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Bigsimsfan12 20th Sep 2018 1:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
You probably don't know what I look like.

Didn't you have him on skype?

My dream last night was weird. I don't know why but I was back in my childhood home, sat at my computer desk in the livingroom. For some reason this guy I have on facebook (I've met him about 3 times overall in my Bachelor degree, but we got on quite well and he posts funny pictures) was sat next to me and starting asking me to paint pictures with him. So for some reason we were painting a canvas with Ninja Turtles on, in a Bob Ross kind of style (to be fair, I have been watching a lot of Bob Ross recently) and he says "Do you have a boyfriend?" and for some reason I'm really insulted, and I turn around and my Mum's sat on the sofa and she's giving me a weird judgemental stare and I say "Yeah, I have a boyfriend. He's called Adam, why?" and then my Mum looks approvingly and the guy continues painting. So then I think "Why did he ask me that? Does he like me?" and then I woke up.

It was really weird, considering I don't really even know this guy.

sailorplanet97 20th Sep 2018 1:29 PM

i had this weird dream about something and i thought this all happened in real

i was pregnant and had twins (2 boys) but then they died when they were born
then i was pregnant again and i decided to move out on my country and decided to live in an other country (Turkey or Tunisia)
to start a new fresh or something with my daughter

but i couldn't make it to a plane so i took the boat. but then something happened to me
and then i was at home again with my parents and i took my child as a secret without my parents knowing i was pregnant

that was a weird dream what i've been dreaming about because i thought i really had an child with me

Bigsimsfan12 20th Sep 2018 5:49 PM

Come join us on skype, PQ. We've been in a video call for 3 hours now. It's hilarious. We're discussing the idea of a whole sims neighbourhood made up of MTS simselves.

PANDAQUEEN 20th Sep 2018 9:10 PM

Did not sleep well last night. With the moon in the waxing gibbous position, I was awoken in the middle of the night, about a half hour before my father came home and decided to cut a perfectly ripe pineapple (My mother likes, not so much. I get enzymatic burns).

But during the time I was asleep, dreaming, Lee spooned me. His arm held my midsection and I just stared out the window and stared off at the rainy night. He started mumbling in his sleep, but it was actually coherent. He also did the ever classic Tarzan yell. I decided to sleep in my separate room until he calmed down. I got in my old bed and watch one of the anime I usually watch until I pass out

The dream endeth around 12:30 AM.

sailorplanet97 21st Sep 2018 10:57 PM

i had a dream about a school last night

the school i used to go didn't fit to me anymore or something
but i didn't wanted to move into a different school so i was angry

then i made friend with a girl and she showed me the whole new school, i don't remember how it ended
other then that we became roommates

and then i woke up and realized it was all just a dream

PANDAQUEEN 22nd Sep 2018 1:40 AM

Had a weird dream I was my simself in a version of the Sims that combined all sorts of things from all 4 iterations, including add-ons, including the Katy Perry Sweet Treats one and I looked through the screen and saw myself and she was kind enough to build me a house like the Candy Witch's from Hansel and Gretel. I then ask if She could provide me with a nice guy to live with. She dropped a simself of Lee Unkrich and they got along just fine. She eventually saw Lee kiss her in a "Heat of the Moment Kiss" and she didn't reject his affection. I paused and bought them a hot tub. They got led to both of them skinny-dipping...then WooHoo...and as Lee relaxed, my simself, being childish, hid his clothes. She made Lee a little angry once he marched in wearing a towel around his waist. They didn't talk for a few hours. Lee apologized for him yelling at her. The Simself said sorry for stranding Lee without his clothes. She saved the game as they kissed.

Sometimes I do feel that this reality is nothing more than a game played by something beyond comprehension.

sailorplanet97 23rd Sep 2018 10:49 PM

i had this weird dream about school again

i had to take an IQ test by playing something about your feelings

what makes you happy, what makes you sad, afraid, angry etc
but then one of my old teacher asked if i still didn't done that and so i had curfew to do, i don't know why and i don't care
everyone was done about the IQ test expect me

but i don't know what my IQ was in my dream because i woke up by then

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Sep 2018 11:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sailorleontine6
i had this weird dream about school again

i had to take an IQ test by playing something about your feelings

what makes you happy, what makes you sad, afraid, angry etc
but then one of my old teacher asked if i still didn't done that and so i had curfew to do, i don't know why and i don't care
everyone was done about the IQ test expect me

but i don't know what my IQ was in my dream because i woke up by then

Be glad you're not pegged as the defiant successor to Stephen Hawking. I'm not Ivy League material and for that matter, if they force me to go to one of the Big 10 or the Seven Sisters, I'm going to royally mess up Vassar. I rather teach drama and science of cooking classes.

Besides, I came up with a way to taunt a villain in my film (I write screenplays in my spare time)
Villain: So what are you supposed to be, Howdy Doody come alive? (in Howdy Doody's voice) "Cowabunga! I'm a real boy!"

(Howdy Doody was a famous American ventriloquist act with a dummy resembling a playful red head boy from the 1950s. He was the originator of the phrase "Cowabunga!" which would permeate into surfer lingo and the late 1980s with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As far as national security, he's probably locked in a preservational trunk in the Smithsonian cultural warehouse.)

Dream Last Night...
I spent time just reading from my phone the English translation of the Sailor Moon manga. To be exact, the translation was from 2011. (Currently there isn't an e-book version of the manga.) But what made it more of a treat was it was colorized. (traditionally, manga is printed in black and white on newsprint style paper due to cost on mass production scale) It was beautiful. I heard footsteps coming into the room while I was in bed. I stopped by Xing out. It was Lee. He asked how I was. I told him I'm fine, but the moon will be full and the moon drives me nuts when I need sleep. He got dressed in his pajamas (I already had mine on). He climbed into my bed (I sleep on a Queen because I roll around and thrash. His face will look like the Mayhem Man from Allstate Insurance if he thinks can help me.) I fell asleep.

The next morning, Lee was gone from my bed.

I went downstairs and made myself a mix of 3g caffeine supplement and a tablespoon of wheat dextrin (the recommended 10 grams has a caffeine content equivalent to two cups of coffee. Every time my father asked "Why don't you drink coffee?" when I mentioned the supplement, gives me more reasons to bite faces and rip limbs off. Lee came out of the water closet\half bath, covered in bruises, bandaged cuts and had a black eye on his right eye. I asked "What happened!?" He said " punched and scratched my face and you kneed my crotch. I had to limp downstairs for a bag of ice and I spent the night on the couch..." I was upset about it. I set up the futon couch to be a bed, brought him some fluids, gave him the remote, replaced the bag of ice on his crotch (I just handed it to him and he affix it in place.) and asked, "Would you like me to make you something?" He asked "Do you have miso soup?" I said "I have the instant type, in tofu, green onion and wakame seaweed." He then said "Green onion." I boiled a mug of water in the microwave, using a bamboo chopstick from the Chinese restaurant a town over. I emptied the miso paste and the garnish and stirred it to make it look like it should. I set the mug on the coffee table and sat on a seat cushion as sipped his soup carefully.

I heard him sigh in relief. "Thanks." He said in a satiated tone. I said to him "I'm sorry I got you in the buttons." Lee said "Buttons? That's actually cute." I was getting upset "Urgh! Why can I be honest? I kicked you in every man's weak spot, and I have been meaning to say sorry for injuring you since you brought it up this morning. I never want to hurt people in any way. I worry I'll lose them..." Lee said "I should have stayed in the guest room. You gave me a fair warning. I should be saying sorry because I didn't listen to you."

He and I spent the day with him asking me to vocalize the different vocalizations from Disney movies. (He heard I attract animals to me like Snow White. Normally it's dogs and cats in my case.) I would vocalize the notations and he'd grade me. He told me to work on the ones from The Little Mermaid. I then play "Dystopian Girl" from julien-k's first album "Death to Analog" where it actually had Amir Derahk vocalized during the choruses.

He was feeling better after the sun began to set. He said "I don't need the ice. I can walk by myself." I asked "Would you join me for dinner? I was going to make tempura udon, I bought some frozen tempura shrimp, fresh vegetables, a full bottle of broth concentrate and 10 bundle pack of noodles." He said "I would like to help." I said "I will put you on vegetable prep and cooking the tempura shrimp. I will cook the noodles and the broth." So, as we cooked there was a certain closeness I could feel as if a red string tied to my pinky was reeling in someone destined to be in my future.

sailorplanet97 24th Sep 2018 5:47 PM

i see and i used to be so much fan of sailor moon when i was a kid
i was really into that, and i Always used to watch sailor moon, sometimes a bit too much there but i didn't care

and my dream was worse,

i had a dream about my grandparents (they are both death)
i was upset about not going to their graves or something, and then my sister told me we could go to their graves

then i bumped into a few friends of mine and we talked, but then i was talking in my head to my grandparents about how i am doing and all

but in that meanwhile all of my friends died, i don't know why but i kept talking to my grandparents in my head
and then my sister maked me uncomfortable by taking pictures while my friends were dying

i was mad at her and asked why she took a picture of me infront of my death friends

thank god this was all just a dream "phew"

PANDAQUEEN 24th Sep 2018 9:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sailorleontine6
i see and i used to be so much fan of sailor moon when i was a kid
i was really into that, and i Always used to watch sailor moon, sometimes a bit too much there but i didn't care

and my dream was worse,

i had a dream about my grandparents (they are both death)
i was upset about not going to their graves or something, and then my sister told me we could go to their graves

then i bumped into a few friends of mine and we talked, but then i was talking in my head to my grandparents about how i am doing and all

but in that meanwhile all of my friends died, i don't know why but i kept talking to my grandparents in my head
and then my sister maked me uncomfortable by taking pictures while my friends were dying

i was mad at her and asked why she took a picture of me infront of my death friends

thank god this was all just a dream "phew"

You must be seriously messed up from this.

I sometimes get dreams where I am alone (no animals either with the humans) and I mark the "Welcome to" town as a population of 1... Just myself.

It disturbs me much more than my old notations on psychology when I was undergoing detox when they decided at the office to change pills when we lived in Lynnwood, WA. I would look out the window in fear of harming other. I was scared of hurting people and being labeled something along the lines of "a flawed product of a deranged mind and has no place among the citizens of Earth". These detoxes would be 1 month long, so I would only go out with my parents if I have to go shopping or to doctors.

My fears of ultimate solitude and being seen as a monster sometimes come back to haunt me in my dreams.

October is coming...the fact I have a birthday near Halloween make people assume I'm okay with people's worst nightmares, be they personal or popular. Fact is...I'm scared shitless when confronting fear...I just cope by swallowing my fears and after the confrontation, take my benzodiazepines. (Seriously, I have no idea what has been triggering the panic attacks.)

sailorplanet97 24th Sep 2018 9:47 PM

that's true sometimes there is something wrong with me especially when i have my fears or when i'm sad about something

but i'm on vacation for 14 days now (i'm going home by the start of october, at the date when it's my sisters birthday)
i'm on a warm country at the moment so it might not be strange that i've been having nightmares.

i got it so warm in my room last night, the airco wasn't working at all last night.
i heard the drops fall but i didn't think it was in my room

i looked everywhere i could think of, toilet, kitchen and i even went outside for a minute just so incase it was raining without me hearing it
i called my parents because i didn't found anything that i heard the drops could possibly fall.

my dad fixed it but the airco didn't worked that well though.
so he took it off and after that i got too warm and could hardly sleep so that might be the cause i had an horrible nightmare.

my fear is that i could see someone die (it never happens to me) but last night it came out in my dream, i watched my best friends die i knew like right away it was just a dream

i'm also afraid of horror movies or that my friends will leave me (not that long ago i had an scary dream about a horror movie)

PANDAQUEEN 25th Sep 2018 12:28 AM

Last night, I dreamt I was with Lee Unkrich and he was escorting me to the dentist. I saw a few of the mascots people in America recognized.

Mayhem (from Allstate Insurance) needed to get some of his teeth reinstalled after yet another mishap that could only be covered by health care with the best coverage.

The Most Interesting Man in the World (from Dos Equis) said "I don't always go to the dentist, but when I do, it's to check my third set of teeth are growing in properly. Keep brushing, mi amiga."

Flo (from Progressive Insurance) was in for a cleaning. Although that smile would be too slick, slippery and smooth, not to mention blindingly white to the point they glow under blacklight...

I waited to be called back. I told the technician "I would like to bring my husband into the exam area. I am uneasy about today's X-Ray session." Lee sat in a chair, holding my hand as numerous pieces of film strips were inserted in my mouth and photographed with the machine. Lee noticed I had numerous crowns and the evidence confirmed as it shown that the hole he kept asking about when we French kissed was, in fact what remained of a crown I ripped out with something sticky 5 years ago.

He took me to a convenience store and got me a drink. When I walked in, Flo, Mr. Interesting and Mayhem were inside. Mayhem had to wear headgear, Flo's smile could be used as a homing beacon and Mr. Interesting bought some Fijian bottled water.

I bought a bottle of flavored milk in a mint chocolate chip styled flavor. Lee asked as I was getting in "Do you know those people?" I said "It's a long story. But if people don't play with you, you fill the voids in other ways."

Been thinking about Lee. He noticed the torrential downpour knocking the spider webs down and I got a text from him saying "Come home now. You will get very wet." and the sky opened up at Town Hall. I tried to get home without getting drenched. But I failed. I had to change out of my clothes at the door in the foyer, put them in a laundry basket and wear my bathrobe to warm up. Lee asked "You got my message?" I said "It rained in all sorts of direction." He took my wet clothes and tossed them into the wash with my other clothes. I got dressed in my usual of t-shirts and panties and once dressed, I gave him the bathrobe.

He and I sat down on the folded out futon, he put his arm around me and said, "I'm a lucky man to have you in my life." I asked "Why's that?" and he said "My wife woke up one morning, said 'I'm leaving you for a different man, I'm taking your son Max with me and I texted your daughters, Hannah and Alice that if they need college tuition, talk to you. As for me, Raul and I are going to his family in San Antonio.' So she packed her things and eventually sent a moving company and my walking papers and your name and address shown up in a result to work with low-income geniuses and I was told you want to make video games". I said "I did. I want to make fighting games along the line of Super Smash Brothers. I call it "Bash Bash" and it would be a good investment of my time." He said "I heard your idea, but one problem, I know nothing about video games." I said "It won't be that difficult. All the major story driven games today are nothing more than just interactive movies where, in some cases, have alternate endings and storylines and these are dependent on paths taken. In Bash Bash, there's a story mode involving an entity who wants absolute power and you fight bags of soot with dark hearts, abstract villains, your comrades to add to the army and bosses of all sorts.

Last night, Lee Unkrich rubbed my back gently and he was lying on his stomach. He said, "How 'bout we cuddle?" I locked myself in his arms and he gave me a harmless love bite on my delicate shoulders. He sweetly whispered into my ears about how kind it was to let him housesit and look out for me (I'm very clumsy). He even kiss me on the lips and said "You certainly have full lips and long eyelashes. You don't do Botox, Collagen, or eyelash falsies of any sort?" "All but the majority of my teeth are all real. I have a natural body, barring my teeth. No plastic surgery at all."

He said, "You enjoy my company. But have you come up with a basic idea for the video game?"

"I have. It's a fighting game. We'll talk in the morning. I need to ruminate on how to write the story."

Lee dejectedly said "So, no Woohoo tonight?" (he actually said Woohoo. Must definitely get back to my Sims games.)

sailorplanet97 28th Sep 2018 10:52 PM

i had a super weird dream last night and i already told them by the other topic what i was dreaming about by this link ---->
but i dreamed about a sims 2 serie called desperation

i was looking for a plug to charge up my mobile so i looked everywhere for a plug, even the waterslides in my dream
then i was looking for a pull in the studyroom. they were either way taken by someone else or there wasn't a plug anywhere

and i thought the last seat wasn't taken so i decided to sit there, but then i bumped a few sims 2 characters in desperation.
Rayne, Jace, Lila, Chris, Mikayla and Ryder, i apologized to them and i guess they were okay with it so i got away with it

PANDAQUEEN 29th Sep 2018 9:59 AM

Lee came back from his job and saw me lying in bed, asleep. He got dressed in his pajamas and woke me up.

He rubbed my back and neck. He asked "You tired from writing, sweetheart?". I said, "I got the first draft ready." He kissed me and said he was going to call the development team to help flesh it out (I tend to be very bare bones with my writing after years in school being taught to write the bare minimum of ideas and concepts. It's only been in the past 5-7 years I am currently becoming more abstract.)

Brunnis-2 30th Sep 2018 3:35 AM

Whenever I sleep in past my alarm on an early shift, I always start to dream about being back at school, which ends up being what wakes me up because I hated school.

PANDAQUEEN 2nd Oct 2018 9:52 PM

I had an interesting dream where I received a gift from Lee. It was a huge box of truffles and he disguised himself as the delivery guy. Because he's a regular at my house in my dreams, we gave him the guest room with the navy blue paint job. We even stock his dresser and closet with clothes for New Jersey weather. It was Valentine's Day and came to drop off a special order of truffles which included ones made in the past by my favorite group. I told him no hazelnuts. He listened. He asked me as we were on a grocery run to the nearest market about my attire. Those close to me know I am like one of those hairless South American dogs who act as a living hot water bottle. I wear shorts year round and as soon as I left my room, Lee asked the most redundant question I face every autumn and winter.

"Aren't you cold?"

I told him "Not as cold as you're going to be." He ditched the short sleeves for longer ones and put on a coat.

I was fine in my sneakers, my favorite Lycra stockings with the rainbow stripes at the top, my pre-destroyed jorts, my Dirty Dick's Crab Shack souvenir shirt (a favorite of mine because I have three tie-dye shirts, the other two came from Tillamook, OR and Wall, SD (the town's economy thrives in part on the elaborate tourist trap. Been there 3 times on my numerous road trips. Unfortunately, I am not unlike Mr. T's B.A. Baracas character. Any time road trips were not an option, I was usually drugged before boarding.) So the Dirty Dick's says on the back "I got my crabs at Dirty Dick's Crab Shack." It's actually one of the more obnoxious shirts I have.)

When I got to Produce, I told George "I bet you're jealous because my boyfriend directs top grossing films. You lost out on me big time!" and to his girlfriend "Bet you can't say your boyfriend makes millions of dollars when his movies are released.
(I have moments when I get even in the obnoxious of ways. As mean as it sounds, heartbreak hurts everyone around me because they deal with my wrathful anger and my father knows not to mess with me when jealous.)

I went to the baking secting for ingredients to make chocolate cookies with green M&Ms. After paying and bagging my ingredients, I caught up with Lee and we picked up my medicine.

I spent the afternoon baking those cookies. I thought it would be cute to give him a double dose of chocolate along with the famous green M&Ms everybody swears has an effect. It really doesn't. I'm mostly for the shits and giggles of the marketing ploy.

That evening, Lee made gnocchi for our dinner. He fed me one and asked, "Do you want more?" I kept being fed in a cute way, the way a lover would be playful yet caring for their most desired.

As he gave me truffles, I gave him the cookies and he ate them. He and I were getting a little goofy from the chemical reactions that chocolate does to people. I said "I better get cleaned up."

I went upstairs and took a bath and I tried my best to clean up and smell nice. I spent a lot of time in the bath talking about what to do about tonight. To be fair, he's on a high of serotonin as I sit in the bath, smelling sweet. He probably wants to smell the wafting scent of tropical flowers as he hugged me that point I was dried off, the tub was drained, I put on my bathrobe, grabbed something I needed and got dressed.

I went to his room and his face was flush red. He said "Kimberly... you're all clean." I said "I was wondering if you could help me with the drive to my appointments tomorrow. I have to see a number of doctors around Hunterdon County." He kissed me, I got caught up in the moment and then he said, pushing me away "Why are you this adorable? You're 31, but look like a high school student. You got this body with a certain cuddly roundness. You're like a Xolo in that on cold nights we'd cuddle, you're a hot water bottle and you are the little spoon. You're too good for me. You should be with someone else, not this older man who's greying at the temples who is a monster with some monkey's face." I told him, "I love you for more than your looks. You've been getting stronger, in many ways and it shows. You can lift me up in your arms. You learn to let go of stoicism and you were able to cry it out with me when we watched Pete Docter's Up. You built skills and were able to get some time alone with me and you said and I quote 'I never met a young lady who had such a fire burning in her heart, who fights the good fights and above all, loves people until it hurts her. But that's okay. She is one of the strongest young ladies I've met in my days on Earth and I had a 20 year headstart.' and do you know what woman he was talking about?" He said, "Was it you?" I said "Yes." I kissed him sweetly and went to my room. I got cuddled up with my blankets and he kissed me good night. "Just wanted to let you know that I still care for you..."

The truffles came in a box that was like stackable layers and the color of the wrapper was the corresponding layer, so it was colorful and had the type written on the sides of the layers.

Lee came to my private islands' beach in that loudly colored and patterned Speedo he wore when he took me and our kids to the beach. He was greeted by Grant Imahara and Tori Belleci. They had very little seniority compared to the guy at my blanket and umbrella. They said "To get to the woman in charge and her first love, you need to greet those above you, including us." "Then you go directly to the beach umbrella with the galaxy print to talk to the alpha and our boss." He greeted all kinds of men I had crushes on. When he got to my spot he was surprised it was me with long blonde hair with colorful streaks and a designer bikini and that the alpha was Bill Nye. Lee said "He's the alpha and your first love?" I told Lee "I was interested in the celestial bodies of the universe when I was a teenager and he is the CEO of The Planetary Society. Back then it was just a crush." Bill invited Lee to sit on my free side. I grabbed Lee's hand and he said "You have something to say?" I told him, "Tonight's the big summer festival. It starts on the first Sunday of July and the final night is that Saturday. My harem of men will be marked with my crest of an aerial snake with a white diamond on the top of the head in the clouds framed in a hexagon. This tattoo my harem bears is between the clavicle and the breast. You guys get to eat free and receive free services when you flash that crest. Besides, I get to eat fair food by letting them see the same one on my shoulder. Lee went and got tattooed and he was resting in a chamber I built for him. I cooed and held him close. He said "I am fine...Is that computer with video editing software?"

I let him have at it.

Last night was weird. In my dream, it was morning. Lee woke me up from his side of the be and said "So, about last night's tempura udon (I remember us making the udon, but that was a while back)...Do you make that when you're heartbroken?" I said "Yeah. I got really good at it, so you can only imagine how heartbreak shaped my cooking. I find it carthartic to eat after someone breaks your heart, but only if you cook it for yourself." He said, "You're such a sweetheart. Do you want to WooHoo like last night? (He actually said WooHoo) I declined at first to think about it and he was pretty skilled so we WooHooed and he said "I find it pointless to waste such love energy on numerous others. You seem to enjoy being WooHooed. Is there something you want to do this morning?" I asked "I want to know if want to go for a walk in the rain." He said, "I will go for a walk in the rain. But we first need to start our day with something to eat and then take any medicine." we had breakfast, took our medicine, got dressed and Lee opened my umbrella and he and I walked along Main Street. Lee stayed close to the curb as he didn't want me to get splashed by a cruel driver. He was such a pleasure to be with a gentleman like himself. He fed me milk through a glass and straw and whispering affirmations into my ear. He rubbed my back. He knew I was worrying about Dr. Nye, the first man I fell for back during my adolescent years who inspired me to look to the skies.

I woke up. It was weird that Lee said "WooHoo". I wouldn't peg him as a simmer.

LösserFöffel 6th Oct 2018 12:40 PM

I had a really weird dream a few days ago. I was in math class and everything was as usual. Then as it was quiet in class, because everyone wrote down, which was on the blackboard. My math teacher (female) started to make zombie like noises and everbody laughed at her except me. After that, a classmate of mine started dancing with one of her friends. It was a mixture of a party dance and ballet. Then two other female classmates of me started dancing in class. At this point, my math teacher was crying and left the room immediatly. I followed her, because I was really worried and then the dream was over.
I should mention the first classmate I've mentioned is a straight A student and she would be last one to do something like that.

It was really weird. I mean I did sort of felt always sorry for my math teacher, because she's always under pressure to teach. Our course isn't very good at maths after all, but I don't feel THAT sorry for her. I mean I know nothing about her.

I would've expected to dream something like that of my former german teacher (female), because she never was a good teacher at all. She was and is very clumsy and then she wasn't teaching for several weeks, because her mom died. I felt so sorry for her. I was the only student, who greeted her and said goodbye from time to times. She isn't much liked at all and I wish her the best.
But still, why was I dreaming about my math teacher?

PANDAQUEEN 7th Oct 2018 3:19 AM

Last night, Lee appeared in my dream and he had grew his hair out. I asked "How much biotin did you take? You've got a mane of beautiful shiny black hair. Let me get a hair tie." I grabbed a blue one, went to Lee and tied back those silky ebony locks. He said "How about we go for a drive? I heard you wanted to go to New York City and I got the week off from editorial supervisor at the studio. Pack a suit case and we'll take a drive. I got reservations at the nicest of the 5 star hotels and it's a penthouse." I said "I hope it isn't the top of the refrigerator." He laughed warmly "No, it's not a hotel for cats..." I went upstairs, packed my clean clothes, and then packed my toiletries and medicines and left my parents a message:

"Dear Mom and Dad,
Lee surprised me with a couples' trip. Just the two of us in New York City. I gave Gemini a full bowl of chicken kibble and fresh water before I left. Contact me via call or text."

During the trip we stopped a few times to pick up things or refuel or take a break. It took some driving but I got to see New York City and we checked in. I clung tightly to Lee as we ascended to our penthouse suite. (Any time I am in an elevator, I admit I would cling to my lover or failing that, I hold on to a rail.)

He keyed in the passcode and I walked in. I peeked into the bathroom and looked at the shower. It was one of the fancy ones I heard about when my father worked as an office manager at a plumbing service for luxury homes. It had showerheads in the ceiling and walls. I was quick to try it out. I adjusted the water temperature and as I felt the hot water roll off my back, I found myself cracking my back. It was the best hot shower I had in a long time. I told Lee, "You got to try it. It's been a while since I've had a great shower." He went to try it out, but he screamed. I shouted "Turn the temperature down!" (I take insanely hot showers when my body is knotted and aching.)

I got dressed in pajamas as he showered. After he went to get dressed in pajamas, I pick up our clothes from the bathroom floor and set them on our sides of the bed. I noticed I would wear plaid miniskirts or shorts of various styles, t shirts with stains or holes and nylons or acrylic stockings with bungee laced sneakers or sometime platform sandals and my underwear is usually utilitarian in plain white cotton panties. As I look at his clothes, he's very basic: t-shirts, briefs, jeans, tube socks and sneakers. It made me feel like I was too much for him. Am I really that image conscious? Can't be, my shirts are wrecked.

I woke up and had woke up to an alarm I didn't expect. The cat's nose in my face!

Lee and I woke up and we just had seem to drift off as we looked into each other's eyes. He said "Do you want me to bring you anything from the room service?" I tried declining " No, I don't want to waste money. Besides, John might get angry with us" he then said "John would want you to be treated like the lost princess you are. You are my muse." He called the room service for French toast. I asked him "Where are we going to today?" He said "I know you love Asian culture in all manner of interesting. We'll take the train to Chinatown."

On the train, I wanted to sit, but only Lee was able to. Some guy had manspread and said "Sorry" with insincerity and Lee had to become aggressive "Listen, that is my wife, this is her first time in New York City and I want her to be able to sit while in the subway." The guy said "Make me!" And I grabbed him and tossed him to the end of the car. The women in the train car cheered but I noticed Lee was dejected because I was able to fight back without his help.

We emerged in a downpour, and Lee gives me his jacket. I bought a pink maneki-neko as an aid to bring good luck in love (hey, just because I have a harem of nerdy guys who come to me in my dreams, doesn't necessarily mean I don't need a little help to keep them devoted to me and I'm extremely kind to the men I adore), an aka-beko (Red traditional bobblehead cow thought to ward off certain diseases), a kokeshi doll (a traditional cylindrical doll made of wood.) A set of saru-bobo (meaning "monkey baby", the dolls were usually made by women to ensure familial safety if it was red, other colors meant different meanings), and a set of ema board, I bought this with my allowance. But the cashier at the souvenir shop looked at me and Lee and she said "I see the ram loves this little rabbit." and I said, "I actually made the first move" she stopped speaking with the obligatory "Have a nice day". I guess she got our Chinese Zodiac Signs right. (I used to date two other Rams in my dreams: Bill Nye and Dana Carvey (both born in 1955. Lee was born in 1967.)

But I guess after lunch we would go back to the penthouse and got into our pajamas and shared scar stories and I told him of my ovarian cyst. When I said it was the size of a softball, had veins that fed off me and crushed my internal organs, he said "You win...I don't know how women put up with this." I said "We don't, because I spent my college years getting it checked out. I had an MRI. I had regular blood draws for tumor markers. Dr. Wang said it was semi-sentient and fed off me with the veins on it. So upon graduation, it was removed. My convalescing at home required taking in protein shakes because I didn't have Steve to draw from."

He asked "You named it Steve?" I said "Ever seen How To Get Ahead in Advertising ? It was a popular film to parody. It was about a boring man who ends up with a charismatic growth. Because I was this charismatic woman with my Steve, who was named after one growth in the parodies, I could convince I was a bastard child of a famous stuntman. But it came with the trade-off in that the pain was awful, so I was sent to the same doctor for my mother's strangler cyst: Dr. Wang. They took Steve out and I realized I lived a lie for so long. Eventually we left the foothills and headed to the suburbs. But we left after we couldn't pay the rent. But Steve was one of the strangest things about living in the Pacific Northwest. Sentient growths were common in Western Washington."

He took off his shirt and pointed out numerous scars from accidents throughout childhood and adolescence and surgical scars from emergency was his war wounds. He put his shirt back on.

I unbuttoned from the bottom to the top, stopping at just under the chest and shown on my stomach the infamous Cooper gallbladder scar. He gently tickled me as he ran his finger over the scar. I buttoned up and he noticed it was snowing outside. He cuddled close and gently kissed me. He said "Happy Birthday, sweetheart". I said, "Let's go out for Japanese food for my birthday."

LiliLiliLili 9th Oct 2018 9:41 PM

I had a sims related dream once.

I was in some fantasy dungeon-hallway room with my bff and we were talking about fictional characters (they does not exist as irl fictional characters, they were just in te "dream universe"), I told her that mine is a military general-priest (not irl) and how interesting is that, that that person is a warlord but also a priest, it is so badass and also is it possible irl, I asked her. Some (now former) classmates passed by while we were sitting in some bench-like thing.

In the next scene I had two viewpoints as often in my dreams... The one was in front of sims 2. The neighborhood also looked like a bit castaway stories in a part, like regular sims 2 and castaway stories sims overlapping. I saw the water tower decoration (with the Sims 2 text on it), I clicked on a dome, it had a text on it that said "Sims 3". I wanted to put that down somewhere.
The other viewpoint was was me as the military general-priest man (i am female, but in my dream i was a man) and i was also giant sized and I stood in the river of that sims 2 neighborhood, but I did not feel the water with my legs. Other giant military people were there talking about battle plans. I was holding the dome with the sims 3 text in my arms (that I clicked on earlier) and I put it on the sims 2 water tower and said: "upgrade!", then the dome crumpled a bit like it was made of some fast food paper cup. Then the destroyed dome fell of, revealing the water tower under it, but now the tower had the sims 4 text on it! So I laughed like crazy and the military men though I was crazy.

I wonder what does that mean... The sims 3 changed the sims 2 into sims 4??? That is what my dream meant...

PANDAQUEEN 10th Oct 2018 11:01 PM

I went to the grand opening of the Geoffrey's Toy Box in Philipsburg (Or P-Burg by the locals) where the Toys R Us was. I had saved my dental incentive money to go doll shopping. Of course, I had saved enough for the largest doll houses for 12" dolls, doll furniture and the dolls from the Pertsch-McGillis line from my line of pop culture fashion dolls with 30 points of articulation so hands grip, the feet bend and the hips move. The Made to Move Barbie and the Body-Chan\Body-Kun models from the Tamashii Nations series by Bandai were my biggest inspiration in these best selling dolls for aspiring stopmotion animators. Hand drawn may be confined to TV, but I won't let the art die with me. Stopmotion is an accessible animation process and who knows if the next Art Clokey or Nick Park will emerge from a small town or a tiny apartment in the big city?

I put my purchases in this shopping cart large enough to fit my butt in in the main basket for large items. I made the poor stock boy have to cart my dollhouses on the dolly used in the stock room. I got every doll in the Pertsch-McGillis line, from 6teen, to Stoked, to the Total Drama metaseries. Of course, because my father's van was taken after my birthday, we asked for them to deliver the dollhouses into the basement. I was building a doll town with various plastic buildings and lots for the dolls to play in.

What was weird was me and Lee Unkrich were taking time off to breathe (about a month, making a promise to be faithful to each other, but it's hard when your space nerd ex brings his astrophysicist friends round and try to ply me with caffeine, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, flavoring, spirulina and sucralose to see if I can beat my high scores in Shadow the Hedgehog) and unfortunately, a power I had of turning dolls into sentient entities when I was a child came back (it developed from my angst in wanting to make friends. My awakening took the desire too literally). I was like the anime version of Sabrina, the Saffron City gym leader, who had an avatar in the former of a possessed porcelain doll (of course, the 18 inch doll seated in my lap would have long black coffee colored hair, wearing a tee, shorts and high tops). I have been known to be vicious with people who approach me, but I hate when this happens. I opened the dolls from the 6teen and Stoked collections and brought them to life after I finished the dollhouses.

The basement became a town full of lots for residential and commercial and even mixed.

My vivification powers were reactivated after 21 years. It was awful. If Lee comes back and the dolls pull that dumb Lilliputians VS Gulliver stunt or worse!

What could be worse?

The old Attack on Titan bit with Lee as the Titan and the dolls as the defense squad in the walled off villages.

I don't know why Lee left me to deal with these cursed powers alone.

But when Lee returns, he'll be awash in passion, coming in various emotional exhaustions.

Someone told me that to be in a mutual relationship, you give your lover an invitation to harm your heart. Or at least, you run a risk of heartbreak because the person is independent from you.

Bigsimsfan12 11th Oct 2018 1:00 PM

WHERE TO START? I had such a weird dream last night...

So it starts where I'm narrating a little story about the first time I made tacos. I was scared to make mince so instead I used chorizo and onions mixed together as a substitute, then that became that time when I had my friend and her boyfriend (my best friend, Berry) round for taco night, and I was remembering how it was 2012 or so, and that Berry didn't like vegetables, so when I made the mince, I added in some chorizo and then he thought it was tomato at first, and then that transitioned into a memory about how Berry and our other friend Ben came to visit me about a year and a half ago in North Wales when I first moved here, and they met Adam for the first time and it was my first time letting Adam meet my friends.

Then, onto the next dream, which was just me writing wiki pages for each of my Sims in my Megahood I talk about in the "What's happening with your game?" thread on the Sims 2 section. For some reason, Samuel and Daniel Cordial (born-in-game twin sons of Kimberly Cordial and Carlos Contender) were showing up as aliens in their thumbnail and I was like "Yeah that makes sense" for some reason? Then I was trying to work out who they were married to. I think it's because yesterday I was playing Daniel Cordial's girlfriend, Lois Aspir while she was in college and trying to work out when to get them engaged. Either way, it was a long dream about working out who is in a relationship with who and where to move them to (which is something I have to do in my game today actually, because I've just finished my uni rotation so all the graduates are moving back home).

Then came the bizarre dream For some reason, I was taking a bus in this place I'd never been to before, only it wasn't really a bus... more of a rollercoaster, with 3 seats per row, me and two of my friends I went to high school with, Reece & Tom, who I haven't spoken to in YEARS, were riding this "bus", and we were following this train track kind of thing and I said "I don't actually know my way around this area, I haven't lived here for long so you're going to have to tell me when to get off the bus" and Reece said he didn't know his way either, but Tom did. The tracks start to get run down with grass and other such things, so it was becoming a bit of a bumpy ride, Then it broke apart so each of the 3 seats spun into different tracks, I was originally on the right, with Reece in the middle and Tom on the left - but then the track changed and then I was on the left of Reece. Then I notice there's a polar bear (yep) on my track and my seat (it's like a seat with 1 really big wheel that follows the track) spun out of control and crashed. I watched as the "bus" continued going. I get all freaked out because I don't know my way home and it's starting to get dark. I fall asleep in the grass and wake up the next morning, and start following where I think the tracks had gone. I come across Reece, who is also lost and asleep, but I wake him up and the tracks became more noticable. We started to follow them... then a horse appeared and I climbed on and said it would be faster than walking. Reece wasn't convinced but I pulled him on the horse and we made our way following the tracks.

Eventually the tracks lead to one of the English classrooms from high school, and we arrived and everyone was happy to see us. But by now it was hometime so we had to go home. Then as I'm walking home, I come across a car that's suspended in a tree, so I go closer and the car drops and there's a screen with the name of some kind of movie (actually as I recall, it was the 'Lamb of God' logo, but in this dream it was a movie) and I was like "ugh, I bet that was gorilla advertising" (see, all those years of Media studies pays off!), and kept walking. Then further up, there's a guy with dwarfism sitting in a tree on like a tree swing, I could see that he was actually suspended by a crane hidden by the tree, presumably so that he won't fall and whatever company is promoting this weird ad campaign wouldn't get sued. Anyway, so I walk past him on my way home (it's a street with a hill that I use to walk up to get to/from school, but in the dream there's loads of trees on each side of the road to the point where if you look up you can't even see the sky), I wave at him and go "hey dude" and continue walking, but he shouts "hey" and asks if I wanna know why he's in the tree, I shrug and say "Sure" and begin to walk closer. He opens his mouth and begins explaning... and then the dog wakes me up by barking at nothing

I guess I'll never know why that dwarf was in the tree...

PANDAQUEEN 11th Oct 2018 10:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
WHERE TO START? I had such a weird dream last night...

So it starts where I'm narrating a little story about the first time I made tacos. I was scared to make mince so instead I used chorizo and onions mixed together as a substitute, then that became that time when I had my friend and her boyfriend (my best friend, Berry) round for taco night, and I was remembering how it was 2012 or so, and that Berry didn't like vegetables, so when I made the mince, I added in some chorizo and then he thought it was tomato at first, and then that transitioned into a memory about how Berry and our other friend Ben came to visit me about a year and a half ago in North Wales when I first moved here, and they met Adam for the first time and it was my first time letting Adam meet my friends.

Then, onto the next dream, which was just me writing wiki pages for each of my Sims in my Megahood I talk about in the "What's happening with your game?" thread on the Sims 2 section. For some reason, Samuel and Daniel Cordial (born-in-game twin sons of Kimberly Cordial and Carlos Contender) were showing up as aliens in their thumbnail and I was like "Yeah that makes sense" for some reason? Then I was trying to work out who they were married to. I think it's because yesterday I was playing Daniel Cordial's girlfriend, Lois Aspir while she was in college and trying to work out when to get them engaged. Either way, it was a long dream about working out who is in a relationship with who and where to move them to (which is something I have to do in my game today actually, because I've just finished my uni rotation so all the graduates are moving back home).

Then came the bizarre dream For some reason, I was taking a bus in this place I'd never been to before, only it wasn't really a bus... more of a rollercoaster, with 3 seats per row, me and two of my friends I went to high school with, Reece & Tom, who I haven't spoken to in YEARS, were riding this "bus", and we were following this train track kind of thing and I said "I don't actually know my way around this area, I haven't lived here for long so you're going to have to tell me when to get off the bus" and Reece said he didn't know his way either, but Tom did. The tracks start to get run down with grass and other such things, so it was becoming a bit of a bumpy ride, Then it broke apart so each of the 3 seats spun into different tracks, I was originally on the right, with Reece in the middle and Tom on the left - but then the track changed and then I was on the left of Reece. Then I notice there's a polar bear (yep) on my track and my seat (it's like a seat with 1 really big wheel that follows the track) spun out of control and crashed. I watched as the "bus" continued going. I get all freaked out because I don't know my way home and it's starting to get dark. I fall asleep in the grass and wake up the next morning, and start following where I think the tracks had gone. I come across Reece, who is also lost and asleep, but I wake him up and the tracks became more noticable. We started to follow them... then a horse appeared and I climbed on and said it would be faster than walking. Reece wasn't convinced but I pulled him on the horse and we made our way following the tracks.

Eventually the tracks lead to one of the English classrooms from high school, and we arrived and everyone was happy to see us. But by now it was hometime so we had to go home. Then as I'm walking home, I come across a car that's suspended in a tree, so I go closer and the car drops and there's a screen with the name of some kind of movie (actually as I recall, it was the 'Lamb of God' logo, but in this dream it was a movie) and I was like "ugh, I bet that was gorilla advertising" (see, all those years of Media studies pays off!), and kept walking. Then further up, there's a guy with dwarfism sitting in a tree on like a tree swing, I could see that he was actually suspended by a crane hidden by the tree, presumably so that he won't fall and whatever company is promoting this weird ad campaign wouldn't get sued. Anyway, so I walk past him on my way home (it's a street with a hill that I use to walk up to get to/from school, but in the dream there's loads of trees on each side of the road to the point where if you look up you can't even see the sky), I wave at him and go "hey dude" and continue walking, but he shouts "hey" and asks if I wanna know why he's in the tree, I shrug and say "Sure" and begin to walk closer. He opens his mouth and begins explaning... and then the dog wakes me up by barking at nothing

I guess I'll never know why that dwarf was in the tree...

In any case, you have a lot going on. Your family, your job, your downtime...take things easy by meditation if you get to this level of crazy in dreams.

P.S. I found my blue glasses. It was hidden in a paper shopping bag.

Bigsimsfan12 11th Oct 2018 11:45 PM

It's just crazy hormonal pregnancy dreams

Adam managed to fix my glasses by the way!

PANDAQUEEN 12th Oct 2018 3:17 AM

I was eating some chips and drinking a dragon fruit drink and I heard a knock on the door. I asked "Who is it?" And the hoarse, masculine, slight whine said "It's me, Alice. Let me in, it's cold and wet." I offered him a cookie I made with chocolate cookie dough and green M&Ms (M&M Mars corporate is located in a nearby town, so I have some connections), but he declined because he's not much of a sweets man. I tried charming him and he said "Okay. You're sweet for a piece of work." He then ate my cookie and we spent time together. He was more amicable after eating the cookie. It was strange, me as the picture of full, round image of youthful beauty and him a haggardly, wrinkled image of a man not unlike a mistreated motorcycle: rode hard and put away wet. The fact he stayed in Lee's room while he was trying hard to write some music. He actually heard me playing The Sims 4 and his opus "School's Out" translated was weird.

The cookies' duration of the love effect lasts 1 week. Bonding with an individual has to happen before the end of the 168th hour.

I had to keep him from ruining my relationship with my boyfriend Lee. I said I would wait for Lee.

I slept in today and had a dream about Alice Cooper and I dressed up as the Mad Hatter (him) and I as Alice Liddell in typical Alice of Alice in Wonderland clothes (blue dress, white apron, blue ribbon in my blonde hair, striped stockings) and he ate another cookie I made for keeping peace. If he eats it all, he might propose marriage to me. So I ate the half remaining. I heard the door knocking. I answered it and Lee was at the door. He apologized for the whole "break" nonsense. Then he said "Cute cosplay." I said "Me and Alice Cooper were having a tea party. I had made cookies and the tea is Shizuoka Matcha green tea." I invited Lee in and Alice asked "Who is this man?" I said "Alice, this is my husband, Lee Unkrich" Alice attacked Lee and I found myself spritzing them with a water bottle as if they were dogs and cats.

Lee had to be rushed to the hospital and I told Alice as I was getting in to accompany Lee, "Get out, you jealous bastard! Pack up and leave my house!"

Bigsimsfan12 13th Oct 2018 12:44 PM

Y'know those egg cups you can get with faces on? Actually they do plates and mugs and stuff too... but that's not important...

Anyway last night I had a dream where I was some ambulance person, and there had been a shooting in some kind of venue hall and it turns out it was a mafia shootout or whatever, but they weren't real people... they were different colours (for different mafias) of those freakin egg cups. Also Finn from Adventure time was there and he had roast beef sandwiches, and I really wanted them (even though I've literally never had roast beef in my life). Anyway, so we were collecting all the different colours of egg cup and putting them in the ambulance to take them to hospital........... Yup.

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