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Dagwon 21st Aug 2016 2:55 AM

My mom burned water once, if it makes you feel better, @ihatemandatoryregister

And I can verify that I have a lot more trouble making boxed mac and cheese than I do making from-scratch. (I definitely don't have 10 in the cooking skill, but I probably make mac and cheese at a 10-point level, because I've used that as a base for most of my meals for over a decade now )

Bulbizarre 21st Aug 2016 3:43 AM

@Dawgon ....not even going to ask how.

Anyways, for days after a CC-downloading spree: "Now, why the hell did I download that?"

alljoj 21st Aug 2016 4:54 AM

Honestly, same. I sometimes think "One day I will have use for this." so I keep it.

One time I burnt soup by completely forgetting about it.
And yesterday I burnt milk.

StrangeTownChick 21st Aug 2016 5:26 AM

How do you /burn/ water?

BlueAlien 21st Aug 2016 6:14 AM

"You stupid Sim!"

"Put. The baby. Down. Or I will kill you." (Drives me nuts when they keep trying to force yet another bottle on a baby desperate for a diaper change, or decide to bathe a toddler they literally only let out of her fourth bath of the day two Sim minutes ago.)

"Well, there's no point screaming at me. I can't pull your weeds (or clean your house) for you. That's why I told you to do it."

"Do as you're told!"

Bulbizarre 21st Aug 2016 6:24 AM

"....Why are you rolling a want to go on a date? You're already on a date, you stupid polygon poopyhead."

Dagwon 21st Aug 2016 7:05 AM

I'm less of a "Why did I download this?" and more of a "What is THIS now?" and "When did I get THAT?" kind of CC-binger.
Also: "Why are my roofs BRIGHT PURPLE instead of thatch?! What'd I do now?!"

And I'm guessing my mom evaporated enough of the water and burnt the various other stuff that was dissolved in the water? None of us could figure out how she'd managed it, and we were all there, so I dunno... lol

Bulbizarre 21st Aug 2016 8:44 AM

The closest I've ever gotten to burning water is letting the pot boil dry, so yeah.

Sunbee 21st Aug 2016 9:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
In all fairness, there is a huge difference between making macaroni and cheese out of a box and making proper baked macaroni and cheese from scratch, which is presumably what a 10-point cook would be doing. That involves making cheese sauce with real cheese, milk, butter, and a thickener, and as anyone who's stood there stirring and stirring and stirring can tell you, that's a whole different animal than that powdered stuff.

I may have the only kids in this country who won't eat the box stuff. (But if your kids are going to refuse food, boxed mac and cheese, white bread and American cheese sandwiches, and sugared cereal aren't bad choices to reject!)

I don't think of myself as a ten point cook, but making a roue and adding cheese, or broth, or whatever isn't exactly hard. (Baked Alaska--not even going to attempt. Something with a roue--at least a couple times a week.) Gravy, mac and cheese, alfredo sauce, they're all basically the same thing.

AliaD85 21st Aug 2016 10:32 PM

@Sunbee I tried Baked Alaska once with a sim during an Asylum Challenge.

You can imagine how that turned out. I never tried it again.

Bulbizarre 21st Aug 2016 10:58 PM

Once I had two sims woohooing in a hot-tub in the kitchen (there was nowhere else to put it). In the background, you could see a third sim igniting herself trying to make crepes suzette. The firefighters showed up before the cutscene ended.

kamoodle5 23rd Aug 2016 6:10 AM

*hears an independent Sim calling for my help across the lot*

"Oh, for Pete's sake, Ben, I'm busy. Go get your own water."

I don't know why he does that if he's near a sink. His girlfriend needs to stop flirting with him so much. >.<

Charmful 23rd Aug 2016 7:09 AM

"Ef you Rags, get off my property!"

RoxEllen1965 23rd Aug 2016 9:44 PM

"If you don't stop trying to bother that sleeping baby, I will SMITE you and send your grave to a community lot that nobody ever visits!"

Bulbizarre 24th Aug 2016 2:30 AM

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Don't woohoo in your teenage daughter's bed!"

eduseo 24th Aug 2016 7:51 AM

"Put the plate down. NO, DON'T DO THAT. Put. The. Plate. Dow- wait, is that a grey hair? *pauses game* WHOA, IT IS. Now look here you bunch of pixels, I am your sim God. I even have grey hair of wisdom. You better do what I say! *unpauses game* ...Why do I play this game?"

I discovered my first grey hair in the middle of telling a sim to put a plate down. Best first grey hair find. I will forever remember that at 20 years old I found my first grey hair whilst mad at a pixel person not putting a plate down. XD

Feestrang 25th Aug 2016 2:08 AM

"Its been awhile since this last happened... Ugh"
-me after I spilled my most disgusting and odorous tea on my keyboard and mouse while playing TS2. Now i cant use my pc until I buy a new one. Goddarnit.
Ahhh~~ oh well...

Bulbizarre 25th Aug 2016 2:16 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Feestrang
"Its been awhile since this last happened... Ugh"
-me after I spilled my most disgusting and odorous tea on my keyboard and mouse while playing TS2. Now i cant use my pc until I buy a new one. Goddarnit.
Ahhh~~ oh well...

It may be possible to save the keyboard. It basically involves disassembling the thing and dunking each key into rubbing alcohol; use cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol to get inside the board itself. The important thing is to make sure that it's completely dry before plugging it back in.

Charity 25th Aug 2016 6:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Feestrang
"Its been awhile since this last happened... Ugh"
-me after I spilled my most disgusting and odorous tea on my keyboard and mouse while playing TS2. Now i cant use my pc until I buy a new one. Goddarnit.
Ahhh~~ oh well...

I used to work at a place where I was in charge of lending out the spare laptops. One of the accountants caught a lot of (good natured) shit when he had to borrow a spare because he spilled herbal tea on his keyboard (basically because he drank herbal tea instead of coffee lol).

Bulbizarre 25th Aug 2016 12:35 PM

"STOP HAVING FUUUUUUUUUN" - me, after the nth customer started ANOTHER water balloon fight in the front yard of the Tinkers' toy shop

Essa 26th Aug 2016 2:23 PM

"Wait. Why are you pregnant?" to Akira Kowalski. "You just have twins and your family lives in a house I nicely decorated". Other households can't say so.
She and her husband are on BC though.

Bulbizarre 27th Aug 2016 4:22 AM

"Then why are you buying furniture HERE?"

SparkySays 27th Aug 2016 4:32 AM

"Get your head out of the $&#* $&#* flowerbed, you MORON."

Bulbizarre 27th Aug 2016 5:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by yellan
"Get your head out of the $&#* $&#* flowerbed, you MORON."

In my first hood, my Sims loved shoving their faces into cactus. I told this to my friends and now we often use the term 'cactus-sniffer' as a (joking) insult.

kamoodle5 27th Aug 2016 8:08 PM

"What were the odds of that happening!?" *followed by clapping and laughing*

As my Simsona was coming out of her niche to revitalize Maxwell Mayfield, I thought to myself, "What are the odds his son will show up?" After giving him the boost, I also had her to clean up the burgers that grew moldy on the bar counter...and that's when William appeared. I'm pretty sure it was just luck with RNG choosing him to replace the most recent Sim who left the lot, right as my Sim was out in the open like that.

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