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TudorMan23 23rd Mar 2019 11:46 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Heres what i have been wokring on for almost a year on an off.
Its a modest 3 bedroom 2 and half bath house!

Johnny_Bravo 8th Apr 2019 9:56 PM

What are your plans with the 2nd story.. what it is it? It looks like some kind of pier-balcony. Yes, pier-balcony. What are your plans with that?

edulofter 15th Apr 2019 5:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gogolinopz
That is my portfolio for the Ise Grand Shrine project that I made this semester. All of the architectural and perspective drawings are made by hand by me. I built the model together with one of my colleagues, we selected all the materials and shaped them by ourselves. I hope that you enjoy it, I really put a lot of effort in it.

- Title page -

- Information on Ise Grand Shrine -

- Page of contents -

- Situational plan and plan of the shrine -

- North / South facade -

- West facade / Section -

- Perspective drawing with watercolour -

- Perspective section -

- Model -

Victor_tor 20th Apr 2019 3:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by edulofter

Yo, what it is?
Wanna see a cool?
Fast build ever.
Costs a buck.

Johnny_Bravo 20th Apr 2019 8:49 PM

Haha sweet trailer home @Victor_tor !

Victor_tor 21st Apr 2019 8:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
@Johnny_Bravo. True story

TudorMan23 4th May 2019 10:27 PM

8 Attachment(s)
So here goes heres my finished Tudor Castle! Six Bedrooms, five full and 2 half bathrooms!
Largest and by far my most expensive t date and yes 2 cars are included in the garage

ScaryRob 8th May 2019 11:00 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here's one I made a few years ago, recently updated. (TS2)

TudorMan23 9th May 2019 7:32 PM

had to retake screenshots of the floorplans of my castle and resubmit. and scach tat only 1 car comes with the download

Johnny_Bravo 9th May 2019 11:52 PM

Holy shit @ScaryRob spotted a UFO!
Jk, it looks nice. Well executed Can we see the floorplan?

@Tudorman23 Re-sumbitting sucks, but be glad it wasn't that much of a hassle

TudorMan23 10th May 2019 2:21 AM

@Tudorman23 Re-sumbitting sucks, but be glad it wasn't that much of a hassle [/QUOTE]

none at all just annoying! At least you dont have to do the upload all over again

ScaryRob 10th May 2019 4:11 AM

7 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
Jk, it looks nice. Well executed Can we see the floorplan?

Sure, but do me a favor and don't use the "at" symbol before my screen name, because all that does it make me go to my private messages and delete the notice, a PITA. Not necessary, since I'm obviously subscribed to the threat, so you know I'll see your post.

Anyway, the Lot has an outbuilding, which can easily be converted to a garage, with room left over.
The ground floor of the main building has the entry, elevator, small closet, and a full bath because I like putting baths within reasonable proximity to swimming pools.
The second floor just has a storage room, aka, attic. It could be used for whatever...
The third/main floor has two bedrooms, with the master suite having an ensuite full bath.
Also of course the usual living room, kitchen and dining area, without which it wouldn't be a house.
And the wrap-around terrace, accessible from all rooms.

According to my notes, I first made this Lot in 2015. I remember the hardest things were the bathrooms. At the time, I had a fixation that there should be a three-quarter bath (that is, with a shower) for the children's room, as well as a separate half-bath accessible from one of the public spaces. All on the third/main floor and in addition to the normal rooms of course.
So the earlier version of this Lot did have a full ensuite bath for the master bedroom and a three-quarter bath for the children's room - but there were only two small closets, not two big ones like there is now.
I was also able to put a half bath in the kitchen area, in the general area where the dining table is now. The dining table was still there too, and I can't remember how I was able to do that, but it worked.
Well, that was then and this is now, as the book title goes.

When I looked at the Lot again recently, I realized there was just too much stuff on that main floor, so I redesigned the bathroom layouts. The half-bath by the kitchen disappeared. The three-quarter bathroom by the children's room became a half-bath with a square for a litter box, which is always something I like to include. I understand there are a number of players who don't play with pets, so that square can again be changed to a shower, if needed. Both bedrooms now also have two large closets, which is keeping in style with the modernity of the house.
While I was at it, I also redid the layout of the full bath on the ground floor.
A couple of days ago, I added the pitched roof, which doesn't do anything functionally, but looks much better than the previous flat roof.

Finally, I didn't notice any routing problems. Members of my test family (two adults, a kid, a cat and a dog) occasionally used the terrace to get from one room to another, but only if a shorter path happened to be blocked by another Sim or pet. This seems good, because in earlier versions of the house the Sims almost never went onto the terrace for some reason. My test kittie liked to sit on the benches on the terrace as much as anywhere else, so that's also good. The Simmies just don't appreciate a good view.

The lesson in all this for Sims builders is...mental fixations are bad, bad, bad... ;-) I think most people on this thread have learned that lesson, repeatedly, and yet we still still frequently try to bend the game to our will. Instead, we have to let the game guide us...we have to become one with the game...

I've now made several circular-shaped houses, which are of course somewhat more difficult, because of the number of diagonal walls. This was especially true in this case, because those exterior walls pretty much all had to be windows, since that's the whole purpose of having this style of house. All of which meant that the majority of the furniture, especially the major items like kitchen counters, bathroom fixtures and beds pretty much have to be placed against interior walls. It further limits your options, in addition to all the diagonals.
All that said, I would encourage builders to try a circular house. It's not as hard as it seems. You do have to have a good understanding of what works and what doesn't, if you want everything to be functional. It requires some patience.

Oh, you just wanted the pictures and not a wall of text?

(“I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time” - Blaise Pascal
“I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter” - Mark Twain.)

Johnny_Bravo 13th May 2019 1:34 PM

Sure, but do me a favor and don't use the "at" symbol before my screen name, because all that does it make me go to my private messages and delete the notice, a PITA. Not necessary, since I'm obviously subscribed to the threat, so you know I'll see your post.

Will do. I'm too used to doing it.

The floorplan looks lovely. I might give a shot at a 'round' home with proper rooms, too. My Hippie Cottage doesn't count lol.

ScaryRob 13th May 2019 4:20 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
The floorplan looks lovely. I might give a shot at a 'round' home with proper rooms, too. My Hippie Cottage doesn't count lol.

I was going to suggest that someone make one for TS3, although TS3 doesn't have elevators, does it? Spiral stairs should work in a pinch. You don't have to put it up in the air either, just build it on the ground.

I made a small starter house that's circular. Notice that most of the windows are on the diagonal walls, while many of the adjacent straight walls can be used for furniture placement. Granted, Sims 2 allows diagonal furniture placement using cheats, but it's simpler and easier to keep it on the grid.

I also changed the roof of the round house from my previous post. I think this looks somewhat better and adds to the notion of the house being circular.

Victor_tor 13th May 2019 10:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by ScaryRob
I was going to suggest that someone make one for TS3, although TS3 doesn't have elevators, does it? Spiral stairs should work in a pinch. You don't have to put it up in the air either, just build it on the ground.

I made a small starter house that's circular. Notice that most of the windows are on the diagonal walls, while many of the adjacent straight walls can be used for furniture placement. Granted, Sims 2 allows diagonal furniture placement using cheats, but it's simpler and easier to keep it on the grid.

I also changed the roof of the round house from my previous post. I think this looks somewhat better and adds to the notion of the house being circular.

Wow. Circular roofing is much suitable endeeed) I like this house. Its previous roofing reminds me of Mashuga's house from TS1.

Johnny_Bravo 13th May 2019 10:22 PM

TS3 has elevators, they come with late night. (I'm not sure if they gave us 2, or only 1 elevator)
The spiral stairs however, suck (to me), because unlike the ones from TS2 which just cuts a 2x2 hole, TS3 ones create a useless circular hole within 2x2 squares, with edges (floors) you can't remove. Rendering you unable to make a 'floating' staircase to, eg., A loft.

Uhh on a side note: I failed to mention that I've come around uploading the now called Evergreen Lodge.

I think I lost my save with all the unfinished Queen Anne homes I posted here a while ago. I might have to dig deeper. Grr.

ScaryRob 14th May 2019 12:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
Wow. Circular roofing is much suitable endeeed) I like this house. Its previous roofing reminds me of Mashuga's house from TS1.

You think that circular roof is better than the first roof, eh?
Yeah, I was thinking of changing my other "round" houses to have this type of roof as well.
Thanks for your input.

ScaryRob 14th May 2019 10:00 AM

4 Attachment(s)
I decided to yet again change the roof styles for all my circular houses. I really didn't like the last style from the previous pictures because that kind of roof just isn't used in modern-day construction. It's something that belongs on medieval castle towers.
I think the octagonal roofs as shown in these pictures look best on contemporary houses.

Victor_tor 14th May 2019 1:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ScaryRob
I think the octagonal roofs as shown in these pictures look best on contemporary houses.

Agreed *ticked*
ScaryRob, you have already three types of roof. Just have an interest what type of roof you'd prefer yourself.
As for me, yes. UFO needs to be circled just because it's UFO) It makes house looks less contemporary but a bit out of this world. Also I haven't ever seen octagonal shape flying plates.

Beep! It was two days before but I need to remember. Happy Mothers Day, folks! Greet your mothers.

TudorMan23 24th May 2019 8:05 PM

guess i have to resubmit my castle now! Ugh I hate taking screenshots! Guess they werent clear enough to show the entire floorplan I save the text at least so i dont have to retype it all!

Victor_tor 28th May 2019 11:30 PM

I have an idea to make a wedding venue lot. But I feel something like this is not-for-guys stuff. Also my sims usually had no wedding ceremonies or died before get married.

Johnny_Bravo 29th May 2019 1:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
I have an idea to make a wedding venue lot. But I feel something like this is not-for-guys stuff. Also my sims usually had no wedding ceremonies or died before get married.

Who cares if it's a manly or girly thing. If it looks good, it looks good. I have serveral pink and lilac homes, one of them has a complete pink colorscheme in and out

TudorMan23 29th May 2019 6:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
Who cares if it's a manly or girly thing. If it looks good, it looks good. I have serveral pink and lilac homes, one of them has a complete pink colorscheme in and out

Agreed if you have the idea just do it! I love the idea of a wedding venue

ScaryRob 29th May 2019 9:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
I have an idea to make a wedding venue lot. But I feel something like this is not-for-guys stuff.

Just make it Brutalist and it will be fine.

Victor_tor 30th May 2019 11:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
When I say about wedding venue, I usually feel it like a church. But then something happened and it becomes a floating island with trees inside bubbles.

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