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Fifi1992 5th Apr 2007 10:56 PM

Can I have the Polish version please??

HystericalParoxysm 5th Apr 2007 11:03 PM

This is an English site. We don't generally provide alternate-language translations for our tutorials.

Fifi1992 5th Apr 2007 11:30 PM

But maby someone can translate this, beacuse I don't understand, I understand tutoraial about clothes meshes and I can do it, but this not.

HystericalParoxysm 6th Apr 2007 12:00 AM

If someone wants to translate it, that's fine, but I wouldn't hold your breath on that - there are not a lot of hair meshers because hair meshing is VERY very hard.

Fifi1992 6th Apr 2007 12:09 AM

In MilkShape I can do hair mesh but in SimPE I don't understand what I must do.

$RaMRoM$ 23rd Apr 2007 6:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Fifi1992
In MilkShape I can do hair mesh but in SimPE I don't understand what I must do.

fifi, in simPE we get the 3D hair and we link it 2 bodyshop, it wasnt mentioned in this tutorial that "How" to link the cres and shpe he just explained the instance numbers but pls start with body tutorials, they r really much easier. You can find the most simple body meshing tut using unimesh/milkshape here:D

Purple Sheera 13th May 2007 4:20 AM

Thank you so much for the amazing tutorial. But i have a question here.

Can someone please explain to me "the bone assignment" thing , it's kind of confusing me, because i'm using Milkshape 3D v 1.7.10 and after importing the GMDC file to edit it, Milkshape 3D says : Some skin weights do not total 100%, do u want these corrected ? and 2 options found there: yes or no and i click on yes! Is this related to TS2 bone and skin editor option after clicking on vertx -> sims2 unimesh bone tool v4.07, or doing what Dr. Pixel shows in the tutorial "as for bone assinging" is something else at all? What i'm trying to say that is it OK to click on YES after Milkshape 3D says : Some skin weights do not total 100%, do u want these corrected, instead of doing the whole bone assignment as Dr. Pixel said in the tutorial.

Thank you so much for the tutorial and your help!
God Bless you Dr.Pixel,Tig & HP.

HystericalParoxysm 13th May 2007 12:33 PM

Purple Sheera - Yes, you do want to click on "Yes" when it says "Some skin weights do not total 100% - do you want these corrected?" Unimesh has a little quirk that rounds some bone assignments from the original assignments, so it may give you assignments a little less than 100% in certain areas. It's asking if you want to correct that, and the answer should always be yes. That -does- relate to bone assignments (bone assignments = skin weights) but it does not -replace- what Dr Pixel advises about the bone assignments.

There have been some changes since this tutorial was made, most importantly to Unimesh. Wes has updated Unimesh so that it can now output GMDCs with sway-in-the-breeze hair animation, as Maxis meshes do.

This means that you can retain the original assignments from a Maxis mesh (basically skipping the part of the tutorial about bone assignments) and end up with a perfectly workable mesh - and it will have sway-in-the-breeze animations if you skip that part. Before, you would have had to remove all special assignments (that 100% head assignment), then put back basic assignments (50% neck/50% head at the neck gap) to get a workable mesh out of this.

However, I would still recommend -doing- that part of the tutorial (the whole MilkShape UniMesh Vertex Assignments part) as the tutorial describes, just so you're used to that part. I believe you should already have some knowledge of bone assignments from the previous Unimesh body tutorials, but knowing that part is good, because more than likely, you're not going to be doing Maxis edits for every hair you make in future - most creators do a couple basic Maxis edits for their own use to get the hang of things, then start making original hair parts and textures - knowing what proper assignments for a non-animated hair look like and how to set those up is crucial once you get to that point.

Then, once you're comfortable making non-animated hair (when I say non-animated here I mean doesn't sway in the breeze, btw - any hair has SOME different assignments to animation bones to fix the neck gap and if it's long, to make it lay right on the shoulders/back), you can start taking a look at some different Maxis hairs, examining the way the hair animation assignments are laid out, and what the result is in the game for those parts. That way, you can educate yourself about what good animation assignments look like and then start experimenting with your own original meshes once you get to that point.

Woo, I ramble too much before I've had my coffee. Anyway, I hope that made sense - I'm sure I have a lot of run-on sentences in there. Good luck!

Purple Sheera 13th May 2007 11:11 PM

Thank you so much HP for your amazing reply , that helped alot, and after u answered me about the yes part , i wanted to ask u about how i'll know about other hair bone assignments (which u already replied in your post ), thank you so much again. But you said "There have been some changes since this tutorial was made, most importantly to Unimesh. Wes has updated Unimesh so that it can now output GMDCs with sway-in-the-breeze hair animation, as Maxis meshes do." , so where can i find the changes of this amazing tutorial and from where i can bring Wes_h updates for unimesh.. And by the way , you didn't ramble at all , all u did is helped a poor little person (who's facing so many difficulties in meshing things ) like me lol.

Thank you again for your help HP, that was so helpful.

HystericalParoxysm 13th May 2007 11:42 PM

Well, the main change you're going to run into is that Unimesh change, and if you've downloaded Unimesh recently, you already have the new version. Either way it's stickied at the top of the main Body Shop Meshing forum (i.e. here in this very forum). That question about the skin weights is one of the other major changes that Unimesh had to it - the other one changed at about the same time is automatically enabling meshes for bump mapping (yay!). Oh, that, and if you import a second mesh on top of a boned mesh it'll ask about including additional bone assignments - you want it to NOT include those, but that you shouldn't run into with this tutorial since you only have the one mesh.

Definitely the best way to learn is to stare at Maxis meshes till your eyes fall out and try to figure out how they did what they did. The way they've layered, the way they've assigned, etc., can all be very helpful - while bearing in mind that if I had a dollar for every time Maxis stuff was messed up I'd be a rich girl.

I'm glad I gave you a push in the right direction. If you have any more questions you know where to ask.

WesHowe 13th May 2007 11:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
Oh, that, and if you import a second mesh on top of a boned mesh it'll ask about including additional bone assignments - you want it to NOT include those, but that you shouldn't run into with this tutorial since you only have the one mesh.

I uploaded V4.09 of UniMesh yesterday. Besides including the new "Frankensteining" tools in the package, I changed the importer so that if it is a BODY MESH, the importer never even asks, just automatically skips the import of the second set of bones.

While overlaying joints might be useful for object meshing, it is absolutely useless for body meshing, and a source of pain and frustration for lots of users.

<* Wes *>

Purple Sheera 14th May 2007 12:06 AM

But sorry Wes_h and HP, i'm so confused but i read your post twice and still couldn't get it. Where can i get the new v4.09 of unimesh ? the last one i have is v4.07, so i don't have the new one , and ofcourse there'll be info coming with the update showing what's new, and showing the instructions for using it. And again please tell me where can i download the new update v4.09 of Unimesh ?

Thank you again HP and Wes_H

WesHowe 14th May 2007 12:54 AM

The latest version is always posted in message #1 in this thread:

I maintain the rest of the thread for questions and issues with UniMesh. When you go to the BodyShop Meshing forum, it is one of the 'sticky' threads at the top of the page.

<* Wes *>

Deadbeat 007 14th May 2007 4:14 AM

I've looked through the thread, but I haven't found an answer to this particular question.

I understand that the four mesh files (GMDC, GMND, CRES, and SHPE) aren't in the file I copied to my project folder in the first step of the tutorial. Where can I find them? I've done all the other body meshing tutorials that have been stickied, so I'm pretty confident about taking it from there. Thanks.

HystericalParoxysm 14th May 2007 12:53 PM

Deadbeat, that's something covered in the body tutorials - not explained here as it's done the same as those tutorials in terms of looking in the property set, getting the mesh name, searching for it, getting those four resources, putting them in a new file, Fix Integrity, etc., and those tutorials are a prerequisite for this one. You say you've done them, so it should be familiar to you.

Purple Sheera 14th May 2007 1:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by wes_h
The latest version is always posted in message #1 in this thread:

I maintain the rest of the thread for questions and issues with UniMesh. When you go to the BodyShop Meshing forum, it is one of the 'sticky' threads at the top of the page.

<* Wes *>

Thank you so much Wes_H

Deadbeat 007 14th May 2007 9:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
Deadbeat, that's something covered in the body tutorials - not explained here as it's done the same as those tutorials in terms of looking in the property set, getting the mesh name, searching for it, getting those four resources, putting them in a new file, Fix Integrity, etc., and those tutorials are a prerequisite for this one. You say you've done them, so it should be familiar to you.

Oh my, I was searching for the wrong filename. No wonder. Thanks for the reply.

Purple Sheera 15th May 2007 3:12 AM

Ok , i followed the steps of this amazing tutorial , and i've done the bone assignment as well , but when i returned to my Bodyshop to see what's are the changes, and there's nothing has been changed! i even copy paste the new file name like i did in fix integrity step. ! So any help please ?

$RaMRoM$ 15th May 2007 10:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Purple Sheera
Ok , i followed the steps of this amazing tutorial , and i've done the bone assignment as well , but when i returned to my Bodyshop to see what's are the changes, and there's nothing has been changed! i even copy paste the new file name like i did in fix integrity step. ! So any help please ?

try doing the tutorial again with every single step, i did it three times so it worked, did u move the mesh to the downloads folder?

Purple Sheera 16th May 2007 1:51 AM

of course i moved the mesh to the download folder , and again nothing happened , this tutorial is cool , but i just can't understand why my mesh can't appear in bodyshop. which makes me frustrated!

Dr Pixel 16th May 2007 3:08 AM

When you go back to look in BodyShop, the thumbnail of your original project will still look the same.

Go to the Create A Sim section instead, and try putting it onto a Sim to look at the changes.

Nyami 21st Jun 2007 2:07 AM

Hey, this is a great tutorial!
However, I'm having trouble understanding this bit.

Next, create a new mesh .package for the adult version of the mesh, and link it up to the BodyShop .package

How do you do this?

HystericalParoxysm 21st Jun 2007 7:27 AM

This tutorial assumes you've done body/clothing meshes before. It's telling you to make a new mesh package and link it to your recolour the same way you would for a body/clothing mesh. Since this is not a beginner tutorial, it doesn't explain that part in detail.

Nyami 21st Jun 2007 9:46 PM

I see, I read the tutorials and know how to do it now Thanks!

Dr Pixel 29th Jun 2007 12:58 AM

For those who may have wondered...

When I made the tutorial I debated whether or not to make it "complete" with all the linking, making the new .package file, and so on.

The thing is, hair is more compliacted than doing a standard body mesh, because of the multiple layers involved, and the fact that all ages are included in one re-color file. This means that there are more chances for something to go wrong, especially on your first try. Speaking from experience, it is very frustrating to struggle through your first mesh edit, only to have it blow up on you.

I talked it over with TiggeryPum and decided that this part should be left out, so people would be more inclined to start with a simpler body mesh edit first.

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