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Justpetro 7th May 2016 9:56 AM

Pyrokinetics, some of these Sims.

Essa 9th May 2016 7:16 PM

Loading Lee-Roy Morneau-Diop household
1. Both Ariana and Lee-Roy had a baby want. "No! No way! You're already have 6!"
2. "How come you're already tired when it's only 10 in the morning?" when Laetitia went to bed. Of course, jumping on your bed since you got out of bed can't help.
3. "Wow that toilet is dirty! No one wants to clean it?"

Bigsimsfan12 12th May 2016 3:23 PM

"I will kill you, I am not that emotionally invested in you anymore!!" -Nervous was being unreasonable annoying today and it's too warm and his household is too full for me to want to deal with him. I use to love Nervous but after saving him from the Beakers and slowly domesticating him, he now just kinda bores me, I need something fun to do with him.

natboopsie 12th May 2016 3:34 PM

Nervous is very smart (one of my few sims who's ever noticed that the Inventory Transfer Vase can be used autonomously, and thus has tried). Plus his maxed-out activity level means he's always looking for something to do, so I can see how he might cause problems.

In my megahood, he's the schoolmaster for the Simlogical school system---he fits Inge's suggested criteria for teachers of being Grouchy and Serious, plus his School Interest level is very high. He's really good at that.

(Funny, isn't it, how rescuing sims from lives of drama eventually can make them boring for us?)

Essa 12th May 2016 4:05 PM

Is that vase really autonomous? I only use it when a sim is about to kick the bucket.

Loading Rocky Troii household
- I got a popup telling that somesim (I think it's Rocky) bought a pet. "Of course they're keeping it"
- They got a red cat named Newton. "I think there are enough pets named Newton in that hood. You'll be named Einstein instead."
- Leilani was about to give birth and she had red hunger and hygiene bars. "Of course it's better for you to brush your teeth instead of feed yourself!"
- "Of course you can destroy a Cleanbot! You must have some adamantium claws!" when I saw Einstein doing its destructive stuff.

natboopsie 12th May 2016 4:17 PM

LOL, perhaps your Einstein has learned to practice some new theory, to go with the one about relativity.

Quote: Originally posted by Essa
Is that vase really autonomous? I only use it when a sim is about to kick the bucket.

The vase is usable autonomously. My fault for derailing the thread, so...

Rosebine 12th May 2016 5:55 PM

I never saw it happening in my game..I am always the one directing sims on the inventory vase. maybe there is 2 versions of it?

natboopsie 12th May 2016 6:15 PM

There are two versions, yes. I have always used the original (the one he uploaded first) because he seemed to be saying that the second was only necessary if the first one didn't work for you.

But again, it has only been very rare in my game that a sim will try to use it autonomously, and I only remember seeing it on community lots.

Rosebine 12th May 2016 6:52 PM

Oh ok. So it is not like the second version would be autonumous, and I would have the no-autonomous one. And maybe it is set to be auto. only on community lots?..Dunno. I use it at home, where I have owner of a shop and their spouse. Transfere from one to the owner.

natboopsie 14th May 2016 3:16 PM

Sorry, Rosebine. I had entirely lost track of this thread!

Right, as far as I know, both versions have all the same functions. The later version was just intended to make it compatible for those who had fewer EPs than the modder did.

But I would doubt that the vase is only set to be auto on community lots, since if the creator was going to bother to do that, I would guess they would have taken autonomy out completely. So I still think that its being autonomous at all is the creator's mistake, which they never noticed because it really takes some extensive play with the vase on various lots to see it. Or maybe they did know and didn't bother to fix it, because of course you can always stop a sim from completing the autonomous transfer attempt by hitting "No" on the confirm dialog box.

I think the reason I only recall seeing it on community lots is that I allow much more free-ranging there, including for longer periods than they might get when on their home lots. So it is just a matter of their having more time and opportunity, in my game, to try messing around with it when on a community lot.

SIMposiast 15th May 2016 11:31 PM

Said to Coronado and Ormond Beech: "I hereby designate both of you The Creepy Brothers!"

(These two like each other a little too much for my comfort. The younger one is almost a copy of the older one. Same orientation, same LTW, same *2nd* LTW. Only their aspirations differ, but sheesh. They would rather kiss, hug, and tickle each other for hours rather than spend time with their respective boyfriends.)

Peni Griffin 20th May 2016 3:48 AM

"No, Rhett. That will not happen." When he rolled a want to flirt with his widowed stepmom...

Essa 20th May 2016 11:20 AM

"I'm not sure it was a great idea you to open a store?" to Pablo Fernand.
He's a lazy elder sim and it's a real pain to see him walk in the store doing sales while his teenage sons are running (one is a cashier and the other is a restocker).

"I don't think so" to Samanthéa Ferland who had the want to have a baby. You're almost 58 and I think 3 boys are enough!

BoilingOil 20th May 2016 3:49 PM

"Forget it, son. At least NOT with your wife; she's not breeding material!"

I said this to Gregory Krantz who rolled another wish for a baby. His wife Nissa, a romance sim who was formerly married to Don Lothario, has so far spawned two boys - one with Don, one with Gregory - both with exactly the same horrible aversion to potty training. After having them both removed out of the household, I've decided that she is not fit to help populate the hood.

So if Gregory is to have any more kids, he will have to choose:
  • produce them out of wedlock. My default ACR setting on procreation, however, will make that difficult: no unmarried TFB.
  • break up with Nissa, and find another to procreate with. Their three-bolt relationship would make that a difficult proposition, though.

eduseo 20th May 2016 6:39 PM

"Wait, why do you even think your younger brother and your best friend will die in the first place, Joel?" He rolled fears of his younger brother and best friend dying.
"Stop flirting with your aunt-in-law Ryan, you have a girlfriend!" and a few moments later... "ACR NO!" after they promptly started to make out.
"WHY ARE THERE SO MANY OF YOU?" My first time taking care of pixel quads has made me never want pixel quads again.

And my most common one: "There's nothing blocking your way dang it! Do what I told you to!"

natboopsie 20th May 2016 8:46 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Essa
"I'm not sure it was a great idea you to open a store?" to Pablo Fernand.
He's a lazy elder sim and it's a real pain to see him walk in the store doing sales while his teenage sons are running (one is a cashier and the other is a restocker).

I also prefer my sims to run while the store is open, @Essa. I think some characteristics (Fortune sims, high Money Interest, or the $100K LTW, as just a few examples) would probably trump their laziness while the store is open. So I use Monique's Fairly Paid Regulator sign in those cases.

Yes, the FPR of course has the main function of always making sure all employees are fairly paid (and thus will never quit---the object checks regularly to see if their pay amount is sufficient for their number and level of badges and skillpoints and raises their pay whenever needed). But you never have to turn that function on if you don't want it to handle employee pay (though personally I find it does a good job there as well). That function is off by default.

Mostly, though, I don't use the sign for its main function. I use it for one of its side functions, which is to adjust the "Walk Style" of any owning household member or employee on the lot. Any who are currently on the lot can be made to either Run or set back to Walk. It does not matter whether they normally can Run or not.

I believe Pescado's Business Runs You also has forcing sims to run as one of its functions, but I do not want most of the functions of BRY. I find having this one option given to me by the FPR being on the business lot makes me sufficiently happy, and to me, there is the bonus of one less Pescado mod in my game.
(ETA: As Essa noted below, I was wrong there: BRY does not force sims to run.)

Note if you do use it: wait until the sim is standing still before you try changing them to Walk or to Run. The change will never take if they are already in motion at the time. But they can even be performing a sales interaction on the customer or writing on their clipboard to restock, and that is sufficient opportunity for the sign to change their walk style---you will see it the next time they move.

ETA an on-topic comment: "Yes, yes, he's your air. But in reality, you still need to come up for some. He'll like you better when you've not wet yourself and have recently showered. You know, maybe just by a little."
(Said while watching Jules O'Mackey and Justin Cleveland, now at college and in love with 3 bolts. Perhaps because of Jules' Playful personality, she is a little too focused on Justin, to the point of autonomously doing little else when he is on the lot. Starting to think that the difference between 3-bolters I love and 3-bolters I find grating is really the difference between Playful and Serious sims' willingness to handle their other motives despite the presence of their love. ETA: I just struck through to show, Jules is Serious. Hm, I'm going to keep watching different 3-bolter couples now to see whether there really is a pattern. Would be interesting if there is---it might be more complex, like a 2-personality-trait interaction within a sim.)

SciBirg 20th May 2016 10:38 PM

NOOOOOOOooooooo!!!!! I just spent 2 hours building and decorating, and now the game terminates when I try to enter the house!

Said 5 minutes ago. *sad*

Peni Griffin 20th May 2016 10:40 PM

(Pats head) There, there. Try it again. Maybe it was a power surge and not the house.

SciBirg 20th May 2016 10:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
(Pats head) There, there. Try it again. Maybe it was a power surge and not the house.

Lol, no, I have tried 4 times now with the same result. Deleted groups.cache etc.

I am able to find the lot in SimPE but what, if anything, I can do with it is another question.

BoilingOil 21st May 2016 5:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by natboopsie
I also prefer my sims to run while the store is open, @Essa. I think some characteristics (Fortune sims, high Money Interest, or the $100K LTW, as just a couple of examples) would probably trump their laziness while the store is open. So I use Monique's Fairly Paid Regulator sign in those cases.

Nice! Thanks for pointing that one out. I already have a mod that handles fairly paid - much better, because it will also scale wages down if too high - it doesn't deal with the other features of Monique's object. Since it's cloned from an open/closed sign, I *do* hope, though, that it will also open/close businesses. That would be a bonus. But if not, I'll be sure to figure something out to add that

natboopsie 21st May 2016 6:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
Nice! Thanks for pointing that one out. I already have a mod that handles fairly paid - much better, because it will also scale wages down if too high - it doesn't deal with the other features of Monique's object. Since it's cloned from an open/closed sign, I *do* hope, though, that it will also open/close businesses. That would be a bonus. But if not, I'll be sure to figure something out to add that

Oh, boy! Monique's sign does *not* open and close businesses, nope. I would love it if it did. I end up using Simlogical's one in case I need the timer functionality...but in most cases, I do not (only when I want to also use her Employee Scheduler tokens, to allow individual calling in of employees---but there again, most of my current businesses do not have employees, just the household).

So if I may say so, I'd love it if it could open/close the business...most especially if it didn't require a Maxis open/close sign to be on the lot too, like Inge's does. Because that's a lotta signs to have to put on a business lot (the Maxis open/close, Inge's open/close, and the Fairly Paid Regulator), and a modded FPR could fix all that.

Not, of course, that I am asking you to make a mod and share it with us.

ETA: Didn't say it earlier: you're welcome!

BoilingOil 21st May 2016 6:35 AM

@natboopsie: Ah, so there is at least a one-customer market, a person who would *prefer* it if I didn't keep such an altered version for myself, but in stead shared it with the community at large, huh???

If you decided to refrain from asking because it is in fact an other person's mod, *don't*! In the case of someone such as Monique, who left the TS2 modding scene even before I started playing, I feel no need to restrict myself. I simply update and re-release the mods by such individuals, credit the original author, and assume that if they really have a problem with that, they'll find a way to let me know. Like I did with my Reward Catalogue, which is an update to Monique's Family Aspiration Notebook.

natboopsie 21st May 2016 2:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
@natboopsie: Ah, so there is at least a one-customer market, a person who would *prefer* it if I didn't keep such an altered version for myself, but in stead shared it with the community at large, huh???

You have it exactly.

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
If you decided to refrain from asking because it is in fact an other person's mod, *don't*! In the case of someone such as Monique, who left the TS2 modding scene even before I started playing, I feel no need to restrict myself. I simply update and re-release the mods by such individuals, credit the original author, and assume that if they really have a problem with that, they'll find a way to let me know. Like I did with my Reward Catalogue, which is an update to Monique's Family Aspiration Notebook.

I actually never put together that she had been gone so long, so thanks---that's interesting.

No, I was just not asking because I know you have not offered new mods for public download for a while, and I didn't want to pressure you to do one if that is not your preference. Because that is the most important thing; it's not as fun to create when people expect it (or demand it!) of you, I think.

By the way, I do love your RC for having made it possible to use aspiration points as a secondary currency in the game. The way I use it, it even somewhat simulates family prestige, because in my less fortunate households, teens head to college with only 10,000 aspiration points to their name, having had to donate the rest to keep up their family's food supplies (I use dickhurt's No Free Food , so all refrigerators are empty when newly bought; I'll add the disclaimer that dickhurt is a controversial modder, so the usual due diligence is certainly required when choosing that mod for oneself). Wealthier households typically can afford to buy more produce (the main source of that is a single commercial farming operation in my hood, and prices are set as Expensive when the farmer sells it), so their teens can keep their aspiration points...and use them to help improve matters at their dorm or Greek House instead---for example by being able to afford Energizers and Thinking Caps, as well as the RC-based boost to Gold mood so that they can use them safely.

So again, thanks. You've already taken one great Monique idea and made it even more useful, at least to me.

Essa 21st May 2016 2:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by natboopsie
I also prefer my sims to run while the store is open, @Essa. I think some characteristics (Fortune sims, high Money Interest, or the $100K LTW, as just a couple of examples) would probably trump their laziness while the store is open. So I use Monique's Fairly Paid Regulator sign in those cases.

Yes, the FPR of course has the main function of always making sure all employees are fairly paid (and thus will never quit---the object checks regularly to see if their pay amount is sufficient for their number and level of badges and skillpoints and raises their pay whenever needed). But you never have to turn that function on if you don't want it to handle employee pay (though personally I find it does a good job there as well). That function is off by default.

Mostly, though, I don't use the sign for its main function. I use it for one of its side functions, which is to adjust the "Walk Style" of any owning household member or employee on the lot. Any who are currently on the lot can be made to either Run or set back to Walk. It does not matter whether they normally can Run or not.

I believe Pescado's Business Runs You also has forcing sims to run as one of its functions, but I do not want most of the functions of BRY. I find having this one option given to me by the FPR being on the business lot makes me sufficiently happy, and to me, there is the bonus of one less Pescado mod in my game.

Note if you do use it: wait until the sim is standing still before you trying changing them to Walk or to Run. The change will never take if they are already in motion at the time. But they can even be performing a sales interaction on the customer or writing on their clipboard to restock, and that is sufficient opportunity for the sign to change their walk style---you will see it the next time they move.

Well, Business Runs You (BRY) is my must-have mod to run businesses and I also use relevantwages. As I said before, only active sims were allowed to run businesses in my hood since they can run and multitask once they got all gold badges (cashing, sales and restocking). I also said that sometimes the running can be tiresome.
Lazy sims only walk and do one task at a time. I can bear it when the business is small (1x1 or 1x2), it's more difficult when the shop is on a 2x2 lot. I think it could also be a layout issue on my side. Did I say I'm a terrible builder?

BRY never had and never will make lazy sims run. Lazy sims are lazy so they sometimes have to hire sims to work with them.
I don't always go with characterics. Pablo is a Family sim married to the hood handywoman (also Family). He stayed home to raise their 3 boys. They had money and I'm tired of my sims having money (I'm doing taxes, I'm thinking about switching to CJ's bigger bills instead of AH's bigger bills+tuition and adding CJH's inheritance mods).
It's currently Summer and school is closed. I use this calendar. This prompt "Today is Nation's Day! Today is a great day for getting outdoors having a grill-out and watching fireworks" makes me want to open Extra-Muros where sims could buy outdoor stuff.
Since Pablo has Nature as OTH and is a young elder, I thought it would be great to have him own a store. Well he can only walk since it's part of his personality but he also wants to gain business related badges so it's fine for me. I think he wants his business to be successful.

FPR sounds interesting regarding the wages part so I may give it a try instead of using relevantwages. I think employees in my game are at least fairly paid though because I have never had a sim quit.

BoilingOil 21st May 2016 3:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by natboopsie
You have it exactly.

I actually never put together that she had been gone so long, so thanks---that's interesting.

No, I was just not asking because I know you have not offered new mods for public download for a while, and I didn't want to pressure you to do one if that is not your preference. Because that is the most important thing; it's not as fun to create when people expect it (or demand it!) of you, I think.

Thanks for the praise and the explanation.
In fact, with respect to requests, I see this slightly differently. If people were to *demand* anything, I would tell them to eat what they excrete. But a request is always welcome. I will not honour all requests, but that is just a matter of a number of questions I ask myself: Does it seem interesting to do? Do I think I *can* do it? and finally: Do I have the time and desire to try? But people can always ask... If I take it on, you can be sure I'll have fun doing it!

I believe, by the way, that No Free Food is reasonable safe. I have a similar mod in my game named "Buy Empty Fridges", from a modder I trust a little more.

Quote: Originally posted by Essa
Well, Business Runs You (BRY) is my must-have mod to run businesses.

Matter of personal taste. I actually prefer it without, and have no problems running businesses.
ETA: But fortunately, we're not all the same

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