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chrissy6930 26th Aug 2006 11:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by IgnorantBliss
Chrissy, on the Material Definition names, you had used a dash in front of the subset part of the name instead of an underscore (-frame instead of _frame). When I changed that (on all of the names, not just the ones for the slave subset), the slave subset seems to be working fine.

In case you're not playing with shadows on, you may not have noticed that the shadow on the window is incorrect. Or maybe you just hadn't got around to fixing that yet .

the bug was a dash instead of an underscore? AGAIN??? ohhh noooooo!!!

and you are certainly right with your guess about the shadows - I haven't touched them yet :D

thanx bunches for your help!

Ben♣ 28th Aug 2006 10:15 PM

Hi everyone,

I have some problems with a mesh I've created. It's semi-transparent (stdMatAlphaBlendMode set to blend) and images are 75% opacity (sorry I really don't know how to say it in a good English). Here are pictures + explications of what's not right :

2 things :
- the glasses seem to be "half-broken". why ? I tried with 50% opacity and there wasn't that problem if I remember well.
- look at what is in the red "box" : is it a problem with the 3D shape ?

Opacity is the same for each glass but you can compare both pictures : on the 2nd one the glasses seem to be more transparent (you can see those that are behind through them) whereas they're not.

Tell me if you want to take a look at the package.

Thanks in advance !

IgnorantBliss 29th Aug 2006 5:43 AM

Ben, can you also upload the package file?

Echo 29th Aug 2006 11:21 AM

Ben - without seeing the package I can't be sure, but it might be related to this problem:

Ben♣ 29th Aug 2006 2:40 PM

IB, you can download the package here (note : link deleted)

Echo, I'm taking a look at the thread

EDITED TO ADD I've just made several tests :

1) stdMatAlphaBlendMode set to none
stdMatAlphaTestEnabled set to 1
-> no transparency - works as if I'd forgotten to set the stdMatAlphaBlendMode to blend.

2) the same with the stdMatAlphaBlendMode set to blend
-> the same problems I'm trying to solve.

3) stdMatAlphaBlendMode set to blend + DXT3Format instead of DXT1
-> still no changes.

4) stdMatAlphaBlendMode set to additive
-> the glasses are shiny and white with a little of pink but that's not what I want.

I'm quite disappointed

simaddict99 30th Aug 2006 12:47 AM

yeah, i've had an object where I wanted 2 different subsets that are set to blend, and came to the comclusion that it can't be done
it's a little disapointing.

Ben♣ 30th Aug 2006 11:44 AM

But there's only 1 subset in my object ! Unless I don't understand well what you mean...?

Lethe_s 30th Aug 2006 12:39 PM

Ben, the stdAlphaTestEnabled 1 does not actually achieve transparency,
what it does, is make it possible for part of your mesh to be 'invisible'
I use it in most of my creations to 'punch holes' or make cutouts etc. It doesn't allow a gradient transparency: something's either there, or it isn't. Making something semi-transparent with that method would need a fine 'haze' of dots or something. Not really great for a glass.
Have you tried importing a glass matd from, say, the coffee pot or a maxis window? There's some default ones you can use and adjust the colour of.

Ben♣ 31st Aug 2006 8:26 PM

Thank you for the explication about the stdAlphaTestEnabled

when you're talking about matd, you're talking about stdMatDiffCoef, aren't you ? If so I made 3 tests with 3 different matd but it doesn't solve the problem about any of the problems.

I cloned another object and it looks better now.

well - a little better.

I don't know what to - leaving the object like this or giving up. Thank you all anyway

Cooldadx4 1st Sep 2006 4:09 PM

Anyone know how to get a column to not act like a column anymore ??? I mean i made some objects and cloned a column now i do not want to be able to place walls above my objects how do i get rid of that ??????? Any help please let me know !

Mage 1st Sep 2006 4:51 PM

Ben, If you make the glasses and the table into separate groups you will solve the problem. Both groups can use the same texture or each have it's own. Each group needs its own material definition (TMXT). For the TXMT for the glasses set stdMatAlphaBlendMode to blend and stdMatAlphaTestEnabled to 0. And set the texture at DXT3 or DXT5 format. Or use a glass TMXT that doesn't use a texture.
You could clone an end table that already has two parts or you could follow Ignorant Bliss' Tutorial to add a group.
If you clone the Gliteri & Co. Trieste End Table you can have glass without a texture and adjust the color in the material definition. There's a discussion of that here.

Tigmomx4, I would clone something I want the column to act like, maybe a sculpture, and then put the column mesh, into it.

Ben♣ 1st Sep 2006 7:14 PM

Mage - your help is much appreciated but I'm just working on the glasses - I mean, it's a separate object. I put it on that end table but I could've put it on the floor too

I'm taking a look at your links though - a little of knowledge can't be bad even if I can't fix the glasses' problems.

OK, a matd isn't what I thought it was. I'm so silly !

yedda_2000 1st Sep 2006 8:00 PM

Has anyone managed to look at my object and the problem I'm having with it? It is the last post on the page before this one (page 52, post 3000, also post 1293).

Mage 2nd Sep 2006 2:51 PM

Ben- oops, let me try again. Now I'm thinking you'll have to make each glass a separate group to make this work. I tried that with your package and it turned looking really cool. (The version you posted also needed the texture made transluscent and imported in dxt3 format.) But if this is the only way you'll only be able to recolor two glasses.

Ben♣ 2nd Sep 2006 9:01 PM

I updated the posted version because I'd created it again cloning another object (the image is now in dxt3 format).

Unfortunately I want to be able to recolor the whole object ! I don't understand why it doesn't work with 1 group only though

texture made transluscent
what do you mean by this ? The texture is semi-transparent and it's enough isn't it ?

I think I'm going to leave the object like this. if you have a picture of what you managed to do can you upload it - PM me if you want.

edited to add is there a way to allow transparency without setting the stdMatAlphaBlendMode to blend ?

Mage 2nd Sep 2006 11:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I just looked it up and it's actually spelled translucent. It's just an English word that means semi-transparent.
I don't know why it is that each semi-transparent piece has to be a seperate group, but it seems to be true. I hope someone can give us both a solution to the problem.
I tried replacing the material definition in your file to one for blue glass and deleted the texture if you'd like to see what that looks like. It looks good but all the glasses have to be the same color, which isn't what you want.

Ben♣ 3rd Sep 2006 6:37 PM

About translucent, OK that's why I couldn't translate it but I could've guessed what it means - it was just a bit late and I was just a bit tired the French word looks quite like the English one (translucide).

whoo the glasses look exactly like I wanted them to ! Thanks for your help and the time spent Mage ! I'm going to use it (hmm... I think I'm going to try replacing the MatD by one from another object, by curiousity :D) for recolors - not for the mesh - even if I can't make different colors. Thanks again !

A last question - which object was your MatD from ?

nina-x 4th Sep 2006 9:21 AM

I know no support is given on wings3d, but I ask my question here anyway, hoping anybody knows what to do

I have followed the tutorial for creating objects with wings3d. Made the test table but cannot Combine the legs of the table. I have no option called "Combine"when I right click the selected legs. If I don't combine, the UV map doesn't come out right. Is there another option which does the same thing>

What do I do now, search for a new free 3d program?

IgnorantBliss 4th Sep 2006 9:40 AM

nina_x, I can't answer your question, but I want to clarify something: Support is given for Wings 3D, just like for any other program, by those people who are familiar with them. There is one Wings 3D tutorial for which the tutorial writer himself is not giving support anymore, but we have other Wings 3D tutorials and other people who are familiar with the program, and therefore are able to answer questions regarding it.

nina-x 4th Sep 2006 9:51 AM

thanks helena for the clarification.

I am really puzzled, but the other Items I made are all ready to go Just waiting for an awnser I will be creating more The tutorial helped a lot!!!

Echo 4th Sep 2006 11:26 AM

Nina: Make sure you're in "body selection mode": Look under the drop down menu bar, there's a row of four pyramids. Make sure you've clicked on the last one (it's solid red). Then select the legs so that they are all coloured red, right click and you should get the "combine" option. If you're in any other selection mode it won't show up.

nina-x 4th Sep 2006 1:40 PM

Trying that right ... now...

....YES! It works now, I missed that!
*rushes off to complete table *

Thank you Echo!

Mage 4th Sep 2006 5:32 PM

Ben, I'm so glad you like my idea. I used the material definition from a custom object of my own. I modified the one from something glass in a Maxis object.Your glasses should be re-colorable. Just change the stdMatDiffCoef numbers in the material definition of your recolor file. The three numbers are values for red, green, blue.
I was interested to learn that translucent, like so many English words, comes from the French word.

shamengoddess 6th Sep 2006 12:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
help please...
Almost successfully I followed JWoods tutorial for Wings 3D, I have made a new mesh for the Little Sister Computer, and it does work, however, my textures do not
I have tried all the different DTXs...1-5 and made sure "none" was selected, I have tried changing the mipmaps as well. I have done the mesh over as well as the image.
Help please!

(is really a .bmp)

(is really a .png)

Cooldadx4 6th Sep 2006 1:05 AM

i dont know a whole lot about objects but from what i see it looks like the MATD files are all messed up ...They need to point to the subset first then the texture file and from the looks of your computer they are not even close ...If someone knows any different feel free to correct me but like i said it looks like all the material definition files are messed up ....

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