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ieta_cassiopeia 26th Mar 2016 11:05 PM

"Well, that's one way of confusing the census-takers..."

Benrha Nigmos-Logarint gets promoted, then sacked, all on the same day. Which wage are the census-takers meant to record, exactly?

Bulbizarre 26th Mar 2016 11:50 PM

How did that happen? They got promoted, went to work the next hour, and then got an unlucky chancecard?

Essa 27th Mar 2016 12:34 AM

"You're starving and you think the best think to do is playing with the remote-car".

tancred 28th Mar 2016 7:22 AM

Oh, yay, the paper carrier left the newspaper in the puddle again. No plastic bag. Of course.

Sims2Christain 28th Mar 2016 8:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by tancred
Oh, yay, the paper carrier left the newspaper in the puddle again. No plastic bag. Of course.

my apologies, they don't give me plastic bags to put the paper in and I was told to help trial the new waterproof newspaper. How did it go? I hope that at least the crossword puzzles were doable.

My sim was cooking Mac and cheese.
how could you burn it? you were only cooking it for 2 mins!

BoilingOil 28th Mar 2016 10:13 AM

"You've been slacking off for three days now, and burned six TV dinners. From now on, it's lunch meat sandwiches for you, mister!"

TadOlson 28th Mar 2016 11:01 AM

I don't want you cleaning up your leftovers.Why don't you put them away instead of throwing them out?

joandsarah77 28th Mar 2016 11:27 AM

@TadOlson Probably because you don't have a leftovers mod, try Boiling oil at Leefish (right above your own post!) or MogHughson's on here.

wolfenhase 28th Mar 2016 11:51 AM

" you go back to bed lady, you have to get pregnant, your husband is the only heir of his family bloodline, he needs a kid" after woohooing 3 times without melody

BoilingOil 28th Mar 2016 1:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
@TadOlson Probably because you don't have a leftovers mod, try Boiling oil at Leefish (right above your own post!) or MogHughson's on here.

Please, dear, don't call me that in public... I'm BoilingOil, thank you very much

And I think the link to the specific mod might be helpful, so I'll add that.
Also, since it works so well with MogHughson's mod, I'll link to that as well.

Happy simming, everyone.

joandsarah77 28th Mar 2016 1:27 PM

Sorry BO, if I can't remember (quite likely given my memory) in future I'll just say BO.

BoilingOil 28th Mar 2016 2:32 PM

@joandsarah77: Yeah, I think that's best. I like BO: it's short and simple, and despite what many people may think, I will not feel insulted because it also refers to some offensive condition. I know that's not what people mean when they call me BO. In fact, I often sugggest it myself.

Steffyn 28th Mar 2016 3:52 PM

"You just met her! Don't let her have your first kiss so soon!"
"I don't care if you fear getting married, you'll be upset if she even looks at another sim so bite the bullet and just do it."
"Really? Another baby?"
the joys of acr and having a lot of romance sims lmao

Essa 29th Mar 2016 8:57 PM

"F...!" when Leilani had a "Am I pregnant?" though bubble and soon after vomited. "You just gave birth like 3 hours ago!"
On a side note, I'm playing with silent pregnancy so I don't get the chimes.

BoilingOil 29th Mar 2016 9:45 PM

@Essa: You didn't have to tell her "F...!", because she'd already done that, I guess. :P

Dagwon 29th Mar 2016 11:22 PM

How the F... do you lose a BABY?!

When moving a single mother of twins into an apartment. I'm guessing that while she was poking about signing the lease, someone picked up the extra rugrat and wandered into their own apartment with it, but I could NOT for the life of me figure out where the darn thing had gotten to. She was still on the sidebar, but *nothing* else could interact with her. Moving in and out again solved the problem (this time the landlord picked up the extra rugrat, but he stood there cooing and bouncing instead of making off with the baby, so it worked out lol)

Essa 29th Mar 2016 11:58 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
@Essa: You didn't have to tell her "F...!", because she'd already done that, I guess. :P

Indeed. Since it was in French I'm not sure that was the good translation.
Well I check on a dictionary. I think next time I'll say "Holy shit!".

BoilingOil 30th Mar 2016 12:33 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Essa
Indeed. Since it was in French I'm not sure that was the good translation.
Well I check on a dictionary. I think next time I'll say "Holy shit!".

Ah, le mot est M*rd*

Steffyn 30th Mar 2016 4:44 PM

"Well that escalated quickly!!"
I have a more dangerous fire mod that makes fire easier to spread and more likely to burn everything to the ground and lightning struck a tree in Herizon's yard which sparked an inferno that lasted 20 rl minutes and consumed almost everything outside including the fire truck.

Essa 30th Mar 2016 5:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
Ah, le mot est M*rd*

Almost but not really.

Rosebine 30th Mar 2016 5:47 PM

There is no real translation..we use F**** in french too...or, we simply swear. lol
Though yes, in most movies, they will use what BO said, for what Essa said..
But we know, this is far from it.

Oh right..I'm in Québec, not Paris.

BoilingOil 30th Mar 2016 5:56 PM

@Rosebine: well *I* don't... Last time I used the French language, was more than 40 years ago when I had a single year of french lessons in school.

Rosebine 30th Mar 2016 5:57 PM

Yes. I should have said..well we the frenchies, knows...

Dagwon 30th Mar 2016 6:05 PM

I thought that there was a certain tone of a translation of the world "temple" that was considered about equal to the English F word?

*coughs* One of the few phrases my mom knows in French... I went through grades 7-12 in French. I'm starting to lose it, though

BoilingOil 30th Mar 2016 7:34 PM

"Not *that* topic again!! You should *know* by now that she hates that."

Some sims never learn. They're chatting with someone, and bring up a topic that the other has no interest in whatsoever. So the childish "fingers in ears - la lala lala" comes up, they start shouting, and the relationship goes down. So they do something else for a moment, start chatting again, and before you know it... Yup, there's the same topic again, with - ofcourse - exactly the same response. Morons!!!

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