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Diovanlestat 14th Dec 2015 7:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AliaD85
"OMG! I HATE CHILDREN!" -- When single father Aaron can't potty train his twin toddler, Sylven, because Lucien, the older twin toddler, wants attention and dad is too STUPID AND DIRECTIONALLY CHALLENGED to get to the potty! So Lucien decides to go play in the adult toilet and clogs it.... OMG. I HATE SIM CHILDREN....

"GO GET YOUR HELL-SPAWN!!!" -- Because Sylven is wide awake and just cries in his crib to be let out, Aaron can't get to Lucien who is now playing in his toilet water puddle and ready to fall asleep.

Please, please be careful, EA could be watching and listening and might come along and take Sims 2 toddlers away. Your doing it wrong anyway. Put toddlers in empty room, leave some pizza and then take door away. They'll be fine, and dad won't be able to interfere. But make sure you remove front door and back door first, in case EA sends in the social workers to kidnap your beloved children.

Diovanlestat 14th Dec 2015 7:49 AM

Sorry, don't think toddlers like pizza, so you may have to spend money and get some Chinese.

BoilingOil 14th Dec 2015 10:23 AM

Locking toddlers up? You monster!

Get the Bottomless Bottle - either Inge Jones' original version, or my adaptation of it - in stead. You buy a single bottle from the catalog at the cost of a single simoleon, and it never goes empty. Just drop it on the floor in the room with the toddler. Food problem solved.

Also pick up Phaenoh's TinyTykesSleepyMat, and give the toddler any toy (I prefer the logic toy, because then at least they learn something useful). Now all you have to do is keep dad busy until the tyke needs to go potty, or requires a diaper change.

My sims seldom have trouble with their babies and toddlers. Only once they become children, the crap hits the fan. But then there is Inge Jones' boarding school

Justpetro 14th Dec 2015 10:59 AM

I have to say that that bottle - your adaptation, BoilingOil - has saved many toddlers from starving in my game due to the eternal appearance of twins in my hood But as for the rest:

I do NOT care if you are tired. You will get up, potty train twin a, tickle her and then put her in her crib. And then you will train twin b, tickle him and put him in his crib. You wanted to have babies, now you will look after them Okay, if you do not need a shower or a meal, you may go back to sleep. If one of them wakes up, I will wake up the other parent/grandmother/teen sister/or whomever I feel like waking up. See that worked out well, everybody is happy Let us hope the burglar does not come tonight and wake all of you up now (oh, hell....)

BoilingOil 14th Dec 2015 12:03 PM

I agree wholeheartedly. That's the reason that my sims never ever ever get a nanny, servo or Butler to take care of their kids. Some *will* have a Butler, but no pedofile behavior from that cradle robber. With my "ButlerIsNoNanny" mod the butler will not touch any kids! My sims will have to do THAT themselves! But they don't need to take the kid out of a crib, nor put it back in. And they don't coddle them either; the little shits can entertain themselves or each other. And all teens and adults have coffee in stead of sleep. They have no time to sleep, because they're too busy making money or more kids.
Teens don't have kids, though... they take care of their siblings. They are way better parents than their parents, anyway.

Justpetro 14th Dec 2015 12:25 PM

My families do use the nanny, since both parents normally work (I get the father to hire the nanny so that the mother can sleep when he is at work). Butlers - no way, those stuff upper lip oaks are normally just in the way So the Sims in my game simply have to clean up themselves. They have to fit that in between working, sleeping, caring for their kids and studying, and I see it simply as them balancing their lives (or trying to).However, they do get exhausted, so they are allowed to, once in a blue moon, hire a nanny and spend the night in the local hood hotel. No baby, toddler or kid has ever been harmed this way

They do play with their toddlers, though. It is a law in my game that every family member shall play peek-a-boo with every toddler at least once. Teen pregnancies and butlers are against the laws.

BoilingOil 14th Dec 2015 12:49 PM

Most of my adults sims also have either a job or a business, or sometimes even both, besides the dozen or so kids. And when at home, they know how to use at least one of the crafting stations. Nobody sits on their hands. Still, repairs and cleaning is something they also have to do themselves, and everyone makes their own bed. And if not, then too! The only sims that do have a Butler in my game, are the ones that maintain dozens of garden plots. The Butler helps out in the green house once his regular duties are done. Other service sims are not used!

And on top of this all, every adult sim has to know at least a dozen sims outside the household. Preferably more.

The reward is that, if they have the money, they can literally have ANY item they like, unless it doesn't fit in the house. No sim should ever own a bowling lane or a skating rink, for example, because that's silly!
And all my sims still find time between all the chores to build perfect relationships with all their relatives.

Justpetro 15th Dec 2015 11:34 PM

Oh, there are plenty of good reasons to have a butler, I think, but they are unfortunately still illegal in my hood - and the laws will not be changed, since the ruler (me) is a dictator.
I do like all the ways they can earn money, and there is always place for a pottery wheel or two, but also a computer for the writers. I once made a writer Sim for testing (and played with him for months on end because it turned out to be so much fun)
However - clearing throat here - I think it is perfectly normal for Sims to own skating rinks or bowling lanes They can charge their visitors a fortune to use it!

simsample 16th Dec 2015 1:42 AM

I love to read how different simmers play their games! I used to play in a quite regimented way- I would strive to make sims succeed in their careers, reach their LTW, max out skills etc. But recently I've been having fun letting sims run on freewill more, so I'm enjoying seeing some aspiration failure and job demotion. I'm following wants more- so even (gasp) having sims miss work or school when a wish arises!

I also cheated and gave my sim a holiday for which I kachinged, just because I felt sorry for him. Previously I would have made him earn it!

Charity 16th Dec 2015 3:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
I have to say that that bottle - your adaptation, BoilingOil - has saved many toddlers from starving in my game due to the eternal appearance of twins in my hood But as for the rest:

Having pets in the family has saved a lot of mine. XD I have had several occasions where a hungry cat was standing there watching the toddler eat all her food. I'm sorry, Puss! I'll go get someone to fill it up again, I promise.

Quietscheente 2nd Jan 2016 5:06 PM

"Why are you sneaking around my house again? You've dropped off a stereo not 10 minutes ago. Wait: Are you bringing me another gift? Aaaaw, thanks. I love you, too."

Chaz Whippler from ALT had a Dream Date with the Mail woman. Soon after he got back home she was on the phone asking for another date, so he went again. It was another Dream Date. That night she came by and left a Soma AudioGeek TK421 Tower System by his door step. Then she left the lot, came back 10 game minutes later and placed a Chimeway & Daughters Saloon Piano right next to the stereo she brought before.

lfria 3rd Jan 2016 5:15 AM

"Ok you newlyweds can have a honeymoon as soon as you have 10k simoleans. Oh look! You got a promotion nice! You guys only need about 3k more."

The wife has a chance card come up while she was still at work that same sim day and what do you know she owes 25k simoleans.

"....welp. You guys have no money now. Bye bye honeymoon."

joandsarah77 3rd Jan 2016 6:04 AM

10K! Mine would be elders before they got that much cash to burn.

Pizzatron-9000 3rd Jan 2016 6:11 AM

"Don't die, don't die, don't die..."
When your Sim's Mechanical is 3 or less, repairing the Witch Doctor's electrical stuff is plenty stressful.

"NInja! Ninja ninja ninja!"
My usual reaction to seeing a ninja pop up on a Far East lot is decidedly orgasmic.

♫♪♫ "Oh, I am ninja! He is ninja! She is ninja too..." ♫♪♫

"Get him! Get him! Get the ninja! Get him!"
The same.

"Now that's just cheating!"
The ninja's behind one of the little bamboo fences at the hot springs and no one can get to him.

"Yaaay, time to get naked!"
Pose object + armoire with a Naked option + one or more easels + one or more Simmy artists who can paint still lifes = the full, authentic nude art model experience. Getting the model ready is fun!

siletka 3rd Jan 2016 6:20 AM

"Why is your hair SO UGLY."


"I know you want a sculpture, but you still owe money on your fridge. Priorities, much?" I use Cyjon's Loan Jar. Most of my sims have massive debt.

lfria 3rd Jan 2016 3:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
10K! Mine would be elders before they got that much cash to burn.

I only have the no20k handouts mod as far as money goes, so my sims tend to accumulate money through promotions, and occasionally chance cards. I haven't quite wanted to make the leap to grab all the other financial mods like increasing the bill amounts I will eventually

PenelopeT 3rd Jan 2016 4:12 PM

When I get tired of the chaos: "That's it! I'm so done with this neighborhood...time to start a new one."

When a sim gets fired (screw you chance cards) instead of getting a promotion: "Dammit!"

gazania 3rd Jan 2016 6:45 PM

I'm the one with the glitched eye problem whom, when I tried to fix it, wound up with a seriously fricked-up hood that I had to delete. I PRAY these glitched eyes aren't in the other hoods, and will do a random check now. I might be OK if it was simply an issue of deleting and adding eyesets when I oughtn't have ... I haven't done that in a year and a half, and played the glitched hood exclusively before then.

But if you wanted to know what I actually said in this time period, as I saw my hood implode, it would absolutely, positively not be printable here.

Orilon 3rd Jan 2016 11:20 PM

"Get off your butt and change their diapers"

"Ugh, your motives are fine grow up" (one thing that annoys me about Sim 2 babies is at times they refuse to grow up into toddlers. One absolutely refused to grow up until midnight. I don't see why at time the game sends the parent that the baby refuses to grow up for to "help with birthday." )

simsoba12 3rd Jan 2016 11:33 PM

I say this alot:
"What......WHO LEFT THERE FOOD IN THE OVEN...OK.......QUIT DANCING LIKE A TRIBE AROUND THE FIRE!!!!!!! JUST GET YOUR ___________ AND GO," a few minutes later "GEEZ, ______ (SIMS NAME) AGAIN!"

"WHERE IS YOUR TODDLER...OH WAIT...I KNOW......*toddler is playing in toilet again*

"WHAt!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISSING MESHHH!!!!!"

simsoba12 3rd Jan 2016 11:34 PM

Also..."Quit crying, _______ (toddler name) Oh... you just...peed...on the a dog............." and then that happens on loop.

AliaD85 5th Jan 2016 9:05 PM

(Stranded Island Colony Challenge Cont...)
"Omg... What are you two doing?!... And why aren't you doing anything about your husband?! Omg, I hate you! I'm done with the lot of ya!"

Stephen visits Henry and Matthieu's lot. After lunch, Henry and Stephen naked cuddle in bed while Matthieu is all like "Aw how cute!"

Meg_Lucky 5th Jan 2016 9:32 PM

"Tiffany Zarubin, I WILL kill you!"

NateTheL0ser 7th Jan 2016 12:21 AM

"No! The baby does NOT need a 5th bath today! She needs to sleep!"

saturnian 7th Jan 2016 10:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
one thing that annoys me about Sim 2 babies is at times they refuse to grow up into toddlers. One absolutely refused to grow up until midnight. I don't see why at time the game sends the parent that the baby refuses to grow up for to "help with birthday."

I used to have that problem all the time (one didn't grow up until 9am!) until I realised you could take the baby to the cake before the 6pm rollover. And several dozen sprogs later, I've never once had it fail to work.

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