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lovetadraw 18th Mar 2010 7:41 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Sorry for double posting

I'm thinking of a sci-fi thing I could put up, here is the result, camera eyes! For your android sims! :cylon:
Photoskinned from some picture on good old :google: Images.

How do you put a image in your "About Me" section? Please tell.

Ebonova 19th Mar 2010 12:05 AM

Meh. They're OK, the photoskinning is a nice job, but I don't like them that much.
They somehow look too comic-ish for me...

Wartooth 19th Mar 2010 1:23 AM

They don't look very realistic to me I'm sorry, I don't really like them that much, but they are ok. Good job on photoskinning - all my eyes so far have been photoskinned. So yeah... and ALEXXXX... I'm sooo jealous of you I love those eyes to pieces... *steals*

just kiddin', just kiddin'.

PS (code time): *s* s*me *f th*m f*r th* S*v*n D**dly S*ns.

lovetadraw 19th Mar 2010 1:44 AM

Yeah, I guess they don't look very lens-ish from any distance. hmm...
I made them, might as well try to upload. Who knows, I might revive my old No Pupil Eyes project I decided against. Oh, and for the record, Those first few sets I did, were merely for getting used to creating, and stuff. They don't count.

Wartooth 20th Mar 2010 5:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My first few (ok well the 2nd + 3rd ones pass as a 6.6 at least on a scale from one to ten) SUCKED, frankly. I did them to get used to creating. I dont' like eyes without pupils unless they're totally fantasy eyes. I also find it impossible to make anime-ish looking Sims with Sims 2 and 3 so I don't really download anime eyes either.


How do I remove a large shine from an eye? Nina if you're listening, I followed your advanced youtube tutorial and I made an eye... then I screwed up... and made the shines in the bottom corner of the eye too opaque! NOW IT LOOKS SCREWED UP. I need your help! Someone! Anyone! *panicflailpanicflail*

Ebonova 20th Mar 2010 7:24 AM

^ooohhh... Sad...

I'm guessing the shine wasn't in a separate layer??
I've got two ideas for you:

número uno- use the magic selection brush, select the shine, layer with cut, and use the eyedropper to fill on the cut-out bit of the iris.

Número dos- just use the eyedropper tool to paint over your shine. You can start over from there

Vampire_aninyosaloh 20th Mar 2010 3:22 PM

Well, there's no easy way to remove it, sorry.. =/ The best thing you can do is taking the colors of the iris and the sclera and patiently paint on the shine point by point. Or maybe you can copy a part of the iris and paste it on the shine and make the texture fit with the rest of the eye smudging a little bit..

Hope it works =)

PS. @Ebonova: You're Spanish??

Elena Swan 20th Mar 2010 4:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Vampire_aninyosaloh
PS. @Ebonova: You're Spanish??

same question...

you said "número uno" "número dos"
you know spanish??

lovetadraw 20th Mar 2010 4:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
So, Nina, had a good bite lately?
"I met a vampire that said he hadn't had a bite in weeks"
"what'd you do?"
"I bite 'im!"

My brother knows some German, I'm learning Japanese.

Hey Nina, how do they look now? (eyes)

Anyone else here have masochistic ways of dealing with anger?

So how do you insert a image into your profile page? is it something you earn, or what?

Wartooth 20th Mar 2010 7:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
In respond to Lovetadraw's question...
1) scribble on pieces of paper < which i'm employing right now aha
2) smack yourself in the head
3) smack others in the head
4) kick yourself
5) kick others

I'm learning Japanese + French too (okk french learning is in the school but yes it counts!!)

I've decided to put the eyes on hiatus. I'm just too busy, I don't really want to redo them, I'll just... focus... on something else... I guess...

I know!! The anime eyes!! HERE THEY ARE

Vampire_aninyosaloh 20th Mar 2010 7:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lovetadraw
So, Nina, had a good bite lately?
"I met a vampire that said he hadn't had a bite in weeks"
"what'd you do?"
"I bite 'im!"

My brother knows some German, I'm learning Japanese.

Hey Nina, how do they look now? (eyes)

Anyone else here have masochistic ways of dealing with anger?

So how do you insert a image into your profile page? is it something you earn, or what?

They look very good =) Although maybe they are a bit too dark compared with the sparkle.. but it's not a big issue

To post a pic on your profile you only have to upload it to photobucket, tinypic.. or whatever and post it in the "About Me / Policy / Other Text" section with the [IMG] tags =)

No, I didn't bite anyone lately, I prefer buying the blood in a supermarket

When I'm angry or stressed I tend to scratch my hand really hard.. *is weird*

Ebonova 20th Mar 2010 7:52 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Elena Swan
same question...

you said "número uno" "número dos"
you know spanish??

Lol. I know a BIT of Spanish...
Just some basic stuff

*In response to Lovetadraw's question*
I facepalm a LOT
And bang my head against the wall...
Sometimes I bite my tongue or dig my nails into my arm too

Here's my (almost complete) Ebonova's House of Horrors set (Bloodshot, Galactica, Serpentine, Demonic, and Living Doll):

lovetadraw 20th Mar 2010 11:20 PM

Nina:A bloody piece of rare meat is good. I like how blood taste. I'll see about the highlight next time I'm in BS. Thanks, as soon as I get my Email to work again, I'll put in a picture!
Torako: MUCH better than my sucky anime eyes, go for it! I can't believe that any Mod would not pass them up!
Alex: Goody-goody-gumdrop! I especially like the "Living Doll" ones.

Ebonova 21st Mar 2010 5:53 AM

They look kinda Maxis-y to me!
But, yeah. They're nice :D
The Serpentine and Bloodshot are my favorites

lovetadraw 21st Mar 2010 3:36 PM

My very own eyes
1 Attachment(s)
My very own eyes, the ones sittin' in my head. For the record, I didn't use "Sparkling Eyes" at all. If needs be, I'll change the highlights. They were based on how they looked in the mirror in our bathroom. So, if my eyes in real life look like -shady-'s awesome eyes, forgive me.

Elena Swan 21st Mar 2010 7:26 PM

^they're awesome... O.o

Vampire_aninyosaloh 21st Mar 2010 7:43 PM

Yeah! They are amazing!!

lovetadraw 21st Mar 2010 7:56 PM

Thanks! I'll try to make more using this base if I can. I really don't know if my eyes are blue, or green. Nobody agrees on a single colour. I just say aqua or turquoise.

Ebonova 21st Mar 2010 10:55 PM

They're REALLY great!

You hand-painted them, right?

lovetadraw 22nd Mar 2010 3:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Define "hand painted" for me please. I start with the whites, then the tear duct. I use brushes. Then make a circle using the circle select, shrink, delete. Then center lines, add a pupil with fussy brush. Add the muscle fibers via smudging and pencil tool, add layer, paint on the highlights, copy top layer to separate file (for safe keeping). When all the pupils/whites/ducts are done, save the "backup gray". Circle select around the iris, colorize. Having saved the highlights separate, I can adjust the darkness lightness without messing them up. Then once if put down that base layer of colour, I can go in and add (in this case for my eyes which I guess are blue) some green, and for me, some gold around the pupil. I pretty much hand to the iris and all, but not the colors. So I'm not sure if that's "hand painting" or not.

Not so great in BS, here's the fixed texture. They will probably still need a little work. They looked really intense. Like, X-ray eyes or something.

Ebonova 22nd Mar 2010 4:13 AM

I guess it's partly handpainted then...
But you didn't use a picture, right?

lovetadraw 22nd Mar 2010 3:30 PM

6 Attachment(s)
ah-ah, nope, no photoskinning.

Me, and me As you may or may not know, I don't give out my gender. My brother said they were both freakishly uncanny in looking like me. The one of my opposing gender he thought was freakishly strange in being accurate. My hair varies between these to styles depending on the air, and other factors. I'm really happy with these.

I have a lot of facial scarring, so I represented that on these. I tend to always frown.

Unrelated, I thought this was funny.

Here are all the colours. Uploaded, in moderation. Here are some Screens Shots!

Ebonova 23rd Mar 2010 12:05 AM

They're pretty good!
I love the eyes, and the girl Sim...
The guy looks kinda... well... odd...
No offence :D

lovetadraw 23rd Mar 2010 1:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Darn, since I don't know where the girls hair is from, I needed to retake her pictures.

Available for DL now! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! And DragonMandy thanked it!!! WEEE!!! Thanks guys/gals.

lovetadraw 24th Mar 2010 9:50 PM

Well I got ten uploads, so I got to custom colour my page. And I found out Tiny Pic doesn't require membership to upload, son I have a picture in my profile.

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