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Charity 7th Feb 2016 9:38 AM

So, I move you into an unbuilt lot and one of you wants a double bed and the other a telescope and bookcase? So, no toilets or fridges or anything that would keep you alive then? XD

Rosawyn 7th Feb 2016 10:44 AM

"You've already got two kids! Why the hell would you want another?"
"Wow, being pregnant really sucks."
"Oh right, I guess the reason why her husband has twice the skills she does is because she wasted three days being pregnant..."
"Stop trying to throw away half a plate of perfectly good fish!!!!" (Stupid neat sims...)

Justpetro 7th Feb 2016 12:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
So, I move you into an unbuilt lot and one of you wants a double bed and the other a telescope and bookcase? So, no toilets or fridges or anything that would keep you alive then? XD

Knowledge Sims One could perhaps be Romance, but I think Knowledge Sims.

Charity 7th Feb 2016 12:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Knowledge Sims One could perhaps be Romance, but I think Knowledge Sims.

One Romance, one Knowledge. Fortunately after the important stuff was bought they started rolling wants for things like fridges, toilets and baths lol.

StrangeTownChick 12th Feb 2016 4:44 AM

"Why are you playing the piano? I told you to go sleep! Sleeping does not involve pianos! Unless I've been doing it wrong!"

saturnian 12th Feb 2016 9:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Knowledge Sims One could perhaps be Romance, but I think Knowledge Sims.

For a double bed? Well, there is such a thing as carnal knowledge, I suppose...

Peni Griffin 12th Feb 2016 9:25 AM

Sims in love roll wants for double beds. When Ernest Munny (Fortune, obviously) fell in love with Sage Ann Onions he had a very practical, focused wants panel: Dance with Sage Ann. Get Engaged to Sage Ann. Flirt with Sage Ann. Play with Sage Ann. Buy a double bed.

RedSimmies 12th Feb 2016 11:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Sims in love roll wants for double beds. When Ernest Munny (Fortune, obviously) fell in love with Sage Ann Onions he had a very practical, focused wants panel: Dance with Sage Ann. Get Engaged to Sage Ann. Flirt with Sage Ann. Play with Sage Ann. Buy a double bed.

Damn that is a single minded fortune man

Kligma 14th Feb 2016 10:10 AM

To a sim standing for half an hour complaining that the teddy bear is in the wrong position so he can't talk through it to his kid, who's in school until I've had enough and sell the damn thing:
"Then I won't allow you to own a teddy bear, if you can't handle it!"
There are some things you'd never think you'd hear yourself utter, and playing sims seems to bring out a lot of those.

stitching 14th Feb 2016 10:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Kligma
To a sim standing for half an hour complaining that the teddy bear is in the wrong position so he can't talk through it to his kid, who's in school until I've had enough and sell the damn thing:
"Then I won't allow you to own a teddy bear, if you can't handle it!"
There are some things you'd never think you'd hear yourself utter, and playing sims seems to bring out a lot of those.

You might want to try no autonomous talking through the teddy bear by twojeffs. I downloaded it after one of my sims was swarmed by townies with teddy bears at the Arts & Crafts hobby lot. They cornered her, and there was a lot of foot stomping and actions dropped from the queue before she finally escaped. The mod has allowed me to put teddy bears on my lots again.

Justpetro 14th Feb 2016 10:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by saturnian
For a double bed? Well, there is such a thing as carnal knowledge, I suppose...

All my knowledge Sims tend to roll the following first wants : buy an expensive bookcase, buy a telescope, learn a skill point and woohoo in double bed - not necessarily in that order

KatieBelle 14th Feb 2016 10:38 AM

cool story bro

Essa 14th Feb 2016 1:18 PM

"You're not so unlucky all in all" when Jeff Lachaîne get promoted through a chance card and the day after he got a 8 000 § reward.
One of his traits is "unlucky".

OpelSpeedster 14th Feb 2016 4:19 PM

"Why must you always take the longer path around instead of taking shortcuts?"

"...Geez. If it weren't for us, you Sims would still be living in caves. Assuming you didn't go extinct over your own mistakes."

Quietscheente 14th Feb 2016 9:11 PM

First round of the Patel family in my megahood:
"Wow, she's pregnant AND there's actually a room for the baby in the apartment."
There are two new family members on the way.
"Okaaaaaay...well I guess I can convert the office into another nursery."
Four new Sim Icons appear on the screen.
"Oh s***! You are doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

Annaminna 14th Feb 2016 9:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by OpelSpeedster
"Why must you always take the longer path around instead of taking shortcuts?"

(Runs to replace doors)

stitching 15th Feb 2016 6:49 AM

"If you are going to steal the newspaper, could you at least wait until the delivery girl is off the porch?"

Charity 15th Feb 2016 3:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by stitching
"If you are going to steal the newspaper, could you at least wait until the delivery girl is off the porch?"

Did she point and yell at them? XD

Gcgb53191 15th Feb 2016 4:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by stitching
You might want to try no autonomous talking through the teddy bear by twojeffs. I downloaded it after one of my sims was swarmed by townies with teddy bears at the Arts & Crafts hobby lot. They cornered her, and there was a lot of foot stomping and actions dropped from the queue before she finally escaped. The mod has allowed me to put teddy bears on my lots again.

I swear those mods don't always work in my game. My sim's visitors still use the ballet bar constantly, they'll still use the teddy bear too. Maybe the load order has something to do with it?

KatieBelle 15th Feb 2016 5:32 PM

"GAH! Another crash! EFF YOU! Why must you crash before you even load?!"

CaliBrat 15th Feb 2016 5:39 PM

Go to bed, no leave the baby sleepin it can grow up in the morning.
You're gonna pass out if you don't stay in bed and leave the baby alone. It really won't stave if you sleep a few hours first.

Dagwon 16th Feb 2016 12:15 AM

ANOTHER set of twins?! - when I went to double check the father of Viviane's pregnancy, and noticed the "Number of babies expected is 2"
Viviane is a twin (Vincent) and her two younger siblings are twins. Now she's having twins, while still living in her parents' house. I mean, really. Three sets of natural twins, in one house?! Excessive! (Yes, I know, twin tokens and blah blah)

Oh crap, you're going into labour NOW? How the h--- am I gonna fit two cribs in this house?!

All three sets are girl-boy?! What is going on?

KatieBelle 16th Feb 2016 1:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Dagwon
ANOTHER set of twins?! - when I went to double check the father of Viviane's pregnancy, and noticed the "Number of babies expected is 2"
Viviane is a twin (Vincent) and her two younger siblings are twins. Now she's having twins, while still living in her parents' house. I mean, really. Three sets of natural twins, in one house?! Excessive! (Yes, I know, twin tokens and blah blah)

Oh crap, you're going into labour NOW? How the h--- am I gonna fit two cribs in this house?!

All three sets are girl-boy?! What is going on?

Wow can I have your luck once my game works again?

I LOVE big families!

SciBirg 16th Feb 2016 2:57 AM

You want YET another baby?? You have three kids already! In a tiny two bedroom house! If you don't stop this, I will have to call the ogre on you!

Dagwon 16th Feb 2016 4:26 PM

KatieBelle I love big families too! I just wasn't planning on it in this household. And I think this goes beyond "luck" and into "I broke the game statistics."

And SciBirg, you think that's bad? Try SIX in a one bedroom house! (The elder twins are in the back portion of the hall, the younger are in the living room, and I'm really not sure where the grandkids will sleep)

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