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I may have said it before, Dreamy, but life's a beach. It has wonderful vistas, but you can drown in the sea or the sun can burn your skin. Oh, that's terrible... Anyways, best wishes to you and to your boyfriend.
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Forgot to add this last time;
Dreamy, I'm so sorry for you & your boyfriend & his family. Hopefully together, you can stay strong and work through the tough times. That's what love's about. My vent; Don't tell me to "move on." I know I should. Don't tell me to "just get over him." I wish I could. Don't tell me that; "he's just using you." I know he is. But you know what? He means the absolute world to me... I couldn't give him up no matter what... no matter how much I'm getting hurt.. I just can't let go. Especially now. |
I was checking Facebook and clicked on something involving the 3DS to see the comments (stupid me), and what I see is someone saying, in general, "Japan is in the middle of a crisis and asking for help from all around the world, so it's wrong that they sold so many. I'm not helping them because of this."
Um... so they don't deserve help because they produced a revolutionary piece of technology that released TWO WEEKS before the quake, and it sold well? That doesn't even make SENSE. |
NCIS: LA didn't record last night. Blah. Now I have to wait until Thursday via repeat.
Two vents:
1. I have the worst headache. Not even Ibuprofen, sinus pills, or Coke could alleviate it (all common cures, for me). Bleh. 2. I got my cap and gown for graduation and the gown looks ridiculous. I know that they're supposed to be flowing, but I'm essentially swimming in it; the sleeves extend past the tips of my fingers and the bottom of the arm holes hits at the middle of my ribcage. Ugh, why do the manufacturers take only height and not weight into account? Yes, the gown is made for someone who's 5'9, but also for someone who's at least forty to fifty pounds heavier than me. |
My dad has severe sleeping problems - he often doesn't sleep at night and takes whatever sleep he can get, even if it's during the day. My mom, on the other hand, doesn't seem to get this. Every day she makes me wake him up because, "If he sleeps all day, he'll be awake all night." Well news flash mom, he's awake all night anyways! Oi. I think next time she tells me to do this, I'm just not going to. I'm awake at night a lot, so I go downstairs every hour or so during that time, and he's awake at least half the time.
On another topic, I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow that I REALLY DO NOT WANT TO GO TO. I don't just mean don't want, either. Every time someone brings it up, I start to panic. I'm afraid that if we cancel it, they won't let us come back. But this is the appointment that can get me on the road to fixing my mental issues. Goddamnit. Now I'm freaking out again. And another topic I just thought of. AT&T is supposedly putting a bandwidth cap on its customers in May. Wtf? It shouldn't be legal to limit someone's internet usages.. I know other countries have it, and don't know how you've lived with it. I pray my parents can switch to something else. Soon. |
^ If they cap me, I'm switching networks. I'm pretty sure they won't, though. Most first world countries are voting against capping . . .
Vent: WHY CAN I NOT FIND THAT ONE FULL BAND COVER OF NUMB? I just need it for one stupid video! |
^^Just their way to charge you more if you want to get back to un-capped. Here, for the average family, there is no such thing as unlimited internet. We get 10gig a month and that costs us $40. You want a whopping 40Gig? go pay $115 a month. It's stupid.
We get 31gig per month for $40, which is pretty good, yet we always manage to go over it. However, we're thinking of switching to a deal that'll get us 50gig a month for $70.
My vent: I'm sick, again. But this time I'm refusing to go to school. I need a day of R&R! |
^ That sounds really good to me!
I'm still not eating anything bar some soup and jelly, my appetite is still non-existant and I'm into my tenth day now. My step-dad says if I don't hear anything about the blood test results by the end of today that he's taking me to another doctor to try and figure out what the heck is wrong with me. |
10? Geeez. The limit they'll be imposing is 150GB, but I'm pretty damn sure we go over that already. How the hell do you guys live with it? 0_o
150?! Wow!
We try not to go on Youtube too much, and keep our daily usage down to a few hundred MB's. We only occasionally go over the limit, lol. I suppose if you've always had a limit imposed on you, then you find it easier to stay within said limit. If we got 150Gig though.. yikes my computer would reeeeally hate me then! |
Quote: Originally posted by Geah
We have really great service for TV, internet and phones/cell phones. Unlimited everything, actually. If they tried to cap me I'd go over the 40 gig mark in about 2 hours the way I do things. ![]() My vent is that my games, all three of them, keep on crashing with the sound looping for the past while and IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE. This never happened before, ever T_T |
And that is why i have unlimited
![]() not sure of the price, its combined with out phone bill, but its not very much. My vent; my two best friends are doing drugs. :/ |
My name means bitter.
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Mine means "dark battle" and my American name means "Messenger of God".
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
I only get 2 gigs a month ![]() Dreamy; I'm so sorry for his and your loss. *hug* I'm glad to say I actually don't have anything to vent at the moment! |
I'm so very sorry, Dreamy. Sending lots of hugs your way.
Minor vent: I've got the pimple from hell. It's huge, red, insanely painful, and it's been on my face for, like, a week. Even though I've been applying acne cream diligently, it's still here! D: I guess the only good thing is that it's on my temple, rather than the middle of my forehead or my nose. |
Someone on another forum is bored with a certain game, so he asked for other members to suggest things for him to do. They suggested everything the game has to offer, and every time the guy told them a reason he couldn't do that, ranging from being unable to afford it to just not wanting to do it. Then kept asking for more suggestions.
THEN, he said something along the lines of, "I don't want to read more repeated solutions!" Well pardon them for trying to HELP YOU. You're the one who kept refusing their suggestions, when that's ALL THERE IS TO DO IN THE DAMN GAME. Don't get me wrong, the game has craploads of things to do, he just kept saying no to them all. |
I will actually kick the next person who makes a joke about weed/pot/other drugs
When you've seen the most important person in your life, vomitting after being pressured in to drugs, then having unprotected sex, you understand why. |
I'm in hospital. Briiiiliant. Forced to stay here overnight thoroughly against my will and I hate it. I feel PERFECTLY FINE! I'm so grumpy.
It's really no big deal, but I had a track meet today and I didn't run the relay since there was an odd number of people and I felt like being nice AND the other race I was supposed to run got canceled. >( I stood outside in the FREEZING COLD for 5 hours supporting them though and we kicked total butt.
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*screams at top of lungs and throws computer out of window*
I hate my dissertation *sobs hysterically* |
Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
I'm right there with you. I had to confirm my attendence at my graduation ceremony last week...what's the point, we don't know I'll be graduating yet. This is one of those things when I know that by a certain date this will all be over and I'll have written it...I just don't know how I'm going to get there yet. |
Quote: Originally posted by Phoeberg
I also keep flitting between states of utter panic and moments of 'it'll all be fine, just concentrate on finishing'. I have no job lined up and because nowhere is hiring I've not got the foggiest what I'm going to do for work. I sort of feel like I've earned a bit of a rest after all this but need a job to pay my rent (!) so keep thinking I should just get something mellow for a few months, do some relevant voluntary work to bump up my experience, and save up to do my MSc next year - just relax a bit for a year. But at the same time I'm like, 'I'll be 26 in October, I don't have time to be pissing around doing nothing!' even though I know that 25 isn't even old! OMG my head is just asdfkahse;ir scfhasdklfiasidfja shkldfh *explodes*. My diss is due one week today *has heart attack* and I still have so much to do. I'm right with you on the 'how the eff am I actually going to get this finished'. I feel like every time I look at it I think it's rubbish and I need to change loads, but there isn't time!!! Aaargh! I'm glad you're here with me, Phoebe! |
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