith). Jeez, guys, you already have a room right upstairs!

StrangeTownChick 29th Aug 2024 3:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by wthrwthoutyu
I get pretty regular thunderstorms. I have Strangetown set spring-summer-summer-fall, maybe the double summer has some effect.

I'm jealous lol, just like in real life my sims hardly get any thunderstorms and they're almost always at night so I miss 'em. If I can't have them in the real world I'd at least like them in my game dangit!

Bulbizarre 30th Aug 2024 4:59 AM


Out of the eight Sims in a dorm, five rolled a want to get a pet and two of them specifically a kitten. (I love mods.) I had them adopt a kitten. Immediately after, one of them rolled a want to get a puppy.

simsample 30th Aug 2024 10:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by StrangeTownChick
I'm jealous lol, just like in real life my sims hardly get any thunderstorms and they're almost always at night so I miss 'em. If I can't have them in the real world I'd at least like them in my game dangit!

There are mods to make more lightning, for example these:

Bulbizarre 30th Aug 2024 1:23 PM

"Chester, you don't need to go around and make everyone else's beds."

Justpetro 31st Aug 2024 7:21 PM

Mr Appleby, you are in the photobooth again???

Oh, it's his wife today.

pixinicks 1st Sep 2024 12:10 AM

"Did she bring all her lovers to the outing?"

Yes. She did. I left just when hell broke loose.

Orilon 18th Sep 2024 5:56 AM

"Why do the aliens like this house?" said as teen Tiffany Marsh got abducted by aliens. "At least she will get a scholarship out of it"

Her father had gotten abducted by aliens two times before. No one else in the neighborhood has been abducted, although Susan and Benjamin were fearing it.

Bulbizarre 19th Sep 2024 10:09 AM

"What the hell is that nois— oh, I forgot about the bass on the roof."

CatMuto 19th Sep 2024 1:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
"No. NO! No!" when my Sims causes a freaking fire trying to make a TV Dinner.
And they can't extinguish themselves because they only have a bathtub and not a shower. (Can they extinguish themselves in a shower or is that something only in Sims 3?)

And something that happened immediately after. "Thanks, buddy, for nullifying this horrible moment."

HarVee 21st Sep 2024 4:02 AM

"...And granny's sleeping again"

~Me toward an elderly Sim as she was in energy failure.

Orilon 21st Sep 2024 10:44 PM

"I shouldn't have said anything." Said as Marshall Danders got abducted by aliens. Previously only the Marsh house had alien abductions, but they then abducted Marshall. He came back pregnant 6 days away from being an elder. He gave birth to an half alien son. Diane Danders is Daniel Pleasant and Jennifer Burb's mom, so in my hood they will have a half alien uncle. I just hope Marshall and Melinda have enough time as elders for the son to grow up to teen before they die of old age.

"Oh great, there's a traffic jam." I had remodeled the bathroom in Blau Hills Resort to add a shower, but saw a large traffic jam of tourist Sims. Not sure how to remodel it again to fix it.

"Of course" said as both Coral Ruggbyrne and Zephyretta Gossamer rolled wants to get engaged the minute I moved them into their respective dorms. I've noticed that Family Sims immediately want to get engaged in dorms.

Charity 22nd Sep 2024 3:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
"I shouldn't have said anything." Said as Marshall Danders got abducted by aliens. Previously only the Marsh house had alien abductions, but they then abducted Marshall.

Yup, you jinxed yourself lol.

Justpetro 29th Sep 2024 7:22 PM

Mr Silke! I told you to go to sleep! Why are you playing in a snowball fight???

(And he has fun, throwing snowballs at random townies with Mr Appleby, who started it. But Silke is not supposed to throw snowballs around when he is deadly ill with flu)!

Ivrats Dargy 30th Sep 2024 5:32 AM

"You're probably the prettiest girl in Strangetown; it's too bad you're a sociopath."

Regarding Circe Salamis.

HarVee 30th Sep 2024 12:57 PM

"Why do you insist on putting the window backwards? I want it THAT way! ... *sings backstreet boys' song*"

Justpetro 30th Sep 2024 2:39 PM

How the hell did you get stuck behind the toddler potty? In the bathroom corner?
(Damn teen almost starving - I thought he was at school, where he should have been).

Shadow214 24th Nov 2024 2:05 AM

"I'm not sure that's appropriate." The nanny was drinking from the bar while on the job.

AndrewGloria 24th Nov 2024 2:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
How the hell did you get stuck behind the toddler potty? In the bathroom corner?
(Damn teen almost starving - I thought he was at school, where he should have been).

Some kids will do anything to miss school! Seriously, if he hates school that much, I'm not convinced that it's doing him any good.

Justpetro 24th Nov 2024 6:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Some kids will do anything to miss school! Seriously, if he hates school that much, I'm not convinced that it's doing him any good.

I sent him to Uni

iforgot 24th Nov 2024 6:34 AM

"Ohh.. that's why that'd doing that."

ws2003 29th Nov 2024 3:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ElizabethTerry
We all know Sims are semi-unintelligent creatures who need our guidance throughout their lives. What have you said when your Sims get on your last nerve? My favorite are:

"omg...did you...really...just pee...on the floor? THE TOILET IS ONE TILE AWAY!"
"Why are you fainting!? DON'T FAINT! HERE'S A BED! GO THERE!...she fainted."
"Oh, that's great. NOW you wanna die! I was ONE KID AWAY from your LT want!"
"Lord Almighty, I think you WANT the Social Worker to take your kids!"

"If you blue screen im deleting this game"
"If you blue screen i am playing Sims 3"
"You stink you stinky You stink you stinky You stink you stinky You stink you stinky You stink you stinky You stink you stinky You stink you stinky You stink you stinky You stink you stinky You stink you stinky You stink you stinky You stink you stinky"
"Beshoes" (i was mocking a voiceline from sims 2)
"Sims 2 blue screen if you hate me"
I also used to call a Sim "Stinky girl" because she always stunk. There was a another Sim who always stunk too so i made them date

Bulbizarre 29th Nov 2024 4:00 PM

Run Memtest86 and FurMark. Repeated BSoDs might be a symptom of hardware failure.

Shadow214 1st Dec 2024 9:59 PM

"He's got his priorities right." My sim making up the bed while his brother-in-law was dying in the same room.

inspiredzone 4th Dec 2024 10:24 AM

"How am I still getting elf ears after 5 generations?!"

You use the broken template ONE TIME...

AndrewGloria 14th Dec 2024 7:29 PM

"Hi Andrew! I'm back!!"

As I flew over his house with the Veronaville opening "flyover" video. After a week without my computer, and therefore unable to play The Sims.

Yvelotic2001 15th Dec 2024 1:48 AM

Was building a hallway: "oh, that looks a bit phallic"

simsample 15th Dec 2024 10:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
"Hi Andrew! I'm back!!"

As I flew over his house with the Veronaville opening "flyover" video. After a week without my computer, and therefore unable to play The Sims.

It's fixed? Brilliant!

Yvelotic2001 16th Dec 2024 2:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Yvelotic2001
Was building a hallway: "oh, that looks a bit phallic"

Was decorating said hallway with plants: "oh, that also looks phallic". What is wrong with Cornerstone Condominiums?

AndrewGloria 16th Dec 2024 1:20 PM

"That's the way I do it too." Me to a lazy teenage Sim, on watching him make a bed by throwing it together. I probably should have added, "If I bother at all."

When I do make my bed, I am often aware of Andrew beside me, in his role as my invisible friend, saying, in an exasperated voice, "DO IT PROPERLY!" Andrew and I have a lot in common, but not that. Whereas Andrew, with his Virgo horoscope sign, is neat and organized, I am messy and chaotic. He is shaking his head and saying, "I don't know how you can live in this mess!"

iforgot 16th Dec 2024 2:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
"That's the way I do it too." Me to a lazy teenage Sim, on watching him make a bed by throwing it together. I probably should have added, "If I bother at all."

When I do make my bed, I am often aware of Andrew beside me, in his role as my invisible friend, saying, in an exasperated voice, "DO IT PROPERLY!" Andrew and I have a lot in common, but not that. Whereas Andrew, with his Virgo horoscope sign, is neat and organized, I am messy and chaotic. He is shaking his head and saying, "I don't know how you can live in this mess!"

It's a computer guy thing.

We fall out of bed, drag ourselves to the coffee and then get on the computer and start coding. All within the span of about 5 minutes.

Justpetro 16th Dec 2024 8:15 PM

I fall out of bed, drag myself to the coffee, get on the pc and start playing sims

Ivrats Dargy 20th Dec 2024 2:26 AM

"Alright, whoever doesn't live here is getting sledgehammered off the lot."

The dormies' AI was getting out of control, but I imagine this works IRL as well

pinkdynamite 21st Dec 2024 12:38 AM

"Could you please all stop giving each other pneumonia?!"

FranH 21st Dec 2024 9:10 AM

To the teens in Thalia:

"Could you all please stop giving each other noogies? I swear the next one who does that is gonna get banished from the lot!"

AndrewGloria 28th Dec 2024 7:53 PM

"Just apologise and say you're sorry.
Even though you think you're right.
Even though you know you're right.
Trust me, it just makes life go much more smoothly.
Just say you're sorry!"

Ivrats Dargy 29th Dec 2024 12:27 AM

"This is the 3rd time you've come by today. "

In response to a streaker; glad I never went to college.

Justpetro 29th Dec 2024 6:42 AM


Splashing in a rainwater puddle during a storm - Really, Silke, do you want to get struck by lightning again?

AndrewGloria 24th Jan 2025 9:14 PM

"If you want him to be an overachiever, the least you could do, would be to help him with his homework when he asks you."

Peni Griffin 24th Jan 2025 11:58 PM

"That is not where you sleep!"
"Get away from that toddler!" There's a root cellar fridge (available here on MTS, I believe) which I have been using in Eden's Land, from which baby bottles are not available. As I have a breast-feeding mod and sims have nowhere to buy groceries this is fine - no bottle litter, no unnecessary drain of food points. But it means toddlers have to be fed in the high chair.

So it is very upsetting to me when a toddler is hungry, the parent puts them in a chair, runs out to the root cellar to get the toddler mush, and a visitor comes along and picks the toddler up out of the high chair! If the mush is set on an empty high chair, it is wasted - it can only be cleaned up, not eaten.

ws2003 2nd Feb 2025 7:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Run Memtest86 and FurMark. Repeated BSoDs might be a symptom of hardware failure.

No it's not the Windows blue screen, My Sims 2 often blue screens. search up "sims 2 blue screen" for more details

AndrewGloria 3rd Feb 2025 12:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ws2003
No it's not the Windows blue screen, My Sims 2 often blue screens. search up "sims 2 blue screen" for more details
I often get a Sims 2 blue screen too. Especially when using Alt-Tab to return to Sims 2 after doing something in another window (like I'm doing just now!). It's never bothered me as long as it returns to its proper screen after a few moments. I've just taken it to be the game finding its place again, after I've messed it up by leaving it while I do something else. (As if anything could be more important than The Sims!) If I say anything at it will be "Hurry up", or if I'm in a particularly good mood, "Please hurry up!" I think I get it more often when I've been using the "tab" camera.


"You really should have done that first, Andrew." What I just said to him, when I found him practicing chess in Milburn Pennybags's house, when he really needed the toilet.

FranH 3rd Feb 2025 12:27 AM

Pointing at every single pixel still awake at 11 pm

"You, got to bed! Don't even stop for cookies or milk! Right now!"

pinkdynamite 3rd Feb 2025 2:00 AM

"Stink cloud following you? Sure, brush your teeth, that'll raise your hygiene faster than any of the three tubs/showers in the house."

RedTheRogue 3rd Feb 2025 5:14 AM

"Malcom, your toaster pastry is on fire. Stop making coffee!"
Shortly after that...
"Enjoy your burnt toast."

AndrewGloria 15th Feb 2025 2:02 PM

"Don't talk too loudly. Andrew and Julian are sleeping."

. . . To Gloria and Garry who are playing chess in the boys' bedroom. That's where the chess table is in their house, and it has been since soon after Gloria and Andrew moved in twelve years ago!

Charity 15th Feb 2025 4:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
"Don't talk too loudly. Andrew and Julian are sleeping."

. . . To Gloria and Garry who are playing chess in the boys' bedroom. That's where the chess table is in their house, and it has been since soon after Gloria and Andrew moved in twelve years ago!

I remember getting annoyed when sims would go into other sims' bedrooms and play on the computer without caring if they woke someone up. If I put something in someone's room then it belongs to them. Go use your fricking computer!

HarVee 15th Feb 2025 4:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I remember getting annoyed when sims would go into other sims' bedrooms and play on the computer without caring if they woke someone up. If I put something in someone's room then it belongs to them. Go use your fricking computer!

but but Johnny's a gamer, he has 64 GBs of RAM on that big bulky '90s Moneywell!

Misaki Chan 17th Feb 2025 11:31 PM

Technically not while playing, but someone mentioned music from Bustin Out in another thread, so I put the playlist on during my house cleaning session, and ended up freestyle rapping to the music about all the boring tasks I was doing

Peni Griffin 28th Feb 2025 5:39 AM

In a hood where, for Reasons, many of the kids are named after animals.
"Hey, Fox wants to befriend Turkey...oh, yeah, that's not ending well."

AndrewGloria 2nd Mar 2025 2:55 AM

1 Attachment(s)
"If you don't like salad, why did you order it?"

monijt1 2nd Mar 2025 2:36 PM

*Social Worker Arrives*

*Sim Kicks Trashcan*
"I can not stand this game."

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