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Nabila_Ici 31st Mar 2011 7:26 PM

My friend and I agreed to go out at 6, and she would come pick me up because it's not safe to walk around at night. It's now 7:30, she didn't call me to cancel or anything, and she isn't picking up her phone.

I'm really, really annoyed. I was raised to understand that this is just plain rude.

Rawra 31st Mar 2011 8:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Nabila_Ici
My friend and I agreed to go out at 6, and she would come pick me up because it's not safe to walk around at night. It's now 7:30, she didn't call me to cancel or anything, and she isn't picking up her phone.

I'm really, really annoyed. I was raised to understand that this is just plain rude.


DigitalSympathies 31st Mar 2011 8:37 PM

I can't film a damn thing because my game keeps on crashing every time I try to transfer lots. Greeeeeeeaaat. My old game that I had had in 2009 did this too, and when I transferred all my data over in '09 to the new game it ran just fine. But no. Not anymore. And I don't want to reinstall because I don't want to redownload 90,000 items of CC. T_T'

PharaohHound 1st Apr 2011 3:57 AM

Why the bleep is my hip hurting? I'm supposed to have knee problems, I've never hurt my hips! Two days ago it was my left hip, now it's my right one.

Just one more thing for my osteopath to try and sort out, I guess...

Rabid 1st Apr 2011 2:13 PM

I think I'm getting a cold. I really don't need this right now; spring break just started. Ugh.

Phoeberg 1st Apr 2011 2:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
OMG It's horrible because on one hand I'm ready to be done with all the hard work but on the other hand I love being a student, I love learning, I've got good friends here, and so I don't want to leave.

At times like this, when I have two 4,000 word essays and my dissertation to finish, I think that I'm definitely ready for it to end, but I love being a student too. It's going to be strange when it's over.

Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
I also keep flitting between states of utter panic and moments of 'it'll all be fine, just concentrate on finishing'.

Me too, I keep trying to convince myself it will all work out in the end! I suppose it will, but it's really hard to see that at the moment. I have moments of panic and stay up until 4am working and then the next day I wonder why I thought that was a good idea!

el_flel 1st Apr 2011 5:20 PM

Eurgh essays, I've got two 3k word essays and two exams in May but I'm not even starting them until the diss is finished. It really is hard to imagine it ever being done because right now it seems like it won't get done.

I get panicked in the middle of the night when there's nothing I could possibly do about it at that moment. Is your sleep suffering?! Mine is! I also stressed myself into an IBS flare up yesterday which was just wonderful.

DollyRot 2nd Apr 2011 2:26 AM

I'm having one of those days where no matter what I wear, I look like a hippo.

cupcake12winx 2nd Apr 2011 5:22 AM

Minor vent.

Ugly, large, blue bruise on the side of my leg. Bleh. It's not actually that bad because it doesn't hurt much, but it's just the fact that the fuck-up in my head caused it that I'm venting about.

thedivineone 2nd Apr 2011 10:30 AM

I am so sick of people who never do what they say. Our net has been out for 2 weeks now, we called a company to get a new modem 3 days after the net went off, they sent us the bill and said they would come the next day. Guess what? A no show. Bleh.

lethifold 2nd Apr 2011 3:23 PM

My ex- totally ruined what could have been an otherwise perfect night. How lame.

x-tashi-x 3rd Apr 2011 5:49 AM

I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I'm the top of my english class, I do well in all my other subjects, I rarely go out, i behave well.

Yet my family still pick on me.

cupcake12winx 3rd Apr 2011 10:06 AM

Why are all my favorite shows foreign? <_> Italian or French, damnit.

Dreamydre 4th Apr 2011 5:00 AM

Thanks girls. I'm actually a bit skeptical about her death. Call me a conspiracy theorist or paranoid, but in my opinion there's so much that doesn't add up. And the police are doing an investigation. I mean, she fell down a flight of stairs, my dad said in order for her to die from an epidural hematoma she would have had to fallen down those stairs pretty hard. I guess we're just crazy. Of course I didn't tell my boyfriend this, or anyone else except my mom, dad and bestfriend. But a year from now, when they find the murderer I'll be their saying "I told you so".

Geah 4th Apr 2011 8:08 AM

You shouldn't immediately attribute malice to happenstance. It could be purely innocent, where she was sadly unlucky. Some people fall and break their legs, some get sprains, injured necks or head injuries. There are several factors to consider with things like this. Was she walking, running or trotting down the stairs? was she running up them and missed a step and tripped? Was there something on the staircase where she could have slipped? How wide was the landing on the stairs, was it not big enough that she hit something solid (like a bookshelf maybe) or was awkwardly pushed further down onto the start of a second flight?

My stepdad read it over my shoulder and mentioned how when he was in sixth form at school he was racing up the stairs two, three at a time and when he was a couple of stairs from the top he tripped and lost control of his body and went back down the stairs, badly spraining his ankle. Thankfully the landing at the bottom was large enough that when he landed he didn't hit anything other than floor and didn't get flung down the next flight. It could have been much, much worse.

I sincerely hope it wasn't malice that caused this tragedy. May she rest in peace.

cupcake12winx 5th Apr 2011 9:31 AM

My dog has a bladder stone, so our vet gave us special food that will dissolve the stone over two months. However, my dog won't eat the damn food. It's the $200 worth of food, or a $1200 surgery.


TRIriana 5th Apr 2011 12:58 PM

You could mix the required amount of special food with your dogs regular brand until s/he grows accustomed to the scent and taste, and then slowly start taking away the old food until s/he's only eating the special food.

cupcake12winx 5th Apr 2011 1:36 PM

^ Well, if she has any normal food it'll ruin the special food's job.

EDIT: My Tangled DVD has something called Fastplay... well, it does the complete opposite of what its name implies. It shows you previews for other movies! So much for fast. Thankfully it's not mandatory.

Rawra 5th Apr 2011 7:34 PM

Awesome, perfect, incredible! I'm tired as fuck! I went to sleep at 4 am last night, woke up at 6, been on the go the whole day and tomorrow will be just the same. I feel like sleeping a full day.

lethifold 6th Apr 2011 1:14 AM

It isn't even 9:30 AM and today is already horrid. I spilled my tea all over myself, my bed, my cat, and my carpet, and then I smashed a plate trying to pull it out of the cupboard for breakfast, and then I very nearly smashed another when I accidentally dropped it in the microwave. Ugh.

Dreamydre 6th Apr 2011 9:50 PM

I don't think anyone elses parents are as annoying as mine. My mom calls me while I'm driving home from school just to yell at me for not asking her for the prom dress I wanted. WHAT THE FUCK???? How the heck are you going to yell at me because I didn't ask you to buy my prom dress!??!? Last year she bought my prom dress and my sisters were complaining because when they were in school they had jobs and had to buy their own prom dresses. Supposedly I'm spoiled because I expect everything to be handed to me (ridiculously untrue). So this year I didn't bother asking her to buy me a dress, I got money from my dad. And now she's fussing about it -___- does anyone ever get the urge to just tell their parents to SHUT THE FUCK UP? I wish I could, but then I'd get slapped into next week!

kustirider2 6th Apr 2011 11:03 PM

Why do I have some crazy unfindable, mystery illness, that's practially disabling when I've never done anything bad in my life. Why am I suffering so much when rapists and murders are completely fine? If there was a god, surely he'd care about me too?

Dreamydre 7th Apr 2011 1:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by kustirider2
Why do I have some crazy unfindable, mystery illness, that's practially disabling when I've never done anything bad in my life. Why am I suffering so much when rapists and murders are completely fine? If there was a god, surely he'd care about me too?

Believe it or not, for years I was the one who had the "crazy unfindable mystery illness" I was always sick and they couldn't figure out why. It was only 5 years ago that I was diagnosed with Chronic Neutropenia. Keep your head up girl. God is love and loves us all unconditionally!! But you have to love yourself too

x-tashi-x 7th Apr 2011 11:24 AM

One of my friend's brang up the school's Counseling service, and jokingly said " im going to make an appointment... you get out of class, why doesn't everyone just go? I' ll make some shit up about why I'm there"

I go to counseling every week...
I have reasons.
I'm sorry you have no sympathy

Phoeberg 7th Apr 2011 4:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
I get panicked in the middle of the night when there's nothing I could possibly do about it at that moment. Is your sleep suffering?! Mine is! I also stressed myself into an IBS flare up yesterday which was just wonderful.

My sleep is definitely suffering. I keep trying to go to sleep at reasonable times like 10pm thinking I'll be able to get up early to work but then I can't sleep, so I end up getting up to work and then proceed to stare at my laptop's screen until about 3am, producing a grand total of about 200 words. Then I wake up between 6.30am and 7.30am. I feel so rough at the moment.

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