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TheDudeWithTheDragonTattoos 2nd Jun 2016 5:46 PM

"Put The G*d Damn Baby Down" or "you literally JUST fed it" or "go ahead, shit your pants"

Charmful 2nd Jun 2016 7:29 PM

My sister was over last night and was playing one of the families I let her create and put into my hood. She plays so differently from me but here was a conversation we had.

Her: "What the F***? Why is there a penguin?"
*I look over and it's summer on the lot, and no snowmen, but she has had the sims fishing for quite awhile*
Me: "It's because you are fishing, and have a lot of fish in your sims backpacks"
Her: "But WHY is it here?"
Me: "I don't know, it wants to eat the fish?"
Her: "But that's messed up, if I go to (insert RL lake name) and go fishing, a f***ing penguin isn't going to show up!"
*I shrug*
Her: "Well what am I supposed to do with it?"
Me: "Pet it"

Her: "OMFG if this penguin steals my fish I am going to kill it!" (she had displayed some fish up on a wall of an outside shed on the lot and the penguin was trying to fly to reach them)

Me: "I'd rather listen to a crying baby than your dog barking"
Her: *doubtful tone* "Really?"
Me: "Yes, the other day the single sim mom was tired and I let her sleep and her baby was just crying the whole time and I could stand it."
Her: "That's not something you should be okay with bragging about."

Ather 4th Jun 2016 10:28 AM

Nadav's newlywed wife, Amy, went into labor. Now, you see, Nadav is from a batch of triplets. His little brothers are triplets, too, cute little toddlers. So as soon as Amy went into labor, I instantly started screaming into my Skype call:

"Please don't be quadruplets. Please don't be quadruplets."


*message saying there's two!!! new babies in the family*

*incoherent screaming*

"God damn it, it's triplets."

If his brothers and sisters each end up having triplets I'm going to have to cry. Eight children, with two more on the way from his mom, times three each? Please no. Pleeeease no.

Essa 4th Jun 2016 1:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Essa
"Seriously!?" to Clio Morneau-Diop who is the local nightclub Smustle and Cie's DJ.
"Do you think you should woohoo your husband instead of entertaining the customers?"
She left the DJ booth to go to the photo-booth.

"You did it again!"
This time Clio decided to leave the DJ booth to get romantic with his husband. Maybe she's trying to tell me she doesn't want to be a DJ anymore.

deadhead_kay 5th Jun 2016 12:03 PM

A particular favorite of mine that i only recently noticed is "if you don't get out of the f-ing way i will kill/give you up for adoption". To be completely honest, i have followed through with that threat at least once lol.

TheDudeWithTheDragonTattoos 5th Jun 2016 5:42 PM

My irritations usually have to do with babies because the freaking sims NEVER leave them alone! So sometimes I get rid of the door and let social services take the baby away.

BoilingOil 5th Jun 2016 11:43 PM

@MikeJMW55: and that is why mods like Pescado's "nobabyharrassment" and TwoJeffs' "No Baby Toddler Swarming" exist: to make sims leave the kids alone occasionally... In many cases only just long enough to make more babies, though...

Peni Griffin 6th Jun 2016 12:37 AM

But some of them mod out good and useful things, so read the fine print!

"Nooooo, that's not your bed..." (I made sure all the kids had beds with better ratings than Rhett's, but where do they want to sleep? Dad's room. Always.)

Annaminna 6th Jun 2016 12:54 AM

But.... he wants to be with dad...

BoilingOil 6th Jun 2016 1:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
But some of them mod out good and useful things, so read the fine print!

Yup, you always need to be aware of what you get. Pescado, TJ, Squinge and Inge each had their own takes on how it should work. And each appeals to a different audience. I wasn't very taken with Pes' version, or with Inge's. Currently, I use none except my own model.

"Nooooo, that's not your bed..." (I made sure all the kids had beds with better ratings than Rhett's, but where do they want to sleep? Dad's room. Always.)

Which is what Smart-Beds is for. I tell each of my sims where they are supposed to sleep, and they will not sleep anywhere else. If they're tired, they even autonomously find their own bed. And yes, that's another TwoJeffs mod.

aldebearart 6th Jun 2016 2:55 AM

"Could you please start worrying about your needs and not the dishes? You're about to fall out cold on the floor! GO TO BED!"

"No, do your homework. No, I said do your homework. I do not care what the environment is inside. Go outside and do your homework."
"Stop resisting me. Do your homework."
"FINALLY! Thank you!"
"...Screw it. Why do I even bother?"

Peni Griffin 6th Jun 2016 3:17 AM

Take care of the motives first and you'll get through the homework. After the dance of the night they learn to study I never have a problem with homework anymore.

But if I assigned beds I wouldn't know which kids were defending their mom's turf by co-opting it when Rhett has a lady over, which one feels most bereft when an elder sibling goes to college - what other people find annoying I call characterization. But if I catch them I'm duty-bound to redirect them.

"Nobody's in your way, dear...don't you drop that from your queue; you're going to school!"

DezzyDoesThings 6th Jun 2016 3:25 AM

"Where the f%ck are all my graves?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

Bigsimsfan12 6th Jun 2016 3:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
Which is what Smart-Beds is for. I tell each of my sims where they are supposed to sleep, and they will not sleep anywhere else. If they're tired, they even autonomously find their own bed. And yes, that's another TwoJeffs mod.

That mod is a godsend for large families. I use to have to give each sim their own room so they can lock the door, but they'd always end up in the parents unlocked bedroom. I don't know how I would've coped with The Dreamer's 11 children if not for that mod. I don't know why claiming beds was never a thing in Sims 2.

BoilingOil 7th Jun 2016 5:20 AM

You're preaching to the choir here, @Bigsimsfan12

I easily build a bedroom for four children, give each their own bed in that room, and never need to worry again until they leave the house and another one needs a bed. And in the meantime, I have the parents' bedroom open for any couple to do their horizontal dances :P
But as soon as the kids are off to bed, the parents can be together in their own room, their own bed, the way it is supposed to be.

Rosebine 7th Jun 2016 5:44 AM

Quick question here...The only mod I have that has *bed* in its name is this one : Smart Beds - Comm Sleep Plugin.package
Is this the smart bed you guys are talking about, or just a plugin that allows sims to sleep on community lot?
Because i never have that much trouble with making sim understand/know which bed is times, i admit, son will go for parent's bed, either because son so so tired, and parent's bed is closer, either because this bed is more comfy, though i doubt it, I made their beds and they are as comfy, but other than this, never. I send them once...they go back everytime.
Now, if this mod I showed you IS acting like reservable beds or would explains why i see no trouble, otherwise...what are YOu doing to your sims so they piss you off that much... ?? lol
Okay..I found it, and i don't think it actually works as the base mod, so it would be just the plugin allowing sleeping on community lot. other wise, i would have a new pie menu options on the sim menu to set/clear bed ownership. I don't have this.

BoilingOil 7th Jun 2016 5:52 AM

@Rosebine: If you follow the link that I supplied a few posts back, you'll see all Smart Beds items mentioned, and yours is one of them. But yours is indeed only to facilitate sleeping on comm lots.
But if you have a mod named "reservable beds" (sounds like Inge made that), then ofcourse I understand why you don't need Smart Beds. Both mods would do roughly the same thing, I think. So if *we* pissed our sims off, then what have *you* been doing to yours?

Rosebine 7th Jun 2016 5:52 AM

(Me Ninja'd BO, all by self)
Edit, because He did too..
Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
@Rosebine: If you follow the link that I supplied a few posts back, you'll see all Smart Beds items mentioned, and yours is one of them. But yours is indeed only to facilitate sleeping on comm lots.
But if you have a mod named "reservable beds" (sounds like Inge made that), then ofcourse I understand why you don't need Smart Beds. Both mods would do roughly the same thing, I think. So if *we* pissed our sims off, then what have *you* been doing to yours?

Well, Mister Sir, *MY* sims obviously loves me more than yours loves you, because I do not have reservable bed mod. ah!
Seriously, I just had to ask, because i read this so often..things like OMG! good thing I have smart beds! and such..and I am just like..but why? I don't feel the need for this at all. It is just as i said..send a sim to a bed, and he or she just go back to it when tired. Made me wonder, if I myself had a mod for this, but no. I do not.

BoilingOil 7th Jun 2016 6:53 AM

Well, it just so turns out that it doesn't always work that way for everyone playing. Depends on play style, on mods that you have or don't have (some of Pescado's mods do much more than he says they do, and one of them might have a hidden feature that make your sims remember their beds better). On whether or not you do some of the VBTs that can cause BFBVFSs. It may also depend on the characters of the sims you're playing, on whether or not you cheat... Really, on lots of things. The total sum of it is, though, that no two games play exactly the same, even if they have the same EPs and SPs. Some need Smart Beds, and some don't. Simple enough for me.

And my sims love me well enough, thank you. They know that Animaeus/TihrAn/Aerbor - or whatever else they call Him - is good to them. But some of them have trouble remembering where their beds are. Because Aerbor is not such a fan of Pescado's mods, and therefor doesn't have all of them He doesn't use the SleepClock, or Bathroom Uses You, or Business Runs You. He's not a tyrant to his sims. Hahahahahaha!

Justpetro 7th Jun 2016 10:39 AM

I have to say that I also never used (or intend to use) Smart beds. The way Sims sleep in different beds does not bother me.
It seems to me that Sims may go for another bed if a) the bed is more comfy then his/her own one and b) if the bed is closer when said Sim is exhausted.
Kids do like to try out the double bed in the parents' room - which seems kind of normal to me.
And if there are more beds than necessary, why not try out all of them?

Essa 7th Jun 2016 3:11 PM

The bed ownership feature was working great in TS1. I missed it when I came to TS2 back in November 2004 so Smart Beds makes it to my game since I've heard of its existence.
BO, thanks for the links for the other Smart Beds plugs-in. I didn't know about them. I may try the sleep on comm lot one instead of the one I recently add.
... and I'm not a tyrant to my sims, mind you! ;-)

Quote: Originally posted by Rosebine
Seriously, I just had to ask, because i read this so often..things like OMG! good thing I have smart beds! and such..and I am just like..but why? I don't feel the need for this at all. It is just as i said..send a sim to a bed, and he or she just go back to it when tired. Made me wonder, if I myself had a mod for this, but no. I do not.

I'm a bit of a hand-off player but I like my sims to "do some things right" (like sleeping in their own bed) without me to direct them.

On topic: why do my single sims always have the hots for my married ones?

Noah Marcotte (playful Knowledge who didn't make it to uni from my standards) finally roll the want to have a date. I sent him to comm lot and scope the room.
"No, not Leilani, she's married and mother of two!".
"No, not this brunette. I'd like you to have some redhair offsprings" - like if simmies always follow my wishes.
"Yes. Grâce Lamontagne, she's blond and not too old. She'll be perfect." - Grâce is a former dormie who is now a townie. She dated Noah's cousin Niel and hoped to marry him. Well, it didn't work out.

Rosebine 7th Jun 2016 4:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Essa
I'm a bit of a hand-off player but I like my sims to "do some things right" (like sleeping in their own bed) without me to direct them.

Like I said Essa..I don't need to direct them. They just go back to the first one I gave them
As BO said, no 2 games are the same. And it is not because a mod exsist..that there was obviously a worldwide need for it. The modder who did it, thought there was, along with many other players, that's a fact. But what annoys me, might not annoy you, and what i tolerate or find normal, might be very diffrent for someone else. I never felt the need for such mod.
We really put what we want into our game.

Quote: Originally posted by Essa
On topic: why do my single sims always have the hots for my married ones?

Oh and..isn't it like this in real life toO?

Essa 7th Jun 2016 6:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Rosebine
... But what annoys me, might not annoy you, and what i tolerate or find normal, might be very diffrent for someone else. I never felt the need for such mod.
We really put what we want into our game.


Quote: Originally posted by Rosebine
Oh and..isn't it like this in real life toO?

Unfortunately not in mine.

Rosebine 7th Jun 2016 11:49 PM

Unfortunately??? I don't see what would be the good thing about it but..ok. lol

saturnian 9th Jun 2016 12:06 PM

I too get a lot of single sims having the hots for partnered ones, but as Rosebine said that's common enough IRL. It doesn't follow that either party is going to act on it. What I also get is newly partnered sims having the hots for a parent-in-law. Going by the agony columns in the red tops, that's pretty common in real life too.

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