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DigitalSympathies 22nd Jun 2011 6:18 AM

Mother is coming on Friday to sign off on the divorce settlement, and strangely I couldn't feel worse. I have a feeling my dad's already seeing someone and it kind of hurts in a way I wouldn't expect it. Like I've been betrayed. I might never see my siblings again unless I go there because my mother won't let them fly to see us . . . and I don't want to go there because of her. I know this is good for the half of our family (my dad and I) up here, but I feel like Damien and Tay need to come live with us. My mother is an irresponsible, mid-life-crisising, neglecting asshole.

Geah 22nd Jun 2011 6:38 AM

I went out to take the dogs for a walk, went home and dropped the dogs off and went for another walk to the library to find another book for an assingment. As soon as I step off my driveway to cross the street I notice two males about my age walking out of a house at the end of the street putting on their hoodies laughing and acting generally like they're about to go and cause mayhem elsewhere. As I always do in my *lovely* area, I take careful note of how far away they are and proceed to start walking down the footpath on the same side of the road they're on (only side of the road with a footpath). I was walking in the same direction as they were, so getting away from them thankfully when I hear one of them yell "Hey shorty!" I don't look back and keep walking when they yell out again "Hey shorty!" ... "Aww not even gonna turn around" I pick up my pace a little when I hear one of them yelling something about 'bubble butt' before they start yelling chaaarming obscenities about more intimate things. For the sake of decency, I won't repeat them. I continued to ignore them and picked up my pace further so I could round the corner and get out of their sight. I managed to make it to the library in one piece, having lost them.

I spend about half an hour in the library, giving them time to piss off somewhere else so I feel slightly safer walking back home. When I leave I walked down the main street of the town and two teenage (maybe 19) guys drive past in this cute little nana's car and the passenger yells out something unintelligable but clearly meant rudely out the window at me while the driver honks his horn.

What the HELL makes these arsebites think they have the right to abuse people like this on the street? You think it's cool to un-nerve someone walking on their own just because you can? You have to think, who brought these idiots up, but then you realise, they wern't brought up. They're like weeds and just grew.

God society really sucks sometimes.

Rawra 22nd Jun 2011 9:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Geah
I went out to take the dogs for a walk, went home and dropped the dogs off and went for another walk to the library to find another book for an assingment. As soon as I step off my driveway to cross the street I notice two males about my age walking out of a house at the end of the street putting on their hoodies laughing and acting generally like they're about to go and cause mayhem elsewhere. As I always do in my *lovely* area, I take careful note of how far away they are and proceed to start walking down the footpath on the same side of the road they're on (only side of the road with a footpath). I was walking in the same direction as they were, so getting away from them thankfully when I hear one of them yell "Hey shorty!" I don't look back and keep walking when they yell out again "Hey shorty!" ... "Aww not even gonna turn around" I pick up my pace a little when I hear one of them yelling something about 'bubble butt' before they start yelling chaaarming obscenities about more intimate things. For the sake of decency, I won't repeat them. I continued to ignore them and picked up my pace further so I could round the corner and get out of their sight. I managed to make it to the library in one piece, having lost them.

I spend about half an hour in the library, giving them time to piss off somewhere else so I feel slightly safer walking back home. When I leave I walked down the main street of the town and two teenage (maybe 19) guys drive past in this cute little nana's car and the passenger yells out something unintelligable but clearly meant rudely out the window at me while the driver honks his horn.

What the HELL makes these arsebites think they have the right to abuse people like this on the street? You think it's cool to un-nerve someone walking on their own just because you can? You have to think, who brought these idiots up, but then you realise, they wern't brought up. They're like weeds and just grew.

God society really sucks sometimes.

This, more or less, except some stupid crappy dickheads whatever whatever guys called me "ugly Betty" and some others whistled at me. WTF is wrong with you?! Go kill yourselves and make this world a better place.

Geah 22nd Jun 2011 11:43 AM

^ 'Ugly' Betty is absolutely gorgeous! Take it as a compliment! We should send all of these lovely lads to a finishing school. Or perhaps a starting school, so they learn how to be decent human beings from the beginning.

Rawra 22nd Jun 2011 12:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Geah
^ 'Ugly' Betty is absolutely gorgeous! Take it as a compliment! We should send all of these lovely lads to a finishing school. Or perhaps a starting school, so they learn how to be decent human beings from the beginning.


cupcake12winx 22nd Jun 2011 1:00 PM

Damn Wikipedia vandals. How many times do I have to tell them that there are no Earth countries on fictional planets?

Also, waking up and not being able to find your glasses is shit.

Zela 22nd Jun 2011 1:20 PM

My mouse is messed up... CLICK DAMN YOU! NO! Ahh. I keep accidentally closing windows...

PharaohHound 22nd Jun 2011 5:31 PM

I got a 17 cm long scratch on my arm from the dog I'm walking. Not anything malicious, she's just overenthusiastic about "shake a paw". Didn't puncture the skin, but it hurts like hell and looks rather grotesque.

Rabid 22nd Jun 2011 8:19 PM

I got an e-mail with the name of my roommate last Friday. I promptly friended her on Facebook and sent a pleasant little message about how I look forward to meeting her in the fall and getting to know her a bit through Internet and phone contact over the summer. Because friending someone on Facebook means that you can see their activity before they accept the request, I've noticed that she's been active, yet she hasn't accepted my request or responded to my message. Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion and getting all whacked out over nothing, but it's impossible that she hasn't noticed the fact that I want to make contact with her, so her lack of response is making me worry that she's a real bitch.

Ranta 22nd Jun 2011 8:22 PM

I got my graduation dress back today after having it altered, and I look absolutely hideous in it. The dress itself is pretty and the salon did a fantastic job, but it doesn't suit me at all. :/

DigitalSympathies 22nd Jun 2011 10:29 PM

What gives people the right to judge other people on what they wear? Honestly. I was walking to the store in a black hoodie and black jeans to go pick up a quick bag of groceries before dinner, around 4, and I go into the store and the guys just points and says "turn out your pockets" and I'm like "what the fuck, okay" and turn out my pockets - nothing in there - and just give him a look and leave. I ended up walking a pretty long way before I found another corner store, surprisingly, but it was worth it. Just because I had my hood up because it was looking like it was about to rain . . . ugh.

Nabila_Ici 23rd Jun 2011 6:10 AM

I'm so, so nervous.

DigitalSympathies 23rd Jun 2011 10:29 AM

There are fucking spiders EVERYWHERE in this house. I am deathly afraid of even the tiny ones . . . but having 17 in the past 3 days isn't helping - I'm terrified to stay in the house but after going outside and encountering more, I'm ready to flee to somewhere clean and spider-less. Any advice on how to get rid of them, for free? T_T

lethifold 23rd Jun 2011 11:19 AM

Boy related vent: He is being as lovely as ever to me and everyone says he likes me, which is super cute and all, but if we don't progress further in our relationship in the next two weeks, I'll be leaving the country for two weeks with no good reason to speak to him other than he's a qt3.14. This probably makes no sense to anyone but arlkjasdf it's a legitimate worry I'm having.

cupcake12winx 23rd Jun 2011 9:43 PM

Is it bad that when (not if. I'm dead set on moving the hell out of California.) I move out of state/country, I want to take my parents with me? This will probably change by the time I'm actually ready to leave, but I can't imagine living thousands of miles away from my parents, and not being able to see them easily.

Rabid 24th Jun 2011 12:50 AM

There's nothing quite so agonizing as attempting to accomplish any sort of business transaction in a cell phone store. Worst places in the retail world.

thedivineone 24th Jun 2011 1:04 AM

I just got back from a four day vacation, it was nice but still not so nice, my cousins are hell to stay with, I got two jelly fish stings, one on my leg the other on my neck.
At least I can make up awesome stories with my jelly fish scars.

Rabid 24th Jun 2011 6:04 AM

I'm working retail as a summer job and we get a lot of pressure from corporate to persuade people into opening store credit cards. I give the standard pitch to everyone that I check out, but in a tough economy, no one wants to open a new credit card. I have a hard time harrassing people, too; once they decline, I feel that further attempts to persuade will only annoy them. At that point, it's best to let it drop. Because our store doesn't sell enough cards, our hours are now being based on performance, and my hours have been cut with the stipulation that I have to shadow one of our top sellers for a day before my hours will be put back to normal. It's so degrading. The manager claims that it's to improve my personability, but I know that she thinks I'm personable enough. If she wasn't getting pressure from corporate to make low sellers more personable in order to sell more cards, there would be no issue here.

God, I took a job at this store because, unlike other retail positions, we don't work on commission. Now I feel like I'm working on commission and I hate it.

Eternal 24th Jun 2011 6:41 AM

I hate how my mother pressures me to go to college. I sort of want to live an average life.


NightmareCandle 24th Jun 2011 9:29 AM

My father's been stubborn about going to the doctor for months and now he's freaking dead. ;-;


Rawra 24th Jun 2011 10:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by cassslas1996
My father's been stubborn about going to the doctor for months and now he's freaking dead. ;-;


OMG! I'm so sorry

DigitalSympathies 28th Jun 2011 7:26 PM

I had to wait 3 or so days just to download a file off of here so I could get the filename to delete it. OhyesIsohavealife.

thedivineone 28th Jun 2011 8:39 PM

I am so tired, my mattress and computer chair are pure evil. My back hurts so much. D:

Rawra 29th Jun 2011 1:21 PM

I have a polycystic ovary, why, isn't that AWESOMMME! /sarcasm It's good that I don't have to have a surgery, but it still is a pain in the ass (literally, more or less).

Phoeberg 29th Jun 2011 3:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by cassslas1996
My father's been stubborn about going to the doctor for months and now he's freaking dead. ;-;


I'm so sorry, Cass.

A boy who made me marry his pencil case when we were ten added me on facebook a few days ago. We were messaging and talking about what we were doing with our lives now and he said he was playing bass in a band. Then he asked what I was doing and when I told him he said, "Wow, we sure are taking different paths with our lives." I don't know why, but that really bugged me.

Sometimes I look at my life and think I really am not cut out for where it is going.

Rabid 30th Jun 2011 5:35 AM

My friends can be utterly useless, at times. We were supposed to meet at 3:00 this afternoon and none of them showed up until 3:30. It's like, when we plan on 3:00, that time registers in their heads as the time at which they should start getting ready to leave, not the time they should arrive. It's utterly infuriating. I understand five minutes of tardiness, but half an hour? Not to mention that it's constant; these aren't one-time occurrences. They'll all be late to their own funerals.

lethifold 30th Jun 2011 3:47 PM

It's so stupid and far more comical than vent-worthy, but this pathetic girl called me a "tryhard hipster who should stop trying to climb the social ladder" because I wear skinny jeans and have made some new friends. What's even better is the fact that she can't even say this to my face. Instead, she felt the need to bitch about it to my best friend and then make multiple whiny Facebook statuses about it.

Bloody hell, I'll be out of this town before people can even blink once high school is over.

thedivineone 30th Jun 2011 5:35 PM

My sleeping pattern is messed up more than Lavender Brown's excitement for anything.

I need a hug. -_-

DigitalSympathies 30th Jun 2011 10:41 PM

Oh yes. I'm all set to go to New York and Dad gets a call that he can't go - he's needed at a huge conference instead on the day we leave. I'm half-ready to convince Dad to let me go alone and stay in the suite we're renting alone, but I saw this one movie where two girls went to France alone and got kidnapped for prostitution and the girl's dad had to kill like 21939018039 people to get them safely back home, so I'm hesitant.

EDIT: Oh, great. Now I keep on seeing things out of the corner of my eye, stuff dropping from the ceiling and coming up from the floor. Just perfect.

thedivineone 1st Jul 2011 1:08 PM

I am feeling really dizzy and headache-y.

Rabid 1st Jul 2011 11:54 PM

I hate having such a delicate stomach. If I eat too much or too little, it hurts. If I go too long without eating, it hurts. If I eat too fast, it hurts. This is why I'm sitting at home like a slug while my family goes out to dinner.

The Raven 2nd Jul 2011 12:26 AM

Don't you have those days where you feel like curling into a ball and wallowing?

Yup. Today is one of those days.

lethifold 2nd Jul 2011 9:59 AM

Punctuality is not one of my friend's strengths. She was meant to be here an hour ago for us to get ready together, but she's taking so long to get here that I've pretty much just gotten ready already >.>

cupcake12winx 2nd Jul 2011 7:23 PM

So I slept for SIX HOURS longer than I planned.. going to sleep at 4 PM and waking up at 6 AM, completely reversing my sleeping schedule. Then I found out my period's here. Now I'm too hot and my eyes keep acting strange and it's too loud in my house and I'm cramping.

I want to to back to sleep.

Ranta 2nd Jul 2011 9:40 PM

The more I think about it, the more scared I'm getting at the thought of having to go away for university. I know it might sound weird, but my parents are literally my best friends-- I've never spent a day without seeing at least one of them, and I absolutely love spending time with them. But come September, I'll be living a two day drive away from them, and it's just... depressing, I guess. I know that we'll keep in touch, but that's not what I'm worried about. I love our relationship the way it is, and I don't want it to change because of distance, but it will. Because so much of it is based on going for drives together, or watching TV together in the evenings, or just sort of being near each other even if we're not actually talking. I'm really going to miss that next year, and I'm scared that once that's gone, we'll never get it back.

cupcake12winx 2nd Jul 2011 9:51 PM

Our dishwasher smells like plants. And so do all the dishes in there, including our only cups.

I don't fucking know.

DigitalSympathies 2nd Jul 2011 10:00 PM

My headphones are making a crazy sort of electronic phase-beep sound . . . like doo doo doo doo doo EVERY FREAKING SECOND.

Sigh, I can't win.

Phoeberg 2nd Jul 2011 10:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ranta
I'm really going to miss that next year, and I'm scared that once that's gone, we'll never get it back.

Sometimes when I'd been away at university for a long time and then came home things would feel a little bit weird and awkward, but it would always be back to normal after a day or so.

Ranta 2nd Jul 2011 10:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Phoeberg
Sometimes when I'd been away at university for a long time and then came home things would feel a little bit weird and awkward, but it would always be back to normal after a day or so.

Thanks so much, that really helps! I just keep thinking that I'm moving out, but I forget that I'll still have whole summers at home with my family. I guess you could say that this all feels bigger than it is! Again, thank you.

lethifold 3rd Jul 2011 1:57 AM

Headache from hell. My own fault, but still. alfdsjfasdlkf My feet are also killing me from so much dancing.

On a non-physical related note, I was talking to this adorable guy at the first party I went to last night, and his parents are going away for the whole holidays so he is going to have a few gatherings at his place. As well as this, the guy I like is having at least one party these holidays. Ugh, why is it that the only time I go away, everyone plans things? :/

cupcake12winx 3rd Jul 2011 2:19 AM

Third vent in one day, I'm sorry, but IT IS HELL HERE.

Literally, it's 106 out.

thedivineone 3rd Jul 2011 2:50 AM

I literally want to rip the heart(if he even has one) and throat of that fucking psychopath youtuber. Who the hell makes a video of a screeching zombie fanged baby and posts it under nursery rhymes tags?!
My sister has been having nightmares for days, she doesn't eat, she can't sleep and she's too scared to look into a dark room from a 10 feet distance. Why? Because some bad-ass guy who thinks he's so funny by making something so scary decided to post a freakin' video that should not even exist on the bloody planet.

I am never letting mom or her go on Youtube ever again. I don't care how much she wants nursery rhymes, I'd rather she's safe and sound and bored rather than scared and terrified.

I hate what the world has become. I wish that the whole 2012 thing will happen just to be over with it.

mewichigo34 3rd Jul 2011 5:48 AM

Just skinned my toe open on a barnacle.Ouch!

DigitalSympathies 3rd Jul 2011 9:48 AM

Okay. If a teenaged male wants to become a female, and considers herself a female inside, and she kisses a boy, that doesn't make "him" "confused", Felix. If "he" considers himself a she, then she, inside, is straight. At least, that's how I was told it was, by her. Learn to check your facts before offending someone that might be, gasp, more awesome to hang out with than whiny old you.

cupcake12winx 3rd Jul 2011 10:21 AM

Hey moron. Yeah, I'm glad you're patriotic and all but... quit shooting off fireworks. I don't know if you noticed, but it's 1 AM and IT'S NOT EVEN JULY 4TH.

Zela 3rd Jul 2011 1:02 PM

There is a mysterious black smudge in my slipper. *sigh*

lethifold 3rd Jul 2011 2:27 PM

That charming moment when I start to feel sick three days before going to Thailand >.>

thedivineone 3rd Jul 2011 4:56 PM

Who the heck slept on the disagree button?

It's too hot today.

The Raven 3rd Jul 2011 5:05 PM

A few things...
  • Humidity... WAAAAY to humid right now.
  • Couldn't go to sleep last night. I was up watching Poker. (Don't ask why. I don't even know) Even though I over slept, I still am very tired.
  • Someone reeeeeaaaaaaally annoying is over now. My sister's boyfriend (My older, older sister). He eats all our food, drinks all my parent's beer, is too damn loud all the time, punches me in the arm all the time (not painfully, but still), and makes jokes about my lazy eye (I'm legally blind in one eye, and he jokes about it). Now isn't he a dreamboat?

Kill me now.

Rawra 3rd Jul 2011 7:13 PM

Why, why in Earth's name is it so cold right now?? 19 grades Celsius?? Hello, it's friggin' July, wake up, you, whoever controls the weather! At least it's going to get excessively hot starting from Tuesday. 19 grades, then, suddenly, 40. FTW.

Nabila_Ici 3rd Jul 2011 8:04 PM

I've been throwing up for the past 6 hours, and now I've just started to feel better

thedivineone 3rd Jul 2011 9:04 PM

Did you eat something bad or is it a cold? Either way, I hope you get better, Nabila.

I am feeling really dizzy and everything tastes icky and weird and I can't find anything productive to do other than sitting on the computer.

Phoeberg 3rd Jul 2011 9:26 PM

I hate it when you say something and you're being completely serious and it's very clear from your tone, face and content of what you're saying that you are being totally serious and people still think you're making a fricking joke. Yes, it is true that about 80% of what I say is a joke, what can I say, I'm a jokey person, but sometimes even I like to make a serious point, so maybe you should start listening instead of laughing it off every time I try!

On an unrelated note, my father made a comment yesterday about women and men getting paid equally...and how it's wrong. He directed this at me, and I said, "I'm sorry, did you just say what I think you said, to me, your daughter?" and he didn't even understand what he'd said wrong, so I had to go off on a massive rant about sexism and his outdated attitudes.

thedivineone 3rd Jul 2011 10:58 PM

Some bastards are going to kill a cat live if people don't vote for saving it and people voted 1363453 times for killing it! There are only two hours left and I fear so much for the cat.
What the hell is wrong with this world?

Ranta 3rd Jul 2011 11:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by thedivineone
Some bastards are going to kill a cat live if people don't vote for saving it and people voted 1363453 times for killing it! There are only two hours left and I fear so much for the cat.
What the hell is wrong with this world?

Ugh, what the hell!? That's absolutely disgusting! Is there any way to get in touch with animal cruelty and report it? I'm assuming this is all happening online, but still... I really hope that poor cat is okay. How people could do something like that is beyond me.

Nabila_Ici 3rd Jul 2011 11:52 PM

It looks like it might be fake after all. Still, a twisted prank/'viral marketing campaign'.

Rabid 4th Jul 2011 4:48 AM

I love fireworks as much as the next guy, but there needs to be some sort of ordinance to mandate an acceptable stopping point. Those of us who have to get up for work at 7:00 A.M. don't appreciate them in the dead of night.

Rawra 4th Jul 2011 9:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by thedivineone
Some bastards are going to kill a cat live if people don't vote for saving it and people voted 1363453 times for killing it! There are only two hours left and I fear so much for the cat.
What the hell is wrong with this world?

This is just... Wrong.

I had the weirdest dream last night, and it scared the sh*t out of me. First, I was 13, yet I was pregnant, even though I hadn't had sex at that age (d'oh!). I had an abortion. Then, I was in the desert and I saw my mom and my dad laughing at a spider, then mom showed it to me. After that, I was crucified ( ). I don't recall dying, but I woke up (still dreaming) in my room and saw the devil's face all over in my posters, replacing Jessie J and Lady Gaga's faces ( again, ). Then, when I went over to my mother's room to wake her up and told her about the devil thing, she said "Oh, yes, I know it, it's the devil's face, the devil's face, the devil's face!". I don't want to go to sleep again. Like, ever.

Zela 4th Jul 2011 11:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Zela
There is a mysterious black smudge in my slipper. *sigh*

This has now turned into a serious matter. There are also black smudges up our stairs and out of my family, I appear to be the only one caring. I think I have too much time on my hands ever since I broke up from school. I call this: The Curse of the Black Smudge

Is it oil? Ink? A fish disease? Who knows.

Rawra 4th Jul 2011 11:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Zela
The Curse of the Black Smudge

Now this sounds like the title of a Courage The Cowardly Dog episode. :D

cupcake12winx 4th Jul 2011 12:28 PM

So I was using my laptop just after turning it on, and it blue-screened on me. The screen said, "beginning dump of physical memory" so obviously I was terrified. Thankfully, nothing was lost... but I can't figure out why the hell it blue-screened in the first place.

Now my computer seems to be having a hard time getting along with the internet. I've had to restart the internet twice now...

Maybe they had a fight.

thedivineone 4th Jul 2011 1:42 PM

I feel like I just had a fight with the Womping Willow.
I lost.

DigitalSympathies 4th Jul 2011 9:31 PM

Just realised that I'm halfway through Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince . . . gah, MAKE IT LAST LONGER! I know when I'll get onto Book 7 and then go see the movie I'll be like -sobs for days- because it's over T_T

PharaohHound 4th Jul 2011 11:52 PM

It's bad enough when a student is a no-show for their lesson, but my least favourite part of teaching: the "I noticed that Molly missed her lesson today. Since I didn't receive any notice from you about a cancellation or illness, I'll have to charge you for the missed lesson." Ugh, I hate sending these emails.

thedivineone 5th Jul 2011 12:43 AM

I am going to have to stay up for 24 hours to reset my sleep. Joyful indeed.

And apparently someone thinks my last post was helpful? Got bored of the disagree button so fast?

Geah 5th Jul 2011 2:41 AM

My boyfriend thinks I'm having an affair.

DigitalSympathies 5th Jul 2011 6:45 AM

I want to punch life in the face.

lethifold 5th Jul 2011 8:31 AM

I'm disappointed in myself even though I scored so highly at school. Third highest in the whole school (about 900 students) for English, but still, I just don't think it's high enough :/

Zela 5th Jul 2011 2:11 PM

This may seem very trivial compared to the serious issues you guys are venting but I just cried at AVPM, due to a mixture of the facts:
1. Darren Criss is unbelievably cute.
2. Darren Criss makes a better Harry Potter than Daniel Radcliffe
3. AHHH! The last Harry Potter film comes out soon. I cried constantly through the book...

cupcake12winx 5th Jul 2011 2:40 PM

Okay, this button-crazy troll needs to GTFO.

And so do my cramps.

Rawra 5th Jul 2011 3:20 PM

Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
Okay, this button-crazy troll needs to GTFO.

People seem to have nothing better to do nowadays than troll and praise Justin Bieber.

thedivineone 5th Jul 2011 4:07 PM

Girls, gather your pitchforks and torches. We're going after the button troll.

I need to see a good movie, I am so bored.

cupcake12winx 5th Jul 2011 4:37 PM

I am mentally and physically exhausted. I get being mentally tired, seeing as I just translated ten pages of a book, but the other I don't get...

EDIT: Okay, I turned the damn AC down to the temperature it's meant to come on at. IT'S NOT COMING ON, DAMNIT. Grumble grumble..

DigitalSympathies 6th Jul 2011 4:08 AM

My headphones? Officially trashed. Not even duct tape can fix this plastic disaster.

lethifold 6th Jul 2011 4:08 AM

Cramps and spontaneous crying. Lovely.

thedivineone 6th Jul 2011 5:01 AM

Hm, no unnecessary disagree or helpful buttons clicked? *knocks on wood* :P

Humor off the side now, I have a bad headache and I really need to figure out something to do all day instead of just sitting there and complaining about being bored. Seriously, that has been my activity for the last few days.

I am thinking about taking a German language course or learn to play a musical instrument, though the first one will aid me more in life the second will be useful If I want to beg on the streets.

And this is really trivial, but, people don't comment as often on downloads these days, they just download and adiĆ³s amigo. It hurts after all the hard work and wasting precious time to make people happy, no one appreciates it, or at least shows a bit. I noticed a lot of people tend to just download and never click the thank you button.

*yawn* Good night, ladies and sweet dreams.

DigitalSympathies 6th Jul 2011 8:57 AM

Fixed up my headphones with some packing tape, woot woot. They work fine now.

But now guess what?!


/cannot win

In other news, I want to start a 50's themed 'hood again in TS2 but all the content looks kind of crappy and there's not enough All About Style-like websites for my liking.

lethifold 6th Jul 2011 12:06 PM

Why on earth do people think that I care about their petty relationship problems?

Rabid 7th Jul 2011 12:57 AM

I hate how some friends and people in my family are saying their goodbyes like they'll never see me again because I'm going to college. The university is only three hours away; I'll come home for the occasional weekend and be back for every break or major holiday, not to mention that we can get in touch over email, Facebook, and Skype. I'm going to college, not dying.

lorenrose1013 7th Jul 2011 3:23 AM

I hate how MESSED UP my family is! Can't they EVER do ANYTHING for each other? Ever? Just once! C'mon, coming to blows over a frickin dog!!! My crazy aunt ripped my mom's earring off her face, stole all her stuff, and told my brother that God messed up and he is supposed to be her child. Who says that to a 5 yr old? And why the hell would you give your mother a microwave when she got a pacemaker!?!?!? I hate them all!

DigitalSympathies 7th Jul 2011 6:13 AM

My computer has heatstroke. Fuck.

Littlemissred93 7th Jul 2011 2:03 PM

Slept a total of 6 1/2 hours last night.. and I have work soon gahhh tired all the time :/

thedivineone 7th Jul 2011 8:57 PM

My heart has just been broken to tiny little bits. The speeches that the HP cast said were just so emotional I couldn't help but bawl my eyes out.

And my mother thinks it's stupid that I am crying about it. Sorry I have feelings.

cupcake12winx 8th Jul 2011 6:56 PM

Dear Youtube,

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

el_flel 9th Jul 2011 3:03 AM

Two vents:

The first is that I've pulled something in my neck and it really frickin' hurts and is uncomfortable.

The second is that I came across some information which has made me a little... confused and peeved, but I can't say anything because the only reason I know what I know is because I snooped, which is not like me at all.

The Raven 9th Jul 2011 3:18 AM

I feel sad, but I don't know why...

~MagicMoon~ 9th Jul 2011 3:45 AM

My family might lose their house.
My 2010-2011 teacher, who is out to get me, might become my 2011-2012 teacher.
We might have to move, and I'll have to hide my face at school.
My parents are fighting.
My life sucks.

Rawra 9th Jul 2011 10:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by ~MagicMoon~
My family might lose their house.
My 2010-2011 teacher, who is out to get me, might become my 2011-2012 teacher.
We might have to move, and I'll have to hide my face at school.
My parents are fighting.
My life sucks.

I'm sorry for you, but did you make this one account just to vent on here?

Geah 9th Jul 2011 12:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ~MagicMoon~
My family might lose their house.
My 2010-2011 teacher, who is out to get me, might become my 2011-2012 teacher.
We might have to move, and I'll have to hide my face at school.
My parents are fighting.
My life sucks.

I think we all go through a time at school where we think certain teachers are out to get us when really all they are trying to do is make sure you do the absolute best you can do while you have the chance to be at school.

Why would moving mean you have to hide at school?

Just try to keep out of your parents way when they do start fighting, as a general rule, trying to intervene will only wind up with you getting hurt. However, if they are having physical altercations do NOT be afraid to call the police.

Life doesn't always suck. I got through all my crap ok and now life is really looking up for me You can get through it.

Rawra 9th Jul 2011 12:31 PM

How, how in Earth can someone think that Florence & The Machine's song's name is "The Dark Days Are Over" instead of "The Dog Days Are Over"??? I mean, I understand if you do not master English, but neither do I and I still know, no, I don't know, IT'S LOGICAL!!! The title says it very clearly, how can you understand "dark" instead of "dog", when the FUCKING TITLE SAYS IT!

lethifold 9th Jul 2011 12:37 PM

I am positively melting. This heat is crazy!

Nixxy245 9th Jul 2011 12:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
I am positively melting. This heat is crazy!

I know how you feel,trust me

Rawra 9th Jul 2011 12:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
I am positively melting. This heat is crazy!

Indeed. Can't wait for Fall to come, it's my season. Also, I want college to begin again. Holiday is pretty boring right now, for me.

Geah 10th Jul 2011 9:07 AM

My bestfriend broke up with my really good friend Michael today. Through a text. That is so ratch of her.
I've had Michael on the phone with me, and he came over earlier crying because he feels so awful. Gab even told him that if they were ever to break up she would never do it like that because of how sad it is. I thought she had more integrity than that.
Being broken up with that way hurts so much.

thedivineone 10th Jul 2011 3:01 PM

I am never, ever, EVER going to give my things to anyone. My sister took a mask that I made when I was 9 which I am very fond of and tore off all the rhinestones and glitter, it was really pretty and I told her before I gave it to her that if she touches one rhinestone she's never seeing it again and that it was mine and she had to give it back. Guess what? She didn't and she lied about the rhinestones falling off, she tore them off and now she's crying because I took it away, well, fooey!

I know this sounds silly but this isn't the first time my stuff gets sabotaged by my mom and sisters. I will never give anyone anything.

cupcake12winx 10th Jul 2011 8:40 PM

Hospitals be so slow. And what they're talking about now sounds more like ia camp than a hospital. (Posted from an iPad.)

lethifold 11th Jul 2011 3:29 AM

asdfksj Everyone (and by this I mean at least three of my good friends) are having 18ths whilst I'm in Thailand. I know I should be grateful that I'm here, but I want to party

Phoeberg 11th Jul 2011 4:59 PM

I have a friend from school who is unbelievably flaky. It was annoying in school when you'd text her about something important and you'd never get a reply, or you'd arrange to do something or meet up and she'd cancel or worse not show up. She also used to have a habit of calling me up about an hour before she wanted to do something and telling me she'd pick me up and before you'd know it you were god knows where with god knows who and she'd be having a great time and trying to push you into having another drink while you were wondering how you got there when a few hours before you were just reading quietly at home. Recently she's started doing the same things again and it is really bugging me. I hate making plans with her and telling other people that I can't do something on that specific day because I'm busy only to have her cancel last minute. What's wrong with doing something when you say you're going to do it?

Rabid 11th Jul 2011 9:58 PM

I was at coffee with a friend today, and she invited a friend of hers (but an acquaintance of mine) to come along. No big deal, because I've gone to school with this girl for years and have generally positive feelings toward her. When we ordered our drinks, the barista and I had this exchange:

Him: Did it hurt?
Me: Excuse me?
Him: When you fell from heaven?

It's a tired old pick-up line, but I laughed and chatted with him for a moment before sitting down with the girls. The acquaintance then informed me that flirting back with him and doing anything less than slapping him across the face for such vulgar, disrespectful behavior makes me a whore. I'm the last person you would ever call a whore, and I fail to see how a little harmless flirting with a stranger makes me one.

What's more, I'm not the kind of girl that gets a lot of romantic attention-- I've been told many times by many people that I'm pretty (although I'm certainly no movie star), but smart girls almost never interest young men, so I don't get flirted with very often by the boys that I know. Is it so wrong and whorish enjoy a little flirting from strangers who don't write me off as instantly unattractive because I'm smart? I don't get all these girls I know like this acquaintance that find flirting offensive; unless it verges into ass-grabbing, leering territory, I think it's flattering.

I know that, someday, a man will come along who will find my intelligence sexy, and I won't settle for anything less. I just get so sick of waiting for him.

lorenrose1013 11th Jul 2011 10:09 PM

@Rabid I hear you! Why don't people like the smart girls? Guess sometimes there's nothing to do but wait.....

Plus the AC is on full blast and it's STILL 80 degrees!!! WHY?!?

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