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Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
yes something like that ![]() and today i had a weird dream about something i woke up in my dream and turned out i had 2 mobiles (and one of the battery was 20%) i traveled somewhere after that, i changed into a fairy, i don't know which fairy i was though, then we landed somewhere, and someone yelled there were croquettes and that cost 10 euro (in europian) everyone but me had the money for it so i couldn't buy the croquettes, someone even yelled at me about i should've take my money with me and i was like: YEAH LIKE I DIDN'T KNOW IT ALREADY ![]() after that i came home and turned out i had a dog in my room (ironic i'm not into animals or pets in general at all) on friday i went to the hairdresser at her home and she has this new dog who jumps to me, i got scared, and it's that exactly the same dog i met a few days ago, weird ![]() ![]() ![]() THAT WAS EXACTLY THE SAME DOG IN MY DREAMS I MET, NOT JUST THE LOOK BUT THAT DOG ALSO JUMPED TO ME, HE DID THAT IN MY DREAMS TOO (expect that same dog was in my room in my dream so i guess that's the only difference ![]() after all that weird dreams i had, i was like: what the f*ck just happened to me in my dreams ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i've been having weird dreams lately LMFAO ![]() ![]() ![]() |
i had a bad dream, i don't remember the whole thing but i do remember that i had cancer and didn't had any hair
then i had to do something with sport, and i had a wig but nobody knew about my wig but everytime i did something, the wig almost fell off and everyone was like: what are you doing with your hair, but in my dreams i kept it to myself ![]() thank god it was all just a dream because i never had cancer in real live what would the next dream been about when i fall asleep? i hope it's not that weird again |
Just woke up from one of those "forgot to study for a test dreams.
It was the start of the school year and suddenly we were doing an exam on some book I'd never read, so I was basically just going to write an apology to the teacher for not reading the book, claiming it had been a busy year. But then the room became slanted and the teacher (who was for some reason, Ghandi) watched as I turned my desk against the slant and it balanced on me, then he asked if I was pregnant and I didn't want to say I'd just had a baby because I'm in high school, so I said "not yet. Wait that makes it sound like I'm trying. I'm not." And then an Indian woman sat next to me said "you can tell when someone got pregnant by the shape of their hands" so I was waving my hands in front of her face saying "read my hands!!" Then I thought "exam dreams aren't so scary when you know you're gonna wake up and be 24" And then I woke up Oh and I vaguely remember either my past sleep cycle dream, or maybe it was earlier in the dream but I was at a little cafe that had a "buy coffee for a friend" thing where you would line up and they would make coffee for your friend and put a little gift tag on the handle of the teacup. Because they came in teacups and saucers. I was going to buy one for Adam, but the cafe all my friends were hanging out in had a sign at the cashier table thing saying they were closed, so I went all the way across town to some other cafe and they said they were closed until 3:10pm. I looked at my phone while walking away and it was 3:07pm so I decided to go back to the first cafe and order the drink there. Also this girl I didn't like from high school was there laughing at me or something? |
i dreamed about the boat, and my friends and old friends was in there too, actually it was a cruise ship, you could shop, you can look at some stuff
but then something happens at the cruise ship, there were very high waves, me and my 2 male friends stayed a bit longer thinking nothing happens and all of the other people just overreacted or something ![]() but then we were looking if they DID leaved the cruise ship and they DID leaved the boss of this cruise ship closed the boat so the 3 of us were mad ![]() my whole old school was in this cruise ship before the high waves there ![]() i watched pokemon yesterday and it was about the cruise ship too and also that they had to get out of there and it continues in my dreams ![]() |
Chilling in a busstop at night with a few people when I noticed some weird light anomaly behind the partially cloudy skies. Stripes and unusually huge 'stars' dotted around. All of the sudden the clouds swept away with a strange noise, everyone looked up the sky when the dots and stripes vanished, or maybe ripped apart by some force and then there was just a huge mess of noise and lightning and flashing anomalies and it felt as if the earth started spinning a 1000 times faster but sideways, as if it was flipping. I don't know what and why, but maybe, in my dream, the Earth's poles flipped all of the sudden in a strange, world ending way I guess. That was my first thought upon wakening with a 'wtf' feeling.
I quiete enjoyed it anyway. Never had a dream like that |
I was at the doctor's office for my annual. Same old, same old since I was in my late teens and heard of possible medical anomalies. Then, I got dressed and was due for shots and medicine.
The doctor was Keanu Reeves. He took a look into eye, ears, nose and throat and told me I would need an antibiotic. (anything but augmentin, that stuff is nasty strong from the last time I had it) Then he prepped me for the shot "1, 2, 3...poke!" And because he delivered it, I was fine. He had the meds sent over to the pharmacy. As much as people fear shots, I'm not exactly in a position to be so. I already face numerous specimen draws and get flu shots each year to clear my congested sinuses as a preemptive strike, so as a professional patient, I really can't disobey doctor's orders. |
i had a weird dream again
but this time it was me who has the personality's as the lion or something ![]() an old schoolmate of mine maked fun of me, and i guess i was so mad at the person i beat him up, i beat him so bad he had bruises on his eyes and knocked him out ![]() my old friend told me about the book that i'm compared as an lion or something and that i shouldn't have a behavior as a lion my name means: *as strong and clever as a lion* so that might explain a lot about me who has a attitude as a lion in my dreams it surprise me i didn't changed into a lion, i mean everything can happen in your dreams ![]() |
Lee Unkrich returned in my Dreamworld. He and I were at the honeymoon phase of our relationship and was directed upstairs by my mother and he found me sort of limp and tired. He heard my huffing sigh I normally let go when I am overwhelmed. He asked, "Kymchee, are you okay?" I said "Just exhausted and overheated. It's usually 6°F hotter here. I got a bottle of store bought chocolate milk, with carageenan. I went shopping, bought ginger ale, chocolate milk mix, my stomach pills, some gummi candy, a blind ball...but I could not find that wireless adapter. The ones the store offered weren't small and couldn't plug into the USB port. Not only that, none of them were in the $25 and under range. It was sticker shock when I saw it could range up to $250." He said "It does sound like a huff-worthy day." I told him "We forgot to buy my dad candy. But that's a crap shoot in getting him what he wants." Lee said "Calm down, sweetie..."
I laid down on my beat-up and ripped up pillows and he gently rub that hump I dealt with for quite a while. He worked all the knots out. He said "Relax now, I need to shower, I just pulled every weed in your vegetable garden." I asked him "Am I to assume you will be leaving a brown wash in my tub?" He said "I will make sure to rinse so we can do your hair tomorrow." I left him to clean up. I just laid in bed and I heard what sounded like Einstein the African Grey Parrot mimicking Opera over the shower's pattering against the walled off area. He came out of the bathroom in a black robe. He went to the Slendy room, which is his room. He got dressed in jeans as he still has gardening duties after dinner (he was put on household upkeep if he's going to stay with us. Not to mention, my grandfather was paying him as this is technically one of his houses. My grandfather paid Lee to not only keep an eye on me because of how much of a klutz I can get, but repair broken parts and manage the garden) and a black shirt. I ask him "Were you singing in the shower?" He said "Sometimes..." I tell him "You sound great." He said sheepishly "Well, I could sing during your hair appointment, but there's a lot of differences between singing in the shower and for an audience." I said "I got this...1.) You're naked, 2.) You have water spraying in your general direction, 3.) You're in a room that demands privacy" Lee said, "Let's go down to the kitchen." He fed me pasta and I drink ginger lemonade with my meds. He did one last chore before heading to the garden to remove the plants that sprouted after one of the flash flood warnings led to washing out a number of seeds into the yard: he ran the cable and called for the Xfinity cable programmers. It was weird how my grandfather played devil's advocate...oh my God, I forgot to call my grandfather IRL to wish him a happy 91st birthday! (Yes, I flipped out IRL!) |
I was in a sumo wresteling suit while wearing yellow rollerblades and I couldn't put my arms down. I kept them above my head and was wriggling my fingers making ghost sounds like whoohwhh. When I woke up my arms were tired and kind of tingly because I actually had my arms above my head on a large pile of pillows.
Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
Are you sure you weren't watching the NHK, Japan's public broadcast station? The Grand Sumo 2019 semifinals are around the corner. (I watch it on an app or on a internet browser. It's the English language transmission I get.) Had a dream about Erik Estrada visiting me while I sent Lee Unkrich to pick up Asian food ingredients for my practice to impress Grant Imahara. This was one of those dream of "Oh Shit!", past the point of no return and I'm dead if they find out they were led along. My cat Gemini talked in a voice like Jennifer Aniston saying "You're in over your head, little human. Although you are an adult, you didn't think your day through. If Erik strips down to those undies you gave him and make out in bed, you're going to get caught and Lee will think you're a sugar baby. Grant will get wind of the make out session and never want to see you ever again. He's going to break off the engagement and your family's corporate office for robotics will tank." Erik said "Chica? You look scared." I said "Am I a sugar baby?" Erik said "What makes you think that?" I then said "I'm worried Lee will walk in on us." And that was when I reached past the point of no return. Lee came in and he started in on the tirade in my notation in the TS3 OMG WTF thread. "You little whore! Now I know why you were bored with me. As soon as this swarthy Lothario with a bigger net worth than your own came into your life, you decided that his snuggles are better." I punched back with "Your body hair is like a carpet and it gets so thick, I usually have to break out sheep clippers." Lee attacked Erik. The fight kicked up a bit of dust and when I saw it settled, Lee was holding his "buttons", teared up and he said "I surrender. He may be older, but he's a master and I am just a loser." I said "Lee...I never meant to hurt your feelings. You want a cuddle?" He got up on the bed and I let him be the little spoon. "Guys, I have affection for all 18 of you. We went on quests together and defeated the Dark Curse and his theft of faces." My dream started to deconstruct. Then again, it took place mostly in The Sims 3 and had a detour into Miitopia. Better attempt sleeping in tomorrow. I was beat up today by the sensation of jumping out of my skin. |
This was quite freaky, but I dreamt I was being chased by someone and they shot me, and when I woke up I was cornered by some sort of monster, and when I woke up from that I was being abused by my father as a child and when I woke up from that I was being handled by a bunch of doctors in an asylum trying to stick needles in me while I was hogtied and there were mad scientists deciding what kind of horrible torturous simulation to put me in next. I was screaming to be let go and I told them I stopped the suicide attempts 2 years ago and that I promised to not do it again. They said it was too much fun to torture me and when I finally accepted the nightmare as a reality, I began to cry and that's when I finally woke up for real. Pretty damn horrifying and frightening and probably the worse nightmare ever.
I only slept for a few hours...but it was a good one.
I met with Alton Brown and he noted I was in need of a backrub. So I let him since I was knotted up. He asked me how my love life was. I said "Non-existent..." He said "I know someone through a friend, but it may be a little bit tricky..." I woke up once my mom got in. After I got a nap, it continues. Alton introduced me to Adam Savage, who in turn introduced me to Grant Imahara. I grabbed hold of Grant's hand and he admitted I had warm hands. I smiled genuinely and we took a walk in the rain under a colorful umbrella. |
Ok so last night I had a dream that I was driving and I crashed. Then everything popped back into place and I was going even faster, I crashed again. It happened about 9 times, going faster and faster, and all the cars had minds of their own, none of them were my own Taeyang (or Sub-Zero) aka my own car. It was freaky. Do all these nightmares have to do with the $1 nyquil I'm mixing with Valium and/or melatonin?
Quote: Originally posted by RicoSuavecito
I'm on some pretty heavy stuff (Klonopin, a benzodiazepine) and doctors don't recommend that level of experimenting. So, yes, your nightmares are a result of mixing various chemicals that are benign alone, but cause interaction when mixed. |
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Yeah that's what I figured. I started on Ativan, moved up to Klonopin, and then Valium. Nothing happens though until I take cough syrup. It's ironic out of all the hard stuff I take the dollar Robitussin is what does it to me. Usually that only happens if I take more than 9 mg of melatonin. That's another story. My wife has woken me up because I was shaking violently, yelling, screaming, hitting etc. Melatonin is one hellavah drug. |
Quote: Originally posted by RicoSuavecito
Mostly I deal with OTCs like Motrin, Benadryl, Gas-X, Prilosec, Colace and Imodium, just to name a few of them. OTCs don't normally cause any ill effects, regardless of functions. However, make sure to read the directions or it may disagree with you sooner or later. Lately, the weird dreams involved me and Jason Momoa at the grand opening of a recycling plant for metal and plastic. The plastic is collected from the ocean and turned into fabrics and construction parts for park furniture. Metal is used to make drink cans and bottles. (Drink bottles made of metal are more common in places like Japanese stadiums for safety reasons. I used to see those metal bottles often in Seattle. My favorite flavors of soda from these bottles were strawberry, muskmelon and ramune (a lemon-lime not unlike the lemon-lime in 7UP) and that was a common occurrence). The grand opening was a success. |
So, it came back. It didn't matter if I locked up the doors, because it came...
Life in Japan with My Husband... Usually, I find myself married to Grant Imahara and some distant relative gives us an abnormally large yakata-type mansion (mansion in Japanese can also refer to townhouses\condominiums hence referring to yakata-type)... Eventually, we had children. We had 13 at once (subconscious, I'm getting too old for this shit!). Major news outlets worldwide covered it and we didn't do anything out of the ordinary. It...happened. Needless to say, my husband and I agreed 13 is enough. The event we had was trick or treating with them. They were 7 as they were born January 13, 7 years prior to the story, which my estranged sister shares the date. Beyond my sister's disobedience, I had reason not to mention my sister to my children, actually, numerous reasons. I got the kids dressed as animals of the East Asian Zodiac. Grant dressed as The Jade Emperor (Sticking to the Chinese "Great Race Across the Countryside" version and I dressed as a panda (even as a mother of a baker's dozen, I can't escape my title). We got quite a haul from our commute to Osaka, all 15 of us (P.S. We checked for allergens and traded between each other for substitutes and no, we're not the type of parents who tape that prank of lying that they ate their kids' candy. That's behavior unlike myself. I've been known to be cruel to you if you hurt the defenseless, but I am not the type to play mind games with my children.) All of the children received Kit Kat bars from the haul. As the Japanese language renders Kit-Kats as Kitto Katsu, which can translate to "Sure Win" in the native language, so it's a kind of pun that marketing needed little writing. Because there is a blank spot on the back to write a message, I wrote "Ganbaru yo!" in hiragana, which is roughly "You can do it!" or "Good luck!" And hiragana because they are attending a school for linguistics, paid for by my father, who lives down the road (Our family lives in the closest part of the countryside near Osaka.) and it's getting closer to the end of the school year (School starts in Spring in Japan and the summer break only last at most about 3 WEEKS. It's mostly year round. Starts in March, ends in February.) My 1st grade little geniuses. Soon graduation upward into 2nd grade and the questions are a little harder. I work at a plant that works with The Coca-Cola Company, Pepsi-Cola Company, Dr. Pepper\7UP and numerous minor companies in Japan, and throughout The Americas and Europe. Mostly we distribute to further regions within Japanese borders. Grant works as a designer and ambassador for numerous robotics firms in Asia, US and Canada and Europe. If he goes on a business trip, I get my parents and his relatives to participate. I use the filibuster of "O'hana means family" and I practically imprison them on that obligation because like my mother said "When you marry someone, you are actually marrying into their family." I usually hear after the 2-3 line filibuster, "You got us there." |
i'm back again (since 2 days already)
and i've been having weird dreams, and mostly it was about school and i barely think about it! but i had a nightmare about me drowning in a swimmingpool :o i didn't scream or sat up while i don't have control over it but i opened my eyes and i was breathing really fast, thank goodness it was just a dream |
A few nights ago I remember some guys were after me and I was just running until I fell. One grabbed me and picked me off the floor and that was when he and his friends became monsters that were very terrifying to look at. They were trying to feast on my soul and I woke up screaming. I am only taking OTC sleep aid now and nothing else except Valium when I have anxiety attacks. These recurring nightmares aren't going anywhere and all I take is sleep aid. I only have been allowing myself to watch sports and haven't even watched YouTube or read anything either. I keep filtering myself but the horrible nightmares remain. If any of you had recurring nightmares in the past please help!
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Quote: Originally posted by RicoSuavecito
When I was 8, they put me on Ritalin (first med ever) and I had nightmares about the apartment burning down because they were teaching fire safety on my birth month (October is both my birth month and Fire Prevention Month), so you got this little girl scared shitless over the idea her home will burn because of someone else. Back then, I was misdiagnosed with ADHD as autism was typically classified as a "boy's disease" Truth is 20% percent of autism spectrum patients are female. |
last week i had a weird dream about *the time of the month*
and that was super weird ![]() i talked to my mom and a few other people about how girls shouldn't have their periods or something because it isn't normal to have our periods or something ![]() at the same dream i visited my grandfather with my 2 aunts aswell, one aunt has black hair and the other brown and my mom had either way blonde or black hair ![]() we talked about some stuff, can't remember which one though but thank goodness i woke up on time, i don't wanna know how it would ended up, maybe i'll protested or worse, operate something that i won't be able to get my periods anymore or something in my dreams i told everyone that getting periods isn't normal or something and that everyone should get rid of the periods ![]() that dream was so weird because i don't say something like that even though i hate getting on period, besides in real i don't force womens to get rid of it ![]() edit: i forgot to comment that it's also normal to have periods, i have mine at the age of 13, my best friend however got hers at the age of 8 or 9 (which it's a bit TOO earlier to have that when you're not 10 yet) |
i had a weird dream about the battery (sort of)
i was in the forest with a character i watch on a dutch website, she wanted to know which way to go and i was bad about explaining things where she needed to go, she wanted to go to the playplace but we both got lost instead, so i wanted to call someone but the battery on my mobile was almost up, so i wanted to charge my mobile up but the first one didn't worked and then the battery was on 1% and i thought the other charger didn't work, but it did when i was calling someone ![]() the battery was on 2% and later on 10 and a few moments later 22% so i guess it ended well with my mobile in my dreams, i don't remember how we both got out from the forest though since i woke up from noises |
Erik came in and we hugged it out. He got a whiff of my hair (green apple shampoo and conditioner duo from the dollar store's stock of Suave) and he noticed my hair fluffed up like a moppy lapdog like a Shih Tzu or Lhasa Apso. I said "I finally tore myself away from the fixture of comfort such as my queen bed and my seat at the table at one head and took a shower. I wrapped up in towels and my robe and just let the steam relax after that shower. Felt like I was getting some time to relax after that long stint of just anxiety upon anxiety."
He kissed me and said "You're a good kid." I said "My mother's birthday isn't until the end of October, but collecting the candies, the shirt, the complete series and the DVD player was a big deal. She's big on black licorice, Swedish Fish and Sno-Caps; the shirt needed to be washed because the print process left a vinegar smell, I bought her one of the shows she loved that competed with CSI and lost in the ratings game and since DVD players are on the cheap (under $50 for the numerous features for the model I bought for both of us), I was worried." He said "I'll join you for cuddles as soon as I get out of this suit. Me presenting your downstreamer was hard." I cuddled in the blankets and as usual, we spooned. He said, "Chica, I have been thinking. Maybe we could get married. I'm not seeing anyone right now. Kids are grown. It got lonely at mi casa del Estrada." He kissed the nape of my neck and I said to him "I don't know. I can't abandon you but I don't want to be that committed. Lo siento, mi amor." FYI: We usually speak in Latin American Spanish as a way to speak in a second language. Sometimes in full sentences, sometimes in Spanglish, but we first learned English as children in our respective times. |
Last night I dreamt I had to do a report on a book about Franklin D. Roosevelt. The book had been lost (I'm a tad bit disorganized IRL) and I was In a panic because the report and test over the content was on Monday, and I guess it was the Friday before. I found a book of my mama's on the subject and was hoping to be able to read it and pass. But, I was afraid it wouldn't have the same information. lol
I was spooning with Keanu Reeves...which is very unlike us. He's married and usually acts physically distant towards other women, not to mention I may steal men from other women, but I don't have any fortitude of any kind of gonad to do that in real life. Usually my theft of other women's men is confined to the dreamscape.
He resembled the John Wick character, except he wasn't wearing a black suit. He wore those tight trunk underpants, just like the ones in the The Sims 3: Master Suite pack. He got out of bed and the "cheek" design changed throughout the dream. First, it was a handprint, then a smile, then a beating heart. Then shapes not part of the collection. He had a small patch of chest hair. Couldn't tell if he manscaped or wasn't very hairy to begin with. Never seen him without a top\shirtless so this is mostly collected from best guesses. He helped me out of bed and got me ready to go see my therapist Ms. CS for the first time in a long while. I had been not doing well. I woke up in the middle of the night... again! |
ever since i'm back from vacation i always forget what i'm dreaming about
but yesterday was kind of.......weird? i was on vacation, in a hotel, i was on the 16th floor (which was very high) people maked fun of me, i was mad and told them to stop bullying me and even following me all the time, i was at the bus AGAIN and a boy asked for a sponge because of his male stuff, i told him i didn't got any sponge, he got mad and it came bad to worse, he forced me to get the sponge, i told him i didn't got any and didn't want to get under pressured after that i woke up so i don't know how it ended, but thank goodness it was just a dream ![]() |
I had a softball bat (that's the big metal one right?), which in itself is ridiculous because the few times I played during P.E. I hated it with every part of my existence. I was wearing the skates that I'd dug out from under the stair a few days ago and I also had a box of cigars? Not really sure where that came from but that might have been cos I walked past the fancy side of town and saw a tobacco shop.
i had a dream about an human trying to break in and destroyed the house, i saw it and was angry, that human runaway,
that same human came back and my mom told him it was HIM who stoled some stuff, i cursed him with an middle finger ![]() you can already guess what i was cursing to him when the middle finger said it all ![]() and today i had a dream about having an ugly house in france (western house actually) we emigrated in my dreams, from holland to France, and i complained to my parents right infront of my friends that i found it ugly ![]() in real i don't like western house but we don't live in that house in real ![]() everyone has their own taste but i don't like western house for sure, and neither do i like houses that's made with stone and farm house, (france is the one of them) by so far there isn't other different types of houses that i don't like, i love the colors house, yellow, pink or other colors (i saw many of them back in spain) i don't complain though, just giving an opinion that's all ![]() i woke up 2 times so i don't remember what the other dream was just about, unless when i watch a video, read some stories, or when someone is talking about stuff i had in my dreams (and in a rare case when i'm walking or whatever in a familair place i was seeing in my dreams) and that something is called flashbacks (sometimes i remember what my dreams was just about so that's why i'm having flashbacks at the times) i was so relieved it was just a dream about stealing stuff ![]() |
Had a dream I was a Shih Tzu named Melinda. I belonged to a German couple. I was given a bath and somehow, they put my long hair in my face up in a red bow. I was fixed because I was excitable, but I was scared of larger dogs because I was just easily underfoot.
One day I crawled under the couch and found my fox toy. Needless to say, I made a loud sneeze and Mrs. Schwartz gave me a bath. Mr. Schwartz came home and dressed me in a special plaid coat. Damn, haven't had dreams this bad since I had my first surgery April 13, 2001 when they took out wisdom teeth to fit me for braces. |
i had a weird dream about dying my hair white
![]() i don't remember everything else but i remember i took a shower and wanted to look older so i decided to dye my hair white ![]() everyone gasped and asked what had just happened to my hair ![]() i did dye my hair last year but that was NOT white ![]() edit: i had an horrified dream about hospitals, the doctors needed to operate me because something was wrong with my brain, i complained my mom about me going to the hospital, my mom told me i had to or something and i panicked in my sleep (the location i was were under the ground floor which is weird) i knew like right away it was just a dream |
Had those invasive 13 kid dreams. They reached kindergarten age and one day, the first 12 born (these were triskadectuplets, so 13 at once and the 12 eldest, whom I named after the qualifying animals of the Chinese Zodiac) were home sick with my husband Grant Imahara (It's always him.) Mao-Mao (our youngest named for the Cat who lost the race) and I fed a ginger ale and rice porridge to the kids and Grant.
After they were sick, Mao-Mao and I got the sick everyone else had. Mao-Mao got to cuddle next to me on the couch and Grant fed us the same menu we served him. It was strange to be a mother to a number of children, but our youngest son is very much attached to my side. We watched The Sword in the Stone in English and Japanese (Keep in mind that in these dreams, I live in Osaka with my parents running a spring onion farm.). Mao-Mao, in case you wondered, has a mop of curly red hair, a trait from my Scotch-Irish grandma she passed along to 5 of her children, 2 sons and 3 daughters, my elder uncles and the majority of my aunts. Everybody else in that generation had black hair (the executrix aunt, my dad and the runt of the litter who once held "Tallest in Family" record...until Cousin Henry broke that record. Takes after his mother's family.) I guess I am nervous because I recently had to buy a new top for my stepgrandmother's 80th birthday next week. Family, whether it's a family of me, my parents and my cat or the collective O'hana that will be singing in unison succession "Happy Birthday", it is unnerving to think about just the sheer crowd of people singing to Grandma Barb and being drowned by the noise and the feeling of insignificance. |
In my dream I'd been digging through a box of masks and apparently none of them were the one I was looking for. So I yelled across the house asking my mum where the Danny de Vito mask was (cos mum knows where everything is) and mum was like its in the fridge next to the pickels. Because keeping a rubber mask in the fridge next to a jar of pickles makes more sense that keping it with the rest of the masks in a cardboard box.
Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
At least it would distract you from mindless eating...it would work for me to find someone's face in the fridge. |
i had a weird dream about a christmas tree and something about bumping into someone i haven't seen or spoken to in 4 years "and promised we won't be drifted apart anymore" and i could already tell it was a dream
i might be bored but christmas isn't special or anything to me anymore but the christmas tree thing is a nice thing you can have, and i only like christmas because of chocolate, nothing more, hate is a big word and if people like it who am i to get in their way? i'm not like most people (especially people in my country) i atleast respect it but in my dream i didn't put the tree there because we don't celebrate it ![]() and i had a weird dream about a challenge about getting the apples and put it in a net and i didn't knew what to do or what the game was about, so i got many apples as i get with someone i knew aswell and just about when someone was about to say who's the winner to get most apples there, i woke up from a telephone, i was like SERIOUSLY? (i called it apple net because it looks SO much like an apple) all that dream was yesterday, today (11-17) i had WAY different dream about a war and in my dream i forgot to take birth control and eventually lost it, we protected each other with a monster out there, i transformed into someone else, it reminds me of a few anime movies/series (episodes) that people are dying or unconsious or something and people who transformed save those wars/monsters or even enemies and sometimes redeems theirselves, i could also tell it was just a dream because there aren't monsters in real and neither can you transformed into someone else ![]() on monday i had a dream about me being pregnant but didn't knew who's the father lol ![]() and today i had a horrible dream about me being late yesterday (11-24) i had a dream about going to the netherlands, we were almost at our flight in spain, but we got stuck, we didn't had the car anymore, there were people in spain who begged us with fruit because they "needed it" and later they asked if we can join them ![]() ![]() and at the same time i had a dream about making a swimming pool, i guess i had magic hands in my dream, and everyone had a weird stare, with their eyes and mouth open ![]() ![]() i think i had a challange with 2 people but i don't know what it was about ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Lee came over in my dream to wake me in my dreams last night.
I was asleep in my bed, tucked in, with plush toys surrounding my bed. I was also asleep for over 16 hours (it's happened before). He gently kissed me. I woke up and asked the time. He told me it was 7:00AM. I went into the bathroom and did my morning routine in the bathroom. Then I went downstairs for my morning routine in the kitchen. (I store my pills in a middle shelf in the pantry because of limited space and the nature of medicine needing to be store in cool, dry, dark places) He finally caught up with me and held me close. He said "You're as sweet as they come." That's about the only thing he said in the dream beyond the conversation when I woke up. Strange thing about last night was how spotty my sleep was. |
Okay...I should provide some backstory to this dream.
Years ago, in high school, aside from my crush on Bill Nye, I had a crush on David Spade. I know what you're thinking: he's got the personality of a lime's flavor notes, impishly spiteful and sarcastic that it became his trait. I was otherwise sweet, genuine and not the type to insult anyone. I guess I was trying to bolster my personality. To the dream: I was cuddled in the blankets and David woke me up gently. He was actually sweet. I said "Alright, who are you and what do you want?" He kissed me. Just checking, I smacked him. He teared up and asked "What was that for, sweetie?" I said "You're not your snarky, smart-ass self. You're acting weird." And it flashed back to me giving him a drink with a potent concoction I created that would bind someone to me. He then joined me in bed to cuddle. It was strange to see him smile. It wasn't that wise-ass smirk. It was genuinely interested. He brought a 10ftX10ft blanket and got comfortable. I rested my head on his chest. I began to calm down and decided to just fall asleep on his side. When I woke up in the dream. I tried looking for him. He was cooking breakfast and said "Morning, cutie!" (Turned out the nice behavior eventually wears off after 72 hours, so he goes back to his snarky smart-ass self) but I wasn't going to complain. He made french toast. He waited for my verdict and I gave it my approval. We stayed in as Winter Storm Ezekiel raged. I subjected him to the First Season of Sailor Moon, provided cultural and mythology commentary where applicable (I had the closed captioning on) he ask a set of questions after each disc and I answer carefully so even someone uneducated in popular anime could grasp it. After a certain disc, we ate (we both suffer from hanger pains, so we're prone to getting hangry) I made him my trademark weaponized Mac and Cheese. At first he was taken aback by the appearance and I told him "Mix the panko to lessen the stickiness". He didn't mind my cooking. It's usually the vegans who hate me. We continued watching until my parents came home. I just felt tired. I ordered Chinese takeout and took my pills. David helped me up the stairs and we cuddled and as I drifted in and out, I think I heard him say "A sweet woman like you deserves me, but I don't know if I deserve you..." |
2 days ago i had a dream from someone who i have a close eye with (having feelings for someone)
and well it gets interessing......................... we did it on bed and the next morning in my dream i told him he was good in bed ![]() ![]() and he was like: oh thank you darling, we should do this often ![]() geez i never did it in real, but i sure gets weird dreams lately from the one of the another ![]() ![]() |
David Spade returned and he returned because he and I made a promise, in this case, he was going to bleach my hair out and use hair toner to whiten. (Toner is this purple or purplish goo-like solution that strips any yellow tones from brassy bleached hair. Most fantasy hair dye brands that are established have a toner formula available for those bleaching their hair out to white. Brands include Manic Panic, Lunar Tides and Punky Colour)
So anyway, he starts bleaching and he asks me to review his set for his show. I give him pointers on going for the jugular in terms of hitting nerves without coming off as a complete ass. In other words, how to couch the blow. When the hair was rinsed completely, he then said "You look a little pale. Are you sure you want to continue?" I said. "I want to continue." So, he dumped all 3 of the jars of toner in the tint bowl (The toner came in some pretty small jars and my hair is thick and has a mind of its own.) After much waiting, I had my hair rinsed and I was excited. I finally achieved snow white hair that would allow for pastels and silver tones. He said "I was wondering if I could stay with you." I ask "Why?" Then the sky opened up. "Oh." I got cuddled up with David and he said "How are you with me visiting every 4 weeks on weekends?" I said "How about every 3 weeks? I can handle weekends but if it includes Fridays, then by all means, stop on by. One thing, though: don't dress up like Joe Dirt, you're not going to win favors with my mother, she's all business." |
yesterday i had a dream about errrrr you know, what a men and a women do on bed, and we did it infront of everyone, and everyone was like: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, AREN'T YOU SUPPOSSED TO DO THAT ON BED?
and i didn't even care about what everyone said, i did it with a man ![]() but today i had a scary dream and yet i never watch scary video's, in my dreams i didn't fell well, i had pains so i was taken to the hospital where the doctors told me i had a illness and only had a week, i became more sicker and sicker and i could still walking (i wouldn't be able to talk to people anymore because of the illness but i was still able to walk and only had like 2 days left in my dreams when the time flew there) someone already turned into an demon, and that demon nearly hit me, i breathed pretty fast but i didn't turn into one, and my mom told me in my dreams i need to get help since everything was controlling me my mom did it and was bringing me far away from the demon, i got all better and didn't die i really thought i only had a week to live and get weaker but i realized it was all just a dream, *phew* what a horrible nightmare |
It was January 21, 2020. I was working out in the hearth room. It was a mix of exercise on the exercise ball, lifting dumbbells and basic yoga. I had my ultimate playlist. Found myself working out for hours on end and by nightfall, the doorbell rings (we don't have a doorbell installed. If we did, it probably be a shouting match between Mrs. Wolowitz and Howard Wolowitz from the Big Bang Theory.
It would sound like this. Mrs. Wolowitz: HOWARD, GET THE DOOR! Howard: IS THAT ANY WAY TO TREAT YOUR GUESTS?!) So the doorbell rang and it sounded like that crunching thud from The Pink Panther cartoons and the Peanuts animations when a body hits the ground. I open the door and it turned out Bill Nye came to check on me. Now that I was a cyborg in the making with my implant this past year, he ran some diagnostics and marked my implant as fully-functioning. He said "To be honest, I missed your optimistic outlook at the office. What would it take to bring you back?" I told him "I honestly don't know." He gave me his card and I put it in my wallet. He left after I kissed his hand and said "Sir, I'll see you later..." |
It wasn't very interesting or fun. Pretty sure I was snacking on something and then out of nowhere I was pulled into a really tight hug by a friend who wouldn't stop talking and then it felt like my jaw was stuck (which has happened a few times before) and it was just really uncomfortable. And then I felt like I was being warned by something, which turned out to be me knowing I was very close to being over the edge of my last bed. This new bed is much much larger so it seems that in my sleep I still forget.
In my dream both washing machines and tumble driers(?) do the shakey thing and they were moving around the large room like roombas. To keep them from bumping into each other you had to poke them with a rake or a broom from a safe spot (or else you'd be shaken and bumped into). I'd asked the person whose face was half hidden by the shade from their hat why they were hanging from the lamp instead of using the zip wire and they were like "this is the way it's always been" and then they mysteriously puffed on their cigarrette. Twas strange, yet amuisng.
Bill Nye came to check on my new implants. Evidently, I had surgery in 2020 and he wanted to check the biomechanical aspects as I went through my day.
I'm not an expert in psych issues, but he seemed more interested in me since becoming a cyborg. Then again, as an inventor in his spare time, cyborg parts were his specialty and evidently, his brand were used in my operation. |
The Dream
I was in bed, surfing Twitter and found a new set of monologues David Spade did with simplistic animation accompanying it. Monologue 1: "I actually was invited to the coronation of an empress. Turns out she's a big fan of Saturday Night Live cast members. The crown princess was one named Kimberly and her parents, King Edward and Queen Victoria of Elegia and her grandfather, Emperor Ernest of Elegia were stepping down. She will have guidance from the empress consort, her stepgrandmother Barbara upon ascension to the Empire's throne. So I was taken from the airport in a yellow Rolls-Royce. The estate was enormous. It was like, why go on vacation when all the luxuries of the world are in the backyard? I then was shown to the Crown Princess's room and she was asleep, surrounded by plush dolls. I found a note. It said "Dear Mr. Spade, to wake the Crown Princess up, she requires a massage in her upper back to stimulate any rousing from deep sleep. You may have to kiss her to complete this process." I gently kneaded her back. Then I kissed her gently. She woke up. She was wearing rainbow striped panties and bras. She grabbed a jacket and shorts and went downstairs. She and I talked and I said "I don't have anything fancy to wear to the coronation." She said "We have a great tailor we work with." So on the day of the coronation, I was dressed like I belonged in a colonial period piece sans the powdered wig and face. The church where it was performed was packed and it happened to be the same church that honored her grandmother, Empress Virginia. Unfortunately, her stress began to manifest into a 3-pronged hazard of burning, freezing, and\or electrifying someone. Unfortunately, she whanged her older sister and her sister became an ice sculpture for the remainder of the coronation and the older sister's life." As it started to unravel like a badly knitted muffler, it was just stress getting to me. Monologue 2: "I stayed in the guest suite down the hallway from the new Empress. She was at my door and took me back to her room, opened the blinds and curtains and I saw the stars. It was amazing. I didn't know she could gaze out at the stars on clear night. We sat up on the bed and she pointed out every star in the sky. Then came the aurora borealis, which, as you might guess, we were far enough North to watch. I was going back to my room when she said "You want to go to the theme park tomorrow? I know of a great one located here in Elegia from Denmark. The mascots are cheeky, but knowing you, you might enjoy this one." She kissed me and said, "I will see you tomorrow." So as she was finding a suitable outfit for the outing...her diary was open. Unfortunately, she was the type of strong woman who has a way with men and as it turned out, 16 other men rejected her before I was invited to the coronation. Needless to say, she beat on my chest and in the process of beating me up, bloodied my nose and blackened my right eye. Luckily, the kingdom has a healthcare system similar to the Nordic Region. Elegia is in the Øresund sea. So, the King Emeritus wanted to know how I got the bruises, bloody nose and black eye. I told him I peeked in her diary. The King Emeritus told me The Empress is not only a figurehead, but is a political power. No one beyond the royal family medical and psych staff is allowed to look in on the Imperial Diaries. If word got out about any damning evidence against the Kingdom, they'd be ruined. What I have said is all I am allowed to share as regulations require." Weird. Like orange juice rivers that melt boats. It's not like me to hurt my favorite men, even in dreams. |
most of my dreams i don't remember at all but a few days ago i had a funny dream about time-machine just because it became a chaos from electric and digital (i agree with it but only 50% on it)
and me and my best friend were at the 30's or so? where there wasn't eletric and digital ![]() we were both so angry about it because my aunt told us about teleporting back from the time there weren't digital, that was a interesting dream 2 days ago i had a dream about me going back to where i live now because there was an emergency or something with NO but's (my dad was so strict in my dreams that you didn't had a say in it) but yesterday was weird, i was at school and i broke the memory game in pieces or something, the boy overheard it and told me he could fix it with something (i don't know which one though) i was in a swimming pool eventually (i didn't knew what i was doing there lol) and ran the whole building just because i wanted to fix things then we went outside and the boy was about to fix things till we both got caught, and my parents got involved once we had to meet up in an officer, they were so dissapointed in me and got grounded just because we did something illegal, Mmmmmmm interesting ![]() ![]() that day i asked my dad with a joke if i'm grounded now, he said yes by not talking during breakfast which i knew it was a joke ![]() |
I hadn't been in a dream this beautiful in a long time.
I was living with David Spade in a very sleek, modern, cleanly designed house. It was like something I would design for my Sims. It was about 4:30 in the morning and David was downstairs working on my lunch (big bento box type), make it a decoben (decorative display bento) or even a kyaraben (bento with designs of cartoon characters incorporated into the display) and you convinced me. He put the large bento in the fridge and it was about 5:00. He came to my room, gently nudging and saying "Sweetie, get up or you'll be late for class." Turned out it wasn't too late to reapply for the Zoology sub-department, now that Princeton added one. My family pretty much spoiled me. As we took the scenic route in the towncar, I saw plum, cherry and peach blossoms starting to bud. We stopped at my building, I gave David a kiss and he said "I hope you enjoy the lunch." I spent a few hours teaching about the hierarchies and pecking orders before moving on to anatomy after lunch. Lunch came and I sat in the corner. Some of the other female professor in the Biology department came over to see my lunch. The majority were single, so they were amazed to see me with little animals made of rice and nori by my beloved David, Today, it was kittens filled with vegetables made with Satoru Rainbow Rice (He pulled a few strings and got Mexican products I could only imagine) and rice dyed with plant powders and the veggies were put through the food processor and each included avocado. They said I was lucky to have him, but they worried because he's renowned for his smartass attitude. I said "He's already broken to begin with. He cares very much for his elderly mother. His 2 brothers... Not so much. He's got a few issues between caring for his mother and coping in therapy about his father. He's still a human and he is mine as our couple status goes and I am his." As I ate the onigiri kittens, I eventually finished with water with fruit essence and a couple of slices of apple that resembled rabbits. Back in class, I did the old study anatomy of animals. I set up a holographic projector and showned every detail inside and outside. When the final bell rang, I had to grade the paperwork. Mostly, the students interjected their ideas in their notation, some were disturbing, some were on point and others seemed disconnected from reality. David came by to take me home. He held me close as we passed the famous house Albert Einstein stayed in during his tenure at Princeton. We head to the suburb we lived in and he made me stir fry with broccoli and cauliflower in standard white and the orange and purple varieties. I drizzled Chuunou sauce on top (Chuunou is nicknamed Bulldog Sauce because it's Bulldog brand and it's normally just called "sauce". It's a mix of fruit and vegetable purees with vinegar in it.) I ate it and went to my room. He cleaned up the dishes, came upstairs and he sat at the edge of my bed. He asks me sincerely, "Are you okay, sweetie?" He touched my shoulder and say "If there's anything I can do, just saying something would help me." I turned to him and said "Want to cuddle?" I sit up, we embrace for a few minutes and all the while, I hear his heart beat faster. He let me go to sleep and let me repeat through my week. On Saturday, he let me stay in bed and rest. He decided to do my chores and serve me a drink of milk if I needed my pills. We exchanged text and I was tired. He would let me dream within and he would clean up the house. My parents came to visit to see if I was compatible with David. They asked where I was. When they were told I was asleep, they were confused. I am usually full of energy. |
i had a weird and interesting dream about me in a sailor suit with the others aswell (most sailors were in deviantart too since i made a sailor scout for characters from sims 2 series, real people, animes and sega's)
all sailors seperated/splits up or were dead so i was a loner eventually, but i don't exactly know how it ended since a noice woke me up ![]() but i'm pretty sure i destroyed the monsters, saved planets and put everything right, like it never happened, i also had pink hair in my dream, like i maked myself in a sailor suit there and made myself pink, the only things that wasn't pink was my skin and eyes, i had wings in my dream too, sorta like how i made it myself in a sailor suit, i guess you could say i was sailor moon, but in a pink version and i have a bit shorter hair this is me in a sailor suit https://www.deviantart.com/sailorpl...lanet-824202298 so i had exact the same clothes, hair and everything else in my dream, even the item i had on to my hands ![]() Mmmmmm interesting dream ![]() |
I was at the supermarket (not sure which of the 3 in my area it was) and all the shelves were on the ceiling so I couldn't reach and I got mad so I got a trampolene from my pocket as you do and then climbed up a ladder and walked on a thin ledge to the milk section and the fought with the glass door because the hinge was being rude, grabbed 2 litres of milk and dropped in on someone walking by far below. Ooops
omg speaking of supermarket: i had a stupid dream about me needing to go to the market to get some stuff since i had chores, most stuff wasn't expensive, but when i buyed lemonade and payed it turned out the lemonade cost like 60 euro
and i didn't agree with it and couldn't take it so i was mad at someone who works at the supermarket and the person told me to deal with it :o thank goodness it was just a dream :o i just had that dream yesterday |
Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
Guard: For the last time, we did not order a giant trampoline! Delivery Guy: You know, pal, you could have told me that before I set it up. -incidental gag from Disney's "The Emperor's New Groove" ... speaking of David Spade... He appeared in my dream again. He started massaging that fat hump which get knotted. We were on the couch in pajamas during a rainy day and he asked "Do you always carry stress here?" I said "Yeah, it rarely gets rubbed. It's painful to go through the motions with a knot in your back." After he finished (didn't want to rub me raw and that is a rookie mistake easily made because I have delicate skin), I offered to rub his neck and shoulders (neck particularly due to an old injury from a failed standing backflip in high school that didn't heal properly.) I was gentle, so as not to exacerbate any part of his neck that still was sensitive. He wrapped a blanket around me and said, "You getting hungry, kiddo?" I nodded. He made a call in to our local pizzeria and I got myself a bottle of fruit essence water. He said "What are you drinking?" I said "Fruit essence water. There is no sugar or sweeteners in it." He and I then discussed our failed relationships. I felt like a loser. He helped me up and we hugged. He said "I'm not going out with anyone. How about I spend the year with you? I will relocate the show to NYC and I will teleconference with the writers. You can thereby see me during time off." I got to kiss him and he didn't fight. He was realizing I was just this young adult woman who needed him in her moments of coming out of her shell. I woke up this morning a little tired from such a dream of interfacing with some silly crush. You know me for usually being kind, sweet and project an otherwise innocent person. He's snarky, sarcastic and otherwise satirically incline in humor. Funny thing, I'm known to be snarky if the chance presents itself. I know it's mean to have such a biting type of wit, but sometimes people deserve to be called out for if they have been wronging someone. He happens to be close to his mother as his father left him after a certain point when it was him, his two brothers and his mom and played up the Mama's boy joke in his debut on national TV on Johnny Carson, 2 weeks before Carson retired. |
I don't remember much of It, other than that I dyed my hair purple because "Adam dyed his hair purple once so it's only fair!"
i had a (i don't know how to call that) dream, i was to my grandparents house before they died because there was chaos and crisis, my mom told me to just deal with it because i kept complaining about it
we were almost on one's lap, so many people was there :o (i had that dream yesterday) i don't exactly remember what i dreamed about last night that much but right before i woke up i had a dream about a building that was messed up, many people watched it how it all fell and then people played team rocket from pokemon because it was them that the building messed up and told them that's what we got for messing it up or something, i don't remember the rest of it though but then i woke up and i was like: what was that dream about? (with a confussed look) |
Last night, I dreamt I was part of a documentary for aliens. I was a subspecies of human who was pretty vicious when it came to collecting men for my harem. It was complete with a Sir David Attenborough-like narrator for the Rigel 4 broadcasts (Simpsons reference)
"Here we see a 32-year old beta female, living in her family home due to financial situations. She is not alone. She is part of a subspecies that collects suitable mates of any sort. This particular specimen is interested in men with high profile jobs, mainly in the STEAM careers. She is extremely vicious and has fought a number of rival women for the harem she created. Her mother, a 57-year old alpha female and her father, a 55-year old alpha male keep her in check with regular visit to doctors. The men in her harem are given annuals and regular visits." "This particular family has migrated more than a few times. For the alpha male, he's returned to town he grew up in. The living quarters he lives in with his mate and young was purchased by his father, the elder patriarch and was built for family. The beta female usually spends time with one of the 15-20 mates cuddled in a spooning position. Life in this part of Eastern Seaboard, although chaotic, is just another day to these creatures who are a staple food source for ticks and mosquitoes." |
A couple nights ago I had a dream that there was a whole family of people were going around town just killing everyone & that the police were too busy to deal with all the calls coming in. It was absolutely terrifying.
I think I dreamed something about work, and getting phone calls and texts. I can't remember exactly what it was, which is probably for the best. I hate working in my sleep...
![]() |
i had a dream i liked in my dreams but dislikes it in reality, about soccer that i wanted to watch it and join them later, but my parents disagrees with it and i got mad
AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE SOCCER AT ALL, and i never think about soccer unless it's EK or WK football (EK stands for europees kampioen (to translate it, that means europian champion in dutch) and WK stands for wereld kampioen, (and that means world champion in dutch)) i hope my translates are good since i atleast tried my best what it means in dutch since i'm dutch myself ![]() but yeah it's weird to have a dream like that in my sleep |
Quote: Originally posted by sailorplanet97
![]() I have always been curious what language do bilingual people dream in. Is it like 50/50 or one language dominates. I'm monolingual but speak English and Russian as my first and second foreign languages buty they hardly ever appear in my dreams. Everything in in Polish. Second, I have recently been fascinated about the what I call 'minidreams' which show up when you transition from wakefulness into a sleep state. I lie down and when I doze off, my thoughts start transforming into a sort-of dream and when I wake up after this 'mini-dream', half and hour usually passes. I remember the mini-dream for a couple of seconds but then it vanishes completely and I try to fall asleep again. Or lucid dreaming. I've had them on a couple of occassions. Such an extraordinary experience. |
Quote: Originally posted by Wojtek
it's 100% dutch but it's kinda simulated to english, you spell or type the same, but not all of them, i already typed what champion means in dutch and that words looks alike ![]() and i get what you mean, when i wake up i just know half of the dreams but when the minutes passed i hardly remember anything, but sometimes i get flashbacks when i see something i saw in my dreams or when i hear some words i literally saw in my dreams when it's night i always hope it all continues again but nope, i get different dreams i however did once had a dream when i was in a country where people only speak sims ![]() ![]() when i take a (power) nap, i sometimes have a mini dream but i wake up pretty fast because it faries if it takes 10 minutes till like 30 minutes i remember that one time i had a mini dream a man was going into a labor and had a baby in no time, which is super weird ![]() ![]() ![]() |
All the time. My friend has the weirdest dreams, though. He had a lucid dream he was staging an intervention for Shrek’s alcoholism.
Quote: Originally posted by ChinchillaJesus
Can't help but remember the line "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP!?" Would seem appropriate if you showed up unannounced. |
Had a weird dream at the doctor's office. David Spade was with me because I was suffering from pretty bad allergies. Jason Bateman took my vitals and he was laid back, considering my blood pressure was relatively through the roof. He left, telling me Dr. Fang would see me soon. David held my hand and gently rubbed the back of my hand, which I find oddly soothing. He said "It's going to be okay, Kymchee, Dr. Fang will figure out something."
The door knob rattled and Dr. Fang entered. What got me was Dr. Fang is the spitting image of Bruce Lee in old age. Same bowl haircut, same tightly packed muscular build, just add some greying and some wrinkles. It was as if he didn't succumb to steroids or edema. He took a look in the eyes, ears, nose, throat, checked the lymph nodes and prescribed Prednisone. It's not so much of the irony that drugs classified as steroids were what actually did Bruce Lee in, but this age progressed dead ringer prescribed a steroid I don't sit well in terms of side effects. Sure it works, but I act jerky and I am awake for a couple days straight. So we picked up some groceries and my steroids. I took my first dose at lunch and David and I just cuddled on the couch and said "It's going to be okay." I decided to teach him how to play Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. Luckily, I had two extra sets of Joy-Con, two extra Joy-Con grips and the three sets of Joy-Con were color coded with vinyl jackets. I removed the white jacketed Joy-Con from the console, took the red and blue sets and handed the blue Joy-Con and Grip to David and provided him tutorials in the training stage. I invited Bill, Neil, Michio, Adam, Jamie and Grant to play with me and David. The pollen was so bad this year, a lot of us were on Prednisone, so egos were all out in force. I played as Isabelle and somehow, won the match. I decided to make pasta for them as the hostess. I had all kinds of condiments that go on spaghetti. I had traditional marinara with ground pepper from a rainbow peppercorn medley. When I dream, I tend to have vivid details, but I cut out the details if it takes up too much space on the screen. I made a variety of gluten free, veggie and bean based pasta. I don't have the gluten allergy, but I always wanted to try such cuisine for a go. I sent the nerds on their way. David gave me a kiss and said "Want me to play your favorite CD mix?" He put my mix of the complete discography of Missing Heart in my CD player (I collect CDs of Eurodance megamixs from Japan and Missing Heart was a featured artist. The only studio album, which contains all but one song is a rarity and the starting price on the secondhand market is $150. It's a rarity to obtain. The left out song is less of a rarity. It's on a maxi single) He put the disc in the player and we slow danced in the kitchen. Sure he's the type to use smartass self deprecation, but he's actually nice when nobody else is around. He's attached to his mother just enough to treat her to time together. Did I mention David was wearing a honey gold button up shirt? It was the weirdest thing in these dreams. I woke up from a nap today and with that dream, I guess I am softening up. He is nice, but I hope he's not a complete Mama's boy around his mom. I'm not permissive of such issues. |
i had a bad dream about periods, we were walking somewhere and was close to the pool, everyone laughed at me and maked fun of me, my jeans were all under the blood
so i had to run, but then there was a teleporth, and got me somewhere but to where i was yesterday i had a nightmare about some people that were after me, and my sisters ex boyfriend was dissapointed in me and was like, it's not my problem so live with yourself i hope i won't get nightmares tonight |
In the middle of the night last night I jotted down: Long cameras, Halloween snow men, snake giraffes that are actually cheetas
I feel like I could remember more of the dream at the time and this morning but it's now 11pm and for the most part it's faded. I remember a snippet that might have been from the same dream or possibly a different one, where I was in my childhood home and Adam had put Ivy out the window (on the outside window ledge) as a joke but it was dangerous so I went to grab her but fainted and fell down some stairs, but I didn't just fall like normal, I fell in slow motion and I was like "oh so this is how you fall in a dream without waking up or hurting yourself" Then I think we were watching tv. It was a zombie apocalypse show. The point of view was of a boy with black curly hair, and he had a camera and was taking various pictures of things including these snow men with jack-o-lantern bodies (2 pumpkins stacked ontop of each other and then a snowman face ontop of that and a top hat). He was taking pictures at night and when he zoomed in his lense thing would get longer until it was like a few feet long, so someone was making run of him and telling him to get it out their face before they hurt him. Then he's some kind of scout, and I remember saying "This show is so hard to get into. When are they showing the zombies?" as he's walking through some grass. For some reason there were "cheetahs" but really they looked like weird neon yellow giraffes with black spots and long necks that were wiggly like a snake. Their faces looked like otamatones. They were walking in 3s. He was hunting them and he tried to take a photo but then he noticed his love interest (some girl. Don't remember details) was crying, and that was drawing attention to her. The cheetas started slowly walking to the girl so the boy charged at the cheetahs (which were about human height?). It made a thud sound, I don't know if anyone's ever heard giraffes fight (they swing their necks round) but it's a very distinctive noise it makes and it basically sounded like that. Then that's when we hear another noise in the distance, and like a mob of people... you can't see the people themselves but they were basically zombies with pitch forks and fire. Yeah. I don't remember the rest. |
I too have weird dreams very often. I have one today but I can't remember it properly but all I know is that it was bizarre.
Last night, I had a dream that some guy was resurrected as a robot, and the whole dream ran like some bootleg Star Trek-esque episode. I can't remember all the details, but in the beginning of the episode, the robot-dude was angry about something (a brain, I think?) and looked like a kids' cartoon version of a robot - a screen for a face, wheels for legs, etc., but the screen was showing the dude's face instead of the standard robo-smiley-face. At the end of the dream, the robot-dude was nicer, and calmer, and had human arms instead of the wiggly tube-arms. There was also a weird spa-esque place? and I was in the bathroom area that for whatever reason was also a fancy gym storage area?? IDK, the whole thing really didn't make any sense.
i had this interesting dream about my dad cheating on my mom with a different woman, and i expected an half brother
![]() i asked with a joke to my dad if he cheated on my mom and maked an another woman pregnant and expecting a half brother all he said was: i'm not gonna play football ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I was awake in my bed. I turn to the other side, expecting to see David Spade. Instead, I got something unexpected...
...it was an older Japanese businessman. He had gone grey, had a few wrinkles. I began questioning the situation and he took out a letter left behind. He reads it off in perfect English "Dear Kymchee, sorry I have to ditch you earlier than normal. My mother asked me and my brothers to help her. She broke her ankle in an accident. Please accept my accountant's company, I am paying him triple his usual fees and I know you're struggling with verbal conjugation, so don't be afraid to ask about Japanese language." He was actually handsome for his age (but many of you already have known I prefer something of a 15 years or older minimum with my men.) and he dressed in his suit out of his long sleeved pajamas. He asks me "I was wondering if you would like to come outside and go for a walk. He found the heart-shaped parasol and I got dressed. During the walk, I was kind of angry. "If I may?" He asked "Why are you so angry?" I told him "It's not fair David would up and leave in the dark of the night and drag you into his personal affairs." He said "I never see my own family. My children recently had grandchildren of their own." I said "I can only imagine being in financial situations is closer to corporate zombiehood than I thought." He said "I think I have an idea...Kiss me." I stopped "Why? You'll lose your job with David either become possessive or protective of me...may I add that, aside from being in my early 30s, my facade makes me look like some delinquent. Not to mention word travels fast." We kissed near the general store. When it was over, it was a bit intimidating to think about the idea. (To give you a better visual of the accountant, he resembles Kabu from Pokémon Sword and Shield.) We walked back home and David did a segment on his show. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I recently got wind of my 'little girlfriend' cheating on me with my accountant. I can only hope she left the affections as such!" His face was bright red. I wonder if he was going to spit at someone twice, first a warning shot and then half digested greens. I had to lead the accountant downstairs and out to his car. I said "I'm Sorry" he said "You breathed new life into this old accountant. I forgive you." I waited for David to come home. He came in and he held me. I was red from blushing. He said calmly "I'm not going to let you starve in your heart and soul like I have." He kissed me. "I'm taking the week off." |
I had a horse called Wallace. No idea what Wallace looked like but it wore a tartan scarf around one of its legs. I say it because I have no idea whether Wallace was male or female. Wallace didn't answer my question about the scarf but they did ask if I liked fishfingers. Unfortunatley I said no because I don't, and Wallace proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the dream.
i had a bad dream about me thinking my mom cheated on my dad and being so sneaky to us, phew thank goodness it wasn't in real
Quote: Originally posted by sailorplanet97
First your dad, now your mom. You should see someone about these weird dreams. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
ikr, i don't even think about cheating so that's super weird to me i have that dream but i got it worse 2 months ago so this isn't even the worse part ![]() i however also had a sweet dream about my cousin being be a dad, but that dream didn't even come true, that was 2 days ago, but being be a dad part comes true since he could be a dad any moment now, it would've been funny if it came out that day i had that dream though so it isn't just bad dreams |
Quote: Originally posted by sailorplanet97
You may be suffering from some anxiety. Most of my dreams of dating famous celebrities actually is me masking my anxiety of socializing with anyone. |
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
oh i see, i didn't know about it, i have issues trusting friends since i don't know what's real and what not, so maybe it continues in my dreams in a weird way |
Why is it so that you guys remember your dreams in detail, while I don't remember anything? Do you have a dream diary?
Quote: Originally posted by Wojtek
I don't really know. My memory is similar to eidetic, but it encompasses a number of senses and it's stinking sharp. Sometimes, I feel temperature changes in dreams. |
Quote: Originally posted by sailorplanet97
Exactly. I also suffered from trust issues with my familiars. I think the only time I was surrounded by a student body that wasn't out to get me was Grades 10-12 (essentially the bulk of highschool) and they eventually transferred me to an extremely tiny school (we barely had 10 students in the entire student body) and I couldn't trust them. If I may be some parts euphemistic and part representative... So beyond the fact these guys I like are older and I'm lugging "Daddy issues" like a duffel bag full of cash, my anxiety of "Emotional imprisonment from an overbearing mother" is like an overloaded backpack for camping but "Trust issues with peer and superiors" is that rolling suitcase with the bad wheels getting caught on whatever ends up on the floor as I leave the baggage claim to move forward in life. Don't feel like you're going through this alone. Everyone has problems with themselves and the three I admitted are just a few that people face in therapy. Currently the stigma of psychoanalysis is being lifted here in the US and in Northern Europe, Scandinavia particularly, they recently are making efforts to lower suicide numbers. I actually advocate those in such social situations to take advantage of resources pertaining to their situation in particular. Is there an equivalent in the Netherlands for social services regarding mental health, considering you brought the trust issues up a number of times? |
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
in the netherlands they are also trying to lower suicide numbers, in my country when you see someone who wants to end their live we can call 113, there's also an other number if you don't wanna mention your name there's also a chat for it to talk to people when you or someone else has suicide thoughts, i can easily hide that issue with trust issues and pretend like i can trust them but deep inside i can't, might be because i lost many friends once i was out of school in the netherlands when something is bothering you which you can't share it, you can make an appointment to the psychologist to talk about things, and yes there's also a therapy in my country ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by Wojtek
Bro that would mean being organised ![]() @sailorplanet97 If you're having problems with anxiety you really should speak to someone. Whether or not you see a psychologist(?), it's not good to let it stew in you. Anxiety holds you back from being you and living your life. Of course doing something about it is scary (and makes you anxious too), but it a necessary evil. It might take time and hurt. But in the long run you'll be alright- calmer, happier, and proud of yourself. Kind of like physiotherapy, but like for the inside. |
i never thought the dreams has anything to do with real lives, and yes i see what i can do, i had a few times i got pregnant and even sometimes thought it happened in real when it was all just in my dreams
and now back in general: i had a cool dream but the noises woke me up so i don't know how it ended, but i had missions in my dream along with my (old) friends, we teamed together, got in a sort telephort where we could be somewhere in no time, we battled together to destroy the monster that are dangerous in the world, but that's the part where i don't know where it ended because a noise woke me up :/ i wish it continues in my dreams again because that was a pretty cool dream, and i had a dream about that (sort of) before, might have to do with the fantasy since i found the Sailor Senshi Maker awhile back, i make up my fantasy's from anime, manga,sega, OC's and real people characters, in a sailor form ![]() damn sometimes i wish some dreams continues, just so you found out how it ended |
Weird one.
It was early morning, the sky was lighting up as the sun rose, although my room doesn't face the sun. I was asleep in a room twice the size of my actual room, it was painted in feminine colors like pink, white and lavender, there were tons of stuffed animals on two walls with dressers in between, one wall on one side of my bed was lined with bookcases, filled with books, game cartridges, cases for small cartridges, and binders loaded with music CDs from Europe and Japan, DVDs from all 6 regions and Blu-Rays from all 3 zones. There were videogame discs in color coded binders: Red for Nintendo, Blue for Sony and Green for Microsoft. Even all 3 Sims games released on disc were put in a dedicated binder. My work was backed up on Blu-Ray and put in fancy blue leather binders. My computers and TV was in front of my bed. My bed was a huge King size and it was put in a four post bedframe with a gossamer curtain canopy. I stirred and woke up. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen. I put on my glasses...and my harem of 13 men was seated. (My question is where did they get multiples of the chairs we have now? More importantly, how did they stretch the table into the dining room? Speaking of which, the dining room table is gone!) They served me 13 fruit pieces, each a different fruit. It was weird, but taking my meds didn't make them go away. Turned out my parents went to Miami to get one last look before it falls into the ocean like Atlantis. They decided to shell out the money for the guys to keep up with me while visiting a future lost city. My parents evidently won a jackpot with a grand total of $1 billion after taxes. So you can guess they went a little nuts. Not to mention, we lived on the largest artificial island in the world off the coast of the Jersey shore and we usually imported and translates anime in an uncut, true to the original script manner that America butchers to fit the standards set for "kiddie stuff". Our island thrived on tourism. My grandfather and Grandma Barb were Emperor and Empress Consort, my father and mother were King and Queen, their siblings Dukes and Duchesses, I was the Crown Princess and my cousins were Marquises and Marchionesses, as they were children of Dukes and Duchesses. My family were not only for show, but we were involved in political discourse on how the island was run. We leaned to liberal but inclusive (During winter, either we celebrate all the holidays or no one gets to celebrate!) But such as my family's ability to assume responsibility, I didn't know they sent letters of introduction. My father took interest in my life for so long, he hired the 13 guys for their trip. I eventually retired to my bed for a nap after I gave a guided tour of the island. I exchanged kisses with the guys before laying down and sleeping. The last one was David Spade. He was a bit bristly, (he's been seen with a scraggly thin mustache and a goatee) but it was enough for me to hug back and he drawn the covers over me. The guys retired to the male guest suite. I saw them talking about something. (Is it me, or did the house turn into a castle as this dream progressed?) Eventually, David Spade woke me up with a kiss (I know very well that it's wrong, but trust is part of an equation that is like the extra IKEA screw.) and sat down on the edge of the bed and asked me why I picked him. I told him he's able to wield comedy as a weapon. I told him about how I heard his life sucked before he became famous for snarky self deprecation. I even told him how I saw the video clip of him on Johnny Carson doing a set of his observation of Los Angeles and his little "Mama's boy" jokes. I told him, "You have a better relationship with your mom than I do with my mom. Then again, I take after my father and we have a few instabilities. Most of the weird shit we say comes from comedy, cartoons or twisted humor that struck a nerve with us." Then, he asked "In terms of royalty, where are you in terms of the British throne?" I said "Way back of the line. The King of Norway is 73rd in line to inherit." I actually woke up after getting a good night's rest feeling better. |
i had a pretty cool dream yesterday,
i don't know how it happend but i was swimming to the sea, i don't know what the sea did to me but i ended up in turkey, and that's weird because we have the big ocean (idk how it's called in english but in dutch you say it as *Grote Oceaan*) and in turkey you only have the atlantic ocean, along with a couple of countries so i don't even know how i ended up there ![]() ![]() it was a funny one for sure, and after that, we could draw the dress and we could choose which colour the braid could have, so i picked the pink dress so we could colouring the dress i would guess the owner from the shop could make those dress with pink in it but i don't know if the 2 couples were married, but that dream was pretty cool, i wonder what that means :P |
Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
not the first time i have these dream like that about teleporting to other places in no time, last month i had this dream about people following me and was on my period, i was going to the toilet, there was a secret door i guess and that secret door teleported me to somewhere else
![]() and in the past when i was in puberty i had often of that dream, i wonder what it means when you can teleport yourself or GET teleported in no time, but it seems pretty cool to me ![]() |
So this dream... I wasn't in it, it was kinda like tv. There was a group of kids (I feel like it was the kids from Stranger Things but I'm not sure) but it was from the point of view of one of the kids. There were these alien seeds that had been found, I think they had fallen off the back of some kind of lorry into a Forrest and the kids found them. The FBI appeared and asked them about it and they all have them whatever alien seeds they have apart from one kid (the one whose POV it was) - he hid some in his pockets.
He got home and his Dad (who was for some reason Bob from that 70s show) was making dinner but it was like... lunch meat with a mint leaf on. The FBI showed up and he quickly put the alien eggs in a celebrations tub in a cupboard. I'm not sure if I just don't remember the rest or if it flashes forward. But for some reason the boy is in my current house and the FBI turned up again. This time there was an alien baby who kinda looked like the seahorses baby in Bojack Horseman but like... green gummy? And it was me holding it and suddenly I had to find somewhere to hide it, so I ran upstairs (and felt really regretful because where do I go upstairs?!) And ran into Ivy's room, where a mob of people all wanting to protect the alien had climbed onto each others shoulders to reach Ivy's bedroom window, so I opened the window and gave them the baby. Then I woke up. |
Those stock dreams of family life with Grant Imahara.
I'm very much aware I have no clue why I am with a guy I have little to no chance unless my grandfather had decided as a final request to bring me and Grant together. I don't know why this series of dreams exist. Anyway: It was March in Japan, the cherry, plum and peach blossoms are starting to bud and I'm busy making bento lunches with vegan ingredients for my triskadectuplets. Each bento had their animal kanji and the name in English letters. At this point in time, the children are 7 and heading off to first grade. I pinned a trilingual name tag to each of their shirts (kanji, kana and English) (why 13 all at once is probably my anxiety not to go back to the hospital to give birth but want a large family and fertility was common on both sides...except I suffer from PCOS, a hormonal condition that can affect fertility negatively. The only anomaly in our family are my younger twin cousins (boy and girl) through one of my father's younger sisters, the one born a year before the first Earth Day. She's a nurse and once cared for an old dog we deemed "a digestive daredevil".) I made Grant a special lunch, because he works constantly at a robotics factory. I gave him a 900ml capacity bento and I had an 850ml. I worked in a soda company that exclusively uses metal containers for their products in response to Coca-Cola's refusal to change packaging. I also worked on mixing syrups for stevia sweetened sodas and premade kiddie cocktail syrups and concentrate like Shirley Temples, Roy Rogers and Arnold Palmers. Working in quality control, I was the authority on taste and smell. Because I had a flexible schedule, I would leave around the time the school let out. Our kids went to the same elementary school as Prince Hisahito of the Imperial Family. I think the only reason they got in was due to the fact we got them started early and by age 5 they could speak English, Japanese and a 3rd language. We eventually got home and I served them a slice of cheesecake, each a flavor they enjoyed. I bought from the train station cake shop. I had to put my children to bed early tonight, because they have cafeteria duty tomorrow morning. When Grant came in, we cuddled and he said, "thanks for the lunch" softly. |
i had a scary dream ever, i remember awhile ago my aunt told me how my cousin (her daughter) pass out when she drink alcohol just that 1 time (alright it means she can't stand that when she already pass out when she just drink it 1 time)
and well i guess my brain didn't forgot about that part since my cousin also passed out in my dream once her alcohol is in ![]() i drinked alcohol in my dreams too, i didn't felt well, i nearly threw up in my dreams, my parents asked if i was doing alright and my awareness was very low (not fully unconsciouss though) it reminded me from last year in real life when the dentist pulled all my wisdom-teeths since my awareness was also low back then, i guess it all happened in my dream expect it didn't had to do with the teeths but with alcohol, i was so relieved it was all just a dream but i had a horrible nightmare about alcohol and both me and my cousin either were unconciouss or having a low awareness, i better have a better dream tonight i never had a dream about alcohol so i wonder what it means |
Quote: Originally posted by sailorplanet97
You know, I can't tell. I was a smoker of prop cigarettes (no additives, no nicotine, no tobacco, used in TV, Film and Stage) and only smoked 3 of the cigarettes before deciding to switch over to other vices. Burning from the inside was not worth the money. Lifetime total of cigarettes smoked was 3 for me. I kept the ash tray for when my aunt Fran and uncle Joe come to visit. For those wondering, my aunt Fran is a nurse at one of the state Supermax prisons and she has yet to retire. Uncle Joe (not actually my uncle, I call him that out of seniority) is the senior delivery driver at Herr's, a regional snack company. He's been there the longest. I had dreams of smoking, but not drinking. |
ah i see, i guess we have something in common when continues in a dream, i have 2 dreams now to share and it was weird haha
yesterday i had a dream about getting a bike (i had a new bike last year so i guess it was always on my mind, it was right before april) and well i maked sure the gifts and everything went to the right address, and usually the city's and somewhere rarely people lives are far away but in my dreams it was all in one and everything was very close (like The Netherlands and China for examble, it was very close in my dream) at that same time i had a dream about sims 2 serie which the person either deleted it or put it in private called i Call it Karma, the main characters grew up and even their kids grew up and turned into a teen, and today i had a dream about Desperation (sims 2 serie) i met the main characters and a few other people aswell (that was a cool dream) but i had a dream i was in a maze and wasn't able to get out of it my sister called me to tell me i need to eat, there were rich people but also people i know and i was forced to eat a boiled eggs, of course i didn't liked it, my sister got mad at me it's funny i tells people i only likes baked eggs all the times when they ask for this and now it continues in my dream haha ![]() |
I think I had a dream I was in hell.
It was underground and terrible, but there was no fire just horrible things happening. I tried to escape and was running along a tunnel. Tunnel had a fork in it; the left fork was dark and went down, the right fork had daylight. I ran a long time down the right fork, but it got so narrow I got stuck and had to dig my way to the surface. The dirt was hardpan and hurt my fingers. I woke up and never made it out.
![]() |
Lately, it was low-key.
I was at a cafe having a Sakura Frappé and it was spring in NYC. The coronavirus had been eliminated the week before after quarantine orders were enforced. I was waiting for Bill Nye. I heard a crash outside. Turned out he got into a fight against Alton Brown, who always hated being compared to Bill. He crashed his bike into a conglomerate trash can. (conglomerate is a type of stone arrangements I have seen on urban elements) I dusted him off, got his bike's frame out from around his neck, use my first aid kit to clean the wounds, put my grandfather's biological skin graft bandage on the bleeding spots and helped him in. He asked me how I was, I told him, "I had sedation dentistry and it left me with a voice for a woman on a 1-900 line who smokes constantly in the off hours after the intubation tube was removed four days afterwards." He said "You seem better...Did you lose a bit of weight?" I said "Perhaps, I'm seeing an endocrinologist because I have struggled for years after working for that hack Dr. Online. Stress eating after watching people pay for his brand of assisted suicide didn't help. I'm also seeing a therapist for STPD, PTSD and various other imbalances abbreviated." Bill asked "Why is that pink?" I said "Japanese Cherry Blossom Frappé." He said "You seem to be mad at me now." I said "My life is being ruined by CGI. I have to revive hand drawn." He's like "You're mad at John Lasseter?" I said "I don't do touchy feely..." And I whip out brass knuckles with claws "I do scratchy bleedy..." It was a weird dream. Don't tell Hiroki, I said to myself (Hiroki is an AI I am working on.) |
In my dream my mum and I had gone to one of my favourite shops that has most day to day things in it to buy towels and bedsheets. The first suspicious thing was that it was in the specific store near me that hasn't been open in over a year, but we also were pushing a red shopping cart (a thing that this store doesn't actually have). All is well going around the aisles, where I pick up some pens before making mum and I make our way towards the stuff we really came for. What was hella suspicious was that mum didn't care what colour the towels were. My internal alarms were totes going off because no way would my let me buy a bright yellow towel, or one that was black and white stripes with pink polka dots, and definitely not one that was white with flame patterns on it. I was like "uh mum, you sure you want those?" and the only response I'd get is shhhuuushh! Things got weirder: We kept piling the stuff up so that it almost reached the ceiling and when I pushed the cart the pile was like wooooo wobble time and I was like oh shit that's not good. The never ending pile later included bed sheets, which at first were totally reasonable ones and then mum insisted that a velevet duvet set was a necessity???? Apparently the only acceptable one was hot pink, which I pointed out really clashed with my bed frame cos thats grey with coral(?) legs.
I think I just really want new bed sheets cos the ones we actually have are very boring. |
Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
Have you considered making a change to life without hesitation? |
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Uh, what kind of change are we talking about here? Like I'll be living in a different country for my masters kind of change, or I picked the healthy non cheesey option for lunch today change? |
Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
Anything that you feel is stagnant type of change. Your dreams seemed to point to a sign saying "Time for a shake up. Size requirements don't matter." I'm currently going to the salon today to turn my hay and straw like-mop of hair into some beautiful. It's also been a while. I was at the salon in September last year (2019). |
Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
I used to be like that. I would go to and get my hair cut once a year, now I go every 2 weeks and every 3 months for a perm The most recent dream that I can still remember was that one of my cats turned into a demon cat and was trying to scratch everything and everyone, then I locked him outside and then my alarm went off |
i don't remember most of my dreams i've been having but i do remember one dream from like last week,
i was somewhere at the mall, i searched for something, a woman helped me find something (can't remember what i was looking for) and out of nowhere i bumped into my cousin, his wife and daughter, in my dreams she turned like 5? and just wanted to play with me, i hold her hand, spended time with her, but i got caught from someone which wasn't my cousin or anyone but someone i don't know, and i think one of the My Life (sims 2 series) characters came to rescue me, Drake or Ryan or both of them, and thanked one of them (or both of them) from saving My Life while my mom talked with my cousin how his life was or something,, and something was broken in my dreams, eh interesting dream ![]() my youngest little niece is just 1 and a half month old, she was having curly hair, just like her mom, i wonder if that hair type will come true ![]() |
Something about snake taming (I think? There were animals involved) and dancing (probably combined, I almost got hit by a foot in the face), the ongoing Covid crisis, and explaining hand-washing to someone. I think I had one of my dream compilations again, where I remember snippets from several dreams. They're always weird and confusing, but for some reason I tend to remember them. I think it may be because I wake up or almost wake up between the dreams without realizing it, so the memory of the dreams kind of stick around longer. Usually leaves me more tired.
Playing baseball with movie monsters (I had the modern type like Jason Voorhees, the demonic doll Chuckie and Hell Priest AKA Pinhead, my rivals had the early Universal Studios ones known from books and legends.)
It got crazy when I knock the umpire's head (Headless Horseman) off with a foul ball in his face and we had to quickly carve a new head and stick it back on. |
Had another Star Trek-esque dream last night, except this time I was on the bridge on an Enterprise-looking spaceship that was for some reason docked and abandoned in what looked like an airport on Earth and had vines and moss and other foliage covering it and was entirely brown, and for some reason, Captain Picard was there with me?? And also the entire crew except me and Picard was a hologram, except you could TELL that the crew were holograms because they looked like the holograms from Mass Effect. Also, Old!Spock was there too, except he only existed on a screen.
Didn't realize my subconscious was into mashing Star Trek with elements of current everyday life... Edit: One of the holographic crew mentioned that they "were the last" but that's all the dialogue I can remember/make out. |
i had a horrible nightmare, in my dream i was crying (actually just like last night expect in real i wasn't nauseous, fever or having the flu) and i made an excuse in my dream about not doing anything or something,
(okay ehmmm it isn't an excuse when you're really sick to NOT doing anything but you have crazier dream i guess LMFAO) i was angry about something, i don't remember what happend next because i woke up tired i knew like right away it was just a dream but it wasn't a good one, luckily me the sickness didn't came out to reality so that's good lol i'm just tired and not in the mood to do anything but that's it |
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