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joandsarah77 19th Dec 2016 10:12 PM

What water source did you use? I was using the rock and while they went and did the action and I got the pop up no bucket of water was in my sims inventory. I'm starting to wonder if I need extra files. I just added the rock since I didn't want the whole water v3 download.

Bulbizarre 19th Dec 2016 10:14 PM

I think I used one of the cactuses because it appeared first in the catalog.

mirjampenning 19th Dec 2016 11:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nysha
12,155. But it's also... really weird? The mesh has a default sim body and face included. I'd be interested to know if it actually works in game - I guess it's possible the creator didn't link up the extra mesh parts, so they might not be visible ingame. Deleting them would bring the polycount down to 9488.

Thanks for pointing that out. Hadn't looked into the package yet. And now I'm even hesistant to use this one.

joandsarah77 20th Dec 2016 12:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PenelopeT
The holidays are a ridiculously busy time at the office and home, so I have not had a chance to test things out yet. Will test everything out later tonight and report back. If someone else tests the pigs before I do, look forward to see what the findings are. Jo, by chance, did you test the pigs in a game that does not have Humble show up? Only ask, as I play with the nohumble mod in all of my games, save for my testing game.

No, I just tried twice with the same couple. First time I realized I didn't have a water source for the pigs so I exited and grabbed the rock option, reloaded and got that second result. So first time was without the water source so it couldn't be that, but why did they not get a water bucket in inventory? I'm going to check that I don't have both v2 and 3 in at the same time (although I didn't think I had v2 in my modern game at all) Or perhaps it's the lot itself, it's a farm lot from here. Humble is in my game I've never modded him out. Everything was playing fine except for the no water bucket showing up right up until Humble showed up.

Nysha 20th Dec 2016 12:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mirjampenning
Thanks for pointing that out. Hadn't looked into the package yet. And now I'm even hesistant to use this one.
No need to worry; MDP has fixed it!

PenelopeT 20th Dec 2016 1:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
No, I just tried twice with the same couple. First time I realized I didn't have a water source for the pigs so I exited and grabbed the rock option, reloaded and got that second result. So first time was without the water source so it couldn't be that, but why did they not get a water bucket in inventory? I'm going to check that I don't have both v2 and 3 in at the same time (although I didn't think I had v2 in my modern game at all) Or perhaps it's the lot itself, it's a farm lot from here. Humble is in my game I've never modded him out. Everything was playing fine except for the no water bucket showing up right up until Humble showed up.

I'm back, after playing around with this set in my testing neighborhood. Have to say it is beyond AMAZING! There is so much for a household to do.

Now, I'm guessing you have some sort of conflict going, Jo, as I had no issues with any of the items, nor once Rod Humble entered the lot, or left. First thing I did was put a pitchfork, dung rake and slop bucket in everyone's inventory. Then I had the teenage daughter buy some hay bales (to make some bedding). I had the mom get some water buckets from the pump (I use the TS3 pump and the Old Mill well in my game...from the updated Fetch Water set). The little boy played around in the mud wallow and at some point talked to the sow, the dad inspected the sow and boar, and the daughter autonomously started talking to the piglet after finishing another chore. The boar, sow and piglet laid down at the same time, but the piglet got up first (sorry didn't time the down time). Rod Humble, strolled onto the lot and I observed all the animals and sims. No errors occurred, my sims carried on about their business and I had them get back to work, and interacting with the animals. So, not sure what to tell you, but so far everything seems to work as described.

Also, for anyone who downloads this set, I highly recommend going through and adding the rest of the items to the collection file they provided, as all items for this set are not in it. I'd even add whatever well you are using from the Fetch Water set to it too (makes it easier to remember it's required).

Oh, and I'm using the autonomous version of the hog set.

Added a few pics to show that things were going along just fine (and to showcase some of the awesome interactions).

Edit: Jo, I see you use the rock as a water source. Do you have it placed next to a body of water (pond), per the instructions?

joandsarah77 20th Dec 2016 2:15 AM

Good to know it is nothing with the pigs and Humble, at least I can cross that off.

PenelopeT 20th Dec 2016 4:46 AM

I should really be in bed right now , but spotted this counter top grill on my Tumble feed. Nice alternative for outdoor cooking.

joandsarah77 20th Dec 2016 6:37 AM

The random freezing is caused by me directing them to pull the custom weeds and grass so I'll be glad when that is gone. Now my pigs are constantly sick and I don't know why since they filled both the food and the water trough.

Nalia 20th Dec 2016 9:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PenelopeT
I should really be in bed right now , but spotted this counter top grill on my Tumble feed. Nice alternative for outdoor cooking.

Oh, this looks shiny. Thanks! <3

mirjampenning 20th Dec 2016 10:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Nysha
No need to worry; MDP has fixed it!

Wonderful! (And I was happily surprised with the polycount)

Also, I definitely need to try out the hogs package. It sounds and looks fantastic. Of course had it downloaded, but not tried yet.

joandsarah77 20th Dec 2016 10:18 AM

Make sure to get the water mod as well, the pigs need their trough filled.

mirjampenning 20th Dec 2016 10:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Make sure to get the water mod as well, the pigs need their trough filled.

Yes, thank you, I got that one as well.

Since one of my sims had a texture issue and seem to come home in a dress instead of his overall, I thought it would be fun to do something with that story wise.
He might be up to become a cross-dresser. In a search to find clothes for him I came across this:
Maybe others would find this useful as well.

PenelopeT 20th Dec 2016 3:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
The random freezing is caused by me directing them to pull the custom weeds and grass so I'll be glad when that is gone. Now my pigs are constantly sick and I don't know why since they filled both the food and the water trough.

Out of curiosity, what custom grass and weeds do you have? I can test that out for you too if you want.

joandsarah77 20th Dec 2016 10:37 PM

I'm assuming that is also Sun&Moon. They have no enviroment effect. I placed down the weeds and the grass along with Sophi David's effects from here, that was trash with green fumes and flies. The freezing only happened with the grass. I'll see if I can find where I got them from.

I think this is the grass It has the option for sims to pull it like they do weeds.

PenelopeT 21st Dec 2016 3:40 AM

Alright, I had a chance to test the grass for you, Jo.

- Without the hogs on the lot, the grass can be pulled just fine (no freezing of the sim who's pulling it). Humble can also enter the lot without causing any issues.
- With the hogs on the lot, the sim pulling the grass will pull it once, then freeze. The 'pull grass' option stays queued, you cannot just cancel it out. You either have to reset the sim, or exit without saving. This happened with and without Humble coming onto the lot.
- This issue only affected the sim pulling the grass. All other sims on the lot were fine, and able to move around and continue their queued activities.

So, there is definitely some sort of conflict between the hogs and the grass. You might want to let Frac know. Maybe, she could take a look at the grass and update it.

joandsarah77 21st Dec 2016 3:54 AM

Thanks for testing! That is really interesting, and odd. What I did was have the Bat box out and I would force error on all because I needed them to pick all the grass I had placed. Since you post on the PBK could you mention it? I haven't been able to log in there for some years. Sometimes they would pull up to three clumps before freezing. If I had known I would have sold the hogs, finished pulling then placed them back again but that didn't occur to me that it could possibly be them.

PenelopeT 21st Dec 2016 4:43 AM

Yes, I can mention it. Will post over there sometime tomorrow, or Thursday. It's time for bed now.

Dagwon 22nd Dec 2016 1:27 AM

@PenelopeT I was testing the hogs too, and I found that ordering my sims to "Garden" via macrotastics caused the sim to freeze up too. I have an account at Plumb Bob Keep, but I've never posted before so I don't even know where to start, lol No weeds, just the maxis garden plots to tend - the "tend many" works just fine, it's just when I bring macrotastics into the picture that something borks... (Sorry I keep editing to add details, heh)

joandsarah77 22nd Dec 2016 2:01 AM

Sun&Moon have a bug report section.
Can you also mention the issue where a sim starts to flash, that is goes slightly invisible and back again rapidly. I don't know if it's the hogs but this has happened twice now on this lot (only lot with the hogs) and only lot I have seen this problem on so far. It happened shortly after move in and yesterday after playing all autumn and a day of winter, so it is something only happening now and then.

Also I am using the auto hogs, the type might make a difference.

Dagwon 22nd Dec 2016 2:13 AM

Awesome. I saw that but wasn't sure. I'm using auto hogs too. Stupid question, but have the problems with the CC weeds been tested without using macrotastics? I'm going to go test regular ol' weeds without macrotastics, but I wonder if somehow the pigs are being seen as a weed that needs to be "pulled"? Going to test!

joandsarah77 22nd Dec 2016 2:18 AM

I don't have macrotastics, it was just the grass itself causing the freezing. I'm more worried about this random flickering and the non grocery issue. Today I will load another family and see if they can order and put away groceries since that may not be related. The flickering could be something else as well. Many of my sims buy fresh produce so it's entirely possible I simply didn't see this grocery problem. @Dagwon could you check delivery on the phone and see if groceries is in your list of options?

Dagwon 22nd Dec 2016 2:34 AM

Regular/maxis weed pulling freezes the sims up too. I managed to pull a few, and then the pigs changed position and the sims froze (not sure if it was a coincidence or not, yet). Macrotastic comes up with the option to "garden" even when there's no gardening to do on the lot. Selecting causes the sims to queue up "garden" with a picture of the pig, then freeze.

Haven't seen any flickering.

Groceries: Worked for me. But not when my fridge was full. Honestly, it's been so long since I've ordered groceries I couldn't remember how to do it (that's why this took so long! lol)

joandsarah77 22nd Dec 2016 3:04 AM

Lol, I get that since I don't normally order groceries either. I sent them to an owned grocery store for some groceries, she couldn't put them away so I thought I would order some and see if that worked, which was when I discovered order groceries was not even an option on their phone. It should be under delivery, right?

I ran the HCD and see nothing about groceries in there. *sigh* I hate it when issues pile up.

Dagwon 22nd Dec 2016 3:09 AM

Yeah, it's under delivery, with the pizza and chinese.
I posted the bug report. Here's hoping I was clear enough, or such! lol

I want to pllllaaaaayyyyy. I've been poking around with CC all day and I just want to be done and playing. lol

joandsarah77 22nd Dec 2016 7:23 AM

Well I tried on another lot and grocery delivery shows up, so...

I also tried Chris Hatch's new bus mod, that works great, very cool.

Let's all come see the bus stop in our jammies, yah! Please get changed.

Only trouble was I sent the bus to a one by 1 lot and the bus stopped on the next lot resulting in my sim spawning out the back of the bus after some time. So better on larger lots I think.

mirjampenning 22nd Dec 2016 10:12 AM

Rabbit Hutch crafting station

PenelopeT 22nd Dec 2016 5:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Dagwon
@PenelopeT I was testing the hogs too, and I found that ordering my sims to "Garden" via macrotastics caused the sim to freeze up too. I have an account at Plumb Bob Keep, but I've never posted before so I don't even know where to start, lol No weeds, just the maxis garden plots to tend - the "tend many" works just fine, it's just when I bring macrotastics into the picture that something borks... (Sorry I keep editing to add details, heh)

Well, that is interesting. I do not play with macrotastics, but I do know that it will also conflict with Sun&Moon's toxic version of the herbs from the Herbs, Spice & Everything Nice. So, if you (or anyone else) have those, be careful, or snag the non-toxic versions...unless you want to up the chances of your sims dying suddenly that is.

Quote: Originally posted by Dagwon
Regular/maxis weed pulling freezes the sims up too. I managed to pull a few, and then the pigs changed position and the sims froze (not sure if it was a coincidence or not, yet). Macrotastic comes up with the option to "garden" even when there's no gardening to do on the lot. Selecting causes the sims to queue up "garden" with a picture of the pig, then freeze.

Haven't seen any flickering.

Groceries: Worked for me. But not when my fridge was full. Honestly, it's been so long since I've ordered groceries I couldn't remember how to do it (that's why this took so long! lol)

I did not have any issues with flickering either. So, I'm not sure what Jo has that is causing that particular conflict. And, I did not even think to test Maxis gardening/weed pulling for a conflict , as I was just testing the custom ones for, Jo. So, there is something clearly going on with the action itself in relation to the hogs.

Also, I see that you were taking care of posting over at PBK about the conflicts. Do let me know if you do not get a chance to, or do not get a response. I will post in the bug section, or PM one of them if necessary.

Dagwon 22nd Dec 2016 6:22 PM

I don't have the Herbs, but I'll try to remember for if (er, when) I get around to putting them in. Trying to take it slowly right now... *glances at her downloads folder, that just happened to double in size yesterday*

The weeds that the CC grass/flowers are based off of is whats causing the problem. Without the CC they're the tall purpley flowers that sprout up when a sink breaks on grass, sims pee themselves, etc. The weeds (yellow-greeny grass) that surround the maxis garden plants seem to have no issues with the hogs. I'm not a modder but to me it feels like the hogs think that they're weeds, or "advertise" as weeds or something. So when the sim goes to "pull" the "hog-weed" everything freezes up?

I did post on PBK, and got a response, but Sunni couldn't recreate the problem... I dunno what to do now. I'm too worried about "being a bother" or seeming ungrateful or something

ETA: Or Macrotastic messes with the piggies because they're based off the money tree? Sunni just updated their post

PenelopeT 22nd Dec 2016 8:19 PM

Dagwon, thanks for the update. I just read Sunni's posting and see that all is well with regards to Maxis weeds being pulled. I'm not a custom grass user, so it won't be an issue. Really looking forward to adding everything to my main game and playing again, after the new year. Guessing you'll now have to choose between using macrotastic and some of their crafting stations.

And...just to stay on thread topic, I'm going to go ahead and suggest checking out the advent over at Around The Sims. Sandy, has featured a new item every day this month. Everything will be released at the end of the advent for those who missed an item.

joandsarah77 22nd Dec 2016 10:28 PM

@Dagwon could you please post about my conflict with the pullable grass and also let them know I do not have macrotastics and never have.

I don't know yet about the groceries, all I know there is I could call for groceries on another lot without the hogs but not on the lot with the hogs. I know that isn't a proper test, it could possibly be some other cc on that lot so I will do more testing on that.

Nalia 23rd Dec 2016 12:33 PM

One tile pet pillows by Fractured Moonlight at Plumb Bob Keep:
I can't stress enough how badly my Sims needed it, especially now with four puppies in the house.

PenelopeT 23rd Dec 2016 2:57 PM


Sunni, is rewriting some of the code for the hogs so that it won't conflict with macrotastics. That is good news for you and others who use it.

See the last posting in the report bugs thread here.

CaliBrat 23rd Dec 2016 9:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nalia
One tile pet pillows by Fractured Moonlight at Plumb Bob Keep:
I can't stress enough how badly my Sims needed it, especially now with four puppies in the house.

I've seen, but can't recall where, pet beds that will allow 2 puppies or 2 kittens at a time. Might even be available for 2 small dogs too, but that I'm not sure of. If I can find them again I'll let ya know.

EDIT: Ok, found it... it's right here at MTS by Charity

joandsarah77 23rd Dec 2016 10:01 PM

@PenelopeT But I don't use macrotastics and never have so it can't be that, that caused my sims to freeze. Unless and this is a big maybe; the lot I have the hogs on was a downloaded farm, perhaps the creator of the lot did use macrotastics and somehow it's effects have come across. Somehow I doubt it but stranger things have happened, look at the Super Duper Hug coming invisibly with lots. That lot is also still the only lot that I can not see Delivery>grocery option on the phone. I feel like playing twilight music.

Now I know why I didn't re-register sooner, those questions. <_< Seriously don't appreciate having to Google someone called Beowulf who I have never heard of nor the Spanish Inquisition, those questions are more like the Spanish Inquisition.

PenelopeT 23rd Dec 2016 10:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
@PenelopeT But I don't use macrotastics and never have so it can't be that, that caused my sims to freeze. Unless and this is a big maybe; the lot I have the hogs on was a downloaded farm, perhaps the creator of the lot did use macrotastics and somehow it's effects have come across. Somehow I doubt it but stranger things have happened, look at the Super Duper Hug coming invisibly with lots. That lot is also still the only lot that I can not see Delivery>grocery option on the phone. I feel like playing twilight music.

Jo, I realize you don't use macrotastics, but Dagwon does, and alerted Sunni about the issue. I was just letting them know that Sunni was editing the code of the hogs to work with macrotastics, thus fixing their issue.

As for your issue, as you requested, Dagwon did alert them to it, and Frac posted regarding them finding an code error here . So, Sunni is taking a look at why the pigs and weeds don't play well together. They have also disabled the download link to the hogs until everything gets sorted out.

joandsarah77 23rd Dec 2016 11:04 PM

Well I hope this time my registration will 'stick' and I will be able to log in and post myself. I must have missed where Frac said that before.

redspoon 24th Dec 2016 4:40 AM

I found a tumblr blog for cc free lots! It just came up this month tho so there is not much going on

joandsarah77 24th Dec 2016 4:54 AM

Someone put my Down on your Luck Hostel up on there, that's nice. I have plenty of other cc free lots, just uploaded a couple more a few days ago.

Bulbizarre 24th Dec 2016 5:48 AM

That's great. I'm always a bit nervous about lots with CC since I got a few glitchy items.

PenelopeT 24th Dec 2016 2:35 PM



Sunni, has added an updated file for testing the hogs out to see if some of the issues have been resolved. I did test the updated hogs out (with the custom grass and wildflowers on the lot too) for 2 sim days and encountered no issues. But, if you two (and anyone else) could test it too and report back to Sunni, it would be most helpful - especially since Dagwon has macrotastics installed. Get the updated download in the bug thread.

Annaminna 24th Dec 2016 2:49 PM

The best camera mods now all in one place:
(with video)

joandsarah77 24th Dec 2016 10:34 PM

Thanks PenelopeT, Frac has sent me a pm. They know I have registered with a gmail so lets hope this account sticks.

Dagwon 25th Dec 2016 4:39 AM

Partially as an apology for derailing this thread with my piggy obsession: IGLOOS (Fourth down). They work as tents!

joandsarah77 25th Dec 2016 4:55 AM

You should post those to Laura's WCIF thread.

BourgeoisBanana 25th Dec 2016 2:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Annaminna
The best camera mods now all in one place:
(with video)

Hey, does anyone know which one of these mods I need to remove the distance "fog" in-game so that I can see every other building in town when I'm in a lot? I'm sick of seeing about two other houses when my lot is surrounded by them.

joandsarah77 25th Dec 2016 2:19 PM

You need to change your in game graphic setting to far, sounds like you have it set to close.

RoxEllen1965 25th Dec 2016 10:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by BourgeoisBanana
Hey, does anyone know which one of these mods I need to remove the distance "fog" in-game so that I can see every other building in town when I'm in a lot? I'm sick of seeing about two other houses when my lot is surrounded by them.

It sounds as if you need to change your View Distance settings under "Lot View Options". See the attached screenshot.

mirjampenning 26th Dec 2016 11:21 AM

Even though only decorative, I really like these stands:

Referring to the camera mods link.
Unfortunately only nr 5 works.

Duine 26th Dec 2016 8:39 PM

What does it mean by "debugged"?

Bulbizarre 26th Dec 2016 8:51 PM

Either it can mean that the concession stands are only available via some debug option in TS3, or that there was a previously glitchy conversion that was fixed. I can't quite tell from the context.

gdayars 26th Dec 2016 9:18 PM Adults can interact with teddy bears global mod by Gummilutt. It is Fishmas 4 gift Actually teen and up can interact.

lauratje86 26th Dec 2016 9:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ihatemandatoryregister
Either it can mean that the concession stands are only available via some debug option in TS3, or that there was a previously glitchy conversion that was fixed. I can't quite tell from the context.

I believe they were only available via the debug mode in TS3.

joandsarah77 26th Dec 2016 10:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gdayars Adults can interact with teddy bears global mod by Gummilutt. It is Fishmas 4 gift Actually teen and up can interact.

And do what exactly? Why do I want adults to interact with a teddy bear? Serious question because I am not quite getting this. I really wish the Leefish gifts had an explanation.

PenelopeT 27th Dec 2016 12:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I really wish the Leefish gifts had an explanation.

Actually, all of the mods I downloaded from the advent did have an overview in the included text files. The one for the teddy bear is:

"Santafish's helper was swimming around in the fishbowl, and overheard a real tragedy. Sim-Santa is walking around the Simming world handing out teddybears as presents, with no consideration to the poor teens, adults and elders who can't enjoy this gift to it's full potential. Who decided they can't enjoy a cuddly fussy teddybear hug? Something had to be done!

This is a base game compatible global mod that enables the teddybear interactions play with and carry for teens, adults and elders. It does not change animations, so the teddybear may appear to float a little as they put it down, but the rest of the animations work fine.

Thank you to fluffy sheep for bringing this to our attention, and making sure that Sims of all ages get to enjoy the teddybear love this Fishmas!"

gummilutt 27th Dec 2016 12:45 AM

Thanks Penelope I did think that'd be enough explanation, but sure, I can expand on it. Someone mentioned that Santa came to visit their Sims house after the tree set the house on fire. Santa placed a teddy as a gift, which I thought was kind of sweet since a nice fussy teddybear hug could make you feel better after your house caught fire. The other person said yeah, but there are only adults in this household and they can't use it. Sad! I thought it should be up to the player if a teen-adult-elder Sim wants to play with a teddybear or not. Who doesn't know at least one teen or adult that has a teddybear they still love? I could see a teen carrying their teddy around with them in the evenings, getting ready for bed. I could see an adult going through some rough times have a play with their teddy to cheer up. And you could simulate grandma/grandpa playing with the grandkids by having them each play with a teddy next to each other.

I will be sharing a mod that disables autonomy for teens-elders to go with it, for those who want the option for some Sims but don't want to have all teens-elders suddenly steal their kids teddybears. But hey, jo, if you don't get the point of it then maybe it's not for you. We all have our preference

Duine 27th Dec 2016 1:17 AM

I don't have a stuffed teddy, but I do have a stuffed duckie. (:

joandsarah77 27th Dec 2016 1:29 AM

What I have been doing is checking sim cave every day and often they have enough of an explanation on what the leefish gift is. I don't really want to download something I don't know if I want it mainly because my downloads go to a folder on disk drive D and since there are already about 50 Rar files there by the time I find it again I won't know why I downloaded it. Sometimes I can figure it out other times, especially if it doesn't have a good picture or readme I simply delete it. Thanks for the explanation Gummi.

gummilutt 27th Dec 2016 1:36 AM

I get not wanting to download something without knowing what it is If it bothers you can wait until Fishmas ends, the threads will show up with the creators name and the upload text and thumbnails visible right away.

Duine 27th Dec 2016 5:45 PM

If I download something that's a simple recolor, I add an image copy, changing the name to match the zip. If there is info on how to use a dl or anything else that would be useful later, I do a print screen and save with the zip, adding the zip name to it. Since the image is usually a jpg or png, it's easy to name it the same as a zip, if there's more than one image, each subsequent image is numbered at the end of it's name. With Defaults, I add an image of the original and the new version. House lots or community lots have a front image and floor plans, if any. Mods will always have a print screen shot of all the info. (:

PenelopeT 28th Dec 2016 5:07 AM

More versions of Monique's Hacked Computer, for those who want more variety

FranH 28th Dec 2016 5:25 AM

At PBK, the Secret Santa gift to Morganna is very impressive-it has several objects that draw on the Religion mod by Almighty Hat, and they're quite nice looking. Check it out! Gift from Cindy Sim

joandsarah77 28th Dec 2016 5:58 AM

Cool find PenelopeT! I'm so tired of seeing that same laptop at every house.

Great replacements FranH! My medieval sims thank you.

mirjampenning 28th Dec 2016 10:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PenelopeT
More versions of Monique's Hacked Computer, for those who want more variety

This is one of those times I mind I don't have Apartment Life.

The special advent gifts from around the sims are now all available to view and download:

DezzyDoesThings 28th Dec 2016 5:14 PM

@FranH I love you, thank you! Been waiting forever for a toy crafting replacement :D

Essa 28th Dec 2016 6:45 PM

Thanks PenelopeT, like Jo I was tired of the same computer in every house. Can't wait to try them in game.

FranH, cool find. I don't play medieval but I'm wondering if time has come for me to try out this mod.

FranH 28th Dec 2016 11:21 PM

I, myself downloaded it-not that I'm playing my medieval hood now, but in case I ever do again, it'll be in it!

@DezzyBoo-You're welcome!

You can play the religion mod in either a modern or medieval styled game-several of the objects would not look out of place in a modern game, if they were in a cathedral.

DezzyDoesThings 29th Dec 2016 3:07 AM

Oh, alert to anyone that downloaded that Secret Santa gift from Cindy Sim. The Spice Market crashed on me. Over and over. Seems the lot is corrupted because the others loaded fine.

And somehow, after I installed her stuff, I have now lost my default stump mailbox. I have no idea what could be causing that. Think her lots come with default mailboxes but I can't find the file. Just caution to all.

mirjampenning 29th Dec 2016 8:57 AM

Stumbled upon these ballerina attires when looking for something else.
Thought they were lovely enough to share:

joandsarah77 29th Dec 2016 10:02 AM

@DezzyBoo you want to be careful with downloading lots outside of MTS. MTS has strict standards so that random things like default mailbox's won't be in the file. If a lot comes with cc always make a separate folder and install the CC into that, then if there is a problem with any of the cc it's right there in that folder.

LFact 29th Dec 2016 10:30 AM

Speaking of 'hacked computer in different shape'... I thought of this:

Quote: Originally posted by mirjampenning
The special advent gifts from around the sims are now all available to view and download:

Hemnes secretary, yay! (Though I don't think this requires IKEA SP)

FranH 29th Dec 2016 12:01 PM

And somehow, after I installed her stuff, I have now lost my default stump mailbox. I have no idea what could be causing that. Think her lots come with default mailboxes but I can't find the file. Just caution to all.

@DezzyBoo: Did you run her lots through the Clean Installer? I've found lots with tons of mailboxes and their recolors-and garbage cans. Some creators don't check their lots before uploading them for those items. All lots should be checked before putting them in. Just a warning.

lauratje86 29th Dec 2016 7:03 PM

It's from a few months ago, but I really love the Victorian-era default replacement community phones from this post. Perhaps they would work in some other time periods as well?

joandsarah77 30th Dec 2016 4:35 AM

Is everyone else seeing the default toys show up? I just clicked on the bench and only saw the regular bricks. I checked my download folder and it's in there extracted.

Edit: Never mind they are there, just needed to refresh the thumbnails.

Charmful 30th Dec 2016 8:19 PM

I just was made aware of this awesome blog from around 2011 with some great ts2 cc still available: LINK

I was all over the poseboxes.

Essa 31st Dec 2016 6:44 PM

While searching high and low for a hair which wasn't available, I stumbled upon this tumblr where I found the wanted hair:
I apologize in advance if the link has already been given.

simsample 2nd Jan 2017 12:27 AM

New water shaders for sea and pond by Voeille!

Pics of my game here.

joandsarah77 2nd Jan 2017 12:54 AM

Shame about the pool squares being needed, I really like that pond water. Some of my tiny lots can barely fit a fishing pond as it is, which means they would show up black. Something to think about.

omglo 2nd Jan 2017 12:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
New water shaders for sea and pond by Voeille!

Pics of my game here.
Whoa. Finally, the hood view water won't be a solid blue eyesore when you're in lot view! Thanks for linking this.

simsample 2nd Jan 2017 1:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by omglo
Tried this out in my test hood really quick. A pond reflecting the deco sky. I am in love.

I absolutely love how active the modding community is for Sims 2- we have so many great things being uploaded every week. :lovestruc

DezzyDoesThings 2nd Jan 2017 1:47 AM

I found the default mailbox...very bad. Must run through clean installer. Bless Mootilda 'cause that's how I found it

RoxEllen1965 2nd Jan 2017 2:42 AM

Bless Karol Rybak (phervers) too for originally creating the Clean Installer.

maxon 2nd Jan 2017 1:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
New water shaders for sea and pond by Voeille!

Pics of my game here.

I was trying those out last night - looks fab

LFact 2nd Jan 2017 1:48 PM

One more 'hacked computer in different shape'

Functional Retail Sims newspaper rack

lauratje86 2nd Jan 2017 6:05 PM

Ooooh, I like the look of that newspaper rack! :-)

I just came across this list of Simlish fonts on Tumblr - could be of use to someone :-)

maxon 2nd Jan 2017 6:36 PM

ooo nice find Laura. If you Simlish stuff (as I do) it can be frustrating sometimes to get the font design you want

lauratje86 2nd Jan 2017 6:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by maxon
ooo nice find Laura. If you Simlish stuff (as I do) it can be frustrating sometimes to get the font design you want

Indeed! I don't really make much myself, but I do dearly love all CC creators who make Simlish recolours of things, and I thought that these may be of use :-D

I just came across this functional magazine rack at Garden of Shadows. Perhaps it will go nicely with the newspaper rack that LFact linked! :-D

Kukamuukaanmuka 3rd Jan 2017 2:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by omglo

Tried this out in my test hood really quick. A pond reflecting the deco sky. I am in love. :lovestruc

It even reflects the sims fishing :lovestruc <3 So love it !

FranH 3rd Jan 2017 1:56 PM

That mod is really awesome-once you do get the effect, it's just so startling to see real water in the game.

RoxEllen1965 3rd Jan 2017 8:14 PM

I like the pond water effect but ended up removing the ocean water mod because it caused weird graphics glitches on my computer, especially in Twikkii Island where the ocean is visible from nearly every lot. I know this isn't Voeille's fault - as they explained, it's a limitation in the way the game engine works. Fortunately the Maxis sea water doesn't bother me nearly as much as the pond water did. I'm so glad to be rid of the default Maxis pond water, and the swimming pool requirement to make it look right is easy to deal with.

Voeille 4th Jan 2017 5:24 AM

It’s nice to hear you like my mod I know that the pool thing is annoying, but that was the only thing I thought of to make the reflections look fully proper on the pond and somewhat proper on the sea on non-beach lots. Moi’s mod for replacing the pond water with pool water works in the same way, I had to use the pool solution to have proper reflections, and now I have to keep doing that with my mod.
In the shaders there’s a line texture "PoolReflection", and that is what my mod uses for pond water and sea for non-beach lots. The other available ones (at least I haven’t seen more in the shaders) are "ScreenReflection" and "OceanReflection". The former one was used for the neighbourhood water so I kept that, and the latter one for sea for beach lots – none of them works on normal lots. Mirrors also use "ScreenReflection", but making the pond use it and placing the mirror doesn’t work, the reflections look very wrong. The Castaway Stories pond uses "ScreenReflection" and it works properly there, but it must be handled somewhere else and I don’t know where and how to access and use it. TS2 ponds weren’t supposed to have reflections so they don’t have that ‘something’ that would keep the reflections for them (mirrors and pools have that, as well as beach lots), so the only way to make it work was to use "PoolReflection".

As for finds, some time ago I found this tumblr – a great source of Maxis-match clothes

joandsarah77 4th Jan 2017 5:54 AM

I meant to install it before loading up today and forgot. :/ It looks really good.

RoxEllen1965 5th Jan 2017 11:37 AM

Just for the record, the modder who made the other pond and ocean mods was niol not "Moi". Nearly everything this person made is named "Moi this" or "Moi's that" - in other words "My Terrain Water Mod", "My Clothes Change Swirl Silencer", etc. It's easy to understand the confusion though.

gummilutt 6th Jan 2017 12:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Who knows, maybe we'll be seeing more stand-buyable goodies in the future!

As predicted the soap stand wasn't the last stand-buyable goodie we'd get from gdayars. In time for Christmas she uploaded a teddybear stand that sells a Christmas-inspired teddybear. It's adorable, both the stand and the recolor. Just like the soap stand it works both on owned and regular community lots

joandsarah77 6th Jan 2017 4:48 AM

Finally tried the new water mod. I'll be keeping the pond version but not the sea, the sea looks really strange and somewhat dizzying to me and doesn't go well with my neighbourhood sky globe.

terula8 6th Jan 2017 3:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Well I tried on another lot and grocery delivery shows up, so...

I also tried Chris Hatch's new bus mod, that works great, very cool.

WAIT. HOLD THE PHONE. CHRIS HATCH HAS A NEW BUS MOD?!?! I honestly need to keep up with this thread better! This is the most exciting news since the daycare!

DezzyDoesThings 6th Jan 2017 4:52 PM

Where is this bud mod?

RoxEllen1965 6th Jan 2017 7:47 PM

A link to the bus mod was posted in this thread:

joandsarah77 6th Jan 2017 11:15 PM

I may have to try and change the price since it's about 2K for the bus stop, lol my sims are way too poor for that kind of frivolity.

AliaD85 7th Jan 2017 5:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I may have to try and change the price since it's about 2K for the bus stop, lol my sims are way too poor for that kind of frivolity.

But it's fun to see your sims work and struggle!

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