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RicoSuavecito 27th Aug 2018 5:23 AM

I had a dream where someone had me in a headlock with a gun to my head and I was scrambling out and I broke free. I was running when my blood pressure got too high to stay asleep and when I awoke my wife was about to kiss me and I freaked a little.

PANDAQUEEN 27th Aug 2018 6:55 AM

Because I had no female peers, Darla K. Anderson (a producer at Pixar) helped me with finding what was needed for the wedding. I made it abundantly clear I didn't want to waste my money on a dress I'd only wear once. I told her I was going to wear a fancy top in white with colorful designs, a white skirt and platform sandals because I'm ri-doo-doo-diculously short (5'3") so I can kiss my husband officially as his new wife.

Meanwhile, John Lasseter, who heard over the intercom me and Lee were engaged, invited Lee into his cramped office and told him he's happy to see Lee remarry and asked "Why her? She's a little girl to old men like ourselves!" Lee cleared his throat and said "Last year, I got a call, my wife divorced me, my kids won't talk to me about anything beyond money, I was in New York City and the sky just opened up on me. It was my weekly session with Kym and I saw her coming toward me in a black and olive rain coat and a rainbow umbrella. She escorted me to the bathroom. It was a gender neutral bathroom, so she came in, wringed my shirt out while I wringed my hair out. She likes me with long hair. After drying off as much as I could, she held me to thank me for putting up with her crazy antics. I remember the smell of her hair, it was like someone served coconut cake and hibiscus tea, I wasn't going to be mad at her because she was an hour late. Right now, I just want an audience to bear witness to this kind, gentle, delicate flower of a woman and someone to marry us." He then started messing with his phone and decided not to rent a tuxedo and instead wear jeans, sneakers and one of those t-shirts with a print on the front resembling a tuxedo front.

We forgone any bachelor(ette) parties and we spent the night at home watching Sailor Moon, which I was up to the anime breakup arc between episodes 61 to 77. I told him how King Endymion was a complete dick to Mamoru Chiba staging visions of destruction and how King Endymion had a face that badly needed a punch for endangering his future. It became a geek fest and soon it was 9:00PM. Lee went to bed in his room and I went to bed in my room. I got a text.

Lee: Tomorrow, we'll share more than this house. We'll share a name and maybe a bed.
Me: That last one will be a pipe dream. I still thrash in my sleep. But the last name is just normal. Besides... less work rewriting my last name, just jumbling, subtraction and addition
Lee: Good night.
Me: Good night, my sweet prince.

The morning came. Darla arranged my wedding to be an outdoor affair outside the studio. We got dressed and headed to the studio. The weather was cloudy, with bits of sun poking through. It was perfect. Then it came to the make or break point. He was asked of his responsibilities "until death do we part" and he said "I Do". I was asked of my responsibilities (they were pretty much the same as his) "until death do we part" I said "I Do". Then came "If any just cause for reasons of objection are present, speak now or forever hold your peace" It fell deathly silent. Normally at this point in dreams, some ex lover who was jilted by either of us would cause a fuss and my dream would fall apart.

Well, we had exchanged rings and for the first time in my dream, I was able to kiss a man I love without him stooping down.

The reception was inside and it was fine. I was bored and wanted to get to Kyoto and find the Hachibei Shrine. Lee and I decided to disappear after our participation in the number of wedding traditions. However the cake tradition took a Romanesque turn when Bob Peterson smashed it over my head and Lee's. We weren't hurt, but try getting frosting and ganache out of your hair.

We escaped after the cake was smashed over our heads together. We went home and showered (separately, of course). I decided to sleep in Lee's room that night. We worn clean cotton underwear and t-shirts, standard clothes for someone like myself. He and I were cuddled together and I fell asleep latched onto his side and he was he was like "What am I going to with you?" And he rubbed my back and said "It can't be helped."

It was a weird wedding, yes, but I prefer my clothes to have multiple use and I would NEVER buy a wedding gown.

Besides, in the dream, me and Lee didn't have much in the way of money. It mostly went to bills, utilities, mortgage, groceries, clothes, office supplies, the eco-friendly white Mustang he drove us here from New York City. We couldn't have a wedding until John and Darla had the entire studio pitch $10 to give us a decent ceremony and reception.

Weird how reality is disruptive to my dreams.

And yeah, I am very much aware of the story that bonded them during recording with him stupidly sitting on a bench in a downpour and how he got dried off and even the evocative scent of her hair, combined with her loving heart leaving an impression she is just a nice woman who was treated so badly growing up by her peers at various academic institutions. This image is supposed to be a scene of revelation in their relationship. She doesn't have much interest in him until he played up to her desires, which he uses to help her overcome her camera shyness. He is a man whose life is falling apart due to him working as a director. They fit like puzzle pieces.

sailorplanet97 27th Aug 2018 7:42 PM

today i had this weird dream about winnie the pooh
i was outside looking for something, and then i bumped into winnie the pooh and told me he was looking for honey in the tree

however there were bees and they all hit winnie the pooh. i did something to all of the bees (i don't know which one though)
that he could take all the honeys with him and he thanked me about taking the honeys and give it to him

i said you're welcome

2 days ago i watched christopher robin and winnie the pooh and his friends were involved by this so that might be the reason why i had this weird dream

PANDAQUEEN 27th Aug 2018 10:47 PM

We went to Japan and we were quickly sent through customs without fuss. We took the Shinkansen to Kyoto from Tokyo. I dragged Lee all over Kyoto and then, after much zigzagging, we found the shrine...As we said our prayers in silence...
Me: I really want a baby to our little family. I wouldn't mind if it acted out, was a crybaby or was quiet and peaceful. A baby is all I ask for.
Lee: We're barely making ends me and I promised to my wife I would provide for her and if we have a baby, I worry it would be given up to someone else and it would break my heart and my wife's heart. Please bless me with enough money to live comfortably.

After we returned home, we fell asleep and starting that Sunday morning, we tried for a baby. This went on until the following Saturday. Any free time was just me and him trying for a baby.

A couple weeks later, I did a pregnancy test. It was a digital one, but the display blacked out. I had Lee drive me to the clinic. After they tested me there, it turned out I was pregnant and the color in Lee's face disappeared.

Lee dropped me at home and I fell asleep in my bed. He went to John and pleaded for help. "My wife is pregnant, she's gonna have a baby and I need more money. Please, John, I will do anything to see the smiles on my wife and child's face." John, being CCO, said "I want you to do a collection of shorts of your life with Kym. Tell how you met, the day you connected in the downpour, the day you moved in together. Do it all the way to Christmas!" Lee corrected "She celebrates Christmas and Hanukkah. Mom is Jewish, Dad is Catholic." John said, "Whatever, just work with her and I will guarantee you will be handsomely rewarded.

PANDAQUEEN 28th Aug 2018 12:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sailorleontine6
today i had this weird dream about winnie the pooh
i was outside looking for something, and then i bumped into winnie the pooh and told me he was looking for honey in the tree

however there were bees and they all hit winnie the pooh. i did something to all of the bees (i don't know which one though)
that he could take all the honeys with him and he thanked me about taking the honeys and give it to him

i said you're welcome

2 days ago i watched christopher robin and winnie the pooh and his friends were involved by this so that might be the reason why i had this weird dream

That bear and his sweet tooth is his fatal flaw. He can't help himself! Hence why I gave you a "Love". I have my own addiction to sweets.

PANDAQUEEN 28th Aug 2018 12:46 PM

During the first part of my pregnancy, I only had one month of morning sickness, which is weird, because a lot of the women in my family by blood had 7 months of it, there was soreness and I was eating everything in the fridge and Lee would lose sleep because of any late night craving. Eventually, it came to the appointment we wondered about: How many heartbeats?

The doctor strapped some prototype of a heartbeat detection apparatus. He took a snapshot. And they counted. According to the apparatus, I was to have octuplets. He asked me if me or Lee were using any fertility assistance and said "No".

Lee looked up listings for larger houses, a nanny, a butler and for old cars that seat 10. (yes, there are actually cars that big.)

P.S. I let him keep his Ford Mustang. Men are usually pretty touchy about their cars being taken away and the fact he has to find a specialized minivan that hasn't been made in years, a couple decades, even, to cart our children around is daunting in its own right. Besides, we chose a nanny close to home: my aunt Stephanie, who understands what we desire in terms of care and our butler, a gentleman from England brought his three cats with him, a white and orange Manx, a black cat and a grey tabby American Curl. The house we moved into was large enough for games of hide and seek and our hired help got their own room. Then came the gender identifying appointment. Evidently, it would be evenly matched with 4 boys and 4 girls. I told the women at the studio "I don't do baby showers! Just send the goods to our new house." I then explained celebration before birth is bad luck because it could lead to possible death in the womb. Seriously, I'm 30 years old, I don't like the traditions that makes no sense to me at all and they don't understand the Japanese-Russian superstition.

I eventually was on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy. Lee would come into my room to rub my back, rub my oversized belly to feel something he took part in creating.

Me: Lee, I have to confess...about 9 months ago I prayed with you at the Hachibei Shrine. I prayed for a child. I didn't care if the child was a naughty brat, a sensitive crybaby or was Zen-like calm and quiet. I didn't expect the 8 times over return investment in regards to the shrine to be that strong.

Lee: I need to confess regarding the same thing. The moment you brought me to Kyoto, we were short on cash and I would hear you dream about having a baby. So I prayed for fortune. Currently I was working with Gary Rydstrom on a series of shorts based on the courtship, marriage and pregnancy. The shorts are silent, save for my narrating our way through the shorts.

As soon as I started to make a pained look on my face, I said "Ready or not, here they come. Get the wheelchair and get the station car." Lee said "Your water didn't break." I said "When my mother was pregnant with me, they broke the water at the hospital." He got me to the care and drove us to the nearest hospital.

After admitting me and the breaking of the water, the body preparing for birth... I began birthing.

First came a boy (Vance Rainier Unkrich)
Then a second boy (Joel Watt Unkrich)
After a third boy (Flanigan Pyros Unkrich)
Then a girl (Esther Diana Unkrich)
A fourth boy (Umberto Nolan Unkrich)
A second girl (Leanne Gracie Unkrich)
A third girl (Gloria Bridget Unkrich)
Our little baby, a girl (Sylvia Faye Unkrich)

Lee got to hold his children before they were to send Sylvia to have the jaundice cooked off. Lee felt that sort of love parents have for their children the moment after birth when they hold them, along the lines of "For you, I will die." I was worn out, crying and I noticed all my children had strawberry blonde hair from my family and extremely pale skin. However, Umberto looked like his daddy. He has his black hair and dark brown eyes. His skin had that Mediterranean color to it, like he is tan in the middle of a New England winter. Lee held Umberto and stared in wonder of his son.

The octuplets were born August 8. According to the Taiwanese Calendar, August 8 is Father's Day.

August 8 > 8\8 > 8 = ba > 8\8 = baba > baba = father.

We eventually left the hospital and my aunt and Higgenbottom (our butler, who evidently trained as a ninja in life. No wonder the stealth factor in the house.) Got the nursery set up with all the precautions. Camera feeds, audio feeds, latest baby care tech from Japan used most off in day care centers, alarms connected to the sonic frequency of glass breaking or a door broken down with a kick into the nursery. They connected the feeds and alert systems to apps that notify me, Lee, my aunt and Higgenbottom to come in and do what they must.

Lee's hair reaches his rear end and I decided to tie it back in a long braid. I started by putting a hair elastic at the top, braided and as I asked him, "How does it feel to be a new dad again?" He said, "I feel weird. I have children who will want to spend time with their daddy. My hair above my ear, in sideburn territory is going grey and you don't mind it." "Older men have wisdom and knowledge, which are the greatest powers and experience within knowledge is powerful stuff." At the tips of his hair, I tied another elastic and I said to him "You're charming." I brushed back his bangs and kissed him gently. It was just the beginning as parents to our miracle children.

sailorplanet97 28th Aug 2018 4:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
That bear and his sweet tooth is his fatal flaw. He can't help himself! Hence why I gave you a "Love". I have my own addiction to sweets.

oh i see

PANDAQUEEN 29th Aug 2018 1:54 AM

The first few years were pretty messy even with Higgenbottom and Aunt Stephanie helping with the babies. Lee did not like changing the boys' diapers for obvious reasons and I would be running the washer and dryer constantly. Because I couldn't possibly breast feed all 8, I had to use formula and the woman who Mommy shamed me during a conference call with work was a woman with zero kids and zero experience in motherhood. In fact, she hated children outright and was this typical old crone who is too old to have kids and I laid into her about her criticism of my situation.

The writers, who were watching my PowerPoint presentation cheered me on and the PowerPoint was of the movie me and Lee were working on as a pet project. It was about a girl who could communicate to cats and how she was made to delegate to Humanity before the cats will attempt an attack on humankind. I actually put experience and expertise in feline communication and how cats made the first move in domestication.

My writer co-workers were interested in the pitch of a black cat with orange eyes getting beat up, plotting vengeance under bed and 3 days later he attacks the neighborhood cats and dogs, and every day, passing through the alley, the street animals cringe, flinch and wince as he walks to the grocery store and back to the apartment where he lives. (IRL my mother's first cat had this experience when I was a baby and he was a black cat with pumpkin orange eyes)

Then came the 3rd birthday. We invited our coworkers who had kids around age 3 and I begged Bob Peterson to behave himself after he decided to smash our wedding cake over our heads at the reception when we got married 4 years ago. I made little costumes of their Eevee-lution counterparts and they were cute. They were adorable. To tell the other seven children apart, I use a gentle dye to color their hair. Because Umberto had black hair and his counterpart Eevee-lution was black, he was exempt.

Then came kindergarten, which I sent off my children and I just hope they do well for the first day. Lee picked them up on his lunch break and a note was attached. They graded my kids with failing grades that apply to kindergarten conduct and a note "Send these wastes of genetic material to Montessori School or better yet, let them play in the road and the world will be a better place." Lee called a lawyer to sue the kindergarten for the toxic note sent home to us. The person who wrote the entirety of the note was forbidden to work in childcare and education ever again. Turned out, the kindergarten teacher lied that she could handle my 8 kids as each had personalities that matched the elements.

In all honesty, the stress of life is getting to me. Today, I called to tell the dental office I have had a bad track record with dentists by biting them, putting them in chokeholds and powering through laughing gas when stress. This was to set up an appointment with a dentist.

Those three infractions against dentists? I did them when I had last seen a dentist. In Washington, most dentists in my network couldn't handle my panic attacks. So it was out of network and pocket. I also hate when they yell at you for failed perfection in performance.

RicoSuavecito 29th Aug 2018 11:02 AM

Somehow I ended up in this one boxer's manor. I was looking everywhere for him to ask questions. The dream ended. I fell back asleep and I awoke in his room. It was really small for some reason. He was on the bed and I was in a chair questioning and chatting. I went to unplug my phone was next to the bed and he ran his hand up my side I was like 'r u lost lol'. He started touching me in weird places and I stepped back and was like 'yooooooo, I'm not into that bro,'. Weird. VERY weird.

PANDAQUEEN 29th Aug 2018 1:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RicoSuavecito
Somehow I ended up in this one boxer's manor. I was looking everywhere for him to ask questions. The dream ended. I fell back asleep and I awoke in his room. It was really small for some reason. He was on the bed and I was in a chair questioning and chatting. I went to unplug my phone was next to the bed and he ran his hand up my side I was like 'r u lost lol'. He started touching me in weird places and I stepped back and was like 'yooooooo, I'm not into that bro,'. Weird. VERY weird.

Groped by a ghost? Yeah, that ranks rather high!

For me, I wake up in my IRL room in my dream. I turned to the bed's edge and Lee Unkrich was sitting on the edge of the bed and I sat up, and ran my fingers through his tousled hair, which was greying at the temples. He said "You've been dreaming about me for some time." I told him "You are handsome with grey temples." and we kissed as the sun rose over the hills and mountains.

Weird. I also found out that our octuplets share his IRL birthday (8\8). In the grand scale scheme of it, I will continue the story, dreams permitting.

Bigsimsfan12 29th Aug 2018 7:33 PM

PQ - You should write a Sims story. Sort of like Osomatsu-Kun but the day to day lives of the PQ-Octuplets.

PANDAQUEEN 29th Aug 2018 8:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
PQ - You should write a Sims story. Sort of like Osomatsu-Kun but the day to day lives of the PQ-Octuplets.

Currently working on it. Although MCCC allows for manipulation of pregnancy, it either doesn't have an Instant Baby option like Nraas had or I haven't found it because I don't want to screw up my game. So I at most can carry triplets per pregnancy with the aging off.

The Unkrich family (In TS4, I married Lee Unkrich's simself that I created that resembled him when he grew his hair out and they, his crew joked behind his back he was "The Black Stallion" which is bad form because he was the director of Toy Story 3) currently has the four sons and their first daughter, Esther Diana and I gave the children names indicative of their Eeveelution and element and in term of personality, rather apt traits. My simself is pregnant with the last three daughters and the house has been given the capacity to hold 20 sims.

But before the toddlers can become schoolchildren, I have to max out the toddler skills. Lee's occupation is writer and he wrote a number of books regarding fatherhood to a house full of children. Regarding his numerous royalties, he wrote a comedy genre book titled "An Endless Sea of Babies" and it's one of those "my experience as a patriarch" books.

In regards to this matter, I will probably post to my Simblr. I haven't yet put it together.

Bad New! I could not find Joel or Flanigan after the triplet sisters arrived and aged up. I need to troubleshoot before it's too late.

Bigsimsfan12 29th Aug 2018 9:08 PM

I don't really understand Sims 4
Sims 2 is easy enough, get both parents pregnant at the same time with sim blender or something, download the trips/quads mod that lets you choose and have them both give birth to quads. Bigger households mods help too. I don't know if these mods exist in Sims 4 though.

I think it would make a good sims story, but maybe better if you made up a celebrity (probably a rockstar) instead of using a real life one. You're making me want to write a story

PANDAQUEEN 29th Aug 2018 9:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
I don't really understand Sims 4
Sims 2 is easy enough, get both parents pregnant at the same time with sim blender or something, download the trips/quads mod that lets you choose and have them both give birth to quads. Bigger households mods help too. I don't know if these mods exist in Sims 4 though.

I think it would make a good sims story, but maybe better if you made up a celebrity (probably a rockstar) instead of using a real life one. You're making me want to write a story

Well, I commit two cardinal sins on regular basis when playing the Sims (any version, take your pick): 1. Marrying a simself of a celebrity and 2. Spending more than 3 hours on a session.

Mostly, being lovesick and being in pain is just how things have been going since August 2018 started. When I'm distracted, at least I am not fixated on shooting pains in my jaws.

Besides, I am extremely shy of approaching anyone with any amount of influence. Lee Unkrich is actually a director, but he's in an industry that's not really worthy of Oscars (or at least in the past 30 years.). The only reason I fawn over him is because I was into video editing at age 11 and he started at Pixar in 1994 for Toy Story. I actually like editing music videos together as a way to reflect on my current playlist

In my defense, I have been struggling with my family falling apart and putting themselves back together again. My brain is my only safe place to be if I don't feel safe venturing out into the world for normal things (I had pointed out that I suffer from claustrophobia and agoraphobia). I tend to hide under the sheets

But the luxury of customization is I can change it to how I see fit. I will get bored with Lee and go back to Bill. It happens. But remember, I am self conscious of any behavior, including obsessions and impulsive whims.

Well, usually my dreams of meetings of the men I desire to understand on a level where I can help them, if they help me. Mutuality is something I seek in any relationship, be it Good Friends or any Romantic Interest (that's a long shot because most of the guys I like are either married to a woman or their high-paying jobs in their fields.)

I think we veered off course on your suggestion of a slice of life comedy.

My dreams are just the only distraction I can take during the downtime when I drift off. It's actually keeping me sane while I await my dental appointment. It's next week.

BestSomeone 31st Aug 2018 4:23 PM

Has it ever happened to have a dream where you know its a dream but if you try to fly and do other stuff, you cant because its almost like you need to "obey" it's rules, like a world created by your own mind that you cant change.
What about dream that you live a great story that you would never remember to creat irl. (I wish I could creat stories like that)
What about dreams where you know its a dream and you solve problems of real life inside it.
What about situations that, when you wake up, you have the feeling that it was real and then you say "phew" because it wasnt.
And dreams that you interact with people and objects that you never saw in real life. (Ik it needs to at least see it once so you can dream of but sometimes I dont remember)
What about dreams where everyone looks the same but you just dont care. --------> (That happened once to me where I FINNALY changed school and everyone looked the same (I mean exacly the same(but they had different personnalities)) and the school was also the same. This is what I call "lack of imagination").

sailorplanet97 31st Aug 2018 7:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BestSomeone
Has it ever happened to have a dream where you know its a dream but if you try to fly and do other stuff, you cant because its almost like you need to "obey" it's rules, like a world created by your own mind that you cant change.
What about dream that you live a great story that you would never remember to creat irl. (I wish I could creat stories like that)
What about dreams where you know its a dream and you solve problems of real life inside it.
What about situations that, when you wake up, you have the feeling that it was real and then you say "phew" because it wasnt.
And dreams that you interact with people and objects that you never saw in real life. (Ik it needs to at least see it once so you can dream of but sometimes I dont remember)
What about dreams where everyone looks the same but you just dont care. --------> (That happened once to me where I FINNALY changed school and everyone looked the same (I mean exacly the same(but they had different personnalities)) and the school was also the same. This is what I call "lack of imagination").

i recognize most of the stuff so yeah especially the second one

like i said earlier (almost 2 weeks ago) i had this super weird dream about a luxury hotel, it's a long story
but then me and my friends got caught and even my parents knew about that and got mad at me by sneaking at the hotel

then the 2 naked people were in the house and punched both me and my mom, then we fell off the stairs.
and then my mom told me we were moving to the other city, i wasn't too happy about it.

i told my parents i never even knew about the city we were moving into

then i woke up and i was wondering why all of my stuff isn't in the box and why i didn't moved out at all
but after a few minutes after i woke up i was like oh 'phew' it was all just a dream

haywud 31st Aug 2018 8:58 PM

I seem to be having really horrible dreams lately. A few days ago I had one where I was in like a school or something, and was walking down a hallway towards the front door when I heard gunshots. When I got to the door there were piles of blood and guts all over the place, so I turned and walked back down the hall only to see even more of the same. Last night I had a dream where I was in some sort of building, not sure what or where it was, but it was a fairly narrow hallway with a bunch of people in it. One of the people suddenly pulled out a gun and started shooting everyone. That one was really weird because it wasn't like I was there in person, it seemed like I was looking down on everything as if it were a Sims game or something and I was in control of what was happening.

Probably a sign that I'm going crazy since I've never had dreams like this before.

PANDAQUEEN 31st Aug 2018 11:52 PM

I woke up in my real bed and I was watching the end of the first Lilo and Stitch.

(On screen)
Cobra Bubbles:... convinced an alien race mosquitoes were an endangered species. Now, about your house...

I heard a knock on the door and it was Lee. He came to watch me. He said "Your parents will be gone for a couple more days. They knew I was in the area. I came to study the countryside of Northern New Jersey for a movie. I quit my job at PIXAR and founded my own studio. I received your script about the Angstrom League and I have a question...will you play Kimber Cambridge, the heroine? To be honest, you certainly have energy." I did the cheek kiss greetings my grandfather passed down to my father and his siblings and it got passed to me. It's just a one cheek and the other, but sometimes with gestures there are moments I go in to shake hands and they fist bump. My etiquette world wide needs sharpening.

He sat at the edge of the bed, cradles me and said "You're such a sweet woman. You seem to be interested in me." I said "I am. You have such a strange sense of humor and such an interesting personality." He sweetly brushed back my hair and said "I saw you in tears. Why were you crying?" I told him "I am in unrequited love with older men who are either married to a woman, their careers or both. I want you bad enough, but you made your decision. Even going as far back as high school, I played matchmaker to the other students, but I never had time for myself." He kissed me and I asked "Why did you do that?" He stammered "I didn't know what to do but I don't want to see you cry."

Weird enough, I actually woke up at that point in Lilo and Stitch in the movie (the disc is on auto-play) I wrote in a prompt generator some of my emotionally starved feelings of feeling like you're drained empty and you're still shy to the point you're fighting not to run a 1 minute mile if you talk to your crush.

sailorplanet97 1st Sep 2018 3:35 AM

a few nights ago i had this weird dream about mobile's

my quidance told me but also my roommates and neighboors not to go on someone else's mobile and whatever
but right after my quidance went to the shop or so i checked everyone's mobile including my quidance's mobile's
i hacked everyone's mobile and wrote all of the whatsapp and whatever

luckily me it ends up very well. i sneaked out carefully and then i woke up and realized it was all just a dream

RicoSuavecito 1st Sep 2018 10:20 AM

Yesterday I was driving my wife and she was like what was up with you last night? I was like idk what you're talking about. She was like you were freaking out, and I was like no I wasn't idk what you're talking about, what was I doing and what time? It was around 6am which is my deepest sleep no matter what time I wake up or go to bed. Apparently I was acting like I was trying to get away from someone or something and I was scrambling and fidgeting and biting the blanket. I remember waking up with it in my mouth but I didn't know why. I will probably never know what I dreamed about. Freaky.

PANDAQUEEN 1st Sep 2018 11:15 PM

During some downtime...I had a dream my shingles came back.

When I was a little girl, I didn't get chicken pox because I went straight to shingles when I was 6 years old.

I was visited by Lee, who distracted me as he helped the doctor administer lotions and medicines. He took me home and took care of me as my parents worked at night. He just said "I had chicken pox as a kid, so don't worry." Every couple of hours, I was dabbed in a lotion to calm my shingles and every 6 hours, pills were administered.

He eventually sat up on the bed and asked me "Why do you love me? I don't know why you find me attractive." I said "You once had beautiful long black hair. I would give anything to see you with such a great beauty." He said "You said I had a monkey face." I said "Dress like Lupin the Third and you'll look just like him. he's a troublemaking, heartbreaking jewel thief, because I was going to dress like a cute street savvy girl." He leaned in and said "I promise you, once your shingles leave. I will bleach your hair, self tan your skin, dress you in nice clothes and take you out for sushi. I'll go as Lupin the Third.

About a couple weeks later after much care from Lee, my shingles were gone. He inspected my skin and he began tanning my skin. Then he bleached my hair out, he found some of my nice clothes and I got dressed. He said "Somehow, I can't tell if you are being cute or sexy. You have this innocence and there's thing emerging aura that's trying to show you are tired of being seen as a liger cub. No, you're a full on ligress and your rare beauty is awakening." I hand him the clothes he is to wear. He comes out and is wearing a black shirt, blue sport coat, a red tie, white pants and brown ankle boots.

We drove to Easton, PA (I knew of a great place in the downtown area) As Lee got the car parked, he told me to go on ahead and he'll meet me.

We spent dinner talking to each other. But I heard a rude person at a table call me a "Cockroach" in Japanese because I looked disgusting and so I said to her in Japanese "I see you're eating alone while I sit with my boyfriend. Your judgment based solely on the way I look is much more disgusting. He spent the past couple of weeks treating my shingles. His touch healed me. He would stay up some nights and administer medicine to calm my nerves. Can you say your boyfriend is a prince?"

I sat back at the bar next to Lee. He asked "What exactly did you tell the woman?" I said "I said how much of a prince you were for caring for me during my shingles outbreak and that she shouldn't call me gross."

(In all honesty, I hope to avoid him in my dreams tonight. Sure I adore him and his devilishly charming looks, his wicked sense of humor, his art skills as a director and editor and his nice warm voice. But if I see him again it's going to be a case of "Oh shit! Not you again!")

Sims2Christain 2nd Sep 2018 7:09 AM

I had a weird dream, it was about having 17 toes, normal 5 and an extra two index toes on the left foot and 10 pinky toes on the right.
makes me shudder even thinking about it, even thought I am not disgusted by toes normally.

PANDAQUEEN 3rd Sep 2018 8:22 AM

Lee came back and I made peace with him.

Lee brought me some Ovaltine and he asked me "Do you still love a man like me?

I said "In some ways, you remind me of my father...My father is currently in rehab for a few courses of detoxing. But I understand the concept of detoxing all too well. When I lived in Washington State, I would be on medication that built up in my body. When switching to new medication, I would detox first. I would stay at home often and only go out supervised when I needed something. This is just one of those dark secrets I hid from you."

He said "Sweetie, are you crying?" I had tears streaming down my face and he took out tissues and he dried my tears.

He brought out a journal of when he was younger and say, "In my youth, there were some pretty dark moments of my life at stake. I fell off my bike when I was 10 and it resulted in this scar on my shin and this scar on my torso." He lifted up his shirt and his pant leg on his left side. "I bled a bit, but they got me cleaned up, stitched up and recovered me after a couple of days. I miss school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday was our last day and eventually the beginning of the 4th to 5th grade summer vacation. My stitches came out and I was back with my friends."

I said "I remember a old friend from 6th grade elementary. Hohhauser was his name. Johnny Hohhauser to be formal. He was a kid who constantly was in the hospital if he wasn't at school. He was the type of person born with glass bones and paper skin in terms of his illness, always came to class bandaged like a mummy. After graduation from elementary school, I didn't see him ever again...or at least like he was in school. I was shopping at a discount grocery store in 2016 and when I bumped into him, he was unrecognizable. He grew to 6'8" and became a personal trainer. His father received money to pay for the surgery to save his life. His father's boss was a philanthropic type. Was very interested in the family."

I played with Lee's hand, rubbing the back of the hand with my thumb somewhat massaging the back of the hand. I said "I may not have your 20 years and two months life experience you have, yet my life is full of rich experience and I have to admit... I love you." I covered my mouth and blushed. Lee is like "You do?" And I said "The day after your birthday, all I could dream about was us and you were part of the couple we were. I dreamt of us working on vocal work and you had to seduce my sensibilities to not freeze up so you could give the animation department something to work with. We fell in love with each after feeling jilted by those who used to. We got married, honeymooned in a beautiful place full of magic and mysticism, with one foot in the door of tradition and the other in the door of innovation and had octuplets'. We had 4 sons and 4 daughters... It was a beautiful dream."

Lee kissed me.

Lee said "You are a sweetheart. If I come back tomorrow night, we can talk about babies and family." I sat next to him and said "Pinky promise? If either of us lies, may we swallow 1,000 needles." He said "Ow." I said "That is just one way to stay with a promise." (Pinky swearing in Japan used to end with the phrase "If I lie, may I swallow 1,000 needles". Over time, this gruesome contract of a phrase was dropped.)

My, September...I remember it being March and surviving through a number of blackouts, having to drive to places with power to eat and my family and I having to huddle around the wood stove because of the county power outages being restored in order of urgency. Not to mention a Noreaster every week.

I was eating dinner with my parents, which shows that things changed in my life for the better. I heard a banging on the door and he screamed "Let me in! It's snowing really heavy out here!" I decided to let Lee in. As I hung up his outerwear, he said "How I forgotten that California is not Ohio or New Jersey." I said "Lee, what are you doing here? My parents are here." he asked me "How?" I said, "Like time travel paradox rectification, they made up for the sake of each other and my sanity. They actually apologized for the damage I did in terms of stressful destruction." He asked "Can you introduce myself to them?" I said "First, stow your shoes in the hall closet. Then you can talk. I went to my parents "Mom, Dad...I want you to meet the man who haunts my dreams." I signal to Lee and he comes in. "How old are you? You have gray in your temples" came from my mother and from the tone, she disapproved of him.

He said, "I just turned 51 and from your tone, I disapprove of you and your husband abandoning this young lady, who has a gift for the comedic arts. I had no choice but to fill the void you two created in her heart, but I bet those voids were there when she was younger. We got engaged, married, became parents to octuplets and we sent them to kindergarten, only to find out that they were really smart that online schooling was the only thing they excelled at. Then it just reset and we grew close with me just talking to her. She was usually in tears because I filled the voids in her heart. Blessing or not, we're in love and you must understand she is not a little girl, she's a 31-year-old woman who is shy and the fact she is talking to me like a normal person is just something you don't realize in that she's coming out of the shell she had and is wanting to be close to me. Madame, I suggest you be nicer to the only daughter you have left or history will repeat itself." I kissed him and I shown him the hearth room, which has a bed. I went upstairs and fell asleep. When I woke up, Lee was sitting on the edge of the bed and said "I think I was too forceful when your mother found out you're dating a man 20 years your senior." I said "You did instill fears. My father was kind enough to let you stay in the hearth room." He held me and sighed. I sighed back. He asked "Why do you let out such loud heavy sighs?" I told him "It's been a release mechanism for a long time. I have been trying hard not to get wound up over guys like you. I wish I could have seen you with such long beautiful hair when you were working on Toy Story 3. I enjoy hearing your warm voice when you threw in your knowledge and experience and maybe your two cents on the process of your line of work. I actually am both an editor and director and I am actually great with Adobe and Corel. In fact, I am just so in love with you and I hope you're feeling the same." He kissed me and said after we stopped "Sorry, but you must let me run."

When I woke up, it was early morning hours and I was getting ready with my father to get ready for the dentist. It was an early appointment at 8 but we prefilled the paperwork but we needed time to get lost.

It bothered me what he said before I woke up. "What did he mean by 'run'? Was someone coming after him? What did he do? Was he guilty of some petty crime? Was he framed for something he wouldn't do? What could I do to help him?"

I have feelings for him, but even if we were in arms' reach, I would be scared to even shake hands. I can't even talk to George in produce without fighting the urge to pass out or run a 1-minute mile. I haven't talked to George in produce in GORK how long!

sailorplanet97 4th Sep 2018 11:05 PM

yesterday i got this weird dream about a sleep-over. but i didn't know how it ends since i slept less then 6 hours
so when my quidance knocked at the door i thought the knocking was just a dream but it turned out it was real

but i had this super weird dream about a sleepover

me and my best friend was talking about our old best friend. we talked about horror movies our old best friend was Always watching
and how we wished she changed into a better person watching less horror movies and Always says about demones we didn't want to hear

but then she came into my room and she said why we didn't invite her into a sleepover and however.
then we fights with pillows (like best friends do)

but then at the end of this dream i heard someone knocking at the door and then everything in my dream was gone and was half asleep when my quidance came into my room

PANDAQUEEN 6th Sep 2018 11:46 AM

Had a dream that I invited 3 friends from back in Seattle. It started with my boyfriend Lee being sent to prison for something he would never do. I invited three guys I met in high school. (Weird part is it was Lupin and his gang and they were flesh and blood and evidently, we had some semblance of a history.)

When I found out Lupin framed my boyfriend for grand theft data with a lame disguise (my boyfriend and Lupin share a monkey face) and left a note that was obviously forged, the little get-together turned sour and after I wrestled his and Jigen's gun out of their possession I warned them "I was miserable for those 20 years in the Seattle area and you took away the man who was healing my broken heart. I'm calling Interpol and you are finally going to be imprisoned for eluding the Iaw.

I used the phone's voice commands and soon I dispatched the ICPO and they were arrested. Eventually, my boyfriend was released from prison after one day.

I thank the Inspector for his efforts to come on such short notice. He said "You don't know just how much I owe you for the tip. I've been trying to arrest these guys since Lupin took over the family business of thievery. Jigen is wanted for illegal firearms possession in a number of countries and US states and Goemon over there is to be stripped of any inheritance. I say they're going to rot for the rest of their existence." I said "It's a shame, because they're great lovers. Go easy on them but be firm to mean business." I was reunited with my boyfriend Lee and he said "I'm a little sore all over." I asked "Did you get into a fight?" He said "No, the food is terrible in prison." I asked "Ever see penguins in a chorus line?" He asked "No, but wouldn't they tumble like dominos at the arc of the kick upward?"

That dream left an interesting taste in my brain.

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