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boblishman 1st Apr 2006 4:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simfantastic2
IgnorantBliss thanks for that but the alpha still doesn't work. I'm guessing i should change the stdMatAlphaBlendMode to Blend. (P.S. most of the time when i use blend it seems although the object is see through at the angle you are viewing it at, so i stay away from it) So is there anything else besides blend i should do? Thanks.

leave the stdMatAlphaBlendMode to none...and change the stdMatAlphaTestEnabled to 1 .... ...this gives you a NON transparent use of alpha....but the 'invisible' parts MUST be pure invisible

simfantastic2 1st Apr 2006 5:52 PM

Thanks boblishman, but i already got it working before you said that. What i did was i changed the stdMatAlphaBlendMode to Blend and it worked fine but it will probably only be fine for the object that i did it for, but otherwise i'll do what you told me Thanks.

chrissy6930 1st Apr 2006 9:45 PM

Hi all,

I am trying to do some small trees right now yet I don't get them to work. the bark subsets keep showing up flashing blue and the design tool is not working either. I'm sure I'm overlooking something obvious here - and twice so - yet I just don't see it. could somebody pls have a look?

thanx in advance!

Numenor 1st Apr 2006 11:13 PM

Chrissy, linking to external object is usually allowed only if the subset name is a *single* word. In this case, the subset names are "treebirchsingle_bark" and "treebirchsingle_grass", which are composed by two words.

As a consequence, these subsets CAN be linked outside the package, but they CAN'T be set as recolourable.

Now that the theory lesson is finished, on to the practice...

In your package, there is only one recolourable subset: the "foliage"; knowing this, and knowing what said above, you can (must) remove the _grass and _bark subsets from the tsMaterialsMeshName block: that block is reserved for recolourable subsets linked outside.

You might wonder: "but if I remove those subsets, the linkage to the original object will be lost!"; the answer is no: the Shape still points to the original objects, forsing your tree to use the Maxis Material Definitions.
But in your Shape there is an error: the Maxis filenames should NOT be preceded by the prefix ##0x1c...
If you remove the prefix from the references in the shape, your trees will (hopefully) stop blinking.

chrissy6930 1st Apr 2006 11:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Numenor
Chrissy, linking to external object is usually allowed only if the subset name is a *single* word. In this case, the subset names are "treebirchsingle_bark" and "treebirchsingle_grass", which are composed by two words.

As a consequence, these subsets CAN be linked outside the package, but they CAN'T be set as recolourable.

Now that the theory lesson is finished, on to the practice...

In your package, there is only one recolourable subset: the "foliage"; knowing this, and knowing what said above, you can (must) remove the _grass and _bark subsets from the tsMaterialsMeshName block: that block is reserved for recolourable subsets linked outside.

You might wonder: "but if I remove those subsets, the linkage to the original object will be lost!"; the answer is no: the Shape still points to the original objects, forsing your tree to use the Maxis Material Definitions.
But in your Shape there is an error: the Maxis filenames should NOT be preceded by the prefix ##0x1c...
If you remove the prefix from the references in the shape, your trees will (hopefully) stop blinking.

ohhhh I just knew its something you already told me before... *runsintocornerandcoversfacewithhands*

and your advice certainly worked like a charm! they are now showing up perfectly alright! thanx ever so much!

JucIEJ1991 2nd Apr 2006 2:18 AM

Ok i can see a difference Just got to fix my UVmapping

HChangeri 2nd Apr 2006 7:13 PM

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I have *no* idea how the Init BHAV got changed since I avoid that area like the plague for the most part. I cloned the original twice and got the same result. I'll have to look for that in the future.

I noticed that since the OFB upgrade to SimPe, everything I create is giving me fits with all kinds of weird setting issues. I'm going to uninstall/reinstall next to see if that helps.

Thank you again O Great Mod Father :D


Quote: Originally posted by Numenor

I've checked your package, and in particular the Init BHAV (that is the one responsible of the placement setting). And I've noticed that it called a semiglobal Init, which in turn called a "Init - Wall" BHAV: this last BHAV set your freezer as a wall-hanging object

I don't know why you just didn't keep the original Init BHAV when you cloned the freezer; I guessed that there *was* a reason, so I avoided to restore the original Init, and I've edited manually the existing one: now the object is placeable on the ground, and *only* the ground

If you want to learn more about the Init BHAVs and how they manage the placement of an object, you can read thim Modding InfoCenter article.

sims2lurker 2nd Apr 2006 9:57 PM

Invisible Mesh
1 Attachment(s)
I have made a streetlight, and cloned it from the maxis large silver one.

In Milkshape and SIMPE it shows up, but in game only the light will.

Can somebody help?

I made a texture file, but it was too large, so I had to use a black canvas painted over the Maxis texture.

Attached files: NONE

Please look further down for updated files. Thanks.

I have OFB and CEP 4

IgnorantBliss 3rd Apr 2006 5:49 AM

Sims2lurker, I can't look at package files at the moment, but I suggest you take a look at the list of mesh names under the Models list in Geometric Data Container, what are the names? Especially, what is the name of the part that you edited and imported back in? The name has to be the same as that of the original Maxis part.

To help figure out the name, open Shape, and the Parts tab, and look at the subsets listed. These names should match the subsets in GMDC.

To edit the subset name in GMDC, click on the Groups tab, then click on the name you want to edit, change the to the correct one in the box on the right, click Commit and save the package.

sims2lurker 3rd Apr 2006 11:18 AM

3 Attachment(s)
I renamed the column to lightingstreetlight_metal, and the bowl to lightingstreetlight_fixtures, and it now shows up in game.

However, although it lights the ground up, objects are only lit a little.

How do I get the bowl to light up?

Also, I am still have problems with texture, as I would like to have a proper images to texture (so the bowl can be white, the base to be black.ect)

Thank you

I have made it look nicer on slopes (with moveobjects cheat) than the Maxis one.

Updated zip:

EDIT: I have also made a fire escape door out of the justadoor, but it shows up in the catalog with image, but nothing happens when you click on it (except for more info coming up).

Why don't they make object making easier (or at least a wis

IgnorantBliss 3rd Apr 2006 11:21 AM

I'm kindly asking for other people to step in and help with problematic packages for the nest few days, if possible. My harddrive has gone corrupt and I currently cannot use SimPE. I will be getting a new harddrive soon and hopefully it'll be fully up and running in the next couple of days if everything goes as planned.

JucIEJ1991 3rd Apr 2006 11:48 AM

I suggest trying different methods of UVmapping it and searching mod the sims 2 for tutorials. I don't however know anything about the lighting.

temptress 4th Apr 2006 10:03 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I made this window with flowers, but the first set of flowers looked like crap
so I added transparency to make them look better, but when I did, the flowers looked great but the stems, the soil and the top glass started to get out of place
Is there a way to fix this.
Is 5: 00 am and I’m loosing it. :loco:
Here’s the straight version.
Please help me

jellyontoast 5th Apr 2006 12:18 AM

hi i am new to the sims 2 and i was wondering if someone could plz tell me how to create custom ob jects plz

boblishman 5th Apr 2006 2:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by jellyontoast
hi i am new to the sims 2 and i was wondering if someone could plz tell me how to create custom ob jects plz

go to the create section of this website....there are many tutorials there showing you how to make things.... that's how I started

boblishman 5th Apr 2006 2:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by temptress
I made this window with flowers, but the first set of flowers looked like crap

so I added transparency to make them look better, but when I did, the flowers looked great but the stems, the soil and the top glass started to get out of place

Is there a way to fix this.
Is 5: 00 am and I’m loosing it. :loco:
Here’s the straight version.
Please help me

read post #601...yours are set to 'blend'

also...set the stdMatCullMode from cullClockwise to none...this forces the game to draw BOTH sides of a single plane....

temptress 5th Apr 2006 4:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by boblishman
read post #601...yours are set to 'blend'

also...set the stdMatCullMode from cullClockwise to none...this forces the game to draw BOTH sides of a single plane....

thank you boblishman, ill try that

temptress 5th Apr 2006 5:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by boblishman
read post #601...yours are set to 'blend'

also...set the stdMatCullMode from cullClockwise to none...this forces the game to draw BOTH sides of a single plane....

You are a genius, it worked ... Thanks again

ebarth1967 5th Apr 2006 11:55 AM

Same problem
I had a similar problem although I have just started creating and have only used one GUID to date, got the same message and after trying to get into the ambertation site found a suspension notification.

Is there any other way of issuing new GUID numbers to new objects?


boblishman 5th Apr 2006 12:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ebarth1967
I had a similar problem although I have just started creating and have only used one GUID to date, got the same message and after trying to get into the ambertation site found a suspension notification.

Is there any other way of issuing new GUID numbers to new objects?


the website appears to be down at the moment.... what you can do it to type in manually the next unused GUID number you need ...but keep a record...and when the site is back up you can 'register' those used guid's by opening the package(s) and clicking get GUID.(as if you were building the object for the first time)

...if you do it in the right order, then it will 'bring down' and register the same GUID's you have issued yourself... (if you know what I mean....)

padre333 5th Apr 2006 12:05 PM

hey ebarth1967.
i too found the suspension notice at the abertation site, which means no GUIDS, I think.

ebarth1967 5th Apr 2006 12:12 PM

the website appears to be down at the moment.... what you can do it to type in manually the next unused GUID number you need ...but keep a record...and when the site is back up you can 'register' those used guid's by opening the package(s) and clicking get GUID.(as if you were building the object for the first time)

...if you do it in the right order, then it will 'bring down' and register the same GUID's you have issued yourself... (if you know what I mean....)

Thanks for the help, but now a VERY stupid question from a complete newbie at this, how do the numbers order? example
My first GUID no was: 0x001EBA00, would the next one be 0x002EBA00?

IgnorantBliss 5th Apr 2006 1:01 PM

No, you change the last numbers. After 0x001EBA00 would come 0x001EBA01, I think. The block starting from 0x001EBA00 is registered to you so that the last two numbers/letters will change and the 1EBA part will stay the same.

ebarth1967 5th Apr 2006 1:24 PM

Thanks! I'll do as you suggest, I suppose I can always change it once the site is back up.

boblishman 5th Apr 2006 5:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by IgnorantBliss
No, you change the last numbers. After 0x001EBA00 would come 0x001EBA01, I think. The block starting from 0x001EBA00 is registered to you so that the last two numbers/letters will change and the 1EBA part will stay the same.

yes.....and remember....the sequence is hexadecimel (base 16) ...which means that when you get to xxxxxx09....the next 'number is xxxxxx0A, then xxxxxx0B and so on until xxxxxx0F, ...then then next numnber is xxxxxx10, xxxxxx11, xxxxxxxx12 etc.,

[EDIT] 4.26pm:....the website is back you should be ok now...

temptress 6th Apr 2006 3:20 AM

one thing about guids ... im doing it manually ( i keep a record in paper ) cause not allways i have access to internet to do the "get guid" and register ... is there a problem if i dont register my guids ever ???

IgnorantBliss 6th Apr 2006 6:16 AM

Quote: Originally posted by temptress
one thing about guids ... im doing it manually ( i keep a record in paper ) cause not allways i have access to internet to do the "get guid" and register ... is there a problem if i dont register my guids ever ???

If you're sure you're only using GUIDs from your own registered block, and also making sure you don't reuse the same GUIDs, then there should be no problem. But if you use completely random GUIDs that are not from a registered block, then there is a risk someone else is using the same ones, and having both objects in the game at once would cause conflicts.

temptress 6th Apr 2006 6:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by IgnorantBliss
If you're sure you're only using GUIDs from your own registered block, and also making sure you don't reuse the same GUIDs, then there should be no problem. But if you use completely random GUIDs that are not from a registered block, then there is a risk someone else is using the same ones, and having both objects in the game at once would cause conflicts.

no, i have my own registered block, and i know how to calculate the next hex to use ... but i was thinking that since i dont register any guids, my account could be cancelled for lack of use ( even though im using it off line.)
is that possible ???

padre333 6th Apr 2006 9:07 AM

hi there once again. I have another question to ask about SimPE. Is there a way to make an object which is normally placed on surfaces, compatible with sitting on the floor without having to have the moveobjects cheat on? I have a floorlamp which I have cloned from a table lamp (the reason for this is simply that none of the Maxis floorlamps cloned correctly for me - when on, no glow occurred and also some would appear with the original shade textures, all smeared and ugly) and would like it to be able to stand on the floor without the aid of any cheats.
appreciate all and any help...

IgnorantBliss 6th Apr 2006 11:17 AM

temptress, I think that if you have at least once registered GUID online, your account should not be cancelled. It took me a long time from registering my first object to registering the second one (several months) but my account was still there.

padre333, see the Modding Info-Center articles under the Modding Discussion forum, Numenor has an article on editing object placement.

Samson 7th Apr 2006 1:02 AM

Please help with stackable display
I cloned the OFB stackable display to make wood crate displays for a flea market. They will not stack. Objects can be placed on them and inside of them. The strange thing is, I can stack Maxis display on top of my crate displays.

I am not sure what needs editing to make this object stackable and I assumed by cloning the stackable display it would be automatically stackable. I obviously assumed wrongly.

I would appreciate someone's help very much. Thank you in advance. The object is in the attached zip file.

Numenor 7th Apr 2006 9:40 AM

Samson - Sometimes the internal routines (BHAVs) of an object refer to the object itself by its GUID; therefore, registering a new GUID for the object breaks its functionality.
I've searched all the occurrences of the original GUID and replaced them with the new one. I've made this for all the BHAVs internal to the package itself: I hope that the semiglobal BHAVs used by this crate don't refer to the original GUID.

Please test it in game (I couldn't do myself), and tell me if it works.

chrissy6930 7th Apr 2006 1:03 PM

Hi all,

I am working on some globe lights right now and came across a problem: when lit the globes look somehow 2D which I find pretty unsatisfying. is there anything at all I could do about it?
they are cloned from the vintage street light for the ambiant light and base game compliancy yet the globes are set up like those of the OFB globe lamp.
find one of them enclosed.

thanx in advance!

Samson 7th Apr 2006 8:10 PM

It Works - Thank you!
Quote: Originally posted by Numenor
Samson - Sometimes the internal routines (BHAVs) of an object refer to the object itself by its GUID; therefore, registering a new GUID for the object breaks its functionality.
I've searched all the occurrences of the original GUID and replaced them with the new one. I've made this for all the BHAVs internal to the package itself: I hope that the semiglobal BHAVs used by this crate don't refer to the original GUID.

Please test it in game (I couldn't do myself), and tell me if it works.

Thank you very much for your help - it works perfectly. I have learned alot from this forum from just reading, I really appreciate "the experts" taking the time to help and teach. Thank you again!

Numenor 8th Apr 2006 10:47 PM

Chrissy - I'm not sure what you mean with "2D"... What I can see from your package is that the texture for the bulb is opaque (it has no transparency); if you want to add the transparency, you have to create an alpha for it, convert the texture to DXT3 format and enable the blending in the TXMT (I'm quite sure you already know how to do that, right?)

Samson - I'm glad that this thread was helpful for you

boblishman 8th Apr 2006 10:53 PM

Chrissy...I had a look too....maybe the texture is a bit too could try lowering the brightness of the 'on' texture ... maybe even add a bit of 3D'ness (ok, no such word) to the texture and remap....just an idea...

chrissy6930 9th Apr 2006 7:55 PM

[QUOTE=Numenor] I'm not sure what you mean with "2D"... What I can see from your package is that the texture for the bulb is opaque (it has no transparency); if you want to add the transparency, you have to create an alpha for it, convert the texture to DXT3 format and enable the blending in the TXMT (I'm quite sure you already know how to do that, right?) [QUOTE]

yes I'm familiar with how to change an opaque texture into a transparent one yet that's not what I've been looking for I'm afraid.
I take it from your and Boblishman's comments that I'm overcritical with this one. thanx for your help!

Mirjam 10th Apr 2006 11:22 AM

now i'm starting to annoy myself!! i'm never going to learn this!
i made this mesh and it uncombines itself when i try to import it to simPE, i would post this question in my thread, but i'm like gtoo embarressed to bother ignorantbliss again (she has been so helpfull and patient with me. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!) OK, i know i'm a bit weird.. lol....
so, she said i have do do it all over again but with lover depth....
and i'm just wondering how can i change depth(etc.) with wings3D?
i know i can with milkshape... but it expired....i tried to "renew" it... never mind, so can i do it with wings?

thank you for your help in advance
PS this isn't the first mesh that would uncombine...

isapilapil 11th Apr 2006 6:37 AM


I've only been modding for a week and have made several successful recolorable objects. However, the one I am currently working on has left me stumped.

The object looks and works fine in the game but the recolors I made for it aren't showing up.

The object I cloned has 2 subsets. To save time and trouble, I no longer changed the original subset names.

I've also referred to the tutorials: "adding a subset to an object (and making it recolorable" by IgnorantBliss and "A guide for quick creation of color enabled objects" by Numenor to check if all the subset names were pointed at the right files, determine if the object I cloned was color enabled etc. In short, everything appears to be fine.

I don't seem to have problems with the recoloring process in SimPE either--apart from the recolors not showing up in the game. Again, the base object looks and works fine in the game.

Being new to this, I really don't know what I'm doing wrong with this particular object and any help would be most appreciated.

IgnorantBliss 11th Apr 2006 6:43 AM

isapilapil, did you also make sure that you Updated MMATs for the main GUID when you got new GUIDs for your object? When you open the MMAT(s) and look at the objectGUID line, which GUID does it refer to?

isapilapil 11th Apr 2006 8:03 AM

Hi again, thanks for responding so quickly!

The MMATS are the material definitions right?

Yes, I updated the MMATs for the main GUID when I made the package. I just checked now and both the objectGUID line for both MMATs point to my main guid.

isapilapil 11th Apr 2006 10:33 AM

I just went through all my files again and I noticed that 2 faces of my object were not UV Mapped by Maya! I don't know how this happened, but could this be causing my problem about recolors not working?

IgnorantBliss 11th Apr 2006 10:43 AM

The faces should not affect how the recolors work. Try posting one of your objects here as an attachment and I can take a look.

MMATs are Material Overrides.

isapilapil 11th Apr 2006 12:54 PM

I'm sorry I don't know how to post as an attachment here. I uploaded the files somewhere else:

The main object file:

one recolor:

Thanks again for all the help! :salute:

IgnorantBliss 11th Apr 2006 2:52 PM

The MMATs are not pointing to the main GUID. They point to 0x001EE306, but the main GUID is 0x001EE307. Try fixing them manually: Open each MMAT, click on the objectGUID line and change the GUID number to what it needs to be, then Commit and Save. You will have to do the same with the recolor packages, or alternatively create whole new recolor packages after you've fixed the GUIDs on the main object.

darylmarkloc 11th Apr 2006 3:14 PM

padre333 - Although it isn't my place to answer problems here, I can offer a suggestion or two if you haven't fixed it yet. First though, I don't use UVM Pro myself, so I can't comment on whether something you are doing there is causing your problem. Just to be sure it isn't your mesh though, check in Blender you don't have overlapping faces sitting on top of each other (surface to surface) - that can cause a strange effect when textured. If you have to have overlapping faces, move them one pixel apart. One thing I did which caused me enormous trouble until I figured it out was that I had a portion of a mesh replicated. This can happen because Blender will allow you to load the same file twice. It was impossible to see visually without knowing what to look for, because each vertice of the two meshes were occupying the same points in space. It looked fine when rendered in Blender but the UV texture in-game was similar to what you have. If you switch to 'solid' view in Edit mode in Blender, examine your object from several angles, so the light hits it different ways. If a surface appears to have a slightly darker look than those around it, it is an indicator that that face is possibly replicated, or simply 'corrupted'. btw, UVM Classic (I don't know about Pro, though) can contribute a texture problem in another makes temporary working files and at times, if you are remapping a modified object with a new MTL file, it will read the older temporary file from a previous mapping of your object. This results in a texture "mis-mapping' Do a disk clean up of temp files and UVMapper will do the right thing and read your new new OBJ/MTL file pair together (assuming they are in the same directory), rather than an older version from its temp files. Sorry I can't say exactly what your problem is. Just some things to look out for which can have a similar effect.

IgnorantBliss 11th Apr 2006 3:22 PM

Although it isn't my place to answer problems here

Everyone is welcome to help others in this thread .

padre333 11th Apr 2006 3:40 PM

Thanks for the info DML. I really appreciate it!

isapilapil 11th Apr 2006 4:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by IgnorantBliss
The MMATs are not pointing to the main GUID. They point to 0x001EE306, but the main GUID is 0x001EE307. Try fixing them manually: Open each MMAT, click on the objectGUID line and change the GUID number to what it needs to be, then Commit and Save. You will have to do the same with the recolor packages, or alternatively create whole new recolor packages after you've fixed the GUIDs on the main object.

Yay! Thank you so much! I always thought the main GUID was the 2nd one from the top, but because of your help I learned that there's a more reliable way of determining which one it is --the one without the numbers beside it (e.g. 0,0 0,1 correct me if I'm wrong though)

Thanks again!

IgnorantBliss 11th Apr 2006 6:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by isapilapil
--the one without the numbers beside it (e.g. 0,0 0,1 correct me if I'm wrong though)

Thanks again!

Yes, that's correct .

Sluvah 11th Apr 2006 7:59 PM

Some selectable problems
Hi everyone

I have made a slave object using Jwoods technic and, after testing it in my game and see there is no problems, I cloned it (the slave object) to make an other slave object.
And go test it. The second slave object works perfectly, but the first one can't be selected anymore....

I have attached to my post the three objects ( file) :
- Repository
- Slave 1
- Slave 2

Both of them are light. The repository is a table light. The slaves are wall light.

Thanks a lot for anyome helping me !!!
(and forgive me if I made mistakes, English is a foreign language for me....)

Ben♣ 12th Apr 2006 8:40 PM

Don't worry, English is also a foreign language for me.

My connexion is too slow, I can't download your files to verify what I'm going to tell you.

Well, I think you should check the GUIDs : if both files (i.e. both objects) have the same GUIDs, it's normal that you can't select the 1st one.

You have to give your 2nd object new GUIDs (follow the tutorial procedure).

I hope I'm not mistaken !

IgnorantBliss 12th Apr 2006 8:59 PM

I have looked at Sluvah's objects, and the GUIDs seem to fine, each of them have their own. I have yet to determine what the problem is, though.

Numenor 12th Apr 2006 9:47 PM

If the two slave objects are slave, then why do both package contain MMATs? Slave objects have no MMATs: they use the Repository's ones.
I can't test the lamps right now, but I thought this might be interesting.

Sluvah 13th Apr 2006 12:46 AM

I just test by deleting all MMAT, as numenor suggested.
Don't resolved my problem. I will test exporting mesh and texture from slave_2 and clone Slave 3 and importing into mesh and texture... maybe it will solve my bug... But, i want to know why it don't work....

Sluvah 13th Apr 2006 1:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Err.. I just found the problem...
It's as Ben said GUID... Maybe some other object I made have got same GUID (but, I don't know how it happen)....

I just changed GUID and... It works !!!
Thanks a lot for your help every one.
I will just post a picture of my creation, if you don't mind

katies282005 13th Apr 2006 4:46 AM

Please Help me
I did an armoire now im having some problems with things not showing up where they are supposed to show up.... e.i. back is missing and there is a small black plane on the front of my armoire thats not supposed to be there.... if you can help me please i would appreciate it highly

IgnorantBliss 13th Apr 2006 6:23 AM

katies282005, the faces in the back of the armoire are inverted. Which mesh program are you using? If Milkshape, select those faces in the back and go to Face and select Reverse Vertex Order. I don't know what those options are called in other mesh programs, but maybe someone else can give you help with that if you can't figure it out. After you fix the mesh, you will have to repeat which ever method you used to retain animations for the armoire, or the animations will be lost.

The small black plane is a shadow. It's the subset called armoireartnouveau_shadows_alpha (there seem to be two subsets called the same, it's one of them). You can probably delete both of them without a problem. If you do, also delete that subset from the Parts list on Shape.

I notice also the closet inside shadow sticks out the front a little bit. The inside shadow is the other subset also with the name armoireartnouveau_shadows_alpha. If you don't care for the inside shadow, you can delete it in the way I described above. You can also resize the shadow in your mesh program like any other mesh if you want to keep it but have it the right size. Boblishman has a tutorial for editing shadows in the tutorial section.

katies282005 13th Apr 2006 8:21 AM

worse problems
:mad: my animations are now messed up and i already linked them again :mad:

IgnorantBliss 13th Apr 2006 8:39 AM

Can you upload the mesh in OBJ format so that the doors are grouped separately? I can try fixing the door animations later today. What kind of problems are you having with the animations?

katies282005 13th Apr 2006 9:00 AM

yeah!!!!! I got it lol thanks for the help ignorantbliss i seem to be asking alot of help these days but then again im a newbie this is the first real object i have done other than the tutorial table from jwoods tutorial....

FoxSports76 14th Apr 2006 11:28 PM

I'm not really sure what my problem is but: I was trying to make an Abercrombie & Fitch Store sign (like the Walmart and Target signs on this website) I wasn't sure what to cloan so I cloaned that circular wall light. I used Wings 3D and saved that Binding Box then deleted the object then inserted text and moved it to that binding box. Everything seemed perfect. Then I saved it, and put it in UV mapper, set everything up and saved it then I put it in GIMP made the texture and saved it as a *.png. Then when I uploaded all of it into SimPE I don't see a preview. (This may not be a problem but last time I didn't see a preview it didn't show up in The Sims 2)

If someone could please take a look at it and see if they can fix anything that would be great. Download the zip file here


Sluvah 15th Apr 2006 1:47 AM

2 Attachment(s)
First, I think your Mesh is too big for your game... Each letters will be as tall as an house... To resize it to a (better?) size, clone any object, export it's mesh and import it into Wings3D. You will see how tall is your mesh

Next, You have just added your new mesh. Not replace an older or, link it to a texture. You should, when importing, look at the bottom-right corner

I suggest you to replace "metal" mesh... But, try to replace "disk" if you don't obtain something you want.

Some light are better to clone than other. Try some other lamp if it's not how you want it to be...

The only wall_lamp I have success to clone is this one :
I post pictures because I don't know it's english name :sci:

Sorry, I have worte a novel.... Hope you will understand me !
I use Wings3D too, so if you have any others question about this freeware, I will try to answer you !

besen 15th Apr 2006 11:22 AM

Thank you!
Hello Sluvah!

You don't know, but you helped me to solve a final problem I had with a bed I was working on just with the picture you posted! Thank you a lot! :wave:

Happy Easter!

steel89 16th Apr 2006 4:14 PM

Hi all!
I have a recolour problem with my new set: the Combotables.
I made 3 packages by cloning the cheapest table, but I can't recolour they....
Please help me and if you can tell me where was the problem!
I attach the rar! :wave:

[Sorry again for my "language"]
Bye! :salute:
ps: Thanks so much! and Happy Easter!

EDIT: Removed Rar

boblishman 16th Apr 2006 5:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by george_mcfly_au
After my success with the typewriter, I decided to make another mesh of a big clock for my Sims townsquare. I wanted it to be able to tell the time though, so I cloned it from BobL's School Clock mesh.

However, I'm having a lot of trouble with it, for some reason it's crashing the game, it wasn't doing so at first, but the last couple of times I've tried to load it up it has done so. I tried to redo the whole cloning process and redo the package, but still no luck!

And when it was working, I couldn't get the hands of the clock to actually BE on the clock, I don't know if that can be fixed or not.

Attached is the file I hope someone can help me out, I made the mesh by scaling up BobL's original clock mesh by 300%. I am using the latest version of Sims PE.


well....first of can't just 'clone' clocks and resize/move them. The way they work is quite different to 'normal' objects. The hands are positioned by the translations in the cres (which is why you couldn't get them to stick to the 'face'.) They are each in a seperate GMDC and must be positioned 'manually' by entering their 'new' posotions in their respective cres translations....

secondly.... it's not really fair to use someone elses mesh without asking their permission first :naughty: ...had you done so, I could have told you about these 'problems' with 'time-telling' clocks then ...

IgnorantBliss 16th Apr 2006 7:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by steel89
Hi all!
I have a recolour problem with my new set: the Combotables.
I made 3 packages by cloning the cheapest table, but I can't recolour they....
Please help me and if you can tell me where was the problem!
I attach the rar! :wave:

[Sorry again for my "language"]
Bye! :salute:
ps: Thanks so much! and Happy Easter!

The problem is with the MMATs pointing to wrong GUIDs. They need to point to the new main GUID of your object (The main GUID is the one that does not have any numbers of letters coming after its name). To fix the MMAT GUID reference manually, open the MMAT, click on the line called "objectGUID" and change its value to your custom GUID, then commit and save. Then create new recolor packages.

For this table, only the table top (the subset called "surfaces") is recolorable. It's not really an ideal table to clone overall, but you should still be able to have the table tops recolorable after you make the change described above.

steel89 16th Apr 2006 11:27 PM

Thanksss sooo much!!! Fixed Problem! :D
(but, is there a mode to recolour for example only the surface of the "combotable01" but use this recolour also for combotable02 and 03? like maxis sofas and tables?)
Thanks againnn!

IgnorantBliss 17th Apr 2006 6:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by steel89
Thanksss sooo much!!! Fixed Problem! :D
(but, is there a mode to recolour for example only the surface of the "combotable01" but use this recolour also for combotable02 and 03? like maxis sofas and tables?)
Thanks againnn!

Do you mean to make the two tables as "slave" objects to the first one so that they would use that table's textures and would be automatically recolored when you recolor the one table? Yes, that should be possible. JWoods has written an article about that.

Sluvah 19th Apr 2006 12:43 AM

I can't see the problems on your picture...

isapilapil 19th Apr 2006 4:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by padre333
hello. Again(!). I am still having a problem with my meshes smearing in places. Since the problems with my fifties tv (which I was unable to fix, unfortunately), I have had the same problem occur with every mesh since. Only certain parts of the mesh are coming out ok, with other parts smeary. Does anyone have a solution to this rather annoying prob? Thanks to DarylMarKLoc for his(?) advise - checking double faces and replicated files, but alas, it didn't seem to work. I am using Blender3D and also UVM Pro. The mesh, while mapping in UVM Pro looks perfect. It's when I import it into SimPE (and use the preview while in GMDC) and then open it up in game, does it look bad. I appreciate any and all help/suggestions. Attached are the pics.
thanks so much,

Hi, I'm quite new to modding but I might be able to help. I think you're getting the bleeds because the uv faces of your object are sewn together in your uv maps. If you want really clean, bleedless objects, you have to separate the UV faces from each other.... e.g. for the dvds (though they look pretty good already), instead of having one UV rectangle for all the backs of the dvds, subdivide your mesh and have 1 uv face per dvd, and make sure that each UV face per dvd is not touching another one --not even at the edges. Let's say each uv face should be 5 pixels apart from another for the areas you want really clean. Then leave the edges touching for the less important areas. I hope my explaination is clear enough, and useful to you.

padre333 19th Apr 2006 11:03 AM

unsightly bleeding faces
thanks so much, Isapilapil for your advice. I really appreciate it! I am a total newbie, having only managed to create working meshes within the last month, so please forgive my ignorance and frustrating questions. Do you mean I should remap the items with a larger gap between the offending faces? I think I get what you mean. However, I don't understand how that can happen when the lamp shade I made, when lit, bled all over the place. I wanted, rather than just a lighter colour, white bits on it to appear like glass (opaque though), and those too bled. It was mapped separately from the rest of the lamp (therefore only having one colour on the map) and the faces were mapped quite a distance apart. With the dvds, on the actual texture, I can see which bits are bleeding. Both dvd faces are 'stealing' a piece of the grey bit which is located above the dvds. How can the bottom of the dvds be covered in grey which is located above them? With the actual mesh, the dvds are each their own seperate units (not one block) and indeed they are very close (because I removed the useless, unseen back and inside faces). And there are places, yes, (esp. with the dvds), where I have placed them together on the map. But - and now for the annoying Padre question bit: If a map needs gaps between each face for it to not 'bleed', then how come the dvd spines have turned out perfectly when they are all mapped with no gaps between them and are separate, yet almost touching in the mesh? It's very inconsistent which is what I am finding particularly tough.
Thanks again for writing. I'm not sure I fully understand the predicament - esp. when I replace faces in the mesh and others suddenly become smeared (!), but I appreciate your help.
v grateful,

isapilapil 19th Apr 2006 1:24 PM

I'm kind of embarrassed to be posting here because I don't know much, but here are a few more suggestions:

"I don't understand how that can happen when the lamp shade I made, when lit, bled all over the place. I wanted, rather than just a lighter colour, white bits on it to appear like glass (opaque though), and those too bled. It was mapped separately from the rest of the lamp (therefore only having one colour on the map) and the faces were mapped quite a distance apart."

Have you tried changing the size of your .pngs? Perhaps you don't have to have a separate map for the white bits --rather keep everything on one map (faces not touching at the edges) and try making it larger e.g. 512x512 pixels, then if it's still not working, try 1024x1024 etc.

"Both dvd faces are 'stealing' a piece of the grey bit which is located abovethe dvds. How can the bottom of the dvds be covered in grey which is located above them?"

This happened to me once when the faces on my UV map were exactly at the edge of the map. I'm not sure if it applies to your situation but aside from keeping them apart from each other, UVs tend to work better if they're not at the exact border of the map as well.

"If a map needs gaps between each face for it to not 'bleed', then how come the dvd spines have turned out perfectly when they are all mapped with no gaps between them and are separate, yet almost touching in the mesh? It's very inconsistent which is what I am finding particularly tough."

It's kind of hard to explain in writing, but the UV map being a 2-d representation of a 3-d object stretches the faces in various ways to be able to appear flat. The more regular/ flat sides an object has e.g. boxes, the less stretching-hence easier recoloring. Concave or convex areas have more stretching so even something as small as a pixel can cause a noticeable bleed or smudge. This also applies to beveled areas.

I really hope you resolve your problem -- your textures still look really good!

To the moderators, I'm really sorry for cluttering up your forum.

padre333 19th Apr 2006 4:17 PM

Thanks isapilapil
You're a star, Isapilapil. I appreciate you taking the time to help me. i shall soldier on and make some changes to both mesh and map in the hope that I find a cure. Surely somethings gotta give, yea? In your reply, the bleeding faces are nowhere near the edge of the map so I'm not entirely sure what to do with them. Also I have created new, larger .pngs for SimPE textures. It's all too much for someone with as little knowledge as I. I think I will just remap them all and see what happens. If I am unsuccessful, then I'll work out my frustrations in the garden (where i should be anyway!!) and you probably won't hear from me for a while. (Is that cheering I hear)?! I'm going to dig my computer a shallow grave!
Again thanks so much.
Humbly Yours,

MRObloodshoot 23rd Apr 2006 10:28 AM

Where can i find the Sims 2 start to finish Object Creation Tutorial V 2.1 download?

IgnorantBliss 23rd Apr 2006 10:30 AM

In the tutorial section here.

Maximum_spider 23rd Apr 2006 4:50 PM

HI there
I have made a new mesh for the (punch bag),the problem is simple but I cannot fix it (I don't know what caused it).
anyway,my object won't appear in the game (I know this is an old problem)
but I can't fix it, all of the joints and textures r in the right place and the mesh appears perfectly in Simpe (in the preview)
so here is the object package:::::

hope u can find out what's wrong with it

PS: there is sth else, I made this -first- with a low res mesh and it worked in the game(but It was so difficult to color so I deleted it), but with the new one it Doesn't work (could this be the problem?does the RES of the mesh affects the appearance of the objects in the game?)

IgnorantBliss 23rd Apr 2006 6:03 PM

Is the problem that there is no icon for this object in the catalog at all, or that there is but it just doesn't show up otherwise? I'm not sure if a high polygon count will make an object not show up, but the polygon count is very high for this object. I would recommend using a lower polygon/vertex count version instead.

Samekh 23rd Apr 2006 8:58 PM

I found anything above six pixels within the border can resolve the bleeding issue. It's sad though, when you spend so long carefully mapping something.

Maximum_spider 23rd Apr 2006 9:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by IgnorantBliss
Is the problem that there is no icon for this object in the catalog at all, or that there is but it just doesn't show up otherwise? I'm not sure if a high polygon count will make an object not show up, but the polygon count is very high for this object. I would recommend using a lower polygon/vertex count version instead.

No the icon is empty it has nothing in it
hmmmmmmmmmm.......... toooo bad

IgnorantBliss 23rd Apr 2006 9:59 PM

For the icon problem, try refreshing your thumbnails by deleting the package files in the Thumbnails folder in the Sims 2 folder under My Documents (leave the folder there but delete the files in it). New thumbnails will be generated the next time you go into the catalog in the game.

Maximum_spider 23rd Apr 2006 10:05 PM

I am trying 2 lowwer the vertix of the mesh and rebuild the whole package again!
Hope it work

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! finally I did it Just needing a little coloring and trhen the object is good 2 GO!

Sorry 4 th smiley abuse

IgnorantBliss 24th Apr 2006 7:00 AM

Cool, I'm glad to hear you got it working .

IgnorantBliss 24th Apr 2006 7:45 PM

This thread is only for object issues, questions about accessories belong to the Bodyshop meshing forum .

lindawing 25th Apr 2006 7:35 AM

robin07042005 --Regarding HomeCrafter not working after University...

If your HomeCrafter isn't working, it doesn't have anything to do with whether or not you have any of the EPs. HomeCrafter works just fine, right through to OFB and both bonus packs. I use it all the time. I suspect that you may be using it with OLD transparent floor tiles in your Downloads folder, which will cause problems. Most of the existing transparent tiles have been redone so that they don't mess things up, but you can work around it, even if you have the older tiles in your folder.

Just take all your transparent tiles temporarily out to a holding folder (identify them with Sims2PackCleanInstaller if you have it, or with simPE, or with Content Manager). Then you'll be able to (more than likely) use HomeCrafter without any problems.

IgnorantBliss 25th Apr 2006 8:44 AM

I seem to remember there being talk about Homecrafter not working if you had the Nightlife but not the University EP.

atomic_hamsters 25th Apr 2006 11:27 PM

I did a quick search and didnt see any thing relevant to my problem, so i thought i'd post.

I'm attempting to make a new mesh (This is only my 3rd attempt), i got it into SimPE just fine, but when i went to texture it, theres no texture file
My previous attmept had a texture image, and i did not close simpe after i finished it, so i think the clone settings should be the same...

Should i just start a recolor of the original mesh, then extract that texture and add it to this package, or try to recolor this mesh?

It's probly something simple i forgot to do, but any help is appriciated :D

OK, i tried it in game and it's a slave to the 'sentinial' end table textures.(thats what it was cloned from)

Im guessing this has something to do with having the 'create a stand-alone object' unchecked? And is there a way to fix this, or do i just completly re-do the file?

IgnorantBliss 26th Apr 2006 6:08 AM

You could import the missing files into your package, but much easier is just to create a new clone, check the stand-alone option, and then import your mesh into that instead (and reuse the GUID and such). Shouldn't be too time-consuming since it's not like you have to redo the mesh or anything .

atomic_hamsters 26th Apr 2006 6:03 PM

Ok, cloned it again and it works fine

Thank you!

cutipi198 28th Apr 2006 4:02 AM

Hi im knew! How do I make Objects and things on this site?

IgnorantBliss 28th Apr 2006 6:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by cutipi198
Hi im knew! How do I make Objects and things on this site?

Take a look at the tutorial section under this forum, you will find lots of tutorials there.

goddess1girl 28th Apr 2006 11:24 PM

what do you mean

Suza 29th Apr 2006 4:51 PM

Hello, I have a shadow problem and hope someone can help me please and that this is the right place for it. I´m not sure, but I guess my shadows are too hard and strong....the shadows from the table ingame looks softer ..... I tried many things, darker grey, more bluring and so on....but nothing works....or do you mean the shadows are right? Here is a pic from my tables and from the shadowpics, where you can see, that I blured it very much ....

IgnorantBliss 29th Apr 2006 5:10 PM

boblishman has a tutorial specifically for shadows in the tutorial section, I recommend you take a look at that .

Suza 29th Apr 2006 5:29 PM

Yes I saw this tutorial and I tried it yesterday, but as you can see I´m german and that is not so easy for me to understand there all....and I also guess he has an newer version from PSP....because I didn´t find all the functions what he shows in the tutorial....but from the principle its the same what he make with the shadows and what I make....I made also 2 wallunits cloned from the same coffeetable as the coffeetable self and there the shadows are right, only the shadows from the tables want get not softer, perhaps it´s a table problem generally . Do you think I should ask boblishman in his tutorial thread for it?

IgnorantBliss 29th Apr 2006 5:33 PM

Are you importing your shadow image in ExtRaw8Bit format into SimPE, and not DXT3 or anything else?

Suza 29th Apr 2006 5:43 PM

Yes I made all as boblishman recommend (import in DXT1 and then update to ExtRaw8Bit format, update all sizes and then commit) in his tutorial, all what I understood...I asked for this also in the german forum and there I got the answer to change in the material definition from the shadow from "none" to "additive", but when I try this, I have no shadow.... but in my material definition from the shadow don´t stand "none" but "blend" . I really tried many many things now, so I thougt I ask some experts here Maybe it´s the table itself, I cloned one with reflect part and one wood part...I needed this one, because I want color options for the white part (the reflect part) and the wood. And as I said, for the wallunits I made the same with the shadows and there works all fine....

IgnorantBliss 29th Apr 2006 6:11 PM

If you want to, I can take a look at the package file. Put it into a ZIP or RAR file and upload to a post as an attachment with the Manage Attachments button, and I can see if I could fix it.

Suza 29th Apr 2006 6:28 PM

Ok I hope you find the error in it....I put you also one of my wallunits in, where I made the same as all, that you can see the difference.... Thank you. :lovestruc

IgnorantBliss 29th Apr 2006 7:33 PM

You have the shadow textures in the correct format, but I think the problem is that the shadow areas are too big. The shadow mesh in the game only uses a limited area of the shadow texture, and if your shadow on the texture is too big and goes over the size of the mesh, the edges will be "cut" and appear too sharp for that reason. Understand what I mean? The uv-map will then only use a part of your texture. Try making the white/gray area on the texture smaller. (And making it darker will make the shadow not so visible overall.)Then there should be room for that smoother edge also .

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