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Ranta 2nd May 2010 11:11 PM


TPBM hasn't made her bed today. (I haven't... :P)

Zinthos 2nd May 2010 11:22 PM

Yep, my mum did it.

TPBM has a Fanpop.

KyleTheArtist 3rd May 2010 12:02 AM

I don't know what that is.

TPBM can't wait to see Iron Man 2.(That's my couple Movie)

Rabid 3rd May 2010 1:01 AM

Hell yes. I'm going next Friday night to reward myself for surviving AP exam week.

TPBM prefers PC to Mac.

Ebonova 3rd May 2010 2:26 AM

YESH! Mac can go suck an egg!

TPBM prefers Google to Yahoo.

Wartooth 3rd May 2010 4:36 AM

Yes! Google is the besttt.

and Alex, did you get "suck and egg" from my argument with orcalover (from school)? because I told him that once.

TPBM loves writing (poetry and prose, fiction and nonfiction, fanfiction and original, anything writing)

lethifold 3rd May 2010 9:01 AM

I sure do!

TPBM is cold. I should put on a jumper.

Zinthos 3rd May 2010 11:16 AM

A little chilly. But I'm wearing my liver, so I'm fine.

TPBM also has a headache.

PharaohHound 3rd May 2010 1:59 PM


TPBM also finds it sad that the shirt I just bought was described as "fushia" on the tag.

Zinthos 3rd May 2010 3:34 PM

LOL. What a fail.

TPBM has made a YouTube video that has over 5,000 views. (Ahem, yeah. I have one with a lot of views, and it's not even good)

PharaohHound 3rd May 2010 9:38 PM

Never had a YouTube account. Congrats! :D

TPBM has a Flickr photo with over 50 comments.

Zinthos 3rd May 2010 10:26 PM

I don't have a Flickr. :P

TPBM uses the chat feature on FB. I am using it 24/7 now, but I never used to.

PharaohHound 4th May 2010 12:23 AM

I use it with my aunt who lives half the country away (it's cheaper than a long-distance call!) Otherwise not really.

TPBM knows what a Chuckit is.

Geah 4th May 2010 1:14 AM

Nope, what pray tell is a Chuckit? lol

TPBM has shampoo/conditioner that smells like a food/drink Mine smells like strawberry nesquik:P

KyleTheArtist 4th May 2010 2:20 AM

I want one now. My shampoo smells like apple and conditioner smells like strawberry cream. I also have skittles Shampoo laying around somewhere.

TPBM is almost done with cover page! :3

Geah 4th May 2010 3:46 AM

^ Alberto Basalm Strawberry Cream shampoo/conditioner is my one

Nope, not sure what cover page is? LOl

TPBM Has downloaded something from this site in the last week

KyleTheArtist 4th May 2010 5:59 AM

Probably, I donwload quiet often.

TPBM is thinking what their next story should be about.

Ebonova 4th May 2010 7:29 AM

Nope. Got them all up here in my noggin.

TPBM has a SparkNotes.

lethifold 4th May 2010 8:06 AM


TPBM is in serious pain right now D: FUCK YOU, CRAMPS!

PharaohHound 4th May 2010 1:40 PM

Surprisingly, no.

TPBM has a Canon camera.

fthomas 4th May 2010 1:54 PM

Yeaah xD

TPBM is prettyy <3.

KyleTheArtist 4th May 2010 7:11 PM

I think I am :3

TPBM believes in imagination! :3

Zinthos 4th May 2010 8:02 PM

Yup. I live in imagination land, with my friends Topsy and Keely.


PharaohHound 4th May 2010 9:22 PM

Uh, what?

TPBM can play more than one instrument.

Zinthos 4th May 2010 9:34 PM

Nope. I can play the piano reasonably well, and that's it.

TPBM knows who Ray Park is.

KyleTheArtist 4th May 2010 9:38 PM


TPBM hates doing laundry.

Zinthos 4th May 2010 9:53 PM

I've never done it. /lazy


TPBM can think of something for me to draw, before I die of artist's block.

Raindrops757 5th May 2010 12:41 AM

Umm...A Bleeding Rose! *Has morbid art appreciation* Hope it's not too late.

TPBM straightens their hair regularly.

Wartooth 5th May 2010 2:19 AM

Yes, actually. well i try to.

TPBM has wavy or curly hair.

Ebonova 5th May 2010 2:19 AM

Naturally a teensy bit wavy. But I straighten a bit.

TPBM really doesn't know what color their eyes are. I have no idea if they're green, blue, or grey.

Geah 5th May 2010 2:30 AM

Seeing that made me doubt whether i did know or not lol ... just had a look in the mirror,, mine are a dark caramel colour on the inner circle and the outer circle looks kinda hazel lol

TPBM likes toasted sammies/sarnies :P

KyleTheArtist 5th May 2010 2:34 AM

I am not too sure what they are...

TPBM has sudden laziness syndrome ( basically when you just suddenly feel lazy)

PharaohHound 5th May 2010 2:50 AM

Not atm, but very frequently!

TPBM is eating right now.

Rabid 5th May 2010 2:51 AM

No, but in about half an hour I will be.

TPBM has never used a lawnmower.

PharaohHound 5th May 2010 2:57 AM

True. That's what older brothers are for!

TPBM has downloaded new CC today.

Geah 5th May 2010 3:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by KyleTheArtist
I am not too sure what they are...

Toasted sandwiches. Like umm...a better version of grilled ___ sandwiches lol

Nope. Downloaded something yesterday but nothing today.

TPBM can count to Ten in more than one language

KyleTheArtist 5th May 2010 3:51 AM

Oooh! I love them then :3

Greek, Russian, English, German and French. The only other thing I know in the last two other then swear words.

TPBM knows Greek.

lethifold 5th May 2010 8:50 AM

A little bit. My dad drops some Greek in when he speaks.

TPBM merges languages when they talk. I mix Japanese, English, some French, a little bit of Greek and some German (: Occasionally Latin as well, haha.

KyleTheArtist 5th May 2010 9:20 AM

Yes. I taught my husband some Russian words, so when we speak we use them. It's mainly cuddly words though," Tigra, could you pass the salt, please?" and stuff like that.( Tigr means tiger, so Tigra is like cuddly way to say tiger)

TPBM has weird couple movie( Ours is Iron Man )

fthomas 5th May 2010 10:27 PM

ours is.
nope. too embarassing

TPBM can't believe this:

Zinthos 5th May 2010 10:26 PM


TPBM also just became speechless.

fthomas 5th May 2010 10:33 PM

Not just now, but when i discovered it, I was. D: D: (i feel so stupid cause of it..)
There is a rant about it (new thread) in the teen club so go check it out.

TPBM was quite good friends with Ebonova, Wartooth, etc and is deeply annoyedd..

Rabid 5th May 2010 10:56 PM


TPBM is hilariously amused by this Ebonova/Wartooth/etc drama.

Zinthos 5th May 2010 11:02 PM

I'm amused, but also shocked out of my brain.
I quite liked Ebonova and Wartooth. :S
I have their dA accs. I just asked for an explanation, so I'll update if I get ANYTHING out of... idk, them? I don't know who they are anymore.

TPBM hates that itchy feeling you get of something crawling on your arm and it's nothing. D:

Raindrops757 5th May 2010 11:14 PM

Yep, that's horrible *Shudders* it feels like a spider or something.

TPBM is REALLY stressed out at the moment.

*Edit* I just read the link a couple of posts above...

I couldn't believe that! It's just kind of...insane really

Zinthos 5th May 2010 11:17 PM

Due to the obvious reason...
Hmm. You're a new poster. *suspicious*
I'm never going to trust anyone new that appears ever again, am I? D':

TPBM wants to throw something at the wall, but won't because they have nothing that will hit the wall causing no damage to either you, the object or the wall. D:

Raindrops757 5th May 2010 11:21 PM

Nah, I'm not angry... and I like my wallpaper too much Also, I've been here for a while, I just don't post much, so don't worry.

TPBM likes to wear nail varnish.

Zinthos 5th May 2010 11:48 PM

Yus, I do.

And hah, I'm just suspicious now. Anyone new/suddenly reappearing is going to be stalked until I'm certain of no wrong-doing.

TPBM is also suddenly hot and sweaty for no reason, especially as it is cold.

Jaylo 5th May 2010 11:51 PM


I shall help you stalk them. *gets out stalking magnifying glass* hmm.....

TPBM really wants to eat something but is too lazy to get up.

Zinthos 5th May 2010 11:57 PM

Nope, I've eaten everything I needed to tonight. I'm just blowing pretty bubbles and twiddling my thumbs.

TPBM has some idea of what an emblem of the love of different cultures would depict. Don't ask, it was my rl friend being a fucktard on formsprings.

PharaohHound 6th May 2010 1:04 AM

Uhhhhh, no...

TPBM is going to watch TV tonight.

Rabid 6th May 2010 1:05 AM

Yes; I DVR-ed Lost from last night and am excited to see it.

TPBM has read The Stranger.

PharaohHound 6th May 2010 1:32 AM


TPBM has seen a live performance of The Importance of Being Earnest.

Rabid 6th May 2010 1:41 AM

Don't I wish; it's one of my favorite plays. However, live performances of rather intellectual plays are hard to come by, I've found. Sadly, everyone is too enthralled by musicals to so much as consider plays.

TPBM would rather write a paper than give a speech.

PharaohHound 6th May 2010 1:39 AM

^ Our local community theatre just finished a run of "Earnest".

And, meh, I don't consider myself good at writing that kind of thing, and I'm fine with public speaking.

TPBM is tired.

shyrai234 6th May 2010 2:13 AM


TPBM loves Dr Pepper...

Zinthos 6th May 2010 2:48 AM

Yup, I do.

TPBM has also been having an insomniac streak recently. Last night was the last time I slept since Friday. Now I can't sleep again. :S

Geah 6th May 2010 2:51 AM

Thankfully not recently.

The person below me is having a great day

Zinthos 6th May 2010 3:05 AM

I had a great day. It's technically Thursday now. It's 2am.

TPBM is in their bedroom.

Geah 6th May 2010 3:08 AM

Welcome to Thursday
it's 1pm thursday here. Lol.

Nope, this person is in the lounge at the table.

TPBM is still at high school

Zinthos 6th May 2010 3:20 AM

Yep. The rest of this year, then next year. AND THEN COMPULSORY EDUCATION IS OVER.

TPBM has something on their desk right now that shouldn't be there/isn't usually there.

KyleTheArtist 6th May 2010 4:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Zinthos
TPBM has also been having an insomniac streak recently. Last night was the last time I slept since Friday. Now I can't sleep again. :S

Welcome to the club buddy
Ho shizzle! o_O And...and they..I mean/he/she seemed so different too! Like each person was different o_O Wow...I thought I seen everything having a bipolar father-in-law...Fuck man...

No, I don't have a desk. I sit on the bed or on the arm chair when I use my laptop.

TPBM is amazed about this whole charade by Wartooth thingiemajig...

Zinthos 6th May 2010 4:32 AM



TPBM knows what it feels like to be so tired that you don't feel tired anymore.

KyleTheArtist 6th May 2010 4:45 AM

Bah, I was gonna play sims, but fine, I can MSN with you for few minutes.

Yeah, I know...

TPBM is actually outraged about the mj pregnancy thread.

Kailacat 6th May 2010 4:59 AM

Oh yes, I was.

The person below me still has homework/work to do.

KyleTheArtist 6th May 2010 4:56 AM

Nope, done with school tile October( when I gotta take HSPAs)

TPBM has two siblings( I'm going to have sometime this week or next, so excited)

Zinthos 6th May 2010 5:06 AM

Nope. I'm an only child. I have an adopted half-brother, a step-sister and a step-brother but they don't count.

TPBM has seen PatF.

PharaohHound 6th May 2010 2:09 PM

Not sure what the acronym stands for... so let's say no.

TPBM is currently playing a Sims challenge.

lethifold 6th May 2010 2:06 PM

No, I haven't played the Sims in ages. I've been building a neighbourhood whenever I do find a spare moment to load my game.

TPBM thinks this will be a good month.

Jaylo 6th May 2010 2:25 PM

Yes it will! I'm getting my braces off!!!!!

TPBM is bored out of their minds

KyleTheArtist 6th May 2010 6:09 PM

Yes. I should be cooking for husband but there is fight in the kitchen right now...

TPBM should be doing something else.

Zinthos 6th May 2010 6:08 PM

Yep. I should be writing my fanfic. I have no writer's block anymore. But I just cba to think until I've eaten.

TPBM is also waiting for a meal to be prepared. Spag bol. TODAY'SA MY DOLMIO DAY!

Phoeberg 6th May 2010 6:31 PM

Unfortunately only by myself, but I just can't be bothered.

TPBM has painted nails at the moment.

Zinthos 6th May 2010 6:40 PM

Well, there is some still on from when I painted them gold for Sport Relief, so I suppose so.

TPBM wants Labour to win the British general election. I do.

Raindrops757 6th May 2010 6:51 PM

Nope, Lib Dem. I think it would be a good change from Conservative or Labour and I like their policies.

TPBM likes waffles.

Zinthos 6th May 2010 6:48 PM

I like potato waffles.

And what policies? Nick Clegg hasn't made up his mind on anything. The Tories want to basically fuck up education and only give very high ability students a chance at making anything of themselves. Only Labour is protecting the jobs of those in the public sector, a profession I aspire to be involved in.

TPBM is full from ating some lovely food. Yummm!

fthomas 6th May 2010 8:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Zinthos
I have their dA accs. I just asked for an explanation, so I'll update if I get ANYTHING out of... idk, them? I don't know who they are anymore.

^ yay thanks xD

Yep! (:

TPBM is Zinthos?

PharaohHound 6th May 2010 10:55 PM

Yes! Okay, no.

TPBM is left handed.

Zinthos 6th May 2010 11:04 PM

Nope, righty.

TPBM just watched Outnumbered, and is NOT going to watch any election bollocks.

lethifold 6th May 2010 11:54 PM

No, I stray away from all politics related shenanigans.

TPBM has seen charlieissocoollike on YouTube.

DollyRot 7th May 2010 1:20 AM


TPBM eats breakfast every morning

NightlyEMP 7th May 2010 2:04 AM

Yep! I never ate breakfast until maybe a year ago, ish? Now I eat every morning, otherwise I'm starving an hour or two later.

TPBM tries to eat three square meals a day.

KyleTheArtist 7th May 2010 2:40 AM

I try.

TPBM has leg pains.

shyrai234 7th May 2010 2:51 AM

Nope... not unless I am oblivious to my own pain....

TPBM has best friends that are crazily awesome

Zinthos 7th May 2010 4:20 AM

Oh, of course. Our topics have become something of the crazy Clopin variety, or they're about Doctor Who, or old cartoons in general, or we just flick each other and play tricks. :P

TPBM also has insomnia. ._.

KyleTheArtist 7th May 2010 4:35 AM

*lurks around Mich and noms on her head* Om Nom Nom...:3

TPBM is the messenger int he Wartooth/Ebonova drama

DollyRot 7th May 2010 4:38 AM

Nope, just a spectator.

TPBM is about to have a shower

Zinthos 7th May 2010 4:49 AM

At 4am? No. :P

TPBM should really be busy working.
I think I've got to the point of built-up exhaustion now. I might actually sleep tomorrow. I only know because my ears have popped, and they only do that when I'm really tired or I don't feel well.

fthomas 7th May 2010 10:22 AM


TPBM is ill.

Zinthos 7th May 2010 7:07 PM


@Kyle: Since when did you call me Mich? No-one's called me that for yeeeeeears.

TPBM has sung in public with friends for a laugh before. Erm, guilty.

PharaohHound 7th May 2010 7:09 PM

You mean, there are people that haven't?? Totally have.

TPBM makes up their own songs or song lyrics.

Zinthos 7th May 2010 7:19 PM

Yep. I have quite a few. I have the "I love my mum" song, which I used to sing a lot. It's funny, rather than soppy or anything.

TPBM wanted to see PatF (Princess and The Frog. Someone didn't get that earlier) but never got round to it.

PharaohHound 7th May 2010 7:18 PM

I was kinda meh about it, but I would've gone to see it.

And awww the I Love My Mum song! The songs my friends and I make up tend to be, quite frankly, demented. (one of our altered lyrics songs starts "I'm gonna stalk you while you're sleeping..." )

TPBM has been to McDonalds this week.

Zinthos 7th May 2010 8:01 PM

No. Haven't been in forever. :S

I sing silly versions of stuff. Like, the dirty versions. And I sing the better version of Yellow Submarine, which is made amazing by my inability to say submarine.

TPBM is currently having an argument.
Someone is posting stuff (it's probably Scarlet, da hoe. just because I cba to ask her more questions!) anonymously on my my Formsprings about stealing Clopin. D:<

KyleTheArtist 7th May 2010 8:19 PM


TPBM is laughing about the movie idea.

Zinthos 7th May 2010 8:49 PM

No, I'm annoyed that I'm being played by Morgan Freeman. >:I

TPBM is known for something.

KyleTheArtist 7th May 2010 8:54 PM

(he is a freeman, Mich)
For my arts? Not as famous as I want to be though...yet.

TPBM likes Celtic Music.

Zinthos 7th May 2010 8:57 PM


TPBM is also going to watch TV for an hour. (EastEnders, and HIGelectionNFY)

fthomas 7th May 2010 9:48 PM

Yeah maybe (:

TPBM is happy with their height.

KyleTheArtist 7th May 2010 9:54 PM

Eh, I guess.

TPBM is feeling silly.

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