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AndrewGloria 13th Nov 2015 5:08 PM

Emma, give Grandpa plenty of bed rest. When he's fully slept, let him sit on a nice comfy chair, or lounge on a sofa. Keep an eye on his motives, and keep him lying or sitting as much as possible. It sounds like he might have food poisoning, but he shouldn't die of that unless you have one of those horrible "real sickness" mods. If by any chance you do have one of those mods, take it out at least until he's better.

And tell him that I was asking for him!

All my Sims and I wish him a speedy recovery and many years of health!

Emma2015 13th Nov 2015 6:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Emma, give Grandpa plenty of bed rest. When he's fully slept, let him sit on a nice comfy chair, or lounge on a sofa. Keep an eye on his motives, and keep him lying or sitting as much as possible. It sounds like he might have food poisoning, but he shouldn't die of that unless you have one of those horrible "real sickness" mods. If by any chance you do have one of those mods, take it out at least until he's better.

And tell him that I was asking for him!

All my Sims and I wish him a speedy recovery and many years of health!

He says hello! Or he did before throwing up again. I think he's got a bug. Emma (the toddler) was down with a nasty virus while they were visiting and he must have caught it. all the family is anxious for him. Except for Mom she's busy resting her pregnancy is considered high risk she gets sick easier and it's somehow diffrent than grandpa.

So she's in the master bedroom and the dog has no clue she can't decide who to lay with her or grandpa! XD Ditto the cat!

and this just in Me :'s going to be ok..... everythings fine...... Gramps : --throws up again- Me : oh dear...... Grandma: -brings the sim version of ginger ale- Me : that'll help...... you love him don't you? Grandma :-makes worried sim sounds-

AliaD85 14th Nov 2015 12:20 AM

Stranded Island Colony (Self-challenge)

"Aw! Finally!" Watches Peter and Stephen fall in love in front of their friends' new house.

"Um..." Watches Henry (who Peter is 3 bolts attracted to) greet both men.

"Huh?" Watches Peter, then Stephen flirt with Henry.

"W-what the..." Watches Peter makeout with Henry right in front of Stephen who just stands and smiles.

"OMG...." Watches Henry turn to makeout with Stephen right in front of Peter who stands and smiles.

"But..." Remembers that Henry is in love with Matthieu (who is 3 bolted with Peter and Henry/ 2 bolts with Stephen).

"You're kidding!" Watches Henry fall in love with both Peter and Stephen.

"...." Realizes that all four men are knowledge sims (not Romance). Realizes also that ACR is installed (No Jealousy is NOT selected).


Emma2015 14th Nov 2015 6:50 PM

Crisis is OVER! Grandpa LIVES ON!!!!!!

my sim world is busy now! BIG TIME XD!

Me : Hurry up Karone...(Emma and the twins mom) everyine is going to be here soon!!!!! Karone : -scrambles around from room to room cleaning things- Me : OMG OMG!!!!!! The twins room is a MESS!!!! -sends twins to clean room and watches them balk- Me : HEY!!!!!!!! Your cousins are coming! Shake a leg you two!!!!! Twins : -still balk and continue to try and coax Sunshine into a tub for a bath- Me : Fine bathe the dog..... Emma : -toddles in and starts splashing in puddles made from dog bath- Me : ugh! Kid you're pushing it here.......Where's your daddy? Me : -finds Dad in workshop making sure there are enough kites for kite flying later and toddler toys to go arround- Me : Do something about your youngest daughter why don't you? -has dad bring Emma into the workshop and put her in her playpen- Emma : -sits for .2 seconds happily- Emma : WAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Me : Oh brother......I forgot to put a potty in there.....SORRY!!!!!! Oh baby I'm SO sorry!!!!! HOLD ON!!! Me : -goes into buy mode and places potty then returns to play mode and puts emma on putty just in time- Me : Whew! Me : Now then........ Family sims : -rings bell- Me :OMG!!!!!!!!!! Twins: -run to answer door with freshly bathed dog following them- Me : ok.....not bad... Mom can clean the bathroom in a second..... Sunshine : -runs out in yard and rolls in grass- Me : Aw Damn!

Essa 15th Nov 2015 2:41 PM

"You're engaged! Why on earth do you cheat on Lion!" when I saw Mahély jumping in bed with Ken.

wickedjr89 15th Nov 2015 3:11 PM

"Why do people only call for the busy or not-here people and never the available people?!"
"Not more pizza?!" (Playing the Sorority in Uni)

Diovanlestat 15th Nov 2015 4:04 PM

EEKKK,,, she's horrible, oh dear (baby ages to toddler)

grammapat 15th Nov 2015 9:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
The bear is Maxis. You can never get rid of it, muhahaha. XD

Although I have to say if the boys want to wear bows then more power to them. Reclaim the bows from those silly girls!

I WOULD have taken it as a "sign" and let him grow up accordingly...and I have the bazaar/risqué feminine male clothes to pull it off. But that large group of LONG girly hair, available to all ages, must have some "attraction" ju-ju... When the 4th male baby choose one...well just TOO much

grammapat 15th Nov 2015 9:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Emma2015
Crisis is OVER! Grandpa LIVES ON!!!!!! !

And I was about to say "Quick! Chicken soup!"

Essa 20th Nov 2015 9:39 PM

"What the heck! You're married, man!" when I catch Benjamin Sheperd (knowledge) on a community lot after public woohoo with a townie.

joandsarah77 20th Nov 2015 10:41 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
The bear is Maxis. You can never get rid of it, muhahaha. XD

Although I have to say if the boys want to wear bows then more power to them. Reclaim the bows from those silly girls!

I defaulted the bear into these jammies.
So yes the bear can be gotten rid of!

Diovanlestat 21st Nov 2015 2:10 AM

Oh my gosh, she's so beautiful, and sophisticated with fancy hair and pretty clothes. And as for personality, she's an angel, top scores in cleaning, nicest sim ever, outgoing, serious... wonderful... my new girl is a total sweetheart and princess... oh my, oh my. (new baby ages to toddler)

Not like that strange creature that got born before. Not even glasses and long hair can fix her. Benjamin long you has crap gene's and your a total loser in every way there is, Princess is gonna have the best life ever, and something tells me that other girl is definitely infertile from birth (goes off to adjust the ACR)

Charity 21st Nov 2015 3:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I defaulted the bear into these jammies.
So yes the bear can be gotten rid of!

Hey. Quit making my pronouncements of bearly doom less scary. :P

saturnian 21st Nov 2015 10:50 AM

"No, don't go and feed the baby, her grandmother can do that ... NO! No no no no no, forget about the baby, it's not yours, you're not even related to her, grandma can handle it .... Look, clean a shower or something, you like cleaning showers you sad little neat-freak. And then clean the sink, and the stove, clean anything but stay away from the baby ... and now you can go study Mechani --- OH FOR PITY'S SAKE LEAVE THE F***ING BABY ALONE!!. And roll on tomorrow when you go back to school."

Diovanlestat 21st Nov 2015 4:13 PM

How about this one (picks formal suit for shy female sim)
How about this one (formal suit in different colour)
This one (different formal suit)
This one (trousers suit)
This is nice (picks first formal suit we tried at the beginning)
This one (picks stupidest outfit on earth)
Your not wearing that to the library -it aint even fhis century
How about this one (picks formal suit for the 3rd time)

Is that a huh, you shrugged a shoulder, that means you love it, so that's what you is getting.

Steffyn 22nd Nov 2015 5:13 PM

"GODSDAMNIT NILLA DON'T YOU FUCKING DIE ON ME!!"-me yesterday, when Nilla Catnip died of illness in the bathroom in his underwear

Katya Stevens 23rd Nov 2015 10:57 AM

*writes down note* "Make Janie Mosley pregnant once I've migrated everyone in Cresdale to a new 'hood."

Explaination: Janie lives with Rowan Marshalls, and he got her pregnant a couple of rotations ago. This rotation, she got hit by risky woohoo twice (though both times resulted in her getting an abortion). Seeing as she seems so determined to be pregnant (and I kinda want to see if they can have a blond kid together) I'm auto-making her pregnant in the new 'hood.

Essa 23rd Nov 2015 7:26 PM

"So you want to be the other woman, so be it!" when Bellatrix Martains-Delorme decided to do a public woohoo with Thésée L'Ecuyer. They were lovers while at Uni but when Bellatrix left, Séléna Granville-Carver got her hands on him.
He's supposed to be a happy married man, father of twins.

Charity 5th Dec 2015 3:22 PM

WTF is wrong with you! When all three of my sims did the I'm so hungry whinge in front of the fully stocked fridge. Over and over again. Then they'd stuff face and do it again. There are leftovers galore and you know how to cook, ffs. I was determined to wait until they figured out what to do by themselves, but I got so sick of the whining that I ended up caving and feeding them.

Peni Griffin 6th Dec 2015 12:56 AM

Oh, come on! I've never had this much trouble with any of the sims in my other hoods? Why do y'all all forget what I tell you to do so fast?

Justpetro 6th Dec 2015 7:40 AM

I made a lovely knowledge female Sim just for you, and now you go and flirt with Marisa Bendett at the pub??????? Of all the damn available townies.....

jinola 6th Dec 2015 12:43 PM

"Again? Seriously?" After one of my Sims got abducted by aliens two days in a row. Seems like being the grandchild of an alien does have its disadvantages.

Essa 7th Dec 2015 11:49 PM

"Oh f***! Two levels" when Harpa got demoted from level 9 to level 7

anothereyjana 8th Dec 2015 12:50 AM

Apparently I can turn into the parents from "Go the Fuck To Sleep" when dealing with my sims, since I've lost count of the times I've said either "Go to bed!", "I said GO TO BED!", and "Damn it I said GO TO BED!" when I attempt to get my sims to all sleep, only to find that at LEAST one has succumbed to the sims goldfish-length memory and gotten sidetracked when I went to check on another sim.

AliaD85 14th Dec 2015 7:10 AM

"OMG! I HATE CHILDREN!" -- When single father Aaron can't potty train his twin toddler, Sylven, because Lucien, the older twin toddler, wants attention and dad is too STUPID AND DIRECTIONALLY CHALLENGED to get to the potty! So Lucien decides to go play in the adult toilet and clogs it.... OMG. I HATE SIM CHILDREN....

"GO GET YOUR HELL-SPAWN!!!" -- Because Sylven is wide awake and just cries in his crib to be let out, Aaron can't get to Lucien who is now playing in his toilet water puddle and ready to fall asleep.

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