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rhoval 18th Dec 2009 10:34 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Death Princess
Believe me , it will.
*hugs back*
Many people here would sell their souls to devil if that could made me die.

Ahahahahaha! believe me i didn't sell my soul but i think some of these people do?

i Merely posses both light and dark. hahahahaha! saying that again makes me a little bit happy i think?

*Charging Up*
(i know but when i was typing this my two sisters is near me)

i was talking about them. you know sibling rivals and all

Death Princess 18th Dec 2009 4:45 PM

i was not talking about people on MTS you know. I was talking about some bastards in real life.

reddude37 13th Feb 2010 4:10 PM

I think I would enjoy killing #247 Sim on the Sims 3! He'll burn to death! Yay!

Elena Swan 13th Feb 2010 4:17 PM


Who wants to help me????!!!!

Ebonova 13th Feb 2010 6:59 PM

^BWAHAHAHAHA! And capture Delphy!

kittehbomb 11th May 2010 6:00 PM domination.

candiiee 11th May 2010 6:02 PM

Finding out whether or not guy I like has a girlfriend (probably, knowing my luck and the fact that he has gorgeous hair) and then enticing him away from her if he does. Or just generally enticing him if he doesn't.

lovevslust 13th Feb 2011 5:53 AM

Capture Delphy! That's priceless...although that would be fun...
Who would be our army even capture mod the sims... I love this smiley...heh-heh ebil smiley...

nightwitch 15th Feb 2011 12:15 PM

kill someone (my headmisteress) *evil luagh*

nightwitch 11th Mar 2011 9:44 AM

change of plan can't say anything more cos i'm being watched

nightwitch 16th Mar 2011 12:21 PM

sabotage is my merage and thats all i can say

Lila112 22nd Mar 2011 10:54 PM

Maybe let the grim reaper take away a family of eight.

Adults = 1
Teenagers = 1
Kids = 2
Toddlers = 4

Yeah, I like to kill my toddlers.
I did a cheat and I made the toddlers die by satelight.
Aah, that was a good one....
Still, toddlers are annoying. You gotta do SOMETHING with em!

nightwitch 29th Mar 2011 12:19 PM

stop my high schoolf from becoming a acambey

HOTROD40 4th Apr 2011 9:36 AM

I know! He He He! I'll make a deep pit then use the cheats moveobjects on and testingcheatsenabled true to lure people to my trap (really just people walking by but who cares!) then i'll pick em up then put em in the pit and leave them there to DIE!!!!! HA HA HA HA Ha HA HA HA HA!!!! By the way, yesterday I made a room, filled it with FIRE BREATHERS (HA HA HA) then put a sim in there , then a chair and guess what happenend? It caught on fire! And you know what happens next! Ha Ha! (Hope i'm not being too evil here am I?)

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