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Peni Griffin 26th Oct 2016 4:01 AM

Hey, lots of conservative Mormons are Family aspiration.

Bulbizarre 26th Oct 2016 5:25 AM

On a more serious note, I would have them go out on an outing to someplace casual like a bowling alley - hopefully he'd behave himself a bit better in public.

Raindrop_D 8th Nov 2016 10:27 AM

I think I've found my OTP with Mercutio and Puck -- Puck's in some sort of relationship with pretty much every teen of a suitable orientation in Veronaville, except -- for the longest time -- with Mercutio. It was a slow build-up, made of tickling, noogies, and enough pillow fights to keep Bluewater Village's bedding stores in business. Meanwhile I just watched. They finally kissed. Puck started it, because shy or not, he's more forward than Mercutio will ever be.

That would be fantastic, except I've just sent Mercutio to Uni. Puck will remain a teen for another couple of days -- an eternity in Sim terms. I usually don't allow romantic interactions between adults and teens, but I'm really tempted to make an exception for these two. I don't mind young adults and teens being together... but if I set it to yes, it's a free for all. Young adults, adults, elder. Which I'm not so happy about. Unless I only turn it on when they're together? But then that'd mean a lot of micro-management. I don't know what to do.

AndrewGloria 8th Nov 2016 12:57 PM

I take it you must have ACR and that allowing romantic interactions between teens and adults must be an ACR option. Myself, I don't use ACR, but have had Jenflower's Woohoo Teens for over a year now, which does allow them. I must say I've never seen any autonomous romantic actions between adults and teens with it, unless perhaps the romantic relationship is already well established by me telling them to interact.

In your case I think I'd just turn the option on, and play the Summerdreams' lot until Puck goes to University too. Then you can turn it off again. One alternative could be to use the Sim Manipulator to age Puck up to an "Independent Teen", which means he looks like a teen, but acts like an adult, but you'd have to age him back down to an ordinary teen if he's to go to university, and of course (since they're really adults in all but appearance) Independent Teens don't go to school. So I think my first option is the better one, if you can make your rotations flexible enough to allow it.

Puck and Mercutio? That's an interesting idea. In my game Puck is trying for the second time to make a go of a steady relationship with Hermia Capp, but he's still holding a candle for my gay Romance boy David Cornton too. Mercutio, quite remarkably, isn't in any romantic relationship at all. As I recall Puck and Mercutio get on quite well together, remarkable since Mercutio once thought that Puck had "stolen" Hermia from him. (For her part I don't think Hermia ever had any interest in Mercutio at all, and she certainly wants nothing to do with him now.)

Peni Griffin 8th Nov 2016 2:35 PM

You can send Puck to University any time you want. It's not that hard to find a story excuse for it; or even to declare him older than he appears.

Two years needn't be such a terribly long time, either. If the relationship is as strong as you think, it'll deal with the wait.

Raindrop_D 8th Nov 2016 4:31 PM

So I've given it a try -- Mercutio invited Puck over to his dorms, and I allowed adult/teens interactions while Puck was on the lot. It worked, within reason; they did all the usual light kissing and flirting (feather touches, always -- and that's why, imho, they work so well). They can kiss while standing, but can't cuddle on the couch. And I won't allow them to go further than that while Puck is a teen anyway... I'm not comfortable leaving it on all the time, so I might send Puck to Uni a bit earlier, as Peni suggested.

I'm not concerned about Puck flirting with others. He does that anyway! It's just that my poor Mercutio feels very lonely without Puck.

@Andrew: It's funny. Puck and Hermia get along well enough; but Hermia promptly forgot she wanted to go steady with Puck the minute she saw Romeo. So I'm thinking, very first crush and some nice memories, but that's it really. And Mercutio doesn't roll many romantic wants. I don't think he even rolled the first kiss want.

Booney 8th Nov 2016 7:15 PM

It's funny, I have somewhat similar dilemma. Romeo Monty and Tyabalt Capp are enemies, but there is... tension. At Summerdreams' party Romeo first showed attraction for Tybalt and then went and just attacked him for no reason (I guess, he was angry that Tybalt is hot and messes up with his head).
Romeo has no bolts for Juliette and pretty much ignores her. He spent all the time in her house stalking Tybalt! Who felt somewhat uncomfortable about it, but that might be because Consort was near, and Consort shows up in community lots and argue with gay sims, and Tybalt rolled a fear to become enemies with him the moment he first felt attraction towards Romeo. Anyway, when Tybalt went to sleep, Romeo followed him in the room, stared at him for a while and then turned on TV. Tybalt, of course, woke up, and they spend a while watching movie and talking. Enemy status went away. Good. Tybalt rolled a want to apologize to Romeo. Nice. Romeo accepted. Great. Then Romeo slapped Tybalt. Ok...
Rotation in Monty household, and Romeo thinks about Tybalt, wants to kiss Juliette, flirt with Hermia and apologies to Tybalt. Done, done, done. Then he attacks Tybalt. Then he talks about him with everyone who is ready to listen. Even Mercutio, whose reaction is to attack Tybalt.
So there seems to be interesting story going, and really, really, really want to know where Romeo and Tybalt will take it. I don't care if they end up together or not; I just want to follow their wants and autonomous actions. But Tybalt is 4 days from becoming adult, aka time for college in my game. I don't have any mods that allow romantic actions with teens for older age groups, and I don't really want one. Of course, Tybalt could stay at home, his lifetime want is to become hall of famer, no need for college diploma. But there is so much more to do in college, and I don't want to take it away from him just because I wanted to know about his relationships with someone.
Then there is fact that I have been thinking about installing ACR for a while now, and, if I understand right, I could turn on teen/YA romantic interactions just for one household with it (right?). Could work, but how much ACR changes sims' autonomously? Because I want them to figure it for themselves and I fear that ACR will turn Romeo much more open to things than he is now. He is romance sim after all.

Peni Griffin 8th Nov 2016 7:22 PM

If you're not ready for Tybalt to go to college, turn aging off in that household till this has resolved to your satisfaction.

Although, college is a great place to find yourself...

Booney 8th Nov 2016 7:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
If you're not ready for Tybalt to go to college, turn aging off in that household till this has resolved to your satisfaction.

But that will change their age difference with the rest of 'hood, won't it?

Peni Griffin 8th Nov 2016 8:08 PM

That depends on how you do it. You can turn aging off everywhere; or you can play a lot of days in a row in the aging-off household while only playing the others once. Either will maintain the current relative ages.

I do this a lot in my challenge hood - I can't stop myself from playing rotations, so I'll play one aging day in the challenge household, then turn aging off in that household and rotate through the other households that affect them, one day each except for pregnancy and University households, bouncing back to the challenge household in between those rotations to deal with anything that's happened that should affect them. Aging is also turned off in pregnancy households and they get played three times during that rotation, while University households are played at a 1 college year = 1 aging day ratio, with the college year being defined by one student who is connected in some way to the challenge household. I break up the college year in play, too. So I'll play Rhett's household once, the rest of the subhood he's in once, return to Rhett to let him and his kids deal with developments without aging, play Uni, return to Rhett, play Widespot, return to Rhett, play a bunch of pregnancies, return to Rhett, etc., until Rhett and all the households that can have an impact on him are played. Then I turn aging back on and start again.

Some households, and some periods of time, just have more packed into them than others. Playing in this way simulates that, and allows me to give the most interesting storylines and character development the game time they deserve.

Booney 8th Nov 2016 8:51 PM

Why pregnancy households must be played three times?
Anyway, this sounds very useful. I will probably do so in my game a lot - right now I just send sims that need more gametime to community lots several times in rotation. That strategy has some downfalls.

And I just finished the first rotation of Uberhood/United Neighborhoods of Simnation, so I can play Veronaville first in second rotation and figure all things out. But not tonight. Been long day, long week, and my sims deserve me in better mood.

Tonight I will backup my game, install ACR and open Testhood. If I like, great. If I hate it, I can remove it and it's like nothing happened.

Raindrop_D 8th Nov 2016 9:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Booney
It's funny, I have somewhat similar dilemma. Romeo Monty and Tyabalt Capp are enemies, but there is... tension. At Summerdreams' party Romeo first showed attraction for Tybalt and then went and just attacked him for no reason (I guess, he was angry that Tybalt is hot and messes up with his head).

Tybalt and Romeo, yes, I could totally see that.
My Tybalt is Ace, as far as I can tell (I actually haven't checked his gender prefs. He'll let me know, eventually).

Raindrop_D 8th Nov 2016 9:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by terula8
@Booney - also, it's not ACR that does Teen/YA interactions, it's InTeen. Totally different mod. You may want to research both.

ACR has a setting for it as well. I don't have InTeen.

ETA: Oh, do you mean YA only / Teens?

Peni Griffin 8th Nov 2016 9:48 PM

I play the three aging-off days for pregnancy to make the pregnancy shorter relative to the ages of other children in the house. This makes it possible to have siblings share time as babies or toddlers, and gets them more overlapping time as children, without the necessity of installing an aging mod. It's not relevant to the situation you're in, sorry if throwing it in confused you.

The main point is, that there's a number of ways to work aging-off days into a rotation schedule without throwing your age synchronization off. It's all a matter of what's comfortable for you and where you feel a need for more or less time.

Phantomknight 11th Nov 2016 9:23 PM

Just thought I'd add that Boiling Oil has an individual aging mod over at With that you can pick and choose who you what to age and when. Helpful if you just want to stop aging on one sim. Also, you can use SimPe to set up how often everyone (regular sims, witches, and werewolves, etc.) age. Which is useful if you want witches and werewolves to have their own aging system like I do. Anyway instructions for that are over there, too.

Orphalesion 16th Nov 2016 1:21 AM

Recently had to clean out my game.

In my new Pleasantview (ths time the fixed, clean version) Cassandra has 2 Bolts with both Darren Dreamer and...Malcolm Landgraab.

Now usually I marry Cassandra to Darren, but now I'm thinking...should I have her get involved with Malcolm this time around? I know the Landgraabs are "evil" but...wouldn't a Criminal Mastermind and a Mad Scientist work well together? Plus the Landgraabs and the Goths are both Upper Crust, it wpuld only be natural if they inter-marry at some point.

Darren or Malcolm? Decisions...descisions... what do others think of the pairings. The storyline justification for Malcolm would be that he's good looking (fixed his face a tiny bit), entertaining and Cassandra met him while still reeling from her canceled wedding (on an Outing to Downtown with Darren no less... ) Plus if Don is any indication Cassandra likes the Bad Boys...

pairing her up with Darren seems more "Hollywood Romantic Comedy" or maybe I'm just burned out on it because I always had them end up together.

Of course then there's the question of whom to pair with Darren... Brandie Broke perhaps? Would give Dirk a whole army of step-brothers hahaha

Peni Griffin 16th Nov 2016 1:37 AM

Just throw them all together and see who she goes for.

If you always do Darren, though, I think it's time for some variety.

omglo 16th Nov 2016 1:53 AM

Cassandra's great aunt Frida was disowned by her family because she refused to agree to an arranged marriage with a Landgraab (according to her TS3 bio). If you play storylines, I would go with Malcolm and squeeze some drama out of the fact that the last attempt to merge their families didn't end well.

joandsarah77 16th Nov 2016 1:54 AM

I use an individual aging on/off mod, I just click the sim and select aging off. I think it's at MATY and MATY was down again earlier.

For pregnancy length I have mine modded to two days.

Raindrop_D 16th Nov 2016 8:04 PM

Btw I think I solved my dilemna (Mercutio YA / Puck teen) by turning it on its head. Instead of sending Puck to Uni early, which I know I'd regret because he's fantastic as a teen, I'm skipping a few rounds of Uni. Mercutio will end up a bit younger than he should be, but that's no big deal. Also -- as I've already sent Miranda to Uni (I was running out of space in her house), even though she's really young, she'll end up being roughly the right age.

Meanwhile, Puck being Puck, went steady with Mercutio's cousin, Benedick. Hermia lost the want to go steady the minute she saw Romeo, XD.

Sunbee 18th Nov 2016 6:11 AM

Personally I like Cassandra/Malcolm, Cassandra/Armand De Bateau or Cassandra/Antonio Monty. I've played all three. Cassandra has always been the best step-mother in my game, rolling wants to interact with and befriend her stepkids.

The "How she met Malcolm" story in my game involves too much post-breakup drinking at Malcolm's club . . . and the rest really can't be told to their children, even when they're adults!

Orphalesion 18th Nov 2016 4:47 PM

Thanks for all the answers, I went with Malcolm.

So far it has been fun; on his first visit to the Goth Manor Malcolm got into an argument with Mortimer that ended with them poking each other and during the wedding party he insulted Bella. I can only see rainbows and sunshine in the future

Also during the wedding party Mortimer refused to dance with Cassandra and I also invited Darren... I expected more drama from that but surprisingly he took the whole thing in stride and actually got along well with Malcolm.

Not really sure what to make of that...

Peni Griffin 18th Nov 2016 5:09 PM

Oh, that one's easy! Darren was indulging in "courtly love," the idealized longing for an unobtainable woman, whose unobtainability is basically the point. That way he can set her on a pedastal and not think about or deal with her as a human being who goes to the bathroom, burps, and insists on folding towels horizontally instead of vertically like his mom insisted was the One True Way. (Seriously, they're much easier to hang up if you fold 'em long ways.) Courtly love was specifically designed to be directed at a married woman who could Inspire Art and Great Deeds and never be touched.

Orphalesion 18th Nov 2016 5:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Oh, that one's easy! Darren was indulging in "courtly love," the idealized longing for an unobtainable woman, whose unobtainability is basically the point. That way he can set her on a pedastal and not think about or deal with her as a human being who goes to the bathroom, burps, and insists on folding towels horizontally instead of vertically like his mom insisted was the One True Way. (Seriously, they're much easier to hang up if you fold 'em long ways.) Courtly love was specifically designed to be directed at a married woman who could Inspire Art and Great Deeds and never be touched.

Oh yeah I know about courtly love. history mayor and avid fan of the various Medieval Arthur Romances, I have to admit it's an interesting way to look at the whole situation haha, as long as Darren doesn't start collecting Cassandra's hair clippings or drinking her bathwater (both thing encouraged in courtly love, I kid you not! Well it was actually the water the lady used to wash her hands in during banquets, served in a little bowl her "courtly lover" would drink from after she used it to clean herself, but we don't do stuff like that anymore, what with indoor plumbing and all)
....or going full Don Quixote and attacking the windmill in Bluewater Village in order to win her favour...

I gotta find him a new woman before he goes off the deep end...

Bulbizarre 27th Nov 2016 5:59 AM

I'm almost done Strangetown and ready to move onto Veronaville. Which side of the river should I start?

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