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AndrewGloria 18th Feb 2025 2:48 AM

I was wondering about asking her (Sophie) to move in, but there probably isn't a strong enough relationship with Dustin. If I were Dustin I'd ask Angela to move in and then both would stop going to school. (I have a mod that lets teens invite each other to move in.) That new baby is going to need a lot of attention. I'd have at Dustin and Angela enrol in Simlogical Flexi-School, which means they don't go to school, but they don't lose grades. Then at least one of them can take a teen job. (I played the Newsons that way for several real years!) You may even find a way to let one of them get an adult job, once they've reached the top of the teen career. They might also think about selling that pinball machine. The sooner they sell it, the better a price they'll got. In my game it was sold long ago. It wasn't really theirs -- Dustin was "minding" it for Gordon King, but it was getting too "hot", so Dustin sold it. He had to pay Gordon of course, but he actually got far more for it than he paid to Gordon. (Don't tell Gordon!!)

I understand that the official school leaving age in Veronaville is 14, but nobody really enforces school attendance for anyone over eleven. I suppose it's what comes from having a 14-year-old head of state (Her Esteemed Grace, Juliette Capp, Grand Duchess of Veronaville). I know of at least one much younger child who never goes to school, because his dad says he needs him to help run his shop! But he says he's teaching his son how to run a business -- "far more useful than any book-learning!"

Anyway, I wish Dustin the best of luck! He'll need it!

CaliBrat 18th Feb 2025 2:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I was wondering about asking her (Sophie) to move in, but there probably isn't a strong enough relationship with Dustin. If I were Dustin I'd ask Angela to move in and then both would stop going to school. (I have a mod that lets teens invite each other to move in.) That new baby is going to need a lot of attention. I'd have at Dustin and Angela enrol in Simlogical Flexi-School, which means they don't go to school, but they don't lose grades. Then at least one of them can take a teen job. (I played the Newsons that way for several real years!) You may even find a way to let one of them get an adult job, once they've reached the top of the teen career. They might also think about selling that pinball machine. The sooner they sell it, the better a price they'll got. In my game it was sold long ago. It wasn't really theirs -- Dustin was "minding" it for Gordon King, but it was getting too "hot", so Dustin sold it. He had to pay Gordon of course, but he actually got far more for it than he paid to Gordon. (Don't tell Gordon!!)

I understand that the official school leaving age in Veronaville is 14, but nobody really enforces school attendance for anyone over eleven. I suppose it's what comes from having a 14-year-old head of state (Her Esteemed Grace, Juliette Capp, Grand Duchess of Veronaville). I know of at least one much younger child who never goes to school, because his dad says he needs him to help run his shop! But he says he's teaching his son how to run a business -- "far more useful than any book-learning!"

Anyway, I wish Dustin the best of luck! He'll need it!

Yeah, I just remembered Inge Flexi school .. I didn't have it installed so I had to quit and put it in .. so while he still had to quit his criminal job, nor did he really stand the change of goin to college, at least he'll graduate school .. I think they should have enough money from Brandi's life insurance that paid out for them to be able to do w/o Dustin needin to work just yet .. ok, just put the mods in so now to restart the game and finish this round of the Broke house

Charity 19th Feb 2025 4:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I was wondering about asking her (Sophie) to move in, but there probably isn't a strong enough relationship with Dustin. If I were Dustin I'd ask Angela to move in and then both would stop going to school. (I have a mod that lets teens invite each other to move in.) That new baby is going to need a lot of attention. I'd have at Dustin and Angela enrol in Simlogical Flexi-School, which means they don't go to school, but they don't lose grades. Then at least one of them can take a teen job. (I played the Newsons that way for several real years!) You may even find a way to let one of them get an adult job, once they've reached the top of the teen career. They might also think about selling that pinball machine. The sooner they sell it, the better a price they'll got. In my game it was sold long ago. It wasn't really theirs -- Dustin was "minding" it for Gordon King, but it was getting too "hot", so Dustin sold it. He had to pay Gordon of course, but he actually got far more for it than he paid to Gordon. (Don't tell Gordon!!)

I understand that the official school leaving age in Veronaville is 14, but nobody really enforces school attendance for anyone over eleven. I suppose it's what comes from having a 14-year-old head of state (Her Esteemed Grace, Juliette Capp, Grand Duchess of Veronaville). I know of at least one much younger child who never goes to school, because his dad says he needs him to help run his shop! But he says he's teaching his son how to run a business -- "far more useful than any book-learning!"

Anyway, I wish Dustin the best of luck! He'll need it!

I really don't think that Angela's parents would be happy about her moving in with Dustin and dropping out of school. They already consider him a bad influence. This would just confirm it.

Making her stay home and look after a baby that isn't even hers and ensuring that she won't be able to go to college and get a decent job? Yeah, they would not be happy!

monijt1 20th Feb 2025 5:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I really don't think that Angela's parents would be happy about her moving in with Dustin and dropping out of school. They already consider him a bad influence. This would just confirm it.

Making her stay home and look after a baby that isn't even hers and ensuring that she won't be able to go to college and get a decent job? Yeah, they would not be happy!

I agree. However, is there a way for maybe the Pleasants could adopt the Broke children? I know that Dustin and Daniel don't get along, but maybe the Pleasants take them in for good sake. Taking in orphans would be a great headline for Mary-Sue's career and public reputation.

If that's not an option, where's Gordon King? Could he move in and become the kids adopted father?

Charity 20th Feb 2025 4:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by monijt1
I agree. However, is there a way for maybe the Pleasants could adopt the Broke children? I know that Dustin and Daniel don't get along, but maybe the Pleasants take them in for good sake. Taking in orphans would be a great headline for Mary-Sue's career and public reputation.

If that's not an option, where's Gordon King? Could he move in and become the kids adopted father?

Daniel is too busy cheating and Mary-Sue doesn't really seem to care about her own children.

I'm not sure that raising them into a life of crime is a good idea either lol.

monijt1 20th Feb 2025 7:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Daniel is too busy cheating and Mary-Sue doesn't really seem to care about her own children.

I'm not sure that raising them into a life of crime is a good idea either lol.

Well, outside of social services, I guess Dustin is on his own then.

It's strange how Pleasantview isn't a type of town that will come together and help a family in need. Weren't Brandi friends with Nina and Dina? What are they up to? I'm sure they plenty of time to raise a couple of minors,

CaliBrat 20th Feb 2025 9:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
I was wondering about asking her (Sophie) to move in, but there probably isn't a strong enough relationship with Dustin. If I were Dustin I'd ask Angela to move in and then both would stop going to school.

I don't care for the EAxis set of pairin for the Pleasant twins and rarely keep them. If after I remove their crush, love, steady and so forth from reach other and let them be friends .. most times they actually get the .. sorry brain fart here, but the opposite of bolts .. when they say "yeah, not interested them" .. There was a few times when one of the twins got back with the EAxis set love interest .. but funnily enough I also had it so that Lilith was attracted to Dustin a couple of times.

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I really don't think that Angela's parents would be happy about her moving in with Dustin and dropping out of school. They already consider him a bad influence. This would just confirm it. Making her stay home and look after a baby that isn't even hers and ensuring that she won't be able to go to college and get a decent job? Yeah, they would not be happy!

I agree with this.

I did install Inge's Flexit school .. however I had some issues gettin it to work .. I posted in stupid questions thread for some help, but things where not to be :/ .. this is what I said over there

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
Thanks for takin the time to answer I will keep this in mind for later however, for this instance it's a moot point now :/

after talkin with Jo last night .. we concluded that more than likely there is/ was a conflict .. I was to frustrated and irritated by then to try it out ... only then as luck would have it I'd somehow screwed the whole lot up as it then wouldn't load .. just kept circling .. I couldn't exit the load, couldn't exit the game .. I couldn't even get task manager to show up to close the Sims .. the only thing that worked was login out of the computer .. after this happenin two, maybe 3 times .. I did give it a try to see if I couldn't get back in the lot .. so then in my current mood I said forget it and I tossed the whole thing ..

I will however do some testing later to see if there was indeed a mod conflict .. I do have whowards homework folder and the harder grades mod .. those are the only 2 I know of that deal with school and such .. but it could be somethin that I'd not thought of .. so we'll see (later)

So, sadly we'll never know how things coulda turned out .. which really bummed me out as I wanted to try and have Dustin make it work .. should this happen in another play through I will let it happen and see where it leads .. :D

Charity 21st Feb 2025 6:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by monijt1
It's strange how Pleasantview isn't a type of town that will come together and help a family in need. Weren't Brandi friends with Nina and Dina? What are they up to? I'm sure they plenty of time to raise a couple of minors,

Would friends in RL really help you raise your baby? I mean, sure they might babysit occasionally or buy you some diapers, but actually helping raise the child?

I think, however, that Pleasantview as a name is kind of a joke, because the town is full of not so pleasant stuff. XD

Peni Griffin 21st Feb 2025 6:26 PM

Well - yeah? It's something that happens all the time, actually. Your friends are part of your support network, and any decent support network is a lot more likely to take care of your kids when you can't than strangers are. Brandi doesn't have any blood kin remaining, but if Brandi has close friends they would probably, if nothing else, keep tabs on her sons and help them with things like staying in school.

Ivrats Dargy 21st Feb 2025 9:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by monijt1
Well, outside of social services, I guess Dustin is on his own then.

It's strange how Pleasantview isn't a type of town that will come together and help a family in need. Weren't Brandi friends with Nina and Dina? What are they up to? I'm sure they plenty of time to raise a couple of minors,
It's a sad state for Pleasantview when Don is looking like the best caretaker material here, since, you know, he has a steady job.

CaliBrat 21st Feb 2025 9:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ivrats Dargy
It's a sad state for Pleasantview when Don is looking like the best caretaker material here, since, you know, he has a steady job.

he may not be the best when it comes to marriage material .. but he's generally been a really good dad in my games

AndrewGloria 21st Feb 2025 11:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I really don't think that Angela's parents would be happy about her moving in with Dustin and dropping out of school. They already consider him a bad influence. This would just confirm it.

Making her stay home and look after a baby that isn't even hers and ensuring that she won't be able to go to college and get a decent job? Yeah, they would not be happy!
My first thought was, "I couldn't care less what her parents think! Angela and Dustin should do what's right for them!" I may be in my 70s now, but at heart I fear I'm still an irresponsible teenager. Probably more irresponsible now than I was when I was really in my teens.

Mary-Sue and Daniel-- especially Daniel -- have proved themselves to be some of the worst parents I've ever come across.Their treatment of Lilith borders on the unforgivable. As Angela, whom I believe to be basically a good person, learns to think for herself, she will -- and indeed should -- pay less and less attention to trying to please her parents. I think Dustin shows more real love to her than they've ever done.

Big Woe 21st Feb 2025 11:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
he may not be the best when it comes to marriage material .. but he's generally been a really good dad in my games

I find Don better as someone who brings people together. With ACR, my Don Lo got turned into the town's bicycle as visiting ladies, including Lilith and her cousins, had their way with him . He asked the townies amongst them to come live together with him. With that, they advanced their careers together, and left to found a mansion named after him. The ladies, adhering to Don's words, befriended more people, found their own families and so on.

He has a daughter, but she's an alien. He was also nearing the old age so he had her adopted by Tosha Go and did not even get to even visit the mansion before he passed away.

Charity 22nd Feb 2025 4:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
My first thought was, "I couldn't care less what her parents think! Angela and Dustin should do what's right for them!" I may be in my 70s now, but at heart I fear I'm still an irresponsible teenager. Probably more irresponsible now than I was when I was really in my teens.

Mary-Sue and Daniel-- especially Daniel -- have proved themselves to be some of the worst parents I've ever come across.Their treatment of Lilith borders on the unforgivable. As Angela, whom I believe to be basically a good person, learns to think for herself, she will -- and indeed should -- pay less and less attention to trying to please her parents. I think Dustin shows more real love to her than they've ever done.

Well she has to care what her parents think until she's 18 and isn't a minor anymore. But I honestly don't think that the best thing for her is to drop out of school to raise a baby. If Dustin does care for her then he'd want her to succeed.

Sunbee 27th Feb 2025 2:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Would friends in RL really help you raise your baby? I mean, sure they might babysit occasionally or buy you some diapers, but actually helping raise the child?

I think, however, that Pleasantview as a name is kind of a joke, because the town is full of not so pleasant stuff. XD

Until our oldest child turned eighteen, a very good friend was named as guardian for our minor children. Fortunately it never worked out that their courtesy uncle had to raise them, but the situation with blood relatives was always such that a single, childless guy was a better choice than actual family. Would have sucked for all involved, especially my husband and I as we'd have been dead! NotUncle had agreed to the situation, knowing how much it would affect his life, but he adores his NotNephews and NotNieces, and they do him. (In fact, he's so much a part of the family that my oldest was eighteen before it clicked in his brain that NotUncle was in fact not my biological younger brother, even though I have no siblings and he knew that.) Now the adult children would get custody of the younger, and they'd make it work. They're all very good young people.

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