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siesieim1 20th Aug 2009 8:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by stygia2002
Okay this is my mug...I'm pretty old compared to the rest of you kids...and this is my Miss Kitty. She's no longer with us, but I still love her and like to show how beautiful she was.

You know how you said you're older than us kids??? You look like someone...Famous...Hmmm... *Must remember sooner or later*

siesieim1 20th Aug 2009 8:20 AM

Wow Rabid,you look different than I imagined :D

Rabid 20th Aug 2009 3:07 PM

What did you imagine :P?

stygia2002 20th Aug 2009 4:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by siesieim1
You know how you said you're older than us kids??? You look like someone...Famous...Hmmm... *Must remember sooner or later*

I can't imagine anyone famous I might look you've got me wondering.

siesieim1 20th Aug 2009 4:28 PM

Maybe it's someone I know...Do you have any friends named..... Julie or... Rick?

siesieim1 20th Aug 2009 4:29 PM

I thought you'd have brown much-longer hair. I picture everyone differently though

stygia2002 20th Aug 2009 4:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by siesieim1
Maybe it's someone I know...Do you have any friends named..... Julie or... Rick?

No...but maybe I have one of those generic faces. When I was in my 20s and 30s alot of people told me I looked like Victoria Principal (I was dubious about that because I didn't see any resemblence), but that was waaay before your time and I've changed alot since I've gotten older.

Zinthos 20th Aug 2009 11:30 PM

I decided to not bother, and make my bananaphone picture myself. xD

Dreamydre 22nd Aug 2009 3:49 AM

KeiraLou 22nd Aug 2009 3:52 AM

lethifold 23rd Aug 2009 2:59 AM

This was taken two days ago at the school's athletics carnival, which is why I'm all decked out with the red lipstick and red drawing on my face. The other girly is my very, very good friend.

shyrai234 23rd Aug 2009 6:16 AM

Wow Sophie... I'm sorry but your friend looks like someone I know who had painted her hair the same color blue....

UGH!! I wish I could find my camera, I just got a hair cut today... Eventually I will find it, (and then throw it across the room and fuss at it like it can talk....)

lethifold 23rd Aug 2009 6:19 AM

Haha, she just used some glitter blue hair spray, because her house is blue. I had red hairspray by the end of the day...then it got washed out in the downpour of rain that interrupted the carnival half way through -.-'

meggie272 23rd Aug 2009 6:28 AM

WOW loubarrat - your eyes are gorgeous!

shyrai234 23rd Aug 2009 7:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
Haha, she just used some glitter blue hair spray, because her house is blue. I had red hairspray by the end of the day...then it got washed out in the downpour of rain that interrupted the carnival half way through -.-'

Funny... does your school have the "no wierdly colored hairstyles"?

kustirider2 23rd Aug 2009 7:17 PM

Me messing around in the local library

I had a fun time

Dreamy - Where'd you go on holiday?

KeiraLou 23rd Aug 2009 8:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by meggie272
WOW loubarrat - your eyes are gorgeous!

Aww thank you Meggie .

lethifold 23rd Aug 2009 11:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by shyrai234
Funny... does your school have the "no wierdly colored hairstyles"?

Aha, nooooo way. My school is so slack in that regard. You can do anything, and I mean anything with your hair at my school, including using hairspray to make it stand up like a flame with half of your hair blood red, and the other half black.

Dreamydre 24th Aug 2009 1:28 AM

Lou, you're hella sexual gurrl <33 Lovin the pierce wish my dad would let me get one!

shyrai234 24th Aug 2009 4:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
Aha, nooooo way. My school is so slack in that regard. You can do anything, and I mean anything with your hair at my school, including using hairspray to make it stand up like a flame with half of your hair blood red, and the other half black.

Oh my gosh! You are so lucky!

NightmareCandle 24th Aug 2009 4:35 AM


Lou, you are GORGEOUS!!

shyrai234 24th Aug 2009 1:25 PM

Hi Cass!!*virtual hug*

*gulp* it is my first day of high school...Wish me luck!(please...I need it!)

KeiraLou 24th Aug 2009 6:28 PM

Aw thank you guys, means a lot . I think I had the piercing done when I was about 17, its been in and out of my lip loads over the last four years lol I can never make my mind up!

Dreamydre 28th Aug 2009 5:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by shyrai234
All of yall are really pretty... and lucky, I cant seem to find my camera, and the only pictures I have are really bad. Alot of yall look different than I thought.

Dreamy- I thought that you would be a blonde... and you dont look like a b***h

Lol a blonde...what made ya think that? :p

shyrai234 29th Aug 2009 12:32 AM

I dont know! Because I have one or two blonde friends that aren't "BLONDE" and they give the best advice or have awesome leadership skills... I don't know!

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