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lethifold 23rd May 2011 8:45 AM

My gosh, this is such a stupid vent considering everything that's happening in my life right now, but this girl in my Psychology class did an amazing oral presentation today, and I have no idea how to live up to that. The teacher told her afterwards that she'd be receiving a mark between 96% and 98% which is absolutely phenomenal. Ugh.

DigitalSympathies 23rd May 2011 8:51 AM

I'm crying right now when I saw this on Sims Secret. Oh my God. Who did this?

Geah 23rd May 2011 11:51 AM

That's so rude! (I had to get a magnifying glass to read that and even then couldn't properly manage it so my friend read it out for me.) I can't believe that person (I'm going to hazard that it's a She because that just seems so catty) would compare what you're going through to that MJ person. I saw what that girl came up with :o

Try not to take it to heart, love. People who insult others by means of an anonymous website are completely insecure about themselves and to be perfectly frank, are utter plonkers.

Phoeberg 23rd May 2011 12:56 PM

I got a message on facebook from a girl I used to be very good friends with from ages 11-14 saying that she wants to see me. Her exact words were "I HAVE to see you." There is a reason we aren't friends anymore and she must realize that it's her fault. It's too long a story to explain what happened, but imagine being fourteen in an all girls school having your two best friends turn on you and accuse of things that you know you didn't do but which everyone else believes you did because there's two of them and only one of you. Girls in the year above me bullied me for the next year, they would follow me around at lunch shouting things and blocking doors so I couldn't get away from them, whisper things behind their hands while laughing at me, look at me like I was shit. The only person who said she believed me was my English teacher after I spent 20 minutes crying after knocking on her door to stop those girls from following me, because the only way they'd stop is if they thought a teacher was about to see them. In the end, after a year and a half, it turned out that it had been the other girl we were friends with who had done the thing everyone thought I'd done all along. One of the girls from the year above apologized to me like that was it and I was supposed to say 'Oh, okay, sure, I forgive you' and the girl that's messaged me tried to restart a friendship. So you can imagine how really I don't HAVE to see her.

The funniest part is that I don't want to reply saying that I don't want to see her because of all of this because I don't want to upset her or hurt her feelings so I know I'm going to end up replying saying that of course I'll meet up with her.

Geah 23rd May 2011 1:08 PM

Anyone want to come forward and say why you disagree with my post above? i don't find it the slightest bit funny that someone is crying because of what one anonymous person has decided to say against her. It is sooo easy to laugh at someone when no-one knows who you are, isn't it? Everyone's a big tough guy when they're safely behind a keyboard.

lethifold 23rd May 2011 1:38 PM

People are douchebags. Just ignore them and don't try and create the inevitable drama. After all, this group is just a bunch of hormonal girls.

Ranta 23rd May 2011 3:35 PM

I agree-- that's absolutely ridiculous! People tend to forget that online insults can sting just as badly as they can in real life. Either way, it's not right to compare suffering, nor is it okay to judge another person's troubles as 'real' or 'fake' or 'funny' when you know nothing about their situation. Every single user on this site is a real person, with real feelings and real problems that deserve to be respected.

I'm really sorry, DigitalSympathies-- both for your original issue and that comment. I really hope you feel better soon.


DigitalSympathies 23rd May 2011 8:40 PM

Thank you guys so much. I was really more upset over being compared with someone who made up these wild stories than the actual post on sims secret itself. I totally agree with Ranta here, and I can say for myself that you guys know I'm a real person and you know my story. Who would just go out without even knowing me and accuse me of something like this? Immature bastards. I know what I type may be a bit over-the-top sometimes but I have a lot of drama in my life . . . it's just the way I describe it, I guess.

Phoeberg 24th May 2011 1:59 AM

^ Don't worry about it. If someone is sad enough to go trawling through the vent thread and go to the trouble of editing/submitting your post here then they should probably take a look at their own life.

The Raven 24th May 2011 2:11 AM

My sister won't let me watch my fave movie,Interview With A Vampire, because she wants to watch HER show. She's been watching TV all day. I haven't gotten to watch any TV except when she was sleeping!

cupcake12winx 24th May 2011 6:17 AM

Apparently Harold Camping now believes the Rapture will occur on October 21st. Geez, why is this guy so eager for the world to end? I don't mean to offend anyone, but if he wants to meet God so soon.. there are other ways to do it.

EDIT: Taken directly from definition 5 of "moron" on Urbandictionary: "This refers to 90% of the population and there inability to make logical and common sense decisions." Yeah, that's not ironic at all.

Geah 24th May 2011 8:03 AM

Ah, but is it not a sin to take ones own life? He would get into trouble with God, whereas if the whole world ended, he'd preumably go up to heaven and God would be happy to see him.

...Or something along those lines

lethifold 24th May 2011 12:11 PM

I'm so tired of feeling.

minus. 24th May 2011 8:01 PM

My brother won't be home for my graduation.

Nabila_Ici 24th May 2011 10:47 PM

Someone stole my iPod at the gym.

el_flel 25th May 2011 12:57 AM

Was that MJ person the girl on here who pretended to be a pregnant teenager who was carrying twins and then created loads of fake accounts and argued with herself?

If so, yeah... I don't really see how your post, DS, is anything like that. People are bastards.

Vent: Why am I so tired lately? I have the energy of a pregnant 90 year old. It's pathetic!

Rabid 25th May 2011 2:47 AM

I have to write a senior column for the student newspaper about what journalism has meant to me. Only seniors who've worked on the paper for their entire high school career get to write one. I've been looking forward to this for four years, but now that I'm here, I have so much to say and only six hundred words in which to say it.

DollyRot 25th May 2011 3:45 AM

First day off in 5 days, getting the flu.

The Raven 25th May 2011 3:56 AM

Aww! Feel better Dolly!

My vent: I want Friday to be here already! I want my 3 day weekend to be here now! (I'm off Monday! Woot Woot!)

lethifold 25th May 2011 4:00 AM

Emily, I will bring you soup and tea and ANTM to watch until you are better :3

DollyRot 25th May 2011 7:37 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
Emily, I will bring you soup and tea and ANTM to watch until you are better :3

I love you

x-tashi-x 25th May 2011 8:53 AM

why do people instantly judge those that smoke pot?
All the groups on facebook about how it's disgusting? Its a personal choice. Yeah, it might not be an incredibly good choice, but technically pot hasn't got many negative health affects, and is much better for you than alcohol or coffee even .

Geah 25th May 2011 8:54 AM

I am sitting in the office feeling awkward in my own home. If your new boyfriend being here gets us in trouble again you can take all the wrap.

DollyRot 25th May 2011 11:54 AM

I hate when people are late and they don't bother to text you. My uncle was supposed to come over at 6.30, It is now 8pm and I am starving.

Dreamydre 25th May 2011 11:00 PM

Last Oprah episode today :-(

minus. 25th May 2011 11:18 PM

I'm so exhausted emotionally, I spent most of the night crying with various friends. Two more days left of high school.

Phoeberg 25th May 2011 11:41 PM

In two and a half weeks my friends and I will be moving out of my university accommodation to go back home. I can't believe how fast this has all gone. Today we wrote a list of all the things we had to do before we leave and there were so many last time things, like going to certain restaurants and college events for the last time ever, that it really started to hit home that we're graduating soon. I didn't really feel upset when I left high school because I always knew that I would be able to see my friends during school breaks, but this isn't the same as everyone will be in different places doing different things.

el_flel 26th May 2011 12:06 AM

^ I'm with you on that one! It's horrible!

cupcake12winx 26th May 2011 7:12 AM

I had a... really strange dream last night. I don't even know what it was about, but it ended with a really cool sort of Harry Potter-esque battle scene between a giant spiked snake and.. a person, I think. Then for some reason, I was hugging a ghost of my dog.

What the hell?

Geah 26th May 2011 9:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Beccapixie10
For one, having a knife thrown at you isn't exactly the nicest way to be woken up.

Er, yeah, you could say that! Why did you have a knife thrown at you? :o

Dreamydre 27th May 2011 4:49 AM

I'm really going to miss my High School career. Graduation is creeping up. I can't believe the day has finally come. My bestie is kind of disappointed, because I've decided not to go to San Diego State. I got accepted to UCLA.

thedivineone 27th May 2011 3:12 PM

I hate travelling, whether by car, train or plane, I always feel exhausted. Not to mention it's really hot today.

I keep mistyping...It's been a week since I typed anything...stupid exams.

NightlyEMP 27th May 2011 8:23 PM

It's kind of ironic how much effort it takes and how difficult it is to make my hair look good in a messy bun. I feel like ripping my hair out by the roots.

ETA: 20 minutes and 8 attempts later... I f'n give up.

DigitalSympathies 28th May 2011 1:38 AM

I need energy . . . I just want to sleep but I NEED TO FILM THIS SHIT.

Desi_17 28th May 2011 5:42 AM

I graduate tomorrow and I have a really bad sunburn on my arms, chest/shoulders and a little bit on my face

The Raven 28th May 2011 6:03 AM

I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep!! (It's midnight here)

lethifold 28th May 2011 6:48 AM

I have so much hair. So. Much. Hair.

Nabila_Ici 28th May 2011 9:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
I have so much hair. So. Much. Hair.

Swap? I regret every single day I wished for thinner hair.

Rabid 28th May 2011 3:03 PM

Last night, two friends and I went to the downtown cinema to see a movie. The problem with going downtown is that it's tricky to navigate because it's all one-way streets. Because I know my way around better than the other two, I was the designated driver. On the way home, we turned onto a street and cruised for maybe ten feet before we saw lights approaching in the distance. One friend said, "Uh, are we on a one-way street?" The other friend chimed in with, "Yes, we are. And we're going the wrong way." After that, we all started screaming and panicking and I pulled over to the side before anything bad could happen. However, I've never been flipped off so much in my life. Once we got out of the way and came to a stop, we were all still flailing and screaming, and some biker on the sidewalk was standing there doubled over in laughter.

Fortunately, my parents weren't upset when I told them; in our city, it's an easy mistake to make because downtown is so convoluted. I'm really a very safe driver... this adventure kind of made me doubt that . The only problem is that my friends will never let it go :P.

NightlyEMP 28th May 2011 5:56 PM

In relation to yesterday's post.. why does doing my hair every day always have to be a freakin' battle?!

Dreamydre 28th May 2011 10:34 PM

My bestfriend is acting like an asshole. She's pissed because I'm going to UCLA instead of San Diego State. If she were accepted to UCLA I would be HAPPY for her, I would be sad but HAPPY that she was even accepted. If she wants to be that way then it's perfectly fine, just don't talk to me anymore. But I think it's really such a douche thing to do when you're not happy that your friend was accepted into one of the top schools in California.

el_flel 28th May 2011 11:31 PM

Rabid, the way you described that has created the most hilarious image in my head!

Dreamy, yeah that is pathetic. You're going off to college, it's unrealistic to expect that you'll go to the same school and she's being pretty selfish to be annoyed that you chose a better school over the one she's going to just because you'd be together. When you start college no one knows each other - it's part of the fun because it means that everyone is so open to meeting new people. Congratulations on getting in btw and try not let your friend's reaction put a damper on things because you will have an absolutely awesome time.

NightlyEMP 29th May 2011 5:02 AM

There is a giant flying bug that tries to commit suicide every night by flying into my window/screen over and over again for hours. He has yet to succeed.

cupcake12winx 29th May 2011 7:22 AM

I feel like my period is coming on. I just feel.. really weird in a bad way. Bleh.

lethifold 29th May 2011 7:26 AM

So sleepy, so many assignments to do.

thedivineone 29th May 2011 11:45 AM

SimPE isn't working well, stupid plugin window ain't working. Guess I'll have to clean my room after all. *sigh*

Edit: My room gathers a horrendous amount of dust, it's not even possible and of course since it's my lucky day ; the vacuum isn't working and it blew a cloud of dust bunnies straight up my nose. Stupid desert climate.

Rabid 29th May 2011 10:52 PM

Bad hair day, bleh. I can deal with my actual hair not doing what I want it to do, but when my bangs are screwed up, I always feel like there's nothing I can do to make it right. Pinning them back or to the side looks terrible.

NightlyEMP 30th May 2011 12:39 AM

Holy crow, why are sims 3 patch updates so big?!

ETA: Anddd after 45 minutes of waiting... "Error loading patch." So I get to do it all over again. Woo-freakin-hoo.
ETA again: AGAIN! I give up. I guess I don't get to use any custom content/mods this time around (and the game pretty much lacks without it). Argh...

Phoeberg 30th May 2011 1:28 AM

I've completely lost my appetite recently and I have no idea why. I've been forcing myself to keep having meals when I don't really want them but I've had to leave food from virtually every meal this week because I feel so full that I think I might be sick if I ate anymore. Ordinarily I'm the type of person who almost always clears a plate and even if I start to feel full and think I've probably eaten enough I tend to finish meals rather than leave a bit on my plate, because it feels like such a waste. It's really irritating me.

Edit: I just did one of those online symptom checker things and it told me I have postpartum depression.

Geah 30th May 2011 5:04 AM

Going to go and murder some sims to feel better .... alright, not murder them. Hell I can't even make their lives a misery without feeling bad. Lol. Ahwell, it's theraputic even if they don't die

I wish my "mother" would just stay out of my life. /sigh

lethifold 30th May 2011 7:29 AM

My Psychology teacher decided to move my presentation, which was supposed to be on Thursday, to tomorrow, which means I'm stressing because it's nowhere near finished. Ugh.

DigitalSympathies 30th May 2011 8:25 AM

My friend gave me his unused extra copy of Glamour Life Stuff and the disc wouldn't read, so I went to go download it from the EADM and it says the code is not valid or something. *headdesks* Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~

thedivineone 30th May 2011 9:35 AM

My mouse will soon be buried in the graveyard of all things awesome. It's squeaking and I can hardly double click anything, why do all good looking things go? why?!

Excuse me, I need a moment.

lethifold 30th May 2011 10:01 AM

My mother is in another one of her charming moods. She hasn't been like this for a while, huh.

cupcake12winx 30th May 2011 10:20 AM

Apparently I'm psychic.

DollyRot 30th May 2011 10:51 AM

Just want my boyfriend home with dinner. I am cold & sick & hungry

lethifold 30th May 2011 11:37 AM

I'm SO cold. I don't think I've been properly warm since Saturday morning when I was all toasty in bed.

Zela 30th May 2011 12:20 PM

My glasses snapped in half so now I have to go around like Harry Potter for the next week. Which would be awesome but I really did love my glasses. *sigh*

cupcake12winx 30th May 2011 9:35 PM

If period cramps could be relieved the same way normal aches can, I think being a girl would be a hell of a lot easier.

DigitalSympathies 30th May 2011 9:47 PM

Woke up to a murder scene in my pants. o.o

NightlyEMP 30th May 2011 11:43 PM

cupcake, Pamprin Maximum Relief works wonders!

Phoeberg 31st May 2011 1:15 AM

Why can't people act their age? Tonight two of my housemates and I had a friend over to watch a movie. After it finished we spent two hours talking and while we were talking our other housemate got back from work. She sat down and joined in the conversation a little, but literally as soon as our friend left she stood up, stormed up the stairs and we could hear her slam her bedroom door. The amount of times I have heard that door slam is just unbelievable considering she's 21. Sure, when I was thirteen I'd slam my bedroom door after an argument with my parents, but I grew out of that pretty quickly. I don't know what our supposed crime is now and I don't really care. She just comes off as an immature idiot when she does this; none of us care why she's upset because it will only be over something ridiculous and we're not all going to follow her, desperate to make amends. Why hasn't she figured out that she's just spiting herself and making us all dislike her? People don't want to be friends with people like that because it takes too much energy to be constantly asking someone what's wrong and if they're okay and blah blah blah.

Rabid 31st May 2011 1:36 AM

I've had an English teacher for the past two years who has taught me so, so much. He supported me hugely within the department and wrote me a letter of recommendation stating that he's never had a student as talented as I am. It's not uncommon to invite meaningful teachers to graduation parties, so my parents told me to give him an invitation to mine, but it just makes me nervous. This teacher is one of those hip young teachers that has close, buddy-buddy relationships with a lot of students. I know that he thinks incredibly highly of me, but I just don't feel like we have the relationship that would warrant an invitation. I talk to him about books during classtime and we have a strong academic bond; I don't hang out in his room during passing periods and talk to him about the meaning of life like other students do. I know that I'll end up inviting him because my parents will kill me if I don't, but it's going to be so awkward.

Phoeberg 31st May 2011 2:50 AM

My high school Latin teacher's partner has hanged himself in the woods surrounding the school and she was the one who found him. I feel just awful for her. I haven't really spoken to her in the past year but we used to talk quite often, especially while I was still at school, and she was always very kind to me. She wrote me a wonderful reference when I was applying to universities and was always encouraging and willing to listen. She used to talk about him in classes frequently and I never would have imagined that he was depressed. Now I understand things much more. I really wish this hadn't happened to her.

lethifold 31st May 2011 1:05 PM

My friend always leaves every assignment to the last possible moment, and then uses it as an excuse to be incredibly bitchy. She's had almost seven weeks to work on a presentation for Psychology, and she only just started tonight. These presentations are about 20 minutes long and require the use of powerpoints, handouts, class activities, and giving a mini-lesson, so they're very stressful. I don't see how she can manage to leave it to the last minute and then use it to justify her bitchiness. Last night I was stressing about mine because my teacher moved my presentation forward to today, but I was still forced to help her through all her petty relationship issues. Tonight, I need to ask her one very important question, and she immediately bites my head off and says she's "way too busy to deal with my shit." Hm. Charming.

cupcake12winx 31st May 2011 2:12 PM

Gack, 'here' doesn't look like a word anymore.

thedivineone 31st May 2011 3:06 PM

I feel so lazy, tired and dizzy. Curse you hot weather!

NightlyEMP 31st May 2011 5:36 PM

It sucks when it's hot and humid, you take a shower, and you're sweaty again before you even start getting dressed. Yuck.

*Insert going for a drive for no other purpose than to just to ride in an air-conditioned car here*

Dreamydre 1st Jun 2011 2:12 AM

My dog nearly gave me a heart attack today. He almost ran into the street in front of a moving car. Needless to say his punishment is that he won't be roaming outside without a leash for the rest of the year!

Phoeberg 1st Jun 2011 3:03 AM

My friends are fucking idiots sometimes. We went for a drink tonight and during the thirty seconds it took me to order my drink at the bar they'd started talking to some guys. I didn't really mind sitting with said guys and talking to them, but after a while I was really ready to leave, especially as I was tired anyway. My friends thought it would be a great idea to leave too, only unlike me they wanted to leave with these guys we'd known all of two hours. So there we are heading in the direction of home and I tried to steer us towards the well-lit route with cars passing by but my friend shouts out "This isn't the way we usually walk, we normally go that way!" and points at the dark, deserted narrow road that is fine to walk down during the day, but isn't really the way you'd want to walk at night with three strangers. I pretty much forced us to go the well-lit way, hissing at her to shut up, but as we got near to our house she starts saying over and over "That's our house, that's where we live!" I just want to tell her to shut the hell up but it was too late by then because they had already heard her. After making sure they knew where we lived my friends then insisted that we went back to one of the boy's houses. Obviously we're all still alive, but how stupid can you get?!!

I am just so angry. Why do they have to have such big mouths?

NightlyEMP 1st Jun 2011 11:12 AM

I got a grand total of about 1 hour of sleep last night. It was just too damn hot, even though I had a fan on.

On another note, for a guy who was so urgent for me to text him, it's really hard to keep a conversation going when I'm doing all the talking and he just sends 1-3 word replies. Or else the convo goes like this:

(After not talking all day) Him: Hey
Me: Hey! What's goin' on?
Him: Just getting ready to [go somewhere, do something], bye

Really?.. why bother texting me in the first place then?

thedivineone 1st Jun 2011 11:30 AM

Why do I care what people think? Why can't I do something without thinking how everybody I know might react? I know it's nice and polite to think of how others might like or dislike the things you might do but it still aches me to do that, not to mention the awful stress it puts upon me.
Bloody hell.

Phoeberg 1st Jun 2011 3:36 PM

So sitting in the kitchen five minutes ago with my friend discussing last night and the stupidity of telling three strange boys where we live, we hear a knock at the front door. It doesn't take a genius to work out who was at the door. My friend started freaking out and despite me telling her to just stay in the kitchen and wait for them to leave she kept pushing open the kitchen door to peer through the living room window to see who was there and if they were gone yet. Naturally, not being blind, they saw her. Eventually they did go away but they don't exactly live far from us so it's not like they can't come back or we won't run into them by chance.

So yeah, this is great, just great.

Nabila_Ici 1st Jun 2011 7:13 PM

We've had no water for 13 hours. And it's not going to be back any time soon! D:

Phoeberg 1st Jun 2011 8:04 PM

As if the door knocking wasn't bad enough, about half an hour after that post we started walking to campus and this car pulls past us, does a u-turn and drives back past before stopping and it's them. JESUS, I literally never want to leave the house again. One of them bullied us into agreeing to go for a drink with the three of them, and then they proceeded to be an hour late for this drink. While having the drink a number of disturbing remarks were made, including:
"I've seen you loads of times this year, even though you haven't seen me"
"We went looking for a corpse earlier"
"Would you rather lose one of your arms or both your legs...that isn't a threat..."
"I tried to climb through your window earlier...I reckon I could do it, don't you?"

On the positive side of things, I think they might leave us alone now.

cupcake12winx 1st Jun 2011 8:32 PM

I had a dream that my dad was shot to death in front of me.

What the hell brain?!

On the bright side, I woke up before I got raped. Whee.

minus. 1st Jun 2011 10:00 PM

I'm supposed to go out for a drink with this guy who used to mean the world to me, and I'm pretty sure our conversation will get pretty awkward, but what I'm the most afraid of is that it might not happen at all.

DigitalSympathies 1st Jun 2011 10:42 PM

My Harry Potter and the OOTP book is really dirty on the outside from sharing a closet for about 4 months with some flower pots, and whenever I open it dirt falls into my lap. Great. Just great.

NightlyEMP 2nd Jun 2011 3:01 AM

My mom finds the absolute DUMBEST things to start a fight over. God forbid her husband work and make money for an extra 3 hours on Friday. "So I have to make my own dinner and eat by myself?" And of course that has blown up into absolute ridiculousness.

ETA: Oh my lord... I love my mom but relationship wise she gets more pathetic every day.

cupcake12winx 2nd Jun 2011 6:20 AM

Nightmares aside, I walked in two puddles of dog pee today.

lethifold 2nd Jun 2011 10:28 AM

That awkward moment when you're trying to impress a guy who values good spelling and grammar, and you spell the same word incorrectly twice in the same sentence -.-

Phoeberg 3rd Jun 2011 12:16 AM

I was walking home from campus with a friend when a van drove past. A few minutes later it drove past again and this time the charming man in the passenger side made a vulgar gesture involving moving his hands up and down towards his mouth...I imagine I don't need to spell it out. The van then turned in the road and drive back past us, this time stoppping. The driver apologized for his friend's behavior only to then ask us if we we would do the act which his friend was gesturing before and if we wanted "the best sex of our lives" and to "experiment in the back of the van". As you can probably imagine, tempting as the offer was, we did not want to get into the back of a van with these two strange and frankly unattractive men. In what world did they think we'd have said "Oh, go on then"?! What was the point in them being total assholes and making us feel incredibly uncomfortable and nervous? Had they looked in the mirror lately? They weren't what I'd call a catch. They weren't what anyone would call a catch.

Cruzy 3rd Jun 2011 12:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Phoeberg
The driver apologized for his friend's behavior only to then ask us if we we would do the act which his friend was gesturing before and if we wanted "the best sex of our lives" and to "experiment in the back of the van".

some people have some nerve!

There was a moth in my room flying around erratically, I swear they always try and attack me. I turned around from my computer and it was racing towards my face, I quickly threw a cushion at it. I'm such a wimp when it comes to insects.

Geah 3rd Jun 2011 2:56 AM

One of my friends, also my boyfriends best friend, is leaving for Marine bootcamp in July. I can't imagine someone like Aaron being "battle ready" and after watching the bootcamp videos online and seeing things like the bayonet assault course, i really don't want it to happen. I know Derek and I have to support his decision as his friends, but it's extremely scary.

The Raven 3rd Jun 2011 3:37 AM

Stomachache all day.

DigitalSympathies 3rd Jun 2011 7:23 AM

^ Eat a banana. It helps me every time I have a stomach ache and/or cramps, more than anything else.

Me? I can't focus on anything. GAH.

lethifold 3rd Jun 2011 9:30 AM

I was carrying my laptop and managed to fall down some stairs, consequently sort of chipping part of one of the corners. It's not noticeable or a real issue, but ugh. Plus, my tailbone is killing me now.

el_flel 3rd Jun 2011 11:28 AM

Waaaaaaa I've officially finished uni I don't like it. Went out last night and said goodbye to everyone and now it's all sad and scary.

Goodybe, studenthood. Hello, unemployment.

Ranta 3rd Jun 2011 9:58 PM

El-flel, I know how you feel (Edit: heh, I just noticed your signature-- my name is Ellen, too!). A week from now I'll be totally done with high school, and in less than three months I'll be moving away for university. I'm excited, but it's all happening way too fast. I've made so many amazing new friends this year, most of whom are in younger grades, and I'm nowhere near ready to say goodbye to them yet.

This sucks.

minus. 3rd Jun 2011 10:44 PM

^I'm going through the exact same thing.

kustirider2 4th Jun 2011 1:22 AM

Ugh, the past 2 days it's been horribly hot here. In hot weather my back aches, and I get awful migraines. I wish I could just go out and enjoy the sun, rather than feeling like shit all day

Rabid 4th Jun 2011 1:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Ranta
El-flel, I know how you feel (Edit: heh, I just noticed your signature-- my name is Ellen, too!). A week from now I'll be totally done with high school, and in less than three months I'll be moving away for university. I'm excited, but it's all happening way too fast. I've made so many amazing new friends this year, most of whom are in younger grades, and I'm nowhere near ready to say goodbye to them yet.

This sucks.

I'm in the exact same situation, and I agree with your sentiments. I'm excited to move forward, meet new people, and take one step closer to realizing my career dreams, but I'm going to miss everyone left behind.

A separate but related vent: I feel like I'm the only person I know who will genuinely miss his/her parents upon leaving for college. Most of my peers can't wait to get out from under their parents' thumbs; they talk constantly about all of the exciting things they'll do without their parents around to forbid anything. Perhaps I feel differently because my parents have never been unreasonably strict and I've never been horrifically embarrassed of them like so many of my peers. I think that I see my parents as wonderful friends, whereas most people my age see them as nuisances. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to start a new chapter of my life by living alone, but I just know that I'll be that kid bawling while hugging the parents goodbye on move-in day. I don't understand how seemingly everyone else can be so insensitive.

Phoeberg 4th Jun 2011 1:39 AM

I had to stick my hand into the toilet cistern today because my friend came to me to tell me it wouldn't flush and apparently I'm the go-to person for plumbing problems now. On the bright side I could have a second career as a plumber now, as I managed to fix it.

Zela 4th Jun 2011 11:04 AM

If exams won't kill me, revision will first...

DigitalSympathies 5th Jun 2011 7:43 AM

Loud music shouldn't be allowed when idling your car RIGHT OUT FRONT OF MY ROOM, ASSHOLE.

EDIT: Oh, look! I have a black family in my game, that lives in a nice house and has top-level jobs. That doesn't warrant a call of "those people are just selling out", Mr. Friend, thank you very much. Ugh. People can be ignorant assholes. I like to have a racial mix in my game, not racist stereotypes.

Dreamydre 6th Jun 2011 6:09 AM

Just finished having an interesting conversation with my friends and I against these three guys. Okay, so we're watching the MTV Movie Awards and they played the clip from Black Swan when Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman were getting all hot and heavy with each other, and Taylor Lautner and Jason Sudeikis were watching them make out. My thing is, if men enjoy women on women action, what makes them think we don't enjoy a good man on man action?

I mean seriously... all we get from men in movies are little smooches. As my friend said, "you gotta meet us halfway here guys "

cupcake12winx 6th Jun 2011 6:47 AM

So I woke up this morning with something in my eye that wouldn't go away. My dad thinks it was a blister or something. So I went back to sleep and now the pain is gone, but my right eye is all blurry. Whee.

The Raven 6th Jun 2011 9:22 PM

Trying to finish a 100 question review sheet for Social Studies. Question 27... joyus!

thedivineone 6th Jun 2011 10:15 PM

My left arm is aching badly.

NightlyEMP 7th Jun 2011 5:07 AM

I locked myself out of my house without my car keys when I left for work this afternoon and the rest of the day was just hellish.

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