I second what Lili975 said. All my abducted male adults came back pregnant. It's not the case anymore since I added BO's alien experiments.
Q: when does the "meet bigfoot" want trigger? Two of my knowledge sims met him and befriend him. The want didn't get fulfilled. |
Quote: Originally posted by Lili975
Unless you have the "Alien Experiments" mod, ofcourse. Because then alien pregnancy is only one of many horrors that abductees could fall victim to Ah, ninja'd by a wide margin... |
Have no idea what was causing that one sim not to be abducted then. I've had a vanilla abduction pregnancy since on the same lot with a different sim, but that first one just won't get pregnant.
How odd... |
@Ice Elf: Is this one sim a half-alien himself? Because that would explain a lot!
Interesting - I played for years without ANY cc. Most of them did indeed come back pregnant, but once in a while one did not. Married males never got pregnant either. One (UN?)lucky Sim had 6 alien children
If any mod actually prevents abduction, I'd like to know what it is too! |
Let me remind you, @Justpetro: abduction is not prevented here. Only the impregnation that comes with it, apparently, for a single individual. My "Alien Experiments" mod could do such a thing (just set the probability for each possible experiment to 0), but not for a single person. But if a person had set that up, they would - I assume - be aware of it. *OR* they must suffer from dementia
I know, BoilingOil Your mods are not under suspicion. I was wondering if another mod may cause less abductions without actually informing us about that.
@BoilingOil, Nope, just a normal CAS. And I'd not tampered with anything re alien abduction/pregnancy because I wanted him to have an alien baby and figured the best way was just to let him be abducted. It just didn't work out that way.
Quote: Originally posted by Essa
@Essa It should fill when they become friends. There's a mod by Pescado that is deemed critical that borks that want, I had the same problem and eventually narrowed it down to one of his mods. I could have sworn it was dramafix, but I was certain I posted about it on the corresponding MATY-thread, and there's no post on the dramafix-one. I'll search a bit and see if I can confirm which one it was, but either way, if you have many of Pescados mods that's likely the culprit I solved it by taking out the mod and re-playing the bigfoot visit, and putting it back afterwards. You could also manually tell the game it's been filled by turning on boolprop testingcheats, and left click on it while holding down ctrl. EDIT: Yep, it's dramafix, I guess I didn't post about it I'd love to hear back if you have it, and if removing works for you as well (if you decide to try). As far as I know, I'm the only one that's reported this problem, it'd be interesting to hear if it's the problem for you too. |
So besides curing "met self" it also borks the Bigfoot want?
It is not a critical mod - ask Mr BoilingOIl himself - if you don't mind a dramatic professor |
All I can say with certainty is that it borks it in my game. It seems reasonable that it might do that for others too, but this is the first time I've heard someone else have problems with that want. That might be because few people try to befriend Bigfoot, that they didn't post about it where I saw it, or that it doesn't happen in their game. Who knows
But if anyone has experienced that problem, it might be smart to check dramafix first |
Thanks. I manually filled the want while I was playing yesterday. I checked my downloads folder and I actually have dramafix in my game. I'll disable it since I have BO's no trash memories. IIRC this mod takes care of these memories too. I've found this MATY's thread where it's been said that dramafix doesn't deal with the drama professor behavior: http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/s...pic,7383.0.html Those only show up in my main hood. I had a good laugh when the female drama professor was at the bank. Failed "leap on arm" actions were good to look at. I also know that BO has a mod which prevent lecherous profs (http://www.leefish.nl/mybb/showthread.php?tid=934). I'll use that if I feel the need for it. I don't know when I'll get back to you but I'll do. TBH I barely play BV so I never noticed this behavior before and I think I have dramafix since the longest time. |
Meeting Bigfoot is not befriending Bigfoot, though. I often see the fear to meet Bigfoot, rather than the want, but I assume it works the same way: it's achieved with the first interaction with him (or as soon as you arrive on his lot, I'm not quite sure suddenly, but I think it's rather when you first interact with him).
I got rid of dramafix a while ago, and be warned that removing it causes a reset, Esse! (Did for me anyway.) So if you had other reset-inducing changes to make, might wanna do it at the same time |
I am sure some of you have read what was written - it started with a request for something that takes care of the Met Self - memory by AndrewGloria (he does not have Uni).
The short and sweet of it is that, if you, like some of us, actually miss old Prof Drama when he/she is not present, you can get by fine if you use NoTrash Memories or the No Met Self fix by BoilingOil, which he has just made. |
Quote: Originally posted by Lili975
The Prima guide, though it's not always reliable, only mentions that the Search for UFO's interaction gives "a heightened chance of being abducted by aliens and a significantly reduced chance of returning pregnant."
Cyjon only mentions, I think, "the reduced chance of pregnancy introduced in FreeTime" which I assume refers to that search for UFOs from above, though he doesn't say clearly what he's talking about. |
Plant Sim questions (mainly for clarification)::
they can be involved in the Try For Baby social but produce only regular sims through those pregnancies? their Spawn interaction like a self-pregnancy (produces an opposite gender look-a-like)? spawned plant sim's family tree shows only the spawner as parent? do not yet have any pack. |
Yes, yes (though I'm pretty sure it's a 50/50 chance, same as a normal pregnancy- I've had female plantsims spawn female plantbabies), and yes.
Now my question- is there any way of forcing the game to create a roof without the 1/2 tile overhang on the end? I want the ends of certain gables on a lot I'm working on to be flush with the walls below them. |
Also plantsims can spawn plantsim twins! I had that happen in my old game and it must be pretty uncommon as I got lots of comments about it.
Is there any reason why my game won't let me open the cheat window? Everytime I press Ctrl + Shift + C, it makes my cursor a little crosshair. I'm trying to turn moveobjects on so I can place some cars for my Sims' dealership, but... can't really do that without the cheat window.
Sometimes for whatever reason, the keyboard shortcuts in my game stop working altogether... usually, holding ALT and jiggling the mouse resets them... no idea why, but it's an easy fix if it works.
Hrghh. Tried holding alt and jiggling the mouse. Nada.
Have you tried Ctrl + shift? This changes my keyborad from english to french...and I found out at times, that was my problem. I must have tried entering the code ( Ctrl + Shift + C) but skipped the C...So obviously, the code after that does not work.
Ahh, still nothing. I hope it'll be fixed when I restart my game - but it takes a while to load, so I'll test tomorrow when I load it up again to play some more. If not, I'll be back here, whining about how my game doesn't work!
Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759
No, there is, like the pollination technician, a never-to-be-touched NPC called Ideal Plantsim that is the genetic other parent of the new plantsim. This parent doesn't show in the family tree and, unlike the alien, is not recognized as a family member, so when the young plantsim grows up he can spawn his own child. The result is that once you get a few generations into plantsims Ideal Plantsim's genetics will have tromped the other ancestor, so they do tend to look a lot alike. If you don't care for the same genetics being called for each new plantsim, you can get a multi-ideal-plantsim mod. You use it the same way as a multi-pollination-technician mod. |
Zarathustra, I remember Mootilda complaining that there was no way to get rid of the overhangs. If she couldn't do it, what hope is there for the rest of us?
Ather, a friend of mine had a pop-up blocker that was preventing her from opening the cheat window once. If you've got one, try turning it off. |
Ahh.. Pop-up blocker? I don't believe I have anything like that, but thanks for the info anyways.
EDIT: Hoooo my god. Figured it out. Turns out Gyazo by default has Ctrl + Shift + C as the shortcut to take screenshots... and all this time, it was just bringing up that option. Oops. Changed it to be Ctrl + Shift + B and now everything works! |
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
I want to get rid of dramafixes, but it appears that it still fixes: Prevents creation of drama professor "lost best friend" visible and invisible memory spam. I don't use No Trash Memories as I like some of those memories and I do want the lecherous behaviour, so I can't use the fix for that. So I guess noone gets to hug Bigfoot lol. |
#Lili975 If the Prima guide can be trusted on this occasion, it would explain things as I am fairly sure that's the action I selected for him.
Thanks for the help everyone |
Ice_Elf: oh, that makes sense. Thanks for confirming, I had no idea that feature had that specificity.
The guide explains it like this: Search for UFOs (Level 8) As the elite levels of Science hobby enthusiasm near, a Sim gains the ability to actively search out aliens. When using this interaction, Sims have a heightened chance of being abducted by aliens and a significantly reduced chance of returning pregnant. When Sims return from this kind of abduction, you'll see changes in their interests in Sci-Fi and a major boost in their Science hobby enthusiasm. On the other hand, they say that searching for Constellations or Planets, the chance of being abducted at all is reduced. Good to know! The only change to plain good old stargazing is building enthusiasm and the possibility of discovering new stars, not modified odds of pregnancy. I guess that solves the mystery! ( And it's funny to see that they capitalise "Sim" :D) |
Ugh, help! I need a tutorial on bone assignments for clothing meshes. And I need one that explains them to you as if you were a 5 year old, because I do not understand them at all. I already checked the tutorials section on MTS, but they don't give you enough info. I need to know where every bone is supposed to be, because I have a skirt that has calf bone assignments above the knees and I didn't think calf bones were supposed to go above the knees and I'm completely confused and I don't know if I'm just ignorant and that's how it's supposed to be or if it's wrong (and if it is wrong I don't know how to fix it).
I've spent ages on this skirt making sure it had the right shoes and it didn't clip with stuff and I don't wanna be thwarted by the last thing I need to get working, so if anyone can help then I will love you forever! |
So my abducted Sims who did not return pregnant was probably searching for UFO's - makes sense now.
Charity, why don't you ask in creators feedback - perhaps the right person who can help you will be more likely to see your question there? |
Various methods of resurrecting sims
Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759
Sorry I took so long to get back to you on this. I got distracted when I rediscovered my old copy of Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich and spent most of the weekend offline saving the universe from the forces of evil. Mods would probably be fine for resurrecting a sim. I don't use the Insimenator. I do have the Sim Manipulator, but I only installed it a few months ago and I'm still not really familiar with all of its features yet. The download page for it says "Resurrect sim will resurrect any sim in the current neighborhood (As long as the sim has not been unlinked from the game). Sim being resurrect does not need to be known by the sim resurrecting them. Does not require the University expansion and resurrection costs no money." (This feature is under the Misc. menu) I tested this and you get to choose from any dead sim in the neighborhood whether there's a grave or not. The resurrected sim is added to your family. I mentioned University's Resurrect-O-Nomitron because that is the in-game method that gives you the most choice as to result (you get to decide whether you want normal or zombie). As for the other methods: According to the Prima guide, the FT genie lamp can be used to resurrect any sim or pet in the neighborhood whose urnstone exists in the neighborhood. There is some chance that you will get a zombie with this method (you don't get to choose). The Prima guide doesn't say anything about your sim needing to know the deceased, but a CAS sim in Testing Town was unable to get the option to resurrect anybody until I killed somebody in her family (I did have the default Downtown with its Tricou graves attached to this hood), so obviously your sim needs to know the deceased in order to bring them back. An easy way to get the genie lamp is to turn testing cheats on, shift-click on a sim and go to the very last page of the "spawn" menu. You'll find the FT genie lamp, BV voodoo doll and Seasons wishing well there, all three of which seem to work just fine in my game. There is a wicked witch spell in AL that will also resurrect the dead. Note that this will ONLY bring back zombies. You don't get a choice with this. Your wicked witch must have a skill level of 9 before this spell becomes available. As with the genie lamp and Maxis Resurrect-O-Nomitron, you sim has to know the dead one in order to perform a resurrection. A note about using the Maxis Resurrect-O-Nomitron. Syberspunk made a mod that lets you choose whether you want the resurrected sim to be added to your family or not (for example, if your college student resurrects a dead dormie at the secret society lot, you can choose for them to go back to being a dormie). Unfortunately this ONLY works with the Maxis Resurrect-O-Nomitron that came with University. This mod was never updated to work with the FT genie wish or the AL wicked witch spell. It's available either on MTS or at MATY. Both files appear to be the same as they have the same dates on them. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=211715 http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/s...pic,6849.0.html |
1 Attachment(s)
Question about SimPE:
The layout is royally screwed and re-installing doesn't solve the issue. Before that I tried to clear cache, history and reset it, but nothing worked. The old SimPE site has no helpful tutorials or posts anymore; actually, there is nothing there but the link to download SimPE. This is the first time I have had this happening. Any ideas or suggestions how to fix it? Here is a screen to see what I mean. |
When you say "reset it", does that mean you used the reset layout option in SimPE settings?
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Yes. There are three option on "Preferences": clear cache, reset layout, clear history. I've used them all to no avail. |
The part of the layout that bugs you, is it the triple line-wide tool bar at the top, below the menu buttons? You can fix that by reorganizing the toolbars. It's fiddly, but you should be able to move them to the top bar, making the excess two go away, by clicking and dragging on the three dots to the left.
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
The real trouble is about menu bars on the lower right side of the Memory Editor: If you check the screenshot carefully you'll notice that the commands for editing memories do not appear properly, they are half vanished. |
Have you tried playing with the window's size, making it wider, shorter, etc..
My portraits are always displayed on two columns (on the bottom left), not three like there, maybe try playing with the width/height of the various panels? Have you tried switching advanced mode on/off too? That's all I can think of :/ Edit: I've tried moving some sliders, but it doesn't end up like yours :/ I've tried changing the size of the thumbnails in the preferences, but it didn't do anything visible in the Memories screen. Maybe reset everything you can, run CCleaner, restart computer, and run CCleaner again? |
Quote: Originally posted by Lili975
OK, switching Advanced Mode On/Off didn't change a thing. How do I change the dimensions of SimPE's internal panels? Is there an option somewhere? I seem only able to change the height of the Memory Editor, but not re-arrange its width. |
No, you're right, I couldn't do it either.
1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Zarathustra
@Zarathustra, I would be interested in this too. If you happen to find a way, and share it somewhere, give me a mention (if you don't forget ). Meanwhile, maybe improvise with CFE? But I'm sure you've already thought of that. And that's hardly an ideal solution. If you don't use CC, it's probably hard to match the patterns to make it look like the whole construction shares the same roof. |
lot-specific settings questions
can any of the following be changed outside the lot? -its free will -its time of day -its day of week -its game speed if so, how? if not, why? |
Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759
No... because none of those things exist outside of a lot. Time doesn't progress... |
Does anyone know what happened to SimplyStyling?
Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759
No, because the tokens that store and hold that information are not accessible unless you're on the lot. When you open the lot, that's when the game loads those parameters. |
Justpetro, sadly faded away like other simsites, but you can visit the site with wayback machine and if I recall right not all stuff can be dowloaded
Hey! This question really will be stupid, because over the years I've asked it twice, but I still managed to completely forget the replies...
If I run a pet shop in TS2, what will happen to the pets that are sold to townies? Will their character files be created and then deleted incorrectly? As far as I remember, the second time around I asked about it I was told that corruption wouldn't happen in the game, but I can't remember what I was told exactly, please help. My memory sucks |
AFAIK, pets sold to townies become strays.
I have an emergency... Justin Kim died while trying to repair a dishwasher. His parents are unable to resurrect him, he is not in the list. I tried the genie lamp and the bone phone. I have no idea why he's not in the list of resurrectable people. What should I do to resurrect him, is there any trick? Anything I can do through SimPe or anything else?! I don't want to lose the sim...
P.S. He was a YA living on a residentual lot, maybe it has something to do with the "not in the list" glitch. And I can't really quit without saving, or rather I can, but then so much progress will be lost that I'd rather have him die... The urn is on the lot and he died on this lot and his parents know him. |
is there a way to place a lot on the edge of a road? As in, the road ends at the end of the lot? The game insists on leaving one tile on the side when placing a lot.
Babahara, I don't use mods to make YAs live in the main hood, but you're right that young adults can only be resurrected in a Uni subhood normally.
I would let him die (so as not to lose your progress) then any student can resurrect him. Good luck! Edit: if acquaintance is needed to have him show on Grim's phone list after that, I don't know about others but I shift click on the ghost in debug mode and "Make sim my contact". It's a fast, in-game way to render a sim able of resurrecting someone he doesn't know. You need a ghost for that though, so maybe another method would work better for you. My main point being that it doesn't seem abnormal that the Kims can't resurrect their own son, because the game doesn't spontaneously allow a YA to be a playable in a main hood, or the contrary. |
I don't know what it requires to accept lots at the very end, but it's definitely possible. I have a number of lots placed at the very end in my game, and also lots of places where I could not place it at the end. All of my lots are completely flat (flattened with Lot Adjustor), and my entire hood is flat (flattened with the terrain modifying cheat that evens it out). Reasonably if everything is flat it should fit, but nope, still not guaranteed to accept placement.
@Lili975, thanks that worked!!!
Are womrats immortal?
With cage pet fixes they seem to be, without the mod I use to have them die but not as much as birds, they would just drop dead overnight.
sub-neighborhood questions::
how to set up each kind? what kind of lots can be in each kind? each kind has its own lot bin or do any of the kinds share a lot bin? if share, which sub-neighborhood kinds? how to transfer lots between them and/or between the main neighborhood? still do not yet have any pack. |
The navigation bar will offer you a "choose [subhood type] to play. If you don't have one, you have a choice to add one, which will allow you to choose a pre-existing one, or a custom one that you'll build just like you would a main hood. If you want a premade subhood that you've downloaded from someone else (Widespot RFD shopping district, for example) you'll need a mod - the control is wonky and only wants to give you access to one premade shopping or downtown hood.
You set them up exactly as you would a main hood - add it from the navigation bar, start building/decorating/moving people in. All normal lots can be in all subhoods except that: Owned businesses are not available in University or Vacation hoods; Dormitories only work properly in University subhoods (unless you hack them); Apartments don't work properly in University or Vacation hoods; Hotels are harder to set up in non-Vacation hoods; . I've heard that Apartments glitch faster in subhoods than in main hoods, but I don't know this for a fact; they work in shopping districts and downtowns well enough for me to use them as long as I don't insist on playing them long term. The lot bin is separate from all the neighborhoods and accessible from all parts of all of them. Buildings in the lotbin zoned as dorms will only be visible from University subhoods, andones zoned as hotels will only be visible from Vacation hoods; but hotels placed in the lot bin from Pleasantview Twikkii Island will be accessible in all other vacation hoods, whether attached to Pleasantview or not. Residences from the lot bin can be placed in vacation subhoods as vacation homes that will function as ordinary residences and in university subhoods as student rentals, for which only a one-time move-in cost (much lower than the price of the house) will be charged. Lot transfer between subhoods and main neighborhoods works exactly like lot transfer between main neighborhoods - put it in the lot bin in one place, take it out in the other. Do not put occupied lots in the lot bin intending to transfer them anywhere - the corruption is just as bad moving a family in and out of the lot bin in one neighborhood as it is when moving from one neighborhood to another. Subhoods are part of the main neighborhood to which they are attached; the lot bin is not attached to any one neighborhood. |
Hotels, actually, work fine except in Uni-hoods, and if you build them yourself, you will find them in the normal bin - and there are two in the special lots bin (with the apartments, at the end) - I stash those two from the bin anywhere I like. They work quite well when Sims (especially parents) need a good night's sleep without going on vacation.
Which instruments can be used to play in the band? I know guitar, bass guitar, piano, and drums can be played together by sims. Violin can't, as far as I remember. What about the synths and the superstar microphone?
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I have womrats in two households like forever. The cage pets fix made it in my game only yesterday. |
I think just those four. I've had the microphone and synths on stages and I never get the 'join' for them.
Yet nothing prevents you to have 2 drumsets, 3 bass guitars and 4 guitars on stage - with a piano - for a big band
Adding to previous comment that if players creativity skills are different they will play differently.
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
They would play the same tune, right? Just louder with two guitars? That would be weird... |
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Not really (as one who's done it more than a dozen times already in the last month or two). Hotels are challenging to set up in general. Mess up a detail, particularly routing, and you'll wind up with messages such as "The shuttle has been dispatched" when you didn't dispatch a shuttle or Freezy the housekeeper (just stands there and doesn't do anything) and/or no guests. Hotels are do-able (if I can do it, most here can!), but like apartments, have some pretty strict requirements if you want them to work close to the way Maxis intended. There are other threads here on hotels if anyone wants a glimpse of what one would need to know. However, all you get with a hotel in a non-Vacation hood is the housekeeper and the bellhop. No vacation memories. No tour guide. No shuttle. You have to either walk to the hotel or take a taxi.The game treats a non-Vacation-hood hotel as a form of community lot, even after you change it to lodging. And if you leave the hotel, you can't just come back and re-settle in your room. While this is one thing I HAVEN'T done with a hotel because I know from Justpetro that it won't work, I believe you'll have to re-check in each time you leave the lot. There are advantages to non-Vacation hood hotels, though. They're good for a change of scenery with overnight stays, or if you have much to do on the lot and someplace to eat there, perhaps a two-night stay. I have toyed with the idea of placing a hotel in a Uni hood, but since hotels require guests to work correctly (well, I have had a hotel with no guests when I messed up one variation, but really, it's not too great having a guest-less hotel, and sometimes, if you have no guests, you get the stupid Shuttle message), I do not believe it work well there, either. I could be wrong on that, but really, after my adventure with hotels recently, have no desire to try. My college students will have to go to another hood with a hotel if they want a quick tryst. |
Gazania - Sims still have to check in to sleep at the hotel and have to check out (and pay their bill). The no vacation memories are not relevant to me, they are not on vacation Staying for one or mostly two nights are more than enough for exhausted parents - there are only so much fun things to do! And of course the college students can overnight at the hotel in the main or other subhood too!
I thought it wasn't possible to get hotels to let Sims check in/out unless placed in a vacation hood? Are you saying it's possible to place them in the main hood and have them act as hotels, if visited as community lots?
Is it my imagination or do YAs have worse overall motives decay than other age groups?
Hi guys, I'm having a pretty bizarre bug with my game. Whenever I hover the cursor over (or even near) any sink, CC or vanilla, I get barraged with spam pop-ups telling me which expansion packs I have installed. The pop ups aren't even correct, because they say I have IKEA stuff installed and I definitely don't.
I guess it must be some sort of CC causing it, but I was wondering if anyone else had this issue? Cheers. |
@BourgeoisBanana: Whatever CC you added to your game last, I would take it out and see if that fixes the issue. I have never seen such a thing happen.
I think that's your imagination, Simposiast. But if they're only eating cafeteria food you may find that their hunger bar is harder to keep full than it was at home, because cafeteria cooks don't have many cooking points; and the beds in the dorms aren't too comfortable, so you may be finding it harder to maintain comfort and energy.
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
No, you can check in and out. You can even stay for more than one night if you have plenty to do on a lot and somewhere on the lot where the Sim can dine. It does not necessarily have to be a one-night-only place. But the best way I can describe a non-Vacation-hood hotel lot is "Hotel Lite". It really is a hybrid of a community lot and a hotel, with much less emphasis on the hotel (and by default, vacation) part. Perhaps "Community Lot Plus" might be more accurate. You do miss many of the features of a vacation-hotel lot. Just do not do as I did and forget to change the community lot to lodging, then have your Sim check in. Definitely not recommended. My Sim couldn't couldn't leave, even after checking out. (I realized my mistake too late.) While it brings a certain Eagles song to mind ("You can check out anytime you like ..."), that is not a desired result. |
Interesting. I've never wanted to put hotels in main hoods, but I could have sworn that has been discussed many, many times with the result being that it can't be done, and various suggested methods on how to fake it. Perhaps I'm getting it mixed up with owning a second residential lot
Sounds like I need to build a beach hotel for Sims who need a change of scenery over the weekend |
Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
And if that doesn't work, you might have to try the game vanilla. Did you alter the game's files? (Not in My Documents ... the core files). While you certainly can do that if you're careful... many people do that for graphics-related problems, for instance ... it's not a good idea to do that if you don't know what you're doing. While even I have altered game files, I admit holding my breath and backing files up like crazy every time I've done it .... oh, and doing it very, very sparingly. |
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
It can't be done as a full-Vacation hotel, so technically, that's correct. You won't have memories, the tour guide, the shuttle, etc. I see my NVL hotels more as places where a Sim can crash for the night, or get away from the stress of work or other Sims at home for a very short time. Or for two Uni students to quietly rendezvous for a quick session, away from the other dormies. Just be careful with beach hotels. They can be a real pain. |
I've built a sort of hideaway for sims who need a break. It was a 1x1 community lot furnished with most of the comforts of home. The visitor adjuster was set to 'block all', allowing only the visiting sims access. A working hotel sounds like a weekend vacation sort of, very nice. (:
I have always had hotels in my main hood - well, technically, since BV first appeared - but since then, always. In my game I find them very useful. So you perhaps cannot go on vacation in your main hood, but you certainly can have a hotel, book in for the night, order room service and swim or play darts or pinball.
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I heard that the caged bird's hunger remains to decay even if you pause the game without a mod... |
Quote: Originally posted by gazania
Thanks for the suggestions guys, turns out I had a package file that snuck in somehow. I think it was literally called TestGameVersion or something. I guess it was attached to some other CC I downloaded. All fixed now! |
can clothing be removed from a household's clothing options without removing it/them from the game?
the 45-angle rotation cheat, what are all the things it can work on? and which of those can function diagonally? |
Quote: Originally posted by gazania
I think in my case, much of my problem was my inexperience about beach lots in general and what you should and shouldn't do. I initially tried a hotel on a flattened lot ... bad idea. (There is still a line of demarcation on a beach lot, even if it looks flat.) I tried making a hotel while playing around with beach slopes ... bad idea. Freezy and the shuttle notices abounded. And for some reason, I had a whole lot of trouble with beach cottages on foundations. It seemed strange to me. I looked over the layout of one of my prototypes, and honestly, I think it should have worked. I thought I had everything needed for a successful hotel and a non-freezing housekeeper, and was conscious of slope problems. But it failed miserably. When I put all of the cottages on a flat level, it worked much better. Could I have missed a slope issue? Possibly.
Knowing a little more now than when I started (I had built all of two beach houses and one more-elaborate community lot before I tried a beach hotel, and I had a 50% success rate with the beach houses ... this was before I knew about lot flattening and the like), I might try a more elaborate beach hotel sometime in the future. But my basic (and admittedly boxy) one seems to be doing the job, and I'm pleased with that. I would advise anyone trying a beach hotel for the first time to keep it simple and away from the beach slopes. You might be OK using a boardwalk over the slopes. I see some more-elaborate hotels here did that, and they probably work fine. But the housekeeper ... at least mine ... seems picky about slopes. |
Oh, okay. I thought you meant incompatibility issues of some kind, like (I think) there are with frat/sororities on beach lots, and from what I've heard (but haven't played myself) apartment lots on beaches.
In a custom hood I made both the frat house and the sorority on beach lots, and had a lot of autonomy issues (starving sims just standing there and such). I read then that frats/sororities didn't work well on beaches. Though even that I'm not sure of, it's so hard to troubleshoot those autonomy issues because it's a thin line between regular moronic sims choosing to watch TV instead of eating, and genuine issues when something prevents the sim of taking care of his needs. |
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
Do you think that would be possible to run as a sim-owned business as well? |
Actually, I have no idea - it can be bought, but how to run it? I guess one could try!
A long time ago when I was searching for a way to run BV-like hotel as a business, I was told it wasn't possible. I don't know if anything has changed since, I would be interested if it has. Maybe there is a mod now, or some other indirect way to force the game otherwise. Mods I'm aware of, only provide a possibility of a certain improvisation of a hotel, allowing Sims to sleep on community lots and charging service.
*** I have a stupid question. Not exactly about TS2, but I don't know where to ask, and I'm most comfortable here. There was a social group I encountered few months ago while I was browsing the forum (not posting anything, just for informative purposes). It was called "Refugees", or something like that, and was consisting of people who were most critical of the current iteration of the Sims, the direction the franchise was heading in, and it's future. I remember some of the people because I've known them from TS3 and TS2 discussions, remember reading them a lot in the past few years. Some time has passed until I finally started visiting this forum again few weeks ago, and now I can't find the group, and it is not in the profiles of those I remember were in it. Like it disappeared without a trace. Does someone here know what happened to it? I'm curious, it was quite entertaining. Also, a crowded one, I believe at least someone here was in it, or knew of it. It can't be that I was hallucinating . |
If i played some sims inn apartments and want to move them to other apartments do i move them out via the sim bin in neighbourhoodview or do i have to use a computer?
Apartments are the same as any other household for moving purposes. If moving the whole family, do it from neighborhood view. If moving part of the family, use the computer/newspaper interactions.
thought so! Thanks!
Quote: Originally posted by Mr_Valentine90
No your sim can't run a hotel, which has been a player complaint since BV came out. Your sim can only buy community lots and vacation houses so your hotel would need to be turned into a community lot and of course then all hotel functions stop. |
Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759
another question:: "School Type"/"Grade"/"Career" on the Career tab of a Sim Description resource, which of those options are safe to set for each age of sim? |
No you can't remove clothing as far as I am aware, yes it is annoying.
Many things are still usable however I do not have a list. You can use angled chairs, beds, piano (if you don't mind the clipping) I do know you need a mod to be able to watch TV from an angled chair and I know you can't use an angled easel. I placed one at my weddign park and was peeved my sim could not paint. I have no idea about things like sewing machines, pottery wheels etc. You would just set it for the relevant age. If the sim was the wrong age I guess you would get nothing. |
Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759
Mootilda made a plug-in for SimPE that's supposed to do exactly that. I saw mention somewhere that Jfade's Wardrobe Wranger could be used to do that too. I haven't tried either of these methods so can't confirm this. Mootilda's SimPE plug-in is available here: http://modthesims.info/d/489194 Jfade's old website is archived here, but something's broken because no matter what I clicked on it kept taking me back to the home page instead of letting me try to download stuff. (his old site at forum.jfade.com appears to be long gone) http://sims.jfade.com/index.php This appears to be the same Wardrobe Wrangler program. http://sims-2-wardrobe-wrangler.software.informer.com/ |
If I recall correctly, Mootilda's plug in wipes the entire wardrobe. I believe she intended to add the option of removing single outfits as well, but she died before that could happen.
Pescado's clothing tool has an option to change a particular outfit. e.g. Everyday But I don't know if it then removes the old outfit from the wardrobe; you'd have to check.
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
You're right - it says "This SimPE wizard will remove all unused clothing from your family's wardrobe." I don't know why I missed that before. I use Pescado's clothing tool frequently. If used on everyday wear, for example, it replaces the clothing in the family wardrobe instead of adding the new outfit in addition to the original choice (you'll see the new outfit in the wardrobe but the old one will be gone). If you leave it on the lot, when a sim ages up the clothing tool will offer the option to let you choose an outfit for each category. I stopped doing this because it takes a long time to go through the whole process, especially if you have a lot of CC clothing in your game. I'd rather let the game choose clothes randomly and then only fix what actually needs fixing. For example, I don't have that much underwear in my game, so none of it looks "bad" enough to need replacing. EDIT - hopefully less confusing explanation. |
Good to know you can remove all clothes, even if it removes them all.
I would like to update a bookshelf to have all the study options, can anyone tell me quickly how or know of a tutorial? The one tutorial link that I found is gone https://sites.google.com/site/sites...ic%2Fftbookcase |
There's some information in this thread from Lord Darcy. There's a link in his post to a similar post about AL functions. Haven't done it, so I'm not sure how easy it is to follow. (EDIT: I found this tutorial, also by Lord Darcy, on how to update fridges. It's supposedly more step by step and aimed at people that aren't that comfortable with SimPE-editing, so even though it's the wrong object, it might be helpful to look at it if you get confused)
Haven't forgotten about the tutorial I'm doing for you, by the way, I've just been stupidly busy with life. Still am, but as soon as I find some time and brain power I'll finish it for you. Thanks RoxEllen, that's good to know. I've always wondered what change outfit really does, but I haven't bothered to look into it. |
Thanks, I'll look it over later. Since I am not great at stuff like this I don't know if I can take a fridge and be able to somehow translate that to a bookcase. But who knows, maybe it will all make sense.
That's okay I still don't need it, that's how slowly I play. New Q. If I save in the middle of the upload wizard but don't finish uploading isn't it possible to go back and finish it? I've looked around and can't find anyway to get to what I saved. |
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