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gummilutt 11th Apr 2016 4:27 AM

Which year does a Sim have to complete at university in order to lock two wants? I suck at remembering which year is which reward, and I can't find it on the wiki.

Batanau 11th Apr 2016 4:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I wonder how I can make more clothes/hairstyles etc. show up at the same time in CAS. I cannot find out where I do it, not under 'options' either. I know it should be possible, just take a look at this pic from phaenoh's game and compare it with the one from mine:

gummilutt 11th Apr 2016 4:49 AM

Came up with another question Those of you who use mods to play YAs in main hood, has any of you tried to move a YA from a uni subhood to the main hood? I have a YA that got his teen girlfriend pregnant, and I'd like him to move back to the main hood so they can live together, but still remain a YA. Perhaps if I have another Sim in the main hood invite him over and use Simblender to move him in?

Interesting Batanau. If I saw that on my own, I would assume she photo-edited that picture together. But yours looks weird to me too, mine does not look like that (nor like Phaenohs), so clearly there are alternatives.

Batanau 11th Apr 2016 5:17 AM

It might of course be that there's some photoshopping going on, but in that case she seems to have bothered taking the time to center the heading ('Choose Outerwear Outfit'). What does it look like in your game? Something in between?

Peni Griffin 11th Apr 2016 5:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Which year does a Sim have to complete at university in order to lock two wants? I suck at remembering which year is which reward, and I can't find it on the wiki.

They get the two locks during senior year. I think when they start it, but it might be the beginning of the last semester.

gummilutt 11th Apr 2016 6:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks Peni. I seem to recall it as senior year too, as does another simmer I asked, so that's probably it

Batanau, I have 3x3 outfits as well, but mine is not on top of the Sim like that. Attached a picture to this post of how it looks On a different note, looking at it to try and find a possible extend-button, I realized there are collections in CAS! Holy rabies, I had not seen that before. I don't make Sims often enough for it to be worth making collections, but it's still cool.

joandsarah77 11th Apr 2016 6:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Came up with another question Those of you who use mods to play YAs in main hood, has any of you tried to move a YA from a uni subhood to the main hood? I have a YA that got his teen girlfriend pregnant, and I'd like him to move back to the main hood so they can live together, but still remain a YA. Perhaps if I have another Sim in the main hood invite him over and use Simblender to move him in?

I would drop him out and move him back in the normal way then age him back to teen and up to YA.

Batanau 11th Apr 2016 6:50 AM

Gummilutt: Oh, that is probably because I use a camera mod (GunMod's, that is). And I didn't know there were collections there either! Still learning new things about the game every day

Essa 11th Apr 2016 12:37 PM

I sent my sims to vacation. They own a dog. I know that pets can't go, toddlers as well.
Is it normal behaviour that pets are left to their own devices?

AndrewGloria 11th Apr 2016 1:02 PM

As far as I know, Mootilda's Wardrobe Cleaner keeps all the clothes that are selected for a family member in any category, but deletes all the others. It wouldn't work for me as many of my Sims have got spare outfits that they wear occasionally, and that they've spent their precious Simoleons to buy. Andrew, in particular has got thousands of Simoleons worth of clothes in his wardrobe, and he likes to change every day when he gets home from school. (Having watched him work out with his mum's punch bag the other day, I dread to think what would happen to me if I threw them all out! ) As gummilutt says, the next version was going to include the ability to choose which outfits to keep, but Mootilda died before she could finish it. (I was just thinking of PMing her to offer to test the new version.) The download includes the source code, and I keep hoping someone will take the project over, but it can't be easy to try to fill the great Mootilda's shoes. She is still very sadly missed.

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
New Q. If I save in the middle of the upload wizard but don't finish uploading isn't it possible to go back and finish it? I've looked around and can't find anyway to get to what I saved.
It should appear at the top of your User Control Panel. In my (limited) experience, the Save feature doesn't work in the earlier stages of the wizard. I think it only appears after you've uploaded something.

gummilutt 11th Apr 2016 1:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I would drop him out and move him back in the normal way then age him back to teen and up to YA.

That gets complicated real fast. There's all the memories to clear, and once he's back to YA I have to repeat the semesters he already passed, mimicking his skill situation so that he won't get more grades than he deserves. Doable, but annoying. If moving him in turns him into adult, I'd rather make him drop out completely. Won't kill him not to finish Uni, and he got himself in the situation.

Quote: Originally posted by Batanau
Gummilutt: Oh, that is probably because I use a camera mod (GunMod's, that is). And I didn't know there were collections there either! Still learning new things about the game every day

I also use a camera mod, I used to have GunMods but I'm not sure if I still do. Might have swapped out a couple of them for someone elses, I seem to recall I felt his was still a bit limiting. So it seems weird to me that that would be it, but maybe you are right I would send a PM to Phaenoh and ask her, I doubt she'd bite your head off. She's very helpful

New question. I want to use Pescado's magic wand to depreciate a lot, and I've never done so before. I opened up the magic wand to check placement in catalog so it's easier to find, and it does not have a placement. Is it some kind of plug-in for the batbox or how does one use it?
EDIT: Never mind, I found the answer in a thread at MATY. Just Pescado being Pescado, he made it only visible in the collection he included. I made it visible now, I'll add it to my own mod tool collection and then make it collections only again.

joandsarah77 11th Apr 2016 1:54 PM

I use an ingame memory mod. Can't think what it's called though. I would look but I am opening simpe again. I wouldn't bother with setting semesters etc but you are more detailed oriented than I am. I meant just to drop him out.

gummilutt 11th Apr 2016 2:00 PM

I would imagine you have the memory manipulator. I do too, it's just fiddly. I think moving him in with Simblender worked, he didn't turn into an adult in the first stage at least. We'll see how he does when I move him out and into his own house.

joandsarah77 11th Apr 2016 2:50 PM

gummilutt I have sent you a few pm's, trying to figure things out in simpe, I think my last guess might be correct.

Memory Manipulator, that's it. Wish I had one for real life.

Soapsim1 11th Apr 2016 2:59 PM

Unowned community lots shouldn't spawn sims that actually have ties to said lot, should they? I know placing items like the coffee bar sometimes makes the game spawn an NPC for that item even when the lot is not visited in live mode, but thought that doesn't matter for the lot itself. I edited a bunch of lots and let the game spawn whatever it felt like, thinking I would create a new, clean hood later and copy the lots and deco over using the Hood Replacer. But running Hoodchecker on the new hood revealed a few errors about Sims not existing. It was something like "Sim does not exist: barista is familiar with lot X", with X being one of the lot names that has a coffee bar. Opening up the fresh hood in SimPE also showed several family ties. Where did it go wrong?

gummilutt 11th Apr 2016 3:11 PM

I know jo, I saw. Sorry for the slow reply, I was taking pictures and stuff to make it easier to understand

Final report on the YA that I wanted to move from Uni subhood to main hood without him turning into an adult. I have the uni in main hood hacks in place, so this may need those to work, I don't know. Anyway, I spawned him on a lot and moved him in using Simblender. Then I sent him to find his own place with the computer, and moved him into the lot I had intended. Worked perfectly, he's now living at a lot in the main hood, and he's still a YA on the same semester he started on.

joandsarah77 11th Apr 2016 3:14 PM

No worries, thought I would mention it just in case your in box was full.

gazania 11th Apr 2016 3:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Batanau
I wonder how I can make more clothes/hairstyles etc. show up at the same time in CAS. I cannot find out where I do it, not under 'options' either. I know it should be possible, just take a look at this pic from phaenoh's game and compare it with the one from mine:

About the clothes being too close to the Sim:

Do you have a widescreen monitor? I had to use a mod for widescreens because if I recall, I couldn't see the outfits very well once I moved from a normal screen. I downloaded one years ago. There might be better ones out now.

FIXED because I forgot the blinkin' link!

PLEASE follow instructions and don't forget to back up your camera file in case it doesn't work for you.

Peni Griffin 11th Apr 2016 4:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Essa
I sent my sims to vacation. They own a dog. I know that pets can't go, toddlers as well.
Is it normal behaviour that pets are left to their own devices?

You should have gotten a pop-up saying you needed to leave someone behind or hire a nanny.

MystAngel 11th Apr 2016 4:42 PM

Is there a mod for making zodiac signs in CAS not connected to the personality (like in real life )?

I like the basic concept of personality in TS2, but I was always annoyed with it's strict dependence on astrology. At first, I used to adjust wanted personality in CAS, and if the sign didn't match (and it almost always didn't), I would've changed it during gameplay via cheats. Than that became tiresome, so I started ignoring signs completely. But, just out of principle, I would like to disable joined feature, separate the two and make both customizable independently. Is it possible?

PanAm103 11th Apr 2016 7:25 PM

Is it safe to bulldoze/bin a community lot that has been played before - but not owned?

Peni Griffin 11th Apr 2016 7:33 PM

Yes. Any NPCs it generated are loose in the hood, not attached to the lot.

Mr_Valentine90 11th Apr 2016 7:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
No your sim can't run a hotel, which has been a player complaint since BV came out. Your sim can only buy community lots and vacation houses so your hotel would need to be turned into a community lot and of course then all hotel functions stop.

Aww that's a shame. Thanks for the info.

Gcgb53191 11th Apr 2016 7:55 PM

What exactly about a hotel makes it more or less expensive? Is it the amenities on the entire lot or is just the quality/price of furniture inside the room?

I'm trying to redecorate some of my vacation lots but I don't want to over do it it and make it pricier than they really need to be by getting nicer furniture than the typical hotel furniture that came with BV.

Edit: Also, is it a VBT to edit the lot zoning of a hotel to move some walls around if sims have vacationed there before?

Batanau 11th Apr 2016 8:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by gazania
About the clothes being too close to the Sim:

Do you have a widescreen monitor? I had to use a mod for widescreens because if I recall, I couldn't see the outfits very well once I moved from a normal screen. Here is the one I downloaded years ago. There might be better ones out now.

Yes, I have a widescreen monitor, so I'd love to try out the one you have (I'm no big fan of GunMod's CAS cam in general, to be honest. The others are very good, though!). However, it seems to me that you forgot to post a link?

Gummilutt: Good idea, I'll send her a PM.

EDIT: Another question:

I'm trying to change the game language and follow this tutorial, but my registry edit does not show any language string (see attached image). It seems like other Origin users have the same problem. That person also tried to change the game's localization registry edit and Origin's client language, but that didn't help either. Does anyone of you have any ideas?

The reason for me wanting to change the game language is that I'm currently working on hiders for some of the hideous Maxis walls and floors. Having the game in Norwegian is therefore a bit unpractical when I'm trying to identify the right walls and floors in SimPE. If the abovementioned quest proves unfruitful, there might exist some overview of all the walls and floors shipped with the game somewhere?

Duine 11th Apr 2016 11:29 PM

Does Secret Society need the mailbox on lot? If not, how can I recover the lot to remove it? I've been playing for well over 24 hours with a 3 hour nap in there somewhere, finally found some SS members and got a sim abducted. Everything worked perfectly until the lot opened and it froze. If I have to dig a hole to retrieve it, there are fireworks and a rainbow on top of the spot. (:

Peni Griffin 11th Apr 2016 11:33 PM

Use the loadlot cheat.

Enter the neighborhood in testing mode - you'll need the testingcheats in your user startup file for that - and type in "Loadlot [name of lot]".

Delete the mailbox with move_objects.

Duine 11th Apr 2016 11:56 PM

Thank you! I spent hours on that lot and it looked great as I was ready to take some pictures. Is it just Secret Society or did I maybe give it a name? I deleted the copy as I thought it couldn't be re-used.

gummilutt 12th Apr 2016 12:14 AM

It seems my Mr YA in Main Hood has the unfortune of getting the grade meter bug. It won't unlock higher levels, even though he gets the skills required it's stuck at the lowest level. I've had this bug in the past, and I know I can fix it by moving the Sim out and back in again. But I'm also sure I've read an easier fix for it. Anyone that happens to know a solution, aside from moving out?

Peni Griffin 12th Apr 2016 12:21 AM

Ignore it. It doesn't affect the grades at all, and you'll probably see it unlocked when you take him to a community lot, so you won't have any trouble getting him to pass.

gummilutt 12th Apr 2016 12:29 AM

I know it's only visual, but this Sims is not the kind of Sim that gets straight A's. Not being able to see the bar makes it difficult to tell if he's done studying, and he's unlikely to visit many community lots since he's juggling work and university. I want to fix it, because it bothers me

joandsarah77 12th Apr 2016 1:09 AM

Try the uni pizza box by Cyjon. And yes that's very vague. When my game is open I shall check the name. I downloaded that since it was advised with the shorter semester uni mod so sims could be fixed if they show up with 72 hours. I don't know if it fixes the bar but it could be worth a try.

stitching 12th Apr 2016 9:26 AM

I found the Cyjon's pizza box didn't fix it, but it has a feature that gives a grade report for university students. That will tell you exactly what their current grade is even if the progress bar is glitched and it also gives what the projected grade would be as well (I think that's the grade they'd get if they went to the exam right away after checking their grades, but I'm not sure).

TychoH 12th Apr 2016 11:58 AM

Once upon a time, here in the Sims 2 discussion part of MTS, there was a thread wherein someone explained how to create a pond wherein Sims can swim. I've searched for it until I was too hungry, but couldn't find it. Does anyone know which thread I'm searching for?

Justpetro 12th Apr 2016 1:20 PM

It should be somewhere in the building tutorials, I think.

gazania 12th Apr 2016 1:59 PM

Yes. At least one tutorial is, anyway.

Duine 12th Apr 2016 2:00 PM

So far I've not had the YA grade meter stick, but it used to long ago. I would take them to a community lot in their old neighborhood and it usually reset by the time they returned. Yesterday I did see a sims meter dropped to red while off his lot, but normal when he returned home.

Oops, didn't see that your sim was in his home hood.

TychoH 12th Apr 2016 2:32 PM

Thanks Gazania!
I've never found the building tutorials, the thread I was searching for was somewhere in the Discussion section if I am right, but this is even better than I remembered. Thanks

Gcgb53191 12th Apr 2016 4:31 PM

Gonna repost my question since it got buried in the other page, is it a VBT to change the lot zoning of a vacation lot in order to edit a few things? Sims have vacationed there before....

My other question was what makes a hotel pricier than others? Is it square footage of the room or the price of the items in the room or both?

Peni Griffin 12th Apr 2016 4:37 PM

Changing the zoning for editing should not be a very bad thing to the best of my knowledge. It's hard to see how it could be. It should work just like dorms and apartments for those purposes.

Gcgb53191 12th Apr 2016 5:26 PM

Thanks Peni, I thought I had read somewhere that changing the lot zoning was bad if sims had already step foot on the lot but maybe I misunderstood that.

Essa 12th Apr 2016 6:02 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
You should have gotten a pop-up saying you needed to leave someone behind or hire a nanny.

I didn't get the pop-up. When my sims came back from holidays, it was as if they were back from a community lot. I use the community time project mod.

gazania 12th Apr 2016 6:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Gcgb53191
Thanks Peni, I thought I had read somewhere that changing the lot zoning was bad if sims had already step foot on the lot but maybe I misunderstood that.

Now, I'd like to know that as well. I thought it WAS a bad thing? I believe someone told me that. I don't believe I made that up. My imagination just isn't that good.

I do know that some time ago, someone submitted a tutorial here on making a community lot a vacation house without BV, and it involved changing quickly back- and forth- from community to residential in editing mode before the Sims arrived, but that might be a different matter. In that case, the lot remained residential until the Sims left, then was changed back to community. Sims were actually on the lot while it was changed. THAT was immediately dismissed by more-experienced posters here as a VBT that could corrupt your hood, and that is kind of understandable.

But I do remember reading other like tutorials being flagged as potentially-corrupting without Sims being on the lot during the switch. Personally, I don't take any chances, since I seem to be so good at finding more-obscure and better ways to corrupt hoods. Why, I found another one not too long ago.

Using dormtools works pretty well for editing on a vacation lot and shouldn't ruin anything, but if one wanted a residential item for a community lot and didn't want to change it in Sim PE, that wouldn't work all too well, I suppose.

Peni Griffin 12th Apr 2016 6:56 PM

Well, if somebody else knows why it would be a very bad thing, I wish they'd speak up.

As far as I know, corruption is called by stray bits of data floating around trying to find a place to hook up. I don't see how changing the lot zoning would cause that - all it would have to work with would be stray sim references on the lot, and that won't be any worse on a hotel than on a residential lot.

If it worries you, store a copy in the bin before changing the zoning to hotel the first time. Then you can bulldoze and replace every time revise the lot.

gazania 12th Apr 2016 7:03 PM

Actually, that is what I do.

Before I play the lot, especially if I want to make the lot a hotel but it's still community, I package and bin it. If I need to make a huge change that would involve something like rezoning after I play the lot, or if I REALLY messed up (which happens more than I'd admit) I'll bulldoze and replace, after checking with the Cyjon ball first.

Lots I'm not sure I want, I move away from the game into my own "Culls" folder. Those are lots that, if I decide I really don't want to keep them, I'll get rid of them. or put them on a disk and THEN get rid of them in my files. The game doesn't need to put up with my indecision.

EDIT ... I see one source of the confusion. I have no idea whether this applies in this situation.

"Rezone a lot with Sims living or staying on it
The game has different rules for different types of lots. Some lot types do not allow the lot to be saved, others could make the lot disappear from the neighborhood. Only perform such a task on empty, preferably new & unused lots."

This might be a gray area. Sims don't live on community lots, though some may be on a lot at the time you rezone it ... so would that be considered as "staying"? . But the bold part is what is convincing me to play it safe and do what I've been doing, just as a precaution.

Then again, I just found out that I might have corrupted my hoods, anyway, doing something else kind of related to this. Oops. This was a case of my not knowing better at the time because it was commonly done back then, but more recently, over the last few years or so, it's been frowned upon, and lucky me did it before all the frowning. I had asked about this years ago, back in 2012/2013, and was told here that this was OK to do. Turned out it wasn't.

All I can do is play the hood until it dies, which could be days, months, years from now, and sin no more. I usually replace hoods every couple of years or so, anyway, and it's already been a few months with this one.

Batanau 12th Apr 2016 7:31 PM

Regarding Phaenoh's widescreen CAS view: gummilutt was right. Phaenoh got back to me and told me that it was just some good old photoshopping.

stitching 12th Apr 2016 8:18 PM

I had one family move out of their apartment into a larger unit on the same lot. My game then generated a new social townie to live in their old apartment rather than moving the one that had been in the apartment my sims were now in. It was definitely a newly generated sim - it has cc skin and eyes that I've only recently added and it's got the highest instance number of any sim in my game. Why wasn't the now homeless townie used instead of a new one being created (after all, dormies that are evicted and lost their keys because of playables taking their rooms can move into other dorms)? I've also got a now empty apartment that has townies associated with it. If I delete that lot, will those social townies move into active apartment lots, or will they be like dormies with door keys to deleted dorms and never move into another lot again?

I used Tarlia's stealth hood for apartment life so the only social group townies I have are the ones that were generated for specific apartments - I kind of like the social groups but didn't want there to be more of them than necessary. If they can only ever live in one apartment, I'll use either Cyjon's townie apartment residents or the mod that stops all vacant apartments from getting residents to keep my population down, but I do like the social groups and would prefer to have a few of them in at least some apartments.

Peni Griffin 12th Apr 2016 10:17 PM

I play a lot of apartments, and see the same neighbors turn up in other apartments sometimes. Don't know what determines who shows.

Bulbizarre 12th Apr 2016 11:11 PM

Quick question: I use InTeen in my 'hood. A few days ago, I played a lot and saved it.
I just now realized that I forgot to install zzzInTeenimater_G.package into my game installation files. Will this do any lasting damage to my hood, or should I restore from backup?

SleepycatDSL 13th Apr 2016 12:25 AM

No worries, ihate. G is only so the teen style goth bed works with InTeen.

mdsb759 13th Apr 2016 1:42 AM

about changing lot zoning, my understanding is that it is bad only when sims are currently staying there. one exception to that I take to be changing a graveyard lot (without living sims) into a cemetery; not sure if there are others.

slightly related:
I heard from several sources (I think on Wiki sites) that urns/tombstones should not stay in an apartment. Why is that?
would that apply if the grave was in the area shared by all the apartments?

SIMposiast 13th Apr 2016 3:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by MystAngel
Is there a mod for making zodiac signs in CAS not connected to the personality (like in real life )?

I like the basic concept of personality in TS2, but I was always annoyed with it's strict dependence on astrology. At first, I used to adjust wanted personality in CAS, and if the sign didn't match (and it almost always didn't), I would've changed it during gameplay via cheats. Than that became tiresome, so I started ignoring signs completely. But, just out of principle, I would like to disable joined feature, separate the two and make both customizable independently. Is it possible?

The SimBlender lets you change your sims' zodiac signs.

gummilutt 13th Apr 2016 4:39 AM

I forget, is there a mod or testingcheats object that tells you what kind of sickness a Sim has? The kids in my orphanage had just returned from school, and two of them are aging up today, so I went to check on one of them to pick an outfit, and I found her vomiting on the floor in her room. There was nobody in the vicinity that might have spun her around, and since she had just dropped her homework on the desk there's no way she played on anything whirl-y either. I haven't noticed a message, but I don't know if there's supposed to be one.

I don't recall her eating fuming food, but can't keep an eye on all Sims in the orphanage at all time, so it's possible she free willed it without me noticing. But it'd be nice to confirm, could be a great story-line

Peni Griffin 13th Apr 2016 5:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759
about changing lot zoning, my understanding is that it is bad only when sims are currently staying there. one exception to that I take to be changing a graveyard lot (without living sims) into a cemetery; not sure if there are others.

slightly related:
I heard from several sources (I think on Wiki sites) that urns/tombstones should not stay in an apartment. Why is that?
would that apply if the grave was in the area shared by all the apartments?

Because the grave will misbehave. I tried to have Rhett keep Vidcund's urn with him in the apartment they moved to after Strangetown, in the GS Uberhood challenge, and the urn kept vanishing in his apartment and turning up at the mailbox when I played the other units.

Katya Stevens 13th Apr 2016 1:12 PM

gummilutt, try the FFS debugger/batbox from MATY. It doesn't display the illnesses in a nice name (i.e. cold, flu, food poisoning) but between the LD and CT values you can probably find out what they have (e.g. food poisoning is LD 120 and CT -1). Info & values at MATY.

joandsarah77 13th Apr 2016 2:23 PM

Food poisoning always makes sims throw up more then anything else. Well perhaps excepting a very bad pregnant sim.

gummilutt 13th Apr 2016 5:53 PM

That's very helpful, thank you Katya. I rarely use the batbox, and I can't seem to find a menu option that seems plausible. Is it one of those things that only appears with sick Sims on the lot, or am I just being stupid? :P

Quietscheente 13th Apr 2016 6:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
That's very helpful, thank you Katya. I rarely use the batbox, and I can't seem to find a menu option that seems plausible. Is it one of those things that only appears with sick Sims on the lot, or am I just being stupid? :P

it's under "info...->show plague info" and will only appear if the sick Sim is your active Sim.

gummilutt 13th Apr 2016 6:24 PM

Thank you. In that case I guess she's either no longer sick, or she vomited for some other reason, because the option does not appear

Feestrang 13th Apr 2016 6:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SIMposiast
The SimBlender lets you change your sims' zodiac signs.

But just in case, from gameplay experience, changing the zodiac sign of the sim (not their personality points) will not change their chemistry with other sims.
Thats something that bothers me. Why put zodiac sign and personality as the same thing? Its so boring. All couples end up being the same if you want to go for 3/2 bolts. Or when you're in the third generation, it happened to me all offsprings had 3 bolts because all of their personalities (zodiac signs) were really alike.

Sunbee 13th Apr 2016 7:15 PM

You can also change zodiac with the batbox. It's called something like fudge personality. I don't remember if it's the regular menu or the testing cheats menu. And you can make changed personality points genetic. So if you really want a sim with all the personality points or none you can have one and they can pass it on, within the game limits of inheritance.

joandsarah77 13th Apr 2016 11:17 PM

So does the manipulator and I guess the insiminator.

Ather 14th Apr 2016 3:50 AM


Why is my game refusing to load?

It loads to a certain percent of the bar on the main logo, then the game freaks and gives me the "The game will now terminate" error. I deleted my .cache files and it still persists. Could it be the fact that I installed some new CC that it's acting up?

joandsarah77 14th Apr 2016 4:52 AM

I would remove your new cc and see if it loads. If it does you can put one piece back at a time until you find out the issue. Or make a backup, remove all cc and do a 50/50 test with the new cc. Because your game will have very little cc you will be able to trouble shoot quickly as each load will probably only take a minute.

FranH 14th Apr 2016 5:26 AM

Thats something that bothers me. Why put zodiac sign and personality as the same thing? Its so boring. All couples end up being the same if you want to go for 3/2 bolts. Or when you're in the third generation, it happened to me all offsprings had 3 bolts because all of their personalities (zodiac signs) were really alike.

Actually, chemistry is based on aspiration, not personality, as Cyjon explained on his blog: A Study of Chemistry in The Sims 2
specifically, this page: Aspiration and Chemistry and this one as well: Personality and Chemistry. About zodiac signs and chemistry, there's a pretty good chart on it here:Zodiac Signs and Chemistry.

The whole section is full of neat information about chemistry-and sometimes it even is valid.

Ather 14th Apr 2016 5:26 AM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I would remove your new cc and see if it loads. If it does you can put one piece back at a time until you find out the issue. Or make a backup, remove all cc and do a 50/50 test with the new cc. Because your game will have very little cc you will be able to trouble shoot quickly as each load will probably only take a minute.

Haaaah. Better do this once I have a few hours where I don't have anything better to do, then. I'm not very organized with my CC (bare minimum organizational skills!), and I have almost 9 GBs of CC.

*incoherent groaning*

Thanks for replying, though, Jo.

joandsarah77 14th Apr 2016 5:30 AM

It's a pain in the butt I know, I've done a 50/50 3 times. I grab coffee and chocolate.

Ather 14th Apr 2016 6:36 AM


I thought I was getting somewhere with my 50/50'ing, but nope. I even took out the whole Downloads folder, and still, I get the same error. What on earth is this?

Peni Griffin 14th Apr 2016 6:41 AM

Well, the problem isn't your CC, obviously.

Time to get over to Help and go through the FAQ systematically. It's possible your system isn't up to it; or your antivirus did an "upgrade" that suddenly started quarantining your game files, or...

stitching 14th Apr 2016 7:26 AM

It could even be something siilly, like your screen saver kicking in at the wrong moment. I found out that if my screensaver tries to kick in at one point while loading the game, my screen goes black and I get an error about the screensaver failing to load but Sims 2 still loads, but if it tries to kick in at another point I get an error about The Sims 2 and it crashes.

joandsarah77 14th Apr 2016 8:06 AM

Are you on the UC or disk? if you are on the UC go into origin, right click on your game and see if fix/heal is an option.

Ather 14th Apr 2016 9:24 AM

Praise the grilled cheese maker, Jo, you've fixed it! <3 I went and repaired the game through Origin and it works perfectly now. Thank you so much!

joandsarah77 14th Apr 2016 9:36 AM

Praise the grilled cheese! Wish I had thought of that before you took your downloads out though, it's something UC uses should always do first, but being a disk user I am slow to think of it.

Ather 14th Apr 2016 9:41 AM

Nah, don't worry, it's fine! I was doing it lazily anyways, only lasted about 15 minutes (...extended by 3x that, because I was goofing off on Skype with my friends). Not a huge waste of time, honestly. I'm just happy I can play tomorrow. Thank you again!

Bubblebeam 14th Apr 2016 12:58 PM

Anyone know of a way to disable everyone of certain ages from renting apartments? In this case, it's an elderly home where obviously I don't want adult sims as neighbours. I tried the visitor controller but it doesn't seem to work on sims spawned to be neighbours.

Come to think of it, I could just use the manipulator to age everyone to elder, but if there's an easier way let me know.

Justpetro 14th Apr 2016 2:10 PM

There is a mod by Nysha (I think) here on MTS that prevents any neighbours at all in apartments.

Duine 14th Apr 2016 2:28 PM

I've tried all sorts of combinations to load the secret society lot and can't get to it. First attempt took about 10 tries until I remembered the sim probably wasn't home yet. Went to his lot and the limo returned right away. Went back to the hood and made many more attempts, even tried with testing cheats and nothing. I must have named it something other than secret society. Is there anyway to find the name? I have my tester sim, who found the members and I figured if he got abducted, I might at least see the name listed on his destination. It was early morning for him and I was tired and needed sleep. It's back to trying again in awhile.

I thought of adding an empty lot over the ss lot and have a bunch of sims dig for treasure, maybe they could find something there. (: Haven't even had breakfast yet and my weird sense of humor is on a roll.

Lili975 14th Apr 2016 3:37 PM

You can have a look in SimPE, or if you don't use it, you can shift-click in debug mode on a YA and "add to secret society". The student will then be able to call a carpool to take him to the SS, and you'll see its name on the pop up where you decide where to go.
You can then exit without saving if you don't want your tester to already have been abducted.

Duine 14th Apr 2016 4:53 PM

Oh, thank you! I was going to wait and see if another could get abducted and it might show the name on the way. The cheat will save a freeze and have to load the game again. (:

Thought I should add to this post. I finally got into the lot and fixed it. The sim I used for this needed to be a ss member to get to the lot, whereas the first sim wasn't technically a member yet. Couldn't get the name of it without taking the transportion, once the lot opened I paused, saved and deleted the mailbox. The trip went great. Back at his place, I used the cheat again and removed member status and later he got abducted. Thanks for the help, I now have 2 members that joined. (:

eliset 15th Apr 2016 11:33 PM

I was taking shots and set up a table in a corner and put junk on top using a couple of OMSPs. When I was done, I moused over the mess to find the OMSPs, make them visible, and delete them. The game crashed. Ok, big lot, sometimes does that, went back in and tried again. Game crashed. Annoyed, I went back and picked up the sledgehammer to remove the whole wall in that corner. Game crashed. If you can believe my stupidity, I did this several times before it finally dawned on me that there was a problem in that corner. Over the past 2 days I removed all cc and put it back in categories (bodyshop, buy, build), removed all but the critical mods and put them back, the usual 50/50. With no cc at all, I can tear the living hell out of that corner. With all cc except that style of window installed again, I can paint the wall and put windows in the wall. When I put that cc window back in and put it IN THAT CORNER, I can't touch that corner without the game crashing. I can do anything I want with that window anyplace else in the lot or the game, but not that corner.

By fiddling with the sequence I was able to tear down the wall and put it back up again with no window at all. It doesn't crash now although I'm nervous about going near that corner. I thought something must be there but it's never visible even when every stick of cc is removed. Like the apocryphal doctor said when the patient complains of pain when doing something, don't do it then, I won't touch the corner but wonder what's wrong with it.

AndrewGloria 15th Apr 2016 11:47 PM

Why does he want a love potion?
Although they are still schoolboys in Veronaville, Andrew Jones and his gay boyfriend Julian Moltke formed a company to participate in the Monopoly Game Town building contest that's just finished. They didn't win, but their company did OK on the contracts, making over ยง400,000. When the contest finished, they divided this between them, making them two of the richest Sims in my game. They got the news (and the money) quite late in the evening, so after a quick kiss, they went to bed (together). But at 3 a.m. they got up and took a taxi downtown to celebrate properly. They went to the PaintBoyz nightclub for gay teens, where they had a dream date, with lots of flirting, kissing and dancing. From there they went on to the Lost in Love Hedge Maze, where they enjoyed a game of chess together, and finally made out on the park bench while they were waiting for their taxi home. Back at Andrew's house again, Julian made an early breakfast, after which they went back to bed together again to sleep till morning. But the odd thing is, sometime when they were playing chess at the Lost in Love Hedge Maze, Andrew decided that he wanted to buy a love potion. Now it seems to me that Andrew's love life is as near perfect as it can get. He and Julian have been going steady almost since the beginning of my game over 3 years ago. And Julian has stayed absolutely faithful to him, even when, in the early days of the relationship, Andrew sometimes behaved in a very demanding and unreasonable way (e.g. kicking over the Moltkes' dustbin when Julian stopped kissing him to make him a meal!). Maybe myself, as an elder still looking -- I fear in vain -- for a first kiss, I'm just a trifle envious -- not to say jealous.

So, my stupid question is, "Why on earth does he think he wants a love potion? What does he think it could possibly add to his perfect love life?" The only thing I can think of that's missing is woohoo, but that's largely because they're still teens, and Andrew thinks they should wait till they're older -- possibly even till they're married. Julian would possibly like to woohoo now, but he loves Andrew far too much to push him into something he's not ready for.

Justpetro 16th Apr 2016 12:26 AM

Ah, the complicated love lives of AndrewGloria's Sims I know by now Andrew is a Knowledge Sim, so no want he rolls will surprise me !

simsample 16th Apr 2016 1:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
So, my stupid question is, "Why on earth does he think he wants a love potion? What does he think it could possibly add to his perfect love life?"

Of course, I am no expert on these matters, so I asked my friend Sim Sample because he is an expert. Or at least, I thought he was. You see, he referred me to this video, and I'm not quite sure that this is what Andrew has in mind.

Stupid Sim.

mdsb759 16th Apr 2016 1:50 AM

in response to post #581; might try recreating the same circumstances with other sims then see if it comes up with them.

A question of my own::
various settings in PACKAGE files can be overruled through PACKAGE files in the Downloads folder. settings in other extensions, I guess the file would need to be edited. cache files I take to be an exception to both; I take they do not have settings. are those right?

simmer22 16th Apr 2016 2:36 AM

Cache files aren't vital for the game to run (the game will remake them if you delete them), so changing settings in these won't do a thing for your game.

As for package files, I'm not sure what you mean. Some package files (hacks) need to load last for the game to run them properly, and if they call on the same code, they can potentially interfere with each other, as can pbjects with the same GUID, or files made from the same package file.

StrangeTownChick 16th Apr 2016 5:13 PM

Does anyone know of a way to make certain sims unable to be walkbys or go to community lots when you're not playing them?

Peni Griffin 16th Apr 2016 5:18 PM

Simlogical's prison system has prisoner tokens that can be given to sims, independent of the other elements of the system, to keep them from getting out and about.

Gcgb53191 16th Apr 2016 5:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by StrangeTownChick
Does anyone know of a way to make certain sims unable to be walkbys or go to community lots when you're not playing them?

I think you can use the prison token from SimLogical. I haven't played around with it yet but I know others have so maybe they'll have more info for you.

Duine 16th Apr 2016 5:34 PM

@AndrewGloria It's quite possible, being a knowledge sim, he may just want to find out the ingredients in the love potion. Curious (knowledge) minds want to know. (:

Forgot to ask my question: A sims wife died in a fire, so he bought a cemetery lot to place her stone. While looking at the batbox, there was an option under 'Fix' - 'Dead Romances'. Anyone know what that is? He also still had his wedding ring, but did not use that option without knowing what it does. The ring was gone after his return home and selling the lot.

kidhedera 16th Apr 2016 8:36 PM

Today I installed BoilingOil's Multi-PT mod (This one:, and I started up the Single household to have a bunch of babies and see how they look. The kids are all absolutely adorable, if you're wondering, but thats not the problem.
I had 3 pregnancies, triggered with the Sim Blender as per this bit of the description "This mod WILL work properly with the option "Pregnancy.../Have baby with.../Aliens" on TwoJeffs' SimBlender,". (I also used the sim blender to keep the girls at max-motives through out the pregnancy cos I've wised up since I was testing baby outfits in Belladonna Cove...).

The Loste girl had twins. Now, Chloe Curious and whatsername-Beaker had their babies without a hitch, family trees all fine and everything, but Kirsten Loste's twin's didn't have a second parent in the family tree.
When I used the prenancy scanner before they were born it said that the 'father' was Aliena Impregnata (which is the default replacement PT, if thats relevant).

So, I have a couple of questions:
1. What might have caused the twins to have a broken family tree?
2. Is this a big problem for Hood Corruption etc? (I've been reading threads about hood corruption, and I've got all the usual anti-corruption mods installed, and I'm using Meetme2theriver's clean templates)
3. I used Mootilda's Hoodchecker and it said there are 11 sims with no character file. I'm assuming that is my 4 Ideal Plantsims and 7 of the 8 aliens... (since Aliena Impregnata is a default replacement). I haven't removed any of them from my downloads, so that should be ok, right?

BoilingOil 17th Apr 2016 1:38 AM

@kidhedera, I think you mean this thread: The one you're linking, isn't correct.

Half-alien kids don't always show their alien parent in the family tree. There is no reason to fear that it breaks your game. And I assume that you're right about those 11 sims with no character file. Ideal Plantsims and Pollination Technicians don't need character data, so they don't have these files.
The only thing that I need to mention, is about the fact that you used the SimBlender to make the pregnancies. Although that works ok, you must expect that ALL such pregnancies will involve Aliena Impregnata. The others will most probably never be chosen with this method.

mdsb759 17th Apr 2016 2:09 AM

The "fix dead romances" interaction, I would guess that it removes dead spouses from the family tree of widowed sims. Not sure if I seen it.

post #590; the broken family tree might relate the alien parent's file. If you have another copy of the alien set, might copy those files to the Downloads folder; if not, may need to re-download it. afterward might replace the twins with a new pregnancy.

kidhedera 17th Apr 2016 6:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
@kidhedera, I think you mean this thread: The one you're linking, isn't correct.

Huh, dunno what happened to my link there! Sorry.

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
Half-alien kids don't always show their alien parent in the family tree. There is no reason to fear that it breaks your game. And I assume that you're right about those 11 sims with no character file. Ideal Plantsims and Pollination Technicians don't need character data, so they don't have these files.

I'm glad to hear that the family tree isn't broken-broken, its just... odd. I saw a thread saying babies without fathers in their family tree corrupt hoods (e.g. Sarah Crittur if you don't have the fixed copy, Samantha Ottomas before the patch). So I was a little worried. I'm glad its just an Alien Kids thing.

Quote: Originally posted by mdsb759
post #590; the broken family tree might relate the alien parent's file. If you have another copy of the alien set, might copy those files to the Downloads folder; if not, may need to re-download it. afterward might replace the twins with a new pregnancy.

Thanks! I'm pretty sure it'll be ok, but I replaced the files anyway just to be safe.

Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
The only thing that I need to mention, is about the fact that you used the SimBlender to make the pregnancies. Although that works ok, you must expect that ALL such pregnancies will involve Aliena Impregnata. The others will most probably never be chosen with this method.

I'm pretty certain that two of the babies was from a different PT. Syrianna Impregnata and Lelestra Entassah show up in the family trees, and all the kids look quite different from one another. But either way its not a big deal, I'm not planning on using Simblender outside of testing things, I am in fact installing your Alien Experiments mod. I just wanted to check out the offspring before I committed myself to 1. A specific PT mod (since they can't be removed really, and there are a lot of tempting options out there), and such a big game altering hack (but all your changes sound so great!).

Thankyou for your help BO. I'm glad you are still active in the community.

RoxEllen1965 17th Apr 2016 8:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Duine
Forgot to ask my question: A sims wife died in a fire, so he bought a cemetery lot to place her stone. While looking at the batbox, there was an option under 'Fix' - 'Dead Romances'. Anyone know what that is? He also still had his wedding ring, but did not use that option without knowing what it does. The ring was gone after his return home and selling the lot.

I haven't seen this option on the Batbox myself. but here's a discussion of the "Dead Romance" issue at MATY (starts with post # 467):,72.975.html

Apparently the option fixes corrupt memories of the dead sim in the surviving spouse. Denise Jacquet of Bluewater Village is apparently a notorious example - she spins up wants and fears related to her husband, who starts the game dead. A possibly related issue is fixed by Pescado's mod called "Marriage Post-Mortum", whose description seems to say that widowed sims are not properly disconnected from the dead spouse when the spouse dies.

Here's the description of "Marriage Post-Mortum" for anyone who's interested (the mod is available in the directory below):

The marriage "spouse" line is no longer automatically disconnected after death.
The surviving partner may remarry as usual, which will correctly connect the
line to the new partner and disconnect the old one, but unless the survivor
remarries, when he dies, their marriage line will still show as connected on the
family tree, like those of the deceased Maxian families.

BoilingOil 17th Apr 2016 10:40 AM

Quote: Originally posted by kidhedera
I'm pretty certain that two of the babies was from a different PT. Syrianna Impregnata and Lelestra Entassah show up in the family trees, and all the kids look quite different from one another. But either way its not a big deal, I'm not planning on using Simblender outside of testing things, I am in fact installing your Alien Experiments mod. I just wanted to check out the offspring before I committed myself to 1. A specific PT mod (since they can't be removed really, and there are a lot of tempting options out there), and such a big game altering hack (but all your changes sound so great!

I'm amazed at the Blender babies being from different 'fathers' (albeit all female ); I wasn't expecting that it would work that way.
You *could* remove PTs, but *only* if they are without offspring. Or if you have abandoned all the hoods that they have ties in. So, from a practical pov you're right; choosing a specific PT set is a long term commitment; you can't replace them at the drop of any hat.

Good deal on the Experiments thingy, though. If you've enjoyed *reading* about what all crap can happen to your simmies, you'll *love* watching it happen!

Quote: Originally posted by kidhedera
Thankyou for your help BO. I'm glad you are still active in the community.

My pleasure, kid ('kay if I call you that?)!

gummilutt 17th Apr 2016 1:24 PM

I believe Mootilda has posts here explaining how you can change your Multi-PT mod. You have to keep the character-part of the old PT-mod, because those characters are in your hoods (all of them, regardless if Sims have been abducted or not) or you'll corrupt them, but you can swap out the part assigning them as PT and using a new one.

Duine 17th Apr 2016 3:43 PM

On Blender, I chose 'Alien Pregnant' while using a Multi-PT mod and it was always the same alien. I tried it out using the Manipulator and it randomly chose a different one each time.

Thank you RoxEllen1965 That info might come in handy if I have more problems. Since Pescado always said, "If you don't know what an option does, don't use it". His mods do make me a bit nervous though. What I did do was use the Manipulator, I think the option was 'clear attractiveness' or something like that, and the sim was fine after. Next time he was at the cemetery I checked the Batbox and the option was gone. His wedding ring was gone by the time he returned home after the first time, then he sold the lot back. He didn't have any wants after her death but did have a fear of her being a zombie.

Awhile back I had an 'after death experience' with Nathan Gavigan. Mary had died and her urn was sitting around the house for awhile. Nathan met another sim and they became friends, after that they started to date. The female was at his house when they first started flirting and when they kissed, Mary, who was floating around, but watching them, suddenly got furious and there was that loud 'boing' sound. Prior to this she just floated around in circles and never once used any scare tactics. But this time she relentlessly scared the girl until Nathan said goodbye to protect her. Then Mary went on a rampage after Nathan, scare after scare so I had to constantly raise his motives to keep him alive. It was funny, yet scary at the same time. This went on for so long, I was getting tired and just wanted to save but couldn't while she was out. Finally morning came, Nathan was still alive and Mary went back to her urn. Right then Nathan sent her on a trip to the cemetery. I've seen sims get into fights and then tell a joke after or just walk away. This was just pure hate like I've never seen before. Apparently the lines of marriage weren't severed when she died. The moral of the story, when a sim is angry with another and that angry sim dies, kick them to the (cemetery) curb before the dead rises and seeks revenge. (:

AndrewGloria 17th Apr 2016 6:34 PM

Thank you for all your suggestions for Andrew and his strange wish to buy a love potion.

Justpetro, you're right. I've known Andrew since the first time I started up my game, and nothing that he says or does should surprise me. He's one really interesting character!

simsample, I'm obviously stupider than your Sim, because I didn't quite get the video. It showed a Sim taking the potion and the girls then falling for him, but it also seemed to contain a pun on "potion", "Potain" and "pottain" which I just didn't get. "Pottain" seems to mean "old pot metal", and "potmetal" is (according to Chambers 20th Century Dictionary) an alloy of copper and lead. "Potains" appears to be a company that hires out big construction cranes. It might be of interest to Andrew if he continues in the construction business. With his 10 logic points and effortless A+ school grades, Andrew is clearly my intellectual superior, so maybe I should ask him to explain the pun to me!

mdsb759, it's certainly an idea to try to recreate the circumstances with other Sims, but at first glance the circumstances appear to be that Andrew and Julian have been going steady in a dream relationship for over 3 years, and quite suddenly Andrew thinks it would be a good idea to buy a love potion! I don't even know if I'll live long enough to recreate that scenario with other Sims! The actual events of the day seem fairly normal too, except that, when Andrew ended the dream date at PaintBoyz, he and Julian ceased to be a "group", so, when he took the taxi to the Lost in Love Hedge Maze, Julian didn't come with him. He briefly looked round the Maze, saw it was a good place to be, and took a taxi back to PaintBoyz. I thought I might have use the teleporter there to summon Julian, but Julian turned up almost immediately by himself. (The Visitor Controller is set to send only gay teenage boys to PaintBoyz.) Andrew asked Julian to form a "just for fun" casual group, and they went back to the Lost in Love Maze. Andrew had a "play chess" want, so they headed for the chess table, and, when this want was fulfilled, the "Buy Love Potion 8.5" one appeared. The Lost in Love Hedge Maze does sound a rather romantic destination, and it's the first time any of my Sims had visited it, so I wonder if the lot might contain any special coding to make Sims want to buy love potions. It seems just possible.

Duine, yes, I reckon it is possible that Andrew would like to see what the potion is made of. He might even just want to see for himself just what it does. In fact I think I'm enough of a Knowledge Sim myself to agree with him. None of my Sims has yet tried this potion -- they seem able to start relationships for themselves, without any help from matchmakers or potions! (If I was a fraction as good at it as they are, I'm sure I wouldn't be single now!) So, if Andrew does want to buy this potion, how does he actually go about it? Is it true that he has to ring the gypsy matchmaker? And does she send the potion, or bring it in person? Are there any downsides to this potion? Ach! Even if there are, if there's one relationship in my game that's strong enough to stand up to anything -- even the old quack's potion -- it's Andrew and Julian! I don't think it's possible that the potion can make Julian love Andrew more than he does already; Julian will stand by Andrew -- no matter what!! (And I think in his heart, Andrew knows it too!)

Knowing Andrew as well as I do, I reckon it's also possible that, having just come into a lot of money, he's just trying to think of ways to spend it!

joandsarah77 17th Apr 2016 10:58 PM

Copy paste from a thread I saved.

quote Mootilda's
When you install a multi-PT mod, install all of the packages into your Downloads folder, as directed.

You can also copy all of the PTs into the Characters folder for each of your neighborhoods. Do not copy the selection mod, which is the smallest package in the set. If you create a new neighborhood, copy the PTs into the new neighborhood's Characters folder as early as convenient.

When you uninstall a multi-PT mod (and if you have followed the above advice), remove all of the multi-PT packages from your Downloads folder, but leave the copies in your Characters folders.

This has some obvious benefits:
- The character files for the PTs are in the "correct" location, along with all of the other character files for your neighborhood.
- You will be less likely to accidentally delete PTs that have been used in the neighborhood, reducing the likelihood of neighborhood corruption.
- When the game modifies the PT, it will only modify the version which belongs to the neighborhood. This means that there's less chance of cross-neighborhood contamination.
- When you backup your neighborhood, it will contain all of the necessary character files. There's no need to remember which multi-PT mods you've used.
- When you install a new multi-PT mod, you will not accidentally corrupt your neighborhood.
- Your PTs will be better handled by SimPE. Less "Unknown" sims.
- The newest version of the HoodChecker will recognize your PTs, so that it will be easier to see real problems with missing character data.

There is one disadvantage, but it's a minor one:
- You will be using more space, since you will have duplicates of these character files. Of course, your neighborhood is already using a bunch of space for all of your sims, the additional space requirement is minimal.

This advice should hold for any mods which contain character files. That includes multi-Plantsim mods and some of the mods which give you access to new animals in your game. If you are unsure whether a mod contains character files, ask the creator, or run the HoodChecker and see whether it warns you about missing character files in your neighborhood.

Sunbee 17th Apr 2016 11:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
(If I was a fraction as good at it as they are, I'm sure I wouldn't be single now!)

Does anyone live close enough to AndrewGloria to introduce him to nice folks? Because seriously, someone as nice as AndrewGloria shouldn't be alone.

*Sunbee puts her inner matchmaker away.*

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