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Johnny_Bravo 22nd May 2018 1:57 PM

They mimic solar panels. A skylight would've been cool but since it wouldn't function properly I ditched that.

Volvenom 1st Jun 2018 3:14 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I'm tinking of making something in ts3 again. I'm posting in wcif about sites that let me upload content with the lot, istead of having to link everything in a house. I have been using Peacemaker for this, it's now available on my blog only:

This new house I'm working on is way too close to the previous one, but it's practical.

Johnny_Bravo 3rd Jun 2018 1:54 AM

The overhang on the left side of the home in the 2nd picture is visibily larger than the rest, is that intentional? Aside from that I like the simple look.

Volvenom 3rd Jun 2018 2:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
The overhang on the left side of the home in the 2nd picture is visibily larger than the rest, is that intentional? Aside from that I like the simple look.

It's a bay window with diagonal walls. I have to work a bit more on the roof there.

Johnny_Bravo 3rd Jun 2018 2:52 PM

Bay window!
I just couldn't find the correct description but yes, that's the area I meant

Johnny_Bravo 4th Jun 2018 3:04 AM

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I think I'll tweak the upper floor a bit because one bedroom is very dark, as you can see.

TudorMan23 9th Jun 2018 5:56 PM

@Johnny_Bravo agreed but otherwise great layout and proportions

ScaryRob 10th Jun 2018 6:55 AM

What's going on with the chimney? In the exterior pics, the location of the chimney doesn't correspond with its location in the interior pics and it's totally missing from the second floor floorplan.

Volvenom 10th Jun 2018 9:09 PM

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I just moved on to modern again. I've had enough of traditional for the time being.

Johnny_Bravo 11th Jun 2018 8:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ScaryRob
What's going on with the chimney? In the exterior pics, the location of the chimney doesn't correspond with its location in the interior pics and it's totally missing from the second floor floorplan.

I've done this in serveral homes. It's due too poor/non-existant planning, as I mostly make everything up on the go.

Edit: You made me think about the chimney, fuck. I think Imma tweak it sometime later.
I see I could've easily added a 2nd fireplace in the diningroom but there's a bar there now.

Johnny_Bravo 19th Jun 2018 4:50 PM

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Re-arranged the upper floor a bit, added a second fireplace in the Master bedroom and started furnishing.

Volvenom 6th Jul 2018 1:16 PM

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That house is lovely Bravo. I love your work on colors and textures. I just started on 3 again and hated my floorplan. I used cfe and it was fun making something complicated.

The big farm I made earlier is finished. It's been tested in Seasons as well. Download

Volvenom 9th Jul 2018 12:53 PM

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I mentioned my ts3 creation. I decided on a foundation with a garage and conservatory.

My inspiration is Scandinavian modernisme, Funkis.

I have prepared the ground for landscaping, but I have to do some changes to the building alongside the street, because I don't like the design.

At first it was very bright, but I have muted it a bit. Your work on the textures is a big inspiration Bravo.

Johnny_Bravo 9th Jul 2018 7:57 PM

Playful orange tones you've used there

TudorMan23 18th Aug 2018 7:44 PM

Hey Guys and gals
Have you noticed how long this thread has gotten over these past years??

Johnny_Bravo 19th Aug 2018 12:05 AM

Almost 10 years old! But dead at the moment

Johnny_Bravo 24th Aug 2018 6:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Finally uploaded this one:

Johnny_Bravo 24th Sep 2018 10:07 PM

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A 10 minute 0 effort home, game decided to freeze on me just when it was finished

Oh well..


How does 'The Cunningham Manor' sound?

Ferguson Avenue 2nd Oct 2018 9:13 PM

Oh wow, that shingle style home is gorgeous! :lovestruc
Any chance we might see inside?

Johnny_Bravo 3rd Oct 2018 6:05 PM

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@Ferguson Avenue
Sure. Pics are not up-to-date, some small details have been changed and a few imperfections were corrected after taking them.

TudorMan23 5th Oct 2018 9:13 PM

Sorry guys I havent been active lately but will post pics of what i have been working on for the past few weeks! it will be another part to my Gilded Age inspired mansions but this one will be the largest and the mot expensive yet to date!

ScaryRob 6th Oct 2018 6:32 AM

I have a question, since I still haven't installed my Sims 3 game.
I've been seeing a lot of uploads lately where Sims 3 builders have installed double-wide stairs. I there a game-related reason for this, or are they doing it because they think it looks better (many times it doesn't, imo)?

As some of you might remember, in Sims 2 modular stairs allow more than one Sim at a time to use the stairs, whereas the ready-built stairs only allow one Sim to use them at a time. I'm wondering whether a similar restriction is why many of the Sims 3 builders have been installing double-wide stairs.

Johnny_Bravo 9th Oct 2018 2:03 PM

I'm not a 100% sure, but I think a single-width staircase in TS3 allows 2 Sims at a time too. I vary the width of staircases according to the style and size of the home, so I can't really tell if it's game related or not.

Volvenom 9th Oct 2018 9:57 PM

8 Attachment(s)
Lets post some pictures from ts4 for once. Here is my latest creation. It will be on TSR when they approve.

@ScaryRob it says something in mts rules about double staircase in 2 story building. At least it did earlier. Is it staircase objects or just double staircases?

ScaryRob 16th Oct 2018 5:22 AM

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I've changed the names of my "Concrete" houses to Brutalist.
Here's Brutalist#13, a two-bedroom.
I've removed a big tree from the front yard for the first pic, so to better show the details of the front of the house.
The last pic is what I based it on, found on the 'net.
I made this in the last couple of days. Fun, fun, fun...

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