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Sims will happily have a meal, leave the plate on the table to stink up the place. Or they will leave the bedroom without having made their bed. Or change a baby's diaper, and not clean up the soiled nappy. And then they think they can go out and start painting, making music, or dancing. Or even hit the sack or the couch with their SO. Well, NOT ON MY WATCH, YOU DON'T. Hehehehehe.... |
What do you mean you want another child??? You don't have room for the five you already have. May I remind you that you already turned your second bathroom into a bedroom and now all 7 of you must make do with one bathroom? Or the fact that one of your kids has to sleep on the couch? Are you insane??
LOOK THROUGH telescope? Seriously? Why don't you just INVITE Mortimer to come and beat you up once more? I'm sure he'd LOVE to accommodate you!
You want to skill? Fine! You go and get that charisma skill you need. I know you don't like it!
Aww, poor Ariane, she is so cute :D
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--" Me after a relatively random crash that wipes out a good game session.
"Whoa there,Oidipus." (A sim rolled the wish to flirt with - well, the game doesn't consider her his mum since he's alien and she's the wife of the father, but I do, and she did raise him.)
@Kligma, I once had a Romance male who found a baby on his porch (forced SimBlender adoption of a baby from another household). Next day, a Romance Female moved in with him, and she took care of the little guy, while also giving birth to a nest of others. When the little adoptee had grown up to teen (romance as well), I found the chemistry between him and his step-mom to be phenomenal! So she used a wish on a Magical lamp to regain her youth, and moved out with her step-son. They are a bunch of happy campers, married, and having two little boys of their own.
Ah, I remember them. :D
I remember them too! Really enjoyed that story of yours BO.
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Oh, no... don't kiss the @$#*% fortune Sim.... you idiot!!!!
But Fortune sims are so sexy! And such good providers!
They are? I guess when they don't want to buy the entire art collection in the gallery as well as every expensive shower in town, one could live with them
![]() (No - it is not about her being a fortune Sim. She has more than enough fans and my poor knowledge Sim is supposed to be shy. Another heart going to be broken soon, I see). |
Quite apart from their being my favorite aspiration (I don't train them to want things so I never have that stuff with the buying wants), if you look at Cyjon's study of chemistry, they have good chemistry with almost every other aspiration, and bad chemistry with none. They are far and away the sexiest aspiration. Pisces and Sagittarius are the sexiest signs. So if you want a heartthrob, now you know how to do it.
@Peni Griffin: Now you are confusing us all. You say Fortune sims are so sexy, *and* that the sexiest signs are Pisces and Sagittarius. But both these signs are Knowledge by default, not Fortune!
NO! I'm trying to save - don't crash now!
No sign is any aspiration "by default." Maybe townies are assigned aspirations based on signs rather than randomly, I don't know; and some players may design systems that assign aspirations like that (sounds like it'd make a boring game to me), but sign and aspiration are independent variables, not dependent ones, and among playables the aspiration is entirely within the player's control.
And I'm just repeating the results of numbers Cyjon crunched. I couldn't crunch a number if my life depended on it. Go read his study in Chemistry if you have a concern with it. The indiosyncracies of any person's game may well throw up a individual, subjectively perceived sexiest sim who is neither Fortune nor Pisces nor Sagittarius, because all generalizations are false, and attractiveness is contingent on surrounding circumstances. Statistics can't account for that. In Drama Acres, the entire Hawkins family is perceived as woohoo gods, and if they don't show any strong tendency in other directions they default to Family, but the two sexiest Hawkinses are Harris (Fortune, Pisces) and Pigeon (Fortune, Scorpio). |
I know Cyjon's research, and use it to my advantage in my own game. True, no player is bound to play by the same rules, which - I agree - *would* be boring, but it's the way automatically created townies get their aspirations assigned. And since in any newly-created Vanilla game, the townies are in the majority, I guess that very much qualifies as 'default'.
I usually assign aspirations based on noticed behavior. And bar the extremes such as 0 or 10 in a specific trait, that often - though not always - comes very close to the 'default' (or whatever *you* would name it) for their sign. |
Fortune Sims the sexiest Sims? No way. Knowledge Sims, on the other hand - just give one of them romance as a second aspiration and all hell is lose.
(I actually like fortune Sims, they are my second favourite. They are more enjoyable later in their lives, though). No prize for guessing my favourites here). My sexiest Sim ever was a knowledge Sim - and especially when he turned into a witch. (He was single and had a ball, plus raised, in between dating, four alien kids quite successfully). Of course every non-knowledge Sim wanted him to be cured - which did not happen - but they still wanted to date him too. Then I gave him romance as a second aspiration - it was quite chaotic to keep up, not so much with him, but with all the Sims knocking on his door ![]() So - yes, research or no research - knowledge Sims are the sexiest. |
I agree, @Justpetro. In my experience, Romance Sims are unbeatable in shere sex-appeal, but the Knowledge Sim has a much broader demographic; they can lure virtually anyone into the sack. And once they've made two conquests, they WILL roll the want for a third, and a fifth, and a tenth. Just like true Romance Sims. They'll even hunt autonomously. The most promiscuous sims with the most voracious appetites in my hoods all have Knowledge either as primary or as secundary aspiration.
Knowledge sims get a lot of swoons in my game due to the fact that I usually set turn-ons/offs as a skill. I have quite a few knowledge sims with multiple talents who want to max all 7 skills, who are appealing to more or less everyone. Too bad they spend so much time looking at books and not enough time dating.
"Billy could you, like, not? You already have a wife, and a bunch of other lovers not really limited to age or gender...Also Charlie does not want another sibling. Also what kind of example are you setting, man?"
"Step away from the computer. I am going to repeat this once more: step away from the computer" "Pee if you must, but at this rate you're not going to have a job anymore" "Your children don't even play in the tub!" "Why are you here? Go away, I don't like you. I like Frankie, not you" |
"Why are you sleeping in your underwear? Oh! I must have clicked on 'Sleep in underwear' instead of 'Sleep in pajamas', but I never do that."
"You also never click on 'Make Many...', but you did yesterday. Now I have enough Lunch Meat Sandwiches to last for at least a couple of weeks." "Ok. I'll shut up now." I don't know which is more shocking. The fact that I made such a mistake twice, or that my Sim called me out on it (in my head). |
"Frankie, this is why nobody likes you- you keep turning the tv on and off."
"Yes, yes, let the hate run through you. Its only Frankie anyway" Sometimes I feel bad about hating on Frankie, but I can't help it, he's so frustrating. He's the sort of sim you love to hate. |
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